The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 10, 1889, Image 4

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govern rent.
Tine furtiihed pixl
l.t. :.. fe nlaccd at the heads
w iMM wj " r---
' . ..i -.... that, iiito rn-en
SJC SJam Wliwi Bi --
ij ...VaJ hv other hands. Tbe
Mfi will attke a requisition for a
SMftbar of others for graves that have
fcaM ayuie aiace. The government
ftttiaaes headstones fer all old sol
diet graves if applied to properly.
Thxoegh the effoits of Aid. Emigh
ta ascire the passage of an ordinance
to trade the residence streets 50 feet,
leaving aice green lawn on cither
gift, if amove m tne ngnc airccuuu
ad if carried out strictly, will he
taw Beans of making fine streets for
taw eity. Tbe ordinance should be
Mated by a unaminous vote of the
Macil Aid. Emigh deserves credit
far that effort.
The grand army of the republic of
this city are making extensiue prepar
atiaaa for the due observance of
Manorial day. This is right and
vary citizen of Webster county who
kaa a farthing of patriotism should
make arrangements to come to Red
Claad and observe the day. It is
positively a moral and patriotic duty
for every citizen to observe this day
aad thereby keep the memories of
Br dead heroes fresh in the minds of
the growing generations as well as
those who lived in those trying times.
We arc not one of those who believe
tut the "dead past should bury the
dead," but on the other hand believe
that all true Americans should with
that pride -born of true and unflinch
ing love of country revere the mem
ory of those noble and self sacrificing
who went forth to battle and
death to serve onr country. It is
then, a duty we owe them, to lay
asde oar work and do honor to their
nenle desds of heroism,
I Stones tc Uar:lr--' nt u.. jup tcrrtay he t, t a, today .ie uttclhou
Our Canadian neighbors who pro
fess to be so greatly exasperated over
the action of this government in clos
ing the Behring sea against their
prowling seal fishermen will gain
nothing by indulging in threats. Tbe
JJnited States will not he frightened
p1 frost the policy deemed necessary and
proper in the circumstances by Cana
dian blaster, from whatever source it
aaay proceed. The question of the
exclusive jurisdiction of this country
ever Behring sea, by virtue of a trea
ty made with Russia when Alaska was
purchased, will doubtless in due time
he determined by an international
convention, but meanwhile this gov
ernment will insist upon its claim to
tnsh jurisdiction, and will maintain
it, regardless of opinion or
menace. It could not open this sea
te Canadian fishermen without per
mitting those of other countries to
enter it. and this would mean ttie
tpeedy distraction of the seal fisher
ies, no such lolly is likely to occur
mnder the present administration.
Clean Iji.
It is safe to say that the winter is
ver. The springing grass, the bud
diag trees, the warbling birds, all re
saiad us that spring time has come.
With it come many duties, among
the most important of which is the
alMial cleaning up. Wc do noc re
fer to house-cleaning, for every
homsewifo will look after that with
t any suggestion from us they
take to it naturally as ducks to tbe
water, and life would hare to them
Vat little worth living for if our wives
others and sisters could not peri
odically turn everything in the house
maside down, wrap an old apron
ertmad their heads and proceed to
cIeaB the house."
No, it is aot that e wish to speak
ef. It is of tho grounds, door-yards,
ewt-hoases, etc., the keeping in order
ef which comes within mar's domain.
er ahoald. Get a good rake, and
eleam wp your yards; remove all dead
ad broken limbs from join trees.
aad replace those which have died or
beta broken by storm or accident.
Pat everything in its place, and sec
what a wonderful improvement it will
Bithc. Trtaa up your rose-bushes, rc
axraage your flower bed:, and do sev
eral other things which will suggest
theaselves to you when you get in
fued with the spirit of the work; and
above all things, plant trees. Select j
geed trees, set 'item carefully, and
tfcej will repay you for your money
aad troahle in a short time.
Cleaa p all out-houses, alleys, and
ether places where refuse matter gen
erally accumulates, and thoroughly
dwUfect them. Too much car csn
aet he taken in this direction, and a
litda coasaioa sense and work at the
reper tiaae aaay save your iaaiuy
fxtaVdiaeasa aad death. Your best
lairott, tho neaitu ot yoar
aaeessir.tes it, the public safe-
it therefore by n,
u. si .:.- j..a
in civil scrrioc times;
7-:cro "-s l" a" imported tenor, and paU
The tender leaves ef hope, u4t new calling
Beartac the MainanrefeftV. with a saaaoiraai
Wieatkuajtfce aewlaltlals that eft trace him,
cTMaaMowinnarreat. Tomorrow btooau;
Most freeaeauy upon tbe no.
And btars his blushing boron thick upon It;
Tbe tb!rd day cumes a frost, a auilac troit:
A white Norrmber frost: a coidxold eal for
And when be thinks, good easy men, that be Is
For another tern, and hath put up
Much money on the state and county canvas.
And thinks his loyalty into the party
Hath set his stakes a little higher.
A new administration kaoeketh at tbe door.
And asks to see tbe books and have tbe awney
And then he finds his name is Dennis.
Vain pomp and glory of the other aide, be hates
He feels his heart now opened, and beUeres
In dvil senrise rules white he is in.
That's business. O, how wretched
Is that poor citizen who with both hands and
Hangs like grim death to the unfeeling dogs
Of the adralulstra; ion
There Is, between the full meal he aspires to.
And the bleak blasts tliat sweep the deseit
More slips and chances than do lurk unseen
In tbe unopened mysteries of the Jack pot.
And when be does go oat, be goes like Lucifer;
Which is a gentle way of saylaa; that
lie goes out like the "copy, sir!"
Ah, here be Is himself good sooth.
Omaha Reputllcan.
Mr Simons, the venerable street
commissioner, objects to our remarks
in last week's Chief in regard to the
favoritism shown in grading streets.
We have no hesitancy in saying or
in fact reiterating our former state
ment. Webster street has been gra
ded evcty year since the editor of
this raper has been in Red Cloud, al
most to the exclusion of every other
street except Seward. Perhaps if
Mr. Simons had not lived on that
street it would have escaped this
year, but somehow or other city offi
cials in the aggregate see to it, if
there are to be any improvements,
that they arc made in their vicinity,
or as near as possible. There are
however, a few exceptions in Ked
Cloud, and we have secured our city
artists to photograph them aa living
curiosities, but Mr. Simons' pioture
will not appear in this group. The
Chief has no axes to grind, but likes
to sec justice done the people, no one
man or set of men, should be favored
to the exclusion of others, in this
land of the free. During the McKee
by regime the city waterworks were
put iu, and were so arranged that the
mains passed the residences or prop
erty of every eity official, without ex
ception, and in one instance they
were put on a back street to accomo
date the mayor to the almost exclu
sion of that portion of the city where
the service would be ef necessity to
the people for actaal service where
wells could not be obtained It any-
one can gainsay this statement let
him stand up and be counted. Jus-1
tico is justice, every day in the week
Of course it is too late to kick now
about the water works, but in tho fu
ture it may be beneficial to office hol
ders. The oity council should take warn
ing and be very careful in the man
ner thoy spend the eity money in the
future as our people are certainly
waking up to the reckless extrava
gance of the past few months. The
city should not have an officer that is
aot absolutely necessary. It should
not remit licenses, if people want to
indulge in business that reqmires li
cense let them pay it or go into some
other line of business. The city
marshal could be street commissioner
at the same salary ne aow gets, and
there arc other such cases that could
be lopped off. People who have to pay
over a $1000. taxes kick, those who pay
$500, kiek, and those of ns wbe pay
smaller amounts, kid, and right they
should. Of course the city business
has to be attended to, and saoney
must be raised, for that purpose, yet
it does not follow that we aaay need
lessly pay out money just for the fun
of the thing, as it hurts bad enoagh
to pay what one actually has to.
Will the council do the right thing
and rccind their former actios in re
gard to city officials ?
The following is a list of pupils in
the south ward, room 3. who have not
been absent nor tardy for the month
ending May 3:
Lucy Eamcs, May ame,
Eettha Dicnnen, Maud Kudd,
Jennie Kudd, Mary Proekevec,
urah Ilanser., Clara Hummel.
Lot tit? Sterner.
Jennie A. Thomas, Teacher.
Merit Wis,
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for vears we have been teUinr Dr.
Kif.j:s uew discovery lor consumption.
Dr. Kings new life pills. Bucklras arni
ca salve nnd electric hitter, and nave
never :i:u:illed remedies thsteeli so
well, or that have given such univer
sal satisfaction. We do not heaftete
to guarantee them everv time, aiid mm
stand ready to refund the purchase
price, if satisfactory results Jo aot
iritl.w :htir use. Thete reaiedies
ai-..-cnsreat popalarttj purely on.
Maua y a Bcf
Toe maaslf la (he Use of Other Peo
ple's Name.
Will N. King, advertising solicitor
and general hustler for various news
papers and job printing houses, seem
to have a mania fer forging other peo
ple's names for small amounts. He
is now in jail for attaching the firm
name of Lee' Hartley & Co. to a bit of
paper far 110.80, and also for pan
handling Freeland, Loomis & Co. for
a considerable amount.
Bat this is not King's first esca
pade by any means. Last September
he was arrested for drawing a check
on a bank in which he had no funds
and getting it cashed at the Burling
ton ticket office. His excuse was
that he needed money and intended
depositing the casL before the check
was presented for redemption. His
friends interposed in his behalf and
he was released. He then drifted
But a short time elapsed ere the
news came that King was in jail at
Atchison. Kan., charged with forgery.
This time it was a csbc of mistaken
identity, aud after being held for a
time he was released . He then came
to Omaha, and has lived rather quiet
until a few days ago. He has had
more trouble with checks than any
man living, and has bad difficulty in
nearly every town be has been in,
Hastings, Beatrice and several other
places. As a rule he is as successful
in evading punishment as he is in get
ting his checks cashed. Republican.
Tho following anecdote of a public
school graduate was told at a recent
meeting o! the association of colle
giate alumnae in New York City:
One young lady exceptional in her
frankness, though probably not in
her opinion," said the narrator of tho
story, '-graduating from a grammar
school in white satin and cotton lace,
with seven boquets, three baskets of
flowers, and 71 per cont, remarked to
a fiiend:
" Yes, I have finished my educa
tion, but I'm not so happy as I
s posed I should be. You sec, papa
and mamma pronounce their words
so shocking, and know so littlo about
science and literature and ,rcthinctic
that it ir positively a hardship to as
sociate with them. But I hope I
shan't have to endure it long. I
mean to mairy a banker and live
abroad.' "
Aaawera to Correapoaeeats.
Red Cloud, May S.
Mr. Editor Why did not Mayor
Holland, notify the public by procla
mation, in accordance with the usual
custom, of the cclcbiation of the
100th inauguration of Gcorcc Wash
ington as president of the United
States. Kickek.
vVe can not tell you. Possibly he
did not think it of sufficient impor
tance. Red Cloud, Mav 5.
Mr. Editor Whose business is it
to look after tho sanitary condition of
Crooked creek, the source of the city
water supply. We understand that
there are several cattle yards along
its banks that pollute the water?
It should be the business ef the
city council. We understand that
the state law gives them control of
the stream for several miles, It
should be looked after.
Cowles, Neb, May 7,
Mr. Editor Do you think that,
that subscription will ever be raised
by Jeff Ward to prospect for coal or
kerosene dec. at Sea Cloud.
We give it up. There may be
possibly a show for it one of these
days when people have more money.
It should be worked up however.
Ked Cloud, May 0,
Editor Chief How old was Ceaser
whea he died? Please auswer in
yoar next issue and oblige a student.
He was about 44 years old when he
Vaa Caaaat ASTr4
At this season of the year to tie without a ood
reliable diarrhoea balsom In the houc as
cramps, colic, diarrhoea and all Inflamatloaof
the stoatach and bowels are execedinslr daa-
Kerous if not attended to at occe. One bottle of
Bess's diarrhoea bahom will do more pood in
easeaet this kind thja aayotkrr ssedidueoa
earth. We scarahteeiL CI-CottlasdmW.t
A Father Vigil.
Mr-Figs-llere'salittle toyTre broosht for
Tommy to amuse himself lth. If g's la clorer,
ciiArrsa l .
Tomiy Say raw. sint jrou g!n j0 jt
see that puzzle?
Xr.Flss-Gotobed! You oajht to be in bed
CHAfraa ir.
atrs.F;K-In Kisc are yta peinz tosetrp
Mr. Tisx 111 be there Sua irises. I'teo:
theai all in but on.
crarraa iv.
Jfrs. Kiss He Ta up a3 slht. Jabs
Mr. FlZ-Xonc otyocr business.
Towny Sar. paw. where my psrrli?
Mr, rrts-In ? !",
A dear pearly aad traatpareat skia is sj-
T!ic eventful Career vralelk lac Fa
moaa 7I.tscan aa Led la the few
Year of hla life. Two toara area ad
the world, anil oacr a Captive of the
Kins or Banaaa.
Vw, a cptlre ol the Miir of Burtnab. Harry
ZauzictlieMsRirfan who will appa rat UicOpera In this city lth his company Friilay
and Saturday c-Trenlcjcs. Slay loth and lllli. U &
native cf New O leaus. anil has before the
public for twclv years. He Is a j:entlnian of
bril but ?Ualnments. and is a fine linsubt. and
the best mathematician In the country. The
Magician is unmarried. Mr. Zanzlc has had a
'wonderful life he has made two tours of the
woild appearing in nearly erery country, where
there is any degree of civilization. Iu the world.
Tbe potentates of nearly all the Kuropean and
Asiatic countrie.; and the Supcrur of Brazil
haibeca mystified by his laartels. and be has
appeared before people of nearly every nauou
a'Jtv In the world . I n 1 375 then in Kanxooa. Bur
man, the Magician and his company received an
imitation to appear before the king of Mandala,
to reach their destination It was necessary to
take a voyage up tbe Irawaddy a distance of
seven hundred miles, which was done on a
small steamer. Tbe voyage was charmingly
picturesque leading as It did by scores of villages
with golden spires of pagodas rising up and
Slisieniiis in the dazxellng sunlight. At Man
dala the company was met by a royal escort at
the steamer's Und'ng. the baggage Backed on
elephant nnri the people were likewise mount
ed, aud a 1 were taken to the palace of the king.
In tue outer chamber of the palace they were
ordered lo emote their shoes, which was done.
After two hours detention they were escorted
through court yard and magincent apartments
luto a large audience chamber where a tempora
ly staee bad been fitted up. After fitting up their
properties for a performance, screens were set
up at lie farther end of the room from the
stage, and beyond this the king and queen were
seated whore they could see aud not be seen,
all others in the hall Including noblemen and
ofllclils knelt upon the floor with noses fairly
Into i he floor. The interperler to the court sent
woid that tlieperfonneis must kneel alto, and
only upon e.-plalnliu: that they could no; give
the performance unless permitted to stand, t.iey
weie then ordered to appear on their feet be
fore the king and queen. After the perform
ance the cou.t iuterpeter Informed the perform
ers that his majesty was so well plesed that be
would termit the Conjuror to gaze on his face,
a delicacy in that county, the screens was push
ed aside and revealed his majesty reclining in
his (liu.s, he chatted pleasantly through the in
terjwrter, and marveled at the eshlbltlon iriven
by the magician, his majeity expressed a desl.c
that Zunzic should remain as court conjuror,
and he would give him and his assistants a
palace for their social entertainment. Zanzlc
Informed the king that he could not remain
with him, he then Insisted that some of his
people be taught the art of magic and become
magicians, he was lufoimed that also would be
iuiiflssible. Hit royal highness then insisted
that the magician should rvinuin, and gave or
ders that he should not be permltcd to leave the
palace, and that lie should !e supplied
with every luxury and comfort for inanv
days. The king could not be induced to coun
termand ids former order, and Zanzlc was liter
ally a prisoner iu the most gorgeous and mag
nificent palace In the orient. He was treated
with tho gieatest consideration and kindness,
by heging, praying, threatening and with the
intervention of hii American Missionary, who
informed the king that theie would be trouble
unless his icttcd prisoner was allowed to di'iurt
as free as he came. After much parleying the
king reluctantly allowed the muglclun his liber
ty. A promise was extracted from Zanzlc how.
ever that lie would revisit the palace again, a
cul-inet was retained rs a fulfillment of the
promise, tho king paid the conjuror coon route!
and made the party handsome presents of gold
and embroidery work. While confined as
princely prisoners the party were shown the
sacred white elephant, Mr. Zanzlc says It was
not near so white a. specimen as the one exhi
bited by P. T. r.aniuin. The pnehrdrnn wa
covered with silk nnd gold threaded cloth, it
mis ivi rrom e-flon 01 goii anu stiver, and
two rrtet were constantly in attendance upon
Its wants, the promise to revisit liurraah hat
never been (ultllied, lut the fortunes of that
unstable throne hate bc)n uh that the pledge
Is no longer hindinc. The cabinet wai discov
Is no longer hlnding. The cabinet wai dl.vov
ered sometime ago by the English in the palace
of the kluciwhcre he had kept It as a treasurer
or rcai value,
Tho large fields of small grain arc
looking well.
Delbcrt Bartlctt has resigned his
position with Mr. Metcalf and will
work for Overman this summer.
Mrs. Lizzie Kownds visited in this
part Sunday.
Sunday school has been organized
in Dist. No. 33 with Rev. Bean as
superintendent, and preaching every
three weeks.
Sheriff Scotland family visited with
son George and wife Sunday.
School has commenced in Dist. No.
Many of the farmers are planting
corn, aud some have finished.
Elsie Round has boen sick but is
better now. Sqcaw.
Small grain looks well
Farmers are nearly through plant
ing corn.
Wc think frost has got away with
the fruit.
The farmers held a meetiag last
week with regard to the twine trust
and the committee on resolutions ic
portcd that the townships of Logan
and Pawnee would not pay over 12
cents per pound for twine, they would
rather take the binder eff their ma
chines and put on two men to bind by
hand aad it will be cheaper, for we
can change work with each other and
be no money out, neither for cutting
or binding, and let the monopolists
keep their twin-
Robert Gill ben the sick list.
A Bare laTesxsaeas.
Is one which is guaranteed to brier
you wtiefactorr ren:ts, or in cave of
failure a return cf purchased price.
Cn this plan you can buy from oar
ade:tld druggist a bottle of Dr
King's New Discovery for. Coasaai ra
tion. It is guaranteed to give relief
tc every cae. when nscd for any af
fection of the t4roat. lunp or chest,
such a.-' conurnrtron, inflataaiioa of
inns or bronchia, atnms. whooping
couch, croup etc- It is pTeajantand
acrecaHe to taete, perfectly safe and
can always be depended upon. Trial
fret? at Henry Cook7 dra
A4feaUa rr araaxS,e
Vriv is rthr r-tfa :!dt T fVrf-f?.. w..
CUmASintkmtsUm ariacaaltaanr.
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It can be done, and if you SOLVE this puzzle and present it at our
office, you will be entitled to one of
DIRECTIONS Take six pennies or ether small coins and place them oa the testers where the fear has cross,
placiag one coin on each liaa and no two eeias oa any one line either heritoatally, acrdsadieelarly, er dlafaaallj
The Irst ten solutions received will be entitled to one prise each. Ne two prises will be (ivea la the same fasail?.
Whilst busying your brain over this passle the following facts must aot he forgottca:
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LsaVr-a'1 ail ' a aa aasMafsf1 laafaCCIT RtOiaS "" . 'Va tal fJaVtfaaaaVlValaal A fSaaBaaWaV MsaaaaW -awW aafaaM. aWafaal MaWawaaf aWW w"eawataWaT Waw BaWBt eMaM VW ?r -T .- T?-SF awP aawafw waaTaVa laww ,Bwfa" Paw"?1 isaaw afaaW aw awawa afeafj)' A aaTBaa VBaS &' PHHL
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