The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 10, 1889, Image 5

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Others talk about them !
Blow about them !
Offer to bet on them !
But C. WIENER gives them to
his Customers.
It is nothing more or less lhan
w Prices !
Don't take our word for it, but come and com
pare our prices with those quoted and see
if we don't knock the spots off of
ever' thing offered.
We not only offer the LOWEST PRICES
but four times the largest stock to select
from. Come and see us, we are
still at the old stand.
Our 3 Kids and the
Old Buck
Keep busy till late at
oarments. We
ito select from, no samples. Give you a chance
to try on the garments upon completion
and thereby insuring you a good fit.
Laro-est lineof Nobbv, well fitting suits for
Men, Boys and children. Largest line
oi" al! kinds of Furnishing goods.
Largest line of Latest Styles of Hats. Large
stock of Boots and Shoes for men, women
and children.
L And the Smallest Profits marked on them
ever offered in Red Cloud.
The Square Dealing Golden Ea
gle Clothing House,
Red Ciowid Wymgre.
K-'Ami i aVaaav
saK,4BS0'-w i aaTaYav
aKfV rHMStfaaaaa
night making up fine
carry a large line of
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. Marvel of rure
treni,'tb and wliolesomenc!, more economical
than the ordinary kind and cannot be sold in
compc.lon with tha multitudes of low test short
lght alum or phosphate Kwdori. Sold only
ice Wall stnet. K. Y. :liv.
. :.
lutilishei! evcrv Frldav iiioniln? from the office
East Sh'e WcIivxt M., Itetwccn 4th i-iid 5.1i
Avi-mie, '"A Cloud, 'cl.
Farm Loan.
Interest from 0 lo 10
Time i'rom 1 to 7 years.
G. W. UAi:i:r.ft.
Umberrd IJ bjr Ciller IZcpoi rr In
Aud About tlm V.ily vuil Coimir.
(i will buy a good harrow at A. L.
The board of nu.crvitor.s meet on
the Mth.
Who naid anything about it being
hot, Monday.
Plain linen scrim for fancy work at
Mrs. Ncwhouse'.s.
Come to the barbecue at "Whitson's
store May M, and 15. All are iivi
ted. The ladies social guild f Grace
church will meet at JIw. Barker's
this Friday afternoon.
What's the matter with our country
correspondents? Especially those in
the north part of the county.
llcv. G. L. Sweeny, of Kdgar, will
hold services in Grace Episcopal
church, nest Sunday, May 11'.
Henry Cook left for Lincoln Mon
day evening to attend a meeting of
the state pharmacy board. Henry
is one of the enthusiastic members of
the board.
The equal suffrage society meets
with Mrs. M. Brewer on Saturday af
ternoon at 'Z o'clock p. m. May 11th.
All arc cordially invited.
"The Manliness of Christ" is the
subject of the sermon next Sunday
night at the Methodist church. Ser
vices will commence at S o'clock p. m.
All are invJlcjl.
The pctition"rof Mrs. 11. M . Mar
tin attl wher ladies in her block, for
a cross walk at the intersection of
Webstar street and 8th avenue was
granted by the councsl last Saturday
F.ev. C. W. Springer, recently a
ititen of Kcd Cloud, and ior a num
ber of yars superintendent of public
instruction, desires to return to the
county, so wc learn through trust
worthy sources.
Mayor Holland says thi city hasn't
any money. By the way of a gentle
reminder wo will just say that they
ncTcr will have any if a streak of
conomy doesn't strike the mayor and
council pretty soon.
Ladies you are invited to call at my
store May 14, and 15, from 10 a. m.
to 5 p. m., and see the celebrated
Charter Oak range, with the wonder
ful wire gauze oven door in opera
tion. G. II. Whitso.n.
I will appreciate a visit from my
frienda and the citizens of Webster!
and adjoining counties from 10 a. m.
to 5 p. iu. May 14. and 15. An ex
hibition f broiling, roasting and bak
ing on Charter Oak's with wire gauze
oven door. Coffee and. biscuit served
free to every visitor.
G. II. "Whitsox.
W. J
Vance arrived at InavaleiaScr ol the iwdct. branch ot this
last Thursdav with a blvshinr bride
that he had brought from Philadel
phia. Mr. Vance is one of Webster
county's earliest settlers and has, un
til now lived a single life, and if ant-
one deserves matrimonial fclicitv it is
him. Tns Chief extends congratu -
The lemon squeeze rocial of the
Baptist home mission society ob Tse- j
Ji : : 1..I
uj i:imuS ji-uu j.vo w
i& point of numbers iu attendance
aad a financial wav. The anxes were
awarded as follows: Mahlc McMilits
taok the booby prize, aad BoDy Saott
tack Ike fiat prire, a lemoa ayateatt,
Ieilk McKay,Gw. Craa, lay
XiaftMi wmk fid. Taiaer UakaaUr
aaaaia mmlmm a-awawaaaaa afta. .
Bird cages at Deyo's.
II. K Stowc is in Omaha.
Get Deyo's p:ices on paints nd
.luu-j. Liticu uiuic weeks ut puuuc
1 1 ... . t.. t. r ..l i; I
J. O. Yeiscr and
rife were in Liu-
coin this week.
G. K. Chancv has gone to Utah on
a two weeks visit.
Mrs. A. L. Funk has recovered
from her late illness.
Adolph Hcydc is papa now, a son
having arrived recently.
Harry Pond was on the sick list
this week but is convalescing.
Mr. I. S. Bcal who has been hick
for some weeks is convalescing.
A heavy hail aud rain storm pre
vailed here on Thursday evening,
W. H, Pcrjy is building a dwelling
on his lots in the north part of the
Geo. Heaton lost a fine horse the
other day that he valued at about
Street Commissioner Simons has
done a fair job of grading on Cedar
Mrs. M. J. Richmond leaves this
week for Eskridge, Kan. her future
Wm. Gaylord of Fairmont, was in
the city this week visiting L. II. Fort
and famil'.
The latent designs in laces. Swiss
enibroidciie.s and Hanibiugs at Mrs.
The Chirk office is the place for
job work of all k'nds. Low prices
and gofid work.
All kinds no7clty braid, rick-rack,
fcatlieredce, gilt and silver braid, and
(insel at Mrs, Newhouse.
Kansas corner lots have been at a
discount this week. Too many of
them to suit the av.-rape pedestrian.
Ilcmetnbcr that Dcyo has a regis
tered clerk so your prescriptions can
be Oiled accurately at any time at his
The best assortment of white
goods, chullies, summer flannels, sa
teens, and gingh.ims at Mrs. New
house. W. X. Kichardson had several
stacks of nice hay burned near Ina
vale the other day, caused by sparks
from a passing engine.
A dog jumped into Peter McNitt's
corrall the othar day and bit several
cattle. .It is not known as yet wheth
er the dog was mad or not.
The committee on entertainment of
the fire department arc contemplating
giving a strawberrv and ice cream
festival soon. The proceeds will be
for the benefit of the firemen's tour
nament. Our worthy district clerk, L. II
Fort has purchased a fine hors and
buckboard for the use of himself and
family. By the way Mr. Fort is one
of the best district clerks in the great
state of Nebraska.
Warner & Wolfangcr our enterpris
ing boot and shoe dealers arc full of
business these days and are selling
pilts of goods iu their line. They
arc experienced shoemakers and do
not sell inferior goods.
The board of education met Tues
day afternoon and selected the fol
lowing officers:
J. R. Willcox, President.
A. L. Funk, Vice-President
. S. Marsh, Secretary.
The grand ledge of the A. O. U.
W. meets in Hastings next week. II.
W. Brewer. Harry E. Pond, J. A.
Tullejsand J. L. Miller are Red
Cloud's representatives. Red Cloud
has one of the finest lodges in the
The city council could not have
found a better man than H. A. Shin
kle for marshal, wc don't believe.
He proposes to see to it, that all par
tics obey the law irrespective of posi-
tion or station in life. That's the
kiud of a marshal to have.
Chas. Schaffnit has resigned his po
sition as manager of the Western &
Southern Mercantile Association, and
will olr ntJior fiIic nf mnnlnvmnt
Mr. A. L. Borgcss will take chat ge
' of the store!
Mr. B. has been mn-
firm for some time past.
The St. Louis expositioa is Red
Cloud. Call early a G. H. Whitson's
store will be crowded.
roasting and baking on new principle
; Charter Oakes with wire game ove
j door, in operation from 10 a. xn. to 5,
p. m. -nay t-, ana in.
G. II. WniTso.w.
Wc knew it. our fame has traveled
.:.- -.4 - ...!.!.:- j. en-i ,.- ... .
w vVv, ... -,- .vv3.;kMt, 3 u.-. iiuoa a see
t gentlea livag cast of the city, adlc3Bty derr of WtbiZer coastT. Ne
proposing to toa our fame eaamnaeU.
as lose as life shall last, kas aaatei
calf after tac editor. Taaadaeaaar
staniitts; fa begin ta skia. HaU
- " t
a.eawata aalMaiaW stUai
- .t1
, A kUallt WJBd Morut.
'Oa last Monday eveninc, the hear .
' straight wind that prevailed is thi '
!5Cct?Mt djj gQCje jlte aana?e ia
'this county and city. Id Ked Cwl
it blew the roof off of Fred i'iua.L .
residence in the ea.t pitrt of the c:tj
The family were taken care of by Mr.
Ira Sleeper for the niuht. Fortuna
tcly none of the Jamily were injure.
A part of one of the plate gJsss win-
Idows in Miner Bros, store wa. blown
in, also the glass were broken in
den f-chobl.. The farmers, over the I
countj sustained a f?w losse-t, R-F.
Scott at Am boy had a 5hed partial!,
blown over, Jatnc Post haC a smll i
barn upt-et, Henry Maurer had shed?
blown over, tvo or three building a:j
Cowlen were unroofed, one of M. II. .
Bentley's tenant houses in Kansas
was unroofed and other damage doni -
J. L. Frame had a barn and windmill
partially blown over. Some other
damage was done in the couutv. but
not enough to amount to a great deal
,. i J r vi... - :..
49 till US UCaiU MUUI. JUU 71U.IU IS
reported to be quite serious in lako
ta. In parts of the county quite a
heavr hail storm prevailed.
One dav this week Henry W. Kos-i, ;
while meandering iu the vicinity of
the stund pipe discovered a suit of I
men's clothes, consisting of pnnt. I
hat, vest and coat and rhos folded j
up and carefully weighted Vwn will.,
a 5to: on the bae t'jer.of. Mr. i
Rosi looked up on top of the pipe to'
see if the owner was in bathing, tat
enfii,.f nit ci.,. ... ttnlit.l iwl tt... f) .. '
villiau lia.l cithvr shuttled ofi this- mor
tal coil or was trying to play a practi
cal joke on our watcr con-uiner.
Who knows but what in this world of
trials that some poor forlorn fellow
whose hopes have been wrecked on the
shoals of adversity might seek to end
his sorrows by plunging beneath the !
placid waters of that inonuiuiuental
Red Cloud enterprise a route that
would afford no chance of escape
should one desire to change his views
aficr having once taken the fatal
The report has been brought lo
our oars that the water above th
bridge iu Crooked creek is being
daily polluted by dead animals aud the
offal from various cattle 3-ards. It
docs seem to us that the ci'.y council
should examine the creek for several
miles northward and if this is the
case, see that it i remedied at once.
It is a matter of much importance to
water consumers of Red Cloud. If
the law gives the council charge of
the creek in this case (where the wa
ter is used for drinking and cooking
purposes) it ahouhl be looked after,
and that at once. A person iocs not
like to pay for a "dead horse" you
know. Ei-pccially in his water.
John Wallers little boy is very
Miss Minta Wells i,
in Cowlts.
The wind did considerable damage
around here on last Monday evening.
The roof was taken off of K. Gil
ford's store building and off one side
of the rink. Small buildings were
blown everywhere and some of them
destroyed. S. L. Gangbin's windmill
was blown to piece. The roof w:u
blown off of Chas. Smith's house, aim
he and bis family took refuge at L.
R. Wright's.
April SOth was duly observed by
the Cowlts people. The school chil
dren marched from the school houe
to the Congregational church amidst
the ringing of the bell and the boom
ing of cannon.
Not seeing anything in your last
paper from here, I take the liberty te
send a few items. ScEirsnLEn.
Deyo takes subscription for any
paper published.
The place to buy furniture, :
where you can buy the best good?
for the least money. To satiffv
yourself, just call on W. L. ffainc;,
three doors west of the Holland House.
He has a fine line of furniture: Xcw
goods arriving every day.
Far Sale.
A fine bugsv or farm horse, two
ycirs old. Apply to C. B. Crone, it
county treasurers oface. Kcd ClondJ
-II tf
BarMita'a Armir mlr.
T"T. I ... .. -t ...
ine u. id me wonc tor cot. ,
:::- :rit'r."j'? ra,n. CTCr '
jcomf, and all ,kia eruiaion. andi,. j ; ,. ,, A.m.,.
poUvelr curw. or no pay requ;rcU. j
tt u gnarantvfj u iTive perfect i!i
cwob. or xuancr Teinaet r'ncyf
mmiiw. -r or sale vy iienrr
Notice is hereby givea thit Desire j
Gccerem and Jocph Cri43or4 2.
I - r .rj t.t i.-c
raska, aatiac; the ccsaty board cf
h--i;- r 73 1 .-
,.r.,.i .- tvij w :li
aa4TiaBsli(aan la tss village l
jaartaaaiav f
-m-l CUJ a a u
i . s w "I ?4 i ..ulmi
;IJaintS, OlIS, ariIiSil9 LMaUOIieTjf
Hooks, Me.
Red Cloud.
!. J?. IVewftoitsfe.
Just received a line
' Ladies' -Summel Goods, LaCC and SwisS
Embroidery, Flouncings, Hamburgs,
Laces, Jerseys, Challies, Lawns,
I!i);nc fh lntt tvlj Sill
l,ivwn.i n.v. . . -. .' -- ..
j XUmgs, hosiery Uli(l love, (Jood sold at the loW-
1 Ot fitirVr
Now is the time to Buv your
Wal 1 Paper
And Window Shades, Paints, Oils
Varnishes, Brushes, &e.
The Druggist aiivi Leader of Low Prices.
Furniture !
In the city at prices that all can afford to buy
if in want of anything in his line.
Opposite Finn National Bank, Kcd Cloud.
I Uer h f.i itrt of !pr nnl IM rh"ry l n j
v'r, !-. . briKl itHi-oiut ii-iiif-lv tor ueli. (
il. t-iK-tii l. atluiia nrwl alt ilinit truiiMr
rim- r -trv. ). I. I'vit- Uiiilc wnrri4i
"! irul ll it l .! JoliHj a I
-. , . 'nwini i-y tho urwort rroj'iie
k ' tot, til cr' . III.
Conr IVa) DnHn
AJaiu .Morhart. onr popnlar hardware
rlv: 69 now thnt tl.o rrpnhlican arc
m power nvrnln hp niw iiftrniini-d to
Lnock th bottom oat or l.arl. wir and , ha,f of " bIocfc "ath of the Coa
;:ora .his dftlo will sell palnt-d barb wi.e j n'crcial hotel and cait of Krank!ln
for $3 7A and i;alvanizd for $4 2i, and, bank. The building on the wath
will throw m on pooud of tnplo with! corner wa occupiel by Lytic a
every 1OT pound, of wire. This i th I haplwarc More, Ion about f 10,000,
cnoni inai oa.o wire nr. ttot orn i
Mild in Itod Cloud,
Th greatest
wonder of the K'th
ceuturv a carpet exhibitor showing
just bow a carpot will look whjn on I'
the floor at F. V. Tayiorn.
When in RcdCbud call at the
furniture store of F. V. Taylor, oppo-
site the F. ". bank, and pick you out
.... . .
a fine kifhen or parlor suit.
Arc ou goiug to boy a carpet. If
o do not fail to call and examine my
stock and prices. F. V. Talor.
If yct are going to paint or paper
get Cotttng'? prici.
For .
A goo J More rooaj. on Ubtr Mrt,
CCKd location. nsd tnnreAKnable. Ap
plj to I. Ft-Athprly.
C. L. Cotting is hi own rrccrip-
tion clctk and can therefore guarantee
careful and aczurat work in dispen
Tfeo moth-r birt wJt
found at the Goldes Exje.
ex: on st
We wUl MOKE tbxn MEET til qaotd
pricr br &ajho ja tk t&te, o fay
C. Vitaer, lulr is low prk.
Persons wihmg to improve their
f rsesLorsr or Mrfnrthn thrir r,ome
ef attention hot:ld send to Prof. Loi
settc, 237 Ffth ave.f K. V.. for his
prospectus post fret. a advertited in
another column.
!: Ir:i teitz:
Fred Huamel vaau hl friendi u
' l m-T !H? in V rttl nf fn -
icr for te which he will offer to the
" -w. ..i--. - W XI.
&m fr b
t rrrr- .. , .
. ,
trD of carpeta cut ttb&l wate at
Y. . Taylor .
i SA'mat-rt -ats &.xx ut
, , .... .
vriiVtr tr.jrar
I frf fa. xit rysi)r ZI
i ljut io Lb. ttt.
truat.-TwtiiitttwrcU. Jtjtk. -
r -vav&&r ia raaKAa -
T " - "
T wi.,. . .. . .. .
t" "."- " J w?rc
: bcrftdr civec tiat tit se-
)"sra aJl isater t
to kep o
: fins5- f as thty wUl W itilit'
'with to ike fall czteai f ik hw. Wi
.,?-..- t yr L '
VTTl., z Z' j
i v. .. ,i. 4 a. Ttnnwf
V. C .
and complete Jine of
Jr? Inf.:
uij,. !.
ffnignnnm, an trim
At about 1 .30 this forcaooi fro
. Slartctl
McCook . Juit ho aad
, , , ,, , ,
( here i& not Juliy Iconn, but t
fOcd to have Matted bctwea the
furniture ure ad a vacant buildinc
j )al.Jy occupicd a iwr0CM A'
, .j., . i i t
, in.icracce S3,000. Next door north
was tho furniture store of J. I. Sha
( hnm fnllr m.iif.,1 T t ltn.ra
: ' -!.. . .
' air t0 one fourth Mock Iwt, llw
left I31G in the money drawer, which
j Lc sUrt"'1 t0 poI: afur IxMng
r100"- Several smaller !oc ocr.
' cd wzich foot up w il.OOO. Thta
b a severe Iom to McCook.
raalarr T tUmi.
A. II. Alexander has good patft
for rent 7 miles north wctt of E4
Cloud. Plenty of watcr. FUt Zi
to 50c 33-tf
All kinds of rick-rack aad asvrty
braid at Mr. Newlae'.
Lltrat Ltocrs .uun
From 120 to $35 do!Ir eet ai A.
L. Fank's
The latest style in jerKjs jt rt
ceived from New York city t Sbt.
HaEBbarcs. bro;de:l. It
hlic triasaatsg, white fUssel, mh
pxd at Mr. Ncwbyss.
KsraitJarc f all kiait cheaper
tier at F. V. Tayler .
A eirrsUr jot Teirtl ltvm tk
piS'.E:! ci wiB a
BC t&xaz a Uv
la trrr Of UtH.
-ca&a Ci.Aap J, hiAin
; -r tj is A
, "-
iWrir -. w.-
fcip siatkfc - M mk
; ?3 Tij t im4 mm
y irfj."
1 rid rta far W mv f
f. ... ,t. w- .-j
tit TUt
is u
: . . l.l-j- l
" -.
fiSiWaStc'? ft 7Z,9m
. -r fcidisr - SsAWMrisir-
i art -, ,-- .
Yotiew 'Waiafilaa
ctTLcfiC - WI T MWftM jm mm
f f iS;,iW J- i ta aaw
"" V- TfflfWII ---
-,. a
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mm$mmi,:i. ix:&MmM..ux.imd:ih
E Wj4Qi--i$lftf'"
wirr mt -r j j '- - -- - ". .hhhhhhbi