g'wyggjByjygwggw ys; Tr. " T'- J' ' "li.s- rfe LS-iiiSJt3Si.l!!il PM r z9mu.i Jyr 1 1 r I BED CLOUD CHIEF a' C HOSMEtt, Proprietor. EED CLOUD. - - - NEBRASKA' OUBBBNT OOMlfMNT. A betort that the Assembly' a Crete had voted in favor of the annex ation of the island to Greece is official ly denied. The late John Bright.) the noted English leader, left Ms estate, valued at 86.184. to his children. No public bequests were made. . John D. Washburn, the new Amer ican Minister to Switzerland, has pre sented his credentials to the President of the Alpine Republic. TnE deepening of the harbor of "RnMios Avres. Argentine Keputmc has been completed and the largest vessels can now enter tho port The trustees of the Hartford (Conn.) Theological Seminary have voted to open courses of the institution to women on the same terms as to men. Agent McChesney, at Cheyenne, Dak., has received instructions from Secretary Noble to notify all white settlers now on the reservation to leave. Large numbers of Mormons from Utah and Idaho are emigrating to British Columbia, whore they have purchased several thousand acres of land. - The Chilian Government, it is re ported, has determined to order for immediate delivery ten forty-fivc-ton Krupp guns for the defense of the coast. Two men in Salvador recently stripped a coffee tree of its branches, sharpened its apex and then impaled on it an unfortunate woman, who died shortly afterward. TnE Treasury Department has de cided that knife sharpeners made of wood, steel and emery are dutiable as manufactures in part of metal, and not as whetstones or manufactures of steel. A voluntary public subscription is l)eing raised in Salvador to pay off the eld claims of English bondholders, which have long been unpaid. Senor Kinrota has headed the list with $50, 000. The late Count Tolstoi's proposed reforms have been finally elaborated and will be laid before the court of the empire with a view to their pro mulgation. The scheme will be tried in six of the Russian provinces. The molders who returned to work at Rathbone, Sard & Co.'s shops, at Albany, N. Y., pending arbitration of their difficulty, a proposed reduction often per cent., have quit work again because the firm wanted to withhold the ten per cent, reduction from the men's wages, pending the decision of the arbitrators. At a meeting of the London Council the other day it was proposed that a resolution be adopted expressing sym pathy with the Prince and Princess of Wales because of the behavior of the crowd at the Whitehall review. Mr. Burns, the Socialist member, strongly objected to the proposal, however, and the matter was dropped. The Manitoba Government's Onta rio emigration agent has been in structed by the Premier of Manitoba to visit Michigan and Wisconsin and report on the condition of the farmers in those States with a view to com mencing a vigorous emigration cam paign there. It was claimed that a great many were anxious to move out to Manitoba. Among those upon whom Queen Vic toria conferred dignities in honor of her seventieth birthday, were Boehm. the sculptor. George Burns, of the Cunard steamship line. Prof. Stokes, author of the book "Ireland and the Celtic Church, and Mr. Reid, chief of the Irish police. Messrs. Boehm, Stokes and Burns were created baron ets and Mr. Beid was raised to knight hood. Ex-Senator Tiiomas C. Platt, of New York, and General Russell Alger, of Michigan, will spend the summer in Alaska. They will leave New York June 20 in General Alger's private car, Michigan. They will journey by rail to Tacoma and there take a steam er for Alaska. Mr. Platt will be Gen eral Alger's guest on the trip. They expect to be away two months or more. The Illinois House has passed the Senate bill to restrict the circulation of certain flash" papers. It makes it unlawful to sell, lend or give away or otherwise distribute to any minor any book, magazine, pamphlet or newspaper devoted to the publication of, or principally made up of, criminal noma, police reports or accounts of criminal deeds or pictures and stories of deeds of bloodshed, lust or crime. - - A cablegram has been received at the Argentine legation in Washington stating that a treaty bad been sigded by the Governments of Bolivia and tbe Argentine Kepublic by which the dif ferences between the two countries in regard to the boundary line between them had been satisfactorily adjusted. Several times during' tho past few years war was imminent between these two Americaa republics over the boundary Hue dispute. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Gleaned by Telegraph r$d IfeiL msoxAi. a fouticax. W. W. Tbomab. Uaited lUtN Minister toHwdn,wu received ia grand style by King Oscar on the 27th. He was es corted to the palace ia a royal carriage by Count Horn sad received by Military aad court official. Both Mr. Thoatas aad the King Bed speeches. The death of Laura Bria'gmaB Is aa noanced at the Boat Boston Asylaai, at the ace of t Ifty-aiae. This remarkable woraaa possessed only a sease ef feeling, having at two years of age lost her other faculties by an attack of scarlet fever Notwithstanding these misfortunes she was educated bj Dr. SL G. Howe until she became qaite talented. Samuel J. Bear, of Iowa, has been ap pointed United States Consul at Belfast; Ireland. Secbetaht Pboctoh, of the .War De partment, left Washington on the 27th on receipt of a telegram from Rutland, Vt, that bis twelve-year-old son was danger ously sick. Tbk New York Herald or the 27tn puo llshed a Washington dispatch, stating that trouble was likely to come with Great Britain over the jurisdiction of Bearing sea. Adjutant-General Dbum having reached the age of sixty-four years has been formally retired from active service' in the army. General Keltos, who has been Assistant Adjutant-General, will act as Adjutant-General until an appoint ment is made to fill the office. Cardinal. Gibbons has expressed him self as decidedly opposed to prohibition but in favor of high license. Ex-Pbesident Cleveland was the guest and made a notable speech-on the prospects of the Democracy at the ban quet of the Young Men's Democratic Club at the Fifth Avenue Hotel on the night of tbe 27th. BEcnsTARY Tract has received a cable gram from Admiral Kimberly dated May 27 stating that tbe natives of Samoa were disbanding and that peace is now as sured. Governor Eagle has appointed T. E. Hasfcins, of Forest City, sheriff of St. Francis Couuty, Ark., until an election can be held. This, it is believed, will end all trouble in, that county. The Canadian Government does not an ticipate trouble with the United States over tbe jurisdiction of Alaska waters. The discovery of plots against the life of the Czar are of almost daily occur rence. The Russian police have discov ered numerous societies with ramifications all over the continent whose sole purpose seems to be the murder of the Russian Emperor. The Belgian Chamber of Representa tives has voted confidence 78 to 82 in favor of tbe ministry. Secretaries Wisdom and Noble both left Washington on tbe 29. h the former for New York and the latter for Phila delphia. It was recently rumored that the Mexi can Congress, in secret session, was dis cussing tbe question of ceding .Lower California to tbe United States. It was believed, however, that the rumor was merely a stratagem of the Conservatives. John B. Cotton, of Lewiston, Ma, ap pointed Assistant Attorney-General, will have charge of all Government business before the Court of Claims. Ex-United States Senator E H. Rol lins, of New Hampshire, has had another paralytic stroke and is very low. The President has appointed Orlow W. Chapman, of Bingbampton, N. Y., Solicitor-General. Chief Justice and Mrs. Fuller returned to Chicago on tbe 30th for tbe first time since their departure to Washington. In tbe British House of Commons Sir James Ferguson, Parliamentary Secretary to the Home Office, denied the reports from Victoria, British Columbia, that three men-of-war in the Pacific bad been ordered to proceed to the B hring sea to protect British sealing vessels from inter ference by American men-of-war. The widow of General Sheridan, who has been ill la Washington recently, is reported better. A banquet in honor of Mr. Ryan, the United btates Minister, was given in the City of Mexico on the 30th. Minister Ryan responded to tbe toast; "The Presi dent of the United States." His speech was vigorously applauded. atTCaXLAXKOfTS. Two Canadian blood Indians concerned ia a recent raid into Montana where they murdered two Gros Ventre Indians, have been arrested ia Manitoba and will be seat to Montana for trial. The racehorse Saratoga and its jockey, Enoch Turner, were both killed by an ac cident at the West S.de park, Chicago, re cently. The jury to try T. B. McDow for the murder of Editor Dawson, of Charleston. 8. C. has been drawn. Friend of the murdered man say the jury box has been tampered with owing to the great pro portion of colored men in the panel. Ten thousand people have been rendered homeless by a terrible conflagration in Yokato, Japan. Mrs. Moixie Cohwin. of Shelbyville, Ind., was recently granted a divorce from her seventh husband. Many lives were lost and aa enormous amount of property destroyed by a ter rific hurricane, which prevailed for foar days on the Australian coast. The Southern Inter-State Railway As sociation completed its work at 8t Louis on the 3ith and adjourned. Tbe West ern classification-sheet will hereafter gov ern the Southern Association. Nathan Corwith, one of the most widely known citizens of Chicago, died recently. Mr. Corwith had at one time accumulated about $1500,00 J and retired from business. Last July hie son, Gurdon Corwith, a metal broker of New York, persuaded his father to embark his means In an effort to corner the lead market, but the attempt failed and Mr. Corwith lost every dollar of his fortune. The niost disastrous frost of the season visited Southwestern Michigan the other nighr, doing immense damage to early vegetable and small traits aad even corn and wheat. Killing frosts are reported in several counties in Central New York, The dam age was especially great ia the vineyards and track farms. Thomas McGetchen. who skipped from Baltimore with $80,000 of the funds of tae Baltimore Unlimited Oil CompaBy, has ben caaght at Tavares, Fla, E. W. Voioh's big brewery in Detroit, Mich has been sold to aa English syndi cate for $1,000,000, of which $00,000 is fat cash. v The report that tbe British Meet aas been ordered to the Behring sea was a canard. BurriNGTOx'8 wheel works Bear Bur lington, ! Iowa, were destroyed by ire. Loss, $sym The Addystone pipe aad steel works aear Ciaclnaatl have been distroyed by Arm, LeeelT&MO. Sevebe storms have caused great dam age ia France aad China. Many lives have been lost. VizrrELLL the well known bookseller of London, has been sentenced to three months' imprisonment for publishing Zola's novels. A ctclone swept through a portion ef the vailey at Martinsburg, W. Va,, on the 30th. At Falling Waters the barn of John W. Criswell was blown down. The killed were: J. E. Powell, a pumpmaker, and J. Vogle. A tornado gathered on the mountain side aear Hagerstowa, Md., on tbe 30th and destroyed several cottages aad swept up the valley of the Potomac, carrying way a number of houses, barns and churches. Ten persons were reported killed. A heavt storm of rain and hail visited Huajutla, Mexico, on the 30th. The town was inundated and almost entirely de stroyed, Many lives were lost The de struction of cattle and other property was immense. A ctclone from the west struck Dan ville, Va., on the 33th and demolished a six-story Luilding. Robert Britt, James Young, G. J. Jones, Bud Hooper and D. W. Biler were buried in the ruins and were subsequently takeu out dead. Harry Oak was rescued alive, but died in a few moments. Six others were fatally injured. Settlers near Norden, Keya Paha County. Neb., were arriving at that town recently for protection on account of a great Indian scare. The scare was due probably to a false report from the Pine Ridge agency of an Indian outbreak there. Rosenbaum & Co.. wholesale druggists, of Cincinnati, have disappeared. They bad been buying on credit and selling for cash for less than cost An organized band of masked men from Marinette. Wis., have raided a noto rious pinery dive at Pehtigo, wounded tbe watchmen, drove out the inmates at the muzzles of puns and burned the premises to tbe c round. Prince Alois Echwarzenbcrq and a Lieutenant of hussars fought a duel near Vienna recently. The former was mortal ly wounded. One hundred arrests have been made at Belgrade in connection with the recent riot Decoration day was duly observed on the 30th. The occasion was seized upon by politicians, somewhat more than usual, to elaborate their principles. Tbe prin cipal features were visits to Grant's tomb at New York and tho Sheridan monu ment at Washington. In the South, Con federate and Federal graves were deco rated alike. President Harrison attended tbe parade at New York, The drought in Louisiana and Missis sippi has been broken by good rains. FRE in Alexandria, Va., recently de stioyed tbe tannery of C C Smoot & Sons, tbe largest in tin South. Da H. L. Moody, said to be one of tbe shrewdest forgers in tbe country, was ar rested in Chicago recently after a chase all over the United States, lasting over a year. Secretary Windom has affirmed the decision of tbe Collector of Customs at New York, assessing duty at tbe rate of 33c per pound and 35 per cont ad valorem on recent importations oi so-cauea worsted coatings, suitings, eta, used in tbe manufacture of men's and boys' clothing. Tue action of the Chicago, Burlington & Northern in reducing freight rates to the basin of 39 cents a hundred pounds from Chicago to St Paul on traffic origi nating east of Chicago will be met by all tbe other St Paul lines except the Rock Island. The London Jockey Club hss warned Lord James Douglas off the Newmarket course for defaulting in bets. An unknown tramp, who was stealing a ride on an eastbound freight train of the Memphis & Charleston railroad tbe other night, was set upon and beaten by two negro brakemen and shot by the con ductor, Ed Ham. The dead body was then thrown on tbe track near Inks, Miss., and not discovered until it had been run oter by tbe eastbound .passenger train. ADDITIONAL DISPATCHES. There was a terrible clouutnirst near Coburg, Ont, oa the 2d. The waters Ia the Province are said to have caused foOO, 000 damage. The floods at Mount Cermet, Pa have caused the suspension of tea large mines, causing 6.000 bands to be throws oat of work. To add to the horrors of the Johnstown calamity numbers of ghouls were at work robbing tbe dead. To do this they hacked off fingers and ears of women. The sight so incensed the citisens that several of them were mercilessly lynched, causing considerable disorder, approach ng an archy, and making it extremely difficult to organize any system of relief for the thousands in distress. Estimates of tkie terrible calamity run to as high as 4.000 lives lost wiih:f 40,00). 000 damage. 'Relief meetings were called in all parts of the country. Clearing house returns for the week ended June 1 snowed an average increase or 22. 6 compared with tbe corresponding week or last year. In New York the in crease was 35.6. The resignation of F. M. Stockslager, Commissioner of the General Lind-office, which was tendered March 5 last, has been accepted by tbe President, to take fleet Jane 30. Disastrous floods were reported in Eastern cities on the 2d. due to the heavy rains. The Potomac overflowed at Wash ington. At Elmira, N. Y., and vicinity the damage amounted to $oOJ,000, thirteen lives being reported lost at Corning. Much damage was also done at Andovar ami Wellsville, N. Y. Several bridge at HornelWville were swept away. At Petersburgh, Va., there was a great flood with damages at $100,000. At Harper's Ferry eight lives were lost, and elevea drownings were reported in Maryland, A special from Spring Valley, I1L, says: Governor Fifer has ordered three compa nies of militia here to protect tbe men em ployed by the 8pring Valley Coal Com pany who are workinz ia the middle vein. A txleobajc from Nashville, Tenn., an nounces thai Neil P. Brown, ex-reading clerk of tbe last National House of Repre sentatives, was ran over aad killed by a train. Mr. Brown was a widely known Democrat and had filled the position of reading cleik at several National Demo cratic conventions. The Federal grand jary at Chicago has indicted Alexander McKay.geaeral frieght agent of the Michigan Central road, aad others for granting special rates on grata shipments to Councilman & Co, of Chi cago, about six months ago. ' Following is the April report of the Chicago, Burlington. & Qaiacy railroad, iacluding all lines controlled by that cor poration: Gross earnings, $2,513, 75U.64, aa increase ofv(3!)3,417.78 over those of the corresponding period last yar; expenses L 691 223,. a decrease of 29S,313-47; net ean.ings, $822,536164, an increase of C87,-73X25. NEBRASKA .STATE NEWS. J. V. Wixchelu a traveling shoe salss Bsaa from New York City, awde a desper ate attempt at suicide the other night ia his room at the Millard Hotel ia Omaha. He used a smalt pocket-knife with asingle blade oaly three inches long. The next morning 'a friead called, and as he knocked at the door for admissiod Wia cbell informed bim that he was unable to get ap aad let him ia, because he had cat his throat daring the night An entrance was effected, and it was found that Winehell had cut his throat in two places, and finding that Beither proved fatal he thrust the knife with the blade open into one of them, and thrust it down his throat with his finger, until it passed beneath the breast-bone and lodged there. It was removed with forceps. A vicious Clydesdale stallion, which killed its groom in Kana and injured several other keepers, and which is now owned ia Wilber. attacked a stable hand one day recently and crushed his arm into an unsightly mass. The horse's jaws bad to be pried apart before it would release its victim. The man would lose bis arm. Mrs. Gillespie, wife of the late door keeper of the Senate, was recently in Lincoln ia search of her husband, who soon after the Legislature adjourned re turned to Valentine to arrange for remov ing to Omaha or Lincoln. Mrs. Gillespie made a brief visit to the country and upon returning fonnd that her husband had dis appaared, taking with him two trunks, one of which was filled with her wearing apparel. That was on April 7 and she has received no word from bim since. He not only took all her clothing but left her no money. The cause of tbe flight was thought to be a shortage in his accounts with the insurance companies which he represented. The other afternoon while John Clause, and his wife were at work in a field, about' a mile from their home, in Hamilton County, they left their children at home. , Tbe larger girl, e glit years old, while . lighting a fire with kerosene oil, accident ally set her clothing on fire, burning it ' nearly all off, and herself so terribly that she died next evening. No assistance was ( - ------ .. i at hand and none arrived until the smaller I rttillsAn hnrl iTAna tn (ha navanra Brittl tliA children bad gone to the parents with the news. The bouse, being built of sod and without a floor, was not burned. Patrick O'Connor, lately of Omaha, was recently killed in a saloon brawl at Denver. August Davis, a farmer, while walking through tbe woods about bal f a mile north east of Irving on, Douglas Countv, the other day. was horrified by coming sud denly upon an unknown man banging from the limb of a large tree in a ravine between the Elhorn Valley and the Omaha roads. On the ground was a six-' barrel revolver with two chambers empty and tbe others loaded. Closer inspection revealed an ugly-looking bullet-hole in the man's forehead. He had evidently shot and then hanged himself. There was nothing to lead to his identity and tbe coroner expressed the belief that tbe man bad been banging two months. Several days ago a little child of Jeff Force, living three miles south of Craig, was sitting on tbe floor by the cook stove, when it pulled one of the leg from under the stove, causing an upset and pouring a kettle of hot water on itself, scaldirg it terribly. Tbe fire from the stove also set fire to the child's clothes, burning it so badly that it died next day. In broad daylight the other day two well-dressed young men knocked at the door of the residence of Dr. N. H. Brown, of Fremont and inquired of the bired girl if Mrs. Brown was at borne. They were informed that she was not, when tbey asked for the doctor, and were told he was also absent The men then told her that they were old friends of tbe family, and wculd go in tbe parlor and take a seat, which they did. and the girl went about her wot k iu the kitchen. Soon one of them went to tbe kitchen and forcing the girl into tbe dining room covered her with a revolver. The other man then went through tbe house rapidly and took such money as he could find, but only got $8.50, overlooking some valuable jewelry and two watches aear at hand. They then fled. When district court was opened at Os ceola on the 27ih there was not a criminal case on the docket nor a prisoner iu the jail. Mas. William- Sanderson, of Hast ings, recently trid to kili herself by tak ing poison. The timely arrival of a doc tor, however, saved her life. The farmers of Beaver precinct Hamil ton County, have organized a Farmers' Alliance. William Young fell from a bay mow at Nebraska City several days ago and bit off his tonga. John Navocc was instantly killed and Joseph Dritchaek had his leg broken at Schuyler ia a runaway accident the other evening. Tbey were hauling piles whea the team became frightened, throwing tbe men under the wheels which passed over them. Tbe two-year-old child of Julius West rom, living near Plainview, died recently from the effects of strychnine left care lessly within its reach. Citizens of Nebraska generally honored tbeir dead heroes on Decoration Day by covering their graves with beautiful flowers. Ix tbe trial of Mrs. Aldrich at Hastings, upon the charge of poisoning her hus band, tbe jury returned a verdict of acquittal. The friends of E. W. Justice and Robert Campbell, of Grand Island, fear that the two men have met with foul play. They started some time ago for Oregon with a car of stallions and bad not been heard from ia over two weeks. The Western Nebraska State Sports men's Association h'Us a grand tourna ment at Hastings June 18, Id and 20, and $300 in special premiums have been added to the regular award'. John T. Newell a fanner living nine teen miles nortn?att of Springfield, was found dead in his bed the other morning with twenty-four bullet holes in his body. He lived alone. 1 here wa no clew to the identity of h:s as-assins, but there Is lit tle doubt i ha he was killed by the vigi lantes, as hi was very outspoken against them, and was charged with harboring "rustlers," as the cattle thieves are called. Recentlt a beet sugar meeting was held at Grand Island aad f 13.000 ia stock was subscribed on the spot while a solic iting committee was appointed to secure additional capital. The Grand Island Odd Fellows are already making preparations to car for the grand lodge which meets in that city next October. Rev. James Suggs, a well known col ored preacher, died at bis home ia Orleans ob the 22J. He had beea a slave for thirty years, was a soldier ia tbe late war, and had preached the gospel for thirty years. Burglars entered the Kansas City Omaha depot at Yo;k tho other night but only secured twenty-five cents in money, I a revolveaand thirty cigars. JOHNSTOWN'S WOE.. 1 Orer Four Thousand Lire Lost la tho Disaster. Meet Awfat Beea The Heleeaast Brldge-SoaM lUtt la Um Taa Woefal D Pittsburgh. Pa, Jane .-The scene at Johnstown beggars descriptioa. Thou sands of sightseers aad anxious frieads are gathered about the devastated city and hundreds of wreckers are busily at work removing debris aad assisting taa wounded. Five hundred men were at work on the railroad track and at eight o'clock yester day morning the first train passed over the road from Saag Hollow to Johnstown. It was received all along the line with cheers and shouts of encourage ment from who were waiting, eager to obtain supplies contained in the relief trains. three ef which lay in Sang Hollow all night waiting to get through. The first train over the reconstructed track was sent oat j by the citizens of Pittsburgh, ana was manned by the Americus Club boys , Captain A." J. Logan wan in charge aid was ably assisted by Jack Little, chief of ' the commissary department Tho train brought glad news and much needed re lief to hundreds of starving women and children. "God bless you." was enough to touch the heart of hardened cynics. Adjutant-General Hasting bas estab lished headquarters in the city and has ' proceeded to deputize as many citizens as j possible. The police were organ. zed oa the other side of the river and by ten o'clock the whole locality was fairly well patrolled. At two o'clock yesterday after noon another squad of police came up from Pittsburgh, so that at present the p.underers have a hard time making any progress. It is still impossible to give any accu- i rate laeaonnenumuer u uoa '" , ,aces an estimata lower than 4.O0O. and .. . . tA reliable information tonus to snow inai n will reach twice that Relief committees are well settled and are doing b:g work. The press relief committee and that of the Free Masonic order, which was first on the ground, reached Sang Hollow and pushed over almost impassable ro ids to Kearnsville whsre the receiving depot was established at the hou-e of Alexan der Kennedy, president of the Johnstown council. The amount of clothing and pro- I visions sent in, while very large, will only , last a few days and more is needed at , once. The waters are receding rapidly and by to-morrow or next day most of the street, of Johnstown will be iree trom tae flood. There is still a wild, surging stream separating tbe two parts of tbe city, how ever, and it will be several days before communication is thoroughly established. The work of repairing tbe bridge is going on rapidly and it is expected that by Tuesday or Wednesday trains will ran across it the unburted dead. Johsstow.v, Pa June 3. l'hree hun dred and twenty bodies are lying jast across tbe river in Indiana County. The real estimate of the number of dead can never be made. Yoa can not turn up a log in Johntown without finding a body under it Five bodies were found in the npper floor of the club house. One oJ them was a woman of fiue appearance. There are at least 4.000 bodies in the 2,000 houses that are still burning. Blackened skulls are seen everywhere. The entire force of Western Union operators Is among the lost. Eight bodies were found piled in a space five feet square. SAW ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY DROWXEBL Pittsburgh, Pa., June a A baggage man of the Pennsylvania railroad gives a graphic account of tbe disaster. His train bad been stopped at New Florence, and while standing in his car door he saw one hundred and thirty persons drowned in less than twenty minutes. There was a terrible current, a whirlpool ia the river, at this pjint, and as the people came to it they weat down. The B.lii more & Ohio aad Penasylvaaia railroad' are carrying supplies free of charge and are doing every thing possible to relieve the sufferer. HORRIBLE SIORT. PrrrsBuaoB, Pa.. Jane 3 The ire at Jobnstowa bridge where drift is burning has not been extinguished. The skulls of six people can be seen sticking np oat of the ruins above tbe bridge. .Nothing but blackened skulls can be seea buried in the debris. There are supposed to be several hundred bodies there. The whole thing will be blown up with dynamite. SOUK TXT AWE. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 3 A member of the Americau Club, who has just returned here from Jobnstowa, states that there are still many people in the wrecked houses, and among the dnbris at the bridge who are still alive. O te man was rescued alive from the water at the bridge late last night Tbe idea that some of the unfortunate people who are imprisoned are still alive has created in tense excitement more especially as it was intended aad preparations had been made to blow np tbe bridge with dynamite. The fire engines have just r ached the scene and begun to pour streams of water upon the burning mass. Grave fears are now entertained that un less this debris can be gotten rid of soon it will produce aa epidemic, as it is sap posed to contain a thousand bodies as well as a large number of horses, cattle aad hogs. TIIE FIXAKCIAX. LOSSES. Johxstowr, Pa.. June & The financial losses by the great flood will be 440.000, 000. This is the conservative estimate made yesterday by a body of business men. and it is not one dollar too high. As tbe water recedes the great loss can be more clearly seen. Of this amoaat the Cambria Iron Company wilt lose at least $1,500,000. Their great iron plant is almost a total wrack. Oae mill has beea completely swept away, aad the machinery la the others has been either ' ruined or carried away. The woodwork alone of fLOOO. 000 was baraed last night It is bow estimated from a careful sarvey of the flooded districts that at least 3,600 dwellings were carried away. A Xaea-Waatesl Kid. Hastings, Neb., Juae 2. David Criaka low. alias Kid Hawkias, the gambler charged with killing Frank Fansler, also a gambler, last November at the Southern saloon ia this city, was acquitted of mur der la the district court Upoa his ac quittal authorities front Kansas City re arrested the kid for a murder committed in that city seme time age. Xore Arrests. Chicago, Jaue 2. Thomas Murphy and a man named Wilson have b-ea arrested on suspicion of being implicated ia Cron n's murder. The police refused to state what the evidence was agaiast them, aad I even denied they had beea arrested, THE LATE CYCLONE. rastkevrartleatars of the Kansas Toraaaa Kxteat C taa Damaga. Emtoblb. SJUk, May . Tue cyclaaa which visited Chase County Tuesday,, twenty-three miles west of this city, was terribly detrnotlve of property and eaa life-was lost with almost a certainty o aaother, aad about a dosea were more or lees injured. Latest reports from the scene state that not a hoase nor fence of any kind has bees left standing for near ly four miles ia the track of the cyclone and ealy hare traaks or stamps of trees. The point of most damage was Bear tbe 8aata Fe railroad, track, about two miles west of a small towa named Clemeats, on the farm of Milton Brown, whose hoase was rased to the foaadation and he himself almost iastaatly killed. His wife was fatally in jured and his oldest son. Edward, bad his leg broken. His daughter. Sarah, waa badly hart internally and one of her legs was broken, aad his littlo baby's head bruised almost oat ef shape. A portion of tbe bouse roof fell oa and crushed Mr. Brown's head almost flat and be lived but a few minutes. The residence of Spencer Pickard was totally destroyed to the foundation. 8. D. Hasten lost all his bee hives, barns, outhouses and bad bis resi dence badly damaged. Tbe residence of B. M. Chappell was lifted and blown fifteen feet off its foundation and dropped on th ground a total wreck. Job Johnson lost lii windmill, orchard, residence, outhouses. barns, etc.. and himself and daughter were injured, tho latter so badly as to b unable to be about. William Dawson wait also hurt in the wreck of Johnson's house. At least fifteen or twenty other farmers lost residences or crops or both anil there is no estimating tbe monetary- loss tc those visited by tbe wild winds. Some wonderful escapes from death ara chron icled, among them that of the family of Milt Hunt who took refuge in their cellar and escaped without a scratch to any of them, although the house was blown tc fragments from over the heads. Another family named Hoff escaped by firing to the cellar of Mr. Brown, who himself was killed. Many peculiarities of the storm, were noted. Among them was the snap ping off of a hui;e elm tree by the wind, while not ten feet away was a very small soft maple with seemingly not a leaf missing. At one place the fence posts for a longdis tance were stripped of tbeir wire, it hav ing seemingly been blown away, and in other places tbe posts themselves were gone and the wire lay around loose. The storm took with slight deviations an al most due east coarse and barely passed tbe town of Clements by possibly half a mile. Had it struck the town the loss of life and property would have been fearful to contemplate. Mr. Brown, who was killed, was formerly from Rush County, Ohio, and has relatives here. He also ha relatives named Stevenson, who reside nt Burlington, Kan. Ha was a well-to-do-farmer nearly fifty years age, and served during the war in the Ninety-first Ohio infantry, and was mustered out as Cap tain of a company in that regiment LAKE DISASTER. Destructive Gale on Lake Ontario A Ves sel Goes Ashore. Kingston. Ont, May 3J. The worst dis aster that bas occurred on Lake Ontario in many years took place Tuaday. The. steam barge. D. D. Calvin, of Kingston, with a tow of schooners with timbr from St Ignace, was struck by a gale off Long Point The tow line parted and tbe Nor way, Valencia and Bavaria were in the trough of tbe sea. The two former man aged to coma to anchor after being waterlogged, and were picked up by the Calvin and Armenia and brought here. The crews were perched on cabin tops for twenty-four hours, without food and with the waves washing over them, and suffered terribly. The Bavaria went ashore on Gnlloo island, sixty miles from here, and the crew were: Captain John Marshall, wife and three children, of Kingston; First Mate Felix Campan. wife and six children, of Garden Island; Second Mate John Snell leaves a widowed mother; William Mc Garrity, Garden Island; Sandv Berry. Pittsburg; Archy Borley and Elias Borley, St Paul's bay, all seamen and single, an-1 Bella Hartman, cook. ASIATIC CALAMITIES. Series CeaBagratlea la Japan Earth quake Etc. Sajt Francisco, May 31 A Pacific mail steamer which arrived yesterday brought startling news from China aad Japan. A thousand hoasas ia Yokato. Japan were destroyed by fire on the 3d inst, The fire originated in the residence quarter about tea o'clock at night aad burned for sixteen hours. Many lives were lost The Emperor subscribed over $6,000 out of his own purse for the relief of the sufferers. About 10,000 people went rendered homeless. On Oshima island aa eruptton took place April 13 and destroyed more than half the houses on tbe island. Another peculiar disease has broken out in Tukadagnn, the victims dying five hours after being attacked. A series of earthquakes was followed by the opening of the ground a thousand feet long by three wide. Fatal Barn Raising. Akbon, (X, May 3). At a barn raising on the (arm of Jacob Boers tier, at Loyal Oak. seven miles from this city, yester day while oae of the big bents were beiug elevated into position one of hesidj posts slipped beyond the protecting bar and th big beam fell with terrible force upon a score of men. The utmost consternation prevailed and tbe work of rescua retarded for the time being, owing to the ex citement aad lack of adequate help. Frank , Iricb was the first rescued aad will die, his chest being crushed entirely in. Jacob Kurtz, of Norton Center, was crashed fatally. Milton Boerstler. a son of the owner of the barn, received fatal injuries. Joseph Baaer, his son William and brother Charles were terribly gasheS aad braised aad a dozen more were more or less injured. Tha wives of the men ware ia the house preparing a dinner for the occasion aad some of them were com pletely prostrated bv the calamity. The Faetae Mail's Annual. NEW York. May 31. The Pacific Mail stockholders held their annual meeting at the company's oflce lathis city and re elected the eld directors. The annual statenteat shows that the company earned ia tha year ended April 3. 1889. .161,057r an Increase ef JB&519 over the earnings of the preceding year. The expenses of eeeratiag were $3,666,100, an incrjaMf $96X041. leaving Bet earniags of 45VW an increase of $64 4C& The report staK that the oaly new steamer now in course of construction, the China, will flV a for. tgn flair. T will be launched in a few diys. George Gould, in referring to the matter, stated teat she bas been built for one-th irU iess than the prices quoted b sUamricaa aaildara .