,'WF -. - LVTi -v-r -fe--5 llSJ-f 2P P'tx.. TT-r aJK r. -. 37;' SBBB BJ 1PBW? J - ira -- -" KK1 r " BBgBjhw-123ai f -t--i. -V& rrCrf'i.vi. kt- . i.'i. - Oi f- ssrv. anw. . .. . i -t s -t- intra-- i-anT ' c -. i VifsjLpfJi .g ' V t. " ;' I- MTrSaJnTOjfg re 1 "jr . ll. -"f ; . -T"u tr-! BR9H i-n-.'-j' mess .'arJ l - "'. - --"Q w. jia f L8Q 5131 Z VMt ea Ksa s" C?S . v -v-r. - . I ,- . 'W-i - . bbwm .. mBBBaKSlilSH bwBwBbbbbbI 1 .Vlijv ssf5-i5s I i V. 1 -a Vol. 16. Men's And Shirts! A No. 1 Plow Shoe for $1.25 - Can't be beat in the state. Call and see our stock in London, French Our $2.25 Shoe I. Can't be beat in the west for the price, solid sole leather counters, seamless and guar anteed all the way through. Mens Fine white Shirts for 25c, worth 50c, and would be very cheap at that price. Call and see them and be vour own judge. Our $1 Shirts are no doubt the best goods ever sold here. Call in and see us and we will do you good. It always pay to trade at The Western & Southern Mercantile Association. Center Store Room Moon Block,' Red Cloud. Chas. Sciiaffnit, Manager. aa i . i all the .mMiLvmamL wA .XXi usenveaoahe is favored, wHd m of Men's Fine Shoes and Opera Toes. 1 n I ks-t "y 'sj. Red Cloud, Webster Couhty, Neb, Friday, April 5, 1889. tlme.i amldiig a.Mberal jetlk and aatii will also flad it te his same- attea tloa to colors, an may toll at a glance, an H whether a youog lady would delicate pisk, lavender, olive, lUkt red, peacock blue. da vktta, craam. oranire, Pruaaiaa bfaavor Crfaousjollow ribbon. Of comnaw if 'mm were to aak her what color ate she would very promptly that it makes no difference: but it dose, nevertheless, aad4f tteyawag aaa aoakes aa exquisite ''ssiseftlsjjPtM wQHie very apt to hear a few cesmaU rataarks which mlfht very under the haad of Thwyovac ladies ot KanaaaOtf aiw sMInr to their general ooUacttoSj I oraiwbtao a corgeoua aad aoma what novel ornament -called a. 'awav ioryhoop." Where the idea orifiaaaad is aot known. It sprang lata oxiaV waos ia aoma mysterious miansr aad at soma unknown point, aad thea it spread all over the country with almost the rapidity a toaahaf lightning spans tha heavens. Oae might truthfully say that it orlg iaated simultaneously in .all the cities of tho country. But no matter as tothat. Tha essential fact ia tha fcracehas reached Kansas City, aad it lias avideatly come to stay. Tha memory hoop is aboutolght or tea inches in diameter and will hold from thirty to forty bows or knota. Stripped of ribbons it is a very iaaig idficant looking ornament, but with thoribbon attachments it is a thing of ibeauty, fit to adorn any parlor. It is act only ornamental, but it serves aa mart of a constant reminder of former Jrlsads, and in years to coma tha iaales will take the hoop from its Iwagiag placo and, separating tha Tfbaoae-one by one, say: "So and so gavo me this; he is now liassmering theological thoughts into tha narrow brain of some heathen where a tropical sun beatedowa upaa a parched-earth. This oae was givea y a young maa who eloped with a baak aad aftarwards died from a aelf-ialieted- wouad; , This other one mark you its delicate shade was tha gift of him who now meekly follows my advicin every thing pertaining to this household.11 Yesthe memory hoop will prove a splendid, ornament to dissect ia tha years to come, and for the present it is a "fad" aa dear, perhaps, to tha young man who gives the ribbon as to the young lady who receives it. For tha Benefit of the former it may be stated that tho proper length of tha riaboa for a memory hoop is a half yard, and tho width should ba one half inch. Satin-faced ribbons show up well, but most any kind aad color la acceptable. In fact, the aim is to get aa great a variety ot colors at pos sible. The different shades of Mae, rod and pink are always in demand. but yellow and light green are aot prime favorites. The memory hoop fad has caused a marked increase in the demand for rihbaa. and some of the dark-eyed ladies behind the counter have bean at a loss to understand why so many young men have recently inspected a stack ia which they usually taka little istarast. Kighthere it may be state thaa'aorae very g scenes have bee witnessed at ribboacouatera since yeung maa began clothiag sassasrw hoops in bows of variegated colore Tha average youngnnan hsesjsaaJlt tle about' the-dlfferent shades of any oae color ms he does about as, and aine cases outof tan ba dtgraea where he waata a pamlmr aaadal bine. As a result he par- precisely whathaoaaVtmaaW aad what he told the young lady ha atyji i iaamaaattsi mbleatae lard af baaata be would ui tha police force or ia tha aldermen, where there weald ba i few successors to Jake Sharp tha inexperienced young toughs ' get clubbed by tho police : aaat up to the 'penitentiary for honesty and general "sass." cayatioas of walking delegate i are also found in a; little bee. that is the aheray-eklnacd child of toil. Ba4s ia-j in nags aad shields of sssawam to shield hit agsiast attncVt af aad he tailaae lanrna ia light. no oas awa gaa IwaaaKkaa faahaaa li or a ssule. bat little stiaf that t-- .'-- - fc.-- aw.-j... wwaia aw afc a samaL. Xaattvthnra UFC IN A IttHlVt WhUa ia He aaysioal msasaaaha aaatoaaMayrmpjectslhaupaiadaiajl lonulaliIasJarifEta. Betwesanft kawey that a dlsiUs. aad which hr worth thaajsaaaofdollaimsawMsatlyto his-habit of pekiaff hia it brushes off la Idsa a. awaaf actor to tear jmigat aot asft the so bytaaaldafawa aaliva, but as the boa is a isjaaa little animal that revels ia laU day loag. thaw little ChbH be overioaked. Besides ha aaas diCereotmoosh for tha honey. i Tha bee leagoed fllar.bat as ato iwaaaa are amallar ia prvportioa ta his body than are those of the 'king af birds, he has to flap fisqunfly. so ha flaaa awayaatiha rate af 44f flaps to tha adnata. Ha thaaaolaags.bata ijstsmaf amy air jaisasssai through all parts of the edy.aad thaaa ba packs with air taenhewantatofly. Keitherhaahe a heart, but adbrssl vessel that pamps Itha Msod to the head. The head is iaotaaaautifiaaaiect.aad aa it la not eia center of tho nervous system, he ould not miss it very much if cut aff if it were noVfor the eyes, two of which have 4,000 lenses each to see thehaney flowers afar off. and two others to as sist ia doing the microscopical work fa the hive. Tha entrances to tha hive are vary carefully guarded by ssatiaala, aad vary bee on arriving at tha dear is challeagad by them with their aataa- taav If he can give tha ceaatarsigahe is admitted te tha sanctuary, hat if he can aot he is ia danger, for heat are very aarvoos lancets, aad draw stlags foe the slightest provocation. The ap- yllcaat must be a thief, aad old thieves (but the form of chatleaglag maaVher gone through first. The old thief bee is fat aad eleekand shining aad vary suave. If caught by sentinels he will at oaea try to make a deal and offer tha sugar, aad while they tare eating it ha either sHpela aad Alls jap at tha cells or he retreats aad tries msjotharhive, If the asatinels are ia leerruptible the. thief hamps hlssself. (draws his horny shields tight around him. so that the stings of tha ;men may not p east rate, aad n A yomag thief staads up U flght gets clubhad. Be learns by. The ejueen bee has net get each a I very easy time. She has plenty ta eat land eats it. and flies vary little; bet as ishe has to lay ell the eggs of the colony, and often lays mare than her ia egg ia ana day, tha bees her nothiagtawtlet her have way everywhere. is the dade andwaUriag tdelegateof the-hive. H is net very smuaaroan. bowevar. Ho m tat,, anal Upaads bis time anting honey, flirttag with the girls aad the queea a 'takes a quiet nap iathe sua. this charms no longer plsaas ha is (drhrea oat. and If he can aot gat a Veilhia another hive he starves. Tha ilittle worker, however, does net fare ranch hatter. She Uvea tar absat six f twusfat torn and fringed and aha lies jdewa tardie U the laid, rafaainf to rretura to the-hivc and bseoma a bur fden on the oolaay.-Joha Asyiawall, tin N. T. Times. THE SKIN IN WINTER. r Tee What a carious ergaa tha hi skin la to ha ears! 1 knew-that al- avary oaa leaka aa it with for more precious iTbat la, unless aeheor a dle- aleag ant saasapbasi- with tha akin aa ia aa ergaa at tha bady so as this "fes covert it wish joMsa. whicav Cher flowava. tawJara bee aavA trtiUii was tsapeaatatwwa gstsaysniiwfrsd oiawar thaaa. Ot amachtoao. aramnynjar. amen net jaawaag. H Jsasweyaaaveaaanaly wavy; aast aaaaw an nnrm af vaaar. ia not wT ' ' ' " "? -T- far deaW a Lsawawat ansswanaar am ta faar laTeaVes- gamawaawmwBVa ahwawawasBwawaaai whwawawawMfJaaanl ahgnanwl enaasnwmsni ' w . - . - ww aw aBBBBasasaSBVeBBbawa BBSBSE i wsbbv atBHBBBVaBBaBaBl asaBBkni U- Saf"a . ha fsasaeaa. ITIrht and . - Tha ejoa Eal. .. - .. it. ku 2 kaddaaal f . - .- . :. . . v.. mssasrs wSJ tan BBBBBBBTa aaBJVBBT W SBnBBBBBB " JSa VBU weBBBJBl eBBBkBBW - imnsBBBBBBBjajBrKA nvacnanj w bv sjs m mmmaanam, aaByeanam smM awaaf awavMawsV PiaVsaBBBaV naawanaam lU lalwaJ -- m m mmm -Am mmmim towM 99 Gmmm. f, m , .- .. a, . as aWanwav (bbbw aTvajfaBBwaaW asaw PaytTa a . paaaaanaH UaV aaaBVaTVaYaaV anm anmnmm a genii J- wWaBaV- oTaws IgwaaBBBBBaBBawvwanwasnawmnBBBBnatmL AaAgvanjaBnmsBBBBanm wsjiawaaBBBti 1 - .SBBSBrBBl XamwaSBBBJBBBBBT. VSaBfeBBT ASBBJ aWSBBBBBESaSBBJSBBBB - - - . z- - - X nsalaaatsmd ke 'anmaaajaTIsMstaha aaawhamamt a aanweasjn tyw ' ensnwad bv araasara. bv asatBiBBST asm. aaass" SMBtUrlraf mm. at aaaaiiassaa. -- - - - - ' mataadl c i-t i .wa . - -- m aasatrat-j M mm t 1 mmmm mWw - 1 .WTT -LU SZ J m. t-M - 7 U!J L"BaittwYaTaBBBBBfBagTaTs -.., vt- .L?J'"paaBamj hat every aae can upon out af bed have a heart v. rob dawa with a rough is harsh eaourhio hat a Turkish web. (tea will etlsseaaae aad be pleasaat. This -friction will open skin pores in jgeai shape sat, eanlllaiy circulation x jof bleed and aarfaea asrva flow in full anile tha vary heat possible prepara tasa far a wiatar day. Avoid too frequent plunge baths in (winter. Few men. still fee women, jof ear nenous Americans bavo stam laa aaoagh ta waste any upon cold (water, aa is dene when a plunce i lata tha ssorningtub at ordinary Ia basalt sis such baths are used to reduce heat in fever cases, and it is y to bring it down three or four do le a few minutes. This fall. eeams so trifling, is in reality great when compared with, the naflfww range within whose aad suchrahocks to health. Tho dry rub- la far better. i W. F. Hatshsaeon, ia American Thaaka Awrally. I foud en arriviag in New Veri est Chiaagato hay goods, that nianu faeturers sad jabbers were more anx ious le sell me goods tha ever, giv ing me maay Bargains, which I shall give my sastemsrs the oeneat ci. Never ia my basiaets career hare 1 been able ta offer better bargains to y eaatesjers thaa at this time. A a meaty is hard te got, it win picasc yoa to he able to bay se much for .o little moaey. Very truly, C. Wienek, The Clothier. Vade BovSfrfeitI tnip-!l wiles. teveraaadtmrtofilK Ss wile hansa, caltlr, nhrrp. l.o-. Jrrt. Mela Mrsii!niK;lti. runt's ttrart af tar aad wild rhrrrr 1 a sate. wiUMasMalieaiat rents forruuch. ieiusvsaesius.asiassnsjMsii lanui iroui-ir Win rUT( sae bsasat aaesaaiptlon. try It aaUM warraninl' aat SI set MUa. roli lx nil jane SytaaKawicrt l'nrlc taryC. tu. UaHa Seat's Unlairnt il jallare ssrsias. ralaia aivl rhruuia nan. aitidbraaevutsiMs. fttas Way fwa. Adam hteraart, oar pepslar hardwaru ateler, says aew that the repablican are in power agate be has aVtermiatHl to kaoek the beasssa eat of barb wirs and from this date wifl sl paiatcd barb wir for $8.7 aad gaivaaissd for $4.2., and will threw ia eae peaad ef staples with 100 peeaas of wire. This i the that barb wire has ever Nn seMiaBedCleed, lee! leett Iee!!l P. Berkley has a 1000 tons of PUREKITER ieepat up for the trade dariag the heated meaths. and ia bouadto dtiaeseof it, sad has therefore kaaeked the bottom oat of high prices ly puttiag the price down te 25 eeata aer kaadred pound?. Give him jear order. Remember that h is aa taiated creek ice but pare river ice. P. Bauclct. For Sale. Aay eae wishiag to parch sse a No. 1. stalliea 3 years ale, past, half Nor ma aad cae-aalf Kt atacej Grey Ka jrle, weight 12.50, wold do well to call aa W. Hsfmaa oa A. Kaley's arm, 2y mflee wast aad 1 mile aorth af Bed Clewd, Terms easy. Katies is hereby givea that 1 will! etamiae all perse as who maj desire to offer themselves ss esadidatcs for teachers af the public schools of this eaaatv, at led CI and, en the third Sesarary of each moatfc. Cta. J. K150. Ceaatv Ssp't Save regrets aad purchase from beam dealer, who will give yva dollar M aiaaea, eM ergaaa, heagwtfsreashaadthe ssmaappticd ea a aew tastramcat, satisfy ctiea Vir raated. Saba. J. Bailit. Or. SRacBaa'B ufts ta asm ta tferbaes COmm,96t rjrJt trim?"- mpl baaaaef 'aVwawawaaaawf tharwufh ImflaaTlaBinaaslMa, aremimieal eat nettrr mrr mr t kSlA ta. - - awBanwaa bbbwb IbbbbbI awnUBBwawaBBBBV awSafT vaaBBBBwawaBSBw Farm Loans Farm. SILL & STOWE, Red Cloud. Aft! THK SOLL SI 6l Li Of b-atricy!ttb., aad ara frspared tu make Farm Loan oo bttrr trsaa aaJ o ho.-tor ndnco thaa anj other nrra Both lntrt astl principal eaa ba paia here. Call oa as at ocr ofto over City Drag Stora Insurance Written in the Best Companies. 6 This space Ixilongs to Mrs F. Newuonavt3 FUKN TURE FURNITURE ! W I. HAEN E, Having purchased the stock of FURNITURE ! Formerly owned by Fwd Wiuton, trill wll yott KfimMmfewl all kind, at very low figure. Call and hran. STORE-OookV old Red Cloud Drug Store Building, 14 door west of Holland Houe, Red Cloud BBBwawawawawaTswawawawawa GUfP & AVARNER, REAL ESTATE&L0AN BR0KEB9 Call and examine our bargains. Correspond ence solicited, GUMP & WARNER. Ojv.ra House Block Red Cloud WE ARE Groceries At WHOLESALE Prices! HACKER THE TRALERS LUMBER CO. -WUX Hi KJafaf POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world B. V.5snxrr Prss. sUaar CtAaaTsslras. Jaa. B. favacr, Csakeet Havaaa B. CaJwaa, aaaaftaat Cataiav FIRST NATIONAL BAnK, Bed Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITAL, - 75,000 i Transact a seaeral Vaakiag bassaeaa, at naacieg wastaeaa, &av aad sell aaaaty wan aad aeaeea district Wads. Bay aad sell Isreara ceaaij, yveaac Jaa. Mc.Vta i. J...IaJkTa, BW No. 36. AUK IS FOB & RETAILING and Flour & PARKER, HAJCK- bay aad sell G. W.Li B.T. B.F. W II mm A SBBBWHnTdawaBBBBBBl vyii J -aa Ji'-" :y.