m Jt?i rV .. !4 Gov. Thayer and numerous other state dignataries have signified their intention of coming to Red Cloud durii" the firemen's tournament. We thould he pleased to call the altaation of the street and alley com mittee to tho fact that the several jompiog-off places at the various street crossings should he fixed to make life worth Uc living, especially when one is huggy riding. What the streets need are to he left severely alone or fixed right when they are fixed. These jumping-off places around crossings are a decided out rage and should he remedied. Per flaps country roads built that way are all right, hut it is supposed that streets and crossings in a city are somewhat more level than the range of rocky mountains recently excava ted in various parts of the city. It puts a fellow in mind of a corduroy road, the ups and downs are so fre quent. What can you expect of other peo ple in the matter of loaning money at asurious rates, when professed chris tian people set the example? People who are professed christians should be careful and live up to the devine in junction, formulated against usury and not be caught in the seat with "sinners and scaffers" or words to that effect. It is a bad example to get before the world, and especiallv the sinful part. We arc aware that the temptation i grnat, yet it should 9 overcome, fui Uaury is usury who-rh- j or made by christian or gentile, ami there's no excuse that can be manu factured that will make it anything else but usury. No one can serve two Masters at the same time, and espec ially in this case, for if we recollect arjght, devine history relates cases where usury fiends and money mon .gets were thrown out of the temple tfcat had been dedicated to Christian ity. If there are any of these peo ple in Red Cloud let them stand op a4 be counted. The following are the names of the frls who take part in the memorial exercises at the opera house, directly after the services at the cemetery. Bach girl represents a state and re feats appropriate verses: Dolly Scott, Maine. Trlx Mlzer. New Hampshire Alice Kenisberj. Vermont, Lucilc McKeeby, Massachusetts, fanoc Fowler, Miotic Iand. Ifora Vice, Coni.eUicut, Vjrrt'c Jones, New York, rfcarl ;kc.u. rennsyhani i. Lln 1'ott.r, New Jersey. HetUi Able, L'c!aivarc. Kir.nu Grave?, Maryland. Ma-.-ie Jjir.cr. Virginia. tjjac t;a:b,r, Wet Virginia. Say L-tson.Noith Carolina. Ben i M.-itb, -'out'i Carolina. .fiicc ' ttsilf, Georgia. Alic Marsh, Alabama, Hes-is Mai eh, Florida. & Fort, Ohio. Iii.-j WaiT.ni, Indiana. Lois i p., Illinois. QliTj i o.vns, Michigan. C4JraVcNit Wisconsin. lcv barber, Kentucky. Mapsie . tomberg, Missouri. Maggie Visjcher, Iowa. -Josie ':! ham, Minnesota. -Jfcfeie KelIort Nebraska, liable Howmid, Kansas. Viol-. Ward. Mississippi. Leaa Watson, Loulsana. 10 K:i!ey, Arkansas. KJtfce Marsh, Texas. Orace Iauchy, Tennessee. Marion Sweezy, Nevada. Jis:e father, California. MQa Cook, Oregon. Florence Catting, Montana. JMli. lalkenburg, Ncrth Dakota. ael Hosmer, South Dakota. Jennie Myers, Washington. Helen McFarland, Colorado. Gertie Pond will be the goddetw of uwersy, and Nellie West will retro eat the District of Columbia. L8SS'S.?)2dJS?n.PowwU enrediaw Mea to which aonei. eattte VES; i,S poultry are subJrKy'aUdr&rfS " 'H4 WIUB. 1KM nnn M a& The following are the names of ipmpils in room No. 2 in the first ward twhose sUnding in deportment for the weck ending May 17th was 90 per cent or above: Vance Foe, Gertie Brown. Adda Weod, Clara Able, Nellie Sherman, Mamie Hunt, Nevada Wilson, Clara Kellar, Rosa Kellar, Bertha Dedrick, Sadie Sellar, Bhoda Collins, Florence Mayfield, Hervey Conover, Walter Hatfield, Dick Hnmmel. Belle Spanocle, Teacher. Kpaeh. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an eporti in the life of the indi vtdual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory and the ijsency whereby the good health has '2an attained is gtatefully blessed, jlsncc it w that so much is heard in rniso of Electric Bitters. So many reel abey owe their restoration to health, to tho uso of the Great Altera tive ami Tonic. If you arc troubled with anv disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing you at Henry Cooks Drugstore. 3 Aaswcra t Crrespea4eata. , Red Cloud, May 21. Ed Chiff How many honorable positions did Abraham Lincoln occu py during his lit e? Politician. He was eaptian of a company in, the Mohawk war, he was a member of the Illinois legislature, a member of congress and president of the Unit ed States, Red Cloud, May 21. Editor Chief How much money has been raised by the new commit tee for the Red Cloud Improvement company for the purpose of boring for oil, ooal etc. jacob. We give it up, in fact, we have not been informed that they have raised anything as yet. The com mittee should shake the dust off of themselves and get to work. Cowles, Neb. May 19. Mr. Editor How many candi dates are there for the county offices for the coming fall elections. 1 Want une. It is too premature to spring that question upon us at this time. How ever there are a number who want of fice and have for years, but we pre sume they win oe reiegatea to me rear ranks as usual. Yea Caaaet ASTerd At this season of tho year to be without a good reliable diarrhoea balsom iu the house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea and all iuflamation of the stomach and bowels arc exceedingly dan gerous if not attended to at once. One bottle of Ucgg's diarrhoea balsom will do more good in cases of this kind than any other medicine on earth. We guarantee it. C.L.Cotting druggist INAVALE. The Quaker social given by the la dies aid society at the school house Friday evening was a success both financially and socially. Mr. and Mrs Vance have settled down to housekeeping. It's wonder ful haw things improve in appear ance when there's a woman around the place. Chas. Hunter has gone to McCook to ship several car loads of fat cattle that he bought near there. Mr. Hartville has got out the April dividends for the cheese factory, whieh is very favorable to the paU rons. Mr. tV. Root of Hudson Mch., is visiting H. G. Sawyers on his way home from Washington Territory. He is very favorably impressed with that country. Oar popular railroad agent, A. I Morris has got a vacation, and gone cast on a visit. Mr. Stone takes his place. Miss May Hummel is taking a va cation of a week or two from her la bors on the Red Cloud Republican. 3000 lbs of milkreeievedat the fac tory Monday morning, and Mr. Hart- well lookes pleased. Graves has gone away hence we are sad. Frahkie. Tke Pride of Weaaaa. A clear pearly and transparent skin is al ways a sign of pure blood, and all persons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched akin can rest assured that their blood Is out of order. A few doses of Begg's blood puitfler sal blood Baker will remove the cause and the skin will become clear and transparent. Try it and If satisfaction Is not siren it will cost you nothing. It Is fully warranted. C.L. Cottlng, druggist. .AMEN. Mad dog scare. The lost is found. L. D. Mouser moved into the Look hart house. I. David shipped a tar load of hogs to Omaha. Lew Keith ha4 a fine steer killed by lightning. Robt. Thorp has moved en the farm east of Nona Springer. We an glad to see Mr, Prthbyon file streets again after having a taesle witb the measles. Messrs Person and Hicks with tleir families drove to Campbell Sun day last. Steve She and family left for Kan sasr teavinc he merchants of Bladen withi sutrciena sums for remember- ance. Mksv Persso started east last Wed nesday for Casekill, N. Y. where she will spend the saxamer with her moth er. She wa accompanied by her broknar from Falls City, Nebraska. S . wkrisit That people Ilngar along always conptkiaing aoMftthatcontinaal tired feeling? One bottle of Begg's blood purifier and blood maker will rcawve this feeling, give them a good appetite auLregnlate digestion. C. L. Cotting, druggist. . COWLES. Dr- W. T. Johnson went to Lin coln last Tuesday to attend the med ical institute. I miss Uenic McMillan visited Cowles the first of the week. m Mrs. J. O. Hayes, our popular trcss at tlns pwec. Miss May Hayes will be the deputy post-mistress. Mrs. C. Schenck of Red Cloud vis ited in Cowles this week. The Cowles Herald says there is to be a wedding in Cowles soon, and we also heard that one of our merchants was contemplating a visit to an ad joining state. Wonder if there is any connection between the two state ments. Mr. A. E. Blalick was buried here on last Saturday. He leaves a wife and six children. Pickwick. As a prominent newspaper man once said, we can often clip as good an article as we can write, so we turn ed our sheares loose on the Pawnee Republican and this is the result: "Nine-tenths of the unhappy mar riages are the result of green human calves being allowed to run at large in society pastures without any yoke on them. They marry and have children before they do moustaches. They are fathers of twins before they are proprietors of two pairs of pants, and the little girls they marry are old women before they are twenty years old. Occasionally one of these gosling marriages turns out to be all right; but it is a clear case of luck. If there was a law against young ga loots sparking and marrying before they have cut all their teeth we sup pose the little cusses would evade it in some way, But there ought to be a sentiment against it. It is time enough for these bantams to think of finding a pullet when they have rais ed money enough to buy a bundle of lath to build a hen house. But they sec a girl tha. looks cunning, and they are afraid there are not going to be enough to go around, and then they begin to spark real spry, and before they are aware of the sanctity of the marriage relations, tbey are hitched tor life, and before they own a cook stove or bedstead they have to get up in the night and go for a doctor, so frightened that they nearly run them selves out of breath and abuse the doctor because he doesn't run too. And when the doctor gets there, there i not enough linen in the house to wrap up the "baby." Wymore Un ion. 2811. REPORT OF THE CONDIXZOH OF TUB First National Bank. AT RED CLOUD. In the State of Nebraska, at the close of busi ness. May 13, 18S). RESOURCES. Loans ami discounts S 135,311 03 Overtlratts 4,112 01 V. S. bonds to secure circulation 18,750 00 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages ... i ,uc 75 Due from approved re- 1 serve agents S16j653.72( ..m, .. Due from other National f ,'."I Banks 435,4?) Real estate, liinutureaml fixtures l2,r.co 21 Current expenses and taxes paid '2,iS$ 39 Premiums paid 1.3G7 23 luecKs aim oiuer casn nerass 612 10 Fractional natter currency. 7,353 90 nickels and cents 2 05 Specie 5 .348 75 Legal tender note 1,361 00 J tteuempuon iimu wimu.s.treas (5 per cent, of circulation) M3 25 Total . 820153 96 LtAHIUTIES. Capital stock paid in f 75,000 e surplus iunu... Undivided nrofits idh 8.000 09 &29K 1C.875 00 National Bank notes outstanding, Individual deposits subject 1 to check S4.4K7 m Demand certificates deposit 23,438 9 , Due to state banks and bankrsi57 23 nous ana oius re-aiseountea.. 8,000 as - SUte of Nebraska, County of Wckrter. wi: I. Jnp.K.Shirey, Cashier octha ahoVenaated baBk.dosolemnlT swear that tha above state- k.11 & w. "TSTW "' incnt is irua is imm dfx at n bmmmim and " ... . no. . Bwmy, vasawr HubMrlbed and sworn to before nw this 23rd day of Mar . o. c. cabb. Notary PabBc. Oamet-Attavt: J.A.Toixara 1 Jambh McNamr VDuvetota Great English Remedy. Murray's wpeolflo. a gaaraateea care for all aer Tousaiseasessucnaa weaa mem ory lose of braia power hysteria headache pain la the back ner vous prostnUion wakefallnesa leo corrttoea universal lassitude seat inal weakness impotency and gen eral loss of power of the Genera tive Organs; in eitkei sex. caus ed by Indiscretion or overexertion and which tdtuaatelr lead te I'RXMATURX OLD AGK. IKHAN rxr ana voxbvmitiivi: u box or six boxes for $5 00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Full partlcnlars In pamphlet, sent free te every applicant WelGwarmartee flax Bexea to cure any case. For every as order received wc send six boxes with a written guarantee tore fund th uinpr If mr Mrlfl does not effect a cure . Address AftSff aktofi jut c imnmuiia iu iu miib nanutacturers. The Mukjuv Hanicnra Co. Kaaas('ltyMo. tar-Sold in Red Cloud byC.L. COTTING sole agent. Take IVetlce. To X. D. Fox: You ero3irbr notified that on the 7th dav af October, 1887, 1, L. Benin raucfaased at rrivate Tax sale, from tne County Treasurer, M. B. McNitt, at the Court-house in Bed Cloud, Webster county. Nebraska, for the taxes of the year 1885, amounting to $127. The following lot situated, in Webster county, Nebraska, taxed in the name of N. D. Fox In the villam of Cowles, to-wit: Lot 8, Mocks. The time tor redemption ot said lot irom tne lien of said tax sale, will exuire October 7th. 1889. and if not redeemed before the above date expires, I will inane appucanou iora lrcasurer s lax ieci. J. UACM. Take Notice. ToX.D. Fox: You are hereby notillcil tlmtontIi 7tliil.iv of October, 1JS7, I, 1. Bauiu, jmrcbised at tiriv'flti. Tfiv StiT., frrtm fill f'mmt-v TrifictirA. .M. II. McNitt, at tlio Court-itonse in Ileil Cloud, Webster county. Nebraska, for the t ixes of the rear 1Sn amounting to 70. The follow- taxnlin the name of N. I). Io. m thcriiliagel 'cf Cowles, to-wit: Lot 7, biof-k 9. Tha time fori wz Int sitiir.reil in Webster cauutv. Ncbraskn. saaafesaW ejaaaam2 Ma.. & sale will expire October 7th. 1S.S9, ami if not re ilccmcil hufore the above dite expires. I will make upiiiicatloit for a Treasurer's Tax Hel. L. KAl.it. 01 O ia O & eg S S ? e tr tk -t . sj ri M ZbSTb Yo It can be done, and if DIRECTIONS-Take six nennies ";v oN. feX Tv TEN placing one coin on each linn and no two coins on any one line either horizontally, perdendicalarly, or diagonal! .. m . . , .- .ii. ?ii.j a :- t. v. . ;!! iwi ; ; ti. .. r.;1 ne nrsc ten solutions receivea win ne Whilst busying your brain orer this 1st. 2nd. 3rd. lth. Pay the highest market price " " m" ! x i v0 uxc i axni )r veI x !!:! :: i ! ........... .... ....... ..........'... ---...--.. --w. ................ ............ I Nm! oVn kyI B Vy ! rSii! yV t! TvKf , . m m r r --. k r ' v -l m - r r -l b m m m '- Xf' .: X X: ! '" t a . . . a . iXR ioXciEVRj iVe &Vf! i s ! iKl X:X is ts ; X: X: 1 ;............ ................ ................ . ...............r ! I : X v : X r . - X s X -' X i i ,-"-: ,-'i l ! ,'7 J T V-' ?:-' V- T?: ta 13 V' t : cc : tr i : - AM :v .j.:vjt ,--.": KfX " , J- X-,:0 :f V : (iy N .- -' .' X . X - . ' m ........... ............... ................ .............. ...a........... . H - .,.....- ........ H : X X : x X ,- t : V X T? r T X : X : X ,-X i 7 r : Y : , ' V ! xv i X : X I Sell the bost sclented salt fish in pails, keg?. -L barrel, and -fr barrr!. Can save you moaey on flour in large quantities. ?cll everything in the grocery line of the best quality known. sen NkS for Nfe, less Nft Money X than any Concern j in the a g o 8 s city' not on cs g p g-j account S g of any g particular j? g advantage over others, only our to do that very thing. Berg & Galusha. you SOLVE this puzzle w ' office, you will be entitled to PRIZES or other small coins and place them on ennuea io une pc . v f. puxxle the following facts must aot be . A BBMaBABAA.-. HACKER & PARKER, for country produce. S P & SS I & ' r and present it at ou one of the centers where the four lines . m. fe..u .. . forgotten: