The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 31, 1889, Image 2

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A. C. HOtsntw, yroprltof.
The Galvestoa News publishes the
aret of a eeriea of crop reports issued
during the period of bottom growiag.
Never has the prospect for eottea
Been batten
Ameehmv Consuls in Enfflaad gave
a farewell banquet at tha Grand Hotel.
London, the other night in honor of
Governor Waller, late GoMul-Geaeral
of the Uaited States.
Advices from Bay St George. New
foundland. represent that the relations
between the Newfoundland and French
fishermen on the disputed French
shore are reaching a crisis.
A volcktakt public subscription is
being raised in Salvador to pay off the
old claims of English bondholders,
-which have long been unpaid. Senor
Ginrota has headed the list with $50,
000. The treasury accountants have com
pleted an estimate of the cash value
of the currency, coin and securities
turned over to Treasurer Huston by
ex-Treasurer Hyatt, and find the total
amount to be $722,000,000. t
A disease, supposed to be hydro
phobia, is epidemic in Trim Belle, Wis.
School has been closed in the district
and the children are strictly forbidden
to leave home. Men have been en
gaged to kill all the stray dogs in
M. De l.a Berge, member of the
French Chamber of Deputies for the
Loire and editor of the Lyons Repub
lican, and M. Lockroy fought a duel
the other day. The weapons used
were swords. M. Lockroy was slight
ly wounded.
The molders who returned to work
at Rathbone, Sard & Co.'s shops, at
Albany, N. Y., pending arbitration of
their difficulty, a proposed reduction
vt ten per. cent., have quit work again
because the firm wanted to withhold
the ten per cent, reduction from the
men's wages, pending the decision of
the arbitrators.
President Carnot on the 21st gave
an audience to Mr. Whitelaw Reid, the
American Minister, who presented his
credentials. In his remarks Mr. Reid
assured President Carnot that he
would endeavor to maintain and stim
ulate the esteem which President Har
rison and the whole American people
held for France.
The President has adopted new rules
for seeing office-seekers and their
friends. On Mondays and Fridays
(Cabinet days) callers will be admitted
from eleven to twelve, and on the re
maining days of the week from eleven
to 12:30. By this arrangement the
President will have eight more hours
during which he can attend to public
The London Post's Berlin corre
spondent says that the Samoa protocol.
In its final form, will contain two chief
points. The first of these relates to
the government of Samoa, which will
be arranged on a tripartite basis. En
land being accorded a position corre
sponding in a certain sense to that of
arbitrator. The second deals with the
appointment of a land commission.
Among those upon whom Queen Vic
toria conferred dignities in honor of
her seventieth birthday, were Boehm.
the sculptor, George Burns, of the
Cunard steamship line, Prof. Stokes,
author of the book "Ireland and the
Celtic Church." and Mr. Reid, chief of
the Irish police. Messrs. Boehm.
Stokes and Burns were created baron
ets and Mr. Reid was raised to knight
hood. Chief Justice Fuller handed down
a decision in the United States Circuit
Court at Charleston. S. C, in the fa
mous Clemsnn bequest case, setting
aside the injunction previously granted
restraining the executor from trans
ferring the estate bequeathed to
South Carolina for an agricultural
college. The estate in question is
Fort HiL formerly the country seat of
John C. Calhoun. The decision is a
victory for .the State and the transfer
will be made.'
Prof. Webster, of Charles' City,
Iowa, who investigated the ancient
mounds near that place a few weeks
ago. has just finished openingvAve
mounds near Bradford, in Chickasaw
County. He found in them thirteen
fairly mell preserved skeletons. The
skulls of all of them showed the same
characteristics of low development
that were shown by the skeletons
near Floyd. From his investigations
Prof. Webster is of the opinion that
there was quite a population in the
Cedar valley in pre-hlstorio times.
The unfortunate consequences of the
stoppage of the canal work at Panama
are reported more marked every day,
and the deplorable condition of affairs
has but oaeputlet, and that emigra
tion. The, commissioner seat by the
Jamaican Government has already
sent away 4,000 people and he has is
sued tiekete for 3,000 more, and these
will leave by the earliest steamer.
The people are congregated at differ
ent depots with their tickets in their
liands, but without food and almost
without shelter and a tropical sun is
la its full energy.
rslatTsph and Ma&
A HswsFAKa of Munich has
tsoatod tor BahUahlngaseaadslsas shltn
ary of the lets Qassa Margaret f Ba
varia. Kno Hcasaat visited psrsr William
s Berlin ea the Met
AaTOBsaef Mrs, saMstsBVs admirers
kavs presented her with a'hraeelst, la
which was Giantess's portrait set la dle
Tan weddlag of Ex israsry Bayard
with Miss Ciymer has been fixed far June
J. B. Wir.TJiwe. Democrat, has tern
elected Coasrsasaua la the Hiastssath
Dllaols district, to sueeoed the late Mr.
Tewashead, X. & Ridgoway was the Be
pablioaa candidate.
Biobt Ret. Piamca Power, Blahs sf
the Roman Cathotie diocese ef Watsrf ord
aad Lismore, Irelsad, died recently.
Pabkell will viiit Edlabarg Jaly 1 and
receive the freedom of the city.
Hkbby Geobob addressed a large and
eztraordiaarily enthusiastic meetiag ef
the Land Restoration League iaLoadoa
ob the 22d. A number of German and
colonial delegates were pretest
It is stated that the Pope will protest
against the erection of the proposed
monument in honor of Giordoaaao Bruno,
the Italian philosopher, who was burned
as a heretic in 1600.
The trial of General Boulsager by the
French Senate has been postponed aatil
Tax United States Senators who are in
vestigating trade relatioas with Canada
have gone to Sitka, Alaska, to study the
seal question.
Robert T. Liscols, the new Uaited
States Minister to Great Britain,' has taken
a residence in Cadogaa place, London.
Tax President has appointed B. F. Gil
keraon, of Pennsylvania, to be 8econd
Comptroller of the Treasury; 8, H. Holli
day, of Pennsylvania, to be Commissioner
of Customs of the Treasury Department,
and David Martin to be Collector of In
ternal ReTenue for the Philadelphia dis
trict Also Charles 8. Zaae, of Utah, to
be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of
Because of the adverse vote ob the
proposition to increase the tax on cereals
from other countries, the Queen Regent of
8pain has dissolved the Cortes.
The German Reichstag has adjourned.
Thk Lord Mayor of London has pre
sented Captain Murreli and the officers
and crew of the Missouri, which rescued
the lost Danmark's people, with many
testimonials and a laudatory letter from
Prince Bismarck.
The Governor of Michigan has issued a
proclamation quarantining against
Southern cattle until November.
The grand council of the Reformed
Episcopal Church met at Boston on the
The Indians held a big couacil at Stand
ing Rock, Dak., recently aad all agreed
not to sign the treaty unless paid $11,000,
000 for their land.
Tax annual examination of the Govern
ment Indian School at Carlisle, Pa., took
place on the 22L The graduating class
consisted of fourteen Indian pupils. Secre
tary Noble, Senator Colquitt aad Governor
Beaver spoke and Secretary Noble pre
sented the diplomas.
A wreck recurred on the Missouri, Kan
sas & Texas the other night eight miles
north of Temple, Tex. The engineer,
whose name was Davis, from Denises,
was killed and two brakemea were fatally
wouuded. Seventeen cars were piled in a
mass. No cause was known for the wreck.
Yellow fever has broken oat with ter
rible virulence ia Vera Crux, Mexico.
A collision occurred on the river near
Montreal recently between the royal mail
steamer Polynesian of the Alias line and
the steamer Cynthia of the Donaldson
line, resulting in the sinking of the latter
vessel aad the loss of eight of her crew.
A okbkbal reduction of ten per cent In
wages has been made by the Bhenaago
valley (Pa.) furnace operators. The cut
affects 2.000 men
Gbkat damage was done la Harrison
County, W. Va., the other day by a terrific
Tax body of Dr. Crania, whose sensa
tional disappearance at Chicago was at
tended with so much mystery, has been
found in a sewer at Lakeview. The head
showed terrible wounds aad the body was
naked with the exception of a religious
charm hanging to his neck.
Toxobama papers give sa aeeouat of
the severe punishment of two Japaaese
journalists who published with a sketch
of the new liberal constitution a picture of
a skeleton on the Emperor's throne. One
was sentenced to three years' imprison
ment and fined, while the other received
one year in prison and was fined.
The train conveying the Empress of
Austria from Weisbaden to Vienna met
with an accident the other day. While
the train was being shunted at Frankfort
the last car left the rails aad three of them
were upset The Empress and suite were
shaken, but nobody was injured but a
John Neax. was instantly killed and
Timothy Reardon fatally injured in a
atone quarry near Shelbyviile, Ind, the
other evening. In drilling hole for a blaat
the men struck as auexploded dynamite
Forest fires are doing coaaiderable
damage among the fine Umber about
Plaquemine, La,
Tax Chicago ft Alton road, through
Manager Chappell, haa given notice to
Chairman Walker, of the later-State Rail
way Association, that it muse have a more
equitable proportion of the live-stock aad
grain traffic from the Missouri river to
Chicago or it will at once take the matter
into its own hands aad drop rates low
enough to secure business.
The Uaited States cruiser Boston has
been ordered toHayti oa a secret mission.
The trial of Baussere, the chemist, for
poisoning fourteen persona, was begua at
Havre, France, ob the 2SL
Tax ex-convicts who arrived at New
York recently from England, aad claimed
that they had been aaalated oat by
the Prisoners' Aid Society, ofLoadoa,
were sent back by the order of Collector
The residence of Rev. F. C Clarke, near
Virginia Beach, in Princess Anne County,
Vs.. was bumed the other sight and ha,
his two daughters next to the oldest son
andaaiecavs-isitinghim were consumed
y caw names. Atia wue, miss alia; Bid
good, the governess, aad two youag chil
dren escaped.
The centennial celebration of the estab-lisbm-nt
of the Catholic Church of the
Uaited 8tatea was begua ea the 28d ia Us
Carroll memorial church at .HyaUsville,
Prince George's County. Md., by a memo
rial mass la honor of Archbishop Carroll,
the first Roman Catholie prelate of the
American hierarchy.
Dick Hawks, charged with the
ef his wife aad child at Blratiagham, Ala,
ass been sentenced to bo hanged Jaly 1S
Girroaa A Ssbmob's shoe factory aad
Mowers at Caw's wholesale or as awry
plies fsctery. Cedar Reside, laws,
destroyed by are the ether day.
FnTT-aTBE astaers at Merthyr-Tydvil,
Wales, were entombed by the eevtag la
ef the reef ef the eeUiery recently, hat
ealy eae was killed.
A Fab-Bbbviab plot has been discov
ered hi Boaaia, aad aameroas Bassiaa sa
triguers have beea arrested,
Tbb wesssa employed la the rles acids
at Mediae, Italy, struck recently. They
Btttsged a aamber ef bakersheee. Troops
ware ordered to the scene.
The Navy Departmeat has eompteted
aad boob will Issne advertisements calliag
far proposals for the eoaatractloa ef the
new cruisers slightly larger thaa the
Yorktowa, aad ef 9.000 tons burden, The
limit of cost axed la the appropriation
act is 9150,608 for each vessel.
Tbb Aged Workmea'a Insurance bin
has passed the third reading in the Ger
man Reichstag.
The granite works at 8outh RIegste,
Vt, have gone into a receiver's hands.
The liabilities are $56,000 aad the assets
The special meeting of thaTraasmls
Bouri Association, which had been in ses
sion in Chicago for two days, resulted in
a disagreement as to what the relative
rates oa bullion should be from Colorado
and Wyoming. The matter was referred
to arbitration .-
A max and a boy were instantly killed
at Dundee, I1L, recently by the collapse of
a barn which they were moving.
The Spanish steamer Emelisno, loaded
with cotton, arrived at Liverpool, Eng.,
the other day with her cargo on fire. The
flames were extinguished only after a
hard fight
Fbaxk L. and Howard G. Loomis, aad
Edwin 8. Jewell, officers of the Century
Book and Paper Company, of Chicago,
have been indicted by the grand jury for
conspiracy to defraud.
.Tax celebrated Twiggs swords which
have been in the custody of the Govern
ment since 1SC2 have been delivered by
Secretary Windom to AC Myer, executor
of the Twiggs estate. This is in accord
ance with the provisions of an act passed
by the last Congress and the decision of
the Court of Claims establishing the
ownership of the swords.
Oxxof the Milwaukee Chinamen so
eased of outraging little girls and whose
arrest led to rioting has been found guilty
and will be s-nt to the penitentiary for
thirty-five years.
George Cutler and his team of horses
were killed by lightning near Murdook,
III., the other day.
Thk work of evicting tenants was con
tinued on the Olpibert estate, Ireland, on
the 24th. The evictors met with a desper
ate resistance, and during the struggle
Inspector Duff was badly wounded.
A sox and daughter of John Bolter, of
Fort Atkinson, Wis., were drowned re
cently while returning from a fishiag ex
cursion. Great damage has Iteea done the corn
and potato crops ia the vicinity of Wabash,
lad., by freesmg weather.
Tbb Taaglade stage was robbed of the
Uaited States mails near Shawang, Wis.,
Busisxss failures (Dan's report) for the
aeven days ended May 23 numbered 229,
compared with 262 the previous week and
235 the corresponding week of last year.
A mob threatened a serious riot at
Guthrie, L T.. recently because of the
eviction of a squatter in accordance with a
decision of the board of arbitration. The
presence of the military alone saved the
city hall from attack.
The west bound train on the 8t Louts at
San Francisco railroad, which left 8t
Louis on the night of the 23d, was wrecked
three miles west of Sullivan, Mm, sixty
eight miles west of St Louis. Not a pas
senger escaped unhurt and forty-five were
seriously injured, though no deaths wars
reported. Investigation showed that the
train had been maliciously wrecked, spikes
aad fish-plates being removed from a rail.
The British man-of-war Surprise
raa ashore at Syracuse the other day
after colliding with and sinking the
steamer Nests. The man-of-war waa fall
of water.
Two young men were drowned recently
off Spectacle island, Boston harbor, by the
upsetting of a small canoe.
A bot journal caused a wreck oa the
Erie railway near Bingbamtoa, N. T.
Fifteen freight cars were damaged aad
four tramp, who were riding ia a box
car, badly hart
Tebbiblb destitation Is said to exist
among the striking miners in Clay County,
ina., aad Indianapolis has been appealed
to for aid.
Gkoboe Jxssup. cashier of the City
Bank, Scraaton. Pa., has been arrested.
charged with embezzling $135. 00a
Minister Lincoln presented his cre
dentials to Queen Victoria on the 25th.
A rosf-omcx has been established at a
poiut nine miles north of Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, and twenty-four miles north
of Purcell. to be called Moore. Albert M.
Pettit has been appointed postmaster.
Edward E.RICB. the theatrical manager,
was recently incarcerated in Ludlow
street jail. New York, for debt He
blamed the Inter-State Commerce law for
bis financial difficulties.
Several warehouses at Lubeck, Ger
many, burned the other day. The fire
raged furiously and defied all efforts to
put it out The loss was estimated to be
two million marks.
Lotus A, Debt has been appointed pri
vate secretary to Secretary Blaine; vice
Thomas H. Sherman, appoiated Consul to
Liverpool. '
Clxariko house returns for the week
ended May 25 showed an average increase
of 23 4 compared with the corresponding
week of last year. Ia New York the la-
crease was 295.
Tax drowning of Revs. John and J. B.
Moxley, father and son. Is reported. They
were fishing in a lake some miles from
Batosvilie, Ark. Both were well kaowa
Baptist ministers.
The sheriff ef Baa Miguel County, N.
M,, arrived at Trinidad, Col, the other
day with six prisoaers who had stolen tea
hones from ranches in San Miguel Coun
ty. Three hundred and fifty of the stolen
animals were fouad ia their possession be
ing driven toward Montana.
Tax eaat-bouad Texaa ft Pacific express
wss robbed by two mea recently, who
took (15,000 from the express car.
A Nxw Ybok dispatch says that Henry
W. Moore, the aewapaper man who sloped
with Mrs. Norton from St Louis some
time ago, deserting his family, hasf
seperatod from the woman.
Tax Canadian Government announces
that aa order ia council has been passed
reducing the clearance fees charged ea
American vessels entering aad leaviag
fTmmmAlmn iwirt. in th. mat a SO
ceats for vessels of any tonnage.
Aboct eight eeleek the ether nigh as
Mr. sad Mrs. W. T. Veaeh, realdiag three
miles nsrahssai of Stella, were retaraiag
from a visit te a eiek aeighher. they were
struck by llghtatag aad Mrs. Veaeh la
stsatly killed. Mr. Veaeh was dssed sad
waBderedtetheresldsaee of C A. Pond,
half a mile distant, but was uaable tegive
say scooeat ef the accident natU asxt
J. B Cavaa, aa eld man, sold his arep
srty tat Nebraska City acme tima slaeefoc
fsm.laesndiag te remove with hie family
te'Washlagtea Territory. He gave the
money to his wife for safs-keepiag. aad
uakaewa te him she secreted It la the bed
ties. The ether day, while she waa pack
Isg, BffSfwratery to leaujag for their now
home, he emptied the tick and baraed the
etraw aad 1240 ia gresabaeks with it; the
silver was recovered.
A Yooso man who had been employed
in a butcher shop at Lincoln under the
name of Charles Thomat, whose fast life
led him to commit forgery for which he is
aadersentencetothe peaiteaaiary. tarns
oat to be really a German of aoble lineage.
A letter was recently received from hia
father in Germany, makiag inquiry as to
how he was conducting himself, as he
failed to write home. The young man's
real name ia Werner Von Manteuffel. he is
the aoa of a prominent tilled German aad
a grandson of General Manteuffel. who
became so famous in the Franco;German
war, while hia mother is the Countess of
Lorraine. k
A well-digoeb named Saras, while re
cently working in a well near Arapahoe,
had his nose smashed and bis face disfig
ured by the windlas rope breaking and
letting the backet fall on him, and came
near dying before he was taken from the
Johjc Homuir, aged twenty-one, was
killed by the caving in of a clay bank
near Fremont the other afternoon. Three
men who were buried with him were ex
tricated alive.
Fbanx PeeabicE. a Bohemian, suicided
near Wahoo the other day by hanging
himself in his barn. The cause was sup
posed to be fear of punishment Last fall
he was arrested and taken before Judge
McCutcban for abusing his wife. He was
bound over in the sum of $1,000 to keep
the peace, but a day or two before, hang
ing himself he got drunk, went home and
beat his wife shamefully, whereupon she
left him.
CHABLE3 Cherbt and Ed. Parker, two
young men living near Nebraska City, re
cently became involved in a dispnte and
Cherry struck Parker a blow over the
head with a club, knocking him insensi
ble. Cherry then disappeared. Parker
was ia a critical condition, and physi
cians said the injury would prove fatal.
Cherry is said to be a hard character, and
is wanted in Kansas for horse stealing.
Isaac Brows, a furniture dealer, who
sued the Omaha Herald for $25,000 damages
for libel in calling him a "fence" and chief
of a gang of procurers, the other day ob
tained a verdict of twenty-five cents.
Shehut Rogkbs of Chase County, re
ceived a telegram from Custer City, Dak.,
the other day announcing the capture of
Miles H. Henry, the murderer of E. C
Maker, near Imperial several weeks ago,
and started after the prisoner.
Recently Mrs John Hasse fell dead in
a vehicle in which she was riding near
Lincoln. She was a young married woman
aad had her babe in her arms at the time.
Death was supposed to have been the re
sult of the bursting of a blood vessel
caus d by a jar ia driving over the rough
A pcrmox signed by 125 Omaha Indians
was recently sent to Washington from
Pender begging that some provision be
made whereby the Indiana may dispose of
all their lands, both allotted and un
allotted, and to leave the country. The
assessor has been calling on them, and
they are universally opposed to taxation,
openly asserting that they prefer remain
ing Indians and sticking to the moccasin
and blankets to being white people and
paying taxes.
Jamks Poulskb was arrested and placed
ia jail at Covington the other eveaiag for
attempting to kill a woman. He had been
ia the lock-up but a short time whea he
succeeded in getting a pocket knife, with
which h-j cut bis throat in a horrible mea
ner and died wi bin a few hours.
Jobs Caxvib wss receatly fined fSO in
the Nebraska City police court for treat
ing another man to liquor. This is the
Irst prosecution in that city under that
section of the Slocumb law, and possibly
the first in the State.
Tax eleven-year-old daughter of Wil
liam Fraser, residing near Old Fort Kear
ney, wss dragged to death the other day
by a runaway horse. She went into the
eld to take a team to the stable, whea
ahe got tangled in the picket rope and the
horse taking fright raa away and dragged
her to drata.
James lHOBAa, a prominent and wealthy
farmer, residing near Louisville, became
deranged the other day and attempted to
kill his family, but they escaped to a
ntigbbor'j. Family trouble, it was re
ported, drove him to insanity.
THE two-year-old son of 8. P. Robinson,
living north of Mead, was drowned the
other day by falling into a water tank.
Haebt Goehbikq-. formerly of Omaha,
was recently drowned while bathing in
the Columbia river near Portland, Ore.
He was twenty-three years old.
DwiOBT KlBO, a nineten-ycar-old Lin
coln youth, recently attempted to board a
train at Hanson and fell under the wheels,
hia right leg being so badly crushed that
amputation was necessary. He was try
ing to beat his way.
Foeest Whxdos. of York, has com
menced snit la the district court against
the B ft M. Road for $15,000 damages for
being ejected from a train fonr years a?o.
Some twelve years ago Mr. Brook bank,
then superintendent of the Clay County
schools, left suddenly, and I a just been
heard from. He haa joined the Mormons
aad is now traveling as a missionary ia
Great preparations are being made by
Columbus people to celebrate the Fourth
of July aad to entertaia the Knights of
Pyth at encampment
Hoeace B. Chase, late superintendent
of the Indian school at Genoa, has bees
indicted by the Federal grand jary for de
fraadiag the Government out of $26,009.
The freight on the pipe orgaa leceatly
received by the Hastings Presbyterians
from 8prlagfield, Mass., amounted to
$216.15, which was considered a long haal
oa the treasury otthe church.
Ait effort is betas; mads at Stockwell to
form a Masonic lodge.
TaE contract haa been let for a new
Christian Church at David City.
A Gkbmab farmer aamed Miller, living
sear David City, was kicked by a two-weeks-oldcoltsoaratimsajco,
inflicting in
juries from which he died about two weeks
Dcrixo a late storm at Osceola the creek
rose two feet in forty minutes, and two
horses in the barn of D. B. Hakis
killed by lightning.
Far aha
CncAeol May tl IaveaUaatieas
saade yesterday regardiag teaman P. O.
3Ulvaa's eeaacctiea with a secret society
a? which Dr. Crania, Jsaeiee Mahoasy aad
me Btophaa Coaklsy were members,
Soaklsy. in aaswsr to qnosftftens by ana
Miles, admitted that ha was a member ef
me Wsshlagtoa literary Society, which
a at 591 Liacela aveaaa. The orgaataa
den w really a camp ef the Claa-aa-GacL
At eae meettag ef this Utsrary society
Soakey says Creaia greeted the
tesmaa' as aa eld osmraae, aad
sa the meetlag was add la March
it weald appear that the Iceman
sad Croaia were aceaaiatad mach earlier
than the tar user will acknowledge. The
teaman admitted that he waa a mem
ber ef the literary society, but refused
to say say thing further In that direction.
It was reported later that P. O. Sullivan,
the iceman, had been arrested.
Peter McGsehsa, of Philadelphia, wss
arrested at four o'clock yesterday morn
ing at McCoy's Hotel. McGeehan Is
charged with participating in the murder
of Dr. Cronia aad is being held at the
Harrison street station separate from the
other prisoners.
An extraordinary chain of circum
itaaces was brought to light last evening.
Miss Murphy who declared she saw Dr.
Cronia coming down town several hours
after he left noma never to return, is the
daughter of a saloonkeeper ia whoso place
an attempt was once made, it is said, to
leged woman scrape, She is also reported
. . -.. .. -r . .. .T ..
10 do a relative or. .uetecttve v naien, tne
partner of the suspected- Officer CoughBa,
but this latter statemeat she denies v .
The street car conductor Dwyer, who
corroborated the story that Croaia was
seen coming down to wa'aad presumably
look a traia cut of the city, is said to have
since resigned and disappeared. An ex
street car man named Tieman, whose
whereabouts could not be learneil, had re
cently been in the employ of iceman P. O.
Sullivan. It was one of the business cards
of this iceman that played such a part
in Iurinc Cronia to death. t
The man King described by the prisoner
Woodruff, alias Black, as the person who
hired him to steal a horse out of Dean's
barn the night of Dr. Cronin's disappear-
, anee, was captured at two o'clock yester-
day morning in a bouse of ill-fame. The
1 arrest was made by detectives from the
Central station who acted under orders
from Chief Hubbard. The capture wss
made with all possible secrecy, and King
was taken to the Central station by a cir
cuitous route. The officers walked beside
him in aa easy and natural manner, and
succeeded in getting him into the station
without attracting any attention. In n
number of particulars be answers the de
scription given of him by Woodruff.
I When Woodruff, alias Black, first told
his story he gave all the siace of t-repeated
particulars as to how he met King sad
' was engaged by him to take part ia the
tragedy of the trunk. It is a mystery that
King has not been arrested before, though
at ao time hss he apparently manifested
any desire to leave the city. The arrest
has been k-pt secret, as it is desired to
confront Woodruff with King. When
brought face to face the men may indulge
in mutual accusations that may be of
King was the husband of a courtesan
who died not long ago.
The mayor aad Chief Hubbard, accom
panied by Attorney Hynes, who is assist
ing in the pursuit of the assassins ef Dr.
Cronin, went to the Chicago police station
at eleven o'clock last night aad. held a
long conference with Captain 8chaak re
garding Dan Coughlln's connection with
the crime. In discussing the case the
point was made in favor of Coaghlia that
had he wanted the rig for aay improper
purposes be would not have said "Any
rig will do," but woald have been very
particular as to the kind to be used for
such purpose. Oa the other hand the
point was made against Coushlia that his
story given in explanation was ridlcn
lou. The mayor and the chief held that
be might as well have given the name of
"John Doe" or any one else as "Thomas
Smith.'' In summing it all up they de
cided to hold Conzblin as a witness.
After the consultation it was under
stood that Detective Whalea was prompt
ly suspended to await further investiga
tion. The funeral of Dr. Croaia yesterday
wss sttended by aa immense procession,
vast numbers also beisg draws to the Hbc
of route by curiosity sad the sensational
circumstances attending the case.,
At the head of the procession waa Lake
Dillon, of Philadelphia, and Edward
O'Meagher Condon aad John Devoy. ol
New York, and Thomas P. Tulte, of De
troit. The first three are well known
Irish Nationalists and the latter a school
mate of the doctor. Following them
came Frank T. 8caalaa. H. T. McGarry.
Charles Barry, Michael Kelly. Daniel
Sullivan. Thomas McEnnery. Dudley
Solon. John T. Golden, Maurice MorrK
Dr. John Guerin. ex-Alderman McAuley.
John P. Ryan, John F. Scan Ian aad W. P
Rnd, of Chicago. They represented the
friends of the dead man and societies u
which he belonged. The services took
place at the Cathedral of the Holy Name
and the interment took place at Calvary.
a - x
Theatrical Manager Goes Dews I7n-
der a Harden of Debt.
New York, May 24 Edward E. Rice,
the theatrical manager, who was formerly
Adonis Dixey's.partaer. has landed in the
Ludlow street jail through financial diffi
culties. He says: 'The bas ef tba trou
ble has beea the Inter-State Commerce
law. The heavy expenses fortheiraas
portation of baggage have aborbert
all the profits of the enterprises 1
have beea eagaaod in. Almost ever?
manager ia Amerioa has protested against
the high rates. A meetlag to discuss the
sul ject has already been called for Max
27, at the Madison Square Theater. Colo
nel Ingersoll sad ex-Judg DittoaheesTer
have been encaged to look after the later
eats of the msasgers at Washlagtoa. I
expect to give bail this afternoon. A. M.
Palmer aad X. H. French have volunteered
to go on my bead." '
Kottea Rope.
Wileesbabbx, Pa May 26, The rope
ooaveying aa Iron bucket aad two tons ol
rock broke at Pittibone shaft lat
eveaiag aad the backet and its contents
fell down the shaft 1,130 feet crashing
tea mea who were working at the bottom
Ed James was killed, aad 8am Geulaa
John Coyle, Cornelias Camas. Georg
Neal aad George Crosby wers.fateUy ia-
A Bomb la PortagaU
Lisbon. May IC A dynamite bomb war
exploded at the door cf the Civil Coramis-
ttnmf'i hntiaAAfcflrwirfr, Titnl,r ntt2lt.
' iug the windows of the bnilding.
t Wreeke oa tkm St. Eaato
tea sm au taa l
IaJaraeWKowseel Far Mm Wi
St. Locis, Msy 2ft The west boned
train en tea 8s, Leuis et San Fraaeiaco
railroad, which left St. Louis Thursday
night at 8:tte'etesk. was wrecked three
mllest west of Halllvaa, Ma sixty-eight
miles westef BtLouk. Nat a passenger
escaped aahurt sadferty-fire wereserl-
easiy injured, though no deaths are yet
The traia waa ruaaiag at a high rate at
when anddealyaad withoat wan
ing aba track gave way andthelecemetive,
baggage ear aad five coaches went over
Um embankment
The tralamea sad these ealy slightly
iajared at eaee sst to week to prevent the
additieaelaerrerot fire, ia which they
succeeded aad taraed their attention te
the more unfortunate injured, aad in a
very abort time ferry-five passengers, sll
badly hsrt, had been released from the
debris. A temporary hospital was im
provised at Sallivaa and the most ser ioasly
injured were teas there, while other
were brought to St. Louis on the relief
traia. which waa harried to the scene or
the disaster. The women are under the
cal of Dr. Mclntyre, chief surgeon of the
road. It was 11:25 p. as. when the accident oc
curred. The train was traveling at a high
rate or speed and most of the passengers
. lf Ir.eady to 'lwP whl, ta8, tor
There is a curve in the read about, three
miles west of Sullivan and whea this
""? 7,",raChed.S 'U.dd-n J Mf Tr
Was felt all OVr th trsin- Gvmlmilr-
was felt all over the traia. Evervbodv
feit itaad the people ia the rear car could
hear the forward coaches rattling-and
rumbling over the ties and the crushing
noises of cars being demolished. A creek
is crossed by the road at that point and
there is a steep embankment thirty feet
high. Most of the passengers thought the
train was going through a bridge and a
feeling of horror chilled their b'.ood.
In an instant all the coaches except the
two sleeping cars had been thrown from,
the rails. People were throws about ia
the cars ia all directions and some of them
were thrown from the coaches and down
the embankment Walter Davidson, who-
travels for the Westinghouse AirBrake
Compaay. was thrown right out of a win
dow on the opposite side of the coach front
which he was sittiag and sent rolling
down the embankment to the edge of tt-3
creek. His feet were la the water.
The explanation given by the trainmen
and passengers wss thst the spikes and
fish-plates had been removed from the
rail at the curve thus leaving the rail
loose on the ties. The forward portioa of
the locomotive passed the place all right
but the tender jumped the track and was
thrown part of the way down an embank
most It would probably have gone the en
tire distance had aot the forward end held
it up. Who removed the spikes aud plate
is sot kaowa. bat the supposition is the
work was doae by traia robbers who want
ed to hold up the train. Still no robbers
put in an appearance, aad if the accideat
was caused by them they must have either
weakened ia their purpose or have thrown.
the wrong traia and were aot prepared to
do their work at that time. The road offi
cials claim it as a clear case of train
In the same train were several physi
cians returning from Springfield, where
the State medical convention was being
held, and thsy ai-o rendered valuable as
sistance in caring for the injured. Among;
the latter was Dr. Russell, wlio received
very serious hurt, having Iwth ears taken
off and beiag otherwise injured so badly
that he could aot be brought home and is
now at Sullivan.
The following ia a list of the injured: D.
SL Weikert Wentzville, Ma, both legs
broken four inches above the ankle,
may lose one of them; George 8. Simpson.
Hancock Countv, I1L, shock and cut on
tace; Patrick O'Day, seven years, fracture
of skull, will probably die; Mrs. Kate
O'Day, braised about head, neck and
side sad injured internally; Martin
O'Day. cut aad bruised on the face,
also cut ia right foot aad brased about
the chest; William Doherty, left hand cut
aad braised; Mrs. Mary Grifilth. Fair
Creek, 11L, Injured in forehead aad right
elbow broken; Joha O Oatley, Rolla. Mow.
right shoulder to jured aad thumb dislo
cated; Joha E Holloway, Cuba, Mo., lower
portion right aide bruised aad cat ia fore
bead; Mrs. Mary E. Nash, Bloomingtoa.
Ind.. braised on left side and teverely
shocked; C. W. Phillips, Saringdale, Ark.
fracture of arm aad cut ea shoulder; Dr.
Bd SL Russell. Tasearawas, O. fiesh
wound, ear torn eat aad cut ia head, se
vere shock but ralrylag- aicely, his wife
also cat ia the head; B. H. Newmaa, Cuba,
Ma, cut in the mouth; D. Railey. New
York, arm aad leg broken; D. S. Graves,
Marshfieid. arm. leg aad back bruised;
John Keadrick, Fort Smith. Ark, slight
ly braised oa forehead; Joe E. Harlin,
Cuba, Ma, cat oa head, bruised oa ciest.
cut on arm aad shoulder bruised; Walter
Davidson. St Louis, cut on head aad
slightly cut on arm. hip bruised; J. B.
Sally, Rolla. Mo., bruised on right lee
and arm; B. R Mcintosh, St Louis,
bruised on shoulder and aide; J. O. Mor--ison.
Richmond, Mo., cut on head slight
ly; Emma Pattonson, Decatur. Hi, face
bruised; Mrs. W. J. Wright Decatur. 11!.,
iheek bruised;M, Lipe.Sr. Louis, braised on
shoulder, side sad back; Mary- O'Day,
wrist cut slightly; E. F. Shaw.
Durango, Cot. braised on shoulder
and slight cut oa forehead; Anton Marx;
St Louis, slight cut aad bruised on side;
J. J. BrintoB, Sparta. Ma, cut on bead,
right hand aad left leg; J. C Hovele,
Litchfield, III., cut and braised ob head,
bruised on shoulder and hip; Croel Cres
ler, Galveston, Ind, bruised oa foot and
arm; T. Li Cone, Brest Ma. cut on head
aad back and shoulder; H-tttie Shaak,
St Louis, light cut on head; C J.
Wright, baggageman, braised on knee
aad right side, cut ea faee; Paul. Horn.
MountPuIaski. I1L. cut on head, braised
on shoulder; Mrs. W. J. Wayae, Decatarr
III. slightly bruised.
No deaths have as yet resulted from the
effects of injuries received bv the passen
gers, though several et the iajured are ia
a precarious coaditlon.
General Manager Morrill has offered a
reward of $l,CO for iaformatioa which
will lead to the detection of the party or
parties who removed the bolts from the
fish-plates and thus caused the wreck.
A VaUaat Doctor.
CaABLOTTK. N. C. Mny 25. Dr. Joha
Allen was robbed on a country road. Tues
day night by highwaymen, of 30. The
doctor wss farious, aad when the robbers
released him pelted them with sticks aad
stones. The robbers again overpowered
him and hanged him to a limb or a tree.
The noose did aet work well aad the doctor
did aot strangle to death. He waa cut
dowa ia half an hoar, aad the robbers left
him for dead. But the doctor vrajBbot
dead by a large majority. He went dome.
H say hs pretended to be strangled by
the rope, struggling for a few minutes and
1 then becoming quiet. Doaald Chan vis
I has been jailed ox suspicion of being one
of the gang.
-r. - -lvA. Lvv '4M