The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 05, 1889, Image 5

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    ggP-g'Magae augpjgg y - - c-- -vs '"V st
TTMT'S:" "?' BY V'.iEr'V' ', "" '-. t
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. f T ? MJStr. r--y,i-i- & - J -Zsi,.-T. 1 H
? IWI 7 IA riA -3 A -V - "" . "TT" " 1 " " m f n. -r"7- Jjijr. -5 S . . c 7h.r"aMr-r A TT - V T . W"- 9k r I
-few r 'atmtiir sgatfefl
t a
In every line.
Goods, New, Stylish,
afafafafjmguyLfai WaVLfgn
Well made, self selected, bought at right prices
and ready to sell them at ROCK BOT
TOM figures which no house in the
Jj county or out can BEAT,
Fine and large assortment of Piece Goods
suitable for spring and summer wear, will
make up in latest style, put in best trimmings
employ onlv firstclass hands, under the man
agement of Mr. Will Houghton, who has
given such good satisfaction to all who have
employed him.
Look at our Ready-made Garments. They
are well made, no one can offer you better
fitting goods, or offer you more fashionable
wear, at such low prices as we do. We can
fit the short, long, fat or lean, and should
any alterations be necessary can
make them under our roof, as we have a
first class tailoring establishment attached.
We have the latest styles in Hats, an immense
assortment of them, you must be able to
find just what you are looking, for. Our
prices range from the cheapest to the best
People who look at
Our Shoe Stock !
And want to buy, never leave it, without purchasing for
our prices are reasonable, our goods of excellent quality.
Every buyer who enters our store exclaims hat a large
stock of Furnishing Goods you carry, what handsome
good? you display. For prices you must come and judge
for yoursell. it you want to
-, In addition, we carry a very
and valise?. We will use you ngnt, so you can not help
coming again. Ko trouble to show you our goods, nor do
w hesitate in giving you our prices. Remember we never
Misrepresent our stock, sell wool for wool and cotton for
cottou . Tbanks for past favors. Come again.
Respectfully yours,
' 1 " I - 'JM1 ctatiagw .?
XHK lwlll Nobby wto attic Goldea Eagle. E. MeFarlaad has erected a
" Bwaawmwrn' fJll W.E. Bailey wu is Bd Cloud k.
do nappuy surprisea.
large assortment of Trunks
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. Marvel otters
trentjtfra&d wbolesonenesa, mora economical
than the oralnarykiad andcaaaot feeuM ta
eeapetten with tba multitudes of low teat aeert
Isjktalua or phosphate powders. Bate eat?
JM Wall street. 9. T. v.
She ed ghud
L. c utmtm.
Fabllshed every Friday nornlnc from the
la tko Moon Block, Bed Close. Hat).
latorest from 6 to 10 par teat.
Time from 1 to 7 years. Call aad
iavestigate. G. W. Babkbb.
Gather Va r Chief Baatrtcn 1st
AaWI Akaat tko ctlj aadl Caaatf
Cottiog'a "'89."
Wiener the clothier and tailor.
Mans wool hata, 25cta at Wicaen.
Wiener tbe leader of loweat prieei.
Elegant line of neck wear at Wiea
era: Tom Ferria was in the citj this
Ed. Highland was in the oity oyer
Latest style of hats and caps at C.
Oysters at Ernst WelscVs. Best
braids kept.
Best plow shoes at C. Wiener's at
lowest prices.
Mens button shoes at $1.25 at the
Golden Eagle.
Mr. White and family hare mored
to the country.
The Golden Eagle Tailor Depart
ment is flomrishing.
Charley Barber has gone, teTri-
baae, Greely county, Kansas.
Sleeper Bros regular days forgrineH
ing are Wednesdays and Saturday.
Wiener will show you special bar
gains such as no other house can offer
Men's woof jean pants at $1 worth
$2 and warranted net to rip atC.
See W. L. Haines for furniture.
Keeps "all kinds. Henry Cooks old
drag store.
Fred Xewhouse while handling a
butcher knife recklessly the ether day
carved his right hand badly.
Men's jean pants, warranted not to
rip for yu cts wortn aiiae
Golden Eagle clothing store.
We inadvertantly made a mistake
last week in announcing that the
beard of supervisors would meet on
the 2d. It should have been the 9th.
M. E. Wallace a Kansas gentleman
residing at Salem made this Great
Family Weekly headquarters a pleas
aat call .Saturday and left his name
ob our great book.
Bev. H. Dannenfeldt and Rev. C.
Schubkegel preached in the German
Lutheran church Sunday, Mr. Schub
kegel ta the morning aad Rev. Dann
enfeldt in the evening.
Mr. James McCartney called Satur
day last and gave these headquarters
ueh comfort by subscribing for the
Great Family Weekly. People can't
de without it and be happy. No sir,
mist have it.
If you watit ine wall paper call on
HearjCoek. 'He has the faeetaad
largest line in Red Cloud aad all new
designs. You should net fail ta see
his stock aad get his prices) before f t
ting oat for spring elaaaing.
Rev. H. Dannenfeldt, a talented
German Lutheran divine has been in
stalled aa miaiater in the church in
this city. He will preach here every
three weeks. His next services will
be on Easter Suaday. He ia a pleas
ant gentleman and will da she church
good service.
The other day Alex Bentley's little
beys. Harry aad Edwin aged reepec
lively twelve and ten years took their
trusty fowling pieces aad started out
to make their marks as nimreda. The
beys art certainly eatitled to he sal
ad the chaanioM as they killed fear
this week.
A new stock of perfumes just re
ceived at Cottiag'a.
If yon are going to paiat or paper
get Cottiag'a price a.
Read J. E. CetrgiU's nsw adver
tisement in aaather column.
J. A. Tolleys ard C. F. Cather are
the new members of the school board.
C. E. Webb, formerly of the R. C.
Tank line, was in the city this week.
The Baptist chureh minister is in
the city and will a. ova into the Sherer
John Kellogg proved up on hie
homestead on last Tuesday. John
has a ine farm.
See J. J. Ducker for dry goods and
dress goods. Full line. New goods
arriving every day.
Children's waists for 15 eta and
pants at 25 cts at the Golden Eagle
clothing store, C. Wiener, Prop.
C. L. Cettiag is his own prescrip
tion elerk aad eaa therefore guarantee
careful aad aejurato work in dispon
ing. Goto John J. Dusker after your
spring dress geeds. Ha keeps the
laest Has ia the eity. Next to First
Natiosal bank.
The greatest wonder of the 19th
ceatury, a carpet exhibitor shewiag
just how a carpet will look when on
the feor at F. V. Taylor's.
C. Wiener ha a word of eomfort
for people who are in need of cloth
ing, furnishing goods, hats, bouts aad
shoes. Prises at bed rock.
When in Red Cloud esllatthe
furniture store of F. V. Taylor, oppo
site the F. N. bank, aad piek you out
a fine kitchen or parlor suit.
The people have said that Geo.
Holland has been a good mayor there
fore George should feel proud ef the
facts ia the oass aad set 'em np.
Full line of womens, misses and
children's shoes just received at the
Golden Eagle elothiag store. Prises
as low as the lowest. C. Wiener.
Go to W. L. Haiaes for furniture.
He has a very fee liae of upholstered
goods just arrived. Repairing of all
kinds doae oa short aotiee. West of
Holland House.
I have just received a I ae line of
furniture. Some f ne bed room sets,
center tables, Bedsteads. 4to. Call
and get my priees before buying.
W. L. JUmis.
The demand for ladies hats at
Young's C. O. D. Emporium speaks
well for the stylee the trimmer is get
ting np. Her eplendid taste along
with the low prices makes hats sail
Persons wishing to improve their
memories or strsagthen their power
of attention should send to Prof. Loi
sette, 237Ffth ave N. Y., for his
prospectus post free, as advertised ia
another eoluma.
Taking effect April 1st, the B.
M;Ry. will sell tourists tickets at
reduced rates to priacipal potato ia
Colorado, Wyoming aad Utah, good
forty days from date of sale. For
furthur iaformatioa inquire at ticket
Yonng's C. 0. D. Emporium is do
ing a rushing business all oa account
of the lew priees. Ladies hose that
are worth 15 eU per pair are selliag
for 10 eta. Ladiea lisle gloves worth
35 cts are going for only 1& eta per
pair aad so oa. Ivory thing at lower
prices than seme merchaato pay for
these. Whea you waat laees aad
white goods for atari? atthiag. Call
at Young's C. O. D. Emporium.
Hob. JaksKaley was the hlggeat
fooled maa ia the eity ob April 1st
Oar friend is usually iaeliaed to
saoote late ia the moraiar. This
time his good wife eoatluded to play
a practical joxetB Jake. 5a she
stole carefully aroaad the house aad
rang ths door bell, then coming hack
ia harried to the deer, epeaed aad
said, "come ia." Then she waat to
the ream and informed her lord that
a geatlemaa wiahed to set him. Jake
jumped up aad dressed ia a minute
imagiaiag that a big fee awaited him
Whoa Jreeeed ht boldly marched iato
the rates, aad beheld at maa was
there, aad thew it dawaed apta kit
miad that it was April 1, 1889, aad
his wife fcasa t got ttraaca Iaaahiar
yet at what a clever rate she worked
upon Jake to get him ap.
The macoaant tailoring
the OoHon laaie has Beta a
nine;. C.Vienr taraMcly
eC for aaita to ha mate up, hat
ealy that he ar.4 hie
to pay BKKafer
large atoak or
wYuWbb aaOat hmtnmmu aBanmmaW fcaaBnm wnVBaVw?
feor sjooi ralava aai ahaigae Bosaote
than if ho aoat away to have thorn aaooa,
gtviac aaojmeal to potato whaeaoal
their aaoaoyia bo Ctooa.
Seed the Amboy MUliag Co. ad in to:
day'a paper
Mr. C.S. Sill his built a fsnee
areuad his lots.
Ladies extra large eixe jerseys at
Mrs. Newhoase's.
A. L. Funk is building a fence
around his dwelling.
R. V. Shirey has the handsomest I
lawn in the city so far.
The mother ehirt waiat can on oe
xowid"at the Golden Eagla.
All kinds of rick-rac and not .tv
braids at Mra. Newhoase's.
A number of ladies voted on Tues
day for members of the school board.
The latest styles in jerseys just re
ceived from New York city at Mrs.
Hamburgs. embroideries, laces,
white trimmings, white fannels, white
goods at Mrs. Newhoase's.
WewtUMOai than MBBTJlaU qootad
prieoa by aay'.hoaaa istaeateta, aoaaja
O. Wlaaer, leader ia tow priees.
J. F. Kelley has Beta aemiaated
by President Harrises as receiver for
the Bloomiagtoa Lead oftee.
The latest stylee ia ladies dress
trimmings, dress shields, extenders,
stays, Ac, Ae., st Mrs. Newhouse's.
Robt. Service sod family will more
to Chicago aoea. Tna Ctrar is sorry
tt have thorn move from Red Cloud.
Compare our stock in site and
pricea with other self styled clothiers.
0. Wibmkr.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Gnmp enter
tained their friende last Thursday
with a party. It ia apeken of as ono
or the sooial events of the aeason.
Wonder if our friend would
uo use ne did when marshal of
Cumberland City, Md., during the
beat riota, if he ahould be appointed
marshal of Red Cloud? Ask him.
There will be a meeting of the
Equal suffrage society attho residence
of Mrs. J. A. Tait on Saturday, April
13th, at 3 o'clock p, m. All ladies
interested are earnestly requested to
be present.
Come and spell st the Y. M. C. A
hall next Tucsdav iinini
o'clock aharp. 10 cento admittance
to the spelliag room. Ice cream and
cake will be eerved in an adjoining
room all the evening.
Dr. P. Janss, the celebrated Ger
man Specialist, will be at the Holland
House, Red Clond, Neb., en Tuesday,
April 9th, 1889. Ob this visit a free
consultation will be given all afflicted
with any chronic disesse.
Are our people going to bid for the
soldiers rennion? It will certainly
go elsewhere if our folks do not eet
to work soon. The soldiers reunion
will bring a crowd of 25,000 people to
Red Cloud we believe if properly ad
vertised. Lets hsve it by all means.
A privilege rarely offered is await
ing those afflicted with any chronic
disease of the eye, ear. threat, lung,
kidney, nervous system or any other
organs. Dr. P. Janss, the celebrated
Get man Specialist iatoads giving a
free consultation on his visit to Hol
land House, Tuesday, April 9th, '80,
and all such should avail themselves
of his wonderful skill so kindly of
fered. The new eity ofieers are as follows
Geo. Hoilsad, mayor.
T. C. Hacker, treasurer.
L. H. Fort, clerk.
Heary Aadersoa, eagiaser.
Laird Wallace, alderman, 2d ward.
Dave Rudd aad Fred Hammell, al
dermen 1st ward.
The ticket is a good oae and we
preeume will see to it that Red Cloud
will make thorough advancement dur
iac the next year.
Cottmg s u'89."
aetsa BJaa Ma
The selection of Garher. Gilehrist
tad Gilkesta for secretaries of the
state board tf traasportatioa is a rich
compliment to KTaheo. Bed Cloud and
Alliance, These great eeaters of bus
iness and pepulatioa have struggled
for years for representation on the
hoard, and havt iaally achieved that
greatacss which their importance
cemmaaded. Iaaigaifieient villagts
like Omaha. Liaeola, Hatting, Vre-
a, seatrttt aa Uraad island.
t BtttoaUy tied altar ia tht old
rat until they demonstrate their com
mercial Itaeta for receguitioa by the
board. Bee. J
Tha sects
a tf tit Be is all right.
bat thea thai paper aheald lasBtmbcr
that small ttwas like Omaha, ct al.
could aot exnect to etmaeto with
etropelitaa cities like Bed Clead.
vbsm a
Netiee ie hereby given that tbe
i regular aaaual meeting of Red Goad
tswasnip wat eauew at trier at the
taart htaet ta tht 2d iaet, Wm.
Needy ia tht chair. Oa mttioa of
Joseph Garher, oeaaded by Heary
GUbbb tht aMttiac was adiaei
The Amboy MillincfCo
Flour and Feed Store !
Opposite Opera House !
In the City of Red Cloud, where thty will
The product of their mill. Goods will be delivered to any part
of the city. Farmers coming through Red Cloud to the
mill will find it very convenient to stop .it head
t quarters in town and get flour and meal
without going to the mill.
Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery,
Books, Etc.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska,
Has this spring the most complete line of Stock of any time in ita exietoaet
and ia selling at prices that dety competition. Everything guaranteed
to be strictly first-clan and true to same. A nice lot sf
Catalpa and Soft Maple 6 to 8 and 10 ft high
Russian MullLerry 5 to 7 feet
heavy aad mutt b
Apples, Cherry, Plum, Apricot, Grape Vines,
Dewberry, Raspberry, Currants,
Gooseberry, Strawberry, Asnaragua, Pie Plant, Hop Vine, and an aeeortmeat
of Flowering Shrubs Climbers. Ko?-, Hull, Ac, whioh is nigh un
to complete. A large lot of
Evergreen, 10 to 30 inches high, your choice
for 35 cents, each.
This is a rare chance and you cannot afford to miu fMa opportunity tf
getting sojio nice home grown evergreens. Call early and cat prices aaa ht
convinced that I CAN and WILL sell you more ood home grewa uajatry
stock for the money than any man on earth. To those needing 1 year tt
talpas, Russian mulberry. Ash or Hox KIdcr. for groves or timber claims will
do well by calling on or corresponding
Vegetable plants in their Beasoii
New Millinery store
On 4th Avenue, Red Cloud.
The ladies of Red Cloud are cordially invited
to call on me when in need of Millinery
Goods. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Mrs. A. M. MAYBEE.
(Jotting's '89.
snaTy PB"" BbLJbbwBwBwBbP
Frrah and Salt Meats, Saoaage. Flab, etc Hibeai
prioB paid for Hide Poultry, tic.
The Leading Milliner
Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Veiling, &c
New Goods Every Week.
A larirr I. it of four v.-ar old Crabs. Vert
old. Kltra lot ol .
with me. J. A. LorutaB,
furnished in 100 or 1000 tote
3 S.
sSSsF3 Bfca?asl
Red Cloud and Wymorc.
Ms wa.