a.f3.l is. 5 " IK 1 $ n m fl?S t tr i St.'' EED CLOUD CHIEF A. C. HOSMER, Proprltstor. pT 'T - X FT' R ASK A OUBBENT COMMENT. The King of Holland proposes to r time the reins of government. The sister of the King of Sweden died recently. She was born April La, 183a ss. TnE provisional directors of the Comptoir d'Escompte of Paris have signed a deed creating a new company. The question of whether Parnell will be given the freedom of Edin burgh, Scotland, is to be submitted to the rate payers. Several priests and many other persons have been arrested for parti cipation in the riots in the State of Guanajuato, Mexico. A select party, including General Boulanger. Count Dillon, Generul Gra ham and an unknown lady dined with Lord Randolph Churchill in London the other evening. The colored farmers of South Caro lina have organized a union for the advancement of the race in education and other respects. It is to be strict ly non-political. Fkei Kyeks, champion pool player of Buffalo. N. Y., and a noted sport, was found unconscious outside a Chi nese opium joint in that city recently, and died in a short time. The Spanish Government, it is said, will bell at auction fiO.000.000 worth of state woodlands in order to cover the financial deficiency, make public improvements and establish rural loan banks. Viscount Maxii:villk was charged in a London police court the other day with fraudulently obtaining iU."i. The magistrate did not enter the case upon the court record and the hearing was adjourned. TnE National Gazette, of Berlin, says that the Government instead of avoiding a debate in the Reichstag on the Samoan question, will give every facility for such a debate at the earliest possible moment. The Union Steel Company, of Chi cago, has been sued for $100,000 in tho Federal Court by Andrew J. Gustin. Gustin charges tho company with infringing two patents for a "canber ing machine11 and a "dragging-out ap paratus11 used in dredging. Tiieke is trouble brewingfcet'een the management of Iowa'oads and their employes. Rerejitfy the Central Iowa reducudrVtS entire forco fully one-thUjflL There were rumors of n I strike on the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul on the part of the engineers and firemen. " Tiieke was an aggregate of .580 pen sion certificates issued by the certifi cate division of the Pen-ion Olllco on tho 26th. The list includes certifi: cates for original pensions, reissues, increases, etc., and is the largest that has been made in one day since Com missioner Tanner's installation. Surkeok-Gesekal Hamilton', of the Marine Hospital Service, has been in formed by tho president of the Board of Health of Sanford. Fin., that a caso of yellow fever existed in that city. Dr. Hamilton says every precaution has been taken to prevent tho spread of the disease and no danger is appre hended. The Inter-State Commerce Commis sion has notified all the principal rail roads of the country over which oil is shipped that they are likely to bo affected by tho questions presented in the complaint of George Rice against tho Cincinnati. Washington & Balti more road and that such of them as desire to interveno or to be heard in these proceedings will bo furnished with a copy of Rice's complaint. Consul Smitheks at Tientsin re ports that tho Chinese Government has authorized an extension of the Tientsin & Tongshan railway, which will make it possible to reach Peking from Tientsin in about three hours, whereas it now requires as many days. The Consul says that tho opposition of the conservatives having at last been overcome. China may now be said to havo fairly entered upon a career of railway construction. The President has appointed the following Commission to negotiate with the Sioux Indians in Dakota: General George Cook. United States army: Hon. Charles Foster, of Ohio, and Hon. William Warner, of Kansas City. Mo. Mr. Irving Miller, of Chi cago, has been appointed secretary and disbursing officer of the Commission. Mr. Miller is a prominent young lawyer, and a son of Justice Miller, of the United States Supreme Court Pierre iaeillard was in St. Louis recently for the purpose, it was ru mored, of forming a gigantic tobacco trust, or at least for forming an asso ciation to maintain prices, control the output, lessen tho expenses of produc tion, restrict competition and punish contract violations. He has inter viewed all the great plug tobacco men. Liggett & Meyer were closeted with Lorillard half a day, but the firm stoutly maintains that they will never form a combine. President Strong, of the Atchison Railroad Company, has received from C K. llolliday and L. S. Every, tho Western directors of the company, dispatches stating that the great in vasion of Oklahoma, which they wit aessed, was perfectly marvelous and fceroad the power 6f human descrip tions. It ought, they say. to be of in calculable benefit to the Atchiso. Jopeka & SaaU Fe road, as hundreds 4f tfcMtsaads of people will hereafter cjecapj the territory which has hers timian Isacst a dawrt waste. . JWOTinj NEWS OF THE WEEK. Gleaned by Telegraph and MaO. rasBOMAX, AND FOUTTCAX. Kiso Charlxb, of Houmauia, baa formally announced that his nephew. Prince Ferdinand, has been selected at hi beir to tbe throne. Charles W. Files, of Connecticut, ha been appointed chief of a division of the Pension OtHce. rice General J. B. Cort, dismissed. George V. Gilt, chief of a di vision in tbe Pension Office, has also been dismissed. Coloxel Dudley says be has been mis represented in wbat be said disparagingly of President Harrison. Tiiere was a rumor that Judge Veazey. of Vermont will be appointed to succeed Mr. Walker on tbe Inter-State Commerce Commission. EX-COXGREKSVAX JOHS E. ELUS, of Louisiana, died at Washington on tbe 33tb of heart failure. He bad served fire terns in Congress and was forty-eight years old. Ma. Pexdletok. United States Minister, will take no part in tbe confereace on 8amoaa affairs. He has presented his let ters of recall to Emperor William and will leave Berlin, M. He ki RocHETonT's departure from Brussels was dae to a request from tbe Belgian Govern meat that be leave tbe country. The New York Senate has passed the Saxton Electoral Reform bilL Frederick Scuclts has sued Aagast Michel for $3,300 damage at Minneapolis. Minn, for covering him with a coat of red and black paint while be slept and after ward calling in fifty other boarders to laugh at tbe sight He was awakened by their shout of laughter. Da. Laws, president of the State Uni versity at Columbia, Mo., has resigned. H. B. Srorroao, tbe historian of Claren don. N. H-, died recently. Tbe lower house of tbe Illinois Legisla ture has defeated an election bill provid ing for a system similar to tbe one in use in Australia. There was extra session talk recently in Washington, tho idea being that Con gress would be called together in tbe fall. The Supreme Court of Texas hat re versed tho decision of tbe lower court in the case of Richmond, a railroad con ductor, wbo sued the Missouri Pacific for damage for publishing him on the black list as a conductor discharged for care lessness. The Supreme Court held that tho case was not actionable for libel for ub.euce of express malice in tbe publica tion. L. U. Rxavis, a well known writer, au thor of tbe expression the ''Future Great" with reference to St. Louis ieing the Na tional Capital, died recently. He was born in Illinois in 18.1L Hon. Elijah M. Hai.nks. ex-Speaker of the Illinois House and a prominent figure in Stafo politics, died recently. Ho was the author of several works on Indian lore. . The Pops recently .summonirl Father Agostlna, the famous prencUer of Rome, ami reproved him for bis recent sermon in which he invoked tlyiffivine blessing upon Kiug Humbert ana tho Italian army. y snsCKXLAMCODa, Treasurer Hyatt ha returned to Wajtnington from New York. He says that the counters at the sub-treasury are forging ahead at a rapid rate and are now handling about $15,000,000 of gold a day. He expects that the count there will bo concluded by May 4. Owmkrs of tbe American ship Hride water, which was illegally seized by the Canadian Government in lb5, havo pre sented n claim for damages amounting to The exodus from the vicinity of Quebec into the States has never been so great as during the present "year. Within the last few days ftk) men have left (or the brick yards of Massachusetts and other New England States. While driving logs on tho Nicolet river, near tho village ot St. Paul, Que., D. E. Chester nnd four uion named Oayne, Ru bor;, Bowest and Hinc were drowned All of the men were married. There was a fierce riot at Vienna on the 23d over the street car strike. A hand-to-hand fight took place between tbe rioters and tho military. During the disturb ances seven shops were looted. Tliu slaughter house and pork packing establishment of F. A. Lainly & Co., on Spring Grove avenu-, Cincinnati, was de stroyed by fire recently. The loss was nearly f2.V).0UO. DlrATCHES from West Africa say that a British squadron has destroyed the chief of the Wendb tribe on tbe Sulicman river and released 3.CO0 slaves. Captain Miller, of the steamship Caroline Miller, from Cape Haytien. reports that the forces of Leg. time burned and destroyed the town of Petite Revere April 7. Patrick Farrell jumped from Brook lyn bridge the other day and was taken in a dangerous condition to the hospital. Whether his intention was suicide or a Jump for a wager was not known. The Commissioner of Pensions, in grant ing the application of John Webb for an lucre ise of pension for varicose veins of the left leg on tbe ground that total dis ability in the foot aow existed, says that total disability shall be held toexist wbea the afflicted member, by reason of wound or disease, is useless for the performance of ordinary manual labor. The National Reform Association in Pittsburgh. Pa., adopted a resolution re questing President Harrison to mention Christ in state papers, especially Thanks giving proclamation. TwO thousand German immigrants were landed at Baltimore, Md., on the 23d by the steamship Dresden. Minister Denbt reports to the State Department that the Emperor of China assumed tbe reins of government March 4 The mammoth hotel at Rockaway Beach, near New York, was sold on the 24th for $29,000, The nineteenth aannal assembly of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church began in Phila delphia oa the 24th. la the Pacific Derby at San Francisco on the 234 tbe Csar male a mile aad one half la :3C the fastest Derby ever run in America, beating the record of 1:XH made by Ben All In 1&6 and that of C. H. Tod d at Chicago in 1977. Taa Secretary ot State ha been in formed that Rnssia will send delegates to the marine conference which is to meet at Washington oa October 18 nest. A hail route has been established be tween Guthrie aad Lisbon, la Oklahoma. Three men died of congestive chills in one night oa claims near Oklahoma City. A SCHBER of squatters were reported in the Cherokee Strip, and General Merritt on the 24th gave orders to drive them oaL The crowd of officeseekers about tbe White Honse continues very large, but oaly a favored few are admitted to Presi dent Harrison's presence. W. F. Delhage, Crown land Inspector at Rat Portage, Mas, has disappeared, leaving a shortage of iSJ.GW in his ac counts. The Thingvalla line will pay for the cargo jettisoned Ly the steamer Missouri when rescuing the passengers and crew ot the Dan mark. Joux ScHortELD and one child were killed and Mrs. Schofield and tbe other three children crazed by a bolt ot light- aiag. near Beach Hill, X. S.. the other Bight The United Stats steamship Brooklyn, which eaaseasMse trass the Asiatic stattea sjastorsskUte ceusesjaawea at tee teaates; eta seals, arrive sT Sandy Hsatr a A railroad official at Chicago states) that he does not anticipate aay strike oa the Western roads this year. Georob M. McXeil, foneerly of Iowa, employed oa tbe Oak levee Bear Batoa Rouge, La., and two colored women. Colly Nortoa and Frankle Romero, were drowned tbe other night by the upsetting of a skiff. JoH.f Wats and wife and James M. Lineman, a boy of twelve years, were killed recently while driving across tbe track at Newport, five miles soutn of Wil mington, DeL The Sanford (Fla.) yellow fever aass (Mrs. Charles Dement) ended fatally. A great gale came over the lake, strik ing Erie, Pa., on the afternoon of the 24th. Dcrixo a storm at Atlanta, Ga., recently a wall was blown down, killing two fire men and injuring others. Ibe wall be longed to the Jackson building destroyed by fire. The Reading road demands that its em ployes shall sever connection with all labor organizations. A lady fifty-seven years old, fell from a fourth-story window in New York and was killed. The Emperor of Austria has paid tbe late Crown Prince's debts, which amounted to I2.MO.OO0l Ax accident occurred recently to a freight train on the Pennsylvania rail road, causing fatal injuries to the en gineer aad fireman. The train ran onto a burning bridge over Roaring creek, near Wilkssbarre, wrecking forty cars. One brakemaa was dangerously hurt. Bt a premature explosion of dynamite near Homer, Mich., Connor James and Harris James were killed. The explosion occurred on tbe Utter iand. The two left home to blow out stamps and had twenty-five pounds of dynamite. Their bodies were found five rods from tbe ex plosion. Joseph Diox, the well known billiard player, has ben declared insane by a sheriff's jury at New York. The gingham mill ot the White Manu facturing Conipuuy at Kockville, Conn., has been shut down on account of a strike of l.V) weavers, and its other will will also close, throwing 400 employes out of work. The Grand Trunk railway has joined in the Sunday rest movement as regards freight trains. Bv a collision between freight trains, near Glen Mary, Tunn., the other day two trainmen were killed and three others Injured. The forgetfulness of an engi neer mas the cause. Andkew D. 1!o;.ut, a prominent real estate dealer of New York City, com mitted suicile recently by shooting him self through the head. The directors of the Chicago gas trust have appointed a committee to iiuchtigate the feasibility of supplying Chicago with natural gas. The business m;n of. Portland, Me., have passed re".,.ions against any leg islation tendii.g to interrupt the present commercial relations with Canada. - All the crops in a district of Silesia, Germany, have been destroyed by a storm and five persons killed by lightning. The seventieth anniversary of Old Fellowship was celebrated on tbe 2Cth. The Hnrlem E'ectric Light! Company's old shops, a woo Ion church, a carriage factoiy and hrtlf a dozen tenements in upper New York City were destroyed bv fire trie other night, causing jl.VJ.OOO losses. The Wabash purchasing committee has decided to issue enough new bonds to pay off dissenting bjndholders and carry out the original purpose of the reorganiz ition plan. The amount to lie issued has not I een definitely decided upon, but is esti mated at between i,UOO.00O nnd i,0O0.00a A TANK of naphtha in tbe Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul railroad yards ex ploded recently at Chicago, blowing n matt fifty feet, killing two horses and do ing other drtmage. WlilTK laborers have taken tho plac s of most of the striking nrro workmen in the tobacco factories of Danville, Va. The Belle Prairie convent, near Little Falls, Minn., took tiro recently. Tne twenty-four children had a narrow es cape, being sated with great dtfliculty by the Siters iu charge. Thkiie was a collision on the H. & O., at Baltimore on the 20th. Vice-President Morton. Gem ral Scholield and Foraker, of Ohio, were on one of the trains, but es caped unhurt. The oBly person injured was a trainman. A msi-atcu from Aucklaad. N. Z-. ays that the United States steamship Nipsic was again disabled while leing towed iu Apia harbor. The steamer Australia and schooner George went ashore in a blinding snow storm on Michigan island, near Dulutb, Minn., recently. They were scuttled iu order to save them from pounding to pieces on the rocks. There was no loss of life. ADDITIONAL DISPATCHES. A box of Henri Rochsfort. the noted Frenchman, oomraltted suicide by shoot ing himself at the Hotel Algiers, Paris, recently. The fast null and an east-lound freight train oa the Lake Shore road, collided at Rolling Prairie. ven miles east of La- parte. lud.. the other night. Both engines were wrck-d. A tramp who was stealing a ride was fatally injured. Clearing house returns for the wee ended April 27 showed an average in crease ot 2.2 compared with the corre sponding wek of last year. In New 1 orE there was a decrease of 0.1. The old town of Bladcnsburg. Md., was recently inundated by a freshet. WntLE the Quen of urtemtmrg was driving at Nice her hones became fright ened and started down the road at a ter rific pace. One of th hordes fell and was killed. Tbe Queen was badly shaken up and much frightened but received no in jury. SEcnsTAnr Tract has deemed inai ine law iclve him authority to proceed with the construction of new coast defense ves sels, notwithstanding there may not he enough of the apprtpriallon left to build the three other vaels orlered by the same law. THE First Baptist Church Society of Providence, It L. celebrated Us SMth anniversary on the 2Sth. Tbe preseat church building is over 100 years old. CoLOSEL D. B. Dter, formerly of Kan sas Citv, was elected the first mayor of Guthrie. L T. The difference between tbe rival town site companies at Oklahoma City were reer:ed settled aad Captaia Couch elected mayor. Ex-Governou Btsaor. of Ohio, and others have l-eeu sued tor $S70M, said to have been illegtlly drawn by thtss a trustees of the Ciucinnati Southern rail road. The steamship Orinoco, from Bermuda, bas brcutfbt to New York the captain aad tea of the crew of the ship Richard P. Buck, wh.ch was burned ner Bermn la. The carpet mill of the Lowell Manufact uring Company. Lowell. Mass., was de stroyed by tire the otter morning after it had'betn supposed a small blaze bad been put out LoT fWXOW). Thomas Hixch, a Wisconsin pajil-sr, while training at Iron Mountain. Micsu, for a match was drowned by the capsizing Of his b-xL The Iron Mountain railway, a part ot the Missouri TaciSc system, ha gives no tice that ad unnecessary Sunday train service, both passenger and freight ld be disconunacd oa that road aad that onlv trains conveying live stock or perish able freight will he permitted to rua oa Sunday. Ox the Loastoa Btocfc Exchange dsurasg Us week eatted April 27 Esgliea railway securities aow4 a rslajsse, walla Asser Isaas faKpransL Price wars weak ha Park aad stall fa BstUb. At Ma NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. THE Prohibition conference recently held at Lincoln passed resolutioas pledg ing the Prohibitionists of the State to work for the adopuoa of the Prohibitory amendment submitted by the Legislature; pledging co-ojr4tion with ntl temperance organisations working to tb? .ami mil; deprecating the carrying of pariianim into tbe work and unfriendly lt'Cim upon those working bvdifferent mttbtdt to accomplish the de.ired ot ject; urging the labor element of the State, of whatever party atli iation, to unit- iu carrying the State for Prohibition; favoring the utmost freed m in attending the propo.ed non partisan conference at Lincoln June 5 aud ca ling ujhiii all temperance organi zation "I o each perfect its uiacht lery. adopt itsonumethois, strengthen its own organization, aud then march forward in hearty sympathy with each other's work for a combined assault on the most for midable citadel of the rum power high license." Bob Woods, a well-known colored resi dent of L ucoln, was murdered the other BigbL He was shot as he lay in his bd in bis cabin. His little- boy was sleeping at his side, but was neither struck by the flying shot nor awakened by the report of the gun. No one else was in the house, and nothing was known of the murder uatll Mrs. Woods returned home and raised the alarm. James Miles a farmer living near Kock ville, committed suicide the other dav ly taking laudanum. He was about Ufty five years old und in fair circumstance., but his family relations were not pleaaaut tnd be had several t tuss before threat ened bis own destruction. Jakes Greenwood, who owns a fine farm near Crelghtou, was declared insane and sent to the iu.ane asylum over a year go, but several months ago his lather took him back horn where he remained peaceably. The other morning, bow evir. he arose from tho table anil proceeded to Vlean out" th house. He chase 1 his father aud mother ott the premises will an axe, then returned nnd Jfiu.i.i Ii.i th furniture. I re.it ng the leds, ct n r. tatties and stove iuto small piece, after wards burning up some of the tied clothes, sud also his gooil cloth-s, in the pickets uf which was .") in gieciii. iekJ He was afterwards surprised white uslcop and miuacled. Mil Bi.kimi a mn'i'betwren sixty and seventy etis uf tigo, o m nitte 1 suicide st Scrihner th; ottier d y bv shooting himselLui IU" mouth with a revolver. He had been de.pondeut foi a long ttui'. Fiue recently dstr ye 1 the barn of Di. Jtu-s, at Loup Citv. I'lVe horses also per ished. Ios, j'J.WO; no insurance. The supei visors of liar an Comitv hae calltd an election on tin- question of vot ing bonds to build a ?.,000 j til and a . 300 court hoii'.e. ONLY three tires visited Schuyler last year Ulld the uet loss wus ?PV I A hak.v belonging to J. M. liechlel lieimer, of Juniata, binned the other m urn mg, continuing a span of mares valued at jH two other horses, n colt, ctlf, buggv. set of harness, mower, ha rake, seven hundred Lushels of grain and nine hogs. The entire loss wa J. ) "); un insured, except the barn. The tire wn suiposd to h-ive ben incen Itnry. O.SCAIl IlniXKHAV. eightoen ears oM son of H'liry HrinMiriti. residing near Fremont, was n sailor on b a:d the Van dalia when that ship met witti disaster In the rec-nt hurricane at Samoa; joung Bririkinaii had a nnirow escape from death, but through his neroiu (Torts a number of mill weru rescued fritiiwhat appeared to bo certain death. Allium Day was duly observed at D -kota City, the main feature being the high school exercises, which consisted of up propnate songs, ilec.itmatioiis and the planting of beautiful trees, one of n Inch was in honor of Miss Julia O'Connor de cent 1, formerly principal uf the high school. A i.AttCK barn ami its contents 1. long ing to 1'.. b rt James, a prominent f irtn-i living one mile east of York, wa. de stroyed by tire til- other night. I!leen head of cattle nnd ten head of horse, per isheiL A large amount of gram and inn chinery was destroyed. Loss, i na; nc insurance. A HOY of fifteen nnd a girl of eighteen were recently licensed to marry nl Da kota City. L. M. RlCKAltnand George W. Ies, n brother-in-law from Burnett, weicnttiiig trees the other morning on the rU er banks south of Norfolk, on land lielonging tr U'lllitm Hoc he, when William and Her man Itoche c.iiiio iijmjii them armed with an axe aud n revolver. A tight ensued in which Ives had his ,lull crushed with the nxe in the hands of on of the iioche. Mrs Fkaiim. wife of Hans Frnhm. n farmer and truck raiser living in Sauudeis County, live miles southeast of Fremont, committed suicide by poioniug the othr morning, supposed to b- the result of fre quent famdy quirrels. Nf.rra.ska Citv celebrated Arlor Diy in good style. There was a pro.-esslott ovt r a mile long in which were 1 U) school children. Speeches were made aud sev eral thousand trees planted. John O'Hrie of Omaha, who recently had both I-gs cut off by a Union Pacific train at Fremont, died later of his in juries. He ft his fntuily penniless. Hecknt rains have invi farmers in the western prt of the State happy. Crop pro-pects ar flattering. Four sons of Joseph Drvok. living In th Niobrara vail y, twelve miles from Nlo I rara, were buried In a and cave th other day. One escaped, but IWors he could return with aid one of the three had suffocated. A Max giving his nam' as Bancroft ( xl ! recently applied fur admission to the N r- ' folk any um declaring that he wa, insann. He walked all the way from ltttt t Norfolk, and was taken in charge by the sheriff until his relatives could be heard from. A Wymore man fishing In Indian cr. the other day. drew out a bundle contain ing the body ot a male infant, winch had evidently been Strang, ed Immediately after birth. A disahtkocs prairie fire rec-ntlv swept through Vall-y County. Ord was only aved after a hard fight. One farmer lost all bis buildings and much damage was done to groves and orchards. Threk of the teachers in the college at Fairfield have resigned because ths-ydo not approve of the withdrawal of tbe in stitution from the State boarL- Tas prairie schooners are becoming I very numerocs en Kya Paha County and new settlers are arriving rapidly. I The mayor of B oken Bow ra)dd te gaoiblr is at that piece tb other day. and 1 proposes to clean thm cu' Tsi-y hall jast victimized a well known citir-n oat i of several banird dollar. Ose day recently Caarles Chester, the seven-rear-old son of Uriah Chester, of Long Pine, got bold of a revolver aad was playinc "" th it ka it was acci dentally discharged killing tbe child in stantly. Foa twelve days S. C Catl-r llvtag near Cntwfcrd. thought ke had U robb-d of a faii-bIoo4 Herefori bsiIL bat wnils waikug tbroogb his pa tart , taa other day L beard a Strang aoi In , aa old well, and a poo investlcattng f&cad the sals slcg aalmAL W.tij tie .i ot a ropv and tasthe ti tn I m LroQjfct ta terra firm alive, tl.iioagsi a IiUi. esiaci ated by its twelve days' -JB?ria-;l. A TCCJC son ol eE-Shertff Van G.lirr. s Antelope Cosstr, tried to lace a n tato a gas (a exker day wfesm it x- Msbctteg a ssreers woaai i ais A vtrniiu tswsi ssat im mtnmlaAml tfl-rs. a 'SCOPED THE SMOKER. Disastrous Accident N ton, Ont BaxulL, Itagcace Cr Telee,ips the "Sansker anil the W res-k TaWrs lire wany Hurne.l ts Usrath Hrbus.eltieal ! I"l- urt Kesort fr Kansas City. Hamiltov. OntM April -An accktent ' n'1 &' y but ejr.ly dr.fted toward f. n I h ' fca.uiv -i --on.ol the greatest in the hl.torv of Can- & utf A tfrmsnJou. truc b.r, j Bdc- loan U rn-n.ll l. ,da-sccarrx-,l one mUe from hej eat ser.n sleeping over br. w ..king f many , Jectloa . Pf.It ..g I ' h,! i,rtl fnra Wia.lmr am! w !un.l ' lf '""' Cs-armg lb dsk ot ( it ntlhug trvm .nal H - had startl fro-n Windsor and w at bound for Supenion llruigv and the Hast. rnt down an embankment immed.ately after clock last u.ght. Theaipresstraia.whjeh eavmg the tract. The baggage Csr t.le scoped the snicker and ttnmesl.ately lik lire. Tl.oe w i; were fre t-ied to ve others in the burning mot ng cat b.l without success. ILe wreiking of the water tai.i. cut off the supply of water to a great extent and what water con id le got had U be applied bt meau of j ails There weie IIj passenger n I tea train hands on tuard, and of these atout thirty paenger were in the nioiing Car. As f sr Us hi t-eeu laarned th.rtevn pas.encer g-jt out of the tuikr. TC wciektllel tutant!y. one uf them' teing L. S. Uurner. sun was on hiwa train fh.cago to Njw York, and th nhrr n lUllan. whos nam- I not known. The remains ftlf:..enUvlie. have le-en ta.en ont of th rrCk. which, with the to k.tled aud th.rtevti rescue,!, ail m-ce or less wounded, make up the thitiy who are supposed to U all that sri in the smoking car. Nine of the trim hands were serious! v 111 jute,!. Th worst -urt was Edwin Chapman, tho tlteniatl. ot Indn, who had his right arm j buruesl and cnlp woundeiL onnofth I fifteen w ho were taken nut of the rec altar ttie tire tme l-e-.-ii IJetititleil. It is doubtful If they can Ixs for sum Ia .. at le.at, as their reuia ns are charred beioud j recgtii'b n many Ixdng hrritly msng'.rd 1 before the tire broke out. Their reuittu w ere token out fiiim the burning nmli in I II .......... fl.- s. f -iiiisii &i iikiuieiii's. 1 lit- (inns ssrs. i:inb i I . . 1 sixiv mi vis an uourni inn l tne 01 til-sac- 1 ' cdent. The w ho e llfteen were hu!desl I together Itl the forward end of the !ilo!c ingctr. 1 (iu bniegngs car jiimjie 1 rlgh liver the top of tht, engine and carried It down nu the trai k aitout one hundiid j ar Is aben 1 of It. 1 he lailu is nod city I authorities haie do 1 e all in the.r J owrr to . help the wninided. Twelve of thetn iserr' removed to th" rllv hospital and tins 01 It its hud their wound dressed at th1 tattKi I and went on the r way by pecml triiin It is not liki-lv that nnv of the ,.uiidrd will die, their injuries not be.ng lery ri-ou-c llnin In 11 Clark, of Oiti'-sg, h.id hit light leg broken and his (tend brtl sxiL He 1 mnv IllsO hnve received liiternnl Injuries, I ill wlili'h Cis he Is not likely to te' , ver I Others w no weiewotimlesi .md taken to th 1 C ty hospital are: Autli inv ilu;r. no Ilnl- , ' , , i... 1. 1 inn on b s wnv from Wisconsin t- Italv, . , ... ... ., not serloulv. hlwiti ( hnpni'in. Ilreniati, ., , . , ,. i- of Ijondon, nut srioiislv; KiioCi Ken!r, engineer, of L indo.i. Kng . rlt.s broken, not.eri.us nine., mfrballv Injun-.): C. C Ail-ell. of lllnnrdtpo t, lud . tuta'id bruised, not seriom; U 1 Ii-im le-psey, Chicago, badlv sprained nnkle; A. 1 Uoney, Dtnitlle, lib. heal out, not se rious; J A Palmer, lllon. N Y . head cut, not f nous; (Seorge Vlnii going tt I'nlon 11 II. N Y, ear (in o!f and head cut; An Irew J. Carpenter, Yankton. I)k . out nu 1 bttiisi.d. not rlous; S. II Y"ting. Chicago, knennud I ac hurt. i.t it oils: Joeph Morris on In war to Clatk. Inllltld, ile. Clltnlout hend iml se lous. A M MV lUMKIfslill-. K'nuHl'nv Mi. April "'At fotn oVI'JCk esterda nfteriioii w h 1 10 j.oople wrr s levvmg t he eipiatlr fnt o! Alphonse iv ng 01 the ait. "rial laka in Ch'lsea pnrk, th- west end br.dge cro. ' ' mg ver to ttin pavlttoti. giv wav nmi H , , . , ' , . piecipitiite I fully eient .Jtlu lnip.e int. 1 i 1 the water Im-.ow. I cr an hotu 1.1 tin greatest coufnion. anil whtlo "lilini; hands were Ikui with th" vsork of rscue 11 was l-dieied that at least twenty persons hi.d li-en drowned iu tin thiei nud a Imlf feot of w?i tin l"r the w-r.kel LridgM. Tl r wildest ruiimis pirn! I ke lightning rei the city and hundred of pop'e is ho barf friend at thi pb-asurn re.irt l!-oked tr the park only to liud that thr wre very few casualties and no fatalltie. so tar a could bi learneiL The crowd wa nngov. rrnnbln nnd persisted in forcing It! way 011 to th" bridge In ?lte ol the warning of th park police. King ha i just completed hi ltccU test and was piepar.ng for tha jel baiancins feat w hen w itti a crash the center tan ol bridge gave way. For an awful momnl a singli trii suppnrte.1 th" enter plinif of the strurture. then with a swinglnf motion it, too. gave way and precipitates! a mass of screaming mm. men and children a distance of fit te-n feet into th. water lietnw. The scenes that f..lowe.i are almost !nds-rlbal'e. Iscnr, hi". ever. w r soon at work and victim aftei victim was pulled out. Sonv ot the atrong men in the water. rna! d"nei bv fear, plunged over th" head of children and women to get to the 'and The result ea that pilta a rnmiter ot people susta! e I Injuries, whirb ar. in nc ca" verv serious. The Injured, as far a could 1 enrnd late in the evening, are as follow ham uel Iet-r. musician living at Miirray vill. right arm broken in two de; h loarl at the corner of N-nth and IJrand avenue, and is I ing care-! f r by I)r Colter, ssho ays h will be aboat again In a few week Mr, ilellar ty. living tn Kansas I ty Karu. severe bruls at-jut the head on I arm, i William Ai.'li. i.ai-...nei. ..ut 11- . I jure I about th heal. Mr. H. V Mtrb'l. j bmlse-l al-xit th- arms. Anni VBI-r Kansasi.it. iwaiv.. sngnt wmw; r I Ie. living on Jam trt. Kansas City. Kan., slight brul.aa; a tv. nam an known. rib cruhd: Julia Aid-). Kansas City. Ksn.. si ght brui.e; E-laa YTvi. Kansa City. Kan Igoi brua; H ribad. Kansas City. JTsn, !ijht tarut; I. C Irrth. Kna City, Ksa.. l-s-bt Lralse; ltolert Nach. Kaasa (Tr, Kan.. light braise.; Mr. V ctoria Ii-aucair sstveralv if jit d m the sid. Tba wonl atsaUnd'r le fro-a tbe Fracb word taindr. tasssclng to stavin. According to tbe o.d Eagli.h taw. ts a srsc wa csrad-njn-! todati for trj or fejoey. or bad rsn owtla-I for aay cris-, be wa dprirvl of all bis civil ria-at. and hi. tt-a wr forfltd to I th (avrstna Tki was called at-J Ulnder. and th -r. tba ial.ks.1 j was ald to b attaJttl.' rrlaasst J rnlgat also thai dspc.v sa te?&dr of j righta, and tb act -a. cadd a UU f st- j high tra-aaoa fcrfit all H.U (rM.t.lMa rssal aad ;rr3.!. aad all t-ir Sc.div.da1 rigkta v cttitss. tmz. th eff-! al aorta. "currspoa of U1." list la. tts doJaAi ct fl cra.lr cosld sot leaavit csy cf ti pre? rty or aay ctvil right that ta-1 l-n hi. TadlsUh:- cr'l by th corraptlon ef iicA cos?d sasJr L r rsovasl by act of I'irlijct. Th tTJ of aVUatsder, as p.etl Vy tt Esg ti Far Lait. was s ;-gl.IaUT cwsj victims wlti JTigrsat of dati. &ere3 viiTs w bxd 00 th easst. bt sust f ;ss. U th ijts of tie act was t svecsr vic teas witkesst waitiax fr Wgai esrsef sf KsHt, Th frst ssetardl mmt4 k Uil ar attalaawr by fasvasmt srtt. k VCi. lt iaat ma wSS la HW. SSasB Bj A,- FBviea, WSS) WhttaOsI sstask in IBM BBINKMAN'S BRAVERY. TBse Terrlht Stiirienfs of ,Wttst toy la tSte Asasa !?. FaxwosT. Ntx. April rtU,cr Itrtnk man. on of Hnry llnbkmn. of ;tea tWtVt (arm, near Frnioat. ! lshta yrar. i i sailer en lsrd th- Van daiss Mhen tkat ship rnt with diter la toe hurricane at Apia, Snw Wrlung ' to his trnt he aad thl sia th hr- t ncsrte struck th shf all hands were at . tbe r pvsts aad tbe anchor wei cast. Ut J.vn't er te he w r 'i t t it tu lcsu evident that tby eoa'J J Had to th wJ. rt - , not hold tbt hit arsnt U.s funou gaS t nt.g In this !ur -h.s-Si t ..! ' Pr '""' cs-armg iisk of every thing wht-h . ni ourIr fa.st.nrd- lathe intarVal of p4iet walca tu.Iowel tfca roeti luol to the ICS n clung to the mast and pr Prently tha me. gava a bevy lurch bafure th a-ale. and manr ma and lj, including young Hnnkmao. rre literally Moss n from tbetr place n.l n i Ufl In the fcamiug urg. Hrlnkman struck init fnr llfs and ucvdrd In tmg a plana which had tsn washed from thdckef the ti(srar to which h clung lth all hi strength. Another terrlbl was awp over the sb.p carrs ng llh it atiala Scbf.uniakr. 11 ssas.wau l. HtlaWmao. bsit apparautlv i;aite itunn-l oi ex. hsut-s. a fee made n. -.7 .rt tw rtnt4St Lr lrm'ttm nil " crri.t aaf by th. aiwra an,, mw e-tu Hnnlmsn. h.lst ct. aging U hi plaok "-... aU.ut by tha .', "IW on" bU aitm ' U lbs - ami near y r..iaj. ..u, mas. aim near v rinu,iei, u.i. iinrae- v .muting hi. n auk. ...sM ald of v the hair and w turning xllb h.n . u)r I"'" M him b "-" " Kwl u" "" 't,n w -B,r" "" ga n got on the idsnk. tu sahirh thav loth c ung hilst th- atotni loared AH fi uiul ni'ii fi struggling fr dear life n tl surging, s.ettung ater. Many were atuanel or ki!ie outright by t-ing d iahv agalust ttoatlng oojet t. wtitt h lia I txen siathe,l from the alorn.. battered si.ltv. Y ung II ink man and hi cssuipan'titi hadateinba bait e sstth th 4in n their attempt to r-ara the nor tmt a high vsase Unallr I tii.l thetu ,flv ti the leiaeh am! tiuti'lthstamtihg Ma e. haitstisiii am! tbe prrit r( th attempt Ha , . , ' SUCTeMle.1 In m a tin nc a in til btt.il illi until e. nnd after a Ie,i.erte strttcgl 1 itli tlipHitfi and st'iini linn lr .; sin t tenrhed the Trent n ami the a mp- alissr 1 bv vs h ell himni mahV lii.s tntu aieit A FATHEH-S VLNGEANCC. A Vtnis f,.flf. .Ure,..,iMe Art Ull.l SiilllMMfl I lnlsllMl. St Jonrni, il-.. Ap t. r Yrur-Sir I Ims t Jn Lsmi, a negus Jit tr n a b.l laid ' hall find a ivtn l.vil; am liisiittif.. ilmIh ft, ! an liisi.liiak nt t the eigtltcel.T.-ar.l I ttsilctttar id I'llilles Ni.wlnnd. a ptoni nn c 1 sn 0' thia e.tr, purporting to 'isv le. is riitn bv msit and aeiu b J. ess. .11. Th : lad v halldej tue not Oler to her f-stlier s !, hail Jat-k4t airst.t , th marha ' e1. !... .... .1..II.....1. .uff.. I,.. ... ,., .. . . . I leal the iikiii of th ia!r of the i.le ... .... . wl.eiith etiragvd fnttirr h -t hill. fur . .... 1 ttnie islth pruUsblv fatai elfe, v I i M, J.-eira. Mo. Apr I ?. L..I night It ""' -"'"l " !- ""rf - .r riel I V I-vs . J ,1 lsll. the il!le.l M,(ter, to Mis. sus Inn I. for tafulrtg to tell th auttinr of whit i l.r father etet In slml and fatally wounded Jckou. larsa ssnt- ten iy a (i)urt"-.ii.ye-r.rvbl l-ir In a s liolrsule lidtscsi store at .- ii .In'. tntnill Die Kir'ria iden sa. to iB'iltl If the voting la ly vs n I luaka appi'iiliueita vsiiu men, an 1, 11 o, n .u-ai to mll ( b-r tinme to the list he had for th iMi.elU of those wini might n.k for thei Wtimillrais ariested. ( II istt, ta's! ipsli'tilsv, Jsn.tiin s lslii In lti Ki- rl I.Hd-wtD'. ad that frH p. Vat" OloCe .if Chief f I dice J .tin Hladar tnd atluns the ,-d,tst ). la H.I e.iMtl n eoiiiali) itti ' land it Ms his .tber ,n U.M,ma UI allKsat4y la., and the chief. Th d"r eie Iu. t 1 and neatly rty ijusri. .tkw.. , tavat T- Nunlnm! Ifrwd the t.Jrr ut tbejr,i,j- -j h,. 1 iua- th a liwi it chief, and advane ng ! J ek.Mi l , i.,.Ui tt t th ,iiarKiait ..'l uk. I .,.,". . , , ., the tlipiat foir ng him t .is koe. Tli-n .. . , .. , psHtltlng a iri'HV-r at I. m. the inHi.t a . . , , lilt nga nst Jaska.iu fars. he 1. mandeil thy nam of tha J'ty for whom he had rnriel b nM. fa... j nv ntfcs er twti ya lfn liy m.I t Ing to aestile s fcWh h l"('f be s.eji. j ,rch-L t cnt-l us t hut. a.4.e' kidJnikson. 1 h tif r, terr Desl a t i hrgd ivM nsl l M,.. w! si In-Sstl t VU us list b" isa "sslW ftti 1 tl j th. . lrln f t l,M--.lhs, as tlesla l"g f"r help. Ill iris sre lr I sll ,1. a) v..ge,it a sei.sfat. .s th over th" Citv Unit and ae sin Hessusi I treet. lb h ur. Jacks isn k.t up f.r alm ! an n laali!v dHiag tht ti J k'lew the uatll" of the miH vs h h s 1 gtel j III Ml th Uta. If Jsekn shwuld ill an . e(T trt sstUnial to hseVI th elilf a nu acres, nr to tit k.lt ng M far b haa 1 dasrllM! to JV aair thint In l.s dfn. CENTENNIAL CHOICE. TH t.rars.l Marslisl'. atalt th lleej I'le! I..U. .irw das. Aj-ni 1, - jajrnrai j Koitifisl, hlef of stull . il rugUr. j announce thfd iss.g a theej,.,t. j tire. if their 1st x .talis es ti.e (Jrcnd ! Ifarshal. tatf t-sM'n! It IThlr, I'elaware; ti.fi-ia! K'aik ;.r lsf sylianta, C.itnl K MrIMI. I ek kmih, 4 ,V, Jery, f ns (.rpsnt'ttd. (..giat ( ajitain I hi' as Jl tngall ls,-!!' ut t;-nrai K. H Ca'iter Masebaeti. Cobinl C.iiimu t I is Maryland, .olnt Ufr tspr'Kg. h eih 1 r 1 . Odoaei II M Keauiau, ' llaphir. Major N .Ttifi C It-sadIeh, Vir ;! nrai I) IJ IVjils. .' 'ws-k. -p'a a B-rft'ihati t ntft'jn tl I'sfs, a. ! era! K. H, ilHels, l..'-le IsU.nl. (I.?! , Clwa'd II Ki.e Yrv)t. Cs.leI Morn. It ll-JVBtt'.. eIsitjeT. f-ett II C Cirtn. (-.. l.-fs.l H-ury M. rtprags Maiae. C4oal C" II J"sas. M - j j ..4. I ...l '1.., W fl.Ll.... t1 . I . da; tl!.i V H. Hso. Ksr.sas; Kajwr J - A.Jsrttev tVt riej.a. TMK aLf-r sltllM Si Your. A;rt-,l?T ;a.ila Isvtl ll()V ,,. In tb iadMe af kwr , cotoj t..., k(,,lM( to , ' 7rku,n,, tar. at last t-Tt dtw.-l ., fultoas, Mrs. iu,j. a Hr. r.n. Mr. Ii I" U'-tu. Vr. Or-re Cei.!.Q'L Mr 0'n K.og. Mr A- ander Van ltesatar. Mr, t ,yr 1 , CatliBg. Mr. W.1 Uas A'tr. M.a Ca Iviagton. Mr Nt.-1 M'err . Mr Kl- trvtg T 'earry. M t.. - Hckrey- tr. Mr. I)srna Withr Mr .- r ant F sh. Ma s ffllans df, Mr. H. J V JL lrrr aad Mr. A!ta4r rk W.tU SI...M tt lsst.1 te4. tsars.ro. IL-. Aje-iJ rt H . K-ija M. IIsio. St'ei,r rrf tV err tsss of ti ft-t I-,lstaf aad fas- Sbaay Tr a frf-c-cvesit ge (J Hl itifm. d4 at ala auxrs" her Vat-Iay aawcarsig of avrsv-'yaia. H a ? te rty s l-r .t ms.o a tj la I. tt. s ( kd t a fa tar tfc.--gWwt .tirifi. rs X.h5s Um a grt Buuy yw. a al r-sn-d a csti- svad f fri4 gT-at t.flee. sf.-Uoai.y. -. 3Ttr.l .a hi m-sVs Irttr9 v tfc. j-rt.bbiy im(m tl- avay kr sov-t-r At tsvat ljj IU grseatlr lar:-.l la it la- l.sa rr it iv Jty 4v tl a isrt rf- e-stry f iSy t- t. lte.V. fsvC I T J. AfCJ "-' W iSJVJa,. UmS s. rsv J s.4-Sas - ! 4-, "? : yw jay , traa tav tess s a "s' vj'-Ta 1 wr a SMtsB.rr sasTs mwd. xjaun Ites AJ-ec i wiiJ, ks a)t ban. tt4 vArf, i aW -Th 7saww atm. ssWaia ffM 1, vsy H t jrxmA tat fS-as r ttfwt .t .- .. SsaSS-aW Wm aMat mm tomm40mKBtmmmiamm y-rw a tv ya aga. ja nU aaa. tAUrf .! ?S- AsU-Mes . iSrxit 14 svr5,tt -al y-a asl,. X JUsvafea B4, aK V- agl.et5.ka.lfjr nl-rtt4. rwXl , f s, -j. f, t- Vs 9t ih Nat-si Cjsll ta M. ZeVvia, 1 r-e-rSi' ! .-. Ui 3U. M -- I THE TRUE STOHY. Qrsl tH4tr ill Ot Ike led rt .. rt Me-A ta Ps 1.4T Rll M tl. II U ef r'i-- Wasntaiirciv, Apt 3 Wf Plt lttr wa &! a Co-ssiI W-4av he prwwea'! t r.,,, -J tor iry." aad tJgs.rl ts V I- t J. tnaaJing t!at Vast t'J c f-rf r. I cion tbe ttssr whwh V , r -i. and svl t4 t wfi alr fc trrv4 a copy Hr it W I ' sit nolSi'Oi trvm nsai !(-- I , av i6eri Twij-njiorera.- i w.t the A ItMin trtlu rmr (..MS ' '! wu '1 r,c' ' "l,,l TOt-r .m any war lnixiu( ills' an-l I , not acosspt any psiblie ut . t ! j cssnllv assxscsa'iet ltJ Mr. Cse Iagro.'t. t N" Yeft. and Jare ; ty, of Philadelphia, an t fca 4e-i . dote ur etlra attaalMtw to tt .- ' of tar. I lif nsr ssat a. --t aay patdle i.fBrsaM l"illoic U tV tH- pfsvtues. bv t4lai i s r 1 . ?wr V taJer. W W imisirMS Mfnt IV few -t taJ sw Ytfiss! tlra! U lk o4 ir-tf t cot Vat It frssvfcJ av atrat IVm s-srI nrt-rd ma a trip Ui la Hiia -, u, ,,,, tTnm lk. ,,4. j. . . I ateal li astaia. a4 4 a ci- . tkr, ai eSlee fm. flt I4i s .a, J maUe iui l J.lW, --ra ti .r j . U.a ., Jar V -U e -av, . ! ,. r.w.1 It lertjki l w " " "- '- - - 1 "" ft " T.f h m, t , . " . . . . l I aw aJTai.l s frei hum , -"-'-" ."";-"":. Mso Vm U frea4 KeeJ a. p-4 . , -sreaia la my aa4 .! t j r .1 Us fit it aufc llk.j Uvr Is es IR tV ssittlr ? haa Oeaa aa Nr enra Itarriaosa staMtur l it 1e jrar a. t fcata, t.l ene ntr ! 1 'rteu Oj la tatiaac.l H fJ ia aoe aa.1 re . "Uslsr lira' il.-t - rl le (rl lst B ral 5eJ W e,.- .u a. aa s).i.4ttlaars, aaj ii..miUi I -laae it. at at la While ItiM ae" - ' ripwl.l I aaa aol t-e War llMasr it ieriit ia-seaaa. a ' ! wsr ft jes v t,l I M n t 1 was i ' - -, a el te J,- Httt later sms h4 I. , sttd itvv it t-sxi asl4't kAr HNS. g-la Ut tt ai tss H.lkIaa) I Is - tr tt.- l.l e fs,s m lt eWMW -tnuiltis St W-- a4 a UtUa Iv4le a ! s K Lire at) ktanl rrae4 ta aU saw . XaaVma, aJ ruuV ma .tJ-sf. - tr wd s la. an 1 i ILLI.GAL OUAtlUUIty. I ,,mrl. nhH M "..l. I..M..-. 1 , ,. . ...... .J ... , 1 s. m 9 9 ss T a aj ss a w fss. w V si -"' - .s tt l... la.l. uisit'X Apni T"s lni,li. ul. ,,. i. ,...u.i h f ,... tui(. it j (J,rn.l.iHt tvCle.aU art4 ttlj.as-at.mi-. ,r.i., , j,.,nmnt -Mp y t at. i.t u.,t th. r aMtfc.i ly a eta ..TJ , u .,., prior tM m Ja t, ... ta. Tr 1 . ,,-r. ,,, .ti.,.nt .. It,, r.hl. .(1,, - - . -- - " - - - ' - ...- .... -, tha f e-.. lent aad fSeeretafj ssV 1 aial-! t-i !'. agnt ( tl ! t- lUsxtt . In th Tefrlsjr tsl It, s.e IhtTfUfh a 1 iti.ni iiii(!t(al.i at IU. fart m trsa fas and Ustl It eiti.. In ltumstateit is.,t fy Hi j-fjt.r . lhli rinding. A f-sxl l "M'l 1 .Jt,r . the eek. In spssaking sf the matter fSlri ..! I s.l taal eel th iea.t sb-s.le j .. ItiJu.Ue u.lUit u UklahsMtsa s..l , t lie'rale,) fr a mmhI and that as ,m a th farl In ! is sm.i.I i et1al.ae. if Clal sf taHtssd tw t-a le im.e!..! n any aU-o.ptet JI .rs er -iwng .1. ng' tbe aoiiwn f lb II , trnmtit lis ti.a iatlr auuhl I j (,frt.,t and ! . 1 t niislnri t-tl2f ni It, Un tU tlalahetna f"ntl as a sjsl. and ill ,( then, at "s t)r,eiwt In ft. rdts.y e,, wi ! ties II s.s.t Htatr ts gM etalui fr a htltt ts.wsl th t m , al.H Uuntnt Its I m xfcs-4 f.aul 1 iMlatWlif tha ,. av, 4a P-., diM p4ai.iatfi In a4ag . ta TlH-rr ftUrt l Ajiftl 73 ssid t-a lse and il.ps-J f at nes an olo cnuoct. Mlssil tr rlMf SSllt .ms raisurift.it Uu, Asrs. J At ' A M a I .elc .at st.smj A. It I.. os ;... Jrfsfislnseit !asref w srt $!, fas" hfft Wil . Hs.sati.ef, srr f (, farm. grt"r , an i h- Ik tb"l)iaT a ls l. tag!") " T!'s rWeai-fa. sl ,t tt tasrs 'Umrm, s - atrtl n M.slt r lt-s-fs th t. L9s.(t . drt mmtar et af al s-CJ. Iet Is r-ftt- In. trt-I tptt h'lM t tirarnr rsvit-t ! ttrtl , n I- Ihs'lm fttlrsM ltl l sii . m t fv aa I tng a Wteal tA ,"ie at lb- .!- ltstt tV ts fHU, tt WstU-t ,tris.C ht ety s ..s ti fta aad .( vt.y trset. lr ltf Ur . 7ef ss.r so fc t?rtikr tst f m '! - t-or-f Tv tsevhs ars frSai S) i I grsilf te irii,lwi t KifDnisf. - 4 i fcal Sigvart. LiSs.C'ta .. .! Mtrrgmm la. Mtale a sa ' Jay f a-t psftn-it i..n,M, pian, fr.J i f.tr sr se.L ...,. f.e-ty.j.l. ,-.ei, ,.ro !,. t. laeat'ea s4 sf It" ItS savss. ttM,ll CV..AI . l. .J.s , . - ."--.. x-w w - mrwmi-v ... 4H. Sl 1 Bi.f-i i.i vr .rts Stfw rsea SSMt- t'te" Ajsrsi, JA.-Ia aa t. !. ft ? Lefr.l ILw. tt, Si... mmi4 BaM4,taJy , asa.fwiia .-,, e- Utetstiio, 4 vi- ai , rt . a !, 4-, a Ts o.,aj a. f ssrad a a U.Hs u .!. iat.M, h. . n . tt-t-i tUeVS Is atte-bl SsTtVas I - - l J.. M4 n yi-m . WSi a d. at .msli.af .Skv SMSmS Ocrsrait. L T A-. 3 -T tr-tt 1lwlWt ,.4-lali n a-etsei ut tfe tissts s-f V ty l t f t.r. fMiraevar. At a Ss - 4 r;e-tl sir 7V 11 fcf s t Ve bsaat f fSag Y i jw tfc virla as-t e -i JS ' . - - - .r-:. a s J Tftar ar tw U ta lws,eev 4?g Uasfc sv4 IS. ut)& t"2-tl V lri a .-Jay ess. T Cwai ss r st. w tfc ti lr-va eet )U4- tlfc tra'vsa'vx 4 a a,.. v4 isv.- T4 Jvt-iC j, torm rV( fe 5.t. 4sa 15 msri .rrk-aimrl i a v"y nt;V4- .. atl r.sleav. aV..sa4. ts-Sta. S J 40. SK. i.r Of,.. W ej .JTaxtWe, fc, ..-.., , 4, , Htr f vUr,. e xtf0 V t -s-aVs-J t - SW, 4. srs-sr--:.e U his. L Lj (1.1 eavS .- .'" ti.,v 4 k y fa u, S . , mm A eSaSVW -, CaV -f, W Me,W , JlU s-x rt i aVTWar C-arv Lavka Jl $etrt-., saf, A awia tMmi , Jit-.-"s fsastAsf sMM ( arisst t r' AMIaV-irafi aas V 4 kigaeraaa V .-. te'tf a" J 'ArCSSS, -UluhA ft - yari" 'U?m 5:. 3 JliV J-U -. k .?". Bt s. ' i. ;-Tf5'",:Hjl! jL.fr&L, li trst2& fer.t iT"f "Pvi 5f5Pfi - - ' T7CW2 T ZS Sf- ? - -. - m tmm f ' ,f7 t" r.'. r v .. -.-l -'- - afjsassassaasaassassjk .1 It. IJ