" ?WW- s Kj4$im F j s, r?.5- -; --'---inrTT;. .L-l:-i5t:;rBP?KBBSwBB3tjBxBEiiB::'- - .BbbvI - -raO v-?"s&rBF H H H --sibI I bbbbbbbs aV BBBKBi5SBw ar BaaBa ivsvi sr"-.. b,w,'t;".;iaaaKBiS3BSHrJBBBBBKSiQ3Cr- yS5m- g-- w?:HIfH H I BBBBpBfBTaaLHl BL B ? khTiji j, v r -'s ;),;r;:lR!JlE hi i ) JBS "U?BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkBJQK!fiWaBBBBWBBB5BBSsy ibjaflsMYaiijBKsSfltt f iSMJbi wbbbbbBBs Vol. 16. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, March 29, 1889. No. 35. Men's Shoes And Shirts ! A No. 1 Plow Shoe for $1.25 Can't be beat in the state. Call and see our stock of Men s Fine Shoes in London, French and Opera Toes. i1. " iV i Our $2.25 Shoe ! Can't be beat in the west for the price, solid sole leather counters, seamless and guar anteed all the way through. ten's Fine white Shirts for 25c, worth 50c, , and would be very cheap at that price. 4l Call and see them and be vour own judge. Our best goods ever sold here. Call in and see us and we will, do you good. '' It always pays to trade at The eW estern & Southern Mercantile Association. & f k Center Store Room Moon Block, Red Cloud PERSONAL AND IMPERSONAL. Cardinal MazzofantL tho linguist, who is said to have known a hundred languages, declared that ho never for got a word he had onco learned. Mr. Chase, tho Quaker Senator from Khodo Island, is credited with this remark: "Tho longer I ara in pub lic tho more I ain convinced that tem per is tho ono thing which overy man should have, should ulways keep, and never let his neighbor know that he has it." iBaiah V. Williamson, of Philadel phia, is reported to bo tho wealthiest bachelor in tho United States. Ho has a fortuno of twenty million dollars and gives away a largo portion of it annu ally in charities. Ho is a plainly dressed old gentleman, very modest and retiring in his ways. Charles Primeau, tho aged inter preter at tho Standing llock Agency in Dakota, was an early , Indian trader among tho Sioux in tho Northwest. Ho had many perilous nnd exciting ad ventures, sometimes barely escaping with his life, and onco had 100,000 of property destroyed in a twinkling by tho savages. One of tho brightest and most earnest of tho students at tho Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville was formerly what is known as a "street fakir." Ho finds that his experience in lauding tho virtues of patent modi cines beforo street crowds has boen of great help in developing his oratorical powers for tho pulpit. As a rule, donation parties aro a terror and an over-living apprehension to pastors, but a parson at Reno, Nov., find himself an exception. Fifty of his parishioners camo to his houso re cently with provisions sufficient almost, to tide him over next winter, und, in addition, thoy loft behind them on a tablo a deep glass filled with gold and silver. Clara Morris, beingconvincod that no speaker hears hisownvoico exactly as others hear it, theorized that by speaking into a phonograph and then turning a cnlnk she wWd nav7Ceor rect idea of her declamations. Her experiments have not been exactly successful, as tho repeated tones lack tho volume of the original utterances, but there is said to bo a precise mim icry of emphasis, inflection and tone. Mr. George W. Childs, of Phila delphia, has given another evidence of his generosity nnd nrtistic taste, and in this caso a tributo of affection as well, in tho gift of a memorial window of General Grant to St Luke's Meth odist Episcopal Church at Long Branch, tho church that both attended whilo sojourning there. A life-size bust portrait of General Grant in uniform occupies tho center of tho window, supported on cither side by a full sized figure, ono representing Mourn ing and tho other Peace, whilo above floats a figure cmblematlo of Glory, surmounted by the historic sentence, "Let Us Have Peace." As tho baso of tho window is the inscription: "Gen eral Ulysses S. Grant. Erected by his friend, George W. Childs, as a token of his affection," "A LITTLE NONSENSE." Compassionate housowifo "So you were In tho army, my poor man. What was your capacity there?" Tramp "Double rations, mum." Ao cident News. "Tommy," said his penurious un cle, how would you feel if I were to givo you nickel?" "I think," replied Tommy, "that I would feci a littlo faint at first." Life. Mrs. Williams "I am sorry to hear that your mother is ill, Georgie. I hopo she isn't sick abod." Georgie "Oh, no, Mrs. Williams. She is only sickalounge." A. 1". Morning Journal. "Pa, what makes the little piggies eat so fast?" "Pa" was so confused and final) said that he would have to givo it up. "'Cause they want to bo hogs," said four-year-old. Toledo Blade, "Put mo in tho samo room." says an old philosopher, "with a number of young girls, and I will tell you. when tho postman knocks cnerely by watching the looks of some, and the actions of others how many of them. aro in love." Young Feathorly (waiting for Miss Clara) "And so your Bister ex pected mo to call this evening, did he. Bobby?" Bobby "Ye, sir; I guess she did. I heard her tell ma that she had set the clock an hour ahead." Mamas "Harry, what have you been doing to the poor, ilog? He's been howling dreadfully.' Harry "Well, he knocked over your vase and I spoke to him, and I gues s his feelings were hurt." Mamma "yonccse! Dogs can't understand whiat you say." Harry "Oh. yes, they cr ia'whea you kick 'em. Tmc Officer "Look 'rhetje, you! What are ye doin round 'here this time o moral" Stranger fboldly) "Pa otsaees! Wat (with moro under his coat, savagely) "It camo from a ncj. av corse! What in blazes did yer ii! it coino from? A sody-fountin' ?" Pud: Mrs. McSwyny "Oi'm told your choild fell out o' tho top windy, Mrs. Clinchy." Mrs. Clinehy "Yis, an' uv mo littlo inon hadn i cooni along jest at tho roit toime an" broke tho fall wid tho top av his head, me bye'd been killed." Mr. McSwyny "Did it hurrt your hooslmnd. now?" Mrs. Clinchy "Oi don't think !o. It broke Iub neck, an' he doid without a groan." Harper's Magazine. TEETH WHILE YOU WAIT. How tke Dentist Trln to Defy Tim a Well an Nature. "Four and live dollars sets of teeth mado while waiting." That is a portion of :m advertisement that caught a reporter's eye and caused a visit to tho olllco of the donti.it who had inserted it. Many men doubtless remember that certain of thoir relatives remained in solitary confinement for from two to three- weeks whilo waiting the arrival of tho ideal sot of grinders. Is it possi ble that ono can havo one's own worth less tcoth removed, an impression of tho mouth taken, and new teeth fitted, and all within an hour or two's time? Tho dentist, when asked that ques tion, answered affirmatively, "xou Bce,usaid ho, "dentistry is progressing Ilko overy thing else, and it is an overy-day occurrence for mo to get up a llvo dollar sot ot teeth in an Hour and a half. Although it would bo much hotter if. alter having teeth ex tracted, tho patient would wait a week until tho mouth heals nnd tho bono which surrounds the teeth be dissolved. still there aro ever ?o many who como hero and will endure thu discomfort and pain which of necessity follows a quick operation rather than depart toothless. How do I do it so quickly? Well, by a method of process I use in vul canizing or 'cookiug' tho rubber used for the plate, which reduces that usually long proces to an hour's time. TCrt- It iti tint (i "ti;f!ii"tnrv. nor ! it any less expensive, Tjtit It sq3Migfe Tho price of a false feet of tenth depone almost entirely on the number aad fllzo of the platinum pins which tho teeth contain, and tho quality and tex ture of tho porcelain used. "Then, too. tho small manufacturers of cheap teeth are continually cutting ono another's throat, and tho peoplju get tho benefit. Tho dentist has very littlo to do in determining tho price. Countrymen nnd fanners buy nioro falso teeth than do any other class of people. You pee, Mrs. Jones, for in stance, has the toothache, comes to town, and, after frantic attetnps to get rid of tho pain, ha all her tcoth pulled, and with a beautiful now tot, with perhaps a little gold filled in front, re turns to her village or farm. Mrs. Smith sees Mrs Jones' tccth.-nnd not content to Iw without any thing that Mrs. Jones has, she. too, comes to town and has porcelain substituted for bono. "Country people don't take proper or even decent care of their teeth; and, besidos, thoy cat too much pie. And they, too. aro tho people who want their teeth served up in an hour's time. A countryman comes to tho city expecting to do shopping for 'tho folks at home,' take in the town, and pro fide himself, and perhaps tho family, iwith a set of teeth, and all in ono day. Sometimes he is successful, too. "Negroes carry a good deal of porce lain and gold in their mouths, too, but they almost invariably want tho most expensive ets. insisting upon gold plates nnd plenty of gold filling. I have made a number of sets for ne groes which cost one hundred dollars. But in a year's time a negro will man ago to break tho best set that I can Xnake, and then, of course, he receive bill for repairs. "The gold plates are. of course, in comparably better than the rubber of the celluloid, end if n patient can afford them I always advise iheir use." -NT. I. Evening World. NEED OF ARft.XEf?CISE. Its Bn-Octt Kffrct on the Throoch the Xrrus fry.' Walking on an even surface, tha variety of physical exercise which mot business and professional men get la town, is well known l? b a poor sub stitute for nrm-excrtlon. The roaaoa is partially plain, since walking it almost automatic and involuntary The walking mechrsism is set in aK to on increased supply of rlchor, purer blood, or whether tho continual dis charge of motor impulses in some way tores up another variety of force, wo do not know. Ono thing I certain, the victim of neurasthenia is very fcI dom an individual who dr.tly uses his anna for muscular work; with this, tho limit of hurtful mental work is seldom ) reached. Walter It. Plait, .'. I)., m Popular Science Monthly. ... , A skilled Chlnoso woo !'vorkcr, ' wno arrived in av xork soaiofmo ago to take charge of tho fancy work on a Chinoati town hall huing built, put on airs to tho extent of saying that America cabinetmakers could not earn tnbir tobacco money in China, as most of their work, while grand to the eye, was coarso in construction. Any skill ful Chineso woodworker, ho said, could nako a bedstead that would bo worth 110.000 in China, but it wouldn't pay to make such a ono hero, as it would take three years' time and no Ameri can would bo willing to pay such a price for a bedntoad except as a curi osity. In China, he said, bedsteads aro valuad as ornaments, as pianos ara hers. Farm Loans Farm SILL & STOW'E, Red Cloud. AHE TUE SOLE A0EM8 VOU TkaaKs Awfully. I found on arriving in New York and Chicago to bay goods, that manu facturers and jobbers were more anx ious lo sell me goods than ever, giv ing me many bargains, which I shall give my customers the benefit of. Never in my business career have I been able to offer better bargains to my customers than at this time. As money is hard to get, it will please yon to be able to buy so much for to little money. Very traly, C. WicjrrB, The Clothier. Undo Sara'p cotnUUoa ponder will cunMll tcmiHT, oouph. coldn, feTcr and most of tliu UlHoa.'kMi to xhlch horw, catU. lirvi. Ii; and poultry "? MibJct. Hold Dy all ir:iggttt. . . Eilert'4 extract of tar sad wild f harry It a safe, reliable and piraaant remedy for couirhn. -)lds. tiroiichltin, asthma and all throat trouble tVIH rellero and benefit ooasutnptlou. Try It ami be convinced. Krerjr boUle warranted price 40 vnt and tl per bottle. SoM by all drunlftts. Prepared brAsEtnncrt l'roiirtc tary Co., Chicago. 111. I'nrle Kam'i nervw and bone liniment nil Jcllcve upmlns brulee. neuralgia nnd rtx-iuna tism. sold by all dniRiclH- Buaa. oar popular hardware Goae Way Adam Morhart, dealer, say now that tUe republican are in power again he has determined to knock the bottom oat of barb wirw nnd from this date will sell paintr'd barb wire for $3.75 and galvanized for H '-'.'., and will throw in ons poand of staple with every 100 posada of wire. Thi i the cheapen! 'that barb wire ha ever been sold in Red Closd, all Bros. k m ll Of Ilrntrice, Nob., nud nro prepared to ranko t'arai I.o.u. on better shorter notice than any other Arm. Both intercut and principal here. Call ob m at ocr office over City Dreg btore. terms sad b paid Insurance Written in the Best Companies. This space belongs to Mps. Fs Newfeone FURN TUBE FURNITURE f W Ii. HAEVE9, Having purchased the stock of FURNITURE! Formerly owned by Fred Wintou, will f-ell you Furniture of all kinds, at very low figure. Call and him. STOKK-Oook'B old lied Cloud Drug Store Building, Id door west of Holland House, Red Cloud. GUMP& WARNER, REAL ESTATE&L0 AN BROKERS Call and examine our bargains. Correspond ence solicited, GUMP & WARNER, Ope.ra House Block Red Cloud tion and requtrej less volition nnd s p&rato (iichnrces of force from tho "jraic surface with each muscular contraction, as is the case with tho great majority of arm' movements. The arca-user i a higher nnimal than the ieg-tvscr. Anu-ssctions ara more aearij associates', with mental action than iep-raoemenav Aanaa's lower limb acre: carrr lis higher eeaters to hU food or woIs? The lat ter raust be eiDOiel-' with his arsis lee! lee!! Iee!!l P. Barkley has a 1000 tons of PUKE RIVER ice put up for the trade during the heated mouths, an- is bound to dispose of it, and has ) therefore knocked the bottom out of j high prices Ij pattisg tho price down to 25 cents per hundred pounds. Give him year order. Remember that it is ao tainted ereek ise bat pure rirer ice. P. Barklit. For Sale. Any oae wiskisg to purchase a No. 1. sUllisa 3 years old, past, half Kor maa sad cic-half Keatueey Grey Ea gle, weight 12.50, woald do well to call oa Wa. Haffnxn on A. Kilcy's arm, 2r attics west and 1 mile north of Red Cloud. Tcraw easy. as wo would turn nn fcour-gla5i; require.-! little attention, much'l Notice is hereby given that 1 will exasatae all persoa who may desire to offer tfceauslves as candidates for teachers of the pablie schools of this coaaty, at Red Goad, ea the third Satareay of each ssoath. ' Bra. J. Kjo. Cesjftty fcp'L r Sare regrets and parehase from a I m ft i ii bom ceater, wao wui sjits ysa m tar far. dellar, old piaaos, old organs, heaght for cash aid the sasse applied ; oa s acw iniuaaieBi, seusiaciioB war ratted. &lxa. J. B.ULtr. WE ARE RETAILING Groceries and Flour At WHOLESALE Prices! HACKER & PARKER, THE TRALERS LUMBER CO. -WILL i u mm POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world e aadhaads. jet iv in trhicls arnt- 3fclKT ilMDr. WterJMirs Vntttec Trcp fa te suStUti V as fa Xb Urar for the isliiti wi : K etf ear S. wm. tt krta4rectisCetae'SOTKA. Try ft. E. V.SntKr, Prts. Hzxkt CLJUunViee-Pres. Jo. R. Sortrr, Gtsmssev Howai B. Catsbb, AMistsat Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BAnK, Red Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITA! - $75,000 raasaes a general aatuuBC Mataese, amj is sell eetaty vsaaaBBS). asaa eftTfarasetifcEsBWSB ata j aW saU f etsifa r - gr fce safes saw aaassssss is sjasBjafssst ssr ear B3BBwaBQrB3B)H asac -sfatT sat'saeaBW tsf HI Jg&3g2S9 Jm-XtSmj. J.JLTaJfcya, G.W.himim,. K.rmm f H rs A l I E 3l 3 ' ft a i i 'I