"-- ; rs, . v' ?'- Y JJ T-w yi i f'fc m THE fc SQUARE DEALING, ONE PRICE, GOLDN EAGL OTHING HOU E has ITS STOCK COME In every line. Goods, New, Stylish, Bt!t nB ism annnnnnnnnT WrMlJfcW nnnVnnnnYl wasa NOBBY ir A. J. Keener in in Inwn, The boose f v U on fh bus. Nobbj emits at the Golden Eagle. The board of anperviaors nteeta neit Tneedaj. Thecitj election takes place aext Tuesday, April 2. J. W. Tajlor, of Saiitk Center, waa ia the city this week. The citj eleetioa atxtTaaaday bidal ( fair te be fall of fat. What's the matter with tapping the Twin for gaa, or would it be too offen- POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thispewder never varies. Marvel of pure strength and wholesomeness, more econostleal than the ordinary kind and cannot be told in eeeapetioa with tha multitudes of low test short lfhtaltun or phosphate powdor. Sold only lacaai. ROYAL BAKINO I0 WDER CO. 106 Wall street. N. Y. irtty. ghe ged hmd A. C. MBB. Praawleiee rmWlshed every Friday morning frees the la the Moon Block, Bed Cloud. Neb. Pane Leaae. Iatereat from 6 to 10 per eeat. Tint front 1 to 7 yean. Call aad investigate. G. W. Barkek. SPLINTERS Gatkereel Up fcy Chief Mepertera la Aaa Aaaat the City aaa Ceaaty. Wiener the clothier and tailor. Mens wool hats, 25cts at Wienen. Wiener the leader of lowest prioei. Elegant line of neck wear at Wien en. J. H. week. Smith was in the citj this Will Smith was in Red Cloud thia Week. Latest style of bats and caps at C. Wiener. Ojsten at Ernst Welsch's. Best brands kept. Beit plow shoes at C. Wiener's at lowest prices. Mens button shoes at $1.25 at tke Golden Eagle. The Golden Eagle Tailor Depart ment is flourishing. C. L. Cotting is papering his store. Visseher is the handsome artist Sleeper Bros regular days for grind ing are Wednesdays and Saturday. Wiener will show you special bar gains sash as no other bouse can offer yea. Men's wool jean pants at $1 worth $2 and warranted not to rip atC. Wiener's. SeeW. L. Haines for furniture. .v Well made, self selected, bought at right prices '' . - . . -w-k k. - T T S,y-VT and ready to sell them at KULK tfUl- TOM figures which no house in the county or out can BEAT, Fine and larce assortment of Piece Goods suitable for spring and summer wear, will make ud in latest style, put in best trimmings employ onlv firstclass hards, under the man ifYPnnf nf Mr Will Hounrhton. who has oiven such eood srtisfaction to all who have T J." km ' enry ' " z - i employed him. Look at our Ready-made Garments. They are well made, no one can offer you better fitting goods, or offer you more fashionable wear, at such low prices as we do. We can fit the short, long, fat or lean, and should should any alterations be necessary can innLv thpiYi nncipr our root, as we have a first class tailoring establishment attached. We have the latest styles in Hats, an immense assortment of them, you must be able to find just what you are looking for. Our prices range from the cheapest to the best. People who look at Our Shoe Stock ! And want to buy, never leave it, without purchasing for our prices arereasonable, our goods of excellent quality. TCvpt-v hiivpr who enters our store exclaims what a large cf-rwVL- rtf ITnwichina- fSnrtria vnil rATTV. what h&lld80H16 good? you display. For prices you must come and judge tke pt5lorat of the Baptist church at for yourself, if you want to be happily surprised. Columbus and will go to Red Cloud H will nreach hia farewell aenaoa Men's jean pants, warranted not to rip for 90 cts worth $1.50 at the Golden Eagle clothing store. Don't forget to go to W. L. Haines when you want furniture. He keeps a fine line. W. G. Smith's dwelling is abeat under eoTsr, Vin Williams is doing the' work. Children's waists for 15 cts an pants at 25 cts at the Golden Eagle clothing store, C. Wiener, Prop. Elder Garner, the Christian minis ter, is again in Red Clond, aaa is holding meetings at the Presbyterian church. Mr. Chapline and family are about moving to Denver, where Mr. C. has gone into business. The Chief wish es him success. When in Red Cloud call at the furniture store of F. V. Taylor, oppo site the F. X. bank, and pick you oat a fine kithen or parlor suit. Full line of womens, misses aad children's shoes just received at the Golden Eerie clothing ster.. Prices a lew as the lowest. C. ieaor. Go to W. L. Haines for furniture. He has a very fine line of upholstered goods just arrived. Repairing of all kinds done on short notice. West of Holland House. Rev. A. W. Snvdcr has resigned In addition, we carry a very large assortment of Trunks and valises. We will use you right, so you can not help coming again. No trouble to show you our goods, nor do we hesitate in giving you our prices. Remember we never Misrepresent our stock, sell wool for wool and cotton for cotton. Thanks for past favors. Come again. Respectfully yours, Red Cloud and Wymorc. C WIENER, He will preach his farewell aenaoa next Sunday. Omaha Bee. The Red Cloud Milling company, it is KDorted, will commence operating their mills in this city in a few days. Hope the report is true, as it was one f the great enterprises of Red Goad. Joseph Gnves aad Fred Sleeper discovered a geaaiae mad dog ea Meaday moraiag, goiagaloag their street, aad with proper dispatch kil led the bmte before it did any dam- in. it was a ceaaiae enta. is Una that the sive? Mary Allen of Pawnee City. Neb., was the guest of Wm. Huffman lt week. Will March go out like a lion is what the anxious people want to know. Peter Hill, of Cowles, left Saturday night for Cincinnati. Ohio, where he goes en a visit. Mrs. A. L. Funk entertained a num ber of her lady friends by a tea party Thursday evening. See J. J. Ducker for dry goads aad dress goads. Fall line. New goods arriving every day. The weekly Helmet will be printed hereafter at the Argas oftee iasteed at the "Big 8" aatfit. School will eemmeace aext Meaday moraiag. The children have beea enjoying a week vaeation. G. W. Dow is putting ap a large warehouse and is prepariag to do a large business in his line. Lida Huffman dosed a very success ful term of school lest Friday ia Lo- gaa, Kan., and will take one week vacation. Go to John J. Dacker after year spring dress goods. Ha keeps the finest line in the city. Next to Pint National bank. Rev. C. E. TaggarV of 8t Ignace. Michigan, has arrived in the eity and will oceapy the Coagngatioaal pnlpit until farther aotiee. Mrs. L. N. Eddy died oa Monday moraiag after aa exteaded illaess. 8he leaves a aasband aad several chil dren to mearn her demise. The greatest wonder of the 19th century, a carpet exhibitor showiag jast how a carpet will look whea oa the floor at F. V. Taylor's. Married oa the 28th at tha Metho dist personage, by Rot. Falkeabarg, Mr. Harry S. Glasscock aad Miss Laura A. Davidson, both of Jewel county, Kansas. Mra.Fnak Hatch leaves Saturday for Plainleld, HI., for en extended visit amoag aid friends. She will also visit before retiming to this city in New Tork state. The jail contractor has commenced excavating for the foandatiea of the coaaty jail. 8oea we'll have a aios jail that will be aa honor to the eonn- ty. A court house will come next. I have jast received a lae line of furniture. Soma fine bed room sets, center tables, bedsteads, eVe. Call and get my prices before haying. W. L. Hairis. J.J. Dncker says that hiaeleek sale last Saturday was very large, aad the largest sales of spriag wraps ever made ia tha city. Joha is a rustler after trade. Next to First National Bank. Persons wishing to improve their memories or etnngthen their power of attention ehonld send to Prof. Lei sette, 237Ffth ave., N. T., far his proepectas peat free, aa advertised ia aaother column. The Cole lynching at air which re cently took place at Gaide Bock, is liable to get the porpetraton lata trouble before many days. The par tiee are known aad will ha made to safer for the crime. Vote the republican eity ticket next Taesday aad have a change ia maaieipal affairs. The extravagant manner of raaaiag the eitygevera meat for the last year or so is ridicu lous. The la should be eaforced Taking effeen April 1st, the B. 4V M.Rv. will sell Bsmrisaa tjshatoaa reduce rates to peaeepaT pauacs Colondo, Wyoming aaa Utah, good fortv davs from data of sale. For furthur iaformatioa inquire at ticket olice. Parties who send cbsoeae matter throach the mail, should bear in mind that a heavy rsaalty awaits them if tke same be diseevered. Suek a party lives near this city, aad hia letter ia in the haeda of an U, S. omeer by this time. Thoe. Vaughn of Inavale reports a ied dog scare at his town the other day. It appean that a shepherd dag that kad tke rabies cane alaag that way last Friday night an kef era k ceaid be ran down, kad kittasi aevnral eawa aaa other animals, whack waat mad aad kadtoka kiDad. Itseeaas toaatkaadeemskeddaitasarWasaav xledorkiDe4: Wsm samsamtmaaav saw caw najmwewaa ssaasa waww saw saaa t: flaw haa iainiHi the crva army of Benedicts. Ladies extra large size jerseys at Mrs. Newhouse's. The mother nhirt wtist can on us found at the Golden Eale. All kinds of rick-racV and no .ty braids at Sirs. Newhouse's. Mn: T. C Hacker is home from her visit in the east part of the state. The Amboy Milling Co., will opoa a feed store in Morhart's building iu a few days. The latest styles in jerseys just re ceived from hew York city at Mm. Newhouse'e. Mrs. Geo. W. Ball, of Akron, is in the eity, and is the gue?t of her tis ter, Sirs. T. C. Hacker. Hamburg!, embroideries, lace, white trimmings, white flannels, white goods at Mrs. Newhoasc'e. We will MORE than MEET all quoted prieee by any hooso in the state, eo eava O. Wiener, leader in low prices. Sirs. Boslej. who has been visiting with Mn. A. L. Funk, leaves Satur- day for her home in McCook. The Norton Electric Light Com pany "busied" the other day, aad now that town ie ia the dark. Sorry. The latest styles in ladies drea8 trimmings, dress shields, extenders, stays, dec, Ac., at Mrs. Newhouse's. Compare our stock in size and prices with other self styled clotbiere. C. Wiener. Rev. A. J. Hawley was in the citv this week. The Elder looks as robust as ever and is always in a happy con dition. The Denver National Bank has replevied the flour held by the sheriff, recently taken from the Red Cloud Milling Company. C. Wiener has a word of comfort for people who are in need of cloth ing, furnishing goods, hats, boots and shoes. Prices at bed rock. E. H. Foe, of Cowles, dropped in thia week and said he could not do without the G. F. W., consequently he will read the news for the next year. W. H. Hiles, editor of the Norton New Era, was in the city on Tuesday. He has recently lost his wife by death. He has the sympathy of the press in his great bereavement. John Tomlinson returned home last night from Iowa. He brought home four stallions as follows: One Cleve land bay, one imported Clyde, one standard bred horse and ono thorough bred running horse. All aro regis tered and pedigreed. John Polnicky, one ot our promi nent farmers, called Sfonday and made this Great Family Weekly hap py by a shiner. The esquire is a lncky fellow, and the other day drew five dollars worth of soap from the Omaha World as a premium. Oar milliner has arrived to take charge of oar millinery department Ths lady is a first class milliner who has been instructed iu the latest spring styles, by a lady from Paris, and the best of all we are prepared to make prices that will please you Young's COD hmponu Some of our enterprising citiiens, or the beard ef trade, should see to it at once, that efforts arc made to get the necessary money raised for the soliien reunion. If Red Cloud is successful thousands of dollars will be brought to Red Cloud. The effort should be made at once and with a good wilL Opeka Block Gash Grocery House B, F. MIZEK, Prop. Kash Talks ! And if vou want the Host Goods At very low prices for cash ! COME TO ME Selling for cash and having no bad accounts I can sell much cheaper than those who sell on time. Come and see. My stock of Groceries, Queens ware. &c., can not be beat. Your trade solicited. B. F. MIZER. YOUNGS C. O. D. EMPORIUM. Price draw the crowd to our store. Where youcan tied the following Startling ltargsin. Lead Pencils 5c a dozen. Pen holders 5c a dozen, Ivory Buttons 4c a dozen, Silk Veiling 10c a yard. Box Writing Paper and Envelopes containing 12 sheets paper, 2 pkgs envelopes 5c box. Good note paper 10c for quarter ream. T nrliVc o-norl hnso. worth 15c that we sell for 8 1-3 a pair. The best Seamless Hose you ever saw for the price, only 1 5c LADIES- We ask you to ciU and examine our New Stock of Millinery We can get ud a Nicely Trimmed I lat for 75c, such as you would have to pay SI. 50 for at other places. Youngs C. O. D. Emporium. MRS S. R M'BRIDE The Leading Milliner Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Veiling, &c. New Goods Every Week. LOWEST PRICES It is a pUannr. to be abl. when on i lookisjr for clothing or other goods car ried by th. old ettablishsd firm of C. Wiener to nter his stor. Yoo will find that he carries as larg. a stock n mot bosses do in Lincoln or Omaha, and hn tore would be a credit to either city. It ioat a. that h. has treated his customer- well, aad expects a liberal patronage to iadaes him to keep op soch aa estibliih- nt inme oar midst. Yon may always x- peei boaeat treatment at his store. RED CLOUD NURSERIES Mac Edtftar Chief. Tno rntitrr- letter of dccliaatios va MT-1- ase for paftlicatioa. aa asy paper ie eat for this week and tbetiasa for hold is eit election iae dose at hand will joe kindly publish in your paper and greatly oblige. Yours, TnoxisJ. Waid. n.. i,',m nr5nf th most eomi.lrtc line of Mocl. tit s.iT time m ite el and i. celling at price that dcly competition. ErorythiDK cnaraaloos to be strictly firt-cb5 and true to nam?. A nice lot of Catalpa and Soft Maple 0 to 8 and 10 ft high Ruiuian Mullbcrry 5 to 7 fct. A large lot of foar j;ar old Crake. Very hearr aad mail be sold. Hxtra lot et 0 Apples, Cherry, Plum, Apricot, Grape Vines, Dewberry, Raspberry, Currants, Gooseberry, Strawberry, Aparacu, Pie Plant, Hop Yiaet, and an aeeertsaeajl of Flowirio;: shrubs ClisaWera. Koece. Halbe, 4c, whicfe itnlirn no tocoapltt. A larj;e lot of Evergreen, 10 to 30 inches high, your choice for 35 cents, each. 'frtsjnity of an4ws) Red Cloud. March Ti. 7, i rxt ' ad y cara-t s r T.J. Ward. Esa. rf.-iK: i - c-. bcor rw ';" ' a. - : :r. jrn tu.. ;-wrr,n i f!ir rnr3:iinv nNl tt 1 ( AS'iti WILL -. a t i.c? xruwn i - - - rf -1- - i v - "- -. - - - . .- - the fcosor of being cosiutattd by th ea ,tock ff th SMJOfT thiis e? tn "n ?tt. To ihf Jt9f I jent Os - f... TAA.r ; for thm a!.' .i?t ttnettsa rsclWrrV Aib -T l'X YM.W. im STOVe T tWr flail ftcof eosacilsuB froa the 1st ward. I do well by calling es or corrciposdi-rg with smj. J. A. liTnAS, eeuuaet couUtestly accept, ilr. Badd ( Mfaea ? iSSlSSl j Vegetable planto in their leum fombhed in 100 or 100O Tasaslay aeewing. Please cosjUc; tv?i' , , - - . m taaL Y'osrs. H IX Exttxtdat. T.. . " , IVtCssA ins SBercasi vauoc opii-uti o: f W ww i, IBs m njay ai Ji Vft .. r, vj tno 1JTI1S1 sag:, nae orea a saoceas iro f . C. Vfiewer foraaerir test awia to b. made up, bat food that wet mmek better thaa ready ady taat k. aad kk caatoscejrs had In paj iocs far these He sew emee a of ftsee fcMda aad emptor tailors aad charge aaaaore if neeent away toaava taaj Millinery tore On 4th Avenue, Fed Cloud. The ladies of Red Cloud are cordially invited to call on me when in need of Millinery Good. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mi. A. M. MAYBEE. I1 p UL