te - - if R if. i If V lv I ,i i (. ' . - .t y fy wg?1F t.?' -i -oi'nTffWimiKBBBBBBBBBBBIBICn Ciir:33aaBBaUiiBB53aBBaa3vC. -v-"j'-'". -SHBMu.lfl aV Stawaa ??r',.. z B Ll aaBawaWwaai aa? "B -vB'vii '-' - ,c j5"- ifetaaaw ' -':nH"-:;:t?vSi2HHieBBs3By - fSgBtfypSi33pM- Y r-jaLLTV-r 'SaawagaBBr :::- &-rj- .- t& B 'H I aaS Av ajaaaal H I aa wlii. , r- .t.t. ilaaBBaffiBBETraaa, fc. all -CwaaEafc-lxfll'-aaV-V aMHBPIR?ffBBiPs?,,!f:.lBW--B a 8 ibBbK.B afaV aa bbl H "SiBL . -ft aa'MTfarffPaaagaaa-aaaaaaaaB' aaaaaaaaaaaa- .tt- bbbVi f .J aaaaaaaaaaMta.'rB" " j Brv j BRBwaaBW"'j7'bxa-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr'?'" iw y vi. PZSarH. & B bbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbi' B aaaa aBaaaaB) bbbi "WBSe5p . CBIVBpmL rJ. " au JfKtLSijtSfttKtKlttKm't- ""babbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj bbbbbbbbbbbbbbk'T. aBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBp;W bbbbbbbbbwIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb abbbT . ?jMi8t. x. .ML-.. iWiyrjijt.' T&SMiBBJBBVdft "it IssBBBBBBBBh jB IBfci N'Bii!! HHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWavv'aS " I i 1 4aaV.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVHfc'BBBBBBBBBBBnEMB3HiH 3iifei1B?iiiiHflHBx- Sbbbbbbw ijLr:sr fitimIw bbbbbbbbbwv ' "JilB'liBililililiiBMiiiiiiliilBilililililBilK aaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbUbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbVTtVbbCbbbbbbbbbbbb BawaMa imr ' m i " r3Ti " "- ViAfiil - 'iHhiiillK'iji r BBBaaaiaBBaBBBBLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV -"ataa 1"m mTm rmE'MilkiiBaMM1ik9KKEI S6"S-"i:Hr"-,yiiiBfeBrA J-lL Vol. 16. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neh., Friday, April 26, 1889. No. 39. Men's Shoes And Shirts ! DESTROYED HIS DIARY. A No. 1 Plow Shoe for $t.25 9 Can't be beat in the state. Call and iee our stock of Mens Fine Shoes in London, French and Opera Toes. Our $2.25 Shoe ! A ClinrncUrittlc Iarldrnt la tU LIm off Julia Ericsaoa. A characteristic incident in the life of Captain John Eric?3on was one t which has not appeared in any of the newspaper sketches of tho great in ventor's career. For nearly fifty years Captain Erics son hud kept a diary, cr a series of diaries, in which ho even ce: in covered a full pafc with tho history of i the day the work he hud accora j plished. that which he propesed doinjj i on the following day, suggestions made by and to him. and his opinions ron cerning the character of work done and in progress. Added to theso en tries were frequently opiniOLS of other men's ideas and their work which had been brought to his notice, and in the many years these volumes increased to a very largo number. In the whole period of timo men tioned there were only twenty days in 185C when this daily custom was departed from, and then only because Captain Ericsson had had his hand disabled by machinery and was unable to write. No one ever was permitted to read his daily history, and the vol umes were always kept in the Cap tain's own room. About two and a half years ago, when Froudo published his "Life of Thomas Carlylo" and his "Reminis cences," Captain Ericsson was much disgusted by tho publication of letters and other documents by Carlyle, and Mrs. Carlyle, which he thought never should have been put into print, and the night after he had finished theso works he called his private secretary, Mr. Taylor, into his room and com manded him to take the volumes of his diary -away and destroy them. Tlicro wero many things in the diary, he said, that he ehould wish never to sec tho light of day, and the snrostway to" prevent such a thing was to destroy every volume. Mr. Taylor put tho leaves of the. big book under a cutting mnchino and cut thorn into millions of pieces. Tho only thing now left cf this' valuable record consists of the pasteboard covers of the volumes, which Mr. Taylor has preserved. N. Y. Tribune. Ducker's Gash Farm - Loans - Farm. SILL & STOWE, Red Cloud, AHK T IK SOU" A'jKT8 V'tlK Can't be beat in the west for the price, solid sole leather counters, seamless and guar anteed all the way through. Mcn's Fine white Shirts for 25c, worth 50c, and would be very cheap at that price. Call and see them and be vour own judge. $1 Shirts are no doubt the best goods ever sold here. A youngj man with an inquiring turn of mind has been writing to va rious authors to ask how many hours' fcleep a night they require to feel re freshed. Edward Everett Halo and George W. Cable find that sevon hours' sleep serves their purpose; Mr. Stcd man and Mr.-'llowells would woo tho drowsy god for eight; while Mrs. Burnett finds six as many as she wants. ".Red-hcadcd'girls don't tan, eh?" said Toots, scornfully, as ho laid down tho newspaper in which he had bcon reading a statement to that effect "Well, when I was a boy there wa a red-headed girl teaching our district school, and sho tanned so much that I haven't forgotteu it to this day," and lie rubbed his shoulder ruefully with tho thought. Texaa Sifting. : Call in and see us and we will do you good. It always pays to trade at The Western & Southern Mercantile Association. Far Sale. A good farm horse to sell on time. Inquire at this office. 32-tf (ioit "Way owb. Adam Morhart, our popular hardware dealer, says now that the republicans are in power again he has determined to knock the bottom out of barb wire aad from this date will sell painted barb wire for $S.T5 and &alTanired for f.2r, and will throw in one pound of staple with Mwv loo ronnd of wire. This i the cluapcst that barb wire has ever been sold in Red Cloud, Dry Goods House ! Ml fil Li & m Co, 1 !4- . Just received an immecse line of LAWNS, CHALLIES, BATISTES, At very low prices, all new styles. Just re ceived a large line of Ladies and Gent's oummer Underwear ! Best ooods and Lowest Prices we have ever had. Just received a lot of French Sattecns t . Klloif extractor tar and wiM cherry Ua af rvltaNeafldrlnuant leased!.- lor courts, roMs.broiichttR. asthtui andrU:trottrtwMcj WI! relieve ana btJiet.t coo'uraT.itcm. "T tirKYtoeunt and $1 ir Utk oJdrtyan -rusxlt. Pres.irod ly ibcEcuixrl JTopr.e tar Co., Chicago. 1U. Ice! le!l lee!!! Fred Hummel wants his friends to know that he has piles of iac river ice for sale which he will offer to the trade in season. Reserve your or ders for him. 1 can save von big xnoncj on farni turc and carpets. 100 different pat terns of carpels cut without waste at F. V. Taylor's. m m Mtuhret il! find Ir XVftcheU" tt"aii- vnsp jut the tanlScine to have In tb hoar tor the children; it will cure obj'u. vlds, hroat aaa rcfUatc the bt.wfU. Try ii. In all the latest colors. Our store is filled up Center Store Room Moon Block, Red Cloud. To whom it may ccacera: Notice is liurehy given that the coders'pmea warn all 'boaters to k?p I of theii farms, and if net tkey will be dealt with to the fall extent of the law. GusitoatP, LW. Talleys, C. C Cocjaan, J S. Gilbaaa. 3S-lt 1. a HaLbril. W ith new goods of all kinds. We are selling goods Lower than Ever Of rJiiir.ct. cti and re preparml to mAk l'rm fMO on h-ttrr tcrm and o thurtcr uo.ice than nny other Arm IJo.S ntr'tt nnd ptincJ ml can t jald here. Call on tit at our u&e) uter t jty Drc ItUttv Insurance Written in the Best Companies. New MlIIliieiy tore On 4th Avenue, Red Cloud. The ladies of Red Cloud are cordially invited to call on me when in need of Millinery Goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. A. M. MAYBEE. wn&pv 1M0000HMKH00&0'KKHH00 3 J On the market, any style Button, $ Lace or Congress. i) Also carry the lrgct line of Men's and Ladies' Fine Shoes j) in the valley. We alo carry the finest line of Ladies' ?lippcr in the ctty (l 0MKMM00(KJOHKM0000 0 t Grand Opening!! OF TIIEIK NEW Spring Goods that have just arrived, and will now place a Mai's Si 31 $190 Its m 1 Get 'El CHEAP FOR CASH ! SPOKESFIELD DEALER IX Dry Goods, Groceries, Millinery, fcc., is again before tlie public with a large and choice Mat of good, and ia telling cloefor caab. Latest Styles in Millinery always on hand. THE TRALERS LUMBER CO. WILL HAKE 5fB m w 46 m POSITIVELY . Lower than any yard in the world Coo. ,. lail ahaai BBBBTBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB) -' - .lSMIBarak .. t 1 MaWaY Mra. ME. TTwffaiaa unmmm Hfcai kiawnarW to wmrt aaaaaaiaff r J. V J. uucKer. - .r K. Vniatr, PrtJ. Hurar Cutaxt,Vi-PrM, 2n. . Bowaep 3. Catvu, iwiuat CaiNlV FIRST NAtIONALBAnK, Red Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITA! S75,00O Tnxmtt x &nl tnHighaim, Wy aaj, ll ctraatj, ftumH aa4 ratal cuwwt mmm. Jr MM9 ffaaaSaWaVy flW J mm t"?, 7 flaaaaaarVtftaaaft I ' . j I ', .' M.aaiBaK :iaaaaaaawW? -: -1 --"& i "irv'.m-wr.u-kjr, , .xaaaiw vaaaaai aai 4 & s V. Z Si.iT--'' . ' a6-. w Z-JMZ3lA1 nmKTiiYr-" i j . ' w ' . iwasi &&? 1.-5-J '' ' -.--'" fmfnvmmmiumamBmtmUmtm BflV:: ',. . : . -:. fKBaaaaaaaaaaJaatJ BaaaaaaaaaaVaKBaaaaVTf S-- ?y - r aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkafl t"l -. r---'