Why don't soao of oar enterpris ing farmers try raising sugar beets? It seems to us that if tliey can be raised to advantage in sunny Kansas they certainly ought to be raised in Nebraska. There is money to be made in that indartry if it can be successfully dne. The city dads have had the stand pipe cleaned out. When the man hole was opened, eighteen inches of solid uiud greeted the eyeB of the looli-rs on. No dead men or any thing like that was found therein, consequently we must conclude that the suit of clothes was only a 'delu sion and a snare," cakulated to mis lead an unexpecting communniiy. We arc glad that there was nothing else. The city council hare been noti fied .that the rcmonstratcrs against the saloor licenses, ould procure a mandamus from the Supreme court, compelling them to hear their com plaints. This move seems altogether o be a piece of folly as they were heard by the council once or twice be fore licenses were granted to the ap plicant?. What more do they want? It is time that so much foolishness was stopped by croakers who bare nothing else to do. INBIAltCHKBK. Big Injun saw some mistakes in the squaws items and wishes to rec tify them . Dclbcrt Bartlett is working for Mr. Ilecox, and Mm. Judson is superin tendent of Dist. No. 33. Bio Ik jc9. FENlfYCBBBK. Farmers are busy planting corn, and most of them will finish this week. School closed, all O. K. Sunday school is booming, but where is the superintendents family. Jacob Funck spent Sunday with his son. Peter Marsden sold a couple of fine bulls last week. Our road overseers arc around these days, look out. Johnnie Marsden is the happy os cssor of two bird dogs. Uncle Peter. The rains of the past ten dajs have been more copious than for many pnst seasons, and from that and other fa vorable indications the farmcrr feci confident that their offorts will be .c warded with good and sufficient crops. TnE Chief hopes this will be the case, as much of the proppcrity ,f our city depends upon tire succces of the far mers who have failed to "reap what they have sown." Let ns all hope, then, that our agricultural friends shall be doubly succcssfull this sea son. Plenty of rain in the spring is a good omen, so let us look gladly forward to its realization. The Webster and Nuckolls Co. fu neral directors association met at the store of F. V. Taylor in Red Cloud, Tuesday May, 14, there being present: U20. Brown, Pres. Superior. Thos. Doudny, Secretary and Treas urer, Guide Rock. Sam Saunders and his father were under arrest this week for abducting Mablc Saunders who has played such a wonderful part in a "legal tussle" for her possession, between her moth er and father. It seems that a few weeks ago that an agreement was en tered into between the parties to the suit to the effect that she should be allowed the previlege of going to the country to see her grand parent?, and at the expiration of two weeks was to return. At that time she was sent af ter, and while visiting in this state was, as alleged by the defendant, ab ducted to Kansas by her grand father. A requisition was asked for and gran ted, and the parties were brought to Nebraska Monday and placed nnrtT 13,500 bonds. It will be somewhat diCcult to decide the legal status of this case, we should think. A Chawge mast Caaae. The necessity of a change in the methods of western farming is becom ing more evident to our agricultural friends every day. Cattle raising has ceased to pay a sufficient proGt to the farmer as a sole investment, hence the question arises what shall we do to make fanning n eucccfs? Practically the dairy business pre sents itself to the intelligent and thrifty farmer as the only way out of the difficulty, and it Is the opinion of Tiie Chief that the dairy scheme is the only method of solving the problem, to successful farming. In support of this theory wo brlieve that if the farmer, by hook nr crook can make the expenses of his farm from his cows, he cerMnly has opened flic way to succr? I til fanning, !nt there's the rub. In order to do this capital must he induced to locate cheese factories and creameries', and in "making one hand wash the other," Nebraska can become the banner ag ricultural and dairy state in the un ion. W'lh the expense lcconnt Fet tled, the balance of the situation is easily made out The corn crop, the hay crop, and so forth, must be the source of mony making but in the event of a partial failure of crops the farmer still has the means of living at hand, and should he be careful and economical he would not need to mortgage his all to live on, until he could again make a crop. The dairy enterprises should be fostered and carefully reared, as by so doing tin I Facers uf "tir farmers arc assured. otherwise there remains only a chance of now and then a fellow's waking anything at farming while the rest eke out a meagre existence. Jet the change' come boon. A. G. Robinson, Nelson. C T. Foosha, Hardy. Mr. alunson, Bluo Hill. F. V. Taylor, Red Cloud. After regular business, the presi dents address was listened to, follow cd by discusaions on various topics as to the best methods of pieserving the dead and conducting funerals. The object of the association is not to raise prices, but to educate its members in all the arts of embalming and proper care for the dead. After the presidents address the meeting adjourned to meet in Blue Hill the 2nd Tuesday in September. PRESIDENT BROWN'S ADDRESS. Gentlemen; fraternal bretheren of Webster and Nuckolls county funeral directors association: In the com se of time we are again brought together at our regular meeting, this time in the city of Red Cloud To attain perfection in anything we innot do as an individual, man kind is not constituted on that prin ciple Now this business of ours is differ ent from any other which can inform the public by advertising on any sub ject connected with it that may be necessary. It is considered bad taste for any undertaker to do any adver tising further than put bis business card in the paper so that information or instruction we have to convey to the public must be done judiciously and it cannot be done unless we had the public ourselves To bring forth these conditions however we must prosecute and es tablish district associations all over the country and endtavor to embrace every man who is engaged in the ousi- ncss of selling coffins, so that he may be instructed in the requirements of the business Wc have the honor to be the first district association established in the state of Nebraska and I hope all of ns will go to Lincoln next month and urgo the necessity of the members over the state going home and organ izing in their different districts. We con refer them to what we have done here that we have obtained nearly every ono engaged in the business as district and state members and we wish them to do likewise and if our influence and example can excite sim ilar work throughout the state we can look forward to the time when the work and science displayed in our business will be a priue and credit to its members instead of as in years past it was often practiced by men of no skill and little character. To ob tain this end wc must bear in mind that it will require individual effort not only the officers of our societies will be requested to perform their du ties faithfully but we must all put out some individual effort. Wc may think wc cannot spare the lime to go to Lincoln, but it is only once a year. The fees are nominal compared to the instructions and benefits received. We will likely have special railroad rates and I would again urge every one to be sure and attend our state meeting. Board net Tuesday May 14th pursuant to adjournment, seventeen members present. Minute of last meeting read and approved. The following resolution was unanimously adopted by tbe board. Resolved, that the county attorney be and is instructed to corres poud with Robert Ryan of Lincoln and gain such other information as be deems best for the purpose of collecting the back taxes of tbe B. & M. railroad company. On motion the contract for building abridge across Farmer creek between town one (1.) two (2.) range twelve (UJ.) let to H. Holdredge for tbe sum of $18346 to be built according to rums and speeMcatlooa on file with tbe county clerk, bridge to bw fcallt on piling. County attorney Instructed to draw contract for buikliug of same, to be bulltbr July istb, Nwa. On motion S75 or so much t uir a maybe necessary granted to build or rro.itr a bridge in Wauut creek on line between sections 1; and 21. On motion SSO granted Garlield township to build a bridge on Hull creek hetucen section ll and 14. retltion for a road in Fk;wwt Hill township signed by A. .t. Richmond and others, granted, and 860 granted t:i T. T. Lacy, damages for loca tion of the same and the road ordered opened. The following resolution was adopted by the board. Resolved, that John Myers and J. Mat tocks be and are appointed to tighten all bolts and rods, mill down floor and put up signs on the Republican river bridge south of Red Cloud said sign to be designed by the county board. Petition for a road in Harmony township on section line between section 20 and 21, laid over until the regular meeting in July. Board now adjourned until May lSth 9 o'clock Board met as adjourned, seventeen members present. On motion T. G. Wilder was appointed from Pleasant Hill Township to attend to the burial 01 nonoraoiy aiscnanrea soiuiers. (in motion SiSO was appropriated to Pleasant Hill Township to improve the roads In said townshin between Red Cloutl and cmMa itnoir On motion tbe report of the committee that the north-west room of the court bouse be fixed up for the use of the clerk of tho District Court and the room east of it fixed up and to be occupied by the sheriff laid over until tho next general levy is maae. On motion Jos. tiarber, D. McCallum and G. E. Coon were appointed to appraise, tho NEJ These officials bonds wen approved: J. M. Parrish. constable, Kim Creek Township : H. J. Shfldw, Justice of the peace, Elm Creek Township; Thos. T. Feminy, u. H. R. d. No. 21. Tbe report of tho appraisal of the tfi NAVJi of 1G-MO presented and approved. Same ap praised at S5 per acre. On motion, a communication from D. Lutz was tabled. On motion $225 or so much thereof as may bo necessary gradted to Harmony township to build tno bridges across the Little Blue, River between section Hand 15 in said township On motion an appropriation of $150 was granted to Guide Rock township to aid in con structing and repairing a road rinuing along the foot or Guide Rock Bluff, and D. McCallum appointed to oversee tho work. on motion the Jail Committee was instructed to have water from the water works conveyed On. motion Jones, Kaloy & McCallum were appointed by the board to furnish the design for sign to t e posted on the bridge south of the city of Red Cloud across the Republican river. These claims were allowed 011 tbe Insane Fund: W. S. Waldron. cuardln? McTfciniou. s c m .Win. Karnes, " $58 00 to 33 00 . a. riscuer, 900 11. C. Scott, care " 4015 The following claims on the Brldr Fnmu nr 1887: G. W. Hummel, work on bridge, I). Leets, " G.W.Webber, b. h. rrouant, material tor bridce. K.y x Nx -vx STF &. m. V .r BW 1 B IB sw -.. V srx er 5vr oen ij c. v ' X'fe, , x Goods X - X X -V 1 t rj -iwa 1 kk. I . T, v vs V'r Y less I N . Money .- than ' j;h x w y Zr. M? v Vt K -v "V J KJ 1 a P5 cS o O GO a O OS B. S. Tibbets. repairs on pile driver. These claims were rejected : E. O. Parker, tees case of ginger-. S 400 25 5.1 800 37 00 14G $2 00 820 26 00 00 umana Republican, supplies for county, iu cjuuc3, loosinK ior MCLKimeis, inc iouowing claims were allowed: F. A. Kuehn, attending board of Sup. J. C. Warner, fees case of Saulerson. 15 75 to 1000 J. C. Warner, " Winfrey 2 CO to 1 10 Jos. Bennett, care of Delaney, 8 00 0. G. Wilson, funeral exDenses. Slipeto. as on M. H. Warner, Damage Road Appraiser. 3 10 C. F.Cathen, " 3 10 u. Mayneia. 4 50 F. N. Richardson. Damaiw Rnail Annralwr a m J. F. HaUam, " "450 A. J. Hayes, supplies for poor. jo 00 Fuller & Goods, hardware for county, c 55 Peter Harrison, service to coroner. m RS. TibbeUs, laborer for county, fl9 75 to 1G 00 W. 8. Watdron, cleaning C. H. square, io 00 IL C. ScoW, attending court. 9 50 A. C. Hostner, printing for county, 14 50 A.C. Hostner, ....' B00 A.C. Hosmer, 1000 A.C. Hoamer, " 1000 Oea. J. Warren, igoe Geo.L,B0rr. .. V5J) tate Journal county supplies, 91 C5toC3 75 umana nepnoucan, 120 20 to 109 45 740 1160 6 10 15 20 C40 1100 800 6 20 740 720 970 820 760 700 7 00 t X x :v v - sk -xkV xy x any Concern in the city, not on account of any particular advantage over others, only onr to do that very thing. Berg & Galusha. 3 09 O o w o 09 O en O 5J o p H 5s J Samuel Heaton, supervisor's service. n.n. iiofcus, M. W. Dickerson, A. H. Kaley, Geo. E. Coon, James Groves, Isaac Fish, Jos. Garber, T.G. Wilder, I). McCallum. G. W. Hummel, H. 8. Wells, J. L. Frame, E. H. Jones. L, D. Tliomas, Yon Caaael A'Mbrd At this season of the year to be without a good reliable diarrhoea balsora in tbe house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea and an inflamatloa of the stomach and bowels are exceedingly dan gerous if not attended to at once. One bottle of Begg's diarrhoea balsoin will do more good in cases of this kind thau any other medicine on earth. We guarantee it. C. L. Cottingdruggist The Chief printed a thousand blended bills for tbe tournament to be beld in this city in July, that are bard to beat. Board now adioumed to mwt nn thn cwwm.t Monday in June. Great English Remedy. Murray's Specific A guaranteed cure for all ner wi uiseawi sucn as weak mem ory loss of brainpower hysteria headache pain In the back ner vous prostration wakefulness Ieu corrhoea universal lassitude sem inal weakness impotencyandgen oral loss of power of the Genera tive Organs; in elthei 5ex, caus ed by indiscretion oroverexertlon and which ultimatelv lead to PREMATURE OLD AOK. IX9AX- rrr ana cohbumptiopi. 51 iv a lxx or six boxes for S5 00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Full particulars in pamphlet, sent free to every applicant We;GnaraBtee Six Boxen to cure any case. For every $5 order received we send six boxes with a written guarantee tore- fimit thf ninnpv if mir snoclfip does not effect a cure. Address AftSfTtUafi an communicauons 10 uitt soie manutacturers. The Murray Medicine Co. Kansas City Mo. earmold in Bed Cloud by C. L. CUTTING sole agent. waofay M aaTaUaii a m Jf!hr xr r V S S cy vW r 1 - cy sp' a -o ' a? zr J? C & y- It can be done, and if you SOLVE this puzzle and present it at our office, you will be entitled to one of TEN PRIZES DIRECTIONS Take six pennies or other small coins and place them on the centers where tho foar lines cross, placing one coin on each lino and no two coins on any one line either horizontally, perdendicolarly, or diagonally The first ten solutions received will be entitled to one prize each. No two prizes will be given in the same family. Whilst busying your brain over this pussle tht following facts must not be forgotten: !y0!UXC!A Nf S X A J vVe : . . ..... ..-... ... . : -X '- -'' : "' 0 -. -. x- i- x Appllcatloa far a Dragslat's PeraaU Notice Is hereby given that C. L. Cottlng has filled with the city clerk of the city of Bed Cloud Nebraska a petition praying that a dnig gits permit mat be granted to satdC. L. Cot ting as a druggist to sell malt, spiritous and vin ous liquors In the 1st ward of said city of Red Cloud for medicinal, mechanical and chemical purposes. All objections and remonstrance thereto must be filed in the office of the city clerk .on or before the 18th day of May 1889 or sid permit will be granted on said date or at the first meHing thereafter. Dated Ked Cloud Nebraska May 9th !&), sxauI L. H. FoRTCity Clerk. C. W. Kalkt, J. L. Kalrt. KALEY BROS. A TTORNETS AT LAW . Agents for tbe B. f &M.R. K.Iands. OficeonAVebstcr street Red Cloud. Nebraska. The Pride fW( A clear pearly and tratipaieot akin 1 1 a' wa'3 a sign cf pure .blooJ, aad all persons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched skin can reti assured that their blood is onto order. A few Joses of Begg's blood purifier and blood maker will remove the cause and the skin will become clear scd transparent . Try It an J if satisfaction is notgt?n it will cost you nothing. It is fully warranted. f.L. Getting. druggist. Take ICaflee. ToN.D. Fox: You are hereby notified that on the 7th ln of October, 1887, IT. L. Baum purchased at Private Tax Sale, from the County Treasurer. M. B. McNitt. at the Court-houe in Bed CIr.ud, Webster county. Nebraska, for the taxes of the year 18S3, amounting to $4.27. The following lot situated Jn Webster comity, Nebraska, taxed in the name of N. D. Fox in the villa? a of Cnwlcs, to-wit: l ot 8, block 9. The time for reoempiioii 01 saia 10; irom uie nen of said tax sale, will expire October 7th, 1389. and if not redeemed before the above date expires, I will maxe appucauon ior a .treasurer s 1 ax ueed. L.BAUJI. Take Natlce. ToN.D. Fox: ' Yon are hereby notified that on the 7th dav of Octo!er, ls87, 1 T. L. Baum, purchased at private Tax Sale, from tho Connty Treasarer. M. B. McNitt, at the Court-house In Bed Cloud, Webster county. Nebraska, for the ttxes oftheyeart$5.amountingto$l27. The follow ing lot sitnated In Webster caunty, Nebraska, taxed la tbe name ot N'.D. Fox. n thevllllage of Cowles, to-wl t : Lot 7, blok 9. Tbe time for redemption r said lot from the Hen of said tax sale will exnite October 7th. 1889. and if not re deemed before the above date expires. I will make application for a Treasurer's Tax Deed. L.BACX. jGXRioXciEXR!1 U! RF j rX i X! i ! N ::" X ; : : x x xv NXxiXi -. a sj :vXE!GEj fXAiBVLi ES ;FVB: (J V N X i" i X X XX XX ! ' i . . . . . ................ ................ .............. ................ ............... ....... X : X - : X '"' : X ''' : '"" : X ' X. .'X . X . v - f N. x. - X X X - X X .' x X- X X. X X x x X .' X x . x - - x .- - . x . y x 4! ... . .. z ! t f Xl z HACKER & PARKER. 1st Pay the highest market price for eountrv produce. 2nd. Sell the bast selected aalt fish ia pails, kegs, barrel, and jbarrrls. lan save you money oa flour in large quantities. Sell everything in the grocery line of the best quality known. 3rd. 4th. 1 ' ..J,