The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 05, 1889, Image 2

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A. C. HOSME. Proprietor.
It is officially announced that Fer
dinand Hobenzollcrn has been pro
claimed heir to the Roumanian throne.
The Berlin Post announces that Em
peror William intends making a visit to
London during the earlier part of May.
TnE Paris municipal authorities aro
urging upon the Government the neces
sity for legislation against speculators.
The Gaulois says: General Boulac
ger is suffering from the opening of
an old wound and he has been com
pelled to resort to the use of mor
phine. The elections for members of tho
Legislative Assembly of Victoria, Aus
tralia, resulted in the return of sixty
three supporters of the Ministry and
thirty-two members of the opposition.
While excavating for tho foundation
of a new building on an unused lot in
the central part of Ottawa. IlL, re
cently the skeletons of two men,
buried in one grave, were unearthed
by laborers. They had been mur
dered. Carouse M. Kncdsex, of Perth
Aroboy, N. J., has been taken to an in
sane asylum. It is btatcd that her in
sanity is due to over study, and to
worry over the efforts of her family
to induce her to marry a man whom
she did not like.
Secketaky Tkacy has iinally nega
tively acted upon the application of
the Columbia iron works, of Baltimore,
for an extension of time for complet
ing their contract for the construction
of the gunboat Petrel. Ho refer.- tho
contractors to Congress for relief.
The lower house of tho Tennessee
Legislature has passed the Senate bill
creating a Confederate Soldiers Home
at tho Hermitage. Tho bill was so
amended that indigent Mexican veter
ans and some Union soldiers of the
civil war will also be provided with
homes there.
The Consul at Lisbon has cabled
the State Department that tho Ameri
can vessel Mary Frazler. owned nt
Edgartown, Mass., h:is been ordered
released. The Crazier was seized by
the Portuguese some months ago
while cruising off Fayal and held for
the payment of a tine. Tho captain
and crew wore destitute and unable to
pay. s
Chitachua, a rebellious chief, and
fifteen warriors were recently re
ported entrenched fifteen miles north
of tho San Carlos agency, defying the
military authorities. The Indians were
charged with having murdered a
teamster and stealing thirty head of
cattle. The soldiers expected con
siderable trouble in reducing them to
Bin. Taknek. the new Commissioner
of Pensions, has asked for tho resigna
tions of five division chiefs in the
Pension Office, among them Judge
Chester It. Faulkner, chief of the
record division and James S. Jones,
chief of the law record division. Their
successors have been appointed. sul
ject to tho approval of the Secretary
of the Interior.
After effects of the Paris panic aro
reported from different quarters. M.
Congard, a banker of Geneva, has com
mitted suicide. At Le Mons, a center
of a great farming district, a large
number of persons have been thrown
out of employment through tho bank
ruptcy of their employers. In one day
nine hundred bills of exchange were
returned unpaid.
The Internal Revenue Bureau re
ports that for the half year ended De
cember 31 last the production of eleo
margarine aggregated 602.478 pack
ages, weighing 18.4'J7.6!)7 pounds.
This is an extraordinarily largo in
crease over tho previous six months,
and if tho rate of increase holds out
'tho production for the year will bo
about 45.000.000 pounds.
The British Cabinet has decided to
propose at the next session of Parlia
ment a land purchase scheme for Ire
land. The measure will be similar to
that nroHsed by Mr. Chamberlain.
The Ministry has also resolved to in
troduce in 1891 an Irish Local Govern
ment bill. The measure provides for
extensive changes in the management
of internal affairs in Ireland.
During the discussion of a boiler
insurance bill in the Pennsylvania
House the other day. Representative
Baker, of Delaware County, made
some serious charges against ex-Governor
Hartranft and alleged that as
the president of tho board of trustees
of the Xorristown asylum he had
violated tho law in that he had in
sured tho boilers of that institution in
n company and had received a commis
sion of twenty per cent, for it.
The suit against General Adam
Badeau. by the Government, to recover
excessive fees alleged to havo been
charged by the General while at Hav, will soon come up before the
United States Commissioner at New
York, and Colonel Fxpd Granjt and
General Horace Porter will ie parties
in the ease in tho capacity of execu
tors of the estate of General tj. S.
Grant, who was Badoau's bondsman,
and. of course, financially responsible
for his actsi
Uxuek date of Aspinwall, March 15.
Captain Howell, or the Atlanta, in
forms the Navy Department that there
is no longer any danger of rioting or
insurrection en the isthmus. The des
titute laborers are of smaller number
than has been reported, and aro quiet
ly taking advantage of the transporta
tion offered by the Governments.
Only about seventy-live had been
shipped by the United States Consul,
who considercd"that there was bo
longer likelihood of trouble.
Gleaned by Telegraph and MalL
The. Senat on the 26th confirmed all
nominations reported from committee, among
them Zacharlah Walrond. Attnmev. T. It Veev.
j dies. Marshal, soil James Shackleford. Judge
for the Indian Territory; James Tanner. Cotn-
HiisMuucrui reunion. 3ian Dominaunnswere
sent In by the President, mnoas them Francis
E. Warren, to be Governor of Wyoming Terri
tory; Benjamin F. White, to be Governor of
Montana: Robert B. Belt, of Maryland, for As
sistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and
many skostmasters.
Tjk Senate on the 27th disponed of sev
eral questions before It by leaving them before
appropriate committees, and in executive ses
sion confirmed Francis K. Warren Governor of
Wyoming and Benjamin F. White Governor of
Montana. Robert V. Belt was confirmed as
Ceanslafloiier of Indian Affairs, also a list of
postmasters. The President sent to the Sen
au the following nominations: nobert T.
Lincoln, of Illinois. Minister to Great Britain:
Marat Halstead, of Ohio. Minister to Germany;
Alien Thoradyke Rice, of New York. Minister
to Russia; Patrick Egan. of Nebraska, Min
ister to Chill; Thomas Ryan, of Kansss. Minis
ter to Mesloo; John lllck. of Wisconsin: Min
ister to Pern, and George B. Lonng. of Massa
chusetts. Minister to Portugal.
HaraaX. resolutions were offered la the
Senate on the SSth. which went orvr. and Sen
ator Cockroll made a second and final report
from the select committee to Inquire into the
methods of bjslaess m the executive depart
neat. In exocative session the nomination of
Marat Halstead to be Minister to Germany was
discussed for several hours and his nomination
rejected. Senators Teller. Plumb. Ingalla. Far
well and Culloea (Republicans) voting against
him. A motion to reconsider was pending
when the Senate adjourned. The nomina
tions of John C New as Consul-Gcneral
to London, and Lewis Wolfley. Governor or
Arizona, were confirmed and all diplomatic
nominations sent in the day before favorably
reported from committees. A resolution ibat
the Senate accept the invitation to attend the
centennial of the inauguration of Washington
was adopted. Among the nominations sent in
by the lrcsldent wore Ca!m M. Barnes, of
Arkansas to bo receiver and John L Dill, of
Indiana, to be register of the new land office at
Guthrie. Ind. Ter.
Is the Senato on the 29th the Vice-President
appointed Senator Sherman. Dawes. Alli
son, Cullom. Hampton. Eustis and Colquitt as
the committee to attend the New York centen
nial celebration to which the President pro teni.
(Senator Ingalls) was added. The motion to
reconsider the vote b which the nomination of
Murat HaMead had been rejected was debated
for nearly three hours and went over without
reaching a vote. A motion was entered by Sen
ator Plumb for a reconsideration of the vote by
which Lewis Wolfley had been continued as Gov
ernor of Arizona. Many postmasters, and other
appointments wero confirmed. The President
sent in the following nominations: George
Chandler, of Kansas, for First Assistant Secre
tary of the Interior: Jacob V. Admin-, of Kan
sas, receiver, and Jacob C Roberts, of Nebraska,
register of the new land-office at Kingfisher I.
T.; Robert Adams. Jr.. of Pennsylvania, Min
ister to Brazil: Lansing B. Mezrier. of Califor
nia, Minister to the Central American States:
William L. Scruggs, of Georgia, Minister to
Venezuela; William O. Bradley, o: Kentucky,
Minister to Cores.
After an exciting contost the Senate
on the 30th finally rejected the nomination of
Murat Halstead to be Minister to Germany, by
a vote of 95 to 19. The confirmations were:
John Hicks, Minister to Peru: George H. Lor
ing. to Portugal; Robert T. Lincoln, to Great
Britain: Allen Thorndvke Rice, to Russia
Thomas Ryan, to Mexico; Patrick Egan, to
Chili Robert Adams. Jr.. to Brazil; Lansing
B. Mizncr. to Central America; W. L. Scruggs,
to Venezuela; W. O. Bradley, to Corea: Cas
sius M. Barnes, receiver, and John L Dtllo.
register of the land-offlce at Guthrie. I T : J.
V. Admire, receiver, and J. C Roberts, reg
ister of the land-offlce at Kingfisher, I. T.:
George C Chandler, Assistant Secre
tary of tho Interior, and a number
of other appointments. The President sent the
following nominations to the Senate: John T.
Ab ott, of New Hampshire, to be Minister to
the Republic of Colombia: Edwin II. Terrill. of
Texas, to be Minister to IteLdum. and to be del
egates to the conference between the United
Slates and Mexico, Central and South America.
Hayti. San Domingo and Brazil to meet in
Washington la lNSO, John B. Henderson, of
Missouri: Cornelius N. Bliss, of New York:
William Plnkney White, of Maryland: Clement
Studebaker. of Indiana: T. J. Coolidge. of
Massachusetts; Wm. II. Trescott, of South
Carolina: Andrew Carnegie, of Pennsylvania.
John R G. Pitkin, of Louisiana: M. M. Estee.
of California, and J. II. Hanson, of Georgia, be
sides a long list of postmasters.
Right Hox. John Bright-, the well
known English statesman.died on the 27th.
He 'was bora aear Kochdale November 16,
Mart AxMaaox, the actress, was able
to take a long ride ia Philadelphia oa the
Thc President entertained Whltelaw
Reidand Mrs. Reld at dinner the other
evening at the White House. Secretary
Blaiae and John F. Pluatmer, of New York,
were also present
The Duke of Backingbam died on the
Ex-CoxetixssMA PcTKa Pacl Ma
homet, of Brooklyn, died at the Arlington
Hotel, Washington, on the 27th.
Johs Hicks, who has been nominated
for Minister to Peru, is the proprietor of
the Oshkosh Northwestern newspaper and
president of the Wisconsin Editors and
Publishers' Association. He is a bright
man, about forty-five years of age, and
has been ia poor health. It is believed
that atrip to Pern and a residence there
wdl be beaefical to him.
' Loan Frazub, Judge of the 8cotcb
Coa'rtof Sessions. Is dead.
Da. Joint SwixacRKK, the eminent sur
geon r Albany. N. Y.. died recently.
FtmntSAND VAXDERTAttLEN. a merchant
prince of Antwerp, committed suicide the
other day. The a t was due to the failure
of several allied firms whose liabilities
will probably reach a colossal sum. Mr.
Vandertaelcn was a leading member of
the Liberal party and had been dubbed
the John Bright of Belgium.
The Ex-Preident Cleveland party ar
rived in Florida from Cuba on the 28 :h.
Thk young tragedian, Creston Clarke, a
nephew of Edwin Booth, was reported
Iving dangerously ill ia Milwaukee. He was
suffering from tonsilitis and inflamma
tion of the bowels. His company was
Thk Anti-Jesuit resolution was defeated
in the Canadian House of Commons on the
Thk French Cabinet oa the 29th resolved
to arrest and prosecute General Bou
langer. Aldacx F. Walk, later-State Com
merce Commissioner, sent his resignation
to the President oa the 3ta. He will
leave Washington to assume his new
duties as chairman of the executive board
of the Inter-State Commerce Railway
The widow of Stonewall Jackon has
been offered the appointment of post
mistress of Lexington, Va-, which she was
impelled to decline because of the feeble
ness of her father in his great age (.ninety
one year), which required her constant
GtwLnsTOXE delivered his ealogy on
John Bright in tho British House of Com
mons on the 29th.
Jl.was rumored on the 51t that Emper
or Francis Joseph had been seixed with
a sudden illness
Hon. Jacob Slextkb, the well known
Boston philanthropist, died on the 31t,
aged eighty-even.
It is reported that Sheik El Senonssi
with a large following of troops has ap
proached within a few hundred mile of
Khartoum on which he Is advancing with
the intention of overthrowing the new
Mahdi Khalifa Abdnlah.
The fnneral of John Bright tootplaee
from bis residence aear Rochdale oa the
33th without ceremony. The Dean of
Founders' College delivered the oration.
Masagkk Dcrr, the well known theat
rical man. died at New York recently.
Be was bora ia Iralaad stxty-ala
Th French Chamber of Depathn aae
passed a bill doubling the import duties
oa rye and adding & fraaca per cart, to taa
duty oa rye maL
Ykixow rxvxa aad aaall-pox prevails
at Rio de Janeiro.
L. 8. Brow:, a Government pensioner,
has been arrested at Minneapolis Minn.,
for counterfeiting by talaly plating with
gold tilver coins. He was found at work.
The Baltic timber yard near Bucking
ham Palace, London, was destioyed by
fire recently. Loss. t30U,0uo. Bevsral
firemen were injured.
A splesdid vein of coal has tea found
in Lamar County, Tec, at a depth of
twenty-three feet.
The executive committee of the board
or directors of the Northern I'aelno Hall
road Company adjourard at New York
without coming to a dec Is lea regarding
the leasing of the Wisconsin railroad.
B. M. Ilcav. Jr., Southern express agent,
was recently attacked by two masked
robbers at BIocUmi. Ala. He bravely de
fended bis tiust (a package of 9T.000) aad
killed one o( his assailants, the other tak
ing to night Me waa wounded slightly
himself, a bullet glancing off his ribs,
Foca Americans recently killed two
Mexican policemen in Paso del Norte aad
fled across the river. A most excited state
of feeling, ia coasequeace, prevailed la
the vicinity.
Russxtx WiaiHAS. a Uuited State
deputy uiaishal, has beea ki led by moon
shiners tbirteea mile southwest of HI ad
man, Ky.
The six story brick building at 8 to S3
North Clinton street. Chicago, occupied by
several business arms, was eatlrely de
stroyed by fire the other night, eatailing a
loss of about 4300,000.
John Uarrih, a thirteen-year-old boy,
recently felt into a coke oven at (Jniea
town. Pa., and was burned to death.
The whaling schooner William Crosier,
of Provlncetown. Mass., reports the wreck
of tho Boston bark Albert Russell, from
Nem York for Australia, Only two of the)
crew wero saved.
Jeo PitrrciiKrr, colored, was lawfully
handed nt Danville, Va-, recently for rape.
A UAttVELocs robbery occurred at the
Fii at Nuiioual Bank. Dnvw, CoL, ontbe
afternoon of the 20th. An unknown man
forced the president of the bank to itign a
check for 21,100 and have it cashed by the
paying teller, after which he got away.
The man wat armed with a revolver and a
liottleof nitroglycerine, with which be
threatened to blow up the bank building.
President Diaz, of Mexico, declares the
story of un error in thn Lower California
boundary line a canard unworthy of at
tention. The total production of distilled spirits
in the United States from July 1, 1S&, to
January 31. ISS9, was 42,739,336 taxable
gallons, being the largest production for a
similar period in any year since 1J3.
Business on the London Stock Exchange
duiing the week ended March 30 was quiet
but firmer. Brewery shares were largely
liought aud several American conoeras
were successfully floated, la Paris prices
were lower. Uertuau financial matters
were quiet.
Ci.kakinq bouse returns for the week
ended March SO showed aa average la
crease of 23.8. In New York the increase
was jj.4.
Confirmation of the terrible disaster at
Samoa was received in Washington on the
30th. The loss of lift by the sinking of the
cruisers numbered 147, of whom 61 were
Americans, the rest being Germans.
It is about certaia that a Yellowstone
park scout named Wilson and one soldier
who accompanied bita are lost Tbey
started three weeks axo for a trip through
tbo park to see if there wero any trespass
ers molesting game. The theory is that
the unfortunate men attempted to cross
the river and went through the ice.
A Standard oil tank explo led at Qreea
point, L L, recently, causing a destructive
tire. Two men named Nolaa aud Ream
wero fatally injured.
While Father Agostino was preaching
in tho SL Carlo Church at Rome oa the
31st a bomb was exploded. There was
great excitement la the congregation and
several women fainted but the preacher
continued his sermon.
Dcri.vo a lire ia Philadelphia the other
day John Garrety, a fireman, fell from
the roof of the building and was killed.
The frame work of the new Sacred
Heart Catbolic Church at Daytoa, IL, was
blown down by a high wiad recently,
causing much damage.
The reward for the Tobber of the Denver
National Bank has been increased to $,090.
The supposed nitro-glyceriae which be
carried in a bottle turned out to be castor
oil. John C Calhoun, a tinner, of Daytoa.
Ten n., tried to kill his family the ether
day. He attacked his wife with a hatchet
and hit her three times, cut off bis invalid
daughter's ear and then cut bis own throat
with a knife and swallowed a big doss of
muriatic acid.
Harold Toe. only soa of OonerafPoa,
TJ. 8. A., died recently at Detroit, Micb.,
of heart disease, superinduced by playing
Ax election occurred ia Michigan oa the
1st for a Justice of the Supreme Court, two
University K?gents and minor effl-rers.
The Republicans had about 4,00) plurality.
Ex-Presidext Cleveland has beea
chosen one of the commissioners to con
sider the matter of the High Bridge Tark,
New York.
Amono tho nomination sent to the Ben
ate on tho 1st were: James X. Huston, of
Indiana, to lie Treasurer of the United
States; Ellis H- Roberta of New York, to
b Assistant Treasurer at New York City;
William E. Wharton, of llassc.iusetta. to
!e Assistant Secretary of State: Georgo
H. Shield, of Missouri, to be Assistant
Attorney-General, vice Richard Mont
gomery, resigned; L. Bradford Prince, of
Santa Fe, N. M., to be Governor of New
A LttTTEa front Henry M. Stanley, dated
Snuputuri. September 4, life, has reacb-d
a friend of the explorer in Ediaburg. In
the letter he says he is well and in good
spirits. He met Emia Pasha oa the shores
of Albert Nyanza and they were together
twenty-six days. Wh-ri be left Emin
Pasba the latter was enjoyinggood health.
A rRKioiiT train on tho Baltimore & Ohio
went through a burning bridge at Hart's
creek, near Wheeling. W. Va the other
morning. Two tramp stealing a ride
were killed and fourteen cars were
Notice baa been sent by the Inter-State.
Commerce Commission to the Kansas
City packers to file anrors to the charge
of discrim nation in hog and pork product
rates made br the Chicago Board of Trade.
against Western roads.
Tun public debt statement for April 1
show th total public debt to be ?t,6i,
ite.IJQlr. Cssh avatlable for the redac
tion of debt and cash fn treasury. ?W.
l W 41, making the net debt jljtl Gi-
UliJiT, leing a reduction since March 1 of
?13,6)5,Cro .". The sur;lu in the treasurv,.
exclusive of minor coin. m f54.ftu.3131.
Tnc Prince of Wal has accepted an in
vitation to dine n ith Mr. Mackey. wife ef
the California tmasza king.
Two hundred union painters of Denver,
CoL. struck recently for a nice hoars day.
Th men were confident.
The Glen coe iron works at Youarstowrs.
CX, were destroved by fire recently.
Brown, Bonnetl & Co.' works were dam
aged. Loss ?3,WX
Ho.v. Jonx Hexbt Porr, Canadian Min
ister of Railways, died at Ottawa af :er a
long iliac.
CaarKXTxas at St. Louis aad also at
Buffalo. N. Y-, struck oa the 1st.
Tax Evangelical Alliance f Montreal
has prepared a petition to the Queea set
ting forth that the Federal Government
has failed to do iu duty ia the Jesuit atat
tar aad asking her Majesty t Usttrpoee ia
e- j.
Nebraska Legtstatare.
The Ben st e was not in srsdnn on the
t'il....T!ie House held i short seion and con
curred In Senate ami-edmenls to ' bills.
A resolution was adapted Instructing the Com
cautioner of Labor to collect statistics tearing
utHiti the sublect of beet surar cuiton-. The
tjeiat rrscluttoa sabmltttag a cooMtuuoal '
asneadment increasing the tiumN-r of Supreme
Court Judges to five and extending the term of
ofllm to ten )car was taken up and conid:red r district to aslst the nw rag"
InConiinltUeof the Whol-. A substitute a ter and receiver In opening thrir orUrea
d.iptrd making the term Cve Years and a for the tranaction of business. It Is not
mvii.led the bill was rcporte for passage.
The bill filing the salary of judges was eonstd
erod and amended so a. to nuke the salary ot
Miipreinr Court Judpe !,.'0 and district
judge. ', and the btU rccoaccndcd for
THE Hen ate held a short session on ta
afternoon of the SMh and passed the Lincoln
Charter bill. Karnor's Irriratloa DUX and the ap
propriation for the capltcl grounds. The Gen
eral Appropriation bill was received truea tho
House with kbout sixty assead seats, and read
a first time. ...The Ilease also held a brief se-
sion aad passed the Salary Appropriatloa bill :
State School Superintendent to apsiiat a
deputy: arovidiag that ta terras of the Su
preme Court shall be held at the capital, and
osea on tfcs first Tuesday in Jaaaary aad third
Tuesday In September; also a bill proitiiing
that aay perk or beef Backer, ulstuMec or saan
ager of a warehouse may store his own produce.
fiCT little business was traasacted by
the Heaate ea the aSta. The House bill to
change the terms ef the Suacease Ceurt from
Jaauary aad July so January aad September
was psssed. The reaoluuon that all contracts
lor supplies for State Institutions shall be let oa
a system of bidding was adopted. Bills were
then oamsldcred In Committee of the Whole .
The House concurred ia Senste amendments to
the Llncula charter. Tnc following bills paused:
The General Appropriation bill. Hall's Maxt
avasn Tariff bill' as amended: a bill for the pun
Ishaaent of the giving or selling of intoxicating
liquors to habitual drunkards, and a bill autiior-
King any city to esuhllsh a system ef electric
llghla. The Keanard claim of for srj
vices rendered the State Iu connection "s. uii, uui iikmiuiou ny ino special pro
with the collection of certain sums due from the visions of the said act of March i Ivo, in
General Government was discussed ut length tho following particular, vx.:
and defeated. The Cetteral Deflttracy bill it as Klrt The rule stated oa the seventeenth
considered in Committee of the Whole The1 page of suld circular und-r title: "Only the one
I.ttl.r.tl4t!,n'. ti.w i..n.,ltti,lni ! ......... .,..!. .. ....
uiituMuiM.tvi ,vil9ii,uiiuti4i miiii iKtim M,
Iccreasing the number of Supreme JuJi;es to
five, and rising the salaries of tbo Jude of
both Supreme and distilci courts, uus con
sidered and an amendment adopted striking out
tn,0O as the salary of district juilgvs and insert
Ins li.
lit the Senate on the '..7th the committer
appointed to investigate the Stale farn and tte
agricultural experimental station presented a
majority nd minority report After a long
wrangle the Senate went Into Committee or the
Whole on th Hxpcase bllL At the afternoon
session the Judiciary Committer was Instructed
to return Mr. Ransom's LU e-Stock Commission
bill to the Senate, aad the Kxpcnse Mil nai
further considered. Many appropriations wen
materially reduced.... In the Houearei'u ion
was unanimously adopted for tho purchase
of all State sipplics at wholesale after ad
vcrtistnK for bids The committee apiHitnted
to Investigate tbo collcg" farm tiled a report
stating that the furii is not being managed In
the best possible manner to carry out the inr
posciv for which It was established, and making
sundry reoimmendatlons The bill increasing
the number of Judges of the Supreme Court
and increasing their salaries passed. The Mil
providing for a State printer a as kllleil. and tho
miscellaneous claim, bid was considered iu
Committee of the Whole.
The Senate passed a numtier of bills of
little general Interest on the 'JMth. Tho hill
exempting soldiers from paying ikII tax p.ucd
and the chairman of the sprclal committee re
ported that an agreement to adjourn at noon
Friday had been reached. The Senate con
curred in the House amendments to Raymond s
Hanking hill and Kerkley's Trust MIL The
Salary bill came up in Committee of the Whole
and the reductions tarred on by the Senators
In conference were made, with but few changes.
At the afternoon session the Kipene bill ai
passed as amended and the Deficiency bill con
sidered. ...In the House the bill passed prohib
iting pools and combinations. Secra! other
bills passed at the morning session. At the
afternoon session the bill passed compelling
railroads to keep their riicht of nay free from
noxious weeds, and highway supenlsor to cut
down all weeds annually in the month of August
The Senate bill declaring the first Monday iu
September a public holiday, to be kuown as
Labor Day. also passed.
AtrrxK routine business the Senate n
the t)th passed the Salary bill and proceeded to
the consideration of appropriation bill In Com
mittee of the Whole The Deficiency bill ws
amended and favorably reported. The Home
for the Friendless bill . amended and recom
mended. At the afternoon session the D-fl
ctency bill was passed. A conference was ap
pointed on the Ceneral Appropriation Mil nud
on other bills on which there was adlsacrre.
meat Senator Howe offered resolution deny
lug the allegations recently made by the Farm
ers' Alliance In regard t the economic con-'t
tionotthe State, which were adopted.... Thn
House further discussed various bills and the
sessloa was principally devoted to heannjr re
ports of conference committers and transacting
ether baslness incident to the last da) a of the
Tax Senate on the 30th pael the bill
to lease the Saline lands of the State. alo the
hill providing for a searrh for concealed ll'juo s
The Insurance bill also passed. The confer
ence report on the Expense UII a.-.d Salary Mil
was agreed to. After passing the usual num
bcr of resolution of good will the Senate. pat
midnight, adjourned alnn the ...The House
agreed to various conference report on Appro
priation bills and several Mil during its
last hours. The customary resolutions w-ie
passed and about midnight the House ad
journed sine die.
Aaotrr a year ago Lillle, the young
daughter of E.S. Grenel. master m
chanic of the 1UM. shop at I'lst:
raouth, svas bitten by a pet dog. The dog
afterward sickened and died, but nothing
waa thought of it The other day the girl
was taken sick with every symptom of
hydrophobia and a dav or two later d m1
in convulsion. Sh- was twelve ye;r old
I'KTCR TIMM05S. a homesteader. .hoj
claimed to have been swindUd out of hi
land, recently wrote a letter denouncing
people at Atkinson, who he clamed had
robbed blm. and then committed suicido
on a train at O'Neill.
Smrixo Phelh. a former prominent
business .man of Beatric, rc-ntly disap
peared from home leaving numeron cred
itors besides a wife and several children
in destitute circumstance. Another wom
an also figured in the case.
AMiREW Carlatikc a farmer, wm re
cently killed by John Roenhargr, a
neighbor. The tronble grev out of Ofla
tlne's cattle trespassing on bis ne'gbtcr.
Risenbarger then killed himself. Tc
parties rts.ded near Creighton.
LlGurxi.'cn struck a houe la Fremont
the other night do-nc consi lerabl- dam
age, but not injuring tb- occupant.
Measucsj prevail to an alarming ext-nt
among the Indian cbi!ira at Ymt R.dge
JEw6eorox f Buow.v. once a proml-
t p&vsician. bat who &ad fallen Into i
the evil Lahl( of Intox'catloa, recestly-1
suicided at Albon by tans rtlotoform.
Althcugn only tblrty-e!ght yr oI b
had been twice eoarncd aad twrct di
srortred. ji
Wbile tbe faaiilr V Johu Peter, of
Hellatvue, ware.At ssnpcx alsTat-asven
e'cJocFtbe other eveajnrolrvrrs i1
tte stable aid ttcl" a raSise maxel -xonh
bout TW antTtbre head of Sue cattV
The ShrUsa Cotinty Agrvca'taral So
ciety Is raising fsnd to sasd a csc&ty
rxbibi: to the State fair.
The farmers cf York County bT sow-n
their oats aad anr prej-ancg to put :n
their flax e d.
CBaXLSA WaCMEX. a Grsraiai. carr:tr.
recentlr baage-i hitclr ia bts Utra. at
West Point. I! I?ft a wife ar.4 aovera!
children. Liquor was tb caa.
THE Sidney txwrd of traie has dctdd
to purchas- x car loa.1 of eeesl w Ji-at aad
sell it to farsers at act sal cost.
RoKEEB eatered 'h-. Jswslry store cf A.
sL Arnold at Cwiaaebos ta Lro.-t dyltgfct
the ether day aad carried ceT i.n wegtt
of wjaTffci( riaj-s axd ether TaJaV!sv
Two Imnrriim to lt !at Frees
tva-lluw KatrU Mai- He Ja.
Washington, April 2 The land offtcera
appoint rl for th two Oklahoma land dis
tricts hae received pergonal instruction
from the Commissioner of the Ceavral
LanJ-otlice. but "ill return here for
further consultation with tho CommU-
i sioner. Two inspectors of the tieneral
Land-office wi.l be sent to Otlhoroa ono
known whether suitable buddings can t
. obtained at Guthrie and Kug:iher sta-
Lut ,f h depaitru-nt wl 1 make
'., . , .. . ., r
' SOB,e " ' ,,,,oa r thf accommodation of
I facial o that Luine may com-
menc April 22.
The Commissioner of the General Land
oflicv. with tho approval of Srcrelery
Noble, has issued to the registers and re
ceivers of the newly established land
offices in Oklahoma a letter of lniructioas
which is of special Interest to persons de-
j 8lriai; to , ,n t hal T.rritorr. Teaet
suu mil uuiriie iuii ion iuiuii rf
serves sections 1C and 3J iu every town-
. , , a
"""" "serve lor uovarnineut use ana
coutrol th following: One acre of
land in square form In the aorta-
west corner of section 'J, In township
18 uorth, rangj 2 west of the Indian ate-
rtdtan In ladiaa Territory and also one
acre of land in the southeast corner of the
northwest j uarter f section li. township
le north, range T west of tho Indian merid
ian In the Indian Territory. The remain-
aeroi tne latu are made suijvt to nntry.l
ty actual settlers under the gvneral home-
stead law with certaia tuidincatioaa.'l
Your attention i ihrMnoJ tu ih l-ii.mI
circular issued by this office January 1,
ISO. containing tho homestad law and
official regulation thru under. The
I , ..-.-..-. ,un.u..uc. ,..
! lmn u" regulations will control y our
UUIUCI iit liri 11V V lOinSAlllO IrSiin. 1K
modillra as to ad of a nouictrad being madt ,
by any one who prior to the pass ge of said oct
bad mado a hmuesteatt entry but fated from
any c.imi to secure a HUo la fee to the land i
braced therein, or lio bating u urcd uch '
title did so by hal is ttiuitrn as the commuta
tion of his homestead entry. With r gard W I
iwrsons making lumctea-l entriea and failing
toaciiuirc titie theteundiT or commuting thrm
after the passage of said act of M.rch r. ts.
ine ruic as to secom! nomesteuds Is o(X'ratla
ami ill be enforced in relation to lher lands
as "ell a others.
Second The statute provides for tho i
poal of these lands "to actual settler under
the hoiurstead Us only, uitd while proldlng
that "the rights of honorably dln;harged Ucich
soldiers and sailors in the late civil war a de
fined ami decribcd in sections ss arul ,sai of
U'lorutLsvd statutes shall
not Iff abndgetl. '
Ions zxpi and ."all
makes no mention of section
inerror. utnier nich soldier or their I uws
and orphans re permit led with regard to the I
public lands k'cuurally u make a.tii
tlottat entries in icrtaln cases free from I
the teijutiemonls of actual settlement on the I
entered tract. It is, tbrnfore, held tbat d !
dlcr or sailor a iditlonal entries can not I
ma-le on lliosa lands under said srctwt.s stj
.-uiil-.'t T unless the party claiming will. In 3dl
tion to ttir proof required, make atSdaltthal
the entry l n.ade for actual settiemer.l and '
euIthalUiu.aecordlngtosrcttonS.'V! as uio-litlrd 1
by sections v. and ssr.of tlie. revised statutes ,
anu tne prescribed proof of thrr
with a lit Ikj lcjutred to be produced before Ui
lue of final certificate.
Third it 1 piottdc.l In the statute that sec
tion Zin of the revised statutes shall not jppii
to these lands. Therefore entries made there
on will not bo subject to commutation under
tbat section. Any person applying t enter or
tile for a homestead U e iejulrel first Ui
uiakcanidavtt in addition toother icuuireitwuts
that he did not tiol.tte th Ian by entering up
on and oocuplns any portion of the lisntls de.
cnlx'il In tbo l'f sMrnt proclamation dated
March St, IM. prior Ui toelte o rlica tioou.
.pnl."i ls the :fndalt to accompany tour
returns for the entry allowed.
Fourth The statute provide that town site
entries ma) le ill jtsed under section if-V? and
S1 under L' tilled States reil.ed statulr. but
limits any such entry to one half section, or M
acres as the inailmum. hateier the numl-r
of inhatutants Mhould uppllcatluu for town
site entries or filings In presented
bv parties In Interest m the absence of
officers pro)erly juall!led lu make enlrj
in trust for the Inhabitant, uader the
applications f sail section irrtT, jou 111 note
the provisions on our records, forward a re-1-irt
thereof ti thl office nd wait Instructions
bf(re aUowing any entry of the Und. No
rtghta under the tnn st ias ran l- cfulrsil
to any of the Utuls decrlted In the aM proe
lamation prior to the time therein pr-rrbe,j
for the same to U-comn open to entry and oervt
panry a aforesaid, vl , twrle u clock noon ef
the S.1 of April, IH-9.
It appear that by the PrT-sM'nt' order of
lecemter sa. Iev rrserratlon ws estab
lished for military purpose of the fotluaiog
subdivisions of land wlthtc the hxundarles de.
srrbed In said pntrlamatton of March Zl. ,
atul which reservation llll continues. il.
Southwittqua'ter of section l& -uth half of
section Ifl, south half of section IT srothst
qaarter of section l east half of secttos is all of
section 3i. all ot section 31. west half of section
'gi. west half of section TT, all of section V. tl
of section V. the east half of eun as
northeast quarter of ctlin 11 north hslf rf
section ft. north nsd of section St aad north
west quarter of section 34. all In toenhp it
north, rsrre 4 sjrtt of the Indian mertd,n.
Tlsese tracts In view of their reser? atlons nadr
the President's order of I)ecemt'r r. la, r
not siibex"t to ettlement or entry umler tte e-t
of March Z. afnr-s;i!. n' th- law of tbe
t'olte,! Htates applicable therein ee sections
Si!- V S It. S.-andyos will pra.ll ae
entry or filing fur aay portion thereof
To fall at .tut a.
Sax FnCico, Apr I 2. Ih stsnr
Zealandta. shell aii for Ne- 7.alandi I
April ., i a merchant femr f 'h only
ine painr near th Ssmoan island. It
i thought tbat tbe JJvr rtartment
could arrange to have the Zaan Ila pr.
cee.1 to Ap a en thi trip intad of mak
ing Utltila her rgnlar calL Thi wonld
enable her torendr anr argnt assi.taja
and also prour letT and mor deNaias
advices from Apia.
An ll! etfld.
Hancock. D. T AihtII o d William J
Edwards, who bad a wife and fata Jy- -n i
Montana, taught a young Indian girl
from her parent for JtX Sh tri4 to i
t-av several tiro w-jtfc a yennger roaa, '
but Ivlward bafal each attempt, hat-
urdsr mornlnc whil Felwards ws Irlnr '
In bed th squaw cut Lis throat from r .
r7 .. . j
aad for that rS. I
t-is that cf IVn.
-Th o!,jtt orchard
son. If no other. :b b
!.am 0(Vnnor. who c;se to Proa in
V7U. and two year latejr a-t oat hi tr. j
numbering 7flL This wrchs-rd differ frons
tbe majority in .i respect; u tratiag i
xnif haa sever tovcterd ot of thU-
esvl tb braich are weight'! to tha j
grtmad wj h the ts.Jow frnit. Ttv tTT-
prieUK gav s tb- history tvf hi ovchjar-J
and aa account oi h labcrt bw. for
ttzhl ynr, after h bad pJait-1 tb Uee, j
be plowe-J arvsr. 4 thm aad Irngsti Us
Lan-t. and It wa cot UII th i;4n:of
of that p-rcd ttiat ha ga:br-t sst t
frait. Thi variety do atl B;are
caul to-rty yrar tX ag-. er rstfer tvl
not v ' -1 oaUI that um. It cr-l
ta;a:y is a txaaUfa! sghl t ieeS: daw r ;
tb- loag v-,.U.t dsri gjes-a ot Hi Ui
lit up by tie gc4di5 ba t l frs.l. th-l
trsscis- Landing dvm aad fs-.r'y t-pt-
-e er js s -a ha w a a a ssa-4 - m V
effssaunv aivalUt.?earrr.bcthWK t)rvni sr itswM wi r . s; .ma.
not al-1-jess it trak a ssi a a ng" M at a-4 i"r tft ' mum
tea. If ba-1 art with yoa J'J atTf4 - A" twj-avs ; f AV StV r fiTtnaiaji ItsS ass trr IL .awaal
b fiir fTTS U ?, h U WSf W taat 9mr mrtir sslmrVi-t&t ) Sfu Jj".r,VJa. BW
aala-iy fnttft m l yw a IS Sal TS . ? -- , s ?JJZL
i,. i. i.iii .M fu.... iv stits4 .trivfc eiuri rttn r'f &T. w9Fjr.
? ! f7e?r ? fw' toilr ?" e-. se4 MX ;!nutg 44 1 1. ACea i i --
frait. bat fr Uaaagg tte twa. m4i u,g j Cse, !H w-XSaAs Ut-. T er.
Ua4rrfrttlasi:satsx5-et4)wil j lt-,- r,e, esedl t m . ... .-, ..., ,. , .
lssariaWela-eak a brasch wad tryiax t kws tJw.4 m wt- rt r jcm s. ' Mvlf svrat ta th w T Htyn sae
ywll aa taage, tie reaa b-sg actaaJly fai kew- w5S2fes wr Tree7 f 3st -.-t4t Mt im4. exra rsas
asssgbertiiaa tie bcti. rta-a Cat) t-rx-v swwUsahy wwen8i aa aw- j eraaaiva a-e ae ket se a tsvaata aa
- i -
- sT lmmmmmmmmmmmmmtawMwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Harriaoo Imraeei th
Walcomexl Proclamation.
oatahesass Cesiew Usawa Caw Ise rtr4
April aa Howadarse tsat4-Lawa
Goverwlng llsat--t "
ar tUlabtUkssO.
fTaasmiOTON. March 5S. Prl lent lUr
rlson vwetsTdav Usued hi jr:UruUon
I ofealag certain Ua4 la OtUhoms to et
t tleanent. Th daU is set for April 22
The following 1 the proclamation:
y ; Frttultnt f U I g4 Jf AmtriM.
Waxaaaa. larusat Xa section s ot tie set
of Obsrraaa arprosrst March r? l. eautle
Aa act saakioc arrropr100' '" "" current
and eeayornt eapensee ot lh bJUs ivpn
Bbsal asd for fuItiniM irraVT sllpaUtkma with
varseua Indian trtb fcr the jer coding Jua
J. JS. and for tlier rHnw.-." rrrt;a
articles of cession aad mf taeot sa lh nlae
lath rtay of Jaauary la the )fro.'if Lord
At... V .M.t .n.t M.Sjtk f! l,
VH..... . M..,,. 1.... 1 " ...w-. f
t st.pra the Va.U. Sutes ef America
j,o t- Muskor for Crrk Natwsn of ladlao
L weraaiera4 latsv whrby the said Muskogve
I (or Crrekl Ssiloa of ladian for th snWer
,k therein rfatunel rvdd and trttsd ,0
tr.e UnlUst Male, without tr.rrUn er coo
JiUun. full aad complete Clle L tao entire
estrra half of the domain ot the said Muskw-
C-"" (or Creek) Nallio In ta to4.n Trnvry i
Ijicg west of the dlilslea tla if)l sed
established under the trrlr IU ld Ntloa
datawc '"hwa of Juav lie. &ndalwrrAtHt
i aiwre!eaar to the Caltt H:ts alt and crry
l'I els
dafta, estate, rtjthtor lote-et of anj sad cry
i snptioa In and to aay aoa alt land
and territory whatever, except so much of th
former domain of said Mustmgee uir fire
Nation as lies rat of said lice uf dilKo sur
P,rd and ett.t shra VrrsKt. nt
( Uir,t .j ,.up!Po . tnr umr 1 1 4 Si
Uyr of eesi..a aaI a.fTsrjncit
ereduly accepted, rt net nd c'i Pen, U t j
said MusUis're (or( tie.i Sutkxt ottaliaastt
act u It Council apprutrd n tbe 3..t day vf
January l4? and by the I'nlletl Mites by
act of Centres appemr-d March t. Is- ant,
Viicar.s lly sesvilon U ot the atft etitlUM
.n act making appropriations '"' le rrr nt
and ContlUgent rt(WHses M the ladtan Drpal
iiicr.l. and fur fulfilling trratr slipwlaluis -sub
ummi Indian tnbe-s. !r the eadiag Ja.e
S I'-'Ji, and for other purposes." apjwvse.1
Munh 2. te, a sum f nHxr-T
appropriated to par in fu.i the ymi
noie Nation ot Indians for alt the rUht
title, inter st and claim which sjid Niw-n
of Indtaqs talht hae In and tti eertain lands
cedeU by fartlcle three ot the ttvaty Im
ten WvX'stttd States aad said .Sttoa
of Indian, concluded June It, t-A, and pro
claimed August 16. !Ms said (iprvprimvj to
tecvioie opcruU'e ujm the eiecation by th
dolysra.i(ntOt'dtleglrs ot said Nation. p"-"l
alt SEp.)ierSd tSdis'siV of a release and -.1
Tejano to the I'nlted Stat, uf al. ruht title
! mine. i anil claim or said Nation or iiiiisns in
I and to said lands In manner and funnsatisfattory
Interest and Claim of said Nation of Irdlsns in
to the President of tbe l'nlle.1 States, and
VVllKKCSH, Said release and eiiiitetaice tMar
in; date of March Is, 1'fO, has lien duiy od
fully eiecute.t, upprused and deiUered and
WiriltH.rcttin Met the act last af- reald
relating to said lands provide as fulluNs ' .-see
Hon 11 Tbat he lauds aitmed by the foiled
lal under said agreement siiaJI be a p-'M of
the public ilomato, to t"! dlpae.t ui wbly as
herein provided and sections IC and X. t rarh
township. hether surveyed or Ursurejet.
are berelry reserved for the use aStd lienetlt ot
tbe puM.r schools to t-e estsbl:sbe.
the limits ut said land, under such roa-lt
tlons and regulations a may b h reafter en
acted by Congress. That ti.e land sx'sjuire.i
ly roneyance from the Sruiin;e Italian
hrreunder.eicept thesliteenth and thlrt) slith
scetlillis. shall be disposed of to actual settlers
under the homestead l. onlr eicept a here
In otheralse pioilded (etrept that e, i,n
..I I uf the Itetlsed Htatutes shad not
apply . and t.fuIJe,j further, thst mv
(ersoi ho having atteinplr.l to, but
for anr cause failed to urine a title In fee tn a
homeiteod Under eistlUf ia r M m-le
rnlry under shit Is nn a thn im
mutest provision of the r.oniestead
Us. featl 't SIIBed U) llialie a
liomestv entry p 'd land an.t, pn.
ht-i fuv:a-r. at th" rub's of t.sxraMt
discharged I'nlon ..!,!'er and salhtrs In the
late civil sir as defined and dy-rlld In see
tlons rt- and '.-XOC of the (evsed MtatdVe.
shall not ! abridged, arit. pri'lded, further
Ihit each entri shad x in Mjsar form as
nearly as practicable end no person I per
muted ti enter nxr-than he quarter , tion
1hrrwf Hat until said Un's are npen far st
lb meet by proclamation it,e President no
person shall t- t-rmltte.i to rnW upon and
ecupy the same, and r- trvm violating this
provision shall ever t twrtnitted ti enter
any 4 sa4 -) t squire any rtot
thereto The Secretary f the. Interior uisj
after said pr-elamatlon arxl pt lefifs
entry ot ld lands for fiansite nder seetipc
T and 4.VW of Ihe Itevlsed Ht. totes, but tM
such entry shall rmtrwe af than or.e.btf
sfsetlotl of SantJ That si' the toreet4ar prusis
loa sllh refers-nc to lands to - aOslr-s1
from the Seminole Indiana, tncvdinr tl it
vislons tertalbfC4r tn f-ffeltsjr shall apply to
aad regaisl th disposal of lands 4Wlrd
from tl lluskifee or ('r-i ttxl tans by
treaty of osninn and ren.-nl nnh aad fn
rl'lded at the tlty of asiilSfUrtl on the tlFtH
day of Jaauary In the year ot utir I-r-1 e;gfetee
baadred and elaty n'ne
Now therefore I. lUtijamla Hrriv. Prrsl
dent of tha t'nile'J States by vtMue f is
l-rr la sw atl by aald att iM f r .
appSvrd Msfeh t t, afaresard. de Serby
d'rlare sod make Vnoan that n rr,rti of la
land as aforesaid avuntred t,mt r.Mtey4by j
t- Mtt"Cre (7f trki Natenof Indian, )
frvnn or by U atnl.le Nsttes .f lament,
repetlve.y as I ronio.t ttia Ih to "
Inr tecrlt-d iwndrls, vlt ll-r'ftMj at
pnn here degree .f lengltade , j
frwnj 7rswlrs. as srveye4 tn th ye,
lO and Kl ttlert tie t ailin
river then Hr arul with Use
degree- tn a point ,e. jt .!. Intersect he
Omarrrtj river ltere vp sl4 ttri 3e!,g llwt
rtibt bans thrf U a ;eitt . ts
sid rtver is lIeree-Sed ly Ite sersth
llA-..J afcatt Va) a 1h rs,r- ,a4
lying west f th AraS river a th
r3e.reee nwUet. said J t--tar 1 aorta
ileft lijwls redet ty tt Mre- nr
Creek ,Ntn ot led a ta th fosvw! !
by th Ueaty ef t it ia u.srw kf
siud Uoe So a f- lr 1 . lt-v
"he affst liS"f USV set span artrrsta
fr tie " rs'wrse 14 k hf t-t f r.
Cresa spprotrd Aprtl jrT. fss-g
th rJie (ts t-tii raae i-nr
and Bv ea s t- I-J.a BrY4a. j
IJte westfeoa said aae, u. a p..t .. U
eajRe ieirTi Mssy jrji ee i sax rie
i.h- Ta rT 'V't j sswsf rttee vg
the SCkMs af tfce ,- VZ.aasx'i 'VfW to a
pota: bf U iuc
elte-es e tfa. fur 3i
letee rasje
aad fse w
. f
it-i the ItAw tserUa w
l-t ! e-sr-t '
tt -Vra bsdary af ixr lata set pet
r ta !-- trl KU I & Vrvteesru
f-4e-i-d ees,a-.t, Asr.t J--t ti-ef. '
"vut -r.J rase taerveaa wa
.,- b a- laHersesev t. r-gJ ls ;
af Je saA fee af i r ., -. j
S $ rrr aavssg Ik- rtgtrt fek i.f w a
;et si Ib-er 1ke asai t Ua.?t tint Vy t tl
1 a ? IV ee.aerrVey f e ( t fey V rve-a
&atS f PiettavUeKBe iov4 iA & -i.
t ls-i, l rfsrt i4 t j3wtVM& 4
IVe tr-llr af e'-s.a.ey f ? Wt- EVs
fa.ied aaet ta- t- i. vtVi trV
g laStvas, ae4 rrserr4 1. m tav wn ai - 1
j-r. arsetS Jgy st ? Wy -.
t ) t-siJ t JK.-M f ti t '
r-eersMse, s j
iS sC a
; i- 43 ui ta. i
fcii ,aVs 4" tie. 1
isawifr tveaoev? s- sagya i
r tJ-e .. e-S tt ai :
aseaw wjk jm:T aasesawfan a-s
Sfcejtf liertA. tfc a? -i3s8f
cf?st"r "! tf Vs. fat r Jasrs.
es tVe- se-4-est rt-wt ti -rvn ass, is
s - a9 -, trrrs. nr -i4
sse-s4a4 fa le TrW7
t . av. -4.rt sy
e-s law- ew5 - w w, "yas- - 0 ;aw. aw st.Vsaw"
jicvsi las't. i!"x rt rvsf
SOT 3-d atI 8d ar t N Clr- I m
opr Va sUleiM aA"t til peol- -s
ev the st f Mreh . . xtovi,i .
wamias'Uheretrr i4-iaespTstr C" '
j-roa eau-rtn ura vpy
laad tfjrs aU hoar of !; o tt.
on 1 twBtroed d of Ars
, tie matter BtU ff
taltlrd ta rater aay of ai
er u siatm any rfiM "
a!Zt ot the iralll jtssji's -
ijjliod U strwt.'y eatocee lh pews --
m f iMkcr-u Ut th- tr ixe
r man rrat, I hre fc-i-""iVl
hvd od cst tfc ! Pi IN I it
1 j Sisi Xkmm t the er W '
this x eetr third uy of !: a. a e
tir lued m !uysa.l "t ' '
Uhtyatae, ks.1 r th tJ-t-. '
Cattvsl Malrs the oe fca-dta -J '- " '
llt;!' Ilssvis -. s
Itf tae lldr-t.
Isajsu Jasmu Itj ,tie.S-rtrT " m
Im4 iair l..lMUk4.
WaMI5UTva. March -Yrdas s
IVHumUilMir of th t)ural t- I
odes, acting oa lntructla from N -tarv
Notd. also ful aa ord'r ttt o
I log two Jsd-sfnca la th ttfetatMama tr
j r l-ry
That fur tho WmUw dlslr-ct
U b lcatvl at Kin fisher's stag stal. a
and for the Eastern d strict at tlaht .
The two distrls-ta er divided bv th im.
line running through tht Trtt- r -.wth
and uih, llnn rangs 3 and t t -t
th Indian meridian. Eavh dUUL-t e..n
tains approaieaatoly l sense suaUt oX
Tts Vetera ragllaSt UImi
. ft wast-)
Iss Ilia t.H( lllana
l-st March -John tlrght died i
: o'clock yealsrdav ssMMalng. Ms I
svas pac-eful and palnlaaa. It had '
In a csttnatosa cs4)dti-i stqw Tsli
All of h s family prant at h .
il e s I li ti il J t h a
ttilght was In I r
t aruvnt M lhai
f..f tr tl e ,
ThvMigh a (J'at-r
there ssetst Joss -s
hit C-ttT gn
t.ns .-sg. It
i ' i jta man l
V llllsdo-e-.l
ai a mstte
s ha t e
agitati t,
ef j
"al prvgres 1m ligUnil. Il '
fr-end and ssrs'r ef 0isn.
O't oiiueil bad t n sttrtiog lrt.4
for frtv yesrs lfor J .
Iliigbt eau lht the lll f -
UHols. '. r long after ()t seflH I's daa-k
Hnght de.ttte.1 Iiiims!! thr Illt.USSie
persetial telat on. lie i.f I
that 0'CIKsll n ss tlgl't sea
et.rr ijuestion, msaiung irl.u
ly ffe trade. lellgeffUt vsual y
th aUdltlon of
iiianlary tafortn.
lasery and l
the tas'tse ssh h
O'Connell elllp.oye.1 llr-ght adptt. II s
witnessing tf. great l'tUsa Bitioo.
In hit ChlldhiKfl gave h iu an Intense de
testation of tueasutv (s as!
the peop e bo by agitation ae-.kle.Iie.
uf grl" ancs..
1 h platfollil UptMi sshlch llrlghl Of al
stiMI up In pubtC life t-swt steal of tM
p stili. but they sUMit tinb
AlHmtloii of stisle Cbofi-h, lst t ion of
lecliSn duties, atnllltioo ut sl, lUl ei
of hour of latar, ate.lition of a standlisg
army In Ireland, arid tk (dai'loa ut thai
countr esaclly tba salue letel a K
John Ilrlght was rn al lirsentsnt
Incash,r ,NreiuUf lu, 111 H a
e.luoate-l In a Yoeksllll ajlu-d liii(is
to the Kocletv l.( IVleod At (ha aj-f
fifteen h ssa put to tntslneas liy hi father
who nu cotton spionar U !. In tv
the Anll-tn !. .agv at f,fio-l h
Mn bneter.Ur Uright allarbe-l huoseif 1-
t In 1M3 h eolef.d Parliament. In
111? Iliriiilnghani -lei-te 1 hint ttnm of la
llietulmt . and ha ha Jepl ta-l tat
Csmstltualiey Hie. t'jnitt tha adtent
of Mi tll.t,.r lu p-ir in Is) Mr
Bright l-M'alu t, haltrvilisr f the Iiulr f
los'itasler th cimi.I lima, l-wt rig I
in IwVJ, iMsraUsa npvs)
"J l Ih f"" Ss'
regar-I l Kgypu H
th J vein in nt with
Mr Itrtgkl ssa a loaintr of tha tC !
of rriend. an-l a such was pfe.-i I
r. Ilviring th clt it war In Aik b
m as alt arttt defender if tUa Ke-tI
In Ih !osi of (rji'n'n ylday
Right Hon V Siollh. tli-IJ..e,Meit
leader ilh union emotion rfr"t Ut Ih
death uf Mr John IJil.hV. It said thai
h sstnil-t jton his remaik n Mr
Hnght until rday. whn Mr. tliadslwna
sst'Uol lea prevent,
rt Trenlile e Ik laleiaawa.
tVsHIurtis. Mareh S Cnder data f
Anealt, March l. Caplaia H'ls.
Ih Atlan'a Inform th aT lpais
III tit that tbeie ; io l'tt,(r ai y dig.
of rioting or Mrreiic in th stl.a
Tha dtlttita labeer af of mailer
ler thaa h ln r-ixt.!, an I
jiiUy taking advantage of tha Uaissyeor
nation ffre bv thir giver otji- Only
atejsit entvflv bad m blp-
tha t.'nt-t Stat tenl h rse,id.
that theta lugr likallbte-ei t-t
eh) as,waw rSarssewl.
rtvtsst-aon. Pa.. Maseeh 1 Th s-
lenslv nChl ho. a-l fnstadry cef Me-
lnUh A llettptll te,. y.,i4i
Irtt'Xfilae. !, ft';'!, fslly ia)e.L
Tb fir I lrf(,ev. Ut hav lra th srl
Iof i(-ndart and fear k ha !
arretl m nptivn. MS a llrr. e
fieiwan, w ste-ttk by p- of (t
and rim:r hart. Thresigh tfc 5-e!
f th Qfe th pattern rtjfc.
, lam sg -veral txtni'-! tv4aa! i,ti
worth f Jttr. was laiet,
r.ttee.! TS.O Jv'Se-tieStaw.
Jfr.w Vuaa. Mara J Th fmrairraal
0ie-( a.I a ey tpMrta..t
fti" yestyds ewer,je J&a !,,.
tUa tvf H1 p - gee ea ifrtn- ih.
al. Sn-n vf ta as-rett lrjeiFalU (-SVe.
Id, pfaialr ef th -flfc4l.I rt,
&1r as aaeeses, rsMt e4 l!a.lU
. , . - -r- .. .-" yw . ', . , i.'-. .i , j
I e taea packet ed fve a Maw rjH
yewiaajsl rf t V l',tetry a
CmtfUl9 tk Ui. tj.
fX lt
VSalee Sl4 H4 ta,
.ttSikt. S MasT !.! M.Hsw.
a aara ta tfc fsea. iy t wJ & ).
aius. wa wall tar silk ititm e.41 - - -
k f v lk ye'r-4'ay svMer-
,. mh a ! r-tkt lf i h,
e,,.t. . eesw-L TV. T .kt fsJ
,4JW j j,,! v. IU
- , ., 'F . w .aaa.
J5" 2
tikw .(- tlu-m
As- See Btl4.
CtrTrst Mt. Me-J .ive
alf sf Jvaaeh f'ttaVekaws. -. Ass.
safes. fcT3t t mi Urt
Ur Mis.e5. afs-t VJy-w, --.!
h-svl taJtA aavt was rm' t-y i -.-
ts-lw, b ; t, Sjs& 4
rssvla fcv- al-r.t aS,rtew fM VM
i. 1,1
-- - .
th -a" HsiSaeVM tV
intn-n r ., r. .ft ri e- s ..
ka - r, aj Ca.- i. da-i. J f,.
ss its. h - ff r-ssi
vavtor ef Jg svla a JvTe
VS4 ra
?t-tf, Y Ms-s T. -" a
ArVj. a eair 4 !- t.g tsws.
j lf.-"T
. e.