The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 29, 1889, Image 2

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A. C. HOSME. Pftmr.
RFnrT)T7I). - - - NEBRASKA,
The Hewitt iron works of Trentoa,
K. J., will be removed to Chattanooga.
Tcnn. 1-
One million Hollars in gold bars was
shipped from New York for London on
There was a report at New York
recently of a movement to corner tho
orange trade.
The Persian Government has for
mally engaged to grant no railway con
cessions without consulting Ruhsia.
Germany has acceded to the request
of France for permission to transfer
tho remains of Generals Carnot and
Marceau to France
Secretary Tracy has decided that
retired naval officers can not accept a
diplomatic appointment and remain
officers of the navy.
Hundreds of sympathizers took part
in a demonstration at Hamburg the
other day on the occasion of the ex
pulsion of the Socialist Schlumke.
A Gekmax Government detective
named Wichman has been sentenced
to two years' imprisonment for falsely
accusing two men of being Anarchists.
Premier Sammjiiiv, of England, in
a speech recently declared boldly that
nothing short of a vote of want of con
fidence would unseat the Government.
Colonel Hc:hk.vI1allett, who
made himself notorious last year by
his illicit relations with his niece, has
resigned his seat in the Hritish House
of Commons.
It is reported from Victoria, B. C,
that another great Canadian transcon
tinental railway is projected. The
capital of the new company is placed
at 150.000.000.
The Woonsocket (tt. I.) Rubber
Company proposes to erect the largest
rubber boot and shoo factory in the
world on an island of twenty acres
near that citv.
Rev. -Wilton Mekle Smith, the once
noted base-ball player of Princeton
College, has been installed as pastor
of the Central Presbyterian Church,
New York Citv.
Mme. Fuioch-Madi. the prima
donna, has secured a verdict for sfcll,
000 in n suit against the New York
Nationnl Conservatory of Music to re
cover on contracts.
The Zurich (Switzerland) police
have discovered an establishment for
the manufacture of bombs on an ex
tensive scale. Two more Russians
have been arrested for connection with
the manufacture of the explosives.
Mrs. HrMrmiEY Ward contradicts
the American statement that she has
refused $10,000 for her next novel.
She says that she was offered more
than that, but prefers to remain in the
hands of her old publishers. Smith &
In tho debate on tho subject of a re
ciprocity treaty between Canada and
the United States at tho Dominion
capital. Mr. Cockburn, a Govern
ment supporter, declared that Amer
icans lived only for boodle and
wanted to get Canada's trade for noth
ing: General Adam IUdkau, whoso con
troversy with the family of General
U. S. Grant over the authorship of the
Grant memoirs attracted so much at
tention last year, was in Washington
recently opposing the confirmation of
tho nomination of Colonel Fred Grant
to be Minister to Austria.
The will of the late Judge Grant
Goodrich, which was admitted to pro
bate at Chicago the other day, dis
pones of an estate worth $190,000. The
sum of $1,000 is left each to the Gar
rett Iliblical Institute and the North
western University. The bulk ot his
estate is left to his widow, his son
Horace and his daughter, Mary F.
Maguirc, as trustees.
Senator Stewart's special com
mittee to investigate tho subject of
irrigating and reclaiming arid lands
will meet at St. Paul and proceed first
to Montana. Tho chairman expects
that tho trip will occupy about six
weeks and cover most of tho Ter
ritories. This committee includes Sen
ators Allison. Plumb, Hiscock. Gor
man. Reagan and Jones of Arkansas.
Referring to the cable dispatch
from Rome regarding the Pope's com
ing to America. Cardinal Gibbons says:
"It is mere sentiment. The report
was put in circulation by some one op
posed to the Italian Government and
friendly to America, who probably
thought he was giving this country a
puff, and there is nothing whatever in
the rumor. The Popo's residence will
alwavs bo in Rome."
A meeting of distinguished artists
was held the other night at the
Fifth Avenue Hotel. New York.
The object of the meeting was the
formation of a "free art league" for
the promotion of art in this country.
A committee was formed for this
purpose, and the association will do
all in its power to secure tho admis
sion into this country of works of for
eign artists free of duty.
Mr. Sr rue. eon. the famous Baptist
minister, has for many years been in
the habit of sending fresh books to
country clergymen who are unable to
buy such books themselves. Heber
Newton, of New York, has been doing
the same thing, and other clergyaaen
have been doing a similar good work.
A writer ia the Advance tells of a
warWhcarted Iayaian who has receet
lct aTMU$500Vleadtoclrrsyisea
for te purchase tx wo ai
- . as a 1
OlMMd by T1 mU and MalL
Ill th Seaate oa the 10th the Vice-Fres-laeat
aasoaaea m the committee oe the cen
teaalal cclebratioa in Sew York Senators III
eoek, Shenaaa. Hoar. Voorhees and Euiits.
Senator Sherman's Btoaosed amendment to the
role repairing resolution cslllax oa beads ot
departments for Information to be referred to
the appropriate committee was debited at
learthaad recommitted. After a Drier execu
tive session the Senate adjourned. Among the
confirmations were: Brad. D. Slaughter. United
States Marshal for Nebraska: Smith A. Whit
ford, Second Assistant and Abraham D. flaxen.
Third Assistant Postmaster-General: Samuel
R. Thayer, Minister to the Netherlands; Wil
liam W. Thomas. Minister to Norway and
Sweden, and a number of other nominations.
The President sent In a long list of nominations,
among them Wbltelaw Held, ot New York, to
be Minister to France and Julius CGoldscbmldt,
of Wisconsin, to be Consul-General at Vienna.
In the Senate on the SOtb a communica
tion was received from the Governor of Rhode
Island staUng that the resignation of Senator
Chase had beea accepted. A brief executiie
session was held and the Senate adjourned.
Among the confirmations were: John M.Mason,
of West Virginia, for Commissioner of Internal
Revenue and Charles R. Mitchell of Connecti
cut. Commissioner ot Patent. The President
sent In the names of Fred. D. Grant, of New
York, to b Minister to Austria-Hungary, and
John C New, of Indiana, Consul General at
WHEJt the 8enate met on the 21st it im
mediately went into executive session and con
firmed a number of Territorial nominations,
compming ail tbat had been reported from the
committee. Official notification, however, was
not sent to the President. The President sent
in another list of nominations for Territorial
offices and postmasters.
Whkn ibe Senate met on the 22d a com
munication was rcceUed from Chief Justice
Fuller announcing the death of Associate
Justice Matthews, of the Supreme Court, and
on motion ot Senator Hoar the Senate immedi
ately adjourned.
In the Senate on the 23.1 Mr. Stewart
submitted a report in regard to timber de nida
tions InNev.iiU which uent over In executiie
session Wliitclaw Reid was confirmed a. Ulnis
tcr to and Frederick I), t; rant Minuter
to Austria-Hungary. A large b.ttcii of other
nominations were confirmed including Juiios
Goldschmidt to lie Consul General at Vienna
and Edwin C Willets, of Michigan, to be Assist
ant Secretary of Agricultural. Among the nom
inations sent in ty the President were: J .vines
(Corporal! Tanner, of New York to be Commis
sioner ot Pensions; James M. Snacklcford. of
Indiana, to bo judge of the United States Court
for the Indian Territory; Zacliariah I.. Wal
rond. of Kansas, to be attorney for the United
States for the Indian Territory: Thomas II
Needles, of Illinois, to be marshal of the United
States for tho Indian Territory.
Secretary Wisdom is said lube the au
thority for the statement tbat United
States Treasurer J. W. Uyatt will retain
hit position until June 30, when J. N.
Huston, of Indiana, will succeed him.
At a banquet at Koine recently Cardi
nal Paroccbi, the Pope's vicar, said thut
if In the future it should become neces
sary for the Pope to leave Europe, be
would find a sure refuge among the Amer
ican Bishops, who would receive him with
honorable hospitality.
Sir Thomas Gladstone, only surviving
brother of William E. Gladstone, the
great British statesman, died recently,
aged eighty-five.
A (iltKAT sensation was the elopement of
Chief Justice Fuller's fifth daughter 1'uu
Iiuo with J. Watt Aubrey. Ihu parties
were married by a justice of the puace at
Milwaukee, Wis.
The lady with whom Justice Gray, of
the United States Supreme Court, will
wed is Miss Jeannette, daughter of Asso
ciate Justice Matthews.
As English blue book U'U"d recently
shows tbat England has ben in accord
with America in reference to Samoa.
Mrs. Pieiiic, of New York, won the
prize nt the beauty show at Nice recently.
Jl'DCIC sVllKSLOCK G. VEAZr.T. of the
Supr nie Court of Vermont, is prutntnuntly
mentioned for the next Commander-in-Chief
of tho U. A. It
Germany hat acceded to the request of
France for permission to transfer the re
mains of Generals Carnot and Marceau to
Cocxt ScnocTALorr. the noted Russian
statesman and diplomatist, died on the
J2d. He was born in 182Z,
Stanley Matthews. Associate Justice
of the Supreme Bench, died at Washing
ton on the 22d after a long and painful
illness. He was born in Cincinnati July
21, 1W4.
It was stated on the 22d that Chauncey
M. Depew had been offered the English
Mission and tbat be would accept.
The marriage of Miss Elisabeth Rocke
feller, eldest daughter of John D. Rocke
feller, ot the Standard Oil Company, to
Charles A. Strong, son of Rev. Dr. Strong,
of Rochester, N. Y., took place at New
York oa the 22d.
News has been received at Cairo of a
victory of Emin Bey over the deivfshe
Emin was in good health and had several
Europeans with him.
While dining in the cafe the other day
General Boulanger was suddenly seized
with a fainting fit and bad to be com eyed
to bis homo.
The Democrats of Brooklyn hare deter
mined to erect in that city a building
similar to Tammanr Hall of New York.
Corporal Tanner, the newly-appointed
Pension Commissioner, declares himself
in favor of pensions.
Ex-Premdent Cleveland and party
met with a very flattering reception ou
their arrival at Havana, Cuba.
The Cologne Gaiett-, commenting en
the Sanican question. ays tbat owing to
the attitude of Am-rica it is natural that
Germany should seek a full agreement
with England tefore the, Saiuoaa confer
ence meets.
Fire broke out the other night in Cross'
lumber yard in the eastern section of
Washingtoa and totally destroyed the
sasn ana Dim a xactory. ine loss was
THE Pope has decided in favor of the
Canadian Jesuits against Cardinal Tas
chereaa. The branch of the Lavalle
University at Montreal, in consequence,
will be closed.
Mas. Henrt Mott and a team of horses
went through the ice on Lake Champlain.
N. Y-, the other day and were drowned.
A biohxt complimentary report on the
asw gunboat Yorktown has been made by
the naval board, of which Commodore
Fltshagh is president.
Robert Sigeu soa of General Frans
Si gel, who pleaded guilty to forging pen
sion checks, has been sentenced by the
United States district judge in Naw'York
City to six years' imprisonment at hard
Tes striking feather workers of New
York City have given up their strike for
better wages and about ail resumed work
at the old wages.
The riots at Pesth, Hungary, were re
aewed oa the 51st.
Foca desperadoes robbed a passenger
train at Canyon Diablo, near Winslow.
Aria., the other day. Only a small
amount was secured by the robbers.
H. IL Cheek, as emigrant agent, has
been put ia jail at Greensboro, N. C, for
iadaclng negroes to go West
Bcsixxss failures (Dan's report) for ths
seven days ended Marc-: 1 numbered Sit.
compared with 361 the previous week aad
543 the correspoadlag week of last year.
Gexejlal Wads HAxrrox has retarded
to sarvivors of the Sixty-afti Pennsylva
nia volunteers aad Fifth cavalry a couple
of lags captared by the Confederates la
the war of the rebeUioa.
It is believed that a few days will sea a
general rsdactioa ia the wages of coke
wutfcscs targasss the Psassy IvaaLa r-
sriea. instead of a strifes oa their
Tin Mexican Oavarasasat has taken
steps to prohibit the imacrtatkm of Amer
icas lard.
Tax President has isswsd a proclamation
relative to the illegal hunting sad killing
of seals and other far aaixcals ia Behriag
sea withia the limits of the United States.
A ge.iexal suspeasioa of work at the
Pennsylvania Coal Company's mines has
been ordered. The company has ftfteen
large collieries.
John Gilt, one of the seamea of the
steamship America, was killed recently,
at the mouth of the Chesapeake bay, Md.,
by an immense wave striking him fall in
the breast.
It is believed thst the stolen mail pouch,
which was found ripped open and secreted
in a culvert near Piedmont, W. Va.. con
tained a large amount of money and val
uable letters.
A sIXGCLar rase developed at Cincin
nati the other day in the efforts of George
Duff v and George Draess to convict eaeh
other of having drowned a man ia the
S. V. Conwat, wholesale hardware, of
Shreveport, La has applied for an exten
sion of one. two and three years. As
sets, 1.7.0Q0; liabilities, $W) 000.
The Barrett toys, Tim and Pete, were
banged at Minneapolis. Minn., on the S2d
for the murder of Thomas Tollefson. a
street car driver, whom they had robbed.
Hcsdreds of sympathizers took part in
a demonstration at Hamburg the other
day on tho occasion of the expulsion of
the Socialist Schlumke.
The official statement ot the Russian
budget for l?jeJ shows a surplus of 7.0U),OX
roubles without including the proceeds of
the November loan.
A Portuguese anti-slavery society ha
been formed with King Luis as honorary
The schooner Edward S. Eveletb, from
Philadelphia for Gloucester, and the brig
J. F. Merry, from Philadelphia for the
West Indie, were in collision the other
night in Delaware bay. Both vessels were
badly damaged.
Clearing house returns for the wek
ended March .:l showed un average in
crease of 11.5 compared with tho corre
sponding week of Inst year. In Now York
the increase was 12 S.
On the Loudon Stock Exchange during
the week ended March 23 prices were firm
notwithstanding tho collapse of the
French copper syndicate. In Paris to
wards the close of tho wtek financial mat
ters assumed a more favorable aspect
The northbound train from the City of
Mexico on the Mexican National railway
was wrecked at Malvelcto the other night
and the engineer and fireman were in
stantly killed. It was ttelieved that the
disaster was caused by train wreckers.
The Bullard Art Publishing Company of
Worcester, Mass., organized two years
ngo with a cash capital ot $1V and
?.Y).000iu designs has faile.L The failure is
attributed to Bullard': poor business man
agement. ATNewberg, Ark., th9 other morning,
Cooper's saw mill was own to pieces.
John Blinknnship killed and John Griffin
badly scalded by a boiler explosion.
Five recent incendiary tires have caused
flO.OOJ loss to tho Reading (Pa.) lumber
The skeleton of John Hogn!, an inventor
of Cumburland. Md.. who disappeared
seven years ago, has been found in a cae
in tho mountains near the city.
The Verrugas bridg. the most famous
of the bridges in the Oroya railroad of
Peru, da been swept away by a flood. It
was Ui fot high and its original cast was
I 'O.tMX) soles. Its destruction has rendered
tinnsKrtntion from that part of tho
country almost imjKissible.
I'LtCKUgold is -aid to have been dis
covered in tho bluff- on the Missouri river
opposite Town'end, Mont. A man namd
MtGiiggau made the discovery. Nearly
'verylMi ly in Townsend has staked off a
placer claim.
Little Funny Ray, aged three years,
fell out of a third story window- at Balti
more, Md., recently and died an hour
Two of the corn laden barges in tow of
the Hoxie, which broke her shaf l recently
just above Vicksburg, Mis., sunk owing
to damage from collision with the Hoxie.
The total loss was about $I(K),0
The tug Luther Want has returned to
Norfolk, Vn. She has been utiablo to find
the missing coal barge Regulator, with
five men on board. The Regulator broke
Iooo from tho tug in the recent storm
M. de Lonlat and Gerault Richard
fought a duel recently near Paris and the
former was slightly wounded in threw
places. Mr. Richard bad attacked M.
de Loutay in a newspaper article, charg
ing bim with plagiarising a work of M.
In a duel with swords the other day at
Rome Deputy Gavalotti slightly wounded
Signer Corvetto, Under Scretary of the
War Department The trouble grew out
of a personal dispute.
After appropriate ceremonies at his
late residence in Washington on this 2.'th.
the remains of Associate Justice Stanley
Matthews were takeu to Cincinnati for
It is stated tbat Harriet Beecher Stow,
the authoress i hopelessly afflicted with
A DI.skask resembling cholera is report
ed epidemic at Florence, Italy. By some
it is attributed to bad fool.
Colonel Fred D Grant took the oath
of office as Minister to Austria on the
th. He- will leave for Vienna :n a short
The President has pardoned Frederick
E. H.cioll. under fire years' sentence in
Minnesota for abstracting funds of th
lank for which b was mcncer. Joba
Sti.amer, an illegal liquor seller, has also
be"n pardontnL
Tr.ooi'S were necessary to qaell the riot
which broke out at Pesth. Hungary, on the
Naval officers at Washington are loud
in their complaints at the selection of a
retired arm officer to head th naval dis
play at the Washington inaugural centen
nial and have begun an agitation ia favor
of Admiral Jouett.
The silk manufacturers ot Pstersoa, N.
J., are tsking steps to organise a school in
which designing, weaving, dyeing aad
finishing silk goods are to be taught
Germany has acceded to the request of
France for permission to transfer the re
mains ot Generals Carnot and Marceaa to
Fran or.
The lower house of the New York Assem
bly has rejected the bill to grant woea-a
municipal suffrage by a vote of 19 to sl
eet the required AS votes In the affirmative.
Br the collapse or a new three-story
brick block at Biaghamtoa, N.Y., receatly.
oae workman was killed aaa two others
serioaslv Injured.
Numerous strikes are reported ia
various parts of Garaaay.
William Dsjyxb. employed at Antho
ny's mill near Datoa, as, recently fell
against a Circular saw while it was la no
tioa. His right arm was severed at the
shoulder, aad he died ia tea miaatas fra
the shock aad loss of blood.
Navxgatios ca the Delaware aad Hai
soa caaal was resamsd oa the Si'Ji.
P. T. Bacnum has givea to the Moseam
of Natural History, of New York, the
tssAtlve skeletoa of the famous elepaaat,
Ansocncxmemts have beea nested la
the Pitutoa (Pa.) coal regions ot a stop
page of work. About 13,090 mea aad beys
are affected.
Tax court martial to try Major Lydachar
for defects ia the Wasaig:es wa,aedsct
taanel ccawaed ess tae msh.
Tax third week at the great Fall aUvar
(Mass.) weavers' strike spaaed vita feat
little easmgw as the ajtaalieaw mlj a few
female wsavas
wttfc a stone hj a
Nebraska Leaialatare.
Tan Senate passed the following billaaa
the 19th: Requiring Insurance sompjnie to
give each policy holder a certified copy of Ms
application when based on appIiraUoo. author
izing plate class insurance companies wtta
:ou,uai capital to do business In the State:
emending the Soldiers' Home law; rroildicc
that foreign corporations may become tncor
porsted in Nebraska. Many bills were eon
Stdered is Committee of the Wao'.e The Rail
road Committee rcotxnneni!el the pi.-e of
las Hou-e resolution dirt-cits; the board of
transportation to fix a schedule of freicat rate
to prevent discrimination .. The Govrrsor
sent a message u the House wilhJrawln; tl
Trust bUls. not belnir sware thit the subject is
covered by pendtas meiure. Apprv
prUtlon bill were taken up and were under
coaslderatian when the House dournttL
Tax morning session of the Senate on
the 19th was devoted to passing bills ou third
reading. Amonc the bills passed were: Thrre
Appropriation bills tPeru normal school. Mil
ford home for fallen women and 1-lncoln hes
pltal for the insane); rcqulnnp contractors on
nnhtlr nrL'i tn Hli Inriil fnr the niTBfDl of
employes. maUng the charges for Weesnar of
"-"- ' -" .- -. -
livestock a hen on such stock: makm? land
reat a lien on the crop limiting the number of
employes of the I-Rislature, and the Constitu
tional amendment for a Rallwa) Commission
W?1""r: V"I"r.WJ;
rssion uuis were eousiucreu in luubiikt
the Whole The House devoted the entire
day to consideration of the General Approprta-
lien bill tn Committee of the Whole.
KV-nw after mMln,nn Iha --Jth the Sen-
ate went Into Committee of the Whole on tbe
Constitutional amendment permitting the tn
vestment of tbe State school fund In cb4
district bonds, which was anally recommended
for passage In the afternoon the bill to let tbe
State prititieg passed and after a lone debate
In CommllUe of the Whole tbe bill appro
priating V9.'n for the Beatrice Institution
for feeble-minded children was defeated.
The bill for the Australian strm of voting
met the same fate. The bills passed
prohibiting officii! court reporters from
practicing law . rtqalrinc the written consent
of mortnacee to dispone of property undr
chattel mortpace; Irpa'.iitniC the State Dalrj
meu's A'.ocatlon, arid appropriating SI ('un
Dually thtrefor... Tie lloue had under dt
cushion tho bill to uboiloh the Lin-Stock
Commission, which extended Into the after
noon and tlmttly rt commended it for p..ase
Mr. Linn's bill for taxlne dining and sleeping
cr passoI. I'cnilinK conid ration of ppn
prlation bills the House adjourned.
In the SenattJ on the'JltMr. Uavtuoiid.
from the Finance Committee, n-j-ort'd. in re
sponge tr. a resoluticn, that the total an.ount of
appropr.atiot.s ashed for fiy all bills nut 'ndeti
ntlely jotjxned by the House acitrec ited .
SSLHto.)!. Mr Maker's Itesistratlun li.ll passed.
Mr. Corbin's Constitutional amendineni fr the
Investment of the permanent durational fund
In registered school district bonds nusdefeatriL
The bill pissed m ikin a yearly appropriation
of (1,'iOu for the St ite dalrjtnen. A Ions deflate
was had on the Houss resolution directing the
Itilroad Commissioners to make a schedule of
freight rates to prevent discrimination, an ! the
Senate being a tie. Irt to 1C on ordering a third
reading it w as not disposed of The dav In
tin Slouse wasoccupieil in eonsldertlig the tln
end Appropriation bill in Committee of the
Tin: Senate on the forenoon of the 22d
was enraged tn cnnsiCerini: bills in Committee
of the hole Tlie bill appropriating i'. for
anew litiildini; nt the Kearne reKnn schioil
pasted. Scleral other bills passiNi At the at
t moon session the bill appropriating l.5,
for new buildings for the I.iiro.n Insne llos.
kltalnas itid' Mstpo3rd eieraloiher
apprxpriatiuns, considered unrtrcess iry, met
the sinie f.tle. Adjourned until Monday
The Housi passed the Snat- ti 11 IlinlMr r the
niiinterof emplryes of the House and S n.te.
The bill to protect hotel keeper from dead
beats," ind the Senate bill toubo.ih the Live
stock Cotntnlssion. cxi-pt tin etenurv u
peon, passeil Appropriation bills were then
considered in Committee of the Whole. Ad
ourned. " " """ --
AT Neligh the other ilay the flfteen
motiths.old child of S. A. Schidler Ml Into
a pail of water in the kitchen and drowned
before it na d scovered.
II. il. Hoktos., engineer at the roller
mills, nt Bennett, has recl.ed a warning
from White-cups', and has prepared him
self for forcible action upon a moment's
Jog Wi.s.Q Fo.NG, of Fremont, has lie
come n bloated inonopo ist, he having
purchased and is now conducting three
laundries at that place.
Tilt trial of Hev. Mlnehnrf, of (Jrace
Methodist Church at Lincoln, resulted in
his being suspended for one year. After
the verdict was announced be addressed
the large crowd present. He was greeted
with an ovation and was the recipient of
cheers and beautiful cut flower in tho
shape of cross and crow n. etc The ciiarge
was "conduct such as wa unbecoming a
minister." There is no moral scvndal
connected with the malUr, but Minehart
is probably an extremist on sanctillcatlun
and prohibition.
A Ci.sT Coc.nty young man named
Foresail recently became so m idly m.t
ten with the charms of a young lidv that
when she rejected bis suit he stepped from I
her presence and shot btmte.f, dying in
stantly. Joitsj (Jcor5Bt;na. aged twenty-two. a
farmer living near Wahoo, was thrown
from a wild horse the other day ami k ckel
in the face, almost entire y tearing hi
nose off. and injuring hi right eye so that
he will probvt Iv lose it.
Tlic five-year-old .on of John Kennedy,
of Coiad, while recently plaring with
some matches set fire to hi father's barn,
which, with content, was destroyed.
His stock all escaped except on horse,
which was cremated.
UNnrqflTiCi) love caused Emms. Bo-ttger,
an Omaha girl, to recently take n sp-jottlul
of morphine with suicidal inte-it- She
then repented her act and rushed to a
diug store and told she had dona.
Antidotes were administered and a police
man kept her wa k ng th !ieii ,-iii n ght.
but her rrcivery was doubtfal. Th sul
ject of her frcniy. a rai.rcjtd nretnan. wa
arrested as proUthly knowing more than
he seeme 1 dtpc-sd to te.L
A rnorosiTio.x has teen mide to th peo
ple o' Beatrice looking t an 'i!"Biioa of
the Kansas Citv, Wyandatte & North
western road to that town.
Walter Konstss. a voung man work
lag on a farm near Kill, has been ar
rested bv Spec al Agent Thompson, of the
Kock Island, on a charge cf steviing rai '
vaa IS-.a fTm ... A- a. Vfl. T.n- '
. V4 ,.v.fcr.M .i..4 .r -, . ft...., w ..
uary 10 last. '
NlooTIATIO.vfs have len comosncel for
the erection of a new brick hotel at Ulysses i
to take the place of the Ked House. r- .
cently destroyed byfire.
Hc5HT FtSBta. a farmer, was recently
arrested sear Oxford on th charge of
burning the granary belcng ng to G. W.
Dsaiels. entailing a loss of JV).
OvtawosX recentlv caused W. O. F-os-tcn,
a prominent merchant of David City,
to loae his rea.on.
lri,i(aU.I tt-? a e.ntlsn fresn the)
East with e g-t ww. with families aad
thirty-two gran Jchildrea. has rrurcha-d
LMWacresof landafswnstlsw west of North
Platte aad will move the whole otv
oa it.
gsvEXAL young mea got Into a quarrel
at Waverly th othr trrasij wfctn
Richard Fitrs caoct s track WUliam Ked
with a billiard cue asd fractured his skalL
caasing death the next day.
Z. E. JaCXOv, a lsrdent of Fillertoei.
claims to have drives stage la Wiscca.ln
oa the tstrrt lies with Js-rrv, t cew
Sssicretery ot Agricaltara.
Tk eight-year-osd esa of a Cas:ag
Coast y farxef tips the ecale at Vti
CataBf-gs L3COU wa receatly arreetasl
at Lawreace, iCasu, far steed Lsg a traak.
aatd tha pswice afterwards Irarte-l that aw
was aa escaaeal ssaraersr Cress Neeraska.
where he was aaato lif. eeatjrsyc. waieti
baem rssm ta elgstaea years, bat aw
stalest after aarrics; tea.
AS e4evaar wHh a caaarHy af U.M9
aasisat awas asassstil at
- I
a eavs-sBjasw-atw tasra la
fasi hip Wrackaaf Reported By
lBOOml&T VesMlav
WrvoksasMt Store at -. Klvelne
Kasmay T.tpl Flood la Jr-
ir-j -- - Urstt la
Meiico Etf.
New Yoke. Uarch 25 Alt efforts to
trace the identity of the ! whoa
wreckage was passed by the stnr Col
orado Saturday morning have so far
failed. The owrnvr ot the s'euir Con
vrva. of Madr d, which at!rd frvm bare
a week ao for Semaaa, deny tbat the
wreckage Is that of their vessel, aud the
ate.ita of the Clj de line steamer Saginaw
also denied that the wreckage be oogedto
their veaseL
A tK)ibI clew to the .bin was fur-
. nlihmi hr 1urnlnmmlnifi.itl. Ihu Tliorn.
.- " .--
Jn, Tbe AUa, Uu0 m,r Athce from
o . , , 1.1 . . i .
Port Ltmon. which arrived early, re-
ported having tsaaeed, on. ratunlay
aoon. a wnite rain tea sieeaier uif
abled aad bound south and showing the
. IW. an lUr.. Ta- l.rla IS. H. lkarU
- also got In this morning from Sail
, Domingo, brought a report of a hip in
distress. The I-ockart's cnt.ta.n .aid tbaT
on Mareh 1 h ,ke tk. Hrlt,.h .learner
- - . t -
Yeomandell in a disabled state. Tb- Yeo-
tuaudell bad a heavy II. t to the startvrd.
her deck. Were ou a line vs kth the water.
her machinery was disabled and her sails
blown asvay The daablel vesel dis-
p ayed a series of signal. Indicating dl.-
tie. and a irque.t to hae her
condition telegraphed to the Kngli.h
., , ,. .. .
I.Iovds. (J i tile maritime t xchane va-
ttrday it was thought pndab.e that'the
latter eee had one duwn and that th
raft and driftvrool pis.ed by the Clo-
rvlo on Saturluy wer all that were left
The follow ,ug dispatch fr m Itc-t.m was
rvceiveil nt the Ne Yolk Mutlne Kt
chnnge "The steamer Wate City fcitu
S.iviiiiuah leports that or. Mnrcn 'ii at
ll:.'li n. in in latitude Cls.H tnigitude
TtL.K. she passed one iii-lalltc lifrtswtt and
oil.) lrtpsdruk lKnt. the Int er liewty
pn llteil white. Tile tit at thre-' letters of
tbe name on tliu laige to . t iiMkel like
I OU The (Sate Citv nl-u tnsse.l In thtt
nlim t If-ii.ilv . f ...( ,,ll,.r f..,.ll,..
and joiner work", the lntt-r painted white.
-!. SB rr .'.! .UMIIIMI V
llin wreckage nppireiitiv come from .-
steamer arui had not bveii long in the
When the odlcers of the eichinge ie
Cei.eil this they regntded It as strong
evident. thut the wirvkage l-liiigfd to
tho Outset a, tbe vessel tsluch hnd so
much trouble In getting away from this
port liecaiis.. she was up-cld of twin,:
intended for the llnvtien inuigenta.
unci an AT haMoa.
Wamiim.ion, Mnrch '.S -I'aptaln C. N
Schoonniaker coiniii .tiding tho Vnmlnlia,
reports to the Nasv Department, under
date of Ktdirunrv ".1. thi arris al of the
Vaiida ia at Ap n, ."sumon U f. unit in
port the lpslt ii. IL M 's ship Calliope
nud th Cetiunn Olivettes. Adier. Olga
and Ller. Lter. thm iia t-eni uuiet
since tho Inst reports frxm Sntmr tin
Felrflliry 14 a severo gale viite.l the har
let, daring whicn the Atii-rtcan bark-
lituie Constitution wu driven ashore
mid l-ecauiit a totulvtreck Tiie se, ond
Clllter of the Nip C toik olf Ihe eatitalli
mid crew. Ihe Constitution was owned
by Nicholas H.i'uiiril, of Snti Francuco.
Sitia'ler e.sels are reported to have gon
ashore ui the end of Cpola island
Herr Hrnndeis, r. (Jertusn siil-jeot and t r
President of the so-ended lama.ese (iov
eminent Is reported to have rs gned nud
left for !" lllleV 111 the merchant tealul j
Lvbeik. February '."- the Mp.Ic dressed
shi. in honor of the nnnlversarr of Vsh. j
melon's birthday ami the foreign m-iixif-
wnrjoineil in. Tb" indications are tbat
the TniilMesi pnrty Is losing gmtlud.
l.Kt Tltli IXPUlsl iv
Niw YokK. Mnrch 2uAl slxmt II. C
teUr Jiy morning n loud rejrt startled
the crowd, of passer bv at th junction
I of Fifth ateuue, Hruvilway and Twenty
thinl street, mid n targe (tortiou of tl.
stilewalk on Twenty. thtrtl street, just ofl
the juticticn and ou the side of the lr'l
next to the Fifth Avenue Hotel. ros tilb
in the air. while shoer of stone fell on
the people, but no one was seriously In-
' jnred. The windows of tbe store on th
corner under the Fifth Avenue Hotel ware
" shattered. There wa a huge hole In th
1 s dewnlk next to the bote, tegtuning at a
point alMiut ten feet from tbe corner of
Tweuty third street. At tlrl it was
thought that the boiler In the Fifth Ave.
line Hotel had exploded, tiul later It
discovered that tb explosion wa doe tc
th electric ubwy.
. vfMirifA tsr r.f
llxnLlv, March ?. -Spring rrheto-i
tbe Oler and Kibe have Increased until
both rivers have Income torrent. In
same other parts waters have overflowed
their bank. Score i,f town and viiag
are inundateiL The damage to pnfrty
is Very great The flotel came upon th
people udilnly and a riuml-T were
drowned. Tb liorernmeot has sent
'tfflcersto the submerged district to in-
ijuire into the extent of the d .aster and
to take measure. '-f .afny and relief.
aor A'st. oc-srtianrii.
, MjVX CrtV, Iowa, March ti Two little
' l-oys, Harry Johnson and playmate, And
1 lug a twelve-pv und can of ;wdr n a
tarn vesterday jt. omtents and
the Johnson le-y drwppe I a lighteti match j
into the csn. Tb espo.ion mattlat I hi j
, faceU.oml reovgrntltwi. tearing out h. l
eve, w hlie pieres of the can made faarful j
gisjje in hi aWcB-n. The other boy j
took his share of twder bflme and touched '
it ff. burning himself trrtbty aad s-tting
tire to his clothes.
Towv Btcivru.
CU.rov, IIL, Msrrh ? Y.t at umnj.
DsWut Cointy. la: aigfci de.trey d tVA -,
O 0 worth tf prt;rty indadmg mar thr
. twenty store, and ba.lae hc.n.
! Among the losers r. C Ho-nt A.
Co.. cnral stre: Crocktt A Cew
j general tore. Robia.. gnral tor; IL
IVattfa. baggie and tirniu
stTtmrs tttvTi'mizD
Crrv W MtxiOJt. M't, March 3S An
excursion party of serenteen per. t-
joying a sad on Let Ctaips yesrday.
(a the rtate of JsLscu, were cpiid Uj a
gala end a'l wra itrowne-L
I rmalT r'aeiTralersaetrr ToJey
of th. Uawn PanSc. whs Im. ne-w-boy
in ladiaRerobti. Oa th. fsir grcjnd
on day one cf the toy akl as to be?
hire sell. I was gtwt at the Iajia. I
tartvl cot call ng tt ban. of th ;rf
aal add-d -all th. sw. ball fai..l i"
fiid a purchaser. Ia the atf-aatits- ay 1
stlto "a
ItOC a a.Cv- - I
gocl shape. Tuialiy became or.r t .
, M ' '' "T T S1a7rJ A I
I U'"lisa I hai e. JTetU th-. yv j
Jdoa t ho it tart rijS'. Wbr d, t j.
CA'.l t aU alat th. shlpwrec. H
Jk. tr t . t
took de
pp- eel of
haa-t vd
va dvertlawstef a vrJ
where a est cf th Stip at fa. I d w
ilp!aTd. Tbexe.' a4 b. at
tsra that pcittr 3p-i-i dews sv&l If ttat
ast a wrt. aoiJy' a tkS Cep a
yI Is wtCe yvs ar d'tla sritii tsyr
aad h wi.l gat taagl-I sp. I dii tfiia
asi was scd tfosag a !a4e&r tutiieet.
I void a.i th. pawrs aad tV rt day !
started at it sass meet toff a.ytf. fct
il ti. estrJe la It r haxarivsa, Th
toys cttuxered at ti-e faaUIiar rA. a4
Uey fsi st if a a 1wt wiich w as has!
ttere tot ttet s.-arpow aaa su
eBpssTi with aa at4avatic3fter. Oae
h ta) barrel laey sfesrtea H refbag itspsra
klJf, aast wtvea tawy- U mm ami was a aal
awsdsces otf a .swHtava a hereU. 4&I0L,
arawea asI eantviaa. Taey f sss' I as
aea.sass asaat as. ssa at asaasv fistasw sLw. asssaaw. aavl
U ww-aaj a-aw-a vsas, .-- aajTa-aw say a-aa; saaajaj mm
mtrmr wtm irji m mm
A ltr rrsMsa Oessat Marvwa ! Ir.
u.i.iii.iMrsI TaesMW rsl -
A TrMiir; rvle-Sew JSsl str'
lU-aa Ar JTr !-
Vl lh,l.
jtBmr Yoas. March tA The Herald
. .!-,. i,,.r tmm -im
IU1IU" SlCillBII !. ..- --
dent Harrison to Jam O Biain-. which
- un t.r H.i at a hotl
h-re. and d-vote a column to wmmeata
u, .h- Ltt-r. which It vs wa. vnc-
Ileal I r a dlaralioaof iadepndenev Tha
lttT ! a fo))tsr
ltmiMMU Ia.l Vb 1 Mr drar Mr
li.i.rx. Vosxr Irtu-r ot tb tlt ereeld
unriiMiKowI wi twt ta Us toan aad IU
ct-acZaswo err rraUfTtaif to b. I ta !
waat you hate id ta Ue o sifcffe
wrount uf 3f l.fe sltwe riecnoa
a sua tent cC4 e Uij la
f a.-VtwleU-tvrf It. Veura of he "h fcas
now txn recelrej aU 1 aata o tlnai. ) .
f,- yw.r riprr.rd wtdtagae t re te Mr
llarrtxa avi jcyw- f ta m way oi caa. A to
wyetf t do sk lata of ay mstter ta walcfc I
i ea iuw ri mjuoi jwrujn"-
; BelfV
Th 31.U we tau.l U pWW!j
J r""" T.. ." " "'." 77-75-
Trl reas aad a t will la In WaaalasTtoa
f '"'" r - - '
,olkfUj) . xhjKni , w .ab,i,ie
i thr mk of a ,,,Vere une.. tl h-U t
' itxiuoirw nfy..T tr iar taie t&oati re
li aSalS - w .
a a. Iftla .n.lll
;utre it. Su.nrf t a
, ... to .vaU
. m.lf of roar r trll. C-T
' ----- - a
i - . . ... .
t thought t a.t nrrl e.ery thtat wtttM Is
o.n m.nd tnt reared stwnuon N-J I
reaped a.h.offU It the ne-.t-arer reret
" -to Mr AUIa. . pealtlea . .-tTee
fMrnJ ,f ,,. tfc. t Mt MlA
j bi,c lwn .OUB.j iB Alx, t ,aM b. pn.
hm-.! hrm..a. i. t .., o lKe talaw.
m tn-. untrtlln nt a. a Is i tslaJ. 1 saKI BO ta
- -- . - j ... .... .- - 'j - - -
Vultc I l ie. i ta va: -iale uvl ba bat i
no prvtet to o."er M &ea:ta l rod. Yj-s
. must not h.rm imr-r tal wlU aeed aU
Jour -' w ad re.-ard. v.. Mrs.
UUiAe etJ ' J"
tiiii Hi.r.J ,
T',u" , ,.l.w.
. W Marvft i -Corporal Tan- '
, n-r, the appointed to.nn.l..u.r id .
pension, when .le,t what b
'would J.U-'.ue lu .lea .ug M llh the affair.
of the btire.u ta t reierds. 1 can
le,tsnnrf tl -st bv MrMi; one of Ien
ersl llrrit-ii'. re. nail, tnsde dur n th
Ivs; cstlllutln lie ssid 1ettenten. Il
I no lune to ue the .jthar)' c.le
when oil v-sitlie to weigh the er - ot the
men ho nlel tbl ateMi,' It seem. K
me that tbat I a prettv gwt m.-tto fot
' the txole if the United rtlale. to adopt.
' If I nere mked in detine tn. Ilea, su tbl.
, I etl.i-llt OUestlOd 111 A
rtltente I iitmlvl
I unhesitating v lepis
A pension
u bo lleeds
mwatrv ! tirr
and tio soldier's nn!u, father or tuutUel
I should lw tn tsatiL,' 1 am g tig to tak
bidd of this uiifhtv iuahtne nud I ant itttl
f..l enough to think 1 have nothing U
learn "
"Ate vu in fat r of an tncre, 1 ti th
soldier' Hnionf"
"1 leltmou frank . I amoppo.ed to tb'
1, fi aWd J-l-a-liloutti Kii.ton If Tim
are going to give a man an. thing glvs
j him enough that h
getting lom-thtnc
. soliiter who ba g-t
II) at reat e that he I
If tlieje is an old
a claim that von ar
' att(lei i a gMl one ami b ha. tit quite
pro. e.l It, the t t jud.ry I, tu alt Mitt
to set Hie that proof. Vu IJal s tftal I
j al" oppsi.e.t to tbekutKk.ilg uitluf soldlT'
claims lies-ausn of a teohnieal shortrtu
Trr.MinT st nrw .
IV.sitiMit', Maich 51 -The treasury
lir-dii tins been slxt.litv increasing for
several dm 1L II ti- ani'iunts to
M,2iJ,'U, iw ,tl)is. mot than It w a
tetidn.sago, Ihis inii.tK I. due t . the
gres.t ere of res."eiit over dlb.ire.
llirnts since the ili, t if the month The
ree pt to .late aggregate is,3 i . while '
the expenditures duMHX III III wrel
am Mint t s little :,xi(ii me ud I
lllg at Ut 5W (. v.ld Osit wit arvoiint of
xensllHl I nlll leentlv the reeelpt and
eipendl'U et have t-eeti pl-tr wet '
talanel b. the purchase f l-.nd., l-at
this m"lhwi of applvlne Ihe .u pJu has
Immii -istde(atit. Inm!'iei f iate lit the
light oir-rillgs. The ptirrhasrs tiase leset.
Ulined tu I , r nL l-iinls. but this is
partly due t. the high jrUe akrt fr th
4 fNtr cent.
Seertary Wlnilom has annoned hi.
purpose nf cmitlllUlng for the 4eettt, al
least, the j terji vf mrehasrs adoplut
by hi pfelee.,.jr and that h would
eil.mglr tncres.e the pur ht If the
offers t"ertl"'le I iL H has lesen urg'd Is) lb ;Hir has ef i pr eents. a a
more profltatae n.e of Ihe iuq4u than the
4 ' j-r rent llde.m, however, ta
make known h" siews on this subject !-
.ond the statement thst b inlcr a it
th four muil te. deternnnl by bUUeal
mrnt nf the offer.
arrcK r.uvsason ,
Wasnisinrosi. March V- Tbe iluetanea
of Ituvernor I'.'., of N" Mfi. to r-
sign ba ndurl wn of bis w Meitc.
.pj"nents to adopt muet f.f usotang
h m front o3lr. Hi term will t"A tr
uatil April 7) ls. tat lber I no
il sposi l'fl the part of th New
Met OJ rprentativ t .In bit)
to remain in otsce until tlt time,
and e targe will p(frrsl xa!et
htm ilh a v.eis to es-t.ring liitm-dlate
ct.nn. Th arr. gmnt 1 now n prp
r st in and he w.ii Lm shargetl ili sari
rw borteimng, lt-s w. an I otherwise,
Il I under!! tb.t the vbarge wimld
bare b n 01" I some lime . last Jo t. '
fart thst t st. tMsed h ' t riga. '
but n-w tt fce intend irKsii to tti.
end f hi term tb chare. UJ l "
fervesf. I'h.rge wilt alj 1 prfrrf
; rt Ja.lje Hunier. f the rsaal N'-a
Uezsrs) dotrtr. aex U lumlate r.
metal w.ij e at-l
s.r.t. crc
W .iinsutni ilare 3& -The e t
C-stninan-l-. FreJek Jt Hto4H and
tJerge W. Vewl f tl, navy !
brwegSt tn th nrt's f Her4ar Tf ey.
I and t is Mkely thst - ;t trt t
iU Let.iM, th si... Ta-s-45-r. a
I t,- - .u- .. ..-
... t
nvy tot bat t o tvr, -sitint - .
, ' , .. . . .
der. t jfc. ,ia.t ten y..,. Iri,
Ur rtrer .a t nrr they bar be, J
ni.Tipits.j, anen yar aa4 u,r- .
rotate ana t )r ywraJ.4 m j
mostb AltAo-j;h t sstaaadr ritswrfc J
l4 Ns. 1 Ite Viet of ewattmaesVvs ft I
C-ewm.ader W.r-I -a, ,t al J,
I. Ta p,et latawitHSV in .Wti, I
orar s; wcer viors a iwr4 te Saw i
tri&is ttir eta u yt'rxwx 4aty M
Isvst TTarsvj Of,
Hill... Kl JssrrJ. Si TVe Uaafl
. . v .. -. "
tiisi iietj ix. w tw r-ii; vtm
l4 rrtesj. w . vy rv-
srJay f&vetiJat. T"iU ?,. ,
,Bf tr Viwl. If fSRii Ci! Sam S
r,ttx a I IM-sa c.tUhi. .
- t . 9, r---. p.f. , .
- --.-
HbIIssw, r ltrTTsW T l?W-4
- -
-..! i ...-.t raises tl U4 t
- - -
rrf3,,x t, u. tl4 Xma j Uml
grilt,al t wi. TV i.?-a. U
tss.Wrt ev.r i-, M ta ut t t. -
f - - 1 -
3 y3a Jax3CS IS reJ lfM
- . .. W - T ' rwm- fm i i. w
tiere wjj b a roste.t trT every Uy '
sr.ia si... rv
waixjTov. Hts-h 3 - fuiu I
Je-ia JCary ha bT ietajsv4 t d-Jy !
Gga EIwr-J. wV t te latfefci I
ttr r a a-sasber afy.-t. Jgr JCrvry f
w a a rseVr ti Orwy fmiUt esjw- "
" d ssrrvwty a.i teSaf crvlaS I
La tA.a isim aw ttsl ...L
la Ue Urn a Aa twr -.
Clea.aa.f Its Caasa.
M vajta. Cats, Karva JC-Ka-J-rrwimt
Crv4aa.i a aetny, whka iimm aa-
i re .car. Isayars, ITUawaai Hau..ej.
arrtvss h-re. m ZJm ffm yswaswaWy
aw anas, vsassaseg
Tie's Atlanea
At svocsaocs. N M. Merft Ti '
f(UTKt0 re,Bd IhecUv ?rlT "si
U locom s pasxeag-r tr .
taursnan .-I sunT ""-n
w- - --
, yd f la.Ur. Arts., bv fwf J
caarctr, itrjHrt we -'. si
, thr was a b wUlnM la ia -
. cr-Un.- tv th- r-ft.
Later tt :rwJ tbat a th I
loxl at b tiJi :or men n .
IS platform f th first joc'
' and cotutaencd to Urru ta p.
grra. After" g to lhrv;h this vsi k
.flt tu tea vilvrv aad rtrt lat iT!
j nm 11 t,aa r th j tiieI t."a V
fTVDand .
Ia that vicinity the train ft (!' '
o at a low ra ef re-l 1 ett l
the rvtKr to jump frvnt th train w Ik
m1 Injury to tberuaSe. Tk tttmj
wa rortel va lh arrival of tt ir
at Winslow aad a ! afti u.
" a xam .rwl . .1. .
S'kon the robbwr iwastl ftn t
train taev Brel eevea im a i
I1 L- !.L f which wnt h,v,ifc.
osaehea. wie p! hlca weal iarv,
. . aa
i Frum Kl.ard ta . .
' Karg ...Os-.. U.-g.r l-l-e. A
i t s.-i-. .. I..,.t
qu.rque aud I- AngaJet. it ..
lhi four rue UardeU th- ; a
Canyon l U station and Ies.le.1 ..r
- wa00. al U. tNm ad tSr-n.,
Une ,ne m-n .,., on ; '" " '
( lb. other. t.A the ai.rnaa otf. Tu,j X,
nrd several tn. In tha air
- ... -. . a
Knlcsertsck-r bail Jxst utala b t
Chang, with tbe statMtn aent, aad
baarlng Ih shot c!oed tbe.basr an 1 j .1
Ht the lights. Th ftreman 1
the cluUh of the rotd-era t!e Cm
Ihe dor of the etpieas ear and . a
KTnickrtnK-ker asVed -Who! Ih" '
and a reone tarn fnm the rtro
The Selit then 0ne.l the ! '
III walkr.1 tarre uiastesl men. (tah
eter l hi brad and Ih lhe I
i throngb tha wtnl f lb emlsn '
pi. taking aal :.-.-l lrafS . n
hd ! en to.. ed bv the aent f-ea
,Hgle tn lliat .mI amtMinUltc l
j WH, ?) to $.,
I'es.ltite nlr.nallal MMlfll., ..
an Set ..( UrrM llalallnf ' ' "
rletirlmf ..
Waiiswtsj. Marrh 55 -Tbe lfe il
will stHtit lull' a pls.lanial4. felsl
Hehltng's tM whitfh mnlial fall Iw altt
attention This JrlstlliU w. ! ..
dootitedt. Im Ibe flr.t InfurinatStf. fc -N
mod ..,ji wit' base that In the !.;
I hour of tn last itStrw an mn.e
I wa lrn-ojH)rate. In the Inter-Terr I al
I S-.tuion Klhiig act wbjeb) ha ll ef?-
to declare tbat the lUhring a l a i t
J sea. II. this legi.latlve enetnint -a
' grass ha attempted to itie a (ra-a
sHnl lai Mhli'h the ballon ( -s
tended. 1 b ainsridnienl In It lr .
tend lb proslilito f lb fSatmen ..fc
r liH act to ! tl.hiug In llebrleg .
that I U say the a t fwtla4 '"-
taking of sea! bv any one n-il aaih
sd li the ast ithtn tb le. f
lleltrlng sea and ! net iniiU t .
, merely from ft.hlng on e-rtaln ll4
, 'lb auteuilnient I. nf eti,.f l g.a-
I ei lintirlanee l' Hie Ala.ka rwt wi
t mpll a It w.ll Jif the seal Sa
erlr fur them. It I ( gral lai
, lane t tHe Ane U an 1'sna.ltstt a,k
i eifitelt kIhi ni.r ).. Ihkh nlsnsilit .
j gca tn ! flthMig In Ifce oitt's a this season a uma. f
the I 'auadiat. ! .11 last . o T.
act atiths.rtf lb " es .
by I'nited State iuu i-M'lfs Ta
prtMdamaifwn wf the l'rlle'it ili .
eiu, ( I lilt laet ihe a I (was
lis" !u ttlp'Otani mix natuxial
lien II I all atlei,t l.v legila.t
aelli.ent to settle an inter rttuxaliuJ
wbleb the grt - tleesl- I
rsiliMlr Hi an un one. 1 Ii t
Males Oossrmuettt. fur Itial mailer
nleil this elaini when it wa a.eld
tb llnt.mni.til.
I U !( FaesttsTr
l.r.le. Ihe l.M.(s
!! hnn,
Tore Kv. Mareh 53 d
ba en rendered bv Jo It r'n.lsr at ffc
t?n'le.t rltates ( Irrsj.t t,it, n 1 1.. . I
brought by Jn.s Itutrbet. a prw
attornev of I'ntatlll. Or . caint .. V
t KT. lU'tfifl. .hrl-T f Jnlineei -.
A prisoner b.d fwf Iiwm
ng bat eass fron. lle.J'.
rusttdv and a'ler a bg u.f)i I
w dtrmar-l t-v blw. tnl 1 1. ne k..
wa. arebng ff wa in life"" Ts.
matter wa pet wnrk.t atl
nslnaled Irt tb arre.t of Jtit-,r S- -
j lbn . ebed teaetesr II was la-(ltl i-
Jnlnon t'lsintr M-tge. In j.U aa.t (
pris of hi MrtT Tfc grat i.
of Ih Siei tiimi l'rr. erwt t.l
ItKlrfcar was rlst, it baring 1... a
eae of rntk Wj.Ttll1r IViS..
! ( h. mrrmr. IWeJ- t.
.titate.1 g t fr J,0) ft f.
tr lt mn t. Tee s4fy .,Mrde-i kit, K
jMdl"ter tiobl that laistssa t
a jt jtidgnt'st. aaS sfr a b. t
aside t. r lt i made fc ., - .1
an-t $ a nnitm tvr a U al e 4
l-n. r lb eiraitinn are t.t a -
Ih pUlrti.f? ral) reai. all ! fl kn 4
th jdgrr(, ,. uUt sa-4
f lMlee. In IH-tfr,m
'.Vtmngtit, KarofcTi. Ts ihl.Uei
pft4sns4se -a. t i.. T.ctf..
bit the fwitetkjr t4egfa, wp4't
rMt-t,l IfarrlMti, t t --
S)swtk .) lb sfteflKMt
rw rvaawaw -- lm.Ui. m.
Tb f 4 , t-jr Masses e
- si" 1ta Seesaw ,asX a -
" . . -m -.
I -4s-.-vs,is4H V, '
sv awi r t.t.a -ssa. i e j-.-.
- m.Z? . V --
axefc. V jesiMulmV Ssrsswses,
a-j mrf a. ,- ..! V r-r-v-e
.),.., u. m.ite; v ee - , rrt. , 7s !-
-vr't u.4 tA, .
- M J Ii- V sm w MO.e.rf
a4 f-eera l- , W
J " "J ""r" " se
huti, wW, j, U.f
f .. e,.
9fmt u tto ,
feerssst ewsrt ir., , -
sssSSiag kj aaaswa. tssssr trws JCva
Jsr ty says ! ,t ,AiT
rsMStrt .3.... . ... ... . -
. ausa,.. !. .-,., 4 s, ,.
ttal .,ti. tt -t.s. .,
--T re-J "- s,,,,., , . lJBias,B sv-
f-it t!r.ia. ,1 thai ams -- m . e
. . , ,, -vea- " W W
i-s w.t -st f ti jc . mtMtA
T Jstf4. Ka M ! i .
w, JU lllimmt nUmf . Lv,.
ae?- i. tS s.uef4.. gt i.
le.i. 7l -exWf..W. V- .,, -.
- -' ' ,.-.-, w- fw, ww
tJZ rfa larrV Tea 5 i--tKrf.
-m w. .. . . v -p - , 1 S IS" "
lia- ta imiw, v. a av a
i wjta a irvf rrii-i ejw ;?
V-f Ka..if ,
KaOJu&a. X . War. a n It iL V..
.. i i-e agsxJa - j iay
4tg sj:r nssgaaal V g wTa, i.j
Vr- iart wita a uty 4 at
tj g-5-. ' Mii5-, t-t
iarVlnr-s. i,t4tr - fTss Vs, k
J nU.VI rt eaafsj.t;assef
4aS aavrtiaas, X, T . lmt nt a,al .
fssts2 a4 iMX fYl 1 la ! sAa-rf
teg tt . .rt -1$wa . Sy tit
ssra i'esyt j m U .$ hy tV y?
1 Csewht arrei.gJ Xmtw a sc i
tSat el ast S-ttsiaVt CH$f. -Z i 4.4
t eras sttiaai&. Jgi wVsiW o-ese
ay raa
s wf
Krt.v A. .a