The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 22, 1889, Image 5

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    " Vt-S
, r
Still on Deck
ni-iL' m j ..i .. n i
annnnnnnnnnEaw "Hl
If ,T
With New, Stylish,
Personally Selected,
Right Priced,
Honest Goods,
Just bought in New York and Chicago.
Take a look at our $25 tailor order suits.
See our $2.50 Men's Satinet Suits
Let us show you our Children's Suits at 75c
worth $ .50
Men's all wool Suits, color guar
anteed, at $7
nnnnwffitnw nnnntw Jtnnl V
mmt$m Mw'Jmi U
Let us show you the nicest line of Mens.
Youths and Boys Nobby Suits ever brought
to Red Cloud. They will cost you from
$2 to $5 less than others can afford to sell
them .
Kll arm
"Hte-.H .attni nsnnm
'Jwgntntnnmuanr nt Wn
Every line in our store will be complete this
week, and remember this: C. WIENER,
will show vou alwavs the largest assortment
and positively the LOWEST PRICES.
It is well worth your while to compare our
prices with others, no matter who they are.
Thanks for past favors. Come again.
Wk'.?. Jjy'Xnnj
WLi'm iaTTnSBWma
annwTnW V njnjtfy, .ntnwnS
- - mtm
nnnK P
VVv annmnnnnn
mmmmr mmMmYpflzmm IlllSkBnnnt
Mmmw mmZMzmL tIPIIP
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. Marvel ot pure
rtrensthand wbolesotnencu, more economical
than the ordinary kind and cannot be sold in
wnpetion with tha multitudes of low test abort
lgnt alum or phosphate powdors. Sold only
IOC Wall street. K.Y. City.
fto edbud ghuf.
A. C. HMm,
Published every Friday nornlng from the offle
in the Moon Block, Bed Cloud, Neb.
Interest from 6 to 10 per cent.
Time from 1 to 7 yean. Call and
investigate. G. W, Barker.
Catfccre IT kjr Chief eporfera 1st
Aa Aaen the City Coaate.
C. . Wood is in the city.
Holla Shagart is in the city.
S. T. VanHorn is in the city.
Wiener the clothier and tailor.
Mens wool hats, 25 eta at Wieners.
Wiener the leader of lowest prices.
Elegant line of neck wear at Wien
ers: Go to Mrs, McBride's for millinery
Latest style of hats and caps at C.
Oysters at Ernst Welsch's. Best
brands kept.
Best plow shoes at C. Wiener's at
lowest prices.
The Golden Eagle Tailor Depart
ment is flourishing.
Special sale of childrcns school
hats at Mrs. McBride's.
Just received second invoice of new
goods at Mrs. McBride's.
Sleeper Bros regular days for grind
ing arc Wednesdays and Saturday.
Ed Highland's familiar form was to
be seen on our streets on Monday.
Wiener will show you special bar
gains such as no other house can offer
Men's wool jean pants at $ 1 worth
$2 and warranted not to rip at C.
SecW. L. Haines for furniture.
Keeps all kinds. Henry Cooks old
drug store.
Men's jean pants, warranted not to
rip for 90 cts worth $1.50 at the
Golden Eagle clothing store.
Don't forget to go to W. L. Haines
when you want furniture. He keeps
a fine line.
Children's waists for 15 cts and
pants at 25 cts at the Golden Eagle
clothing store, C. Wiener, Prop.
The Episcopal minister of David
City, Neb., will hold services in the
Grace church of this city next Sunday
morning and evening.
When in Red Cloud call at the
furniture store of F. V. Taylor, oppo
site the F. X. bank, and pick you out
a fine kitchen or parlor suit.
llev. J. H. Falkenburg is the happy
father of another little girl. Father
doing well and will be able to occupy
the pulpit Sunday. Usual weight.
Full line of womens, misses and
children's shoes just received at the
Golden r$gle clothing store. Priees
as low as the lowest. C. Wiener.
The ladic Guild of the Grace Epis
copal church will sseet Friday after
noon of this week at Mrs. J. F. Cur
ran's. A full attendance is tequested.
Go to W. L. Haines for furniture.
He has a very fine Hue of upholstered j
goods just arrived. Repairing of all
kinds done on short notice. West of
Holland House.
Mrs. A. M. Maybcc, the new millin
er will havela grand opening on to
morrow. Saturday. March 23, at the
rooms just east of McFarland's store,
on 4th avenue. See her ad.
The heave rain fall of Saturday
ight ani Samday was one of the
heaviest that has fallen here for amy
oaths. It was a grand thing for the!
farmers and will be wertk thoasand
ef dollars to the agriemltwral world!
With a fair season the
will htei tlenaanj effitfcia(MUoa seexstote qmii
Nobby suits at the Golden Eagle.
John Shirey wes in York this week.
Ben Summer was in Akron this
A. L. Funk i home from Wash
ington .
Judge Sweezy was in Blue Hill
Sadie Dickerson has returned home
from Iowa.
1L A. Simpson was in the metropo
lis Tuesday.
Mens butw- shoes at $1.25 at the
Golden Eagle.
St Patrick's day was very disagree
able hereabouts.
Mrs. Sam Garb:r has returned from
her eastern trip.
Mrs. Boslcy, of McCook. is visiting
with Mrs. A. L. Punk.
Mr. Snider has returned from Iowa
where he has been on a visit.
Hats, bonnets, ribbons, veiling, etc.,
at Mrs. McBride's. Lowest prices.
The "raging canal" is talked of
lively just now, and it will be a suc
cess. Cotting sells the best violin strings
in the world, also euitar and banjo
strings. 32-2t
Mrs. A. J. Kcnncj entertained a
few friends on Wednesday evening at
a tea party.
Mrs. Robert Ft rst and son have ar
rived home from Lincoln, and Bob is
extremely happy.
Miss Hockett. the 16 year old
daughter of Mr. Stephen Hockett,
died on last Sunday.
. ;ou suffer with headache use
Hoffmans harmless headache powders,
for sale by Cotting.
There will be a concert in the Con
gregational church Sunday evening to
whieh all are invited.
Compare our stock in size and
prices with other self styled clothiers.
C. Wiener.
A. J. Tomlinson went to Iowa this
week to procure a fine stallion or two.
John is a fine judge of horseflesh.
Do not forget the social at the Y.
M. C. A. rooms tonight, music by the
male quartette and Mrs. Jester. Ice
cream and cake.
V. II. Solliday and family have
moved to Republic an City, where Mr.
S. will take a run on the Oberlin
branch of the B. & M.
C. Wiener has a word of comfort
for people who are in need of cloth
ing, furnishing goods, hats, hosts and
shoes. Prices at bed rock .
The odor arising from the Twin is
said to be so creat that those who arc
necessarily close to him wear clothes
pius on their noses for protection.
There will be a mass meeting at
the Methodist church next Sunday
evening. Address by Mrs. Wood
ward, state organizer of W. C. T. U.
Frank Scott, on of Mr. and Mrs.
D. F. Scott, of Amboy, was visiting
his parents the fore part of the week.
He returned to Norton on Tuesday
One of the principal stockholders
of the "Bis 8" monopoly advertises
his business on little sheets of paper
stuck up around town. Evidently he
hasn't much confidence in his pet
Our efficient district court clerk,
Mr. L. H. Fort, has been on the sick
list this week, but has been partially
able to attend to business. It takes a
severe cases of .sickness to get Doc
clear down.
Wonder if "that prominent attor
ney" was the same fellow that order
ed the chief fugleman of the "Bit; 8"
to vamoose the ranch and wait for an
invitation before forcing his presence
where it was not desired?
The name of 31. R. Btntley has
been suggested for mayoralty. He
seems to be a very popular candidate
among Jour people. Wc Cmnst gay
he would make a good mayor, sad
Tub Chief would like to see rib
nominated and elected.
A. S. Marsh, postmaster at Red
Cloud, was in the city yesterday. He
is prepared to step out as soot as the
president can get around to appoint
his successor. He is one f those
democrats who believes that 4te the
victor belong the spoils." Wyanore
Wc understand that some of the
stockholders of the "Big S mre dis
satisfied with the concern. 'Well, it
has been demonstrated before bow
that elephants never did pay except
for a side show, but then if the thin?
idid die what a fiiii chaxce that would
i be for a taxidenot to ttuS the hide.
Mrs. A. J. V'elch, of Bed damd,. ad one ether things that ahoald
came cp Saturday evening aad visited
eret Sunday, with her husband, Me-
Cook's new u'ic agent. She went
hack to Red Cka Tuesday to ar-
range for paella-, toretsra to Peer-
lessMcCoek aea settle down. Peer
i .
s ua vftoziucmk
For WaeanTfcere Was fit meward
ere Peaael Beta Hear
About the tenth day of last Janu
ary, Albert Brassard, a bachelor, and
residing alone nezr Campbell, Nebras
ka, while under a fit of temporary in
sanity," left his house and was never
heard of until last Tuesday when
some workmen found him dead. 100 1
yards from the road, about ten miles
northwest of Red Cloud, near the
farm of G. H. Michaels, where he bad
laid for over 60 days. He must nave
wandered aimlessly arouad for hours,
and finally overcome by cold and hun
ger and died without a friend Leing
near to sooth and comfort him in his
dying hoars. He was 28 years old .
His boots were found 60 rods
from his house, his lantern
80 rods and the principal
part of his clothing ever four and a
half sailes frail there, aad one mile
further or hii undershirt was discov
ered. The osly raiaMBt that covered
his bedy jraa a kRit udershirt, mus
Ur drawer tad t pair of overalls.
Hii feet were won tkroagR the skin
to the bote by iteataeit traveling.
The followiag is the verdict of the
coroner's jury:
State of Nebraska, Webster county :
At an inquest aoldea at Inavale town
ship in said Webster county, ou
the 20th day of March, 1669, upon
the dead body of Albert Brassard,
there lying, by tne jurors whose names
are hereunto sabeeribed, the said
jurors apR their oath do say that the
said Albert Brassard left his home on
the 10th day of January, 1889, ia a
fit of temporary iasaaity tad caiae to
his death frost fatigue tad exposure.
In testimony whereof the said
jurors have heretnto set their hands
the day and year aforesaid.
Joon Beam, 1
O. R. Pitnrt. (
i. utNDurr.
J. F. Zadb.
Thomas Anderson
Attest: C. Sciisnck, Coroner.
That Caaal.
There seems to be a creat deal of
enthusiasm displayed on the canal
subject by our people, who readily sec
what aa immense advantage the city
would have over its neighbors in the
way of pewer for the purpose of in
ducing manufacturing Institutions to
locate here. It is one of the most im
portant enterprises that hts been
talked of in Red Cloud for a long
time. It is both feasible and com
paratively easy to construct, and out
of a reasonable amount of money
could be constructed and ready for
use ia a few months. If our people
are really ia earnest and want to do
something for the eity. let them go
forward with this enterprise as fast as
possible. All ready we have five im
portant manufacturing institutions
that want to locate here with a com
bined capital of $250,000. and if we
can get the caaal in operation so as to
turnish cheap power, there is not
much doubt but what they can all be
indaced to some with the proper aid.
Don't delay, bnt assist in organizing
the company for its construction. The
board of trade held a meeting Moaday
night at Jadge Sweety's office and the
matter was freely discussed and we
have no doubt will be put through.
Jadgo Sweaty ia making oae of the
most thorough ctaaty judges that we
have ever had, tad whet he turns his
office over to his steer ator the records
will be in fine shape. He is putting
the records in order aad indexing
soaMthiaar that has never beea
done heretofore: He is alee looking
after probate eases with a sharp eye,
aad those admiaistraiers who have
beeR ia any way earcless or toe free
with their wards saORey or property
stay expect to be hauled ever the
eoala. This emiaeatly correct aad
Tbr Chirp is pleated to see a judge
with haekheae enough to make peo
ple respect htm.
Tmi Cnsr desires to say that ia
riew of the eity election which takes
plaee April Sd. it would he well for
the eitiatse, imeneetiTe of former
afiliatioae or pceTieaa eeaeittoa of
erritade, eee to it that only the
heat eitiaeaa are selected for city of
ficers. It is highly iainortaat that
sack he the case as there will he saaay
iaportaat waiter to cone hefore the
eity dariag the next year that will be
of interest to eTery tax payer aad
citiira. Thca again the hnsiaeea of
the dty aeeda retresehiag aad erer-
haalnjr ae farts weeaihle, aad a thoaa-
he looked after. We watt earefml,
considerate men who are both enter
prisiag and. economical.
Ike gr
r of the Ida
eewtary, m
exhibitor showing
i jt hew w ttrpet will lei
latent II f.T.Tftwlfca
Opera Block
Gash Grocery House
B, F. MIZER, Prop.
Kash Talks !
And if you want the Best Goods
At very low prices tor cash !
Selling for cash and having no bad accounts I
can sell much cheaper than those who
sell on time. Come and see.
My stock of Groceries, Queens
ware. &c, can not be beat.
Your trade solicited.
Prices draw the crowds to our store. When yon call ltd the following
Startling Bargaias.
Lead Pencils 5c a dozen, i
Pen holders 5c a dozen.
Ivory Buttons 4c a dozen,
Silk Veiling 10c a yard.
Box Writing Paper and Envelopes containing
12 sheets paper, 2 pkgs envelopes 5c box.
Good note paper 10c for quarter ream.
Ladies fine gauze hose worth 15c that we sell
for 8 l-o a pair.
The best Seamless Hose you ever saw for the
price, only 15c
LADIES We ask you to caU and examine
our New Stock of Millinery Wc can get
up a Nicely Trimmed Hat for 75c, such as
you would have to pay $1.50 for at other
Youngs C. O. D. Emporium.
The Leading Milliner
Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Veiling, &c.
New Goods Every Week.
Has this sarins the most eemalete liae
and is telling at nriees that defy
to he strictly f rst-elaae and
Catalpa and Soft Maple 6 to 8 and 10 (thigh
Rasstaa MtUWrry 5nt 7 feet. A large loief fear year eld Crete. Vary
hoary atd matt he sold. Extra lot of
Apples, Cherry, Plum, Apricot, Grape Vines,
Dewberry, Raspberry, Currants,
Gooseberry, Strawberry, Asperefms, Pie Plant, Sep Tinea, and aa ttttrl
of Fkweritg Strobe Climbetm. Rosee, Relbe, 4c, which is alga
e eeeapiest. A largo lot or
Evergreen, 10 to 30 inches high, your
for 35 cents, each.
Thit is a rare coatee aad voa eaaaot afcH to ssioa this
getting tojte aice besic growa e?ergrcts. Csll early atd sjei nahsot
eotnaced that I CAN aaw WILL toU yen snore goo4 hetoe snweVi
onoek for the metre tinaa twy nana ot
Ulpas, Meow is nmJberTy, Ana or Mm Dear, for sjttvto or
do wefl by eallitf a or eetYsatew4oof whhn ant. J.
New Millinery etere
On 4th Avenue. Fed Cloud?"
The ladies of Red Cloud are cordially iiivtf6d
to call on me when in need oiaVnUtUiMcy ?
Goods. Satisfaction guaranteed
Mrs. A. M. MAYBEE.
of Seoek of aay time it ite
eeanetitiea. Et crTthiajr
true to Basse. A ateo let of
earth. To than aoooote: 1
are ye
aornin9t Stranrar ToldlrV--rm
and hands.
a jae bosatao! Wat
iv In trhiclt an