The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 12, 1889, Image 4

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i '
BieehW Beiwiae f
Omaha at this ti- Xt ""
Ait a eeld bW "llder,
it of wire AiiMit for her mx, bt
allowed to J-13 -
other ei"1 woa!d hrre kccB
meted o4 to b. A marderer thaw
dtji iyeonsiderad by aaa j, apparent
It toie jolly good fallow, aad deaar.
imrdUtter fate 1bbb s haacmaa's
rye. That theory ii wroBg, crime
,: snoald bt frowntd apoa and pulshed,
;.fc matter what the aex ii. The
...aeanital of Miaa Biechler ia to oar
J aetien a aad commentary on the xn
:telligeaoa of the Omaha poop ! who
.t BjmMtbixe with the mnrdereee of
: Harry KiBg.
i v sammmmsmajonajmE
The B. at M. jnillotiae haa decspi
tated seventeen of the employes ia
aad ahomt the roaad hoaae aad yards
in tenacity, aad there u a likelihood
that more will follow. It ii estimated
that OTar 1.000 meahave been die
charged by the "Q" aystea between
Chicago and Deafer. The fererto
retrench' hu taken' hold of all railway
corporations and before another lix
ninths thonaandi of mea will be ont
of eaplojaeat ia the conatrj. The
itiattoBiB indieative of hard times.
Mr. Bemsberc feels absolatelj eer
tain that there is iadiratioas of gas
in tie well which lie put down some
tiaei ago to the depth of 266 feet. It
woald not be a bad idea for the Bed
Cload ImproTeaent Co. to invest some
of their spare eash in that direction.
$200 woald sink the well to four or
fire hundred feet aayhow, we ahonld
judge, aad if there was any signs of
gaa it certainly would then be developed.
SaperrleerU PreeeedJaa.
Kid Cloud, April 9, 1889.
Board met pnrsaant to adjourn
ment. Present, D. McCallnm, Barcus,
Lai:d, Martin, Fish, Cathar, Jones,
Heaton, Thomas, Wilder, Coon,
Hummel, Dickerson, Kaley, Garbcr,
On Motion, Heaton, Fish and Frame
were appointed a committee tp ex
amine the present condition of the
stone used in the construction of the
Moon block in the city of Bed Cloud
and report to the board,
Heaton, Jones and Hummell ap
nointed to aoDraise one sere of land
for school purposes in sw of nw
see 10 town 1 range 12.
. The following oncers were appoint
eaienii vacancy.
; Geo. W. Wells, J. P., Pleasant
Hill township.
H. J. Sheldon, J. P., la Creek
Thomas Crouch, constable, Elm
Creak tewashin.
J. M. Parish, constable, Elm Creek
D. B. Schenck, constable, Bed
Cloud and city.
'On aotion, $51.21 ordered tefund
ed to C. A. Teel oa illegal assessment
of personal property for 1887, taxes
paid under ptotest.
On aotion, the nctien taken re
garding claim of A. N. Potmoe for a
refand of taxes on sw of sec 2 town
1 range 11, laid over until 9 o'clock
tomorrow and O. F. Cather aad E.
II. Jones appointed to investigate the
Bonds approved:
-James McCartney! assessor, Gar.
(eld towaship.
:E. H. Kecaey, O. H. B. D. No. 36.
John Fox, O. H. B. D. No-9.
CM. Walls, O. H-RP.No.22.
Jamas B. Chapia, O. H. B. D. No.
P. S. Fairfield, O. H. B. D. Na 1.
Sabejtia Wale, O. H. B. D. No. 28.
Jamas a. (Steely, J. p. Pleasant
Hill township.
.Henry Ijambrecht. J. p. Catherton
G. W. Francis, clerk. Elm Creek
P. B. Schenck, constable, Bed
Cloud and city.
Bonds of the Pauley jail baildiac
and Maaufaeturiag Co. for $10,000
guaranteeing faithful performance of
jau contract was approved by the
On motion, Coon, McCallum and
Barcus wore appointed to appraise
the n i nw 4 of sec 16 town 1 ranee
10. b
Oi aotion, Mr. Tibbite ia author
ized to repair the pile driver to the
agent of expending $25.00 or as
aeon as Bay be necessary.
On aotion, Mr. Tibbits ii instruct
ed to furnish to the beard an itemised
bin of the condition of pile driver,
stating its condition aad, his ex
penses aad repairs on it
On aotion, it ia ordered that $25
be expeaded on a diteh and embank
aent at the aoath of 'Cedar- Creek,
Liae township to prevent an ovedow.
Road aoaaittee is instructed by
ehairaan to examine the condition of
the road between Bed Ck)ad and
Guide Boek, and report at next meet
ing. Claim of B.& Tibbito for $14.'00
repairs on the eonnty pile driver
Board now adjemrned matil April
10,1889, 9 o'clock, a. a.
ato CiocD, April 10, 188$
'Beard aiet as adjonrned, eighteen
members creeeaL
BcwdofdUeStoaka, Creaanrerof
Liaa'towaahip appreved by the board.
Petition alreed by H. 25. Holeoab
snjl athera asking f or the opening of
a read an eee.9-1-12 granted aad road
ordered opaaed. Bead eoaaaacing
x4 the ne earner, af aw i af me 9-1-12
sad tinning weft betweca ace 4 and 9
toaewnrofe8.aad 5 theaee
smeihlw rods batwaan ate 9 aad 8
Ihjaaea weataeroaa aee S to aactien
liae betwaea nee 8 ad 7.
The report of the eonnty snper
intandent for qaarter ending March
81, 1889, approved by the board.
Amount on hand $96.75.
Bequest of the eouaty jadce for
$500.00 for clerk hire for 1889, in
definitely postponed.
Petition signed by F. A. Kuehn
ana othera askiag for the location of
a road in Line township coaaencing
atae of se see 16 town 1 range 11
theace north between see 15 and 16
2778 feet varying 12 degrees west,
tbence ne 100 feet varine 26.70 e.
thence ne 300 varying 13.30 e, thence
ne 571 feet varying 24.30 e, theace
north to intersect roads running east
and west 390 feet varying 1 degree
west and also asking for the dis
continuance of a road located and
platted on sec 16-1-11, west, granted
and road ordered opened.
Petition signed by g. VaaDsraa aad other
asking- lor location of aroad commeBcinf at the
se corner of section IMS and running thence
west vua suic.axra&ea, ana roea oraerea
The following came before the
boatd and the treasurer and clerk
ordered to carry out its provisions:
Whereas, certain lands of this eonntT. to wit
63 .Macros near the B. & M . depot in the city ot
Bed Cloud and 11.49 acres near depot in Guide
Rock village hae been put upon the tax list of
ibis county tor the year 1883 to isss inclusire
aad, whereas, said lands ara the depot grounds
of the Burlington and Missouri Klrer railroad
and are Improperly on the tax list through no
fault of the county officers and. where, said
lands were sold for taxes forth year is.
as follows: toL. Baura. part ot the se !i sw a
of sec 2-i-u.i acre and w Haw qr of nw qr of
sec imj, as acres, and to Onasby part
ottheswnrof sw qr of see S-Ml.l acre and, 25 acres. There
fore, be It resolved that the county clerk la
hereby directed to strike said land frosa the tax
list of 1889, and the clerk Is further directed to
nraw a warant in favor ot U Bdum for 826-53 In
fall payment ot the taxes and interest thereon
by him advanced on said land and also to draw
awajrant In favor of . W. ustnNhT for 32.43
in full uayment of tho taxes and interest there
on u? nun auvauceu on said land, and couutr
treasurer instructed to strike all delinquent
taxes oa said lauds from the tax list.
tin moiicm, an apiiroiniatlon oi S100 granted
i Bed Could township to be used In building
a bridge across Indian Creek, south of the
Mcintosh farm.
The folloHinz report came before the board
and was approved and adojiicd: "LAJU1', .SII., April 1U, JSSV.
We. sourcommittee to examine the different
Stones used for building purposes in this town.
peg icave io reiiori in.u we nnu inai ine sioue
from Jho llulitiell quarry is not uniform iu
uiulify and are. in our opinion, unlit for use.
We have examined the foundation under Mir
er's store and Hie lied Cloud National bank and
wc find that the stone used Is of cood nualitv.
We also bae examined stone from Beatle stone
luairies ana nnd that the stone we eiamlned
rom said niurrivs is of first rate aualitv and
would recommend its use.
Hamckl hkatow,
Isaac Fish,
J. L. Kbamk,
A petition presented tn the board askuwr for
assistance to bring to justice the lynchers of
Vim. Cob-, of Guide llock, not acted npon;
hoard lacking jurisdiction in the matter.
On motion, 85.00 was allowed A.N. Pataor' as
a refund of taxes for the years two to 188 In
clusive on illegal assessment. Vote standing
thus, cas, McCallum, Wilder. Coon. Thomas.
Hummel. Dickerson. Garbcr, Kaley, Frame,
r isn, ami .tours. a s, proves, uura, Hariin,
Wells, father, und Heaton.
w. !. woir was elected by the board to super
Intend the constmction ot the county jail at
S2.SO tier day, said suiierlntendent to civa bond
to the amount of sro.oo to Webster county
guaranteeing faithful performance of duties.
saiu uonu to ue approved uv tne board oi super
On petition, an appropriation of asm er so
much thereof as may be necessary to twUd three
bridges on the west half of the section line be-
tweeu sections 4 and 9 town 2 range 9.
Board was adjourned until April 11. 1S89, 9
o ciocK, a. m.
" Red Cloud. Apnl 11, 1889.
Board again met as per adjoarnmeut twelve
enbers present.
t)n motion of the committee, on rules the
same were adopted that were in torce durlnr,
On motion, tltc settlement of the aonntv eta rW
for the quarter ending Ma-ch 31. USB. nresen tMi
and approved and ordered spread upon tho
record Said settlement showing amount on
Renort of tax sales of countv iwin'w for
1KH6 to 18K7 aonrovea nv me noara as vantd
vj uio ircu'juier.
un motion, an appropnauon or Siwvoo sran
ted Oak Creek townshin to build Umi one half
. . m Zm- t -
oi a nnugeon ine county line norta of sec fr9.
On motion, an appropriation of S130, granted.
or inecouiiiy io duiiub enage acress Farmers
Andy BuUedce. week
jb. avstarse.
T. P. Wilder, warkaa srtiaa, St is
David Lett "ms tt
J.fieladea ses
o. w. Baaswel ? a
H. aMandte work oa briar Oaldt leak. e
on Bros, asaterial U
Wss. insw s a:
CewiesLaatbarCo. arts
TBsse eieims werelali aver:
"rrrrlliniei laillis niSiidBiiaiari 2
Wja. Eaawt, case eTIkOBalata.
laaielwwiacrlafBHwer refects
P. B. hcheatk. fees teCeillasrase. 4T5
MassataeiBafaUmfornesadettaasa, ass
JaoO. THser. feat ease of Kimaell. la es
TMeoantyclerfc ordered to deface warrant
to W.B.Tboraefor, alowed oa Jane ,
latf. taa ssms asalaf aeea paid la wanaat No.
eloUawtBgejsiaw allowed
KBsom,rerundoftaxes.laaitolstT. 32 IS
BJehard Blrnanlton, daaisaa read see a. k
Traders Loaiher Co. coal for county. l at
w. u uaiaei work oa cotanry juices oBM
.IBil OV
2 10
2 M
2 10
2 1
3 IS
rnTZTnLL. 1
W f I !!
oa eossty aen-
Jas Bennet board for Delaney
A. Morhart, material f er pile
F. A. Kueaa, road comiiselo
coHiail loner.
H. BaUer. witaeai case of Bjchardesa,
M B.McNitt
L. U. Fort, costs In ceurt,
Saamel Martin, witness case McCorkle.
H. C. Kcott, servina papers,
L. LvFott. flilscajfiutilBCBSBars.
E. Welch, board for iary 11 10
C. Beheaek, fees eoroaer Brassard 39 40
O. Schenck, work on index of jedge 87 84
a. C. seett, feessaasatoaiac lary 72 se
J. B. Ballsy, eostaa aad exareas 3d 50
J. D. Schenck, fees mm of FiaaeU
J. H. Boas, work on sherisTs oflee
A . J. Hav, sappUaa for paor
Creek en town line between town one
reive (iv) ana Jones and Heatnn
superintend the buildiag of the
two (2) range twelve (12) and Jones and
authorized to
(l) and
Claim ot M. Stern for a refund of taxes on
erroneous assessments ef personal property for
1888, rejected by the following vote on motion to
Yeas, Barcus. Grores, Laird, Martin. Thomas
Wilder, Coon, Hummel, Fish, Cathur. jooes and
Nay. McCallum, Dickerson, Kaley, Garber,
Frame and Wells.
Motion to reconsider action takea yesterday
regarding pcUUon to. assist In detecting the
lynchers of Wm. Cole, lost by the MIowiBsvot :
xeas. Barcus. Groves. Laird. ThMurrjma
Hummel and Frame.
Nays. McCallum. Martin. Wildei' Mrkmnn
Garber, Frame, Fish, Wells, Cathur, Jones aad
The following was ordered a matter of record :
State of Nebraska, I To whom it may eoa-
Webster Countv. teem Innmni and tn
the board of county commissioners ot Nackous
county. Nebraska, in particular.
This is to certify that the line of road pet
itioned for on the COUntV line betarMm tka
counties of Webster and NuckeOs aforesaid,
comawnctng on county line at the north-west
corner of section c town 4 range 8 aad running
tbence south on said countv Una to the aonth.
. -. - t w -
west corner or section ai town 4 range 8, has
been by the proper authorities ef said
meosier county, aeciarea opened, aad
the same was done In harmony with th steps
taken on the part of said Nuckolls eouaty in de
claring said road opened.
ia witness whereof we have hereunto set our
10 00
10 00
10 00
85 00
6 25
12 45
6 10
Doadna Bros, eofla for Xaraor
L. H. Fort, fees ease of FiaaeU
" fees ia drawiaff Jary
" M paetag aad express
C. L. Cottiaf, sappUas for eoaaty
M.A. Metager, u M u
L. fl. Deyo. a u
John Morris Co. seppUes eo. tS te 85 50
B. B. Newmejar, pnntiag prosed'. 14 50
The Walmtt, printing for eoaaty 2 00
A. C. Hosmer, " " 28 50
ii u u u 48 00
u u u 18 75
" so 00
ii u i u 10 00
ii m u m 80 45
Geo. J. Warwa, " M 67 to 42 00
The Demoorat, " 5 40
Omaha BepabloeaB, supplies 13 05
" u u 17 30 to 16 80
..ii u 4 oo
u ii m i go
I U 14 17 (JO
ii " 74 50 to 7 00
.1 u u i0 10
" " w 51 45 te 45 00
M u M 17 00 ta 10 00
M 900IO 4 50
SUte Joaraal Co, " 20 80
F. A. Sweety, office rent 56 88 to 52 83
A. N. Patmor, refand taxes 18 to 6 00
The foUowiag resolotioa was adopted
by the board.
Resolved, that the saperiateadsnt of the
eonnty jail be instructed by the board of
supervisors to stop all work oa the jail
and jailor's residenee whnvr h finds
the contractor not doing the work accord
ing to the plans and specifications and
should he find any defects in th material
not according to the plana aad specifica
tions, he mast notify th contractor of the
sameandonthe disagreesseat orrafesal
of the contractor toabid by the iastrao
tions of the soperiateadeat, he ia to stop
the work aad report to th jail eoausitte.
. aw . -- .
A. rl. ftaiey, eh'r
O. F. Gather.
W. H. Bare VCota.
If. W. Diskersoa.
L. D. Taeatas.
On motion th eoaaty clerk isiastraet
ed to advertise far bids in th Bed Cload
Republican for the building of a bridge
across Farmers creek between towasonc
and two, range twelve a apeoitsd ia
meeting of this date.
Board bow adjoaraed to meet May 14th
1889. J. H. BatLBT, Co. Clk.
Grand Opening!
I Spring Goods that have
I just arrived, and will
0 now place a
ft Ifnw'n Ohnn nf
S. F
On the market, any style Button,
Lace or Congress.
Also carry the largest line of Men's, and Ladies' Fine Saeee
in the valley. We alto carry tho finest line ot
Ladies' Slippers in the city.
Dry Goods, Groceries. Millinery,
Ac is again before the public with a large and choice line,
of good, and i iciling dote for eah.
Latest Stvles in Millinery always on hand.
The Strike is Over !
And 0. W. Doi
ere Ce
hands this loth day of April, A. D. lsw.
G. W. StaMMer.
Chairman Board or Supervisors. Webster
county Nebraska.
Attest, J. 11. Dai Lav, County clerk.
On notion, tho txnd of Wm. n Wnlf tnr
83JM .00 guaranteeing faithful perforautace of
muuaci ruicrcu uuu oeiwpcnine rauiy jail i ii
Hanafactunn,; Co. and Webster county, ap-1 'ation yon
On notion, the Jail committee i
lurnisi vt m. i,. v oil a copy ot t
xer me couuiyjau now on ni
eierk's omce ana rumish the
dav astKHsible.
On ssotlen. the county clerk
draw a warrant in ftor of the
facturias; Co. for material turn!
performed in confonnity to the
euinio otnwn ine saia
county of Wehttcr. Said
on the count iail fund.
The followluji claims we:
warraats ordered oa the county
ox is,.
Eva J. Knur, salarv andexsei
.Mk - . m
j. s. uunam. oai aue as sei
J.C. Warner, caaesr
Jao K. Wilcox. investimUi
lieo. naser. juror serv
u. e. Kanne.
Geo. VaaWoert. lor.
U.W.Llndsrue. u
A. Frame
Children's waists for 15 eta and
panto at 25 cts at the Oeldea Cagle
clothing store, C. Wiener, Prep.
C. L. Cetting is his own prescrip
tion clerk aad earn therefore gnaraatee
eareialand aeaarate work in dispen
sing. Adjeanaaacat af eenrt.
Pursuant to provisions of seetioa
38, chapter 19, statute of Nebraska,
April 22, 1889, the day set for eoa
vening aad openins: the next term of
district eourt in and for Webster
county, Nebraska, being a legal holi
day on whioh day no court can bt
opened or legal basinesa eaa be trees
acted. It is therefore ordered that
said coart be and the same ia hereby
adjourned to April 23, 1889, at 10
o clock, a. m.
William Gaslin. Judge,
April 10, 1889.
k! He! We SBdvv VeUr.
Red Clend cut a total of 397 vetee
atTuesday'a election while 8nperior
cast 355; this at 6 of a populatioa to
each voter gives Red Cloud a popula
tion of 2,382 and Sonerior 2.130. So
the difference in the population of the
iwo cities on whatever ratio of popu-
aay count torajeaMc. is
Red Clond, April Sth.
Editor Chief. Please inform me
when Arbor Day is and obb'cc.
Bug Eatkh.
The Governor's proclamation saya
April 22d. The day is fixed by
Red Cload, April 9th
Mr. Editor. What is the best shot
polish for use in rainy weather.
Interested Ladt.
We are aot pouted. You can prob
ably receive information of some
dealer in shoe polish.
Red Cloud, April 10th.
Editor Chief. For the benefit of a
friend please inform us how to pro
nounce Goethe. Stcdmt.
It is proaounced 'Go-teh."
Superior, April 11th.
Editor Chief .Please tell us thr
your next issue what date and by
whom was the Easter feast fixed.
It was fixed by "the Council of
Niee 325, to be held on Sunday which
falls upon or immediately after the
full moon which happens next after
the 21st of March." This year it
will oeeur on Sunday, April 21.
Bine Hill, April Cth.
Mr. Editor. Please tell us what
the word Codicil means in relation to
a will. Testator.
It is a supplement to a will, con
taining anything that the tc.Vator
ay wish to add or change in the
Red Cloud, April 9th.
What has become of that subscrip
tion list for boring far coal, oil or pas?
Has it goaeiate ia nocuous desuetude?
We are afraid it has gone into the
vest pocket of some of our would be
boomers te smother for want of a little
ore energy.
L. P. AluriKlit
I ITT (mmmmmHm
A wet rain.
Wheat and oats coming up fine.
Plowing for corn has began.
Soae Bare all their potatoes plant
ed, othera are waiting for good Friday
but we plant in the ground and not in
the sign.
Mr. Galbreth's hurried their little
boy Sunday afternoon. It was aboat
2 months eld. Kev. Hummell con
ducting the funeral service.
Uncle Peter Msrsdea is feeding as
lae a lot of high grade steers as there
if in Webster county.
L. A. Haskins has settled Mown to
bnsiness on the Sherwood fano,
while Uncle Tammy Leigh is ' just
plewiag and farmiag to beat the
What good has Webster eouaty'
representative done? Some one please
tell. Ukole Pxtxr.
People are sowiag small grain.
Mrs. Ailes aad Mrs. Amsck went
to Blair oa a visit.
Miss Mertie Bryant is staying in
Red Cloud.
Charley Herrick is slowly rccover-
Persons wishiag to improve their
memories or streagthea their power
of attention should send to Prof. Loi
cette, 237 Ffth ave., N. I., for his
prospectus post free, as advertised ia
another column.
The merchant tailoring department ef
the (JolJen Easlo ha been a rtcce frosa
tho bccinniuK. C. Winner formerly seat
o!j for .nit to bo mndo orient fonnd that
tht-y wero not mnch better t&aa reacy
made, only that he and his customers had
to tny more for them. He bow carries a
Inrti utork of pieco goodt and employs
four 'ood tailor nnd eharaea no mere
thuu if ho n-ni avar to have them
Riving fmploymenl to people who speed
their money in Hod (load.
Cutting's "89."
Ladies extra large sisa jerseys at
Mrs. Newhouse's.
The mother shirt wsiat eaa oa a
fonnd at the Golden Eagle.
The Fife aad aVraaa.
Written for Tint Cmar.J
Oli. Tfl ymi iio'er a oMIer?
Aftl Old ou nir tralu.
Ami tfvl iwHIltiK "f (Xe heart
You nr'tr ran feel again?
I)it urTer tnt on lawn er street.
On a in'rultlnir dar
Wtirn the nmilr of tho flfe and flf
IWlc u in.u ch wj)V
Whit viiimM can tlr the soldiers heart
Aiiiliiiiltkrn Into life,
or mnk) liM wtiln pultea ttatt. thov of drum and flfe?
For hrn hnrth thn Vara end stripes
Me mwirhrd with b.tird breath.
Tfi.- iril iilm lii Uie mortal strife
To Ictorjr, or to doatli.
Anil wlin upon the gory field
A comrade loot hi life,
V lore Mm to hi client hosse,
IM by thndnim and Cfe.
S ullr. with Mow and mfaaurei tBBBB.
'I until by the muffin! drum,
iHirc our brave, our honored dead.
To the narrow silent tool.
Twcr trra.on to In.u It the sterrv
Hut floats in triumph o'er our hapPf laae,
a rriirK to deem it tmi a "ra."
Or tear It from aloft with traitor hand.
Knhrlnrd in erery loyal soldier's heart
And firmly worrs'ln our rsMobc life
I-iiMs loi-rd rmbleta. of our life a pert
And nrit to this be loves the drum an SS.
If to aesthetic ear the flfe aad dram
Ar h.iMh. and do no noble theutht la
rim, fur the old oldlen'safte keep'i
And call not vile tboe thlass which
To thro. all owe resipeet. w aethtaa more:
And surrrt or sad their note, they brias; ss
The wrary march - tho prison trials
Tbo thousand thlngi In soldiers
Hsct.a fUM'B Bo.
ritjr Treacarrr'e meaert.
nFoIlowins l the treasurer's aaaaal rcperl far
Uie)ear ending April I. 1S:
orkkkai. rvu roa tar.
IfecMof J. N. Rlckard S SIS 8
" Co. Treasurer tMB
Paid out on city order Staar
Balance on hand Sal
watcb rviro, larr.
Kee'd of J. N. Richards
Paid on city warrants
Balance on hand ..... ffT IS
WATII ruxp. IBM.
Kee'd of city clerk SI (
taid ou warrants 7S(
Plow beams
Plow bandte
Lister share
Wagon bow
Buggy sprinc
Tausaale sheins
Iran asele
Meter plate
Box rod
Hone soe
Pole coupUnc
Ax haaUle
i.viiee rotir atSMtian tO a few ot h
article he keapa ia eeoek.
Iron Double tree
Steels x
Bastgy ajkaem
lABtner daahaa
Whip secketa
Wagoo break
laeisaalth coal
Hpa4a Kaadlea
Coalier hnha
Repairing of every ilccriplion done with aeatne and dlapalch. aaet!
cuaranteexl in cverv case. Arins cash in your purse an4 I will do
vou aood.
G. W. Dow,
Blacksmith and Wagon Maker,
McAvoy & Farrel. Props,
Keep Fine Rigs and Good Teams
At Reasonable Prices,
icreial men aad others will find this th West livery
door east ef Ilollaad no
sU4 ike eity. 9u
L. H . ftiist says to send in your orders for
Nursery stock at once if you want it at
Bed Rock Prices.
L. H. RUST. Red Cloud.
Balance on hand .. ...
Ree'd of city clerk
ram on warrants
' Je" fav
IW '
Balance...... ... ..
virta i.rrr, lBW.
rx: d or county treasurrr.
laid on warrants........ ........1 ess
Rer'd of county treasurer St I
lal'l. on warrants ......... SSS
Balance on hand
Rvd of county treassrtr
1'ald on warrants
nL stearic
Kebt Martin Jr.
tunas Holdredse
AV.Kenay -
jbo aaser
aval. Conrad
Saawel Heaton, saperriMrs
Joaun Martin
D. McCallum
G.W. Hummel
M. W. Dickinson
Ja. Uarbcr
James irovs
Ili.,thofaas .
J. L: Frame j . ,
a. . Baier
tt.P.Cetter . .
gstmsslsaetd oe the 1
a. a!
L. BL Fart, bnlm mmmm
n - - """f"
H,Brt. -serrteesease
i. w. ianeys
19 en
12 as
s te
7 20
7 0S
7 as
self oTTfee aoath aide of w. wal
ler's f laee which he meredJaa feat
Mrs. T. J. Ward, af Reel Qmi,
wasvisitias; here this week.
H. C. Cetters bird dec went mad
aaa nit seTerai docs aad s
oerereitwaa kiUed.
70, Weketer eewaty.
is to
Hcht to rjM My m j idda
iadsstn Vw
l aaaaastoMeaai-
am sac wsal taa
voaoe folks cave Miss Eva
ilaoa a sarprise party in honor of
sixteeath birthday, so aajs Cbas.
r. McConklej is workiac for Jlr
Bill Bkhardsoa is plantiac cora.
Miss Blanche Herrick is oa the
Mis Alice McCartaej is teaching
L We wish her saccsss.
Will Keat looks loaesoiae. We
his cirl weat hsek oa htm.
Miss Etta DeHart is visitias ia
Cload. Tousg Maid.
ied, Moeday moraiac, Charier,
eldest ean af Mr. and Mrs. Herrick,
Med 4 jean, 11 moaths aad 10 dajs.
s death was caased hj memhraa
a. raaeral service were
bv Rer. Waccoaer at the
Baa, The familr aad rslative
have tarn heartfelt sjmpathj of the
C Wieaer ha a ward of comfort
for peenle who are ia need ef cloth
inc. faraiahiBc roods, hat. bo-jU aad
sheee. Prieea at bed reck .
Men's wool ieaa paate at $1 worth
t2 aad warranted aet to rip at C.
Bee W. L. Haines for farnitare.
all kiada. Henry Took old
Mea'e jeaa peata, warraatesl
riw far ft eta vertn, fl.a
QsMan Eagk eJaUxac i
Balance on han4
school rcXD.
KecM cf J N. 1'Jekar ,
IJcenw .
Sam! Wu J I
A.S. Marsh, clerk scaou! tar.
I"aJl on chjol onSesB. .. -
Balance on bend
rooK rcao. xma.
Bec"l of treasurer . ...
1"M oa warrant
. ... an
Balance on hand....
T.c Mactcsw. CtyTr
ms at
Furniture !
In the city at prices that all can afford to buy
if in want of anything in his line.
Oaeeeit First VUI Baak. Bed Oead.
Are yea cetae to hav a
awcpwL If
C at Cngllth nmnmdy.
Murray's psattlei '
A garaatMi ear for ail ear
rod tlea.M rfc a wea mees
orv kj ef trmta rower Bjsssila
(Mskdarike seis w tee Berkswr
toss prussi siioa weasfUl as we
'eerTMeeatTereal leeseksee sasav
erallosof power of BV OeeerSV
tlti tntae.t. a cHeei rr. res
ed bv ta4ltrrcVMOTfisresraB
msA wxicit UtisjaieSr lead t
rsjotATcaa ot eaa. xpasw
rrr as.1 cowesmos. it
tenortlx isirtWP. m
ly man o reeHyt el hv. Foil
panicaiars te sasrit. Beat
free to rrtry fy4kart
WtfiursstN MX Bteaee
U esre aav r. Fc rtrrt S
crdr rertTrS wc r4 sfs Urte
wtu a wrttiea jrw torw
ius tt aswry If .fT
(Voff atssre Aes
..uiworrA Tib sjraaav
am Bwtlta Bed Oswd ty C- ttlWU seat
tttrtatt ru. . OH Sumi, Whr Si., t 0i, SA.
Fiae ricf.'rood heraee heard by day er weak. Tear ailriana
ed. DoaHfotcttthejlaae.eanaetdatf
atrtet, Bed Oawd.
It will be of interest to Breeders to see
bbBsWBv '
fcrjfeirtT gc ssere of t russes)
.C erc warw ef the trr et
Mka las ew SJsd
mr aJssja..
as xamsa. Bsmrmw tBpss:sBss smmmaw mv
m . w-9 -- - ---- -. ka. h.m. m
eac sacra. 2l7nfia7saMeeirBmavBsss!'mal, BsasmasraaT H
at the !?sSuaacss. x imas .jiscxim m bbbbbw7 sasPr
- . ms Htka nissmas am asaa
SSaCW. ;. "" rl-T-- rSr SHSmsSI B Ska WSbA mm SBia ka mM ft , , .
4 a smbss saaa swaw em meBemwsmmwa t f0gmjjm&ttHkWB assBaam eaaen e . .-mm
The celebrated IMPORTED Iron Gray
" sj
ibw cm mas zati aa
freat t.Tmm.
.irTf - -