The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 07, 1889, Image 4

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    asssmjae ggsvataajgQ il1! i?'iiTrffji-3f!Iiffir-iir-"'' '""lS 'a -" "''eiWMKJ'giBiPBWWMiBSBCTWBiiBi
.....-.yjtwiM-i,, ' TssaKatj'kiaBtia
' "-i.aF'TT it -u MBBBwawiwajSBWhaaaaMBMBBaEaiBB M ; .
Instantly Swpt
Away by a Flood.
ruibStnoK Pav, Jnne 1. A sadden
freshet is the Worth Fork river, cast (4
Jobastowa. Pa, ia the Allegheny moaat
aias resaltee ia aa awful catastrophe.
Last ereainr, according to a reliable
coorjen 1.W0 lives were lost. The reser
roir broke about five o'clock aad the im
mense volume of water rushed down to
the city, carrying with it death aad de
struction. Houses with their occupants
were swept away and ban dreds of people
were drowned.
X7p to cite p. m. information received
about the Johnstown catastrophe came
through Pennsyl-muiia railway officials,
who averred that ever 3 dead bodies had
been counted down stream from
Johnstown alone, while alonr the line
cany additional lives have been lost.
It wn ass erted that there were but two
bouses in Johistown proper entirely
atove the wat-r hne.
A special tra.-a bearing Pennsylvania
railway cSc'als and a iarse natnber of
newspaper men left this city for taescene.
Telegraphic communication was entirelv
rut off.
W. H. Hays, superintendent of the sec
tion of the Pennsylvania railroad covered
by the flood, te egraphed last night to
Superintendent Pitcaim as follows: '"The
destruction is terrible. The dam at
Jonestown gone between the bridge
and tower. "West of Johnstown at some
pomts the tracks are entirely carried
away and read bed gone. The riTer for
three-quarters of a mile above the bridge
is rilled with buildings and driftwood
forty feet high, and is on fire, burning
furiously, and is enstre.y beyond our con
trol. I can not estimate the amcunt of
damage. I waited over last night frcm
Jotnstown to Sang Hollow, four miles.
Johnstown is literally wiped out."
Superintendent Pitcaim, who was at
ew Florence, sixty-five miles east of
Pjttstur-h. telegraphed that over one
hundred men, women and children passed
Sang Hollow cl.nging to debris. Seven
were rescued at Sang Hollow, two at
Conemaugh Furnacs and two at Sew
Florence. Only forty-seven of the hun
dred and over raised 2few F orence. The
loss of life and property was terrible.
A special from Btairsvlile station on
the Pennsylvania ra lroad says: John
Barton, a freight engineer, saw three men
and a woman struggling for their lives in
the Conemaugh river jast below Johns
town. The 'Western Union office in
Johnstown was swept away at four
o'clock yetrday afternoon. The water
in Cambria Ci y. where are located th-Ca-ubria
ircn worts, is thirty-five feet
deep and rising."
The rcervoir or dam at Ssuth Fork,
which is said to have burst with such ter
rible results, is described by a gsntleman
acquainted with the locality in which it
was situated to be an immense body of
water formerlv ued as a water supply
for the old Pennsylvania canal. It
has been owud for several years
by a number of Pittsburgh gentlemen
who used it as a fi-h:ng ground. Ike
gent'eman tcha gave this information said
tint if ih rrport of the bursting of tbe
dam was true, he hai no doubt that the
darnsge and loss of l.fe was fully ai great
as indi ated in he dispatcher.
Ptttsbcegh. Pa June 1. The course of
the torrent from the broken dam at the
foot of the late to Johnstown is almost
eighteen miles, and with the exception of
one point the water passed through a nar
row V shaped valley. Four miles below
tbe dam lay the town of South Fork where
tfce South Fcrk itself empties into the
Conemaneh river. The town contained
about 2.0.0 inhabitants. It has no: been
heard from, but it is said that four-fifths
of it has been swept away.
Four miles further down on the Cb
Aaugh river, which runs parallel with the
main line of the Pennsylvania railroad,
was the town of Mineral Point It had
inhabitants. 99 per cent of the houses
oemg in a fiat close to the river. It seems
impossible at this time to hope that any
of them have escaped.
Six miles further down was the town of
Conemaugh and here alone was there a
topographical possibility cf the spreading
cf the flood and the breaking of its force
It contained 3.500 inhabitants and msst
be almost wholly devastated.
IToodville, with 2. CO) people. lay a mile
below Conemaugh in the flat, and cae
tnile further down were Johnstown and
its cluster of sister towns Cambria
City and Conemaugh borccgh. with a
total population of 30 OuOL On made
ground and stretched along right at the
nver verge were the immense iron wcrks
of the Cambna Iron and Steel Ccmpany.
who had J3.O3.0j0 invested in their plant
Brides this there are many other large
industrial establishments on the bank of
the river, how badly damaged caa bcs be
Dubby. Pa JcaeL At Caabra City
there are probably a dozen honses ia what
was a thriving manufacturing town f crry
tght hours ago. 2o estimate can be
formed of tfce amount of damage, bat the
probable loss of life is terrible. Taere are
at present 53 lives known to have
been sacrificed and hundreds of peo
ple are homeless. The cold raw
weather of this morning is particularly
severs on thcee who are without
shelter and no means of relief at band as
the trains can not reach here frcm either
west or east Every thing possible is be
ing done for tbe saff-rere Communica
tion with the cater world has been cut off
and only temporary accommodation caa
be had. Same place the damage to prop
erty at from 51iOOO,(Oto$13.WO.(3, but
until the excitement calms down :t is im
possible to form any correct estimate.
Tbe latest man from Johastown briags
the information that scarcely a hcase re
mains in the city. The upper portion
above the bridge has been completely tab
merged. The water dammed up against
tbe viaduct, the wreckage and debris
finishing the wcrk that the torreat aad
fi:ed to accomplish. Tbe bridge at
Johnstown proved too stanch for the fury
of the water. It ia a heavy piece of
masonry, and was used as a viaduct by
the Pennsylvania canal. Some of the tap
stones were displaced.
The story reached here a short time age
that a family consisting of father and
mother and nine children were washed
away in a creek at Lock Hares. The
another managed to reach the shore, bat
the husband and children were carried
out into the Conemaugh to drown. The
VDCta is crazed over the terrible affair.
After night settled down on the moant-
atns the norror oi tne scene was ennanceu. :
. .1
The CreaUet rat U iiph. to the CwiUj
fartaaates as they ware carriee by-
aaa also to the terror a arilliaat ill
waalitaptaaakT. This illamiaatiea
ha plainly seea froaa this plea.
A snags received froaa Baag Hollow a
fsw momenta aga states that tha light
comas from a fcaadrsa' baraiag wrecks of
bosses that are pilad apaa the Jefcaetowa
bridge. , .,
At Locfcaert amware Dick, a yoaag
railroader; reseaea. aa old geatlemaa, a
lady earned Adams, of Cambria, aad her
tw caldrea by swimmiag cat to tha
hoes ia which they wars impriseaea,
catting a hols ia the roof aad paliiag
them through. Hs thea swam aahors
with them, one at a time, antil all vara
saved. Thea hs fell exfcamsted.
Patrick Maddsn we aeerly dead when
palled from the river. Ha was ia the
house of Edward ervey. All wars
caught Ten minutes later the boose was
wrecked. Garrey aad his son-in-law were
drowned and Madden was thrown into
the flood. "Whea I roes te the surface,''
be said. "I saw my wife hanging on to e
piece cf scanthng. She let it go aad
was drowned, almost within reach
of my arm. and I could not help or
save her. I caught a log and floated with
it f er five or six mdes, but it was knocked
from under me when I went over the dam.
I then caught a bale cf hay and was taken
out by fir. Marener. My wife is certainly
out by Hz. Marener. My wife is certainly
drowned, and six children all missing aad
I fear are drowned."
Tcere are without doubt fully a thou
sand people lost between Conemaagfc
borough and Camioia City.
OT3EB. sisrarssxD towxs.
PrrrsBCEGH. Pa.. June L Reports from
along the Kikimisetas river into which
tbe Conemaugh empties are most distress
ing. The river near Salts burgh is fi I'd
with wreckage, and a number of persons
were noticed clinging to such timber as
would bear their weight At Biairsvills
men are stationed on the bridges and
banks in the hope of rescuing some of
those who
were being carried down the
Tne volume of water is unprecedented.
The iron bridge connecting Biairsville
with B.airsvHie Intersection has been
carried away and with it a train of heav
ily loaded cars standing upon the bridge
to co d it in place. This was the la'grst
and strongest bridge on the "West Penn
sylvania road. It is thought that all of
the West Pennsylvania railroad bridges
will share a similar fate.
A I the towns in the Kiskimeratas val
ley are expected to be submerged. Among
them are Livermore. Seltsbnrg. Apo lo,
Leecht.urg and Avonmore. having popu
lations of from S.009 to 10 COO each. The
inhabitants along th river have been
warned, but are almost panic-stricken at
the idea of their great loss of property,
which is inevitable.
Later reports from Coketowa is to the
effect that the entire town is submerged
and a number of lives have been lost at
that p'ace.
HAEBOWCTG scxjtcs.
Debet. Pa, Juse L A flooi of death
swept down the Allegheny mountains
yesterday afteraooa and last night al
most the entire city of Johnstown was
swimming about in the rushing, angry
tide Dead bo-lies were floating about tn
every direction and almott every piece of
movable timber was carrying frcm the $
doomed c:ty a corpse of human irr drift
ing with the raging waters, God knows
it Derry a group of railway officials
were gathered who had ccme from
Bolivia, the end of the passable portion of
the road westward. They had seen but a
mall portion of the awful flood, but
enough to allow them to imagine tae rest
Down through the pack-saddle came the
rushing waters. The wooded heights of
the Al;eghanies locked down in soemn
wonder at the cene of the most terrible
destruction that aver struck the romantic
va.ley cf the Conemaugh. The water was
rising when tbe mea left at six o'clock at
tbe rate of five feet aa hour.
Clinging to improvised raft, con
structed in the death battle from floating
boards and timbers, were agon X'rd mee,
women and children, their heartrending
shrieks for help striking horror to the
breasts of the onlookers. Their cries were
cf no avail- Carrie 1 along at a railway
speed on the breast of this rushing tor
rent, no human ingenuity could devise e
means of rescue.
With pallid cheeks and hair clinging
wet and damp to ber cheek, a mother was
seen grasping a floating timber, while
with her other arm she held ber babe.
The tidal wave struck Bolivar just after
dark and ia five minute the Conemaugh
rose from six to forty feet and the waters
spread out over the whole country. Soon
houses began floating down and clinging
to the debris were men, vmtn and chil
dren shrieking for aid. A large number
of citiaens at once gathered on the county
bridge and they were reinforced by a
cumber from Garfield, a town on the oppo
site side. They brought a number of ropes
and th?se were thrown over into the boil
inc waters as unfortunates drifted by.
Up the river there was a sadden crash
and a section of the bridge was washed
away and floated down tbe stream, strik
ing the tree and washing it away. All
three were thrown into the water and
were drowsed before the eyes of the hoc
nfied spectators just opposite the town of
3ol var.
Early in the evening a woman with her
two children were seen to pass uader the
bridge at 3oiivar clinging to tbe roof e
coal house. A rope was lowered to ber but
she shoot her head and refused to desert
the children. I; was raaored that all
three were saved at Cokeville, a few miles
below Balivar.
A later report froaa Lockport says that
the residents succeeded in rescuing five
peocle frcm tue flood two women and I
tt-ree men. Oae man succeeded in getting
cut ci tne water nnaiaea. iney were
kindly taken care
ox cy tae people ot tae
A little girl passed under the bridge jast
before dark. She was kxeeliag on part of
a floor and bad her hands clasped as if in
prayer. Every effort was made to save
her. but they all proved futile.
There is absolutely no news from Johns
town. The little city ia entirely cat off
frets commaatcatisa with the eatsi-ie
world. The damage dose is inestimable.
y0 one caa tell its extent Hie Cambria
iron LOzpiBj'i worts axe obui ua suae j
. - .. .
groan a. it stasas near tae nver. ana
many fear that is has b-en swept away or
greatly damaged. The lots of these works
alone will be in the millions.
Tfce little telegraph stations along the
road are filled with anxious g-oaps of
mea mhe have faiaeds aad rsiBiieae m
Johnstown. The smallest item of sews is
eagerly seized upon aad circulated. If
favorable they have a moment of relief, if
not their faces become more gloomy.
All aight long the crowd stood abewt
theruias ef tfa) Iridge which had beee
swept away at Bolivar. The water rushed
past with a roar, carrying with it parts of
booses, furniture and trees. Th flood bad
ev:d?mlv spent its force an the valter. as
... .. .
no aror urmg persoas ware aeisg c&mtv!
Torres. Kaau,ay
Is eves; a faciUve has
rested, aad aa eld crime pertleliy re
ealed. bet ieerae aaotbermystetioas dis
i eaaeeraaes aad aa aakaewe dead maa te
be explaiaed aad aeeoaated fee.
Joaa W. Hil maa, whese sappased re
maias were foaad aa Crsoked creek, ia
Berber Coaaty, shot ahroaxh the heed.
baa jast beta arrested Bear Tembsteae.
A. T where hs bed beam warkiag ia a
miaa, aad J. M. Miller, wbe bad beam ea
his track for sight loeg years, has earaed
I his reward of ftt,OO0L
t dispetch wes received last srsaag
from H. J. Franklin, formerly special
egeatofthe Seata Fe, requesting C 6.
Gleedto secure requisition papers upon
the Governor of Ariaona for the body of
J. W. Hillman, who was bow under arrest
awaiting proper authority to be returned
to Kansas,' where his name has become
famoas becaase of the three long trials is
which bis wife claimed from the Mutual
Life Insurance Company of New York,
the 2ew York Life Insurance Company ,
and the Connecticut Mutual Life '
Insurance Company, the aggregate sum '
of 525,000 which he had placed j
' on his life a short time before his'
supposed death, and the bringing to Law-
renee of his dead
bodv. which was recog-
nixed by more than forty
oath as that of the dead
ritnesses usd;r
John W. Hill -
Tne insurance companies refused to pay .
1 the policies, declaring that the body was
not that of Hillmaa. bat the tody of some
man murdered for the sole purpose of ob-
taining the 2000,
Pendiag the first salt a reward of ?10-
000 was offered by the companies for the
arrest of Hillman. which reward they
pledged the good faith of the companies
to pav whenever the missing man was ar
Eight vears era J. M. Miller, then a
resident of Lawrence, who, being well ac
quainted wita Hillman and refusing te
ecksowiedze the dead bear as that of the
man claimed, commenced his weary
search. Knowing Hillman to have been
a miner as well as a cattleman, he natur
ally sough: the mcuntamcas country of
the Wet as the most natural retreat cf
such a man. Going to the mining coun
tries he worked first in one camp and thea
another always with one end in view, the
capture of the missing man, who, if
m j u l x w:
lounu, .gu ao u xuu. u..a
first at mmtng then at tie chopping for
the Santa Fe, never long in one place.
Miller run down every possible clew.
many times disappo.nted, but never dis-
cooraged. and never changing his belief
that the Rockies held the mas wanted by
justice, and whose revealment won Id
bring him ilO,OjO
' Miller's face became a familiar one in
all the camps of Colorado. ZSew Mexico,
i Arizona, Old Mexico and more Northern
Territories. In this search hs was aided I
at times bv Mr. Franilia, who shared his
i belief that Hillman was still alive
Two years ago Miller saw and identified
his man, and immediately akd for a
requisition to be sent to him. Tae acces
sary papers were issued and' after some
delav e man was sent with them, bat Hi.l-
man had recognized his former neighbor
and again disappeared.
In ts n a a 4 s.rtTt rm sar1 f i T f a at em ?w
Coanacced at search And las: veelc agia
..... i I ?. .s . k. !...& AJ.i. M 1 .. t. .m a .. A '
remaining with him while Franklin went
on for the papers. Fianklin will arrive
here to-day. and will immediately
start back for the man who so nearly wore
out three judges aad three juries and
numberless lawyers and witnesses, aad
whose wife has since remarried.
March lT.lST9.acoordinr to evidence. John
Brown and John Hillmaa went into camp
on Crooked creek, ia Barber County, be-
ing on their way to Texas. Brown- weat
for a farmer named Britey. who retaraed
with Brown, who had notified him
of the killing. He found a wagoa
and a camp fire about twelve feet
apart and near the fire was a maa whe
bed beea shot, the ballet fr-.m a 44-calibat
gun had entered the skull one and a hall
inches above and one inch ia front of the
aaditcry meatus oa the right side aad had
passed eat ob the left side one inch above
the ear. The feet of the body
were toward the fire aad the head wes
supported aa a few fagots. The dead
man's hat was baraiag ia the -
Browa said the dead maa was Hillman.
and ia taking his gua out of the wagon
ia preparing for bed. he (Brewn) bad
caught the hammer ea the wagoa box or
a blanket and the gua had beea dis
charged. He heard a groan, he turned
and saw Hillman stagger and start tc
fall, and tunning to him caught him and
swung him around away from the fire. He
then took a horse and west for the nearest
f aimer.
The following morning Mr. Paddock,
the justice of the peace, held an inquest
after which the body was carried to Medi
cine Lodge, where another inquest was
held. After the second inquest the body
was buried and Brown and Levi Baldwin
and Alva Baldwin had brought material
to fence it, when Major Theodore Wise
man and Mr. Tillinghast insurance
agents, ci .Lawrence, arrived and insisted
on exhuming the body for identificatsoa. I
From the hour that disinterment took
place Walker, "Wiseman end Tillinghast j
T.-W R.M -:.. h... .?-4 ; ... xt;ii
Brown, who is the only persoa who can
aosolutely know, has sworn both that it
was and' that it was not while Alva
Baldwin, brother of Levi Baldwin, end
one of the most intimate acquaintances of
Hillmaa, has never appeared ia ccart
The dead body was taken to Lawrence
badly decomposed. Mrs. Hillmaa
, tated sits wtether h ibimM m
. w . B .
tBft body, Dut finally decided to do
ace Doay was conea at uak Hill ceme
tery, bat was again taken up and photo
graphed, a front aad side view being
taken, the face be'tnp- diafirai-ML Sow
fifteen of the witnesses at the first exam-!
iaatios swore positively that the body
wes not that of Hillman, there being
many discrepancies ia s as as well as ap
pearance. Thirty-eight other witnesses
gave points which they claimed belong tc
HtHmsit Which did not ameer la the
rr - -
body before the:
Ecbaxtox. Pa May 3 The taiiare ef
the Scraatoa City Bank aad the arrest of
Vice-Preaideat aad Cashier Jeasap,
charged with the emboss1 emeat ef the
beak faads ameaatiag to ae less thea
$136. 009 excited the citixsas. The most
startliag lamer is that all ef the directen
with the exceatioa of Preside at Tamos
aad Coos, as they were convinced ef the
enormity of Jessup's shortage, to save
themselves, withdrew te the last penny
every cent that they had oa deposit ia the
morring daring banking hours. Dr.
Tarcor, who is worth $3,000,000 and had
66 CX ca deposit alone of the direotsrs
.T1.- 1 kl. ..- a. r .... .1
" ui juuacj to g ia.o tne geaerai I
Soaora, Toolomae County. CaL,
atoaetime the livelieat and rkhsaf
asiaiBg- camp in the Goldem State.
Gold was fouad in the very street aad
the supply seemed inexhaustible. For
the past few Tears, however, Sonora
has beea on the down grade. A few
aiiaes are worked in the Ticinitj. tat
the town itself is about as dead as a
One of the best known characters of
the town, and who may be seen any
day leaning up against some post and
gazin? into space, as if he had no
farther use for the scenes about him,
is a Frenchman by the name of DuvolL
Duvoll is about fifty-six years old
and is a very fair specimen of the
busted miner1 type so prevalent
among the mining' districts of the
Pacific slope. Xb one would suppose
by looking at him that only a tew
years since he counted his gold by the
hundred of thousands, yet such is
really the case.
Duvoll spran into wealth and
prominence in the fall and wtnuir of
. ieo-o. tie maae in tnose lew monies
something like $l.3o0. 030. To-day he
1 fcas not a cent to his name. It hap-
! pened this wav:
About four miles from Sonora some
, men were smiting a prospect shaft
whea they struck a rich pocket.
( Yielding some $30,000 or more in gold.
- Th .rLftedT aboat . lha- the
. - j: v ji
Pf, of S QO but concluded
finally that there was no more in it.
Duvoll had been prospecting around
and working in the mine?, and had
6aved about 400. He had heard of
this pocket, and thinkinz it a good
' 'spec.
n w-A -u-. -.. v:r- eirn fn
w.vtt mc incu ;in q-rv-j ivl
their claim, which
offer thev jumped
at, thisking Duvoll crazy to want to
wors the claim any further.
This didn't seem to phase" Duvoll
any, for he went to work steadily, and
day after day for about a month he
wielded his pick and shovel at the
bottom of the shaft, until (the ground
fc workingin was a soft,
i " --e" sv..
P05 quartz) he found a
narrow thread of quartz showing a consider-
able quantity of free gold.
That night Duvoll procured some
heavy timbers and some lumber and
built a cabin over the shaft- A nephew
of his was called to his assistance, and
one of them was always at the cabin
after that for a period of six months.
That narrow streak of quartz soon
began to widen and the go!d became
more plentiful, until an ore chamber
wa reached, containing perhaps the
greatest amount of gold in a given
space that ever was discovered.
The gold was tasen out in the
bucketfuls. At every strike of the
pick great chunks of quartz that were
almost solid masses of gold would be
loosened, and this was kept up until
they had taken out altogether some
9 000 pounds, which vielded upward
of fl.000.COO.
This sort of thing, of course, could
cot last always, and so when the
"find1 petered out Duvoil aad his
went down to San Francisco
their money and enjoy them
to isves
selves. The nephew had. I believe, a
tenth interest in the pocket-
A million dollars wasn't enough for
Duvoll, and in order to increase his
pile he toot a cier at stocx specu
lation. He took several "fliers.' in
fact, and so did the nephew. In about
sixty days the nephew was "busted."
and Duvoll's "pile had been dimin
ished to about 1300,000.
Duvoll's next step was to invest
about fl'"0.000 in dwelling property
on Haight street, San Francisco.
Be then returned to Sonora. After
several disastrous mining specula
tions, he was induced to go into a big
irrigation scheme which almost broke
him and compelled him to mortgage
his San Francisco property.
I After a number of other ventures
, the Haight street property went by
i the board, and Duvoll. without even
his original 400. found himself skir
mishing about Sonora for a job at $3 a
day. !TN. x. Herald.
CATTLE Shippinz steers.... 13 S) Q. 4 15
I Batcher steers
300 Q,
4 S)
3 3T
4 40
2 40
Nacre cots.
HOGS Good to choice heavy,
WHEAT Xo.irei
403 j
63 Q.
5 Q,
v Q.
si e
..v. ....................
RYE No. 2.... ......... ......
FLOCK Patents, per sack. ..
HAY Baled
BCTTER Choice creamery...
CHEESE Full cream
EGGS Choice
9C'S - -
CATTLE Shrppls steers....
Butchers steers...
4 00
HOGS Packsag.
SHEEP Fair to choice
FLOUS Choice
WHEAT No. t red
OATS No. 8
at ye No. s....... ........
BCTTEB Creamery.
CATTLE Shrppmc steers....
HOGS Packing aad aaispiag.
SHEEP Fairto choice
rLOCa Wiatsr wheat
WHEAT No-S red
OATS No-x ..-..-
s a at
40 41
14 a
489 a
4 0J m
4 59
as- a
b a
4 4
3 49
BCTTEB Creamery ...
U 90 a U SS
CATTLE Cewmoate ansae.. 4 OS a
HOGS Good to choice..... 4 St a
FLOTTE Good te choice 4 40
WHEAT No. s red flSHa
COKN No. r, 4t a
OATS Westers mixed SS W
BirrTEB-Creamexj- 13 A
13 &
riKh .
.ss e
aWtaIsaamttewtsasaaStae sssmste
WastO Stmsise 04V ssOtsMsssBftssal sVw4bbT"
raeaeaataaaemaaay. .
jKsteCiSjjr jjsyoyfaDeota3Bs ,r
be keatl
sow, these
who make a Heavea of the Home, from the
ravagea of disease that is oftea worse thea
for all of those oecttbar dmeeeea to w!
womta are subject is what most be relied
a to areeerra the health of wives sad ssota-
II seesaw those aMseaees, aaa tt ere
fore a National blessing, because tt gives
health to hoae about whom the hapmaeea ef
borne centers, and the strength of a Sat
at ia its happy i
TJr. Fieree'a Pellets, or Anti-biliooa O:
ales ; ia vis!, 25cesu ; cne adoae, Druggists.
TJsrrzD SraTtsMcruTaa Sraacss has ia
doced the Saltan ef Turkey te llow the ex
plorers sent ect by the University cf Penn
sylvania te excavate ia the ruins of aacient
Babylon for two years. Tn is favor baa bees
vainly sought by representatives of Euro
pean powers.
Pishoaaeee DraTta.
When the stomach dishonors the drafts
cade upon it by the rest of the system, it is
necessariiv because its fund of strengtn is
verv low. Toned with Hostetter" Stomach
Bitters, it soon begins to pay out vigor in
the shape of pure, rich IsTocd, containing
the elements of muscle, bone and brain.
Asa sequence of the new vigor afforded the
stomach, the bowels perform their fenc
uons regularlr, and tse bver works like
clockwork. Malaria has co effect epos a
system thus reinforced.
Tss effensire babtt of spitting tobacco
juice has received recondition as aa illegal
offense by a grand jury of Philadelphia.
That body has f oond true bills acainst one
John F. Berg for malicious mischief in
spitting en the front doorsteps of several
bouses in the northers part of the cty.
Periodic Headache sad 5eura!gia; cold
bands and feet, and a general derangement
of tbe svsteis. including: impaired digestion.
1 with torpor of the liver, &c, are. in certain
' !vs!5tit invariabiv ransed br Malaria in
the svstera is quantity too small to produce
i regular chills. Many persons suffer in this
way and take purgatives and other medicines
to their injury, when a few doses of Sha!
lenberger's Astidot ar Malaria would cure
them at once. Sold by Druggists.
A cvkvox saying in England is: "Hanpv
Is the corpse that raia falls on." This belief
exists also in the United States. Thus, it
is laid that if rain falls at the time of the
funeral, it is a sign that the dead has gone
u Heaves.
Earravlag aad Beetrotyplag.
If von wast engravings of Buildings,
I Machinerv. Portraits. Maps, Flats, or any
thing in this line, write to us for samples
and prices. Best work guaranteed at lair
prices. Address
A. 5. Kbxloco SnrsPAPta Co.
Kansas City, Mo.
Zsr France and Germany the St Joan's
wort was hung ia the windows to act as a
charm against -storms, thunder and evil
spirits." The "-devilfure" was the ex
pressive name the plant enjoyed among
acme folk.
DoBsnre Electric Soap has been made for
3 years. Each years sales have increased.
Ia23 sales were 2.047.630 bxtx. Superior
quality, and absolute uniformity and purity,
aiade this possible. Do sou nsi it! Try ft
A cbicx or a partridge runs around look
ing for its meat as soon as it has shakes
itself loose from its Irving prises, but. aa
owlet docs not for a rscnu or more know
wsich foot to put out first
Do sot suffer from sick headache a moment
longer- It is not necessary. Carter's Little
Liver Piii will cure you." Dose, one little
pill, Stt.jW price. Small dese. Small pill
Tax leading New York hotei-keeoershave
combined to set up a minting office which
te to furnish the printing and statkeery
needed for the hotels of that aad other
F&zsaxzss and purity are imparted to the
complexion by Glenn's Sulphur Soap.
Hid's Hair and Whisker Dye, 50 cents.
Etkkt maa has a aatnral riant to do '
w aaasmaaaveasav a) iiy ee 4Waw ifj. laf aaaVCaaa Ub fasalSat
dainc thereof be infringes aet oa the eaaal
richts of anv ether mai
ihsisiiimi mi Ka erTIm - I el s it aKe- Ih 4-a.aai
Tor cant help likingthesi,tbey are so very
srrtsll and their action is so perfect. One pill a
dose. Carter's Little Liver PiRs. Try them.
ef ladies hi Boatec are leadiar
a crusade against the practice at scsjag
horses taila.
Tbose things which eairage as nerely by
their novelty can not attract na for say
length of time.
A Bosrosr yeong ladv dense lore as
"aa inexprfsmbility sccoapsaied with oat
ward alioverishneas."
AppsUte U esaectial to cod health
Hoofs SarsaperiU I a wooderfal mediatae for
creaSac as appetite, testae the CesboB.aBdatv
is stmxrtfc to tae whole rrneac Be fare to set
Heofs Sana pa rtlla. Prepared oaly bvCLCood
S Co, Apctaeearles. Lowell. Mam.
tartnrrr tkla mrtr th
If roar dealer oaTers too saeea was
says mey are aa
vaarrhad ai u'm ( mm i amJ
w. ? j lawaw taat aare w. S MmwtJtS
B ? aw. aaa ywa are awfearesiWM
ip i oouan are asrea aaeaairr as aes
Uyeer dealer arm sot cet roa Ox katd or
w as orsorr. wan see anee eat
ae. poataae rrrrriaMiiii Til i
ra rrt WX s iMnraip tfaaws w-
,jw wear: w mot acre, seat for ae e
as f&U lcstraetkns how to act a aerferl SL
W. L. DOUGLAS, Bicktoii,
Bat bow caa this happjaeea
what aaeu arotect those
-aawP' BBav
Kj.- sssV
ssssssssssssssssssf 'r -Lasat
JaE W,
aaSaPvBSSaW $2
awe anxfoaaci tm vaem.
eeeetvae Ojesavr. Dealers aaaae
aaaammaVal BBSBBI &
TOBC.Beetfrait, graa,giase,atockcogatqr
taewerid. FaUmfssmetirafree. Am
dsattm the fassily beta the year ciosas.
ZiSL '
Tr rem v- T mif
2r i
thecsat!ss so bad that
it disabled & for work
sac ccsu use to my
hrd for W r-
driz which xhe X
ccoid sot eren rcise my
r M bTSBS -'' tn t-t h-rj i
aB for3ncutsccuUinoa
amm BiaTez:rrin&e)!.-e
TmiBamV ndsctd is f-a frcm.
A.aaBlSt3t Its. VTutrsat-
QvSBBSsmaWcd by bet pfcjisIcLizs
- itJ. UJ S:-" tS3
Fmauy l tone starvs gper&c. and soon hesn to
hnsrave. Afta'BrJwatK2Ttrk.asd forth
cast are nonthe hire beea as well as I erer was U
from the effects of Swifts Specie
Joes Bat.
Jaa.S.2. FtWaTacIad,
co BSosd aad Ska Diseases mailed free.
Swut SracLwc Cok. Atlanta. Ga
A Noted Divine Says:
I save beess amlaw Tett-aUverline
fee Bvtswiav. Weak Hteaeaea
CesUfcness. wtaa watiess I leave U
Tint's Pills
I ssever heal aaytblatar sede see ae aeachv
f m4 misassiei atseaa te all aa
tke beat aeeeieiate 1st exUtmeee."
stew. r. at. SWCaaB- sew Terlu
Office, 44 Murray Sfc, Xe w York.
tar Oman Ckkan. Pisms. Kee
mi Wacta ibl. X-wra.St
Encr-or VzmJju.!... ""'
r-Trr S in lnrtTwi riMUlil li pi ' Drm
JCl fl i' i' !.-.. SeraS Saw. Wooci mad Phi
m !! fc i'l fitffl. -- &-
iilir i i i linn an tiij iinrini i m uatanas
Tm4 laltmfmwit TnKmr brirm sa4. Osr
ffVcwiaeiu.MjMni ottrri to grfctm. mmi
4amariBwlvciTannr(Tcia. " - -
wnrJywiirmcte iiiiirimi hteaaai
wsrSrftJSSiauamHiw, Jw3lr;fri.toasy ml Mi.
nu tor fiiru. a Dt3C.ciAi.Ei.
a a mm atia. ntnea, ia
Cares aH Diseases Pecaf ar to Vsass !
Boox to "ffosjoc aUnxs Fazs.
7B a 9Kf -a WeTTTica.-. beaiwork-
W iawv tut;oras.Asetpr:erre:wae
caa famih a, bore xa-1 cive to-tr wSoi? tre lo
tie basmesa. Spare Boaxnts a:ar tprc2ta3rj3B-3-ored
i". A few Mranttn la :on iul o:i.
B. .Joaxsos A Co, laew Main s:Eiffc:c3l.V
.VR rttmMr mloit g$ ad tstn tzpmcttse. Kt'MP
mimt wtomt nuUmj ttsmp fir rrpii. . r. J. Cs.
2to S72 per mo.
Inc. Lawyer and Doe-
Wnte ax onee.e rii nor ccaloa or jpcrca
tree cr cost. UOPP wk aapi. TopEiLa. ttssas.
SAKATZia -AXA W7 CMS jmtsm.
eat saw "";
I - - -
Uj2 sTSSilSf.S,Slf-eS5:S
r-SS'TL. lSir!t?,?n?-eH-f!?.
f B&rTrr
arUea. Write foe asaijTee aa4 tttleti
A. a. aaxLoee Xsweraraa Co.
licnneMK,. SmlanUKtattrlimeia.
toiaHuiiSfnet.fiiiiaiiiiiiiiiai .Hall m
rrmssBaiirii iteiimCs HluKi,(
Ptart C3T9 abf
HK8T lOaaWdi' far
& m
mm t smnM ij
i Taartr. Gtmisaaa are
Seed for Clrcnlar.
aooc rxrx.
W.T.rtr-rii. A
" T- -'' -f . "
TOS8AOAY. Samples worth SS.15
SWOT- Liaea aot aattrr aer' ac. wr-o
i aArsTi aan aeutBoa.eatr.i
AyAJa1VnSaJe-se. Sewast. Caokmc
J"WaWaSW B BBraaa.Bettrea.teri.p!as;
seetocitree. im.stTasaavon i-..g
teca q-t Wrot ao.
SOeTT. 5 Tk Qtr.
A. N. K. D
sr tmsntm aaa Km at aaw Safer aad
lnaHyamS mm i tef lata fiCa
SaalanaadasaattaavraaX. Waanaamc
a mas. aaeaawav, Haav
asrsABi xaa riru
j -nttX VKITDeG T AWTtXTimmSS FTflffsC
ba the wecsaTL ' -'-
atAwjssraraa, woj SHOE.
aoadsri.7S mnTip rstnAr. nnm.
am assee m Cbasteas.1
i . i z . - . -. . .
, ow an Booeuew sor tae roct;
em raw meat sxle I
eaaawawagjDaeMteaortaeiocti n mina
itaait w-wea isnei. ami ao taeas or waxttoaeS
-AS aesseaad tae msec are ssssssweee
Ssaes aeiextasee ay khB betore learbic ate
Ceets Ike wraren aeasaat kjaa yrteas! aa
iiaau iiBSiaW:aletjwgJayaawje
fa raw Am
jwKaaawaa.eoaMse SBBBBR9
iiSbsiiii an war- W aawwSfw"l
baae ao repata- .. mmm
teprlee AMS affaatf 1-1
ssssra-ryoTsaowey. rri amaairwl
coaaoyey me wearers of ."" mm a
m&mT aSaffsTsl
ywwmfiwaejiwi iniai wSr ? BSafaWBi
MawvwSlkeaeaaroeST mTf SaW.fS
bbcjl raw are. tow aw aaaav
reer ssma as w ., cwyaaBSBBi
v 5
m i a. m r -k .. ia w-. t .. pruK
M)T iia mi m tv nAcf cviu epj