n M I f. l. . I 4 11 i' .V t x. President Harrison is now gettiig fettled down to business and is be ginning to make appointments as easily as his predecessor did. From present indications he will le the most distinguished picsident since the great commander occupied the chair, Gov. Thayer is making one of the best governors the state has ever pro duced. He pays strict attention to business and watches the interests of the people with an uneiring eye. He is a grand man and an excellent gov ernor. If the people suffer any out rages while John 51. Thayer is in office it will be no fault of his. With the opening of spring Ne braska will see the largest emigration set in for her borders that has ever been known. The eastern people have discovered that Nebraska is about to become one of the most im portant agricultural states in the Union. The state presents great in ducements to eastern people who arc in search for good terms. We notice by reference to th Am. ericus, (Georgia) Daily Recorder, that our old friends W. L. Glessner, C. L Glcssnerand II. C. Storey have organ ized the Amcricus Publishing Co., with a capital stock of $100,000. These gentlemen have aided the up building of Americus wonderfully, and their efforts seem to be fully ap preciated by the enterprising people of that live city. We arc glad to ace them succeed in their enterprise as they are manifestly deserving. The present legislature has been one of the most expensive of any ses sion since the state was organized, we believe. High handed fraud seems to be rampant on every hand. Num erous and costly employes, hangers on, etc., etc., and a lot of unecessary help has been employed for the sole purpose of bleeding the state of its wealth. A "public treasury is a pub lic trait" and not a public crib for the support of every loafer in the country. The standard of the legis lature should be raised, and designing politicians and tools should be rele gated to the rear ranks, and a reward put upon honesty and fidelity. Recently there came to work in a Brookfield family a Swedish woman, who, hearing of a young woman's trouble from insomonia, told her of the practice of the people of her country who are similarly afdictcd. It was to take a napkin, dip it in ict cold water, wring it slightly and lay it across her eyes. The plan was fol lowed and il worked like a charm. The first night the girl slept four hours without awaking, something she had not done for several months. At the end of tint time the napkin had become dry. By wetting it again she at one went to sleep, and it re quired 'considerable force to awaken her in the morning. Ex. Ducker's cash Dry Goods House " We have just received our new Spring goods of all kinds. Come and see our line of Henriettas in all the new Shades. OK Pipppo f Latest Styles in Sattecn 15 PlGCGS of Bombay striPe - j.n m w I-',' 1 K Pipppc f French Ginghams. 10 PlPPftQ of Fancy and Plain Lincnt Chambrays. Big Pile of Worsted dress Goods of all kinds. Stacks of embroideries and insertings; seersuckers, plain and striped to match; dress ginghams in endless variety; calicos, shirtings, jeans, satinades, denams, tick ing, and everything in the dry goods line. We have just received a fine line of black hosiery in LADIES MISSES 3c CHILIJRENS that we will guarantee not to crock or fade, if they do we will give your money back. Wc have more dry goods and are selling them cheaper than any house in the west. You cannot afford to buy anything in our line without first seeing our pi ices. Next to First Natiooal Bank, Bed Cloud. J. J. Ducker. 4 An exchange, who probably has heard of the Twin of the "Big S" says Wc haven't the pleasure of the ac quaintance of the "what is it under consideration, but what seems to ail him is that he i determined to have a fight with men who have something more than several quarts of nothing to fill in around the bump of self esteem, and not having any more im agination than a post-hole, he doesn't know the difference between a little plcuantry and a column and a half of personal abuse, and whilo wc are poor and war paint comes high, if he insists on dealing in reminiscences and per sonalities, we will accomodate him with au accomodation oh which there will he no flies."' Hake It Fell, yittzy. "In the office of Doctor McKeeby, we were shown a few days ago a case of Hotts disease, an affection of the spine, Ac. Twin. We have heard of moat every kind of a disease that human flesh is heir to, but the red beaded twin down the way has discovered that man is afflict ed at times with the "Uotts." Won derful indeed that with all of the great men of the day, that tbe dis covcry of ''Botts" in man should be left to an obscure country editor. Potty ought to be in great u-tnaud at the monopoly headquarters after the above discovery for brain fillinir. Answer ta Carreepeaateata Patrons of this column will please bear in mind that all "qnerriea" should be in the office not later tnan Wednesday eve ning to insure publication. No manu scripts returned unless by special request. All are invited to send in questions of in terest. City, March 18th. Editor. How many aldermen arc there to be elected at the next city election in the south ward. JoHNV. Two. The terms of both expire. Amboy, March ISth. Mr. Editor. When was St Patrick barn, Erin. He was born in Scotland 372 A. D. Thomasvillc, March 10th. Mr. Editor. What is the popula tion of Webster county at the pres ent time. Farmel. We can only give an approximate idea, in tho absence of official figures, and that is about 14,000. The last census in 1885 gave the county a population of almost 11,000. Inavale, March 20th. Mr. Editor. What are Botts' in a man? I never heard of such a thing wntil recently, and then I saw it in the "Big 8." Is there any such thing? Cbossbones. No. It should have been Potts' disease of the spine. The intellectual department of the outfit failed to con sult their dictionary when writing the article. Bladen, March 15th. Mr. Editor. Please inform me through your paper when the board of supervisors meet again. CtoDnorPER, April 2d is the time set to meet. Ye; Hca all Bight. Mr. Simons, representing the Kcd Clond Republican, was a visitor in Glide Hock one day last week, also the week previous. Mr. S. is, wc be lieve, the Syndicate's tacitly admitted candidate for sheriff in the campaign to be. What's the m?ttcr with Mr. V Scett, "the people's candidate?" Just as like as not "he's all right." There " is in fact nothing wrong with any of thepretent officers except that they are ia aid the fellows who are poaad iae away oa them are out bnt would like to be ia. That is the whole story in a nut shell. Guide Rock Siatoaa deaies the soft impeach teat yet it' rtmaias a fact that he wants it, ana wants it badly, bnt he wbf probably have wioge before he Besmfcllcaa Caaeaa. There will be a jo'nt cast us of the republican electors in the 1st and 2d wards of the city of Red Cloud at the court house, Tuesday evening, March 2Cth, at S p. m. for the purpose of nominating a city ticket. M.B. McNitt. iC0 Mrs. Sally Mallory, of Long Pine, celebrated her 106th birthday yester day. She has been a Methodist church member for ninty-fonr years. A few weeks a-o her adopted rob. aged S3, was reclaimed. She is hap py to think that her boy has quit sow iBg his wild oats and has settled down ia life Ex. Are yoa going to buy a carpet so do not fail to call aad examine stock and prices F. V . Taj ler. Klsle'a Letter f e Halite. Red Cloud, March 19th, '39. Dear friend Hall. Taking it for granted that you would like to hear from me, I will proceed to inform you that we girls are getting ready for a good time this coming spring and sum mer and if our health and strength continues to improve in the next com ing season as favorably as it has done in the past, thanks to a kind Provi dence. Well to tell you the truth wc girls (that is Grace, Edith and my self) arc just dying to make a run down, bnt you see there arc more things than money matters to be con sidered, in leaving town just at the present. There's the new toilet and one hundred and one other things. Oh! by the way have you seen those new vails? Ain't thoy horrid, but then they arc all the rage, and they are so cheap that you can get one for a mere song, and I imagine I would look like old Mother Goose in one. but one might as well be out of the world as to be out of fashion. Oh! yes, Hallic, not changing the subject from vails to engagements too sudden, the time has come, my dear schoolmate, that I am engaged to a real live man, and he is just too nice for anything, and his first name is well I will not mention it just yet, as there is, many a slip, etc, you know aad for fear that all the other fellows would naturally feel green in raonopo, lizing blank's affianced I will state wc are fast friends. There are not many girls in town that don't cast iheeps eyes at blank, but then it is only natural, they not knowing that I have clinched his heart. Oh! yes, we have a new y. m. in town who is decidedly nice, but don't mention this so that Harry (oh, now I have told) will find it out L W. is looking up a location. How much be will be misted by us all, you can well imagine, Dave is the lame old sixpensc. I don't know why the Red Cload girls don't set their caps for him. One of our crowd has joined the innumeraole throng of Benedicts I dropped a silent tear. Well to tell yoa the truth Bed Cload, is a little oa the quiet order just now it being Leal, but you wait until the matrimonial market blooms ia the spring when tome of oar old maids will be cinied off to the matrimonial sacrifice and then won't that he joy- girls wc called on wore just dying of envy one could sec it in their vory eves. Well, ta ta. K The date for tho Home Missionary convention to be held at Red Cloud i.- fixed for March 29th. This quite an important meet' ing as representatives from 2.'i Con grcgational churches arc expected to be present. The ino:t prominent feature of the convention will be the lecture in the evening by Kcv. Jos. Tho assessors of tho several town ships in Webster county, met at the county clerk's oflico in compliance with l:-.v. at 2 o'clock n.m. on Tuesdav. Congrt'jNitional ! .March 10. lSgj). The meeting wa called to order and on motion O. R. Dinvus was rnado chairman and S. Vaa i'oran of Guido Hock was made secretary. On motion tho chairman appointed Simpon of Oak Creek. Stout ot Har mony, aad Diugco of Walnut Creek as a committee on personal property. Tho committee appointed on real estate were Bailey of Heaver Creek. rLKAWANT Quite a good deal Of McltlC.VI m4 In Var miaa. in At ti convention of ot4 aoUllsra Wa our neighborhood, but Dr. Ienncr, ' lUinoad, Mrrh ;th, ly, th foiWmW worker, l having pre.it '" i00"'-! unanimous adoptae ' lEfVftll!v.l fl . Ilia HhM -- - u;iavH mi T. Duryca, 1). O., formerly of Boston but now pastor of the First Congrc-1 Hinkle of Inavatc, and Walker of Pota- gational church of Omaha. Or. "ut-, "" n ia nn nf tli finoat rmK.if Alnr I ' ' Committee On Teal CtatO reCOCB- in tqc west and will interest all who attend. Henry Cook, the popular propric. ter of the City Pharmacy, has receiv ed one of the most elegant lines of wall paper ever brought to Kcd Cloud. It is now house cleaning time and the ladies arc cordially invited to call and see his new styles. They arc beautiful. Come early and get our choice. or later rt to IIrntn. We have before us a book entitled, Life With The Trotters, by John Splan the noted driver who has had more valuable horsed in his charge mended that real rttato in tbe couaty bo a-c4sed oa aa average of $3 per acre, which was adopted. Committee on personal property rec ommended rates be observed by taa several assessors in assessing personal property, which was adopted. Tho following valuations were agreed upon xi the basis of assessment for the year 1883. .Stallions fSO to $500. Hore $5 to HO. Cattle-r.' to flO. Mulc flOtoflU. Sheep SO cents per bead. Hogs flper head. Steam engines, including boilers fair cash value. Fire and burglar proof safes fair cash value. Billiard, pigeon-hole, bagatelle, er other similar tables lair cash valaa. Carriages and waffoaeot whatsoever kind-f5 to 75. Watches and clocks fl to 950. I Sewing or knitting macaiaes f 1 ta i10. I'mno-fortee 910 to 9100. :c-' .Mdodeons aad organs 95 to 990. X. wMAfcvt ma9 iL& 9 i it ii il ,i i uumij uu mo iKKiijnivi Uicrv the skillful success. They have been holding a series of meetiags at Ono, Ktis, the past two weeks of which a great deal of good baa been accumulated. Farmers are sowing wheat and oats. Mr. Stevens ha moved on tho Maple Grove farm. L. Haskins ha moved mi the Sher wood farm and is thinking now how he will demolish the sunflower.". Squire Fuack seems to bo givibg eqatty ia all cac tried before him. 8. h. Leoeard has purchased a phietca from the prudent Squire Faaek. Gukm. rwi.js. L. C. Gilbert and family have re taraed from Kxcter. Briec France sod his Mti started Taartday of lat w;ck Frank BFith a tumttal- tratlitn .a .iqthofU-! to tU'tfW for liliS from th Tsriou town la , Nurkoll. dihI KrnUn rwuitU la ?! rnkfi. ami Smith ! JaM HNtU ta KnA. for ll location of th flri uuftl inW tato O A R. ranaton t I h!il not Utr iln Jjl. 15, !;. 4 tltst th cuanctt t mrJ t b i tract "with tho town offering th tt la lur;Lnint fur th location of ! r union, iti lii) to t ffttJ aJ eea luViwJ on or lWt't May lf 17. Haii eootirl! rcrv ih right to rj nnj or all hlj at Uialr ditcrwtioa. Hl,ftiM Uj Aomrsitt Joa. Oun, Chm, U4 CUt4 If It. i?oK. hmUh Catr. Km. A J Wtmtu, Htttr (Ms, Km. W. H. Itw,.., MqjMtU,,, Xafc l I (Jaoi, Kls-rtea. . tr wui, aa mmrmittm UU fHxm.Ma th. 1J. for tkt N lowing itt&. u -wit TMj too. of a 4airaJ m hroqrvl Flta Um ntrJUraloaroaV Twntjr yJ qf txl 4lira4 oa loaded ear U tke aew bora 'in Duad JC"wl eoaaty. The rest of tbe fam.lj l Le2,.M,'lita mw' during his 30 yearj connection with the turf than any other driver. The genial Jack tells his story in his us ual charming and interesting way which is pcculiary his orn. 31 r. Budd Doblc gives the romantic his tory of Goldsmith Maid the Queen of the trotting turf for years, who .tuw .w.u ,.. ... ........ "., r,lm.L .,. ti . , ... ,,-" . - : - . xUBDar wno sunas at inc nvaa oi nist All other personal aroaetlT at profess;on as a colt handler, give al- nable hints to horsemen and brcc-icr as to their education. The book has the endorsement of Mr. lichen Boaner, which is sufficient to show! ile value. Trice f 3: J. C. Holeomh ! is the agent for this county sabcrip-i tion. received at this otnee. jeia them this wk. Tbey har lived here the past 15 yearn aad their eld frieade regret te see them depart. School closed last Fridar The nag term will aegta after tare par ngia Mlirc rmimuiv sink. '.&. with the ssae teach F?.niZV?i?- fair valuation. ma ee- it is now stated that Mr. Si aspires to the 31arshal'e portfolio, aa there mere moaey ia it. How ahoai t?ic earth ? J. H. week. . ataaa 2a(l. HI: of NVbruka, Wwtr oitr. To vboa it rat j esacwrs. Th oasa appoistad torirw aaarapor; weeka aeatioa era. There was a mcetiag of t!c Teach ere Aseaeiattoa lere last Satsrdaj, trith agead aUeadaaee cf uackem aad of visitors also. The ttachtn seemed plaaeed to have the Timor areeeat, aad the visitors wr w?ll pleased to see that Wltr covsty has saeh a good corps of Uacbm. The lyceam zUt4 oa Ist Friday aafht for the eeasea. Eddie I'aal is able to U n?aa4 agaia. Mr. Daaaerg hae Wilt aa d4iua btjsirjrrit oppI t camp in roTnlst rn Tank Sat wtHji; Wek oagroaJ. Htjiui.U icrcntvU tot brtdlmc rawila wltbln thr qvartar cf m af tl aVH. riUbl! alnk. UaJa, H. tm wuwhs rh4ia or prlrm tttrmUf to and ttum tfrouttii. rV of tni; ! ft of rJa a4 o4itr aaaavwria of trakK. !o W4tk. n lb atrr km avat mt m,tj s,t y,Ul h taataal to taa li, . R. to ! ap4vI to raair praaaa. Faih SsUKf astir ar mrmf tt f tQt rvtaartaoa of U a.rcj. TVa ftWr abjt U ikm feftvisa (litidaa. AU tain at iu.i,f fcis Iwora rv is,-. tr faa?. siMtaa' -US d-ii. niU of fsBaaa. ?miimi 3nUt, . ssrt UAh4 trm t 4-w4 s4 fet irw4 ta Usaa f nag la rns'ioa 5ti feVJi rat t fmm aia4 if St4r3t't h4, M m44t 1 1 1 1 1 f K at.Fxf9L AhrHfT al-. fal. Vaara, Elsib. a aw ! I 1 can aave yaa hig moaey oa farai- J P. S. We weat ant to make a few tare aad carpets. 100 differeat pat-(calls this aiteraoea, aad evea yea terns of carpets eut witheat Wawtoatlweadd Le earariaad to see hew ake we F. V. Tajlft'is aU)fWUMan)CltiMaiaala B . .. . , , -r i -- -f.. aiJcv was in itacein ti.,aeruia pst:tioa dalj aiffaaxt ard -aiU ih cocatj eUrk of aaij ecrcstf praj- , ; WMC tiat a roed t located m feCovs tai3acj; at th sort&t roritf ta nortS4t,ii qrartr if Ktk Wtu il toatotrf rast tea flOl wrt. iltct- rrazuc oiih two tsrvd aav4 Sat thr- ft i3JTsr. ,T, -m trrTtaa Iicr btva ctkrj II sad 12. tataaaa : 3t hsrvd sad igklj-tvo (itj) nr. IQ, iiso sorth to itkia ';- W-Ifn-a cya alrrca (111 aaat toi2i aat bcis? is Webster eaastr. rtiraata hm Xctift U Jx-rrbr r:-ra& ihit afci-r a-i lr t it tv ct at onler j twj o? f tfc 4. t loartoftbe elxth IclKiii t&urtrt ta ojkJ foe Wbrfer txwjsty, ttir3ia. a9 a J?r?r b s actios proilst ia -i-t cuort b-r ta tlxw&x. A. raelipai:itiolJaffir-l XartrlfanV i artia, W. E. JteXHXX. lt! CVa: mAOJu BaaJt. J. o. rartn ai Eirjte Trcar ar ! Sradacts. I aaS oiler for sa at t"3" troii tcrcaaa taa&t at tit? t-itt kr ef iVwat hem.- m Betl Goexi ta vul t3ttT .fexi itissi tar t4mcliTe ts lKr r- .. -r -- -- at. m - tae toltemmr dmsJ tjtv-r-n-r 1 Lea tkr f aad Tfcasr Hi ain tb csS ti-Ui hrtn Or IS irai 01 aaicouJTsra. trrTteJ UToraitr sad road. for el tac uarismm tjoxr.tr is s a w 54 b4 2r3 ia tie friaew et tkm lBaanaai aaaaa h a aar aw wrjg as r- ar vz-x ; rr k t a is w rfswawai,toTO?.iiarJBtfrai-rt. ozot aooa ef Falaj. A rS 13. lata. of Usccttr.aa. ra 'rr rrtimr.'-- se reaa ta msatail Ctvca aaear aey ba&4 tsi nx car XJ.-ct. rti ervmem faiiaSa l at aa aaaaBBBaaV SaBBBa TT. . '" ' ssaert. .wosmi.IWJ.ii.m Ca. to his hevse. .... . . . .. Graadma Ward weat to Kar Imi wu JZlI! - Nraday to tee her daaghter, Mrs. A. ssai was... C SoHt, whe is riek. TU Ust r,t , 9imn. Rev. I'rss, pf Cambridge, rrrr k4 f &tlGtrir t ?Ar4isx aa3 s't aa eaerlkat itntot t the CarT ' 'C tit mij wt, at ii tieaal charcb ea lait c-'albith. h 4 f " "" ei wt Jfcrr. flaat aajr Tfer4 Jft fr xus4 ! ai. i rri t Jt- tse say yra j tT, si K..-aW. W.M.V.. -...- .. .-- U '"- 1 .- -.M-. . v3T a", f-n-. aaaaa at '.aarrmt --St Mr. WiUar ta f-aMieg i Vrviy jasft eaet of CewUic Assi.hmx. raaa. . rj,C, to- rt flr A feed farm hare U MIS . -tf Ti. at. Js. tS " -- J lav peoiziifmmer mm Mtaaaa tMw aavt '" ec-J fyViiiSj. iJ The r Mrr rk. tl ut ... - -V jf - - BBl -' " 1 I x 7 r. AZ vrjjt m met -a Ma-I mU4i 4 a4 I o A 1 i . 5 I af -. --- usirrumr MjiaeaaaBk-z"ur:sKi