yj$r &' i I k. it is p ' St u r. a it. i -5W V E 3 i BED CLOUD CHIEF s A. C.HOSME,Froprltr. RFprf.OFT . . - KF.BRASKA CUBRMNT COMMENT. The headquarters of the Santa Fa general offices have been removed froa Boston to Chicago. NEWS OF THE WEEK. by Teaasrapa and Man. At a recent meeting of the "Sew York Bar Association ex-President Cleveland was elected a member. The trunk liae general passearfer agents have passed a resolution to stop paving commissions on trunk line tickets. All- of the duels arising out of the recent animated debate in the French Chamber of Deputies were amicably arranged. Several cases of insanity are re ported from the prison at Sing Sing, N. Y.. consequent upon the enforced c idleness of the convicts. "" 'TM aother of Prof. Geffcken died recently at the age of ninety-one. Geffcken, it will be remembered, itm f pfoeecuUd for divulging Berlin court -! The Western Base-ball Association delegates at Sioux City, Iowa, spent all day on the 15th squabbling over the season's schedule. Two lists were rejected. ,. r- - ; Presbekt Hakeisox received three ' 'Georgia delegation on the loth, one af ' "them headed by General Longstreet. , - , General Goff and Colonel Fred Grant also called. The question of the return of ex- Queen Natalie, of Servia, to Belgrade, I nas aireauy caused one challenge to a duel between leading opponents in the Government. A report was received on the 15th that Tascott, the murderer of Snell. thejChicago millionaire, had been cap- i lured on the beaks of Lake Winnipeg, in juanitooa. miATmwucvnvt: semi-ox. Boos attar UeSeaaU Mt oa Ue 12U a Miiftwii receives froa the President ink alula the papers a UelV.Iteu case. The Uadl committees were elected and several elect committer appointed by resolitioe. A bag debate iu had oe the Botion at &dtw Payne to strike froa Ue lias of Mlect coaKit tee the one -On Kelattoaa snU Caaaia." bat the motion wm finally withdrawn. The noa taatioas of Tboaa W. Palmer, to be Mini ter to Spelat John F. Swift, to be Minister to Jtyu; Joha D. Wathbara, to be Min ister to Swttaerland. and Oam cl Tiehaor. to be Assistant Secretary of the ireanry, were ceafiraed. The President est In the following aomlaaUoas which were referred: Arthur C. Mlllett. to be Coveranr and Luther B. Bicbardson, to be Secretary of Dakota (both of Dakota): Cornelias H. Han tord, to be Chief Justice of Washington Territory: George W. Irvin, to be Marshal of Montana: & W. Chambers. United State Attorney for Indiana; Georre S. Batchel ler, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; Albert G. Porter, of radiana. to be Minister to Italy: John A. Enander. of Illinois, to be Minister to Denmark, aad several names for postmasters. SEVxaai. reselntiens were introduced in ine senate oa Ue 1Kb and referred. In exec atlve session the Seaaec eeafinned A. a JC1I lette to be Governor, mod D. U Kickardson to be Secret, of Dakota: Cornelius H. Hantord to be Chief Justice efWashragtea Territory: Geonre W. Irrla. 10 be Marshal or Montana: SaOey K. Chaabera, Catted Sates Attorney for ladlana: George . Betcbeller. to be As fisiaat Secretary ef She Treasury: Albert O. Portea to be MJataar to Italy: Joha A. En ander. to be Minister a Denmark: Walker giatae. to be examiner of claims for the State Departaeat. and one postaaster. Is tbo Senate cm the Htb Senator Gib son spoke on bis resoluUon for the appointment of a select coanoittee on the relations of the United States with Mexico. In executive ses sion the nomination of J. s. Clarksoa, of Iowa, to be First AoaiBUt Postmaster-General was confirmed.; and the Senate adjourned until Monday. Aaoagtbe nominations sent to the Senate were: Louis Wolfley. Governor of Ari zona: Rath borne Gardner, United States At torney for Rhode Island: William L. Dunlin United States Marshal for Indiana: John A. Kasson (Iowal. William Walter Phelps (X. J.), and George H. Bates (Del), to be cotnmimon ers at the Berlin conference on Samoan aSairs, and a number of postmasters. t i W. T, O'Bries, night manager of the United Press office at Washington, died recently. ged thirty-one. Ex- posure daring the inauguration cere monies made the -disease terminate aatally. Emox8Blaixe, -who has resigned ais position as geseral freight aad passenger agent of the Santa Fe Cali fornia read, is to be vice-president f tke West Virginia Central road with headquarters at Baltimore. Aldace F. Wuxer. f tke later State Commerce Commission, has ac cepted the cbairawannhrp of the farter State Railway Assedatioa at aealary 4 125.000. and -111 ininiridlrtcilj tlost up his affairs in Washington. A Fkemch soldier named Vertjoie has been sentenced to death ia Oraa. Algeria, for throwing a quid of to bacco into the face of Colonel Thierry; while Vertjoie wasbeiag tnedaWcaar martial for attempting to desert. Fbom the edition of George P. ItoweU tCo-'s American Newspaper Direct ory, to be published April 1. it ap pears that the newspapers aad period icals or all kinds issued ia the United States and Canada now number 17,107. Quite a hot discussion was iadulged In in the lower house of the Illinois Legislature the other night over reso lutions denouncing the present British taaataent of Ireland aad declaring fyatpathy with Parncll. Gladstone and the Irish people. They were finally referred to a committee. TELEGRAni communication with the United States has been established bv cable from Santiago de Cuba to IlayU and San Domingo, and thence to the Island of Curacoa. thence to LaGuayra asd Caracas, Venezue'a. where con nection is made with the Government -land lines for the placet of the interior. J. McLaren. Queen's Counsel, in a letter to the Toronto Globe giving striking statistics of the rapid spread i uierrencn people and French lan guage in Xow Brunswick. Quebec, On tario and llaiae. predicts that in fifty VKS? thc5 localite will contain jiiau.yw purely French PERSOXAX. ASO POLITICAL. Pabnku. was tendered a reception and banquet at 8t James' Hall, London, on Ue nisht of the 13th. A largo crowd out side gave him an oration. ADmaaL Jcarxz. of the French nary aad Minister of Marine, died suddenly on Ue Ifta froa aa apoplectic stroke. He had won distinction in the Crimea, Italy, China and Mexico. He also bore a promi nent part ia Ue Franco-Prussian war, after tbo close of which he was elected to Ue National Asseably. Ho. Moses W. Field, the original Greenback advocate ia Michigan, the man who called Uo Greeaback movement into political broaiaeacoia Ue United States aad sajrjGosted Uoeoowoation which nom inated Peter Cooper for President, died at Detroit Mich., oa Uo Utk. Jobs A. Kasaoa, of Iowa, William Walter Phelps, of Jlew Jersey, and George & Bocea. of Delaware, hare been selected by Uo President to be commissioners to ropraooat Uo United 8tatos at the con ference to be hold ia Berlin concerning awaira m tae naaoaa islands. TAarasni.tK.Ue taasoas tenor, died at rarisatislita. Taa British Gororaaoat has abandoned tbo Idea et prooocatkig Mr. O'Briea for awpiraey. Anncas froa 8aaoa prored the f alsitT faaorofjora of aa eagageaeat botweoa UoOoraaa corvetto Olga aad aa Aaori can aaa-of-war. Taaaa was a boated debate ia the Froacb Cbaaber of Deputies oa Uo alcht of Ue MU. M. Cassagaao dariag Uo Gov craaBNW to arrest Boalaarer. Savarai ""' rr MTiTiiBt AOaaiWIKtAawaoradBrwed inUere t election at KcBBiB(too,Loadon. The aoat was foramly oecapiod by Censor- wathre. Xx-QcasJi STatauk, ofSorrla. will seon ko application for Uo aanu?aat of the ef dtroreo araatod to her aasbaad. cs-Kiag Milan. SsKATsa Cases, of Rhode Island, has resigned. His private reasons were stated to bo that tbo salary of 54.000 was far too saall to pay expenses In Washington. Maar Axbebsos, the actress, was re ported so sick at Philadelphia that her coapany was disbanded. There seemed to be well-foandod ruaon that she was insane. HrrrOLTTS recently won a victory over Legitime ia Haytu Twelve of Legi time's soldiers, csptared by Hippolyte. were ex ecuted as aa act of retaliatioa. The Chinese Minister at Washington has iwvni Dviice wiat oe win aeminu full in doaniicatien for all damage none to Ue property atCbinamea in Milwaukee. Goraaxoa Wilsox, of West Virginia, has decided to call an extra session of the Legislature about June 1 to settle the Gu bernatorial muddle and act on important aattera. Frra sailors woroaTswaed by Uo tu Aaoricaa brig Agaos Bartoa oaT tae Tkgiaia coast roeoatly. All of Uo six ataors eoalaed by the falls of rock aad coal at Uo Black Dia aoad aiae soar Moant CaraaJ, Pa, sroro roscaod alivoaadwolL Tax cotton warebeaso and platform of Cely Bros., at Groeaville, 8. C, was tamed Ue other day wiU 12, 0W bales of cottoav Tbo are was caused by a spark froa a pasting engiae. The Supreme Coart of Illinois has do Hied Ue aotioa to correct tae judgment in the case of Fie ldon and others aalast Ue people, and at last Ue 'Anarchist case' has been disposed of so far as Uo Supremo KAmn is concerned. Tax Indiana Supreme Court has decided tbo act of the late Legislature cutting of the fees of the Suoretne Court rmrt,r and making the offioa a salaried one am conttitutionaL The eleven colleries of Ue Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Company about Wilkes bane, Pa., which have beea idle since February 2 will resume with nearly 6.0M employes. Br an explosion of fire damp ia a col liery near JJia-a, France, focently, fifteen persons were killed and six injured. A large naaber of citizens of Green ville, 8. C. have bees warned by White caps that unless they behaved themselves. stopped playing cards aad stayed at horns aighta they would each receive thirty nine lashes. Bcnxsss failBres (Dan's report) for the even days eaded March 14 aaabered 9G1, compered with 231 Ue previous week aad 229 the corresponding week of last year. Tax bodies of W. J. Flowers, his wife and two children were foaa-i ia the ruins of their residence at Hollow Rock, near Memphis, Tenn.. recently. There were suspicions of robbery, murder and arson. Senator's cracker factory oa Clyburn avenue, Chicago, burned the other night. The work people boarded ia the upper part of Ue building, two of whom prUhed, the rest escaping with great difflcultv. Soi-theux CaLtroRxia hat been visited by a delugeof rain. The village of Ventara suffered from a cloudburst A passenger train was wrecked and two trainmen were hurt. Seriocs trouble was reported amoag the troops at Fort Niagara. A rfot broke oat on the escape of seven soldiers to Can ada. Three of the rtoters were stabbed, one fatally. The men claimed that they were treated worse than dojs bv the officer. KEIRASKA STATE XEW& trtmti icgtsloiao. Tax Senate was sot ia session oe Uo Tlth. In tbe IIou- bill were read a ecosa wme and referrr.! asd the Uoave took cp the special order the bUl to amend the statutes in reanE the lejl inh-rttaace of the wJow ta her decease hatband's estate, which a aaeaded ana ftorbly reported. A scm'ier of otAer bilU were considered la Committee of the Whole, wnicb occcpird tbe wbcie csoa. iHXcVaatemComraitb of tfa Whole OB the Ktu rrcommended for pware tbe bill rrtjuinnif cfeoo! district treasurers to mks a report when required by the d jrctjr or Cve electors, ud Mr. Connor's bill precnbtas methods of arbltnUoa. Maar other bill ere tfipodof . In the House mecrorisl aUJrestes were delivered oc tfee drata or Mr Hajs, ot Yor. Alarse ncmbrrof rejorts cre received and a spec a! committee appointed to nx the hour ef final adjournment. Tbe bill pnmd.ns for a sondifted rorm of tbe Autra!lon yicm of oitnc in ; e o: tbe ftrt and metropolitan cl.x:, pv.M b a rote of Si to IS. The ijarir Bounty bill (oae cent per pound) aIo paed; li ,jr. Manaiw'i. bill re- ' laUsK t invurauce compjoie. aNo Mr John soc's biU acthonzlnff property ocer tn cer tain eae to estab!ih a mutual iaurancs com- . paoy affalast tire, tornado-s, etc and tbe bill limiting the rate of taxation. HUI were ttea eonsid-rci In Committee of the Whole. AaocT thirty bills were reported front committee in tbe Senate on the 13th. half of them bein sent into tn-leflnlte postponement. The bills lot w re Mr. Fuaclc' Kecttrtlon Dill and the bill for the lni-ctlon of cattle be lore slaojrhter. A memorial trum was received urging the patar- of Dtu for a soldier1 relief fut.d tn The dUputea, and reduclnc the commiicn ofcountv treasurers ror certain collection. Hills were considered in Committee of the Whole, and a committee appointed oo final adjournment . The House pasted the bill to punish aeors for under valuation of property, also the bill directing the Goirrnor to anloc two convicts on July 4 each year wao had b-en In prison lea years. Appropriations were considered in Com auttee of the Wboie. Ix the Senate on the 14th the fjllowing bills passed: Chacjnrf the annual school meet lnif to June: Increasing the board of education tn cities ot !.') to Xi) from six member to nine. definiotMhe iunsdictlonuf ihi-an-itrnrfr stolen propertv whrn removed tr ra tbe place ' of theft. In Committer of the Whole the tlll lnereains the salaries ot Judges ol the Supreme and district courts was favorably recommended; also tbe bill enipowrnnj: county board to leiya tix ol three-trntn ol a mill for a soldier reicf commiston In tbe House about fifty bills were placed on tile ana much time VAPil In VMn.itin.Ai.. mmu..a.. 1 -.--. ... -. iui,iiHf,viii 'i'.M:tiruLC I Ol OlilS. FAMMEJTS fICVIEW. Cesterally 04. Wllb a 'ot taMsible. Caicaoo. March KTbe Farars hV- visw says rv:anUng the condltioa of wla- , ter wkeat: March, the inWrrrgaua W tweon winter and spring. U probably the most tryni; aiaatb of tbe jar to the win ter wheat crop. This ysar owing to tbe lack of snow ia many of the State aad the remarkably mild, open winter exper ienced thus far ta- season i parties larly criticaL Should a suJden frtese tak place tbe damage would le verygrrsat As it i, quite a percentage est the op la several Sate- has heA winter klleL Making all due alio wane-, however, for thee rejvort. tn. Kral average condi tion of winter ttheat a a wn. ii fair to goxl and the propct for a crop by no ta-au dtkcouractnc. iue rrjorts of our en's ise stimmar ri .1 folio In Ohio five counties rK)rt the condition good, twenty counties report IS to rM r cent, of datuige froo frersm: and thaw ing wenthrr. others Slight lmir frwa this cause. Marion County reports la per cent, damice froo th He..l,ti flr, three othrr counties s'lght damage; tvi coun tle ufrfrv 1 from the fall drought. The gelier.il xrceut4i;e of coudltUu fcr tbe State a compared ntth last jer 1 an average of V. m Indiana tUtcri counties rr,rt tt THE KEF CXXwVENTtOW, Werfe ot ta fosev- Bkar WbM St. kvne scorn in eatatiua aTier prsjs-vJed, a fcry riitl tx uf euvaty la Uli svse bavtag lbr m v,r ata my. town or etnago muitut tsfaBW tw. R. ft ba we ta dt tr pJr . lUi'dties ttwrg-'J with tbo p--rTt s v. Locra, March JV la Uo beef coa- poal bosvta tn t!s rtusx aa4 fst.- . legislative coaTentloa yeeterday Jai u. sriat eteir - i.rrt- . ik. tiM attitJ Is !s f. ' w "" ' " -""' " " " " iw..w..a.sa sldsratW o vartua I " aad row fDJf,iSI' ce-vr vr rT arsj a-i h(5f bl,l. aad resolatioea, bat aotbiag d.dnlto j MWrtly rfcllctto. s ,, v waactfap:itedaa4arecee was taken i(vvttr1.,rt w ,a j,., , Jr sratit the afteraooa. ' tae. aj t r. tr-. fcJ r- Tbe afternoon soesien peaei with Ue u tarot of rt S- t to t -; rvport of the coeDa'ttee ca trsoSatioaa. I sprcior -i h t- u t- r- '" which su aa follows: j ! arrUta &t ..r-M Vour ce;iBltte would rptbtiT rrvt S. I - - sty (-'.!.. tbr resolauoas rer-ed to the rvusttuse tvwl j spfwtnl'd trewsJrr k . with tb rrComsx-edatKK Ul fAey ft tk I S4p aisl aw tee t- t uatr4 Zrr tab'e Ad twfleare to -iCTs. as IS wxfer- j & b tlr r-pvu --' rs.' ws ri-J la i.!.lii IS Isnrl uJ IWrt lIJUWefs -- - pork ciaba, or insV a Jeiiatea ta th oftb saw aaJ if fW tsjikr v 1 Ko rrsolstwai. U all tast tbre ! for Ue able cwt. be Js.i,j - -, -...,.i- ! convention to cosstder. av3 la U w:ki of . " ,B rrai ! rvar csnja:tt- tae oit effective wr to rrch i wrtUtK ts tast eJ wr ir... ' ? 1 oy ieeis:atiin. tr Vr '- theG A 1 t . .--.. svuHurs r.p.11 is Jsect-on t. lie It enacted by vi nnv "J"ou Kd to very goL Ten counties I cf the state of . ixa a Mr. linn i rmnrt Ihii hp iunt ... v .. ....... .1 I .i.. . ... .... . ... rasO!Uier relief fut,d tn rich r.iunlt 1 . . ' ..-.--.. i-i im. i.uisn n...,u u. i an'". m or .! bills pased for the arbitration of labor "' w,nt"r ' ln: three comities n-port trsxitsv Srtnv svrjratlon. tbe .-? can be djse witboat rseroacbaseat ufsci lh orraic 1 ot j ourUad. H lCru.vT Cbkinaan. The rsrt wa unaitituuu.tr adopted. Tb ccainiitue on n4Kle4 lej-lslatHta pri srntoi a substitute bill for all tho Intro duced, defining trnsU an 1 combines, whlcn ts. tbe Tea Ull In full. Upon a vote twung taterv. tbe convention br a vet of 3-A ur a 14 & 31 against. rvon. ni-tidctl tba bill to tbe various Stat LgW- tnturp. Tbi btll lu fu 1 is a follows. Sect-on t. lie It enacted br tbo tnlatiir tn.it t a cun by two ir more iiKBt Unniigt. frutu tbe Hessian flv 'lb general j -ere at a,; of tho condition for tbe Slate 1 Kl r cent In Illinois ihuty-tbree cosi-.tie report tbe i-ctilltUm gool to trry good, eiht counties 10p-r cent, to 25 t cent, dam age from winter killing; .even counties 10 or atMHi.ihjea et prrwvns, or of either tw.s or cotr ul itu. for eitber any or allot tbe folio. nc purr rrst To create or carry out rrttrtctiue la tra.tr -cesd To limit or rrdsc Ue prodae-taa. o: ticre or reduce tbe pr.ee of Kcnrhaadtsr. product orce.tircvlit)r. llru TViprrrrBt con:ps-tittv la rt-.nu'sv-t tae esrt. 4. .y twrwi4 t)li' oSrr Jar ae ftr ha Are4 ! Ik . . frrsh bef. 'rrai. aaatum. Uali e-r ;vr. 1 ever wbxb ta a4 beta t frvwt -lat-ttd aed ?rUle4 Wfkrrs. ;.4- prwp'r toes! taspcur srpste4 ' tLlt txr dremsl sraUiy sf S nlt upca cssoshMv-o iwrwf ill r. ly s En et 4t Ws IHb Ba o- : , meat aot eisrdlag' laree mU ' lee, Netbr ia ll art h2 t -- . i ! to prJy to or r -a Ml U i Ta tc iU take 3et a4 be ia twsv -aal after ! p Aflr a prtloavJ aa4 svarai !t.s . tng until aftr midaigfel, W -h . Taa imI I tiacU 4Sxe!e r 4 ttitterlr oppo.i to tb tuur t& j was ad.ipi'd by a vwt U I i u ; K I nd the cssavenlkin adjosiiw! p-rcenL toi.". jkt c-nt. damsge from the 1 ur n:ikliir Uaiirttltis. sole nr pure&ae of iieian ny. Hie geneial average of the cs nditiou for tbe State 1 VU 1 3 percent. In Michigan ir cxmnties rejKjrt condi tion good. A mitul;r of other counties aro still covered with .now, and their con dition t prxsum.tb'y k.h.1. Ten countir reort druusht and w.ntsr killing. One county flight damntte from vsire worm. (ncralnver.igecundit.oi for the Male, N per cent. In V sctisin a In Michlgnnsom-counties nr- still tioM-corered. .iiicoutitir report condition giod. tisehr cojiilie. lu THE BEER of the Indiana Legislature, a r.nintinn passed by both houses requiring the Terre Haute & Indianapolis Kailroad Corananv to pay forty years' percentage of its proats was not signed and is worthless. Tax coal miners at Gallup, N. M., have struck against any reduction in their wages. Clkarixo bouse returns for tbe week ended March 1 showed an average in crease of M.4 compared with tbe corre sponding week of last year. Ia Sew 1 ork tbe increase was TitJ The appar ently phenomenal increase wus due to tbe paralyzatioa of business last year by tbe bliurd. Thk London money market during the week ended Marcb 16 was much disturbed by tbe financial crisis ia Faxis over tbo collapse of tbe copper rinj. American railway securities declined under tbo ad verse outlook. In Germany tbe bourses were quiet and weak. tbsa?h wot nn.ii affected by the French depreciation. Tas stearavbip Zealandia arrived at8aa Francisco on tbe loth, briagiag aews froa Saaoa. from wbicb it woald appear tbat tbo Germans bad adopted a pacific policy o far as America was concerned, although ao such policy was likely with reference to Mataafa, who waa entnaohod with 9)0aea. Tns sapposed Tascott arrest on the bores cf Lake WinniDeg turned oat to be false. miw. ioxcBRAKK was killed aad her husband and James Collins seriously ia jarod bv a runaway team near Mnntinra. burg, Ind.. the other day. Aboat tho aamo time Edward H. McDonald, aged etgbteea. was killed la trying to atop aaotherraa away team. A MKHdENOER who has arrived at IVady Haifa report that a battle between the followers of 8enoasl and the Mad hi troops has takea place at Sinaoa to the southwest, and that the former were victorious. Both sides saffered heavy losses. Among tbe killed were two of th Mahdist chiefs. Twelve buildings in tbe business part of Orange Coart House, Va.. were deatroved by fire recently. Low. (5a,00u. Cause.'ia cendiarism. The London Honorable Artillery Com pany has been restored to its foraer status. MrriicoT & Mktkr. lamber dealers of St. Louis, have made aa assismraent. Thelr liabilities were not knows, bwt their assets were fjm.WW. merrha&d! rrvxtbce or on:n.dlllrt Fourth To n l ay siinJirvl or eore wbrreby its prtcv W Ue public bi4 k- la u; nisnacr coatr. rsl or eslabttstMsl nr rtiJe or rwinmod.ty .t merrhAn:ie, produce r enn n-.rire lalended fur,e. ae or etasumyliua la this jstatr IIS Ih T make, or enter istrt. wrrseejle. or csrry out any essnt.-wt, l4r-ttn or arrrso-at of any Mod or drnftMsw. bv nhia tkv UiiU bind ur base Umio.I Urui a to M-tt ds ise ot or transport, any attiei or run.ms4ity or ajtirlcot iraJc use, tuorsftabUiM-. iVMBOrrf or coasfeicptton, t-tow a . mru standard Cifare, br tt. h Ur sUall av, in asy tnta o.r. to Veep tte price or id rtele smtDt.tity r tran.pu-tation. at a nieddrrrdustist ri-ure. or by hJU Iter bil tn uv manner A wsxa4lal b. QUCSTlOfV w t t lO lT Cfllt d.iti..SL-e f nn .lr...i-hr I'.:- At the afternoon kesslon Mr llATer' . iirn!wr,,.,...i..i... ...... .. . w. .... t -...h., vt uiiiii.(uii itir Lrjt. rtlfllr n Owwototbe carelessness of the officer, ! TLZTt').0 " lucent, lur-tlftn.of our Ken.uekv (i a sr -- -. savas wm aaav a.a sii.iisv-- .. .. f . cent on each inhabitant to bae,ed In favor "i-'iswwi com nan coisl or, oc settle Ue pror t aa, of county atrncultura! koeietlrs. Th- entire prospects b-st In yurs " .So danuge ! rt,f!" r rvmnodltr or iraespofUtkKt evening csioa tu demoted to cooidcralion of ' 'rum I,r c- (-nral ni.rof con- ' Ul,,vrs tnemer t.lrm.-i. aad eUrr. tbe claim of ex Governor Hutier. which ended , for tbe btat is t- p,r cent. 1 to J,rriu'''- 'ree a&d uarrsiru td ,stnrs.uu. In the defeat of the entire claim. , I M -oun seventeen Cvuntio rnwxt t0 U,',r-1T " a lb- !e k The Senate on the l.V.r, passed the Otiia- coadit.. n good K ften count.-, r.. ...n 1 "I'r?' " a.0J !u'b litr Al.o ike bill r.-Mr.. ,. .h-.. I an vr.. .1 , ... .' " "J.-"- "J ' tre to pti, romtU.. . --.'- rs ....... 1.1 i" "! (fliu irvm I ur cnlll- I9r lnlw.l ..... htteta finio.c IU zt tala-M i oa carrier mil aio tbe bill rwjulnng a three. ' an averag vr.i.. . ... .!... . ........ . .., .., , u...u iMuaii aio lac oiu uruuirriL snii tsint..r 1 iiii.... t...- .- . , .... .. . . . authorizing a county !-vr fr the sunnort ot .r, i ....... ,"'" "'"' V'"""" ".?-"""" ".w raareiioa ot ,. ctlgent soldiervand the reut.o.-i for a Con- .ver.-eof c o. J.Tlon f r ,h ' , a-" stttutional amendment to mcrea- Judtclsl l""Jtioa f.r tbe Stale . ,r . salaries. A numtrof bill wrre roasiiVred tn , ,- t , i Committee of the Whole, and tb- ilous ; " KBna te mnjority of tho counties ' asBeadments to Mr.Jewett' Alien Land bill r'l'ort c dlti.iTi g.-oL Nine counties re were concurred In The House i.u.eJ I01 ' -y HrcrnLilsmsrufrum ilrtnieht . i.c louowmg Dins- I'rohlbtung tbe par- aihment of wr of employes of la corporations earned in other Stale. . prottdlag for luinx kea-ch warrant for iatoiicatirg j liquors: for the appointment of asltaat county attorneys m certain rountlc: for aJdttioa aad ImprovemeBts to tbe Insane Hopitl at Hast- 1 ings. asi.sif. and for tbe laad aad buiidinc ror I the Home of Ue Knendfes at Llrroln. JS.C10. A number or other bills also ps-sseal. At Ue afternoon seasioa appropriation bill were con sidered. The Senate on the ir.th passed tbe House bill repealing the Free Range law. leavtag the J Herd law la force all over Ue State without ' power of a county to npead it. This U to protect t! bomeateaders of Northern aad Western Nebraska from the cattle herds. Ia Coasaltlee or the Whole the Sucar Bounty bill tSil . . a. ... ,s ..... nnM.r a.iun. in-ral average condition for th- State y7' per cent. A CRACKER FACTORY FIRE. A t'h!rc I'rwkrr rartory Hnrsril-r- I row l-.r ..r Many KaUrt-Tii ( arxicif urcomino.lltr tbat any manner b- ;retr.t Sec. 3. Tbat aor orporIUa ikoldlBf a rhr ter unW Ue lcf tte S(al ,.f stfcu-a sba!) vilstr any of tbe prosttKUi of Ibis art. ataa Urrrby forfrit Us thafr -id rraochl.r aid Its 'un-oralc rlslrii ibi ... . 1.. of . tn.nt. I SeC.1 I'of tKl!llllI of inr .J Ik. .., , - - - . -'. .... 1-,., 1. 'MW j o. this ci tij aar corporation m nliotl brreta, j It snail t Ur Oaty of thr .Uotci-y (.eneral or j dtstrvnoerouety sttom-y or -Hhrr at Uem. u;un:s on bk.11.ir, an-l xilfeout ! or Of d-refaay court or J4dc. to iaUtale suit or o.t warranto prd4crs ta roonlv si Oral tecuati et at any sostalt u Ih State Wberc aiwrb rsn-fatk.o ctUta. ,W tu cessvf mn have a Soaiirll for tbe LMt-iutv ot Ite cbarter rWbl aJ lrarbls. asd the dia- -r.allon of tta eurpurat' 'lUtrto Se 4. Kteri bareia-a rsr;ratioa vlottln aaveftbeprovUlAiseof Uii I Ufti; d tuoS tta njfcl aad (er.tt,ted flwn dHof j bcsUrts wttnia ta Jstat. aiui 11 afa.'i 1. t 4lsUir OMalna Umw Is law. tVvsat.T Ue. Marx'b U -Jitfl dlcV b grante-t a ImiMrarv lu against th IlMriiagton. CUr IU v Nnrtltern Hal'roa.t Conapaisv an 1 J Ki.shr'ruri, agont for tha SL lout 11 -Ing i otupaay, Ml'iim( tbatw .' br ngtiig l.r min Wri T . plalnant v. as I, it tHa. it- 1 . IIUIlsTrr. Koshxmsn look -4 a t jtqnhtl' .11 vart tb wbitb airlvrd la cr.!na!a TV i--rtna n.l on Iba j. tracts . tbe lar was .illrrrd. Foabaliusn t I that tb ! oottsutuntt.t . - Iui. and th rallioa t aru.l taai 1 . rtw 1 se ol4lge. tt cpt t I . would any other freight. Tb wlg t that tba briser bad no right tt b.. -. gnt in toa, end tbat tb al Mas pUl.t In !o anl was lUesl IU bald tbat tbe raiirvd knowing h,,n h ales were oail, bwiid not a. . t in tbaru. aasaai. were favorably recomateaded. A aeaare was received from Ue Gor. oraor reeonsmenoiag tbe Meat laopcUoa aad Anti-Trust bUl fonaalated by tbe St. Louis convention. The bill were mtmestiately atve4aced....lB the House approprtaUen bills weee farther consideraUoB tn Coaasittoe of tbe Whole and tbe House adarBel. speaking The missionaries recently captured by the insurgents in Zanzibar have been released upon the payment of 13.000. The Germans have also aur rendered twelve slaves who had fallen into their hands. The follower, of BushirL retreating into the interior, seemed inclined to negotiate with the jGenaans. Advices from Honolulu state that at present the supply of coal at the United State coaling tation there is exhausted and that American war Tea sels are obliged to obtain their coal from private sources. A violent wlad atorm lately visited the leper settle ment on Molokai lelaad. Twelve Biriiaas a J abU o - ! -oubst, iu a cnurcn were blown down MISCKll.aNKOCs. Ax Ren ova. Pa, the other night, Philip PaaL the chief of police, was shot dead by Charles Cleary aa be went to unlock the door of tbejaiL Thbee boilers at the StXichoIas colliery, jsanonojr city, ra., exploded recently. A Child was killed by a fragment of iron and orjiw, othar peraoas aorioaaly, lajored. Matrfjc Bbaaa TvaabiwBad io death in Parw. Ark.', tbe other 'aiy. Jad'toar other persons badly hart ia trying to save her. Her dress caught from a brush fire, ArrxB two days' discussion the Inter state Miners' and Operators' joist con vention, at Colunbus, a, ended ia tbe dissolution of tbe agreement. Tbe affect oa wages will probably bo bad. Tax Newfoundland Government will re fuse to issue licenses for tbe purchase of bait aad outfits to American vessels this year. Cattorsaro already guardiag the ADDITIONAL DIsrATCaUa Itft ! Tax strike of tho weavers of Fall River. Massk, has boast aa-ie worse by tbe shat tisgdowa of aills employlacOOO peraoas ia other departaeata, UroBBstiBcacarvo aear Fairview, 5. M-. tho other day, aa AtlaaUe t Pacific freight engiae aad Ifteoa cars were wrecked aad Brakeaaa Oliver Forgaeoa waa fatally ia jarod, Frax la Kewaaa, Ga tho other aicht s"MJWSfU IB. ..... - and several more houses mnri f,. " iaaiBf busiaese square, ta Oafr.twaiwh. MoMhf.. "Sl'A";. narrow escape. F. B. Coolet and D. R. Howe two aankers from Hartford. Conn., reached Chicago recently aa agents of Eastern stockholders in Western railroads who want to know why difidends are not tore plentiful The capital repre aeated by the two is said to aggregate away millions. The investigations, it is understood, are directed particularly against the Illinois Central, the Chi cago, Burlington & Quincr and t. Burlington xNorthera. At a meeting of the Senate Special Coauaittee on the Pacific Hail roads it was decided to at once after the ad jouraateat of the Senate make an in spection of the roads. The members will bmH ia Chicago. April 6. aad asake a trip over the Union and Cen tral Pacific railroads, their branches aad leatad liae, occupying about six veeks. The committee consists of Senators Frye, Uawe. Hiscock. Dtivia. Morgan. Butler and Hearst. Mas. tTxaxaax. Gbaxt haa aoat a check for fat to swaCoarfodarate 8osUers' Boac at Aastva. Tax. A battkbt of boilers exploded at the Wat Poiat boiler worka, PitUburga, Pa., em tho 14th. killtag aro or six of Uo werk aoa aad lajariag aaay otbora, A xcaaxa of aiaers were iarlsosed bv a fall ef reek ia the Black Diaaoad aiue at Shaavakia. Fa. oa the Mta. It hardly Uosxxht they could bo reacaod alive. Carrara garra W. Cox, a eroalaoat railroad coatractor of BinBlagaaa. Ala., was raa over tho other aigbt by a freight traia aad killed. Tax jury ia tho trial of Thomas P. Kerr. tbo faaoas New York boodle aJdeauaa. for bribery rotaraod a verdict ot aot aUty." Taa Acting Solirifer-toeral of 5ew Mexico has givea a leagthy optaiea de claring Bwceastitntioaal tho Live-Stock laspectioa bill rccoatly paasod by the Territorial LgieJere. Oaaxaa have hoea to prepare the Adaaa at Mare Island. California, for year's craiso and tho Ireqeois at Ue aaae yard for a three years' eraJee. BrtaofaU ef a areeUo bolew SaasferA Cy tho other day a freight oagiao aad cars wore wrecked aad Uo a traaat were fatally Ujored. EX-I'IUMIDEXT Clxvxaxd York on the l?ih for Cuba. There i said to b much opposition to the confirmation of Lewis Wolfly as Gov ernor of Arizona and it is reported that chsrges have been made against him. TnkGerman Governmsnt has suppressed the Berlin VolksZeitung under the Social ist law. TriE roundhouse of the Culeacon & AltaU rauroaa at Culeacoa. Mex., was burneJ recently together with a locomotive and passenger car. Manv shop wtre alsc destroyed. Loss, $3J0t. William F. BcrcKLxa, a young Ameri can of Baltimore, has taken second honors ia the Cambridge (Ear.) University for English orations. Iw the Senate oa tbe lSlh a debate took place on trade relations. The President sent in a long list of appointmeut. Among the confirmations were those of tbe 8a moan Commissioner!. J. D. MAfilXailR. the mm.rfisn 4?a.l mi Boston recently, aged fifty-fire. Cm kse have been prohibited landing ia Chili. Caaraaax Barrrox, of the inaugural oaatmiuee, haa aaadedto taoconiaussion- ers a check for CAOOO. this being tbe amount received over expeaaes, Tho fund is to be Invested aad the iaterest devoted to relieving the poor of Washiagtoa. Taxax is a rush of gold seekers to the Sweet Grass Hills, near Big Sandy, Moat. JCDGk Bates, of Ue Ohio Sopreme Court, has decided Uat Uo State law ia posing a fine oa restaaraat keepers for re fusing to feed colored seopls ia aacoastl tationaL Tax Rassiaa 8srpreae Coart has decided that Princess Hoboaloha, wife of Uoi Btaatz&olarr 0f Alsace-Lcrraiae and heir ea of Uo Rassiaa estate of priac VTu teDgenstein. Is indebtwd to Ue Bank of Commerce ia Ue sua of C. 000,000 roBblee. Tax aew iateraatioaal bndge at El PaSC TeX.. Will arvtR Ka t.,1,i , k. was j work of track Iayiag havuigcoameaoei. A xotablx Incident ia the St Patrick's day celebratioa at 5w York was the fiv ing of tbe Irish flag oa the City HalL Wka Hewitt was aayor Uis was aot Allowed. DrrccnvE Balowtx aad aa erased Posse were reported oa Uo 19U eawapped by moocshiaers ia Uo wild recioao of West Virginia. ax Mojave river bridge sear Barstes. Cal . baa bees destroyed by high water. Qcrrx a auaber of deserters froa Ue Aaericaa troopa stationed at Fort Niagara have arrived la Hiaoiltoe, Oat. dorisg Ue last three Baoaths. They all say Ue treatment they received at Ue haadaef Ueir cfiicers waa aalioarable Frxx in Peoria. HL. Uo other aaaraiaa; deatroyed Coaateck t Avscv's larvw f oar story hriek faraitwro atera, cawslast a8.eIov , BrUeexBleeiem of the boiler ia a saw am vt Posusd. Win- reeeatrv Jirl HupH,l I., r lcllma. Ciiu-AtHt. March ! -A spark from one f th ovens in U'lliiara Schmidt's big cracker and b.scuit bakery on fly bourn avenue klndle.1 furiou btaat at mld alght Saturday. The bakery occup -d two bultditigs, one of tbea being tour stories with a andtoie front. Tbe ad juininc laiMlnr was two atnW. .!.. m. " " a...... . . . .. tae upper floors of loth bold it were " ""'" '' " v"Tseti-ri uaarr tbl saw the biUprovming that aeThare, forsae, wupled by .iaty-flve Ukar. and team- T WTir., llTtamo'at.bm'p'rfml heeplDgof kvetock shall be a lien upon cB mploye-i by Mr. ScbaUt. All r . slTrj;., " " 'm- tt ,a" IB..S AM.T..&. . - . - .(...; r, fii siiep worn I v k. l- ... . .. V. I ". . .w UIV uei me attention of " nsico a policeman. When tbe first bat talion of firemen dashed up to the bnildin? flame were bursting threucatLe oof. riremen burst opsm tb door of thai '" eomiBisiion. wfcn h.. aa prtae.al naiiway ami rushed to the rootn where I "TT' ""w. aai, TT.m rr P!.,,v tlie employe were .e.pnrt. Th ,mok. , ZlJ'Li11'" kk""s1 "" - was st.flmr and the main ball I,.,. I ' ""r',f.U "fln. forks', rrf. rstea to be on fir. from th. . .- " ". "1 ""T" ""''"-"r or la pUr.nee tae,. - .-..-. .u tum rsu cii, sn;j j uuiaeu oy the crte. or the terriflel ia matee thay burst open tb door and began tbe woik of rea-ue. Many of th- Inmat-. were arousesl w.th tbe utmot difficulty, aad others were found groping a Unit tbe hallways In a lawtldi 1 condition. Gronn mn hal U, I- Uken Uxtily and carrietl to the street, while noi- aml thn a child m droniwl from a f.c- . ond story m indow Into th arm of a firs- I man. C rslock with hi If- taiiiirr ami child were. r-.-a-tt from a third story j window with great dmcultv. Ibitbwom-n ' were U3Cnscous wb-n tb-s-lairtm.l ih. Cim- at last becira o flrirlln H aW-a-aw ff,s.l O .. 1 .. ,.. . U...7V .., rrnn-rruvi ih f wiihau! a..- run for tllftir rr-arrt. wsUw.ie ... -. death but broke Jail and escaped, was re- J l"re- Uwa. tbouht tb-y bad been drlug an, m. ,f .m.ft, OT J ?nJl cently arr.-st-d in Utah and will be re- fuccesful in helpinc all the In- mttuaoi n t hs.t. l.-0 t,.j, tum-d to pay the penalty of his crime. mates to the street. At on oVock , rti 't - 'V)4w-4 b any -nli-s lo.trv Mieeeliawseeav AT Cordova. Seward Couaty, the ether Aa?. Maggie Burgess, tweaty years old. gave birth to a child inaa oat-houe, coa- lesson ner shame to ber aothsr and then went to the barn and hanged herself. She had been betrayed by a man naa4 Charles Wills, a carpenter, who last fall prem ised to aarry her, went to secure the mar riage Itcase but never returned. A UTE prairie fire near Atkinson de- a t es sM a a . . a a ..w. r icirrw i arm reiiaencei ana a j larse quantity of hay. JIATT ZimtERXAiv. who oa one Sun day in October, lsi. ia a crowd-d cotei dining room at Mindea bot and I kiiled Sheriff Woo-J., who wa att-mpting i P'T,n""i- Th to arrest him. and fatallv wounded a Jar,ou bt th guat, and who wa tried and sentenced to "-ndoxi their work A SK3atis .f ettkr or uU the asn ef this art tball ta. an.l aMk, .1. clared a eoDsptrwi aa-elntt trwle a4aar rt tm who mar b- or rr.ay Ipoiw enratfed ta aoj orb cunsNrarv or lai- part tb-raln. aid or a-t panltar.i br a On- o' rwt ! ). S"i nor rnor-than Hn tsi bf Imprls'iiawBt in tbe p-alUntlarjr not l-, un i nut met" than tea years ot br ltbr u-h C .k Im pflsoament. Ilrta aar 4Briar a tiotstioa of this rruilsioa bil roosctat a 'paraW of fens- rbv. t. Io any obeltt-nt fr any otfns named 10 tbl set n ,, siCWi-nl In tt-tt purpwa- or --pi of tb- tfvi or rmWnlu.B. acil that lb- aresis-l -tr,"nl-r f. i-1 with f,rll pursisaorti , it sutltwit rlrlnu, aau or b-ss-rtpiktn. er Ut imr t,iu a rreatel . .. rw-, ,. m pT-i" qusii no.j'f tbl mat hall r- anrarleftt tu pro tbsl a (rati pr Dinaisni as nflo JfwnM tt! ant that tbe dffo.Ui tiica 10 -t f rt-.j i.ror , laarav le-..atllw. KAt.vioti, N C. Mairb K-mii-. agvnt mining nagrsi (am.s . . ., ar (juiat-'y lm aics-sfull at i a rgntl-s on tb railroa 1 Mn r - n jMi fvavarai thousand t-aNlt.tn ba have ali-adv guoa, ant th Its I tiofia H'inl to an tlnls- m Manv targa ptantalioa are an.-s l ltL -gru ilivaistn mt pf 5 -eeh farulls rctirvil. sad IJe tlrs .t p-n-f Uin..(UI',.,w U I.ltlll.s paid by lb agent. Tb negrtw ay . re pri.fut-l ftttr eeeea of lai, I., i boas, a cow n I l 4y fi iaUw vn I are told that nn a!l fe i ru t-a ral and mI at , art f ti mub4L 4 fa Tal It w ntLE harrow tn: t-am tbe other day. farmer near Ulvase. with a fou.--hore '"wTr. It wft. D. 1 Sylvester, a H'pphscn ami tost control of thai twenty years of a. animal ana tne harrow wn ups-t, two of the horses falling upon tbe teth and re ee'vmg fatal injuries. Mrs. TRiscibbA JIit.Lrrt. hailing from Kewburgh. N. Y.. was f on rid o-i the street of Kearney the oth-r morning in a pitiable ) condition. She I-f t ber hora some time j in February to visit her son at Eim Crsek j ami was Hurt in a wreck at Cedar Rapid. I wa. Upon reaching her destination h learned that her boy bad gone H"et and no one could inform hr wher they lo-cate-1. Sh is sixty-seven year old, in poor health and p-nniles. 4SLe had j bearded a tram and boen put off at ! Kearnev. a ' rported tbat Hat'l- Hary T-rtipI-. each ;, wr m ng ami it B"i""'1 iK-mfvrritfc. tr.st f rB , Dican.m i.-ri aii l-t.W.b.O by prs-rf of irrnr:J rpiUtto a. ,x J f a. IVrwxa w -f tfc- mb ry e,w(H I aiwj t-- iiW la iwimm-i a4 HTlrtlH. ff 1 rnfr.aalttisr aar of ta- iS"iw -o.-rv-l la , tbl ucu w6ln , net .a tbss t-n3tn)i.vn . ! sarUy rib:e a ptrazi rrsi ft tUs Htai U abKi b-air U, r-b sa.a i, v-e,,,. " 1 S'aeiB a-lat It prv-es. ttfer wita.a SERIOUS TROUBLE. j tt th -sti - j ,'. Keb i-i rvty errs, proa or ttt Nolrflera llesfrt n. Oih-r ( la a porattj c,r as.-tiUtra f yma, wfca s,J, in IUt ait fort iarra. t any runwr tum- .aT . th- ., .... '. .. . IllTTAlXJ " Y. March !.-- ha -t kJI tor -a , rmry day last ssxsi rescb-l h-r- thst th-r hss --n g-neritl '-ba r' eotnbitt4 vr n-mri .Wit '"'J- mmi in- unit-fl rs'ate iro. p. at i v ""' " " -. way T tmttrr4 ta I upt.'el tbey Kribl In tb- fluni-.. Schmidt wnt to U"ah.ti-tn two vr ks ago to at end thi (naujcuratlon and ha not r-t returned. Hi !is s)l raacb J.V).CJ. .ay that tb-r . w7,. Jakes Covwat. alicnt fl.'tv rear old. bachelor and old soldt-r owning conld-r able property. wa rec-atiy found dead in bis house in Dundy County. Two sharpers, well dressed and with oily tongue, recently appeared at Stroma berg, claiming to repre-nt a Minneapolis building association, and succeeded in asking a handsome collection of oae-dol-lar bills from ere Jaloss citisens by selling Uem bogus shares. Tax secret societies of Xeltga are short on a ball, and tbe OJd Fellows are taking Steps to baild ote. Tax Keed Hous- at Ulysses wa rcnt!y baraei. Lose, K0J0, with $U10 iasar- t jrx ."s-agara. in- m-n w-re trcat-t worse than drr and tba their complaint w-re treat-d with ca-t-mptand as a r-su t nurn-roas de.-rtioa (tcurrel. Thnrsulvr -r-n '- Iir mad- t a break for Canada and rchd tb-r. , Th- dic)v-ry raa-I a gret rw Tfc I serg-anta and otb-r uU;rtliaaU vfScr re censur-d andrecriroinatlonsfoiwe.! tbe bt r tw ut- f - r iii 0.--.S- Is (laMUd or mSsrm ... i "f tb- rfAm rrte tr is .teatr j,4 It . be tfc- Oaty of t- XUvj flksy-j . ...rri r - fosaty (!wv, u, e-e-t Urr at r-.rrr tb- smm prwrM tat LU- ! ata a llba. vasaiuTvJ. Marsh Is. Tbe s-ti for tha fHr I uap-s.Unte4. (X. ators aad &.! a say lay haa- nothing like It f, y.wra. The ' aJ l tusvM tbrusigbH4t lb eitstoUy ws . im iaai as ta l)arat mad woep the Uapsiblicans sbsntld J-. I 'jnm .nrrHimn rru ivn Ibat If any one desired as tJTl . hM get tbaftolt iMHik 4 tbe dials 11. It., nut bsg trUr a loo . but any n.- wt frvni a dlaraday u(. 0i Ium lail iMjsmaw. r--rtary Wls-I. ya.i.r day aft-rtxji, lsul netirw t.f, t t to ortalit buura sarb day a taa . . fc. be would u(T..,.,l,fl ma4 lh. ,i gotiaralljr. ' -S . .-! 4.rtafng Skw-aj , Uoa, Mrb U In th- llsi.a - I'mnnt'tn th itMS-f nni-nt .j?.,! wurt l4ll U, tb- lUUmnl iu.ls Is ta-Wtv-H.l. ICotH-tt L flUV-f.n. -'. a, from Hawaii. rrarding JJ,. abjwi, . oonduet .,t tb- fi-rma iil K,,, . It Hut Mir Ja rrgiw. I -foreign fratary, in r.ply. dwfti-.t i Mr Xtni,w talenint ( . . bat be i-,nu ,jt . ltri,Mr hu4 , . r-faiU-l tfca ,rrfl.s,r Oh,.,! Tv, d'rrUerat.ry Ir'w'l atppfs- ing ma UtJCt 1-Vtlld U Uxl bM r- Wastt lw rt-t lnt. OfCt. Mieb Ji -y i (.aT .. t n 1L l!. ( t.na- frvsa, ( -I ia, rHj--l Cbleagat 7..U,4.. . g-Ht of Xta4n b-kHlr ta Ws-i. fad'r..!,. b4 ,B jw fct , dnda ars not j.UnUfl, IKa . t. rpr.af,(-,i J.y ,k. fn., ,,14 t- Mr . gat many tn.lfetm. Tkm in ..!,. it i dTli, afa dil-t-I r-al agaljsst tfea I.iivs tat, fe. 1 Urtaogtn A y-i.neT and tb tU.. ., . .fortb-ris. kr tilr -I !,.. I i. . a . bo tb- l-wjju-r wut Um 1--i n. I ymtnU) .an i gat,-, a Waih-r Walk !.. s-.( Jfc. Qict. Mar-b J . -TV- H . . way f.-fi.lni n.. hrf b bar t ?f tfca e..-atn,)tt api.t-,! at eoa-aav. ! I-. a 4 . .a. . - v-, ,..rft W ..-Mir tj. AHv r HTs ,ax .. . -----, wak aasssw- T zTrrr ? tm '4 i '-Hut-cv,P. - . , - - -Pl ffH U t !-oiji. s- . Tfcj y er-)trrt r TT-&-art t unisl tbe fort was la a matlay. Bayoaata. " , V l rw"i' f tt " aa ur l.cc ana during tb tabbd die. The gate of tbe fcrt were close. ntj outsider, forbidden aimlttaacsv Tbe capl sildi-r. ome of whoa ar sport s jwi au i BQiwr, caycaala. ., ,... ' "" ! rv md a,e. , frasdy ..t ir " i""lfc 4tfc" tbe n!ee thre of tb rioter ware ' u-, u rs-t t. .-. with Uyon., one of -boos will ' JuJ5JZZZ?? 22Z nr abd ! aa ta. . aw -. r a--v4- ,- , ta fmmm ta art absVSaei Tax three-story rr-ideace of Wtlliaa Dameroa. of HaatSaga. was reoeaUy barned. Loss. rS,CXt Tax largest chsete factory in the State Is located at Iaavale. aad haa been ma aing for seven year. The factory Is owBed by A. T. ilartwa.L and nothrag is , taaaaractur-d Lt fall cream. cheeas, wbicb i shipped to the most fastidios of Uo trad la Omaha and Denver. Tax commissioner of Bati-r County hare decid-d to satcsit a propositios to Ue voters for Issuing 3).0) for balldatg a coart hoae at Davfei Ctv, tbe electioa tote held Arrtl!. Tax seventh aaaaal fair of t! Sarpy Coaaty Agriesiltaral Socitty wili be bold at FaptUioa. Septealwr IT to 51 A ixttlx daaghter o! J. G. Ficke&chirr. a faraer living sear Gotheab3rr, rvcatly lost ker life by a recaL'sr acrid-at WhiJe the child wa sitting ia a ebalr by Ua Stove oae ef tbe other childrvs asb-d over Ue chair aad tbe little ewe fet truck the stove aad were badly banrod oa the bottom. Subsequently tbe islssa aaatioe ceased by the boras sesrase u have affected Ue child's twwels aad prodaced aeaaaaatioa. wfjeh retwxlted la k death. A axaxmav aaaI Havlsrwaa raa ever by a trsua at Habbard the ea- last his right lee Tax CoamCiiUteJ Tank liae Co rraagiaimto for eetabithlaat a at 3exia. aiariasiiaMsi' a aW.a law ia y tbi atat-. fVSt. 11 T rTaM m- 111. - T . - . . " . - .-".. ..,. m ifuinri n i',iP!,.i.u rM, .. ... srr w? af-ruit-.r .t... - .. ar- aot disloyal to their couatry and or "iV " rr-vr-r a t s-v prr awring a Uagtby dorarseat to Gee era! ' . num ? 'J eet tatvu Keiga. Inspector of tbe United State I forte, regarding tbeix gnevascee. r-n.nth'p f tb . fota-.3 rrs. lUdway Avriu-s. aad fc. a bi -e-.irj j lfc. tMtt,r Jj .,, nvd Ibat Mr W kJ .. . -4tr II i 4.ttu4 w ? . a yar gwaasnaarr fa l ' H 01 tivmm mf, hie If si re U , .. aad slr af-?i bU 4ats ts-ta - tbrw sattt. Cawtly Rrewem. I STSIfla St a Skei asa f . J M a as. a--v.-aa-wuav in-4, asavra Ji Two fore- frss ao: aTt-r rta oaa. Th- bJl was e4t-d by "t- fa.'W.j. y--He-ii lowa, IIIiaM a f n. B aM a diaaa Kavnse . Cawessst My tWw. Irevrixa. Ky. htar- St Ijd- tVtwf MarrlWt ... a vaThabie Ati-r,-r tv UUr latssl tascAvna, fraat-e a4 r"- - t frighlaUy. TVaj a&a uu,.i -,.a I avrwty B - i- M -.. i ' t,FW mni as coararrvet reswotioaa pad tk-laatdar! J- . T.aa K j ,e",a,t - eig ferwt t?v cf tbe t-srt!atlve see.iow. ewe rf ta. ."aye-aTiaeari 1 1.S w.-- . I - ""-r .'. fc i. 3ltvaka 4. B ra quiring tbe State Secretary fc a.I tie Ia- M -gat war pligw4 diaaa revi-d tat at- tat 1"3 ta;a4 of " "d the MU Vt tbavr Lg;e.'atev for JS? prr voinaa; tb otber rrrU- T cni u: latnasfar- br i, fng tb Ts-rr- Haste at ladiaaapwlls mitt " "dd JasxUls. prtiUlU Katlroa i Cosapaay to pay to tbe .-rea w.I far ia laaxtiws tat- a per ceat of iu protb ftl.aeat , sua I b tu for forty years, ia accordaacw witk a -. t xcibaat. wkv-k sal ckart-r crati to tbe ecarwmv la 1 et,' to l f tke r,;t-?e 1M7. do tot bsar Ue lgaatres of tbe log-J I, . r-stahiag a i IslaUva cr-sldisr ocrs as rnrair.t b jraaseat tv efgbt a, aa. !s a.-. .. .. anil urn anavl f Unu - aeee taswsi btba by aa4 4t mitirwr tbe Cc-ssUtatiow. The Btab wf.1 aaaay tbo.aodt ot deVUrs taat tbe Terr tUate la-iUaepoii at-git have rtsrair-4 to par te Trtvf- Coaeitieat. Ftrrsaraftst Pa.. March IZ Tkegva-rsI Iroe asd :-! isiaui era ia a vary aa-tJJ-d cemditioo. Ovsr.prociactifcas U rsT,a a the caaav Pig arbsi hoe fa.Ua l.n to iZ ;vr ta slaoe la3 fa!L k3 ts isVtd prodscttt hov dsseJteed froa tU& rr tava. Many milim wtaH aaa: dai t ther B r-gaisr caafo.'aaTs to ea$4y. TV is a graaS dJ of Uvmtt aaost wsgva. A JMaotWssaevfaaf at era atag taasyr aasie aVv u Aaaalga- t by She ttsweaei TreAor Inn My. . rt: JCaieaa of .Uhsw. iaer Io ao ! ssawj cta Uat ta at-.TU fatal awtake a-vl it ia' rmmtna shaSS svxacn.rw ur xa- wr(g ti Usrtaiag I pen.. fca agtvass tax a-a xtt tiaat a.! - i tali H Fttg Aswrkti av-wte . u mm. m I aS fct.g- aorkete oed ba a wt. U I aeaaw a aw psr. Tb- afgat .. io, wsire M -avt u -Ur sa-rtly aW wigj Vytwe. w- 4 vys4 tn l- 44V.S&, c . fw, hOf ;rvaiia IW Ha ;aw,t f t oa U bof. WaeaxA ta rrr v f aw SSSjcfsA. is w rmaialil. saw Taa. Merva Si TssaTsa TsKal Aimiim Jtara-a. ;J l Coth-Jiv TflHoi A&eU-ave- C, - ' t erly agait jJtiUa aTay taat -ft uf uet wvL w I tSegai ai- t t.a - w taw 5.tig.iirai. yJ-aU iM Hua Vfrtrst i4' fV as r r"Vs aSarrses.- J - tSw y-aaae aa SV7 ewM-. aa TesatL( vao -.ajw v, kai Vlkr wr 4ntn r.-t s t HsgAjaw rfie.4 ttea ra aasctg Uaw T IA aKSka - U aa.aiar m t'lttlasrst aaataW vf w.a 4 TbsvCea. hwaiua. vw :cTa rr- - Oawbs ao bt U 11 jg fc,,, ! CiawaaaT o t a4 j. 4tu WOS WMrr flMa taat t-- awBW W BBfwBBTl afeff eaBsW2Aa OnravaBBw - . a - bB J m t?easWBW WeBBaaa tBToTJPs" WaaBBaBBBBBwB Jawfea' f " aBXBwaaaaBBaea H' AawTiaaaaae tav4a OBBSSaw f -. -. mae BBwa 0 W.w k- WJaS-wl. J---wf i"; J ar4wrM ia-ie'"ii issups' UnZasCJ LSDOHF VJJ t" V nBaBBaLBBBBaBaBBMr'' . wCr-JZ "ti aBBBBBBBBBBB W MKm-MXMBMa O, -. - - . --aawaassBaBBBBBBBBBBeM T