The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 22, 1889, Image 8

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lawto Sweep Tlicin antl How to
move Groae anu inic poi
A carpet Ibat has been cared for
properly, although only of an ordi
nary kind, will outlast ono of a su
perior grade that has been neglected.
Therefore it is very important that
the carpet bo carefully treated. Tho
weeping of. a carpet requires, . to bo
wire, none strength, but generally
housov.-ivcs give too much strength to
ih wnr!r. moro than ia over needed.
It is very foolish to dig vrilh tho
broom bo lianl that it r-ccinu as though
you wcro trying to get at the floor be
neath, yet that is the way many
women eweep, some of them en
working the carpet from the bidc3 of
the room in spots. As the dust on a
carpet is always on the surface, a
light, swift stroke ef the broom is all
that is needed to dislodgo it, for what
ever dust Jia3 worked through tho car
pet no broom can remove, but it must
await the taking up of the carpet.
Before beginning to sweep, with a
Email corn broom brush out thorough
ly the sides and corners of tho room,
end if thcro is a stove in tho room,
,brush under tho oilcloth or zinc
Dampened corn meal is excellent for
brightening the colors and laying the
dust, taking care that tho coarcst
meal is used for this purpose, and
not tho granulated, as tho latter ought
never bo used. When spreading tho
meal do not allow any to fall at
tho sides of carpel near the wall or
in the cornci-s, for it is almost impos
sible to remove it wholly from theso
places, and moths rovel in it. Some
women use dampcncl lea leaves with
good results -when pwecping, but wo
never hod much fctcso with them,
and prefer tho corn meal. Salt is a
wonderful brightnirr of colors, but is
not a nucce.-3 in l'ccplr-g down tho
dust. Snow ia one of the beet thingo
wo know for laying the dust, but it is
not advisable fo uo it in a very warm
room, for if il is allowed to melt ere
Bwccping off it is apt to leavo a tiny
pool of water, which, doing no harm
of itself, might, when inb.ed with the
duct, lcovo :v muddy 'pet on the car
pet which would be difficult to remove.
If tho carpet r.fl r sweeping is wiped
over with a clolh wrung out of am
monia water il will look much brighter.
Use a tablcspoonful of household am
monia to a half a pail of warm water.
Many uso a sponge, but a cloth mado
from old merino undcrwarc is every
bit as good. Wring the clolh as dry
no possible, and go over a small spaco
at a time, changing the water as often
as thought advisable. If there areany
indications of moths around tho edges
or in the corners, wring out a clean
cloth from rlcar water and lay over
the carpel on tho places suspected,
then with :i hot iron go over the cloth
and there will bo no danger from these
pests after.
Usually a clolh wrung out of am
monia water applied to grease or dust
spots will remove them, but it will re
quire hard rubbing in Eorno cases.
Another way is to rub tho spots with a
flannel dipped in turpentine. Largo
grease- siots or oil spots can Ihj re
moved by covering with whiting, let it
remain oyer night, then brush off, and
if tho grcaso is not removed apply
mora whiting, and ho continue until
tho spot has been erased. Buckwheat
is also good for this purpose, and,
lacking both, common Hour may bo
used successfully.
When ink has been spilled on the
carpet take up as i inch of it as possi
ble with n clean clolh, then get some
clean water, and with a clean cloth
npply tho water, changing the latter
frequently until all tho ink has been
removed. Do not rub the spot, but
press tho ink out by sopping. Then
with a clean, dry cloth wipe as dry as
possible. Apply the water while the
ink is fresh or it will not have tho de
sired effect. Many uso milk for the
removal of ink, but it is not advisable
touso it on a carpet, as it is euro to
leave a greaso spot that mny bo very
obstinate to erase. Boston Budget.
m a m
Sympathy for the Successful.
Tho world has spoken and sung a
great deal of sympathy for the un
successful, but 1 have sometimes
thought that tho men and women who
succeed havo a claim upon human
sympathy quite as genuine and quite
as imperious. To feel that, bear your
self as meekly as you may, your very
oxistenco is an affront to somebody
else; to know that, live as uprightly
as you will, there aro others who think
your very prosperity a crime, and who
will find in your very virtues a mate
rial for calumny; to know that there
is nothing that the world counts worth
- .paining, which
you can win without
waw ykeninff nn envious animosity
.. .'.. . v -2m of others who aro less su
in the
k-n'r' ot otliors wiio aro less success-
-mo(?-Qil3 surely is a thorn in tho rose,
i cloud in tho sky, which is sufficient
with many a sensitive nature to rob
success of its be?t perfume and to
quench tho sunshine out of the fairest
noonday of achievement. Scribncr's
The Tooth of Time.
Mr. Lovojoy So you do not mi3
Mrs. Oldboy?
Mr. Oldboy Not particularly.
Mr. Lovcjoy How strange! Why.
this separation is a living death to
.me. If I could only sco Amelia for an
. iastant How I would appreciate a
aitaaovlA fnntnnnf
Mr. Oldbov (grumy) lou will ap-
prsdate a single moment moro in a
lam years. America.
Alexander Duma-s tho Trench nov
aUgt,wasof African origin. He was
at Villera-t-otterets. a town oi
July 24, 1S.-S, auddiedDecoia
vfc ISiO-
Carpet Weavla.
Mr M. Hiffn aBiraace that
Aeisprepani to wwtre carp-taof
l"' all daaei Levc orders vitk C
a&ifrit, at Mason's old stand. U
Kit, besh candies, etc., kept at
Irut Welsh's.
Itautare of til kiids chetper that
. I . . i --aaaBSaaaTS
Prof. TyaUallV Graphic Descriptiaa T UH
Ascent r Moat Ulanc.
On Prof. Tyndali's second ascent of
Mont Blanc he was caught in a snow
storm at the summit. He has given
a graphic description of the difficulty
and danger which attended hia at
tempts nt performing some scientific
experiments in such circumstances. It
offers a curious illustration of the fact
that there are times when nothing is
so welcome 3 suffering. Tho frost
bitten man's care became more hope -
ful as coon as h n .Ml pain.
The clouds whirled wildly round ua.
and the fine shot, which was caught
by tho -wind and cpit bitterly at us,
cut off all visible communication be
tween us and tho lower world. As we
approached the summit the air thick
ened more and more, and the cold be
came intense.
We reached tho top in good con
dition, nevertheless, and, leaving Bal
mat, the guide, to mako a holo for tho
thermometer, I collected a number of
batons, drovo them into tho snow,
and, drawing my plaid around them,
formed a kind of extempore tent to
shelter my boiling-water apparatus.
Tho covering was tightly held, but tho
snow was fino and dry as dust, and
penetrated everywhere; my lamp
could not be secured from it, and half
a, box of matches was consumed in
tho effort to ignite it. At length it did
flame up, and carried on a spluttering
Meanwhile the absence of muscular
action causel tho cold to affect our
men severely. I myself was too intent
upon my work to feel it much, but 1
was numbed; ono of my fingers had
lost sensation and my right heel was
in pain; still I had no thought of re
linquishing my observation until Mr.
Wills came to hay that we must return
speedily, for Balmal's hands wore
frozen. I did not comprehend the full
significance of the word, but tho por
ters presented such an aspect of suf
fering that I feared to detain them
I struck my tent, deposited tho ther
mometer, aud as I watched tho cover
ing of ty up some of tho party com
menced the descent. I followed them
speedily. Midway down tho first slopo
I saw BahnaU who was about a hun
dred yards in advance of me, suddenly
pause and thrust his hands into the
snow and commence rubbing them
Tho suddenness of tho a-t surprised
me, but I had no idea at the time of
its real significance. I hoon camo up
to him; ho seemed frightened, and
continued to beat and rub his hand,
plunging them at quick intervals into
tho snow. Still I thought tho thing
would speedily pass away, for I had
too much faith in tho man's expe
rience to supposo that he would per
mit himself to bo seriously injured.
But it did not pass as I hoped it would,
and the possibility of his losing his
hands presented itself to me.
At last ho became exhausted by his
efforts, staggered liko a drunken man,
and fell upon tho snow. Mr. Wills
and I took each a hand, and continued
tho process of boating and rubbing. I
feared that wo should injure him by
our blows, but ho continued to ex
claim: "Don't bo afraid! Striko all tho
time, striko hard !"
Wo did so, till Mr. Wills become ex
hausted, and a porter had to tako his
Meanwhile Balmat pinched and bit
his fingers at intervals, to test their
condition; but for a long time thcro
was no sensation. He was evidently
hopeless. At last returning sensation
in ono hand announced itself by ex
cruciating pain.
I suffer!'' he exclaimed nt inter
vals, words which, from a man of iron
endurance, had moro than ordinary
significance. But pain was better than
death, and, under the circumstances, a
sign of improvement
We resumed our descent, while ho
continued to rub his hands with snow
and brandy, thrusting them at every
few steps into the snow. At Cha
mouni ho had skillful medical advice,
and escaped with tho loss of six of his
nails his hands wcro saved. Youth's
Elevators for Dwellings.
Tho ingenious plan proposed by a
Berlin inventor, of a simple and inex
pensive ciovatnr for private dwellings
in place of the. ordinary stair-case, has
attracted stuno attention as a long felt
desidcratmu. It is on tho principlo of
the inclined railway, and the motivo
power is furnished by tho city water,
which is applied in tho cellar; each
flight ha? its separate chair, so that, for
example, one person can ascend from
tho first to tho second stry while an
other is on his way from the second to
the third, or still another is desceadio?
from the fifth to the fourth. The chair,
being only of tho width ot tho human
body, require but littlo space, and
still leaves a free passage for any who
wish to walk up or down, instead of
riding. It is set in motion by a simple
pressure upon ono of its ui-ms. while
after it has been used it idide hack to
tho bottom step. its doccnt beiay
regulated" in such a manner that tho
carrying of a passenger is a matter of
entire safety. Tho motivo power is,
of course, moro or less expensive, ac
cording to tho cost of water, this boisg,
it is stated, in Berlin, at tho rate of a
littlo mora than one-tenth of a cent
only for each trip. N. Y. Sun,
A Frenchman recently remarked
that every one in this world was
obliged to bear his cross, but that the
smart chaps bear their on their
- - i
'J- .
asana t
f Iff,
Ja3 aSlXTaatsCCM
Oily Hrnitlno Syateia f 3Ic.ory Ttaiclar.
i our lioakm Learned in ono n'tjlcf.
Iititl wandering corei!.
Kit; child and ndult srently benefitted.
Grjvt InJscwaineta to t-.ncnuaiUaa Clivwa.
Pruovctii, ritn otiumi of Dr. Wn. .. Uaaa.
mtsil, tha Tiil-fvn.1 SprcUim in Mmd Uttnnay
Vnn.rl ti'ri-tiliiifThniioB,t!!cn PsyUoU
orut. J. 31. li'icklrr. D.D.. editor utths C'Aruriou
' jV&?'(i;V :i.'?jVttSZ&l
TjffiisEffismh'An.t M.
U. W. Kalkv, J. I Kai.kv. r :o.
TTOKNEYS AT LAW . Acrts tur the
& l:. lands. Once mv.ditrr street
Cloud. Nehrask.
O. C. Cask. Ja-. McNkxv,
t Will practice in all courts or tlii-. stale
Collections lis well as litigated business careful
v and efficiently attended to. Abstracts Jtimis--
ed on application.
orFiric Oter Firt National li.tnk. hed
Cloud. Neb
aminln Surcwin. (Mice opnolte First
raiion;il Hank, IU.d Cloud. thnisl..i.
Chronic rtleasi!! treated tj mail
MirrUP Sale.
Notice is hereby raven that tinder and fcv vir
tue oi an order of sale Issued by I.. II. Vol t,
clerk ot the district court in and (or Webster
coui.ty.Nebr.isk, In an action pending In said
court, wherein August Saldfudeii Is plaintiff and
W. II . IteSner and Amelia IletTner are defend
ants, r shall offer for sale at public endue for
cash in hand to the highest bidder at the ea t
door of the court house, in Ked t'load, Webster
rounty.Nebra.ska, (that being tbu place where
the last term of court was hoiden) on the 1Mb
day of April, 1S.O, at two o'clock, p. in., the foN
lowliu? described procrty to-wit: The north
eiht quarter (ne J of section twenty four (V4)
to uiit wo ('.Oram;.; teii (10) west oftlieCth p.m..
In Webster couuty. Nebraska, lot 8, block I, lota
4. 5,C, It. 1. 1C, 17, 18, 1'J, block 2, south 16 feet
ot lot Vi, block 4 lot 13. block 4. lot 5, block 0,
lobil,'A3.4,5.C,und7, block 7. lots 1. 3,4,5,
C, 7, x, 9, 10, II, 1J. 13. btock 8, lots 10. 11, 12 and 1.1,
block 9, ill the original town of Cuide Itock, Ne
braska, aa property of W. II. Heriiier and Amel
ia Heltner. (iiveu under mv hand this ti'th day
of March, l&sn. Il . C. Scott, hheritl.
Case & McNeny, plaintiff attorney.
Mherlff'M Male.
Noticels hereby slven that under and by ir
tue ot an onler ot sale Issued by I II. 1-ort,
clerk of the district court in and fur Webster
county, Nebraska, in an action -lending in said
court, wherein William Floi.r. is plaint iff and
John L. Iatteu, et al, are defendants. I shall
offerforsalo at public enduu for cash In hand
to the highest bidder at the east door of the
court house, in Ked Cloud. Webster county, Ne
braska (that being tho place where the last term
of court was holden)oii the l.'.th day of April,
lis), at one o'clock, p. in., the follow lug describ
ed property to-wit: South ha'f of section 31,
township 'J, north range !, weUof the Cth p. m..
In Webster county. Nebraska, ae the property
of Sol i u L. Patten, et al. defendants (iien un
der my hand this 12th day of March, Ixy.
II. fj. Scott, sheriff.
C. 11. Chancy, plaintiff's attorney.
Sbcria m Sale.
Notice is hereby glcn that under audbrlr
tiifofnu onler of s-ile IsmiisI bv L. II. rort.
ilerkof the distncl court in and for Webster
couutv. Ncbniska, In an aeti-m pending tn said
court wherein 'Ihomas A. Page is plalutiri and
tSeorge VaiiWo-rt,et al, :ipdifendauts. I shall
ofler for sale at public indue for cash in hand
to the highest bidder nt the oast door of I lie
court hotie In Ked Cloud, Webster couuty. Ne
braska, (that lielngthe place wherethe last term
of court was holdcu) on the 15th day of April,
isSO, at 1 :'f o'eliick p. in., the following describ
ed iirojerty tinvit: The southeast u;irter of
section tweiitv-uiiic and the i.ortlieasl quarter
of section thirty-two in township two, north of
range nine, west of the cth p. in. in Webster
couutv. Nebraska, as tho property of tSonrge
VaiiWoert, Chen under my hand this l'.'lh day
of March, ISO. II. C. Scott. Mivilff.
Kaley tiros . plaintiff's attorneys.
Tako Notice
Herbert L. Luce. You are heceby notified
tluit on the Cth day of June, IssT, 1, L Itauni.
purchased at private tax vile, at the court
liouse in lied Cloud. Nebraska, for the taxes of
the ) ear lhW. amounting to il'.U-I. the following
Iiuiils sitnatiil in Webster county. Nebniska,
taxed In the name of Herbert :. Luce to-wlt:
Part n c lt of u w ' sec 'js-, tow n , range 1 1, 3
acres. Tho time for redemption of ald hinds
from the lien of said tax Nile will cxpln June
Cth. ls, and if not redeemed I will mako ap
plication for a treasurer's ta deed. L. JIavm.
Couutv court, Webster countv. Nebraska,
thematfer of guardianship of minor heirs of
Frank Kent, deceased, iiMn the erlficsl pe:i
lion ot Ellen J. Kent, icpresentlng among oth
er things that .tames .M. Kent, Hoy Kent and
Imis Knt of said county, have an estate ia
this state and are minors under fourteen yeara
of age. That the ictltioner is the mother of
said minors anil praying that she mayheap-polnt-Mt
guardian ot the person and estate of
said minors. It Is ordered tint said etitlnn lc
hrard bv thin court at the county court room
in Ked ( loud In ald couuty on tho 4th davof
Jtarch. ls-.atone oVIiH-k. p in It is further
ordered that notice ot tho time aud place of
hearing sdd matter l; given to all iieraous in
terested bv the publication of a copy of this
order for three weeks successively In the Ked
Cloud Chief, a newspaper of general circulation
tu aid county
1 raiiK
SlterlfTa Sale.
Notice In hereby given tliat under and by vir
tue of an execution l.-ued bv L II. Kort, clerk
orthe district court in and for Wcbtter county
Nebraska, In an action landing In said court,
wherein Josepli l.ravesis plaintiff and W. A.
McKcignan and Thad Arnold are ilclendants, I
shall offer for sale at public veDdue for cvsh In
hand to the highest bulncr at the cast door of
the court Iioiim; In ICcd Cloud Webster county
Nebraska, ( being the place where the last
term of court was hoiden) on the Mh day of
April tW. at one (1) o'cl'H'k t. m.. the following
describt-l prortv to-wit: Tlie north-east i of
sectlin fo ii) toa-n three (3) range ten I0)
and the toutheast .iwarter (se?4) section two
i.-i iowd uree u; iwiaa ten (ioi ail tn
Webster county Nebraska, a liw property of
Thad Arnold defendant.
Chen under my hand this Ttii day ot Marth.
G. K, Cliaocy Sheriff.
'binufl'! Att'y. IMt
Notice is hereby given that uuijer ami by vir
tue of an execution isupd by L. II Fori, clerk
of the district court in and for Wetoter county
Nebraska In an action pciMIng In said court
wherein The Ked Cloud National Ilank Is plaln
ttr and Iliad Arnold aud tv. A. McKeighan are
defenoants. I hall offer 'or sale nt piildic ven
due lcrc: in lia:id to the hiliest bidder at
the cast door 4 J" court Iioue in ld ( loud. N,ni.lva ithat lemir the plice
where the last term oj taul r.,utt wax hoideu)
on thi3!avnf A"rtl W9.ttswIoep rn. the
folUmlnsdex-iibed fn'jvitv to-wit ll"iionh
eat if section S. ti.vTn3,"ranc 10. rr. and
tli Mith-east . section i. to a us. range l.
t stl In Welter couiii. brak.i a the
ivojienj i Tliil .Vrti'Vd. defendant
;iren meter icr l-snd this Tth f :.irrh.
?-. 11 t, OTT.
Kal-v Tn. .Mierld.
Itlllltia's Attr. Sl-it
. - -- - .. ..-,. -
Lcsal nlrr.
In ll:c district court of rur couuty Ne
Klrt K. Orchard
Ijnli 'hxrd
U-ali Orvbar.t iLa defendant la Ut above en
Htlcl m-tion widtaXe oojice that on thalh
day of February a. d.Ijwi. tlisrOalntia' herthv
tsled hLjiitlon ia e district cxut of Wcbtcr
couuty and state f Nebraska, agaJc joy the
aji l. Orchard the said cendact hr-ir.
chargli joitth ttlg tie lesal wtfe,ii;,e
plaintiff. HoScrr K. Urciurd. aad ! c.rr;nr
you 1th having disserted hto formofti-an
twt years lit pu, th object aol :rr-rof
U jtithn t;:ngto oct-V-i an abnic" iVft
ct divorce frca joa the jald def eaaat 1 h r
ckantar.d for such oUrand farther rr.fcfas
wriw and grod ccscicssr aav snjrit.
Vi aw rewired to answer vu'd ttni m r-
before :& lU Jaj oi AtzfU t)
!:cl Ked Coul Nebraska, Kebmarr. ah
IW- .. v. Biwpv K. oacniao.
Cae Jt ilcN er. -nJ zl-it
ShcrtS's Sale.
Vnri. Ls artr rfren. tha: nr-i r s.-1 far rlr-
raeuf aa ner.fsileijicd et .rtlitri
M.rtf tfelLtil lodUI Oxi-t iU -sdfr
vrttr cocsrtr. NdRU$a VT-oa 3 etin e In a f
faction pewllss tn vtld cocn n J.ha ?f.
KkkardT I ibIntiCac4 FtatS U. Ti g ao4 f
- ..,. - j -d ni- iltaZ
gj jnf i UlT 1 iBC r..'. . innn ifL PUTS
n th (aj f-r of coert w aUeajc
b k bjc rvr
Moomx. Xtni'-i.itXKm as or- iavtta-
---- . ,. . j -
fitAvtos mzuti "
t .. i KbMr Mian
19 larUkaai tMMiM M4
iT"l 4ifVt,.'C0 vmn. (J. J.
i owi Wrtaaer reoatr. Xefrcaska. tftvca
The Strike is Over !
And (J. Y. Jnv
Plow beam
i'y.v lj.tiiye
Li-tr shart-
Wagon how-il'-Jj-'-j
Thimble i:het:ia
Iron axels
Bolster pl.ii;
Box roiU
Horsf 1 (e
I'ok' 0;!Jphlir
Ax hti:idte
Repairim: of every tiii-crifitioa done wish nm ne.? di-patch.
ptiitranieed in t-very cut. Ar.nsj eush m .out ptir-cs and
Blacksmith mid
McAvov & Farrel, Props.
Keep Fine lligs and Good Teams
At Reasonable Prices,
Commercinl mon nml others will timl this the best livery stable t tha citj Pint
door cai of Holland House.
L. H. Rust says to send in
Nurserv stock at once if
Bed Rock Prices.
L. H . RUST. Red Cloud.
i;ei:ps thk finest line of
Furniture !
In the city at price that all can afford to buy
if in want of anvtbi i in his line.
Opposite Firot National Hank, Red Cloud.
Spring is Gomingl
Putting i:i a lar -e stock of
Window Shade?, Paint?, OiJs. KnlsomiLC, nnd overythlot neadad Ibr
Clonning, auro seotny stock
yon purchase
Morhart &. Fulton s 0! i Stan J, Webster St., Red Cloud, 'tb.
Fine rigs, good horse, board 1 day or wcet. Tour pitroaaga aolieiw-
cd. Don't forcct the place, cast side of Wcb?ter
ttrcet, Ked Cloud.
raniTS C2ARY9,
Gamof Choke a Horse
Adjusts ftswlf to an?
Morso's Hawk,
Eh two Bows of
nil hM Mamas
fift pioso Itottor than
Team harness, per net, 20, $2i, $.C,
line of single and d9n!i
mmmm Wm
prices. IVTnii raj von to tmin cay to
before paxcliA'inc a1c There.
Drugs and
Paints. Oils, Tarnish, Stationery,
Books, Etc.
'aViU joi attention t- a ffft t '-s min
articles' ?. ktp m stcck.
Ir Double trees
5kI Single trees
Jtittu .Keck yoki
IE' , . Cab'ethaiD
vrWc Tcrk- JupV
HWi-U.' Bukc..- vrhceU
(31 Hrrn' timber
Vw"- I-v.. .jiu dashe
.SprntH Whip sockvU
flVtliK'e , Wakoii breaks
Yt&pttf UlsL'ti.'niith coal
!1o- . tM-Je iaudlc
Breaker Conite. nuU
I will do
G. W. Dow,
Wagon Maker,
your orders for
you want it at
J. L. jNIiller's
Will be .'onnJ the LARGEST aad BEIT
of ail kis4 la fc'eataara 5arataa.
e20. 132, 14 and t-16. A fall
iJn-ncgbarae at extrcaieij Jo
Millkk, Red Cloud.
cvaccvasctco vrrit tusoc -aA?m
uacm VAtuAru: xsro.tiTJ; rn
IfiEFXr-t j-- h -- AsSh
aai ! i i i ..... i , -
(Chicago, Bock Island & 1 . ....
Its main llneo,br.r:ihr ....: -tnclud
Chlciuro. JoUut. Oct-iuc .
iLUHUiB-UttvenDon, Aiun.t:r... i-!imii. fk. i.s-i, $.t ijtxtrtr. iut
Otr, DcaMoln. Knoxvlllc. Virtt.ret. AUnflUr. Atutxitjon, Ilajrlan .Qtrtrt
Cruaa4 Council lllutTo in IOWA itinv.iK.i:s uml tit, t'aul ta MINNK-OTA--wMrtown
iua Stoux ?-. liPAKOTA tU. at. :i, Trenton, Cnrnn
it. JoMfa, and Kaimaa City In V.Iorit: ?Vr'- rVrt7ury. and Sotaon
to NBBBAMCA-Horton. To;m5ca, ilutt rtmnoit. u : n, Norton.
AMlatM, Oaldwell. in KANSAS Colorado tiprmtr IMrblo.fn COt-O-KAOO.
TravaratM now mat vast nrvio if r.l rA;ui:i;r aiul araauMr lara,
urontlBV th bat factlitlcaof ln;or-o:nnujRlcnt)i. 1 1 -r ttaUaftd to mil
Iowbs and cltioA In Southern Knr.vs, ( ! trndo, Utah. Sw
lfazico. Indian Tcrrltor. Toxtva. Anjona, UJnijo. Califoruta. and ractto
aad trana-ocranio uooporu.
Of Palaca Coachon lcmiinr 4.1 csvmrt !.! m at "vir f juipmcnt and
lazurr 9t accominotiiuon r n tIo(c iii t.M CUtck and CJiw
rado IPflgga. Denver J Puotlo Slnainr M.M.N r'ttSNT VKiTTtMUU
T&AIN SXHvlCK dally Iwtw 'n fnloukfn wivi niufta i)ntah nd
batwaaa CUlciMfo mid Kur.aon t':tv )-k-: i v vctio tuni; cra.
BacllalBC Chair Cwra KIir. .and P.!.oUo ; ' '. CJ'.fortltTCtcr.
ton aallr. Cholco cf rc,i.i'!i tt o.i I rrrn fu' li. City, Portland. La
a, Ban ulvtro, Hau rmr.. uc, mux inur ..- locantiea. ijulok tlm.
t connectluun nntl trnuaiora In L'ulun L'c; ou
taaa superbly oouippod Kxprnn Traltia .tail) cxh Way txtwn u:iM(o
lack Ialand, Atotilnon, tiu Jiiaoph, lvoiuvtru. Kaiimu i?lty and fai.i.
peMm and 81. I'uul. Tho Inviiil'..' To r t lino .o tlm conlo ron, AAd
mnnnf ana nammr irrounua o: ir.
mxmn an mii iiroaticiivo
and aat aoutiiorn I)nko'.i,
toaval batWMn Cincinnati, Indtunnp...:, Larvtt4. aim Council iUuffa, u
tt SNfo, jtwuuH, Mitvonwuiui, i.miMvj till, Aunr.rwiHf,i, anil m, i'au
For Tlckata, Mapn. Foldeir.or dcalmd lnrnrrnatttt. apply t any Coupsm
TlCkat Omc In tho Unllod Htuta .r CaiuU, ur adtroaa
ciiiru'.ii, i ix.
Office with the Countv Juclifc. Moon Block
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
H. OULRKE Praaidont. Albnuy, N V J A- TULI.KY, Vica-i'raatdant
Robt. V.riHIHEY. Trotujunir
1JD CI'CiPI2.-Lt$:.u)0Q.
Ked Cloiui, Nob. Albany. Vv York.
H. Clark. Albany. Xw V.r 0 K. Hca h, I'aUtMaFris V,
W. II. Itobrs n, W 4 r X V. J .. J'ruorte. lHJIlf. Ma,
E.V.Bhirey I.M. P.'ati K H. IlicMand. J A rlj. .M. H. McNu
Ok ! proved (arm in vUi-a t Kwi-x". "I rs '. i hi a in tha
aacurity k approvni Prin- mj an inter . ,st i Jn nMJ
e and
Granite Wor!::
A. M. rurjr.
and Hr'.vlf-ton
Km t, aad 4U Af. Red Ow.
D. B. Spanoglc,
Rem. Estati
AND I. .OAK AfilP!
Rc1 Cloud
QKO. o. Axn R V YXIfEK.
nomnov Q9 THE
I imr buiy Ikirui
C ialMe aad oely act tA nhuxci.
boaka ia Wetttr crwaty Graay sad
amtns lant nzri rj jvfajL-tr far
Tim 4ear c?tS f Csy 2iwrr. w
ik&tvstgkij vHi&imL AC
JVir aL-Xtir
tia aiurtya.
Ot Msnuii.m? W U IrkM Mil
f mi? r!a. AS.
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S TT. 'AtliCSTAlrt
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.'.sm , Nbroka Kjra.)
.- 1 Pol a4 tlthwvat
v;ailn. tlick Uiaiut In
r.nru.unat im wmenown lira
mmia o: r.ortuorn low a, :outitwa
Qtr.'l TukaC fa 4faL
Taxes Paii
I. &c.
, Ocnvor to ChlcaKO,
Denver to Kani
, Doncr to O.-naha.
Omaha to Chrar,
Knnsd City to Chicago,
Omaha to ftfLouM,
sure: connect yM
"thOMti SCf o
ir,-jn urn tor iata
ivsiric. Docr A Vt
rf ft. Umimt
01 mnvt tncl tUmm.
Tor fitrtnar Lnfa'rruattan.
7Axn tirj?
iStiueet Cabs
-jFrorn t'-c Depot
To B;adbrook
H S $u f p 1 1 1 ilM 1 1 1 1
H'-3 H WEULWmmLmmmmmm
a aaa a saawrsraa VxMBrnl
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a m