M I i 4 X t I . RED CLOUD CHIEF A. C. HOSMER. Proprietor. BED CLOUD. - - NEBRASKA. CURRENT COMMENT. Goveknsient surveyors havo ffone to Oklahoma to asbist settlers in locat ing claims. THE two hundredth anniversary of the founding of the first paper mill in America will be celebrated at Rox borough. Pa., in September. 1881. A max was in Dubuque, Iowa, re cently buying cats, for which he paid from M cents to $1 each, according to ao and bize. He was shipping them to Dakota, where he said they bold for $3 each. The President recently appointed William P. Hepburn, of Iowa, to be Solicitor of the Treasury; also William H. Whiteman. of New Mexico, to be As sociate Justice of the Supremo Court of the Territorv of New Mexico. F. R. Bosellv, an attorney and loan agent, and Alonzo Ackley, a farmer of Corunna. Mich., have been arrested on a charge of swindling the Cincin nati Union Life Insurance Company out of several thousand dollars. Akistockatic circles in Rhode Island are dazed by the elopement of Miss Fedora King, the belle of Provi dence, with fc.'.-,000 in her own right and millions in prospect, with George McLcod, a poor btudent of Hrown University, and the son of a poor mechanic Is view of the shortage in tho ap propriation or the present year for the maintenance of the Minnesota State University. Ex-OovernorJohn S. Pills bury, who is one of the regents of that institution, presented the sum of $1."U, 000 for tho immediate use of tho university. Commissioner Taxxek, of the Pen sion Iturcau, received during the first week of April' GO, 7.H letters and other pieces of mail matter pertaining to tho business of his office and the second week he received G'J.OOO pieces. This accounts for dblays in answering cor respondents. Fiiist Assistant Postmaster-General Clarksox is gradually increas ing the sieed with which he is making appointments. Up to March 25 he had secured only 300 fourth-class post masters. During the last six days of March he made a record of 71!. In the first week of April ho named H87. and tho total for the next week reached 923. It is reported that tho Standard oil monopoly has completed one of the biirgest deals on record. For two years the company has been quietly securing property in Ohio and has now $7,000,000 invested there. The Stan dard will abandon tho Pennsylvania fields for those in Ohio. The consum mation of the sch"ine means the revo lution of the oil bu-iness. The liquidators of tho Panama Canal Company have informed the shareholders of that concern that they believe thai a reissue of the unsold lottery bonds of the company, under par, would realize 12,.i00,000 francs and save the canal, but that the Gov ernment was reluctant to propose such a measure, fearing that Parliament would not consent to its adoption. The Commissioner of Patents has issued an order intended to put an end to a practice long in vogue about the office of clerks borrow ing money from local patent attorneys. The Commis sioner in his order directs clerks to pay back all loans of money mado them by solicitors and attorneys who prac tice beforo tho office by April 30. At torneys who seek favor on tho part of clerks by non-compliance of tho order the Commissioner threatens to disbar. Thomas M. Dan-sky, a merchant of Cleveland County, and Reuben W. Darden, a plnnter of Union County, convicted in the Federal Court at Lit tle Rock, Ark., of obstructing the Congressional election November C, were sentenced by .hulge Itrewer. Dar den to imprisonment for two years and Dansby to pay a tine of fTW and costs. The testimony disclosed that Darden had driven a negro from the polls and that Dansby had interfered with voters'. A secret circular issued by the Topper-Johnson committee of first mortgage bondholders of the W abash railway came to light at Chicago the other day. The document apparently showed that a determined etTort was to be made to purchaso the property at the salo to take placo May 13. The bondholders represented by this com mittee were greatly in the minority, but according to the circular were backed by a syndicate prepared to as sume all obligations. WntTELAW Reid announces that, having taken office abroad under the Government, he had retired from the editorship and direction of the New York Tribune. It is understood that the management of the paper will be left for the present in the hands of Mr. Donald Nicholson and staff, who have been so long connected with it. and it is thought that Colonel John Hay. who ha heretofore taken general editorial supervision of the Tribune when Mr. Reid was absent, will be able on his return from his summer trip to do the same again. A year ago while crazed with drink George Lucas, of Dubuque. Iowa, fired a bullet into his brain from a revolver. He recovered from the wound suffi ciently to attend to bis business. Re cently 1 visited bis physician and coMpbdaed that be felt something in his head The wound was probed aad the doctor succeeded ia exiractiag- the ballet. It bad penetrated the froat lobe of the braia over an lack. The decter cays there is ao doubt ef Leca1 tMaptote recovery. The caw fa aa ztraerdiaary oae aadhas beea widely iiMMMihy the aeiieal f reterait NEWS OF THE WEEK. Gleaned by Telegraph and MalL PKfUOXAX. ASU POLITICAL Thk Rhode Island Senate ha concurred in the passage of a bill establishing a naval reserve in that State. GjcxebaL Feajcz Sigki. has resigned aa pension agent at New York. Ex-Pbehident Cleveland has declined the appointment as Commissioner of the High Bridge Park on the ground that bis knowledge of real estate values in that locality is not sufficient to qualify him for the position. The Archbishops of Paris, Lyons, Mech lin and Bordeaux are soon to be made Cardinals. Minister Fbed Grant and family sailed on the steamship Aller for Austria on the 17th. Minister Porter was on the same vessel bound for Italy. Prince Ferdinand, of Bulgaria, is soon to be betrothed to an Orleans Princ ess. The opening of the centennial loan ex hibition of historical paintings and relics at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, was graced by the presence of Mrs. Grover Cleveland, who eniered the room leaning on the arm of William E. Dodge and at oace became the center of attrac tion. Following them came ex-President Cleveland with Mrs. Folsom and the mem bers of the executive committee. It Is reported that a man named Mc pherson, formerly of 8an Francisco, has set himself up as monarch of one of the Aleutian islands. A revenue cutter has been ordered to arrest him and turn him over to the civil authorities at San Fran cisco, as during his "reign" he had caused three natives to be hanged. lit a recent German white book Prince Bismarck blames his Consul, Knappe, for the Samoan difficulties. TnE President ha-, appointed Edward S. Lacey, of Michigan. Comptroller of the Currency. The Boulangist lenders in Brussels have decidod to remain quiet during the exhi bition, provided the Government adopts a similar course. Thk New York Legislature has pased a bill to postpone tho cutting of streets through the New York bate-bnll grounds for another year. Amom; those who called on the Presi dent on the I'.tth were Senator Plumb, of Kausas, and ex-Senator Henderson, of Missouri. J. A. E.vaxdeb, recentlv appointed United States Minister to Denmark, was reported lying critically ill at his homo in Chicago. The Duke of Edinburgh continues to suffer Irom Revere fever. James Campbell, of Pittsburgh, Pa., has resigned the presidency of the Na tional Union Glassworkers' Association. MI3CKIXAXKOD8. Felice Viant, un old beggar woman, died in n miserable hovel at New York a few days ago, and the coroner, while in vestigating the case, found that tho de ceased had left 4),000 in gold concealed in an old tlower pot. Her heirs all live in France. In Brockton County, W. Va., the other day Perry Wine, a well known citizen, was felling a tree when it broke across the stump, demolishing the house and killing his wife ami three children. Governor Francis has respited Bill Walker and John Matthews, Haiti Knob bors. to May 10, the day on which Dave Walker, the Bald Knoblwr chief, was to Ite hanged. Uborue McCraven and John Harrison, two White County (S. C) ruffians, went to Kershaw recently, killed a policeman, and were lioth shot, McCraven dying. Mrs. Frances Cahmichakl, of Pitts dale, Midi., has been acquitted of the charge of having poisoned her husband, prelerred by him before bis deith. By an explosion in a colliery at Tiefblau, Austria, receutly, eleven persons were killed. The Gaulois of Paris, savs that tho Princess of Saigon, a noted leader of fash ion, was bitten some time ago by a pet monkey, which has since died from hydro phobia, and is about to visit Paris for the purpose of putting herself under the care of M. Pasteur. The great sugar trust was reported to be in a bad way, for not only were the New York authorities energetically pros ecuting the combine, but the sugar market had been cornered by other parties, leav ing the old trust in a much "busted" con dition. Mrs. Josic Gcblxt, who stole little Annie Redmond at Chicago, was found guilty of abduction and the punishment fixed at Ave years in the penitentiary. She took the finding of the jury very much to heart and wept bitterly. TUEcircuit court at Marshalltown, Iowa, has decided in a test case that a note given for Bohemian oats was part of a gambling transaction and was consequently void. The prisoners escaped from the district jail at St Joseph Beauce, Que., recently after seriously injuring Police Sergeant Harpe, Tax Supreme Court of South Carolina has decided that the act of the lust Legis lature validating township railroad bouds is constitutional and many new roads will be started. J. Mcndan, an expert climber, while carrying a box across a stringer on the new suspension bridge at Niagara falls fell to the water below and was killed. Two men, named respectively Riley and Brown, while taking down telegraph wires, wore pulled out of a window of the St. Outer Hotel, Sixth avenue and Twenty-third street. New York, tho other morning by a wire attached to a falling pole and were both instantly killed. At Fannington. Pa., recently an iron ore mine, the shaft of which was 12.1 feet deep, caved in. Eighteen men were in the mine and a dozen of them were partially covered with the falling mass. Hichard Ettinger was crushed to death but the others succeeded in crawling out without sustaining serious injury. John H. Swift, who shot his wife down in the street, was hanged at Hartford, Conn., on the 13th. This was the case where his sister made such an energetic effort to save his life, aad where the Legis lature passed a bill for that purpose, which was vetoed by the Governor. It was understood that the sentence of Lieutenant Commander Book for leaving bis post of duty ia Alaska would be vety light, consisting probably of a temporary suspension. CoNDCCroa Hcohxs and Engineer Con verse of the freight train which telescoped a director's car at Lorenso. III. the other day aad caused three deaths, have beea arrested and placed in the Joliet jaiL Caitain Wbxdin, of the coological de partment of the Smithsonian Institute, has discovered that rats are remarkably fond of sunflower seeds and has had great success baiting traps with the seeds. A TESsxl went ashore the other night near Norfolk. Va., but as all oa board were drowned before assistance could reach them and the vessel went to pieces shortly after she struck the beach, it sras impossible to ascertain her name, destina tion or cargo. Febdinbsd Woxaxaa, sixtyalae years of age, was smothered to death recently ia a are oa Center street, N. T. 8ix girls and three mea were baraed to death ia the same building oa Cferistsmas eve, MfC Tax Uaited States Coasal at Havre mader dates April 4 iafersss the Beat Oeaattawat that oa aad after May 1 aeat aaatvotejceetsperls aeeadeas will to levied em all isat irtsMiai taytaaes af lard atlxed with eeetea seee ail, srre- aad that all latdlmaeretd turn eheUatsed BSSSBBSSmftsSBsB will SBBBBS SmBSskBSSSBSSsl SBBsh tfsasBsaft LVKK r.MEKtOX, of Bowliug Green. Mu, was acqu.tted of the charge of murder in killing a man named RoMnson when he fired into a crowd in London, England. It was found that Hobluson was a detperata character and had first assaulted and robbed Emerson. The British budget presented by Mr. Goscben in the House of Commons on the 15th show that the revenues were 1,165, UW greater than the estimates and theex penditures !M 1,000 less, leaving a surplus of U,S'fG,0'JO the largest since lsTX Lieutenant John C. Wilmj.v. of tba Vaudnlia, has telegrapbe I to the Navy Department from Sydney that he had chartered the steamer Itockion for the purpoie of transporting the shipwrecked sailors to the United States. The Kockton is due at San Francisco May 1C. Cholera is epidemic in the Philippine islands, and out of LVlQ cases 1,000 have proved fatal. Tux interesting matter from Paris is Andrient's evidence alnmt Boulanger. showing that Clemenceau offered Andrint the Pre,idency to defeat Jules Ferry. R uublican feeling against Ferry is furious. His election would have provoked civil war. A package containing $15,000 in gold has disappeared from the office of the Northern Pacific Express Company, at Brainerd. Minn. There was no clew as to who took it, The river Thiess in Austria has burst its banks. The adjacent country is flooded and the Banat provin.-e is threatened with inundation. A tornado passed over Hint ley, 111., on the l'Jtb. No one was hurt, but many buildings were unroofed. Humors wre current in the shirt trade that D. H. Downs, senior partner of the firm of Downs & Finch, of New York, which failed receutly for $500,000, had gone to Canada. Five person-, perished in the cabin of a river raft boat which sunk the other night near Burlington, Iowa. A woman in the cabin snved her life by finding a corner not submerged where she kept her head until the roof was broken in and she was pulled out. While attempting to ford Ephrnim creek in the Cherokee Strip on tho 19th a boomer, his w ife uudfeur children were swept away and drown-d. Tiikbe was a report at Purcell. 1. T.. on the lM.h that United States mnr-h.ils.hnd lirod into a party of boomers attempting to ford the Canadian river and enterOUa lioinu bfore the legal date. Seven boom ers werj wounded, two fatally, tho re mainder, numbering thirty, ieing taken prisoner's. There were reports clsew here of serious conflicts with cattlemen. Sylvester Gruiiii was hanged at Vin cennes, Itid., on the l'.ith for the murder of his sweetheart September IS Inst. In Dale County, Ala., live Mormon mis sionaries were whipped recently by regulators and their legs given a coating of lar and feathers. Bv an unavoidable collision between a ia-ssenger train, the engine of which hnd broken down, ami a local freight train near Gleucoe, Ky., the other moruing, a sleeper was wrecked and six persons were injured. The Seville (Spain) cathedra! is again in a tottering condition. A dynamite petard was explodd in a church in Valencia, Spain, on the l'Jtli. The altar was damaged, but nobody was hurt. It is stated that lliinsiu demands 45,000 roubles of France on account of the bom bardment of Sagalic. Several Russian artillery officers have been arrested fur plotting against the Czar. The Mexican authorities of Lower Cali fornia have issued formal warnings to American fishermen to keep out of Mex ican fishing grounds. Iwo small boys were drowned nt Uock ville, IniL, the other evening while boat ing. C M. Barrktt & Co.. dealers in rough leather mid hides, Hostori. have assigned with about jOO.OOO liabilities and unknown assets. The Ulth anniversary of the battle of Lexington, Mass., wns celebrated on the l'Jtb in the usual style. AT a meeting of the descendants of revolutionary patriots of Massachusetts in Boston recently, nineteen aged men whose fathers fought in the revolution were present. A society was organized. The Shah or Persia will visit the Czar of Russia May 23-27 and will then go to Berlin to pay bis respects to the Emperor of Germany. A disastrous fire occurred at New York on the 19th, breaking out the lard refinery of N. K. Fairbanks, destroying the buildings of the New York Central, two elevators and other property. Sev eral men were injured by jumping from windows, one fatally, and it was rumored that others perished. The total loss was $1,355,000. ADDITIONAL DISPATCHES TnE number of deaths from yellow fever at Rio Janeiro averages 10) a day. At Santos the plague was also raging furiously. A boy created a panic at the Hill street M. E. Church, at Newark, N.J . on th21t by crying "lire." A womau was injured Alexander Henriques. vice-chairmsn of the New York Stock Exchange, died recently. HENnv G. Pearson, ex-postmater ol New York, dud on the 2Jth, aged foity tlve. A dispatch from Berlin say: Germany concedes the principle of absolute non interference in Samoa, and the natives are to I e left free to choose their rulers. No claims for compensation for German subjects are mentioned in tho statemcat ami proci'cally the work of the confer ence is limited to defining exactly the powers of Consuls in regulating trade and shipping, etc Clearing house returns for the week ended April 20 showed an averaze increase of 8 3 compared with the corresponding week of last year. In New York the in crease was Si Two street cars were wrecked by strikers at Minneapolis. Minn., on the 21st and the traffic stopped. There was a riot of street car drivers at Vienna, Austria, on the 21st Several per sons were injured and many arrested. Business was quiet oa the London Ex change during the week ended April XL English rai'ways advaaced oae per cent. Americans were weaker. An attempt to borrow j3.UOO.OtM to restart the Panama canal works resulted ia failures. Tne French and German bourses were firm with Governments advancing. A force of Soudanese recently attacked and defeated a party of Egyptians from Saakim, who were building a fort at Port HalaiK The Egyptians lost ten killed and wounded and were forced to take refuge on the steamer Agami aad have returned to Suaklm. The steamer Umatilla arrived at San Francisco on the 20:h. having on board Lieatenaat Louis Ripley aad twenty-nine injured men of the United States steamers Vandatia and Trenton. SecretaRT IVindom has ordered a sus pension of the sale of tax stamps to par ties desiring to engage in the wholesale or retail sale of liquor ia Ok'abotsa. The decision is based oa the ground that it would be impossible to get liquor into Oklahoma without crossing sosas portion of the ladtaa eoaatry. Tax imperial family has returned to 8t Peterstorg f resa Gatscaiaa. Extra oaatieas srere takea for the safety the party. Move arrests have beea mails est artillery islsscs ssatsfiiiasheSiaaist Uy sMeoovese mi Earless. Fkaaa stare mmiil ftertfse rar afcia, w sMM IM aaVrtssMi slajW sWsVsltb. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. A great discovery has bem made in Frontier Ccun:y. about thirty-one miles south of Curtis. Two farmers unarthsl an enormous bone eight feet long and ten inches in diameter, resemb.ing a mam moth horn or tusk. Not being satisfied, they continued their work and found the 5 head of the animal which one bore this great horn The head was fully four fet across, and further d'ggicg found the other horn or tuk, a perfect mite to the other, but broken from the skull and lying fir,t on the earth. The recent wind storm wrecked the court house a- llasett The building 1 lsxCJ, and was standing upon bloc's about two feet h gh. There wrre some fifteen people in th budding at the time it went i off the blocks. A hug? safe otauditig on he concealed ?J0J in his leL A few mtn Otes attT, while he was in the act of mounting his horse, he was knocked ene Ies and robbed of the balance of his money, which was uon his jxTson. His horse ran to a neighbor's, w ho, alarmed bv its being saddled and br died, went to Davis and found him insensible. He re mained unconscious for about twenty-four hours. The State Fish Commission raetrecently at Fremont and instructed Superintend factory brook trout fry tu the west ami northwest part of the State ami will have '.VJ.O 0 mountain trout for distiilution in Ne braska streams by May 1. The Great American T-a Company of Nebraska City is 111 the hands of the sher- ilf ami the mnnngcr has disitppettred. In etigation showed thnt tho etiliru stock consisted of nothing but sawdust, 'ihe linbii ties were unknown. '1 m: 1 oh of an iutaut was fouml in the creek at H'yinore theotherda). Supposed to be a case of ltifantic.de. V. II. I'KTTIT. aged seventy-two. a well known faitti-r living thirteen mi.es north- w.stof K-iuuev. wis rec.-itly klllid In hisbirn, und Washington IVttit, his son, has b-eti urrested charged with the crime. All that could ! letu iit-1 was that young Pettit, with his mother and t ither, were struggling in the barn for the possession of a loaded gun when it wont olf, shoottu the old tmiu in the neck and killing bun instantly. John MtcKiMi, twenty year old, was r-c titly killed by lightning six miles west of Kavenim. Nkau Unudilla the other day a tine short-hoi 11 cow owned by 11. tVnItoti, while kuirermg f 1 0111 hdrophobia, at tacked 11 splendid ill jroughbred Ciydes. dule mare bdotigin to Mr. Wiiltou, and in 1111 instant the auim.il was torn almost from 11 ink to foreleg, causing Instant death. Tho cow died m u lew moments nftei ward. Black litim, the ludln'i who brutally assaulted a young woman near Hti'hville, in Sheridan County, some mouths ago, was arrested in Uosetnnl Agency the other day and jailed at Valentine. The other afternoon 11 tw, Ise-yenr-old sou of ex-Sheriir U. II. Van Gilder, re siding about ten miles north of Neligh, was out hunting, ami in attempting to in sert a cartridge into his brcech-loadrr the shell burst and tore away p.irt of his face. He will lose one eye and may lose Uth. Im the suit of Jos.ph M Her, of Doiigla County, ag mist the ed.tor of the Omaha World, for 5-,0 dam iges for lib-l tu ex posing the alleged mismanagement of the j til, Judo Hopewell the other morn ing instructed the jury to return a verdict for the defendant, winch was done. The court gave the instructions on the ground that a newspaper has the light to criticise the actions of a public olllcer. 1'KTEH Gorr, foreman of tho Union Pacific section, recently took poison on his wifo's grave at Elmwood. His body was found lying on the grave by persons loos ing through the cemetery. His wife had been buried only a tew days previou. 1 HAMi'S set tire to a box car at South Sioux City the other day and destroyed the entire car ami also came near burning the box car used as a depot ami tweuty five cars loaded with merchandise, luin ler, etc. The new depot at that place was destroyed by a tire set in a box cat last month. Hans Mith, city treasurer of Jackson, was lately arrested on the charge of em bezzling $l,0u0 over thret. years ago. He has been treosurer for four or five years, and his arrest was a surprise to the com munity, liu gave bond in the sum ol $1,00) for his apjiearance, IfKOlifJE Johnson has boen Ixmnd ovei to the district court at Grand Island in the sum of jWJ to answer the charge of forg'ry by raising a check from id "" to ;(i i.T.'i. Umifk the new law passed by the Legis lature, counties will hereafter be liable ; for damages for accidents from defective bridges. NluiiasKa fanner, are jning the ma jority and resolving not to use b.t.d.ng twine at th present prices. A company is bilng organized at ICear ne to manufacture uar from sorghum. and a committee ha, been elit to Fort Scott. Kin., to invou cite the plant ther. ) A.NtMIiKHof th men who have been t discharged from the IJ. A: M. shops at i'iattsmoutb have secured work as farm hands. The school house in district No. 12. Platte County, was destroyed by fire the other day, making the third school build ing in that district which has been borne by unknown incendiaries. The Ileatrice cheese factory made W) . 0J pounds of cheee last year, which found a ready sale In Omaha. Denver and Kansas City, HTDRorHOBIA has carril off a largr number of hogs and cattle belonging ing to a, Hamilton County farmer. Work has le-en commenced on th Cas ter Countv court bouse at Itrokn Uw. A FREE medical dispensary for th ;exi the north hide of the bu Id ng tipped over, I ...,,, of ,h ;.raRlnr naBra.,v Vs.. r'J 'a r w x r.rn..f.ua7 grvniaj, aa4 um asin u ju.i ftx smashing a ho.e in the floor. I TJoTl t,d -.reached I ilrum t J. J "" """ ' M " " " "t I U WAr f , a,KM ' ' ' flic o.erev,,ngwhl.H.homestea.ier L ls,. 0" ' l-l-v of the N-w Y rk Catr.l dl,ttwUsw . !H. eer,i.t. - . named Duv.s was preparing to attend a , ZZ l lftV !??:....?. and ! r'T "" l -1 - C' - JU'k' ,- party near Winchester, in Chase County, J that onlv an engmerr wa. .ojared. Some l'at 'lr I 'W I f.,y - he saw two men watching him through a ! of .... - ,tried t I ,.f . x -. ' "oemn . idled in h . h-al- c3vsi wjth ta rre-n.tw.n .f sj-n window. As he bad about tfSi) in hi. I " faV '"7 ,;'0'X i.V " y i !B C Sht UMtl h " -a "' l"1'-" '! '-"" houe. he suspected that a robbi-ry would iN-onor:Va?i '",,l UUt"T "'r Uliatl l I rler,lsX lk.I-! - Vr be attempted. After blow.ng out hi. Iiht i :,",''. , jump.- from tb.wi.UM.f tbe bum- ltianl ..,! fv n . M.we- ent O'Brien to go to Bay City, Mich., to .-. i, "I, .. ,, . i .. """ '"K"" -"" - p.w.e.. - Drocure 25 000 000 wall-eved like ein:. I . Denmark. ltaleii cont.nue.1, "sn teat w hi - at wwk at the loot ofKif procure .j.wu.ow wan-eei pike ej,i,s- t.Hn .H,,n.. ,i ..., ... .,..,,. ... . ... . ., , . ... . These eggs will he hatched at South Bend, .""i.' .",:" -r-V x, " " ,r"rl ; r.iwaiii 11. i. .-.. , Mr. O'Brien reported that he had d,s- ZZ a. h l--K--. Tfc M ,. prostrated bwhe he.t It -a. .Ll-M that tr.buted40.UO lake and salmon trout in ?,X . n- .7 '. V", ' .--' 't "" " w l' the X,br riser and it. tnl.jtarles. and ""?. tWr" ttJ,1't''" lersoas. but .he Com, any', but.dlng h retirt. fr.im them are 1 ,.rv .at,- Jt,lu,,u,lr,t ,ur Cargo an J took us all oil The tire broke out lit the northeast turner tne. reports from ttiem are u-rj .at.s- .Mriiv.).lf ..,,, , U , ........ i ,.., ...- if. t .1 1.. ...i..... 1 tj i,ht -----. ............ ... ... ............. ui nif rn iiwut iT(innt su.ir nvitui.ii as len Ol-ne.1 a. iveaince, ""r"" p tht nh.tHlrs ll-ef it Iil It show. au.pis of the ladies of Christ Episcopal , tJ.t x. wfc mJim ,n rattr.r t Ctiurch. j jooa, jsa,. x, right t,d op. Th Har- The farm-boTis of Evan William j r,,urg ( pa.) Talecraph t Is th- story at eight ratlea from Beatrice, wjtb all lt tfci e,;r,e0.e f weh kaowa ra.sisW wfe contents, was recent.y destroyed by fir. ;, rrry lffTt . o( trwtl fllblBr: A friend. FlUvosof entnea arecom:ng tn rapidly i ,,. him A r,featof rubt-r trousers, at at the Sldn-y tand-ofSc-and the officials tacad to wtwrb war beawy boots, tae have their band futL whole arrangement fmning oa- piecw. He The gros receipt of tfc York pt-' waded la tte streams aad ftsfce-1. s effle for tbe year endd March 31 wer cje-l the othr fi.hrrn ! drla't tt.lS.7i. own guai trocars, ats fci Itst of spcrt. . The coma stoars of Cs County bav At nigtt. wbn tby cast In tird aftd ordere-1 an addition batlt to ths jail to be hoagry. the dorj&ia.e smiJ be n d ' ased as a da elllng for tbe jailer. dry. wtj.Ie tfce tbr f l'q woatd be ; i Tbe Seward cemtry wa borsl oTex or less weUaccordiagttieir sLap.a3l IK. n'ltap ilir ? Ht erackls? misr el o.' cocri wmM teft,l Lsf !hs Kill! W. ' tbe tosb stones and destroying tbe picket I fences aad trees. A rLASTXar livtnc at Norfolk asjued Dtak resntJy tk a little spia oa Us f Elkbora ssith a boat aad was capisd- , Ha sraa taksm oat of tbe river sppareaUy slssad. bat after vigorous trtaUtseat was revived for a day. hat tas sbock waa Uaa ha cssM stAad aa4 hs tisi twaaty latssr. a4rOsasralftlsrtwwMa4a, it Fart Kiliiaisss. waa Issjsllr llsesactaswsra frasa faia lytsMaahwasssraiaf. Aliaaa4assssawssitiirysriU 1st la I I HSSSS !! ssaJisalBnl ml issssstsst T "" ' :"w J - t .a - ea. e.ir..., .. Ln 1 s v- - ' - - -. ssm arre Kaaeeseses tea aaai mLM - m m a i w- - - - a a ,... - - Hi ! I ii i ' - ataw tBaseeaaaw assas BaShsat ha - --- - leer ej a, - r. w . mmm mmmm wmr m WKvmmr. asasw taww aw '": y . -tt.T"' " ' ."" mfL saaa sl.aTis ait arTBSBSSaSSJSJI SaS saaasaaas V SSSSI Seawaw aSSSe I W-e Sr BSSSj . -as aajsjaaas a-aaaa-aai Maei aajp, saaas-a aasw sssa-aaasi aawSB aaa , sems.a a -- - --' K&CUED. The Pnssoaffcra and Crow of the Danmnrlc Sivfo. Destrurtlsr Fires la WIconln Tlrr Atlautu. : l. Tlir- Mrn sa(TiK-t4 -ttrrrk on tlir Iowa tVntr.!. PinLAtiELrniA. April 2i Th- strsmtr Missouri arrived off Ilaarc brwatater at one o'clock this morning, having on !oard 3Uof thi wrecked D-mmar t ; r liters. A dispatch from l.lbon. Portugal. n- Forty-two of the crew and nil the p. sengers of the Diumark irtta. tne Ax .ires have armed in Lisboiu Peter H-itn, the third officer, who U muong them, report, that on April t the Dtnmark's hafiwa broken, when the Danmirk was "vj mile from Newfoundland. K ic. nrnr Kaa w found 1 ing ilead on the ilvwrof the ru; ne loom ami the c-tuse rf the accident oud not te ascertained. Oi April S the Dan mark was spoken by the Mtourl whti'b she then pros- Tiled fr P.ula leli.hi tak lllg I'JO 1 f tile passt'ligers lr,slds the cap tain and allor Tin is of the en.neers proceeded to londu on Uard tnr D.-m-erarn steamer. Tho Slrst mil secund III lies are still t the Ar ir.-s. nti t lb re- , , ,m,,eru-ers a..d fon -twu .a.l..ts .nl"d (in I.hIkjii on ihe tiniiier .-r " The dinth of llio D.iumjrk' rnKiHeer wns due to the bursiiil of nil engine ptpe. TtlO engineer uiis ktib'd Oil the sp.l nil I thti sl.ip wns bad d-imugixi. It cs;mi m lenee of this damtg-. t-iet' er w th III- breuklUi: of t'u halt. the .s..' sa helpless ,n tht- bt v sn that piesaiiesL j ,,, iT r.1KIS ,N u , ,ksN. I i ... ,. . A,,... ... A. UiUT .... ,.k , sllUlMi ,y ntierii-wn the M.-,. ' UVidenntire (.'iiipain fnvti seiiwiukla flllL-llt J ,lr nni th(. ,(),i, c,tl,jIK .t,.. ni I sto k were si. in n bin re While the er burning a heu - mud set III nlld blew sp it k on to iii!ghturti!g houses, nud soon the li,rest fin? I'lsr seen 111 the p .ice was ra ti Twenty dwelling hous were huiiiidaud th total loss on them and their conti'iits was ntt.ut ;J(.H) and it u ald no', o.'ie-ipiarter is outer.! wiiiiin- suruuee. The Meisenw ink:, fuciorx's Iosei were about ClT ',OJi, with an insi.r- mice of ?".0 ). hen the lire stirted the (Sreeu Hnv fire en iglnewus sftit lor uud air ed shortly 1 ter and Hint and the li-aiiirr .etei ui set in tne m ildle of the tiuru 11 district nod wi redoing go! tsork. when th wunl changed suddenly and liemme t the cltiz-us in. dm 111 the tire ail to that Im- Hied ate icl!llt. The t!temll had to abandon the engines mi I thr burned up. The steaiiieis f 1 0111 O.hsosh arid Api-etn airlv.il nt I'liU'H III ami suit.ee ted III getting h lite under colltlti' Deperr is d CUV Composed of two part. Hast Itiol West Depere. nnd Ihe latter I the part which caught llr ami twdav thero is not enough left of it to le I enti tled. Ihe people who were turned out hue nearly nil ! en taken uu Irr shelter liv their iKljhb rs of the Kast aide. The full Ion Is xstlmnled to les j.."', si The woo Is near Marian, n tnt 011 011 the Milw ankic, like Shore fe Western road, foity miles west of Appn'tou, itiui;ht fire nt night mi I the H-ilii-s spread with great rapidity nml thn small town of Buck!;, was entirely wiped out. It I a smill lumsriiig town and 11 great deal of lumle-r was stored there. li eh um en tirelv consumed. 'Ilieloss is est united nt jH.() A tin. 11 of fiurleen ears of Ium ber and five cars of hogs caught lli near Marion and burned ctuslng a loss of bIkui T.rk The full loss on the lumle-r and dwellings nt Ituckbee and lietrMruiou ;vlil amount to uenrlr .'! ). THIIKK MCN M'lliH ATEI. Detiiiiit. Mich. An! '!. Micha-J Powell, Krter at Dhu' Hotel, a cheap lodging house on Cadillac .ipiare, let s lighted lamp fall from hi hand In the rear of the bar rixm at three o'clock yes terday afternoon an I in an almost incred ible short space of time the entire building wns full of smoke. ! J. (ribson. a l-ar- temler, and K T. Hollo were a-epon th J third floor nnd both were uire-ateiL M II Ham Whittaker, sailor, wa. en at hie window un th fourth f! xr but before th firemen could rench him h fell back ami wa smothered. Powell was badly bnrne.1. but Will probnb'y rertiver The fire wa confined to the first Goor and Ihe loss will .... no! exceed 1 (. praplt svnrcK .v a nniixir. Berwick Hi . Apr.! 22. 1 wo rnn wr Vdled ami three injure! in th rwl of a ill i I Irani on th Central Iw railroad Saturday night near here. The rrck was t CUIisisd by th break ng of i w heel as th ! train was gtng ver the i:,cl;i-:ilr crek. Two f-ara wrr hurie.1 ImIo the creek and took lire, turniMg tle bridge. (.)tida- or Cvlm wa instantly kdld br he fatl ai.'I ta- otl of .-rtto Joreraan Savage, the only pa. e.iSer wa.drr.wna-L Kxprrs A rent l'.oers. Hrak'tnaa IVJ and a mad clerk were lndty injsred. proUnl ly fatai'y rmr. irr atxtts. uk. AtUsxts. U a., Apr.l 22. F.r wa di covered vaster lay a!trnon in theJsek. s.)n tiUildiOZ. in wbirh is the WeUhoUs Paper Com pan v the Dan aganer. Hsj' merchandi- brokeraje and .fHct of dif- farent kind, and tb- tl.dins w rem- pletety destrtijr't. The total lo. I ab-ut sl.Vi.to). Captain Jaekaon lose, m j otl thj aXiitrfiag. Welih.oq rtona ifi, Iaa Caprohatiy JVJ.W" Aaron list. IWMI, I orter raing. lawyer, jj.v;. ao'J oU.esr taVhiler un.. -JloiJam conveoleacesv" in ca of ac- eident. oftn csn.e more trb!e thaa tbe ? w t o( th . Iu4croQt 9MMm- One ooraisg tfeey were .i tai4u:x the baak. w,:caia hiss wad.c- la d--j water ai etjTyiag him. ks all oi a ) Jda be iteped o a sUffery strs, his wa: ap aaJ fcs- weatt la orer -s- Ttey Isied him oat, aad fcad fee .rei.-i.ed abcat m less, th water hatis Ci4 up his tsossa aa4 trossswrs le th) waisC Tb faaay iswrtos' If sm that mfesry csesUat paH a the aa4aiassrr asssstaarsaa sMaO las wssssr aTf It tara T 1 Mirvii. v ..v Miril ,f. lUf LTPW AUfI IK19- - It - ..... ,l--t i . J .. . . i towed the I) mm.iik iinli! tnnl T. . .1 . . s- -m .... 1 aasllwHaai htaissahaa haa4 tmrm nrrarr rfirrari sri 1li1a. uss ''"P- wm mmm sauaal s i i aaashil the eilir sil sae aaaS. . .. . , " . aaaaWaahl as ' - - la - - - - - MILLIONS LOST. DeatrarllT it re U Mew Vera City Ts rr.rrty Iwllsy rttltM TVs ew lurk Ontrm! Mey Luee. Nsw YoaK. April The Orcest Mr. '? York has witness! in Ul cnrs- ioa swept the et tck of th North nvrr c-sr yetrdar frvm Fifty-ninth tret to wnst would b Suty-ftfta ltl if taat trrt r'i to to rtvr. It d stroysi more thn a million and a halt of property twlonclig to lb Nsw York Cen tral ratirusd an t half a ait!:!oa iloRar worth of tcd. flour and othT gwd b toacins to other jront tnion; tbra X. K Kaubaaks. toe grt Cn.esgv larJ tuerchaat. Tar lJru- Jr,trovHl t! two big lera- too A a I it of tb Vandal y t-nv ninth rrt to Sixtieth strvt and occa - m tm,,t!in, tut In tie v (14 tuniMl mi . account kept of lilrm Tfte Jhu' , hae the fo.UMltig rcrd vi the ca.ul- j tit.: Henry ll-ntting. tl4 Tenth areuun, a wotLmanm la.rlMink rrnnrrr . lle.l l-v jumping from tfi.rvl storr m tiJas . Jo tin Johnson. MT Vt Kot) -ninth trl. like- wise a workman in Kirtnk. w, eretr In- jure. I in the tuck lt jumping frui a ls tlus; Chire. Hrviwn. s We.t Koitj- thll'i street, eiee Injuries IshI' the head f i em the same cauie, U J Jvb were lust-at the time settlll,; u lit" ctxdlng npi'aratus, starting huw n.i one ; knows and ptobat'lv ii un ir i.l , know. Stxtkssl in grease as the old liwt.d- Ing was. it was attattie in atilnstnuL KrvHo I the i;round the tli swept upward to th" . tvsf almoat with the apeenl of thought. I The men at work tu rj .tO drsped I their tools anl ran to .e their lives The 1 staircioe. formed a wlig eh m e, ' throw lug irilt fire through rirrt Ri.i and 'the windows presented the on', means f cape. Pursued ciose by ltams men ' llitni lli.,ti..lk.. ..1, 1. .. li.ail.Bllf. anl tiehilld thetll calite the rlslu-s How intnv rrt there ii wi. es.uld lelL Those hii t'aine out wr pikel Up atid vatlld awa., b their friends, ' shuddering to think that s.iim nitgilt have ten left Cr) lllg wises alld mothers 1 crowd.! the poi lines ahouimg for their hilslkand all t sou alld ("CC'ng tor new of them. They were turned luk and but den to io k 111 the throng for those thee iu.i, s.. ,.,.Mn...s '.'. .r. .... ...1. .-1.1 . I -l.l M.l !.-... ..- 1 he Nw York Cenlrsl also w ii.nl the lailid.ng in whththe Im broke it It was leased to Fairbanks a vrarag.v ttwas j stories high. 3"Ji!3 and wa-f brink, 1 O.ie hiiinlr.'d th us.ud ,l..ltar may tvurer I the un on It The Um un It .sailer's stores enuj tluiet I ..t0O. The merrhant Fairlusltka tosea w hu Use,! th' stole iiMima had gida thers ehlefit' it our, 'ard. straw lesird and aueh. worth easily jiVJ.H.) At least this loss wns esiv.re.i. So It wasaaldof Fa Ituilika 1 he rallrni loss is at least Jl ."VsJiOi, a'so covered bs insurance it Is .aid. Another eatllliate of the loss In dalali ts i:len !e!ow lloaslter atores, (ontants, s-ai(sj. the Wileot Company, stoek. JlVIUSi; elevator A. tsl sl. eles atr It jTM.i'XI; dtH-k D content. J2M; dta A. J.Y..(s): the Wi.cox biitlduiK. 2.siu), total. iXXCf) BELLIGERENT UOOMEHS. Ilerre IteMIe lletweeH le(. I elle.l atalra M-srahala anil II oe r a eral llirlallrrrslslljniiMi.iir.1. J'tHCKt.U L 1- Aprd 20 n attempt to get into Oklahoma Inifure the ap-tiite,l lime was frustrated eserday by I'nl'ed j Slates marshala, after a fleic eniHmnler wti.chunr result in ins of lire. 1 iftaeti wagon were olsered for ling the Cans, d an river t-elow this citv at davliht ys t. rdav morning. 1 h matter was rejMirte.l to the boomers, who hall an Indignation msetuii; and iternanded that the tuile.l States marshals pursue. Th'ih ef dloy J marshsl yestrrlar aflrni ! teen assistants t.ek th trai in with thlr d and oTrl.k a party of five In cami. Th.v were or dered at onre to bltnlt up. which they iliit. and were nl t-rk In tharge of a dejoitjr Th7" had Dt pre-ede. tr when h s Jl.y a sbot from umler him tiy a parlr n an,. bush. The deputies ram up and ma I a charge on the ambuaheil parly, who had thrown up a larrlr la a dp ratine. They were met !iy a sh'iwer of Irtj at aad foiced to retreat. Oae of their nututor wa wraindeil. Thy withdrew to th outlet of the rav ne. ascend! Ihe autnrut ' and fired d-wn into tbe fort. whn Ibe j teimr hout. We urrn lr " , Thirty prisoners were taken. n of whom were badly woundl. Thomas M ml an ar.d David Wlnbl are ii. -.!.. -.. -r... ii'nv wiuii"i sun ssuiiiie. s3 nan-E of th- wund-t ar- Martm Kaii.n of (.nilie. lei . John W b t of Vvti Wortli. Te : Msmad Iofds. of rth Carolina. id r wa.l in th-hesd; VIA Fralasher, of Tesas. ewn-Ul n lh arm Jw Vfemsf. f IeJ.tl-tna, shot la h shnssi Jar The nrllawri Ware .liaarma.l I bj avar ir v i itreeo nm r gtasr.i D was learn. frrn thm thai lhy were ol) th a lvtae party a ln I ttt Un or msire eke wawre tai at.,ar These era via). toabtedJy the uari Wif war aeeaj rs-s.. ......., . . . iag th riser ear'r riarlijr rolr ar4 lbr are minr our of tUa In l!i I Territasrv. Fnii-IHcie. utrnt ar- ! rtvt hsj le-daf h! Jh l'etl1 Jtat j mrhia wni jam ;-r.s)it- Th b'.n.sr, !! crlaln y resist if.bT la ay txrp e sursres io o d a; e,n s, sj,... ' .sf,.w Vr.as; Apr I 5t m.i nn news of 'the Dasmark' js.saa-r. aad rre S K:v-n days hse elspsl affrfe the OlT ef Chatr lgfctad trie Dsn.'nark ia alhk mx coad'tkm. Tke mpfeaaKjn prevail that tk(.Mi)(rrS9'use kits resvhst the Acnr. e Trvew ts r-e Hi rafleee. I'oxTtsn. as,,A;nl 5 -fr-rge msvi. if 'ray fcs l-- jrtJ on tJie tisrf Jsd by At-t lt.arit. kie fa!hw, f m'.g, ag pari c' a hr A !rf-a whCh tha fat.Has- wt IO Ike heist A drlsklQC. Tt l!bf twU wHustl; ! .l a y vsdsy vwTiinj. Tk trans as'.4 SV9 a&eU. brt prhap ula! ..a "Ife. e m Mea lslt. AcaCrrr Ka- Alf 51. T Hn!a V- -? tJid fcs re mil ar t h-t-a fca-r &1 Jare4i .- f dr frwsj 'b lat-rv, f;-r-i5-s)t l9t tfeal if li-y 4eeus v take !aiss tVey saist tt oxti 4 Okiaie! tl g -4vs urn k.m ss, fkr). A'lnsii Crrr Kv. AixHJ 3uA-s. rJ y yl"i " xrrtv kr ;. terday Ty er 4eafcl4- u s tlw nstwa ag ;. r wva uai J r ae is fxm ia, sis n.r of fhm si casfftt. Ts-sry were ss;trs &f -Wka-iy J ia jfastM" cs-hf a rm 'sa.sssk kc tS awaitia Iriai ....wlTARY LAV , eert wrrm ! iM r- ma r I lit 0t.MM l,.kl4 i tvatt rmi. Wtiarisjt Attt s.As lr.'-( trwal h I jw.otMjr ftt tw-loi- tT dtrtnnl ta ptsrOi w ul m Itsrr aw nj SfTtA?j V - m o-.Jtsl Ort,r; Mrtltt U t ! td tiiatw unml tt tfc a irr forev pmrvLn; l oif U K";Skr linD H.-i.tfjr !'rrtr " ' " ' eft, lit tntfru t t lr ( Ar rt but fr..M aj tn t cl.t fcr ta;vltuttM v j btro ut&MiNr W . ttslull"4 t c ! n ja - ; s r tiT tt aital f tvs u.' bt ' i. f T.t jvatMfA t ts Unr 14 $ (JnI U.fHtt. ho 1 lrAt ef tiu. Se.ttr rWstir si i4se"i tvhwtte 4 h t Unijthir .. I tssm ar , xt ott,.Tt u,t .Jr e , ,uJt bm j.r,, Unt anj ers'Bll m MO- jwts-trs- .t4 ef the Interim lpartwot lel.r txulnc tor rWrk I Aes-ssrt'nelr )oar mtitect Ws j-c at Cflrfefesi lle tect Usi rv ace at tfte U ht Hn Teslerxlas altefntsMi at wh-sh ! d.ut llffis-n. vrtetai I'issHm aud NotJe ant MUxu(Until Muter were present Ta sf 1 rms latel ui tli Iteaflr 1 uMk .st fses-feisrr llVtsr went r t, Ike ar JVfjsai !unt where Ckenral ejiuaa.'s) iMn; hni. ami aa onlar .iati4iatlr fe-wafde-t ty tejr(lph U tnl U err sit. S-eiorelarr Irreic Je'- net gise lb order P. the press, tul It Is uniesearsl that t jls s tlenef al si 01 rill tl ! ' dlss-rei.osiAr Mr, mt suthfS'i.'. 4n to Use his wm H Jadittnant a te s Isms sd haw Uj use Ike Use s under Isl evsSsXss.assi.1. This ssadar Is Issues! In aesSnfsl sssa il! pa'ArvssA ss 0; A ailur rsCwt saw, wbssth, atler tjeallwg ! eswHesi f Ihe ltes(ssl Msles awUkwsr t Ma tha use uf Irseesss. r-ds as SasU lsl ssssess of Ike am "SM not peilistl llae use ssf Irsseasa uk4sr Ihelr sosssMiaa las aid le etll' ssiSwarlssV's a a posse , at UI. .r In s l nsilow ( Ills laws M.sfl as suUmOs r Use fsSv j.stwff (oaclaiMiU It sttne w.il a4lk S apt.ll4Mt'i lur Ike km if Itsasstss ssss( sW I.m n r et w ilk a stAtesasmat nt Use la. tiAi list,s fttr the omis 4e4.LHaw and ras rt Us lrsi.tea!, taul -a Cases Hi sa4iao 11 I ui'i)-iel las l. lnurte.Stsi or rUl lender ls.g le assttsite lleslr t the I attest State at la ssaae f ! Iempe.t .r laisvr,,t r-eH-es-jr r inaee. rsiUoi rf the t'llill hal MU olt.er rtps ,J ewaefsvar t sTtevrs ef lVr arsssr . . , , artlssM Iwt-r- lie. issess.iet t tw. stlU-tt-ns fri.Ht th seat -t pifMsal a ia sSteusn.lnnx'es aiel lata sww u. w h's-h liiet sis afUn HSsa jwaialr, a-l will then prsssssptlt rasrl tlaeif . UeSa arid the ieaa.il, lher..r las Ihe A-l)Sasl lieneral fur the lul..riatatn stf Its , 1 ,irt,. 4eiiral Men lit ha a 11 e (.M-ex f urnler his esMHrisstxl HI wlttatISin ISleiu thriuhsut the feiriirf iii,r l his Judgment Ihe, FMar t-e 4el V MItlKI asawtasp CstlliitaHsAr rslsejkssefs hssmsila,V llC a lellrr IXMieef ttlf taaWMealead -, III Oktah"Uia, addressed I. D D, lUlsls.t, lurrep I T. It tuna Ihns ta reterenee te a naesssersaalem mt See , tloe r-e"e4 Imea ti aaasl 4V, V sst At1 ; I baetslt lhal It I a f.) J Ih'l" a. saalswtts bast Sa sW 4 ! I an 'itl"iii hss I'isaea j,S-ela-1 he esss!a as4a I la a.Aaitaa s,l ss as tus s. ' j 111 si A ais sratr ng m V nea 1111 ah aetoai ' aellier aasler th HeHalea. la-s as, . . ht ;MWi , ,alr sttte tSttrVI Ha4 alter paf n a eel tt aasl sisexiaf K ImI .KM.esl.fa aJh aas he 1, t ee i j mraiu tr:n dale e' ehlrj eathsa shae u ratahUsH Ms actual as4"see e laVa taJeS.ee if he aa ,rr1 H nsif iitiUalr fa aa XmJ eel est aetUatneM iw the laJseV - ( rMtisist mT satn aft er seta rsaaeessssa hens salt with the prtteslr Irael etsJioMi ssa4 at II a t" t efSHIat sa. n aa tuepl ef aeeh hsi Ifttrstsasre sa.1 tasMs tn.Mlr reaefail) su ls ielie ! lei aVtss, TbrteJf he a stlssel tre aeaesSha sHleS eLlrh Ui tieae hi esalm ef reessasi 1st sS r at the dlstn't JaH.1 sffl.1- Whlah ef Iheaa . tct)V.sJs ahsnaast ! ehaaaa I a esall tea ss p rt a alrslio arssrf'Uv le lt tl'naw alaeeea sM hla eR Jsel-snael n ea-rh i as. st Aealrthie Htm4 awt Thlft fstsaa Me sans-, . nr rlaifr,aat the ss whoa aettseaaeaci arf aers la prto In tasfH- M4 hase U aecsarsjer ehl Wba th tMps 'f I e riaWsn I !, mia thai 1 el the tara. Uea (weesaa4y she t'faj nht I (; afcl th jtestu-s r-s a 1 as deshas asril'ls; Ihe aiisU-s s4 , esa sarde.J U th -art asna IS ss-r e.jvitl If sef lhh ll hss !- Ih j-rrs w est Ihe ab4 si j. Ivtaar 11 rsslrasals a4 a. swan th rM ef ,,tr. Ut lha MsWlsf ihe ble-haat trt li priHr' res,f1h-T hrt nt Mssh t Ie kw that all a-aU laswta sv rxt-4 hs aStaaaae4 Vr j-"--Jwal.Uja th 'eiit aa sasaes she. b JfSlUt tu eaUr OJaj a-t 11. iaan She a. a4 rt pafssi sin.eUef WUIa .earesess tBTr efdet te eater- ef aa4 ta&d a yjvir kr nhl tha-ha The -a .,.. . .,.... j UMJ ,,.,w . ,.. ru M s iihtut sre sslsa-.-st, ow m . .f At-" J ! rfT "V-aa-Ji j TV h I at, t-s r-tn,l t asaaew -f a 'rasa- n.ir Ut ne es . v t v j """" et " ee - eahteaa . saew-a " " """ " "' . . v saTt. rariu-Tlca. Th I'usl.uf&ee Iarliant &. r-a triaklnf ael.ve prepsr alsna fr t iajae d.at fax4ei ft t (.sl sftiews ts 'H a bems rise at lliHgStLm . lava wese litttttrle ttaf (avat-ae ti-s-' S, " ns .n th fraa. asias(sasc V J-w! a ! it t wtmbrr J t"tweo a.i )erftant J-aaast.. W1 Fs the prea-jt a. I swat. the eartaetry fruys tie S-afSh e tfce Altate-.fl,; Tfea JlsVI r Shd frost law aaeall) they Cf 1- ee'rtad h-f ller lsraei,t valrsi,, ll , s; 1 t t',at I ha nail faesuti U sii tie eaK ,f the SsaaBUra. 4 fa- Ihe taosf.s-HssS afSfms i Mk ;v'-e-. finale aUl pvtsjUy ft f.rad t ry tay at lessel fi ties 4y fe mf U res Ml whse the fs-aadest's , SaSVteCiW ( it rntt. Aa eheeeeaeaw Hssei Tm. CtsrreeaTi. Aj-rU IV aa saai4 e-e e enaC ! ias-t nt! la, 1J Wi-r s-a r,KJ Oetet. te aasvi'nftT ssfSne . VC rVr. lH Hrw. M-fsi f Il -eta t ', IA. e.rf t Ve tf.affSI lav4 )dertatf r tmitlal aVJ.J I Itae rr.U tsrVr ewwetAee f-a-rt rSlletwisf trj' ve T - jw-e TmUftt, & J five Sssse le,TSe !.,& ec lo aej in-'Ut &! a eet r. ? frt.ae., ft wVW f'.VU' a ltfii fJy.ee tAier r.lt. a tJ lkf sto-etxr J. tw s,. ,s .i.sjsavwa V 4lt ! UJ 4 ' ejer fefsressf KB lUlUS SSMUS. 7 i a U4isXr Wee pet aa ix-S v u lff rr 4dL at.s . SU4 E K-tt4t4f'tL sUaJt. JC.4. AfafJ : fctvt. fre Ci trt-ar aejrle tj ")., e-ul isVS Xi.foa-e. tta le - na.t CuUUss Csaety tU.l KMk J Hay J. T; were eea, !. J In ta hsMS(si Wavirjva. TlCe e Ike eewt tsssja tsVey laesm fsesjUi-s j u w AWsa tissw - few sjy ;s 1st Wshhraig he Las la! Aaasftr la sa ao by m arAssr tissw ! arris , -r - . r .? . t ' lsf.vai - v i iiiiiniisssaiss-sfiT'Tr'-" ' - , i. -f- JMmW&ikf&&tomfgrZ. ,4 amsiBt&l sLISSaLss&juiSm $ JffiJ-"slWsiJW"w" i " rw - - asraa-tJW aai