3"w"! BED CLOUD CHIEF A. O. HOtME. ProurlmXT. BED CLOUD. . NEBRASKA THE WORLD AT LAKGE. Summary of tho Daily News. WASHINGTON NOTES. Ecuador bat tent notice to the State De partment at Wasbinston of her intjntion to be represented at the conference of American States next falL SrXAToii Masderso says many Sen ators who voted against the confirmation of Marat Ualstead were not actuated by personal feelings, but bettered Halstead too impetuous. 8eretabt TbacT is snld to have been pleased with bis risit to the Brooklyn navy yard. It is understood that tho new Sioux Commission will consist of William War ner, of Missouri; Charles Fistock, of Ohio; John H. Kin?, of Nebraska; Major-Gen-eral Crook and a Democratic member not yet decided upon from Iowa, As order will soon issue from the Nary Department concerning a court-martial for the trial of Lieutenant-Commander George M. Book, who is charged witb navies; left his vessel (the Piata) in Alaska and returned to the United States without permission from the department Rear Admiral Thomas H. Patterson. United States navy, retired, died at Washington on the 10th after a long ill ness. He was sixty-nine years of age. Thb court martial to try Major Armes for pulling Governor Beaver's dom met at the War Department, Washington, on the 11th. The Commissioner of Patents has re moved Jerome B. Burke, a division chief, and reinstated John W. Baboon in the position. Ix the case cf Steve Russell, convicted in the United District Court, Western dis trict of Arkansas, for murder, and sen tenced to be banged on the 19th of April, the Piesident has commuted the sentence to imprisonment for lift. The President, has appointed Henry 8. White, of West Virginia, to be United States marshal for the district of West Virginia. Pkrrt Belmoxt recently resigned ns Minister to Spain. Secretary Blaine, in response, requested bim to remain in Mad rid until his successor arrived. THE EAST. Mrs. Theodore Thomas, wife of the musician, died at New York recently after a lingering illness. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has .decided in favor of the Methodist Episco pal Hospital trustees, of Philadelphia, in the suit by the heirs of Dr. Scott Stewart to break bis will bequeathing $K,000 to the Institution. A shut occurred in the switchmen's strike at Buffalo, X. T., on the 8th, which consequently gave the Erie road its full force and ended the trouble. Governor Beaver has received a letter from Major Armes, who assaulted him in Washington. It contains a most abject apology for his outrageous conduct and begs bim to interfere at Washington to prevent the court-martial. Armes says tbat rather than submit to the disgrace of being court-martiaiei he will commit sui cide. Gqverxor Hill has nominated Dr. Allen Hamilton to be health officer for the port of New York. A serious tire occurred at Boston on the 9tb, breaking out in the freight house of the Lowell division of th Boston & Maine railroad. The loss was estimated at$&W,O0O. The spinners of Clarke's thread works at Newark, N. J., have resolved to strike. Bt a collision between a yard engine and a street car at Jersey City, X. J., the other morning two men were dangerously and four were seriously injured. The Saxton Ballot lluform bill has passed tho New York Assembly by yeas 74, nays 44 AT the request of the Now York mer chants the return time of excursion tick ets to the Washington inauguration cen tennial has bsen extended to May 2ft. Nam ax F. Dixox, of Westerly, has been elected by the Rhode Island Legislature to succeed Chace in the United States Senate. "At the Rhode Island by-elections at Newport, Cranston and Bristol to fill vacancies, the Republicans secured a ma jority and will control the next Legisla ture. This gives the Republicans a chance to elect a Governor of the State. Captain Stcbrs reports at New York that his schooner, the Carrie A. Bucknam, was fired oa by a Domiucan war vessel. The New York Yacht Club has decided to accept Earl Dunruven's challenge to a natch for the America cup. A committee aa appointed to arrange the prelimina ries to determine which yacht shall be put forward against the Valkyr. The new cruiser Baltimore has been docked at Philadelphia for the purpose of having her propellers pat on. The storehouse of the Suflolk Cordage Company nt Chelsea, Mass., has bees damaged $i0,000 by tire. Russell H. Harrisox, son of the Presi dent, wa arrested in New York recently for publishing a libel in the Montana Live-Stock Journal on ex-Governor Cros by. The libel was n reprint from a Buffalo paper, which accused Crosby of stealing jewels from a Washington ladv. The Planet jute mills were destroyed by tire at Brooklyn. N. Y., at one o'clock on the morning of the 12th. There were rumors of loss of life, many of the night force having to jump from windows to savo their lives. The to was $5to,000. Billing Eaton, wholesale hide and leather dealers of Boston, have made an assignment: Their liabilities are about $706,000. Assets fair. Bt a collision on a curve near Pesch 8prings, Ariz., the other day betweoa passenger trains four engines were wrecked and thrown dewn a high bank into a stream and a tramp was killed. William Wilson, who stole the ballots in a precinct iu Chicago after they bad been counted in the municipal election, has bjen sent to jail for 300 days. Owino to the lightness of the snowfall and tbo lack of rain in Upper Michigan lumbermen are unable to get their logs to market and over a billion logs are waiting in the streams for a freshet. The directors of the First National Bank of Anoka, Minn., claim that the amount of Cashier Pratt's deficit will not be over $25,000. and depositors will be paid in full. On the suggestion of Senator in gal Is, Eugene F. Ware, of Fort Scott, Kan., has been selected as poet at Arlington on Dec ocration day. The people of Sioux City, Iowa, have sHbscribed $1,500 and prepared three car loads of supplies for the relief of the Dakota prairie fire sufferers. A ritEiOHT engine dashed into a private car on the Santa Fe at Lorenzo. III., re cently and the locomotive boiler exploded, causing the death of four persons and the shocking injury of several others. Miss Beechler. who killed Henry King, Jr., whom she claimed as her husband. was acquitted by the jury at Omaha on the iota, tier defense wan insanity. About fifty persons were overcome by a suffocating black smoke from a tire which broke out in Sanger, Rockwell & Ctv's factory at Milwaukee, Wis., on the 10th. Twenty of the victims had to be carried home in patrol wagons. Fire ia Rising Sun, Ind.. the other day caused $35,000 loss to various business firms. Four small children of a German named Mcrdam were poisoned recently near St Joseph, Minn., by eating wild parsnips. Three died. One man was fatnllv and four seriously burned in a foundry nt Youngstotvii, O., by the explosion of molten metal in a cast ing form. Jcdgk TnATER, of the United States dis trict court at St. Loui?, has decided that the tops of mail boxes are not receptnclos for mail, and taking pajH-rs from them is no criminal offense. The liramsu beef bill to require the in spection of beef on foot before being killed was defeated in the Ohio Seunto by it vote of 13 to lei The bill originated in th.i House and passed that body by an almost unanimous vote. The Michigan House has passed a bill prohibiting tho sale or giving away of cigarettes. An order to reduce wages on the street car lines in Minneapolis resulted in a strike on tho 11th. Mb, Br.nDiNor.it, another Dakota pralriu fire victim, is dead. This made six deaths in Hyde County caused by prairie fires. The total loss in Hyde County was $19,000. Miss Beechler, who hns just been on trial at Omaha for the killing of II. W. King, Jr., expects to sail for Europe soon. Harriet's tailoring concern at Detroit, Mien., an establishment for manufactur ing ladies' silk garments was robbed the other morning and about $5,000 worth of silks stolen. Officer O'Brien is at the point of death af Chicago an the result of an injury re- ceiveu at we iiayniarKet not O'Brien has a piece of the bomb in his side. The United States grand jury at I'ort Townsend, Wash., have found twenty-five indlctmonts acainst William Horned special deputy collector, eleven against Herbert F. Beecher, ex-treasury ngeut, ami twelve against Quincy A. Brooks for steal ing from the Government. Fifty persons in the general offices of the Q'' system at Chicago have boen dis charged in order to curtail expenses. The Ohio Senat; committee to Investi gate Railroad Commissioner Canellur re ported finding liimguiitv of questionable conduct, both as an officer and in private life. Meredith Stanlet. of Cincinnati, jump.'d recently from the bridge ou the Cincinnati Southern railroad over tho Kentucky river, a height of 2?5 fob With the exception of coughing up a little blood he was uninjured. He did it to beat Steve Brodie, the New York jumper. Frank Ringo, tho well-known haso-bnl! catcher, committed suicide at Kansas City recently after a protractod spree. An uproar was caused in the Western Freight Association by the di -co very that a secret rato existed between the SL Paul road and the Armours. The other roads were forced to make the same rate, as the contract had three years to run. The Inter-State Railway Association threatened prosecution, wnicu a general manager A circular issued by General Manager 8t John, of the Rock Island, announce the appointment of Mr. John Selatian as goneral ticket and passenger agent of the entire consolidated Rock Islaud system, with headquarters at Chicago. Mr. He bastian first entered railway service ia 1640 a clerk in the general ticket office of the Santa Fe and ha steadily risen until reaching bis present position. Hi! is a thorough railroad man, who makes himlf popular with the traveling public. The Belgian Government has informally warned General Boulanger to abstain from political agitatiou, and has inform d hi mt hat if be complies with the wishes of the Government in this respect be will not be expelled from Bolg-um. The construction of the Tehuantep'c railroad has been commenced in earnest, and the contractors are using every effort to push the work. The Government of New South Wales, Australia, proposes to nbolish all specific duties and impose direct taxation in their stead. Michael Eugene Chevheul, th famous chemist and centenarian, died at P.tris on the 9.h. He was born August 31. lTtsfi. Wholesale dealers in eggs have had a very poor season. Many have lost much money, and it is questionable whether any have a profit out of their sates. The trouble seems to have been an oversupply Archbishop Paul, of Bogota, United States of Colombia, died suddenly of heart disease recently. It is officially denied tbat the Marquis of Londonderry intended to resign the Lord Lieutenancy of Ireland. . The lower house of the Austrian Reich srath passed the Army bill with the amendments made by the Hungarian Diet. A messenger who fans returned to Suakim from Khartoum, brings letters from Slaten Bey and members of the Catholic mission. He also brings the sup poed bead of Kasalula. the Abyssinian General, who is said to havo been killed in battle at Galiabat. The head was a present from the Khalifa to the Governor of Suakim. Spring emigration to the United States has assumed large proportions. Four thousand emigrants, mainly Germans and Swedes, sailed ou the 10th from Liverpool. All available steerage space on several steamers there and at continental ports has been taken up for intending emi grants. Pasteur's microbe rabbit exterminator has Leon pronounced a failure in Aus tralia. It is announced that an agreement has been reached between England. Germany and the United States by which one war vessel of each power will b& located at Samoa. A tkrrirle explosion occurred in the colliery at Castrap. Westphalia, recently. The nin were at work in the pit at the time aud twenty were killed. The Berlin correspondent of the London Daily News says that Germany has not protested officially against the appoint ment of Mr. Bates as one of the American Commissioners to the Samoan conference, but that tho Government would prefer to have some one else appointed iu bis place. Seventeen itoulangists will bo indicted by the French Senate courL Kell&Co., woolen and plush manu facturers at Bradford, England, witb a branch bouse at New York Citv. have failed with $500,030 liabilities. The bankers who were receiving sub scriptions to the stock of the American Meat Company, the now dressed beel trust, have withdrawn from the schenit and the amounts already subscribed will lie returned on application. The collapse is said to bo due to pressure from the Armour syndicate, which is a large cus tomer of the cotton oil trust. European bourses were depressed on the 1 1 tli because of extensive rumors of an attempt on the life of tho Czir, whe was said to have been wounded bv a shell thrown at him at Gutchiun. The American bnik C. D. Bryant lin been seized by tho Iluvvaiinn Government for smuggling. The French Chamber of Deputies has adjourned until May 14. Owing to the scarcity of water the area of cotton culture in Egypt is much re stricted. It is stated in London that the Prince of Wales is an admirer of Parueil mid that a conference between the two will be arranged. The last arguments were made in the NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. Q" conspiracy trial on the 12th and the thought mere buncombe. A marriage license was issued recentlv at Pittsburgh, Pa to Samuel Wtlser.aged seventy-two, and Edith P. Wilson, aged fifteen. The disparity of ages excited sauca comment, bat the union was aot il legal, the parents of the girl eateriag ao protest The steamer Conanicat was reported oa the rocks near Newport, R. L, oa the 12th. The passengers were leaded by a tag. George Cjxdeb. a prominent oettoa aaaafacturer. of Lancaster. Pa, pro prietor of the Falton cotton mill, has saade aa assignment. The liabilities are at least $150,000 and the assets may reach $50,000. The final result of the recent alectloas in Rhode Island leaves the Legislature oa joint ballot at 59 Republicans to 49 Demo crats. TBK WEST. DCBIN4I a small fire at Kokomo. Ind., the other night three firemen were injured by a falling wall. Two mea were killed by fool gas ia the vat of the mineral bath heuse at Port Haroa. Mich., the other day, and the pro prietor barely escaped with his Ufa. Thb first step to nullify the recent elec tion la Chicago resulted ia a failure. Retorts from Anaconda, Deer Lodge and Missoula, Moat, show that they aud fatOMy went Democratic; while Helena, fimiuud Great falls weat Republican, , , , 94mkIbavxrb, of tt, circuit o .-..,, Us at Mount Pleasaat, Iowa, has decided that cider u an Intoxicant under the Pro kibitory law and its tale U illegal. Ah epidemic of scarlet fever has beea ratiac in Fairbury, Hi., and churches aad 'sjsjsKMik Havo beau closed, 8tx 4eats aaa tsreaty case hare heea reported. '' IU eviction of settlers oa the Dee Haiaes river lands ia Iowa, has, it m'saM. THE SOUTH. Virginia farmers report heavy loss of stock from drowning during the late gale. Between Fort Monroe and York river fish erases lost nets valued at $20,000. J. C Hemphill, city editor and chief of staff of the Charleston (S. C) News and Courier for fire years, bar been elected manager of the paper, to succeed the late Captain Dawson. General James Longstreet's residence ia Gainesville, Go., was destroyed by fire the other day, causing $10,000 loss. Three large mountain fires which are doing great damage are now raging near Edge-seat, Md. The Canadian river in the Panhandle of Texas is out of its banks because of rain. and an $18,0(0 bridge at Canadian. Tex., has been washed away. The wife of W. P. Woods and five of his children were burned to death near Clay ton, Ga., recently, by his house taking fire. Baltimore business men have subscribed $500,000 toward a great sugar refinery. The Alabama giantess, a colored woman weighing 8.V) pounds, died at Bii miugbam. Ala., the other day. The coffin was six feet seven inches long, forty iucbes wide and thirty inches deep. The raid on moonshiners in Exstern Kentucky was successful, seven moon shiners being captured without bloodshed. SUAS Calvebt. a well-to-do farmer, and his wife were drowned near Mineral Wells, Tex., tae other day, while attempt big to cross the Brazos river. The crew of the wrecked schooner Rich ard W. Denbam, of Bath, Me, numbering four men. were picked up at sea by the steamer Pirate and takea to Baltimore. Md. Tm barge Sunrise foundered near the Delaware breakwater daring the recent storm. The captain, his wife, two children and a seaman were drowned. General Boulanger has made applica tion to the Swiss Government for permis sion to reside ia Geneva. The story of his expulsion from Belgium is denied. A dispatch from India says that hun dreds of bouses have beea destroyed bj fire at Surat. The loss is placed at 200 -000. The provision trade has been excited by reports that Eagland would exclude American dairy products unless adulter atioas were stopped. Steps hare beea taken by the Chicago Exchaaxe to secure legislation to prevent the fraais com plain ea or. Owing to the prevalence of cholera the pearl fisheries of Western India have been a failure the past season, causing a loss of fSusVNO to the British Government. The Prince ef Nassaa takes the oath as BegeatoC Luxemburg, the Kingcf Hol land, who is Grand Duke of Luxemburg, having been declared incapable of gov erning. atsPATca from Zanzibar to the lade peadeace Beige says that the rumor that Staaley aad Emia Pasha were marcalag la the direction of Zaaiibar was aa Arab iaveatioa. Ta premium oa gold ia UeArgaatta BepabHo has reached ti per eeat. case Riven to tbo jury. The Pensacola has been docked, her bull being injured, aud the los is placed at 509. The steamship City of Chester reportal at Queeustown an tho 12th that four days previously she had found the steamer Denmark, of the Tbingvalla line, aban doned and sinking. The Denmark bad on board about 750 passseugersaud crew and grave fears were expressed of their fata. TI1K LA'resZ. Clearing house returns for tho week ended April 13 showed an average increase of 14.8 compared with the corresponding week of last year. In New York the iu crease was 1G.4. Business was active on the London Stock Exchange during the week ended April 13, American securities receiving a good share of attention. Prices were firm, except in ccal shares, which fell an aver age of four per cent Money matters were buoyant and prices firm ou the Continental bourses. Hon. John P. Usher, who was Secretary of the Interior under President Lincoln, died at tho University Hospital. Phila delphia, on the lfl:h. Ju ig U.sher was well known in Kansas, having lived in Lawrence for several years. He was born in Madison County, N. Y.. in ls'lG. His death leaves only 4wo of Lincoln's Cabi net surviving lion. James Har'an, of Iowa, and Hon. Simon Cameron, of Penn sylvania. The steamship which arrived at New York on the 14th from Hamburg reports tbat in a fog she bad struck the pilot boat Commodore Bateman, sinking her at once and drowning Pilot John Handran and the colored cook. Harrr Hatford. Charles Hodges, a fire b?ss and Evan Madden, a pump runner, were passing through aa abandoned working in the Grand Tunnel mine at Wilkesbarre, Pa., recently, when their lights ignited a large amount of accumulated gas and both men were blown to pieces. The steamship Alameda arrived at San Francisco oa the 13th. bringing full par ticulars of the terrible hurricane of March 1&, 16 and IT at Samoa. She also brought everal cadets from the wrecked steamer Trenton. The disaster to the war vessels was due to the feebleness of the machinery, the British corvette Calliope escaping the deadly reef by the s beer force of her power ful engines. Th Samoans acted nobly ia rescuing those in penl aud caring for them afterward. The G-rman cruiser Olga. which had ben beached, was floated after the storm aad reached Sydney. N. S. W.. safely, where she was docked for repairs. Bt aa accident on the Cairo Short Line aear BtHeville. III., recently, thirteen loaded cars were smashed to splinters aad about $53,00 worth of merchandise de- siroyeu. araKeuxsa muI fatten was fatally and Brakenun Pat Boru serious ly Injured. Engineer Tobin and Fireman Noble were hurt slightly in jumping for inir lives. NoaxHAC woa the six -day 's race at Pitts burgh. Px, covering 501 miles. A banquet or Boulangists at Versailles was broken upon the Bight of the 13th by the military. John Jackson, a capitalist aad presi dent of the elevator ca Biddle street. St. Louis, hanged himself the other morning. The suicide was dne to the hopeleeesaaasti tiea ct his hsjsiaess affairs. e The Samoaa CeenaUssiea aiissi Sew York for Berila oath nth. Edward C. Maheb. living eighteen ralie northeast of Imperial, in dines County, was murdered Su th- sand hills. atout eight ni.e from I nprr.a!. the othr Jay. Ho had one to Imperial to prove ip ou bis homestead. lie made his proof ind got a loau ou hi place of i'M. $'.5) of .vhich be u-ed that day to liquidate a debt, lie le'l for his home next morning and was not seen altTvvnrd until his lody oi discovered. He hadbe-u mur dered ami robbed. The man who is us-p-cted of the crime was traced as far as Ogalallo. A rece.nt prairie fire near Valentino destroy I about 15 0) worth of property, C S. Had uni losing every thing ou his place except his tious and liv--stoc, two stables, three granaries, cr.b. hay. alout tifteeu hundred bushels ot orn and oats aud all his farming imp'euient. Fritz Johnson, living with Had.und. a!so lost a stable, granary, hav and a lot of corn and farming tools. E. White lost a feed shed ami a lot of fence, together with aliout tri tons of hay. William Grnvrs lost a stable and a lot of hay. Thomas Grigsby lost several tons of hay. Sam Cockcrow, as-ed eighteen, we re cently gored to death by a vicious steer near FairmounL Prairie fires recently burned a stable, two mules and other property of George Cummings. near Ord. and Guy Barnum had four miles of fenco and much bay and timber destroyed near Columbus. Mrs. Goodso.v. an old lady was run ovr by a street car at Omaha the other dny and fatally injured. While a number of children were play ing on the trucks of the Union l'acttle road at Omaha tho other day the seven-year-old son of Mrs. Mary Malouuy vs ruu over and killed. Knud Nelson, nn Omaha contractu! fifty-seven yearsold, recently fell into ln cistern mid was drowned. Ho hail been ill for some months mid his first day out he went to tho cistern to examine it when be Ml iu. The young wife of a cooper nnmel Morris, living iu Sjtith Nebraska City, at tempted suicide the other niht in tlit presence of her liusli'iud by swallowing laudanum. 1) ctors were called m and her life saved. Her husband was out of work und ubout to leave the city in hearch of another jib, and ho could not bear the separation. Skvkkmi.v. who killed Constable League at Jackson last D-camlar, liecnUse I.cngut dunned him for t.evonly-!ivo cents winch he promised to pay L-aguu's boy for work, was recently admitted at Dakota City. The verdict occasioned great surprise. When Hervy Peiiiburtou. living six miles south of O.ikda.e. went out to feed his team the other morning he found tin stable In ashes and the charred remains ol four horses ami two mules. Tne tiro waf the result of leaving a lighted lantern in the stable. I.ibiiik Br.ECHLEit. who killed Harry King, son of the Chicago luilliouniio. in the l'axtou House at Omaha s nut month ago, was recently tried at Uiuaha. The trial lasted soven days aud was attended by throngs of people of loth sexes. Judge Coivan spoke two days for the defense and hit-Test ill the re sult was intense. When the cast was concluded tho jury iu five minute , returned a verdict of ncipilttul, at which the audience applauded wildly. Fked Wood, on returning home near , Ileukeliiiau, the other day. found that hi- , w.fe hail abandoned his home. She sent ' the children to town with the hired ninn for provisions and clothing, and left a note stating that she. hail gone for good, and all search would be of no avail. Mr. Wood assigned the act to the reading of trashy literature. They had lleeii mar ried fifteen years and havo two boys and , a girl. Because a young woman rejected his suit W. M Crous-, station agent at ltocn, ' recent h- shot him. elf. Ktxj.wt N. Seiuan. who owns a farm j aboSK four miles south of Pender, was nr- ' rested the other day on a requisition from Illinois. Seaman is charged with em- ' bezzIingA10f in that State some three years ago. His arrest was a great surprise , to the people iu the vicinity, as lie had leen universally regarded as a straight man. , Mrs. J. M. McCinlet recentlv took ' morphine with suicidal intent nt Chadrou, with every prospect of being successful. The Governor has issued n proclamation organizing Hooker County, aud located the temporary county seat nt Mullen. IT is said of a Schuyler young man that he forgot to secure a marriage I. cense on the day set for bis wedding, and the cere mony bad to U postpone! b.cauo thj county judge was out of the citv. I; was a great disappointment to the assuibled guests as well as to the prospective bride and groom. THE other day a seven-year-old !oy named L-iir jumped into a bin of the North Loup elevator aud was carried to a bin below and covered with vera! hundred bushels of oats. Men tried for some time to shovel him out. but being unsuccessful tbey opened the shoot telow, and whu the loy's body came through th ottening he was pulled ouL He was unconscious but after several bours work was resuci Utts.L Homer Is proud of its girls. Johann THE SAMOAN DISASTER. Arrival of :b- AUmt.U Itrinctnx f-tIW of ! rriul Work tit th. Ilarrle . Sax Fhancisc.-, April It The steam ship A.am-da. Coami-tude II J. Morse, arrived her yeterd.iv mocul ig. having sailed from Sdnv MarbH She tjp:-l nt Tutu la. an i.lan-l of tho Satnoan group, March UJ h-rei5 found Iht. Aruortcau scncHiner Equator, with th American malls and t.i ca lots from th' A nencan warships wrecked nt Apia. l tumandrr Dmtusr. be :! t the Ttut-gTA'U ;as AUANOONEO AT SEA. A Tt.lnsTalt !.!n sintmrr ttrjft .tUu.lo!i.l ami stinking at s,is,B llua.lr-.! l.lv In iVrtl. Niw YtNtc. Ajrt. 13 A Itipa.e frara Qurs-nst"'!! as: "The lBtt..n i-,siBr Citv i f h's- rrr-jrt t&t a .pt. jvsed ih iMniiU ttearur iKatnsrt. frvta Christiana, Coi-,uha;tv, rtc f..r Nwr York. The DanmsrX ho.1 bpn aU.avt l-v DT crew hue was slut as ' Tfc Itit GREAT DAY. i!ore. upon l-arning uf the disaster to the Aui-r can ship., at once a.cd for Apia. On the way h met the ru.u cutter ami received tho German msus at Apia. The A.ameili teok on board thirtr-six wouti led seamen; l.iutenaut Kipier and twenty-nine seamen are to come upon tho lionoluu steamer. The Alar.Krda brought from the raan-f-war Tr-uton tie naval cadet. It. s.ock-r. F. W. H-lbs, B. C b-cker. It W. Wot.,. W. S. Clole. (J. IV. L gau aad It. Jack-.n. and navai captains 11. A. Wly U A. Statrord and J. A L jcutie. of thr Van dalle. The Alamrda also brought the following account ot the disaster from h Westrrti Associated Press correspondent at Apia. Samoa: I tica ; Ta XC.te-MeBt ,evl. !). mark hvi on bsrd li sh ! left Chr..tk.a.en rr :". Wat March .S iTs) vi.fB,;rrt. pfsumsb v U imni , 5 runts. tncudrti tae C-spta-a. S. M. ' Kundten. the uiirsd tort mu J Trie s43 of the atits of ihe traui-r has UrM tbroneed wth ;wxie. nainsjilr , inqu.rtus for further news f the Veei. Mr. Edyr. of the frm. de nat ijova the corrrctuei of the tjtrt. lie has ctilrd h: IxjudiMi and C"penh.xa ajent. The I'anrusrk was foruirly the freight steamer Jan Jtrevdc! cf the Wht e Ciu T r !.,. ttr.a" l"1r-ratar-lklS"ve l-.l ;-, ; nf lalrsrllia. T-rcK. s. ItjI It V - u r j 'Isae-t by iln$f A. A K 'i nnri ajvtd"t I. l. t 'h rn IV :.! : ir maniac a t h etulesoi!i:. p re- . tt reads f4A ; 1 r ft . ,t Vs; :aej&r.at jsre t. t " tisw9-.ars' . a stesr t atv.-fjuatm l .fclVf pn. ft inti kr ., ,f . . ! 4ai4i .-.. , tt Al. Tias A -,. t- fs4 5.a or it fss n v tK-r,cr tk tfk. T f m ,iAt wo IS- 1 . t fraWt pruat i.j svrssk w .. t , ' T :a U . -' fni i. . cf .- . . ; ''Jsstler s- si7 - n . j- 5- Sv ersj fsstt,iw4 tu &w4 M . -. s UWI l tHK-s f sso-.)e tke taSmtssaotaar f OB., SJS lf ?i , iMhsn's.kl the taHvt TV-toVst,, l. -s .n;KV l f1s-a , vfl .sf . ujjs,,, auwst U eilaMUa a a-s rj -t ta ttwr t T-ftlUirj. wntJVvs, 1. ssj Meii Diet eaf .tklarkat aa as wivtst ata s..lt L a . Hue. This mi. the .el, art t.t. frui I 11.1.1.! 1. .,.. j-.. '... .t ... ,W'- - - . -- -. - -y . -. .w. r. W-m Tt ef t4 act? iitrta Tl ttt -'- in otLr si-te uirr arr new nstue. The Nv Y irk aeat of the T&snvalia lint-a J: Trt Di.imwl had tswn cuai The littl croon ot Sua.Oia or Navigators" pie;elr ovrrhnu.e-1 an I It was tboufht t y all t Islands sifcUb a ! n.unlh ro attraoieil 'he attention of Uir cleilurd wo'U by a nrce U comtat between to uat.vu (action at J tte ronseiuent possibllllr ot serious complication beiTswa ihe .tieat power of the t'nilrsl Stalra aaJ Gerzn.nr. basheen lsitel uy a ilts.;-r more up;':i!l:n than all of the war eier w-ed here. In atteraptin to effect a so.nlloa cf the Sanioan iHScnlty. acd to protect thrir rr.iH-ct-lre Interest on the islanJ. the Lnltel Stte and Oennaav have lost nearly !M live aoJ W.(J.to wi rth of prosertjr The must 1 to! en l ami Oestructlve hurr.canc ever known la the South Tacric ocean par4 oer thes-tsiands on March 1- and T an 'as a result a fleet of six war sh.psant ten other re that she vta thelet of iHir tioet. There were on Inlaid at leatt 710 lopl Of thee lIVl re Kenser. Tbefa tnut ha.e lien at least sixty in th" . and " the nu:ul--r may have reached ! sr lA There are thrrrfore to le ao-sHilltnd fur the lire of from Tt t 7.A insopU. - "We haretaten step tod 'arif thera ' is trutb in the torv. At IJ.li we seat 3 twocalles. One wii to trie lonl, ttt Loudon asi.tik" tor furthvr psrllcu at of the alwindo.in cic, .f ucli were to t- Uait, end also foi the 'n!u of the t p that av l ltt.sd the ! ktuunl V. in tlt liu ndl- sels were .routiit to atoms on the cvr.tf r-efs in t"" l n" '"4md of the two cables io the hartnir or thrown on the lieach in front of ' ''" home office in t'opontiagen ali- ailing the little rltr of Apia, und IIS oIDcrrs amt m-n t fr paiticular and fir advie. a 1 for the linm- of thjc (V eopte ho snile.1 oil the Itamuitk. "The Ksltlon In vshlehthe Dtntuirtts ; aid to bare ton slghtml Is o.ie 111 w histi he mljjtit sery easily ln at th time. April N Sb)4 bad at that t ill. I "O out from Christiansen thutii dns . I do not think tt at all Impr-tttl. tint .miia fearful cslnlmtv ha Uff.sll-n Urt, t-ut s ! do not tn iuo that she ha Imto alas toned ' Further particular of thn 'Stidncof the i nl'audontx! steamship I'siiinar t the In- Ill-ill line CttV of Chester slow.varr red utter noon. The Iiinuisrk no rapdlr inking when tha Chester a hrr Tb- Chester had s'htel her from adttaticeaHi had leenttiick !r the apparrnt (l..rur.,.f ' uuv life ou to.rL Shi had draisn near , and investigated and aflensnrd u.sde ur ; that no one was on U.iar I of the aUndane 1 I vsreok. Tht Chester lav to and aUmi for '. I of the Autericaii and Crrmm navies s!c-p fo- I tier unir the n-t-fs orli- tmrie.t in .nmarke! graves thousands of mile from taeirnatue I lands. ' The I'nlted States f'Uat Trenloo. r.wship ' of the la. iftc simulron. uh.rh arnvi.t hef ; from l'iinami M.treh II. ii.-s uir in tohr's throw of the Atnn.vi coium ..! a t.t,.l r-riv. , Tti-ereal hull of the in.icot!:t'it : which steatr.s'd into the ti.irtor a few eeks rests ; on th- tiottoni. fast iruli.i to pieces ! j The C title J Stale- sienmT V.i-. '.u :. Wuifh ' arriteit fnttn San Krauelca IVurjarr A Is ' . tMirlett out of sight tielHeeu the T'eoa ju.I the shore Hrr shattered fr-ui.ist -nt star rise from the water to m-irU th- sjx.t .hrrr ti.e iralhint vessel strurSc and lav f-r tr,t nojrs 1 tirfore Ihe r.nful torrent of wat-r wh'.h ,rpt four ortlcers an'l thirty nine nirn Ipti h-r il-cW and nivtr.ifs. Her ronimaader. i'p:-.in l M SelMsmmaUer, was aimiii; tt.e ursl who jx-rislied tn the waves. The other ortleers wt.o met th-ir ile.ith were Parnias'er Frank II Anus, l.iftitenan: Frank Suttait of th" niariiiq corps ant Par Clerk Jo -n IC-...- h Ttie L'mt-tl States steamer Nlpsic lay for seera! da' i.!oni;tde th Van'.illa with her Low htch en the t-aeh u-d within He fret of th waters ede The essel, thouk'h tiuJ.y damaged, wis hauled off a fe !ls aftr the storm and is the only war ship af.. at in the harlior SererU of the uftloers and crew ar ltvlnj atioard. All of the Nip.ic's oSicers are safe, hut she lost live in'n ly th- swampin of a boat, uml two others who juu td ovrrhOAnl were a!o dmwneil The ttiree American men vf war weresacpt ashore almost at the same point. It was on the little Cerium Kiinn-Htt Kt-r that tin greatest loss of life curre.l. The Ktx-r Imd a eoinleinent of U ofne-r and sivent sit mm l e men were atirejurini the storm When the ese sImick th- rrrf she sank oimptetely out of n;ht and a ruinute later there was not a .etlke of he- to tie seen and ull on bo.tnl were lost except one ofljrer Lieutenant l.aiti;!te ainl four saihrs Thu other five officers aud -Ixtv-six men were either instantly killed when the cssej rrahrl to pieces or weredriuni'd in the ro.rlus torn-iit of w jier that tirokr upon the ref . small part of the I. Jut prow was afterward wabe. uhre tieran American etsel Th' uni ., few peee.tr lirnkeil wreckniM hear the MMtit where he rude are the onlv iurtion i Wt that hare etcn been se'n lnc the moment he went down. Jtisloti the eils'e of the reef, alsmt vi yarn west of the Trenton, is all that remains of the Adler. the !l:iK'shli of tb Cennun suatmn ti Samoan waters The Adler was washed on top of the rv"t and turneil completely oer on hrj stile She has remained tn that posit.on lw ami Is a;mot entirely out of water. Neariy exery man atsiant wis thrown in the water when the Adler struck, hut only twenty tailor I were drowned and all hrrofflcer hit. a,e,l The Ceruian corvette. Meal fatup.ia a wind j flat at'Out a 'juarter of a mile east of the Amrr ' icinvcs.els While the tirm wa raj-inif urel the vessel fighting for their Jles. the oi,- t c me into collision with nearly every man of , war in the harbor am! a a badly darnaj-d above her water line. It I thought that fa can be towisj off. No lives were lost on the OI?a ; The only other man-of-war In the hartior wa tto llrltlsh corvette Caltlope, which arrive.! here In February and relieved the IJoj.-Ui.t Her machloery was very iowerfu! and he wa capable of team)nat the rate of Utrn knot an hour, but he narrowly eeajil coin: aborr at the same p'.we with the Adler, but Jut a she wa about to lrtke thp rrof be Ci $n fcer anchors, and In the fare of a terrible wicd steamed out of the harbor ami put t. -a The bech l strewn with wreckage fmra orj end of the town to the other Over 3t Aro'rt can and Oermao sailors are (jnartered in Apia. ao sal, ia i jt.iia i-vsrr n.i .-s.i raaDcwsal JsUoe asf o)Usnj. - ,1 , W ssr an? oU-f tl!-v. m V4 Ikm 4 aay raiimaJ. er au tr y r . Wrs iw JilMy ; (urt 4 of ii (. -!, lite ',, Vatreot. i&e Ksuai u. - la bjitcvi of aa V16, sr at ers -r to lf lhurtivff Ih irw. iIhi - ... --J rat.tv of attsftnst.- ialMa(f. as-i. -.- Ife-', i. t HOUtMS ) tstss. s fsel tiur as; tiitv net lse saaa -jer lruvJi. taat if i .-. . t4se r.o&rr wrsea aail te X.' 4 kf rsvtt; o t&Jsr-stilj lwsrae ef .rl .i tla. Uaria rrs-a sf . f.e :i r.i hsU fcrss, t et ttsarUer. u4 ie acs.ialeiis ts f .fca,- tJ3UTe4 aessll.jif. Ars-sais Jt, jt a .., rrse afssretst !. 'a Ike to.!.a T a.:r.t) imI mwMhsvsl . .t-ei i ;,i- srswl an UTpa . ,sik u f tae iteer-tri er rsvs .!(, tawrs- . !eeaet rsollf sf a.,.rtes. ml..' .. vsattotkaa tawrssel ava.i U 3st Uw , "sj" " 4 ianMJ l ' i o . usre iaa ste er ' Tas4-V. aa t,lr rsiiam tw t . .$ vfelk (4 Irsia-a (i taJtsJ) TVni ? - - .r.a.. t it .u.. i,reU i. p-r Me aj' WeB ...t as 1-4 t detaaia tmwfM a i! t-- fa- ,ferj u ;.( tW Bt , ia .. mi .. i rssswis. ibl 4r ; Cwitest su orvs ,U ts arf4l I as,siMaa, 'i If. l.tsva fc . rtusry .il usrit ie st Jf. i r. j etuf, '(ttsqrauht i tae-r -. . -j no hmr r. n -IfssO. tl esert fwrs ratjF j a sw.4t.Ms 4 t a fcf U1 ms tr-nt e U c-n rrsfr.ui t. u run atuwi u u- Tft " l of the MVo.1 are S'tlfiite, lroi.rriii al.Hg lai numlss ,if Um. tnetise add pa.Her and ftei-t!. 6ar at Ai.atia Cty pi r to lh ossaias a. aothal all vi.,,(r tn. fretsjsit trTi that otTet m-j t .vMiml(.!ala.l H., t z lar rat I Im. .-hre.t ostall tia .. 1 eeoral hours. Tha stern of the Ilaii- I the ..r.,l.l-l.i:.. . il.i . .I,UI. . , ,.--- train wi:t ( "u:h frm Atn w' mark tsas ou a level with the e. ller I a fnr out of the water In the air. Ther Were no vlsllil signs of i colli l. ii. s-o wreckage va floating a Unit. The leu, t were nil gone from their das Its and n h lag Indicating hat and panic nrin n.t. i ticeable. Alter lylnc to near th wrk" for im time CeodeiL the C.tV of thxter plo- OKLAHOMA LANDS. The oiiinilaotier tl the fieoeral tttol OBSce lliplaln tlie Manner o( i:mr, u liopnrl.tot itlnlon. Wahiiixuuiv April t.t -The Couitnt- atouer of the (.corral !iud"r!lce has I Territory made lutdiclhe f..UMIi letter as be ttlfc of general Itltere.t to person cotitviu piu'lni: settleinnt hi OtUhoma: O U Jli.. fr, rJwaiV Aaa.. ;.srni.t. f. ni)"mi r. U" .insiit,is . trtt j IT u 1 .-ir kur' f th th ia. I . uMi-iusI j to Ike Iton. -al.le At to the lis .hoaui laOs'is a wh ftr- W If Ofnowl ' to seiUee(il SJWler fcil mt ,Hr'e. Ml M-ls-h . ?. '. tbsi forarhsH by htm la U' of3 ' for aaswer In r-tly. I hare to i,i thsl Um- iaast la 'jUe'tHXi am to be 4l;s.ei of to 3Hi alJers un!r the iloMeteatf ! to.tr A t''r I ftar t Kuw aa arUinl otOer HH-ler r Homestrad l.'ss mar laitiale In rUim trtiy at the ai.trirt Iliad o3ee. tnttic ami eeetlrir trie laud repaired, on tha afterooas 'f pll 7J "trittsl ISsTMVOtl w WSIIISofs Ajwll (I Jar hi t ers. x-tt'-t at IvinQlttel Uli m. - t Jdio f. ll' vitr at (iuian. in. ' tmtii are m the tty and se, . . Lstit-uttie seia tttey rHetr.t , ! .Utii lo.tru 1 -nt In e;rl j dutU of thelf !) Thar also I. 1 JslC aupplle tt ut71(al (atlte . j p-jr l t u d by ttlsr ins i ' ! "ii Oslalo.fita alnlv Th will l.av 1 ftlv ill a . dav Iff ltir ' st to Im iu ll., fw, n, ... txMin on Apni 72. Ii l .n 1 ,'. f- ltioaat Ii trrim ttlrildet' Ji"-tii V The iins'iaiar f lat-., .,... i itrtWiui; jij. realist's-" at Wf Otlahotaa, 'and sett! flUr & .-. iradr Io K'Ve to the ist-i- it ' I f, 1- ....... t . e-, , 1 . . i arurv etierallarefer-f.-.1 -"., .,.....,,,, ..,., , 1 mjrsfiw.fiium if-tn H ,. 1, .. from the iiutrist k Kna. is - "Ihi w-tut t ' tt-e-. and (. u , C-t ltir Iteeri.e "hen b- s.ittu-aaf - !hiII Mi Hl is ltrutbi su! It ii.n Ii m JP r,r) tt War folk ls. p. ms. tllr in, r ij-sii; m U4i, -. after Prtn-"r - I ' xiTtl ... sH. laud repaired, la hi h ! ',"r t"" -5 l case he I aik wedlt fttnnta frvca 4a le ,, ent.j within which to nabhh bl aetvl r-,t.- e On the land. fT, If he m fieri, he u.T initiate hi claim by actual ettleara the laitd. w hls-h raut isiisit of wiat act or arts csxtbectttu' MmoII Uj tX iir HcjUr tract clalmM. l. aet or aet tj te eijulvalent to an anoeaein"nt of hi intenttua ami from which the pnHlc ,'-neraUr nj ate Sotire of hi claim Tervttr he I .ped three miBlh altbln a inch to tnae hi rUlm of record y ntry In tae A tnt land --2r- 1 incUie fnr yonr farther InfonsaUtia r4e of circular f January ;. ! r,I Anrt- I Js. liospriraliy, K M ST" anfirn. I vn m ut t. i ir)K7sjx nristui e. J. J IhjttU'. I'nUi V.tt ,ratt WaSUI7sj, April IJ -Isar hlr I hst'tl-," honor to reeelve by rfer-nce frttn tej an.1 herewith retarn a letier aldresvi u trt Mr t'J.T Sorcmert. dated at riahima Htalleik. i Indian Territory, the rth tiltiow. fB repjj ; havetoiate that fbe aet of Marrh I. ! to whtrh Mr Jstimiaera refer, prwrlde a aa state tbat co one bU I ,iermilst lonlr of Ike -tluTBa Th I .moi'' r feoentlr ai.i.a- I b lr trtt tfarjit-m Uj it-t la -. ( b.rokee In llaiv IsST. t h Hsiti 1 ,. outlet wilt twset la'twis eit- at. t ... 1.. for th- fxirpo.e T nrgasl 1 t- fmirm thair lri;ru ttwaa frroo rU-(.t. Nobla. MISS nCECHLCf? Te lj-r f ACOUITTfO SI k r Christopherson, of that town, recently killed tifty-eight snakes, and Miss .Vma Heaiu, of the same place, g.ivo the alarm IiHi savvd a lot of valuable property from being destroyed by prairie fire and outran all of the men to the sceuo of the conflagration. A G. A. Ii. post has bn organuid at Huntley. (ovEitOR Thatkr ha issu-d a procla mation declaring Monday, the 2iil day of Atril as a day to be observed as Arbor Iay, andeiruestty inviting a!i tho ptople of the State to observe it as uch. and de vote the day to this mot worthy and lieneficent puqoe, namely, the planting of trees. Tin Uorernor earnestly call and for a few ilars afti-r tbe storm ublded the ' or vf'3,f T nbt vi any greatest fonfusloa nxiu.leery where a lsrje j ''" ,0 ''" ! of Ihers-fMter. re rVv , nurctcrof men on th Vandaila aad eteral on j Ia,' li P"'T,-"" by entennt j are! tn. ' other vesse. rre bvSIr injure.1 by faUlr.u fmra py,pf " rJ tt'r v tet -k nssoa it I thericsinirsim: belnf thrown atsat ilrxt by I sprltst lo. th rtate ni-J ta the ftOeai j the ten-lb!' sea, and It w ceC,,,iry to pne J tr"-c'"n ft Ire n, ,s-j, , tt j Tide a IcitiMrirr hosnltal for thetr mm!r..'w i '"d in tan" pes " ,lienvel Tfca tlon. I Person on shore were power! tn rader assistance to the hl. Hundred tn in the j water ef-o and stixl in the blindla? unn ! wraitbin,: the K-eat veu(, piteh stwat a th ' wavss or drift to total destruction ariic. ta I reefs. Th- sei broke tijoa th r-f witc roarta: onJ inst nutM far p ta tb li,. , carrjtoj w.th It crtat leantltte of srrlj. . Th watr'jer o bore were sqme-rl t-ais affer time ,ti.J noy wr ic;ire.S try the flv lor wrrire. ;rat dyil tf s-.nl fljri tfc air and cat far- and body UK a knjf ICfrry on wa drenched with th rale. bat til h.-vrrtaj ia th torra. p-erst to resJrr whatever altance rau.i b rs.M Th native aitd fir out into th mrf where a white nwa 000W il lle aoJ bjct a It.' statute make to iejtlfn U tax fititta, j t am l&etic4 to thiaV. Mir 'kit i a, j date of the . j i'.r at pr t-rsets a already stl'Jtia tt mum! at tt at;ir'tl rf at by frs-r stxvf - tlr - rt -t rvrsiS as a riolattoft f ifct, -ri4a f Us aex TVs ta.ry tir14tswi to et $ t,yu.um to . ste- .-.? t tit 4tnt turn a3e-r, ateJ j iSr ssnao m; ;ri t arp2- u eater us toe rui pfsstes- prnm" mt Mt an. ln. .tsstat lay r- pncJI aa ewsrr fc " r.-oai tfr Mats, v l Kla MSHM. Ottu t. . Apf.i tt Tft ,'rr is h trial f M lieec-bler f .lllnrf ll-t IV. Km. Jr. rturnd a ssniwrt "-: gmlty atlTn el m,m1os Inz. after oibrsllHa' Bt tn .' "All that I rai a i that ;mi liol M1 reward t m," i l M tJMel ft- to th I.lf jryn. M d ; for bstr old (toe n ,i,.aid O '- cratulatows h et.a Ut Ut tt-r i ! and a ho -f.j.rUUs aMo.l Nr a bom In h.s b4. u-rj-sm-r.!y Hh ha. no ;iaji m i,t titt i- yond riC t Oa!a.L Kifg " tha tvf of a mi I nta. e a Ittg d't In C-ac IN and M . II-ehlf I'ft tethf to C-tss.a a ! !b "rio rl(d v t aisif, J; ( Siaally at-o t.j-t bs a t tnrnl If snt Io Ot.sha with Ms witsv M Itewehler fw.t - tt, ad aas a dad tn th" TaS ll-i iTtw . plavt ch trtS K luajr p(-ji .snity Tit .Tpts.y vf 1 j sf OsSsU st fit a ar ! A K'4jt;jipr-iis, f Hat la - ! ivrt Al I ii rV Rt-ttetatj? lf'--l Jy Mr JMa. Itrsasr ftxtm 4 ,, S. -.! U n. ITti 1 1. taUs -wn .ft fs . ra Jar Ua4aeatJa.f te wve Msssf-Nrt- ? ama. that tU UUi - iKi. -.,. f. faa'' R 'Wsvs'.rn, , .-, f ,twc. .n4i w t tauiier. -t ! f 1 rrJ lhroj;i Jhetr eS-srt Artirlea.R .- upou tbe eo;iI" to "plant trees and shrub- t teertsaa wr treated a.ii. ro tho-jrat was liery; plant them in grar; adorn the tven to Use txte of war cii.tlr.r ftwee3 j ' beat i.ermtas aad therole, 34 t ra w!v ' w Otto bout and blcbwars: ntont them tn nart and places of resort; plant tb-m in cm i tv&l the (.--nan at V.i- a f, teries. It will l a graceful tribute to the bTStr" - dead and will Ii-autify tbir s.Int home. Let all engage in the performance of this duty and thy will confer a blessing upon our State." A team le!ooging to Clark Fppr. a farmer residing five miles northwest of J Moaky have an aversion to cralty. Ashland, ran away witii a stalk cutler on : Io Hlndovtan. wh-r tbr varieties .f dv recentlv. Ont ot th inlmslt vslcnl ! sirrtil mani.T n1T j eaeal .e M 9-iirr4 4 !. j rrl-e IfJJ n tJUt Ue-abtr. Th ( irnttl a. rjsrt Uil (iol ii.' Oes.r.l rUwUnr.r .a lMir Ho. . r " ." II - . .. - .. ' ' , ! Itat ATHrJe . nt ui m rrewn ttniisHr i . . ' wo) S Itt.jaj;r 1..MI. UacssrLa, Aj-nJ U r;ya tfa rt Jvsl f r arrxser tb z-aesi. der-t-t , I'rinrw ! ('t'nill. Ilefoaa U.n,.r . f aa-t nio v.,., .... .. .. their x-j llr. ty, ..- -., ... ... . --a- -. -e m--l so to relief ryirrTe j foralga l.utr jra,l -lerttited tm ( The storm ras-ej r-jrloasir fr tiearfr t. .,.. ! ad to tfc- 0nT and al. i.fx tta aad when tuc wlad flaallr abate. iv. m-.. . . msnIo. Th -. . - ..t w. dtrsetioa m awfaL bH aloof frcrrn j b G"nTsU. ' j S..1. t iuwu,r 'iJ at jITTi. had a hind leg cut entirely off by I avrr town, th focr-hand! r'an'V the blades of th machine. .often assist th poitc in eaforn The infant ch Id of Frank Bannister, of ! riot laws by ebargtag en m ox vrv aor cja: .l-0T lfrt Stnf-ita. rrrrcca. Pa.. AprO X - hs-- th. fr-i.M of ' ,fca'',' "",' d bell storra n.ite. pat. .too 01 . .rn .-& iraaia. Ila.le-w 1 a r'r(lftl af tfls. 1 Jactai-a. It r sfeat t- I. j ri.l :W?7 f ss Jer.af mt t dse-s at . "' tiw. i, iv. , fS; test tbat Hvit : Iue-a( Is fi fc sna sf fr-T-tt( r .!-., aS. ' ! ta tsvtsvJ atsxxs-lYetisn-,! rf t, waassast eUk ...... "srerra. Kao. At, tt -T - TStI r.i t aefsUt-siMs a-l s . ri7 7-tf-tar Central City, recentlv swallowed a tan I srena which loi;ei in Its windpip and caused J cufl.". vry dog Ejht or They talif raacu wcrrVd its dea'b m a short tim. The body of an unknown man rn found fl mating in tbe Mioouri rtTr at rV!lers the other evolng by torn fithermea. Tbe svad. fcr grefr security. dpo't titaai cm tb nxt rv!. or rupr rrr"irtTa a .ornngJia J,,, T' ssseue -a.ia j tt , TrU ts v.'"t- j "--, rWsl rx. W.ae t tb33 cm I . . s tvr. t,-.. r. . . . . . genral. The stout Kic. Lata, for :a- j j-.,,- stasc. b-ln phriicsllr a wW as rarsr- , 7v . At rrtvaiuo. Fa.. . tan 2,UJ bvrrU of tahtin mm sr-xai-g rtrsa: aft J tlv had ben la the w.t.r for ,om, tirae. '? - q-I Xtre-ele . dls- j -JJJ g- H-TW.S- rroen a r.w ,,, r-.llva of lb. fl-rct CO.-. Cta ths- ,aj- ' CJT ."'r.r".k- . ""T I HcstRT Cbtnn, a tutcbr. reopatlr kippd out from Craig, leaving many farmers who had furnished htm witb cat tle aad o'ber erel;tors to mccm. A Graxd Islaxd maa namd Bown. who was bitten by s road dog. went all th way to Lafayette. In J., to hav taad ' tone appuevL Tb svoae adbrJ to the wound aad Bowea LeliTes tbat be is cured. Tar ladlV cornet bend at FuIlr.co. is making good progress, aad ,thou;a it has oely been organ ii-i six most&a asd has nrvr bad aa la t meter, th aubtri are said to fursit h ezcellest tsutic Wartx workiag ia tb stone q-axrs-ies at Loaitrille Jobs Gyle rtseeatly bad bla fac aad aaads burse-l to a crisp by as expto ioa of gaapowder, Taasc Baea tiitml Bait Bota aad Cd srards. were sererely bsxraed la a prsv-eis re a Wheeler Cossatf lass otaer day. riiiva of tba fjrcit cur. Oa th jhi form of a jxiblic wtisbvii th B-ii.aTa rdit of tbe Agra, a l yrs er. wit&d a sose which irxi list character trait t vrts a tnx3t Ifght. A li:t: stre-jt Arab had p-rd ft.s jtxi.'i ia tba shad ot stack mat exsntry jirodac. aad tad jast 4nryi-l .$ wbaa tba prcprtetor ef li. PJastr Hoiml strosled ap with tt ioesrd tiJ b4 learaJ loacsarrcpeay hiss n all f tit rascbCe. A tro- of trs-sp eaakys ti takes post e lift trpyaltm std f tb Vd. aad. Sik ta beggar boy, esms4 to eta' ay ocsaf orufcfe dststa. bdt at tte sigbtef tbe rfckld istraiss tae wba&t g3j caargrd like a re-SEs of wpti, aad. lastaatly formiaj a eaiecirTrfsi sdee.t ia eaccsaKtscs litJ .srr. factai tV leofstri trtta twistileg . aad rr, eVsitiy rtKilvssa sWftaat ta saerw of kts s-ssaiU t1t 0r plat gla.i wlaiv-w. Ut.lt a tt- i fro-att beews is. i At rUaleT--,TiBa. O, iiaivstatassi .arge; " tr a- ar. .vi ilon f ttv 4'7-ar'nat H. !. Arsi'aJ 'irs ;et aad Ui orn a . tet-sv latsr, ,f f4 br H yr laiiara. -rf aswrsiae, CtJy . it t - !. v( WU7 Oaiafj f. est. WfJlv at oea-ra. fsa( a ; a a. a.f "i "itivmo - - atf I1"! V 3w aivtk t r- e-ssasvi,, 4 a tmtit ai r.w nr STrlfc Cstuk. XtL, Aprii U.Taei- rV.i-ra estsrof tfc vttt.iSes af at tvxt Oot ,74ser4y tsrshtg Tty sr d:r. I erssd fcrr t- riie--3 a4 t i.-r.. - I-4. at.4,jr i.t trs,e r. Ciaxg4. Oa tvf tie TxAlf fJ 3sd4, ajtd ti ttier t raa a Tie ro:c sssrs-4 U-s a as.rt tllstaacs txa s is tay ess aaz fsnsvj t&a vsMtll jasa-i ft-,! aa. -e4. Ivfcr.f tie fwveca-r , sVj-sx, fiAr sssTsrs-s ut avsarT wsvs i ssse staacia draa. ImU srsssr ft. latsar. a.argwaT9aMftaart4ssf esvCsss. &ai Qty SsrVfga. urrMf -sssagWL tU kad a fc-a . aaa t tt4 t kss I aa- w.T a; ay esve SSI Ike r eiA. ICaje. ae4 Jt -A ?-oaw ef m rjfif, t Ik! os al Ja e;"l VJsseaJt'tvssv f Ut- Uif (v, tawtf JCdssar S'ai'fcs a Wsrvar iT a. J iT4- IVal V - ti lum -7 tur fsvr a! ti, jUev t sn t tsay-'isAftat: m -ws. fvt.-i4 r-U mlm V-sv-t.t. fi. Jttm Itt, "SW-I A srSrSjy l-&m UUM a- Jm as-essr tm-, i aV Wostis-m jj -, , a vkr j?-i laad U asj.siisv. . sae - sUa-L R , U v.t f sa as UtaJi x tumtt r.ai rte asvi tas4 1 J x U1 ,saMsi sssrs af lw-ixsjsv.t.stt . fji e JttU, , - .5uxjj - - 1