The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 15, 1889, Image 8

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Tatar Mm laveatlfffttM Her
tTaasalable Trait,
lb poot ha, from timo immemo
rial, eulogized the domestic Cu (Sox
a), Koo (Dutch), or Cow (Modern
faglish). Ho has dono so without
having takes tho troublo to investi
gate thoae unamiable traits in her
V.. Vi;vVi It. a ihn nriipot of
KIIHWKr wv --
tola article to criticise. He (the poet) ;
seeOB only to have seen her in her,
Saaday clothes,
as it were, grazing in
ti frajrrant meadows or standing at
case in the shadows of tho babbling
My hired man recently attended a
firemen's picnic, not wisely, but too
well; and, after repeated drinks, ho
very imprudently locked horns with a
larger man on the question of tariff re
form. Need I say more? Only this:
That he was assisted homo by friends,
suffering from scvero indisposition
and with his features sadly out of re
pair; bo that, on tho following morn
ing, from a sense of duty, I arose be
timeato milk the domestic Cu (Sax
on), just as tho first pale streaks of
dawn appeared in the eastern sky.
Girding on some old clothes, 1
started forth to seek tho Koo (Dutch).
She had unhooked the gate of the
pasture with her horns, and was then
in the act of inspecting tho flower
garden. She had evidently been there
for some time, during which eho had
not been idle, and her manner was en
tirely free from excitement.
Approaching with a smile which
has seldom failed to win female re
gard, I said, in soothing tones: "Soh,
bossy! sob, bossy!" but, after eyeing
me corapreheneivcly for a few mo
ments, she backed leisurely over a
valuable rhododendron bush, and
then started through tho shrubbery at
swinging gait.
It would be painful to recount thu
Incidents of that exciting chase. I
got her in the barn at last, and suc
ceeded in belaying her head to the
manger, after which I said: "Stand
over," in a distinct tono of voice. She
knew that I wanted her to move to tho
left so that I could get room to milk
her; but wilfully appearing to misun
stand the order, she "stood over" to
the right side, flattening mo against
the stall.
Did I swear? No, gcnllo reader, I
did not. Why did I not swear? Be
cause the weight of the Cu (Saxon)
prevented respiration. Gathering
myself together as ono man, I hurled
her across the stall by a .supreme ef
fort, and standing the hay-fork where
she could see it, prepared to milk.
Any one who has watched the opera
tion of milking a cow will maintain
that it Is a very simple thing to do. I
used to think so myself, hut it is a
great mistake. I am ready to explain
to any one who will listen to me for a
few hours, that it is difficult, very dif
ficult to milk a Koo (Dutch), unless
there is a mutual understanding
a friendly feeling between the parties;
which, in m case, there was not.
Having seated myself under tho star
board quarter, I grasped the pail
firmly between my knees, as I had
seen the hireling do, and commenced
to milk. No milk carao for Jivo
minutes, during which time I worked
on ia silence, whilo tho Cu jerked
angry mouthfuls of hay nut of the
maager, ever and anon la&hing her
tall against my hat, and looking
around with a sarc.tic smile; which,
however, I pretended not to notice;
but at last' a snowy jet shot straight
lato my left eye, and, in a short time.
mnathcr imparted an unnatural
warmth to my lap. I had succeeded
la bringing forth tho milk; all that re
mained was to di rcct it into the pail.
This was not to be m easily dono as
you would suppose.
In fifteen minutes I had brought
forth twenty-six squirts, distributed as
follows: Three in the left eye. ono in
the right, eleven on ray trousers, two
oa Koe's tail, five on the barn floor,
and the balance in the kettle.
Just then tho hand-maiden appeared
and asked if I had finished milking.
She said that the family were waiting
for breakfast, and there was no milk
for the coffee. I told her to wait a few
minutes that I had not quite liniblicd.
Leaning one dimpled arm on an ad
jacent hay cutler she watched my
efforts with increased amazement, and
atlaogth said, eagerly: "Lord, Misther
Adam, let me milk the cow! Why
didn't ye ax me befoare? Shurc I used
to milk three cows down home befoare
I wint out to sarvicc!"
Recalling the incident of Robert
Bruce and tho historic spider, I felt
strongly disposed to hold on and con
quer the difficulties of milking if it
took all day; but breakfast would have
lobe indefinitely postponed, and the
feelings of the family were entitled to
consideration; therefore I rose up and
allowed Gwendoline Mulcahey to take
the helm. This she did with alacrity,
and. as the milk flew into the tin pail
la thick, vigorous streams, the recep
tacle responded with a joyous " wiring
whong. whing whong." that seemed to
Mj: "Go it, Gwendoline; you are the
popular candidate, and you understand
jour biz," Tho Cu (Saxon) also gave
Tent to a chuckle of ill-concealed tri
umph as I started for the house.
Smith, in Texas Siftinjs.
j "The Pilgrim's Frogrcss" has
"aaaa translated into the language
apaksn in Zanzibar, a tongue called
SwahllL It was found necessary to
aafea an adaptation rather than a
Ufteral translation. A part of tho ver
afeai waf'prcpared by the late Bishop
Young men aro respectfully la-
that when the young lady's
tamps his loot, he is preparing
it through the nalL
cava wth
Mrs. M. S. Hafaian announces that
tie is prepared aTC carpets of
all daees. 'Leave orders with C.
8caafait, al Hw' w sU li
Nats, fresh candic?, etc., kept at
Srast Welsh's.
Faraitare of all kinds cheaper than
twr at F.V.Taylor's.
Deliberate Cruelty ef Which Maajr ra
ther Are Guilty.
Is woman tho equal of man? fixe
question has been asked many thou
sands of times and answered ., with
fierce negatives, which, however, have
been growing fainter and fainter as
civilization has progressed. Generally
eneakinsr. tho creator the degree of
; .! :j!:j...i t,-
awiauon " uuuwuuw """"
more willingly docs he concede that
woman was created the equal of the
' other sex, though with different quali
ties. But there aro few believers in the
equality of tho sexes who carry
their opinions into practice even in
their own families. Theoretically the
girls of a family are entitled to have
as much spent on their education as is
spent on that of the boys; to havo tho
same care bestowed upon fitting them
to fight this world's battlo as is be
stowed upon the boys; to have a busi
ness or profession chosen for them and
to be fitted for it; to be furnished with
capital to tho same extent with the
boys, nnd, finally, to share alike with
tho boys in the partition of the family
property on the death of the parents.
'In how many Canadian homes is this
equitable treatment of the daughters
carried out? In few, wo opine, and
tho better off the parents aro in this
world's goods tho worse are tho girls
likely to fare.
It is too much tho habit of fathers
to spend all their means in pushing
along their sons, leaving the daughters
to take tho chances in the matrimonial
lottery. Hence we often see a son
launched into the world with abundant
capital, the benefit of his father's finan
cial backing, and what is better
still, tho incalculable advantago of tho
experience of men and affairs gained
by the father in a long and successful
business career. What does the father
do for the bitter of this young man?
If the father is lucky enough to possess
a managing wife, he marries her off
early to some young fellow with ap
parently good prospects. He gives
her a dowry not at all proportioned to
what he has given the son, and then
ho is gathered to his fathers. Twenty
years afterward tho son has mado his
mark in thu world. He is a well-off
man with a growing and expensive
family around him. Ho can see ways
for all the money ho has, and more,
in setting up his own sons, and he has
nothing to spare or, whjch comes to
the same thing, thinks he has nothing
to spare for his sister. She, poor
woman, has not been so lucky. Her
husband has not been successful, or
perhaps he lias died after providing
her with nothing but a family of chil
dren. She finds herself at forty al
ready old and looked upon as a failure,
though perhaps she has more of her
father's business tact than fell to tho
lot of her brother. But thero she is,
as poor as a church mouse, whilo her
brother, having taken tho major part
of the possessions of tho family, has
plenty, it the brother does as much
for her as to tnko her boys into his of
fice the world will applaud his gen
erosity. Discrimination liko this is being
practiced every day in thousands of
homes. If thero is to be discrimina
tion among children, should it not be
in favor of tho girls instead of against
them? What is the good of admitting
the equality of the sexes if the people
who admit it act towards their own off
spring as though they did not believe
it? And where do those people stand
who, maintaining that women arc tho
weaker vessels, rob their daughters in
order to better equip their M)ns? If
the sons, in consideration of having
tho major part of the family money
spent upon them, undertook to care
for their sisters in the event of the lat
ter requiring help, thero would be
some clement of fairness in the ar
rangement. But sons do not undcr-
take any such thing. Even if they did
undertake it they might fail to carry
out their engagements. It would bo
better all around if all tho children of
a family wcro treated aliko rather
than that the seed of futuro bickerings
should be sown by unfair preference of
one before another.
This is a sido of tho woman question
which can not ba reached by law. It
is tho outgrowth and survival of the
timo when women wero chattels, and
were bought and sold like so many
slicep. Custom sanctions tho delib
erate cruelty of which the father is
guilty who sacrifices his daughter's
earthly futuro in order that his son
may carry on tho businoss and the
homo in the old style. Every one of
the politirn' disabilities of women can
nnd will lo soon removed. But tho
removal of this social wrong will be a
work of many years. The sexes will
be equal in tho eyes of the law for a
long timo before public opinion can
make them equal in tho eyes of fa
thers. Toronto Globe.
The Dog Was Innocent.
A sanitary officer who was sent to a
houc on Catharine street to see about
a savage dog who had bitten a neigh
bor was met by tho allegation:
" Pot dog has not so dangerous as
I vhas myself."
"But he bit a man."
"Of course he did. but dot vhas a
"Vhell. ho pclicfs dot man vhas
going to bite him, und so he get in der
first bite. Lots of times if I pelief
somo man's vhas going to hit me I
shump in und knock him first Dot
man vhas to blame, und you should go
oop und kill him." Detroit Free
s e
President Carter, of Williams Col
lege, has raised 600,000 for that insti
tution during his management
tnn a aaase SEEDS
ran ISM
aaaaaash Haaaa f-.C
B". i BW I JOtiaww
"BBaaaw Baa B BaaWvracTMta eaa.
bbbbwb btbbbWmh - m..m
Only Oenj!ee Systeai of Meatary Tralataa.
1'uur l!oiii.f LrorneJ ia eae readiaf. j
Mintl rani!rrin cared.
Brrry child and adult greatly beeeattei.
O.-jit iuduceioe&ts to CvTT;aadenca CUmm. i
Frvwetu, ?nti o'kt of r. W. A..Haat.
ataaii, tba WJriJ-f-ai bpeeiilut in Iliad Dismnl
0aatel KrernlpnfTaampaan, thfnjPycbol
ocutt. J. 31. U'icklry, O.Uu.editorof tin Ckrutian
A4aUuli'.r Kicbard Fractal-, tbmSamtUm,
Man- W.UA-tor,Jadc;UMaa,Ja4afcr.
T?aWtIHft!5a?Ava ft T.
' - -
Mothers, will tlnd Dr. Wuichcli's tci-Mitug
svruii Just the mctlicino t hae In the home
lor the chlliio-ii; it will ciitv oughs. colds, sore
bruat aiiu regulate the bowels, 'lry It.
Eilert sila)Iiclt liver ijll ara lxxti to Mill
erersfron "irk IiatUuin four tin.u h. torpid
liver awl iiulipe-tiiju. inur-iatd. plesi'ant
to take and warniitttd t K" tlimuh by day
Ifcht. t
Hapiv lionit! blood jiuriHer N tin liroplts
liopular mo'iolne tor jiin: In;: the b:o-d; im
veiitins or curing I)Sh'1sI.i. biIliounes, head
ache, bolls arid all lot. is. and malarial ditcuM-s.
Price SO cents and f 1 er bottle.
Uncle Saic'e condition ov der will cure dis
tempers, coughs, colds, feters and most of the
discuses to which hor?ct, cattle, s-heep. hoes
and poultry are subject. Sold oy all drn&lSM.
Eilert's extract or tar and wild cherry Is
safe, reliable and pleasant remedy for couKha.
cold. broiiclilti.s, asthma and all throat troubles
Will relict eaiid henetit consumption. Iry It
and be comlured. Kery bottle warranted:
price W cents and ?1 ir bottle. :-oldbyaIl
druggists. Prepared by the Kmmert Propria,
tary Co., Chicago, III.
Uncle ham's nerte and ton liniment wll
jellciu suraius, bmisu, neuralgia and rut urn
tlsm. ohl nj all dnichts
C. W. Kai.i'.v. J. I- Kai.kv.
A TTOKNEYS AT i.A'A . ApenU for the B.
f &M.I:. JMamN. OllceonWeliiter Mreet
KeTl Cloud. NehraoUa.
o. c,
Cask, Ja. McNkxv,
f Will practice In alt courts of this state
Collections as well as'IltijKitcd business careful-
y and efficiently attended to. Abstracts funds..
ed on application.
OFFirK. 0er Fir-t National Hank, hed
cloud. Xeb
I. W. 1UMXYS..M. 1
atiilnlnj,' burgeon. onic- opposite Flnt
....onal Bank, Kercitnd. Nebraska.
Chronic dleases treat eil by mail.
Take Xotlie
lferlxrt L. Luce. A'ou are heecbv notified
that on the th day of June. 1T, I, L K.iuiu,
purchased at pritate tax bale, al the court
house in I'ed Cloud, Nebraska, for the taxes of
the Near 1KS5, amounting to Sl'J.CJ. the tollowln
lands sltuatt-d In Welter ciunty. Nebraka,
Lixed In the name of Herbert . I.ueeto-wit:
l'art n e li of n w U sec -JS, tow n ., ranjre 11,3
acres, "he time for redemiitiou of ald lands
from the lien of said ta mIo will cxplr-Juue
6th, 19. and If nut redeemed I will make aj
plication for a trcamcr.s tax deed. L. IIaum.
Countv court. Wlsti r nnntv, Nliraska. In
tbcmattVr of Kiiaidlanship of minor licirsnf
trunk Kent, deceased, upon the rilltsj pftl
lionof Kllen.l. Kc t. rfpr-9-utinR amonc oth
er things tint .iuiik'S .M. Kent, Hoy Kent and
Ia)u1s Knit of s.iid county, liavu an estate in
this state ami are minors under fourteen ear
ofae. That the pctitoner is the mother of
said minors and praiii that she niavlieup
pointsd guardian of the istmmi and estatoof
said minors. It i.s ordered lht sitlil petition be
heard tiv this court .it the county court room
in Ked C'lmul in Kid county on the 4th davnf
Man-h, Lssn, at one oVlitck, p m It Is further
ordered that noir of the timo and place of
hearing said matter he Kie to all persons in
terested hv the puhlU-ation of a copy of this
order for three weeks successively In tho ed
Cloud Chief, a newspaper of general circulation
in said count-. Prank A. -weezy,
28-3 County. I udgfl.
SherlSfa Sale.
Notice ! herehy give'i that under and by ir
tueofau execution issued bv I. 11. Kort, clerk
ortne district court in and for Webster countv
Nebraska, in an action pending In said court,
wherein Joseph i; pl.iiutin and W. A.
McKeigliau and Th id Arnold are defend mt, I
shall oiter fo-s.ile at public erdue tor rash In
hand to the liLln.'M at the cast door of
the court house In Ked Cloud Webster counts
Nebraska, (that being the place v. here the last
term of court ua- hoMe. ) on the Mb da of
April 1.9, at one (l)o'el -ck i. in., the following
described pnpert to-uit: Tlie noith eat iot
section two(-) town tfirei (3t range ten iHUniT in
Webster countv Nebra-k.i, as ilie proK'ttvof
Thad Arnold ilefeml.ilit.
i;i en under mv lr.ind till.- Tth d.iy of March,
1?SJ. ll.C. Scott.
. K. Ch.irey Shcrtlf. .Vtfy. 33-lt
SherKPa Male.
Notice Kheiobygh en fiat under andhvir
tue of an execution Ismi d by 1. H Kort, clerk
of the district court in and for Webster countv
Nebra-sk-i in an action pending in said court
wherein The Ked Cloud National Hank is plain
tiff and llud Arnold and W. A. McKeighau are
defendants. I shall oiler for sale at public cn
dtie tor cash In baud to the highest bidder at
the east door of the court houe in Ked Cloud,
Webster county Nebraska (that being the place
where tlie last term oftald court was hoideii;
on the Mh day of April lvy at 'J o'clock p. m. the
follow ine deycrlbed pnijiertyto-wit: 1 h north
east U of scvtion2. tow a 3, rang 10, west, and
the south-east . settlon ir. town 3, range p,
west all In Webster count. Nebraska jis the
projierty of Tliad Arnold, defendant
Given under my liand this Tth day of March,
l&O. II. O. Scott.
Kalej Bros. Sheriff.
I'laintlfl's Atty. x:-4t
Lcsal Notice.
In the district court of Webster county Ne
br.iska. ss
KolK-rt K. Orchard
Leah 'irehard
Iat Orchard the dwtendant In the above rn
tltlesl action uiltake notice tint on the 2sth
tlavof FebruiryA. i.lW. the plaintiff herein
tiled his petition In be district court of Welister
couuty and tue if Nebraska, .ntalnst ) on the
said Uh OrchnnI the s.ild defendant herein
cha(rinB you with iHiiKthe lesal alfe of the
plaintiff. 1'obert K. Orchard, and also charj:tn
you xvltlihav.n disserted him for mor than
two j ears last pat. the object and prayer of
said petition lielnjr too tain an absolute decree
of ill.orce fn m jou tie a;d dcfeidnt Lest fr-rh-irdatid
tor such other and further relief as
ei"lty and k00! ctncleiice maj sup;;st.
ou are reiIreil to answer s-dd j-etitton on or
before the 15: h ila of Atiril. lSrJ.
Dated Ket Cloud NAraska. Kebruari-. ch
1S. Uobert K. OacilARb.
Case &t SIcNeny, AttVa
Road Notice.
State of Sebrfi-sVa. NVebster county. ..
To whom it may concern. The coratni.s
sicnera appointed to view a:nl rejort non
a certain pennon dniy signed and filed
with the county clerk of said comity pray
ing that a road be located as follows:
Commencing at the northeast eoraerof
the northeast quarter k.1 section alTco
(11) town two (2) range ten (10) west.
thence rc&ninff south two hundred and
sixty three feet (-6.1) Tar. 11, on aattioa
line between section 11 and 12. theac
west fire hnndred and eighty-two (5S2)
var. 10, thence north to section line be
tween sections eleven (11) and two (S) all
beicg in Webster county, X-bx&alu. has
reported favorably and recommends the
location of said road. All objections
thereto or claims for damages mast be
filed in the office of the connty clerk on
or before noon of Friday, April IX 1569,
or -ch road will be established withoat
reference thereto. J. H. BaxuT,
Bed Cloud; Few. II, S3. Co. CU.
afcertat'a al.
Notice U kereby jcrren. that caaer aa4 Tt:
ivrwtnfan arrirr of sale taOfd eBt Of the alUCt
cesrtoC tbe elhi Icdlclat district raa4 tor
aetioa waatac Id rdi court waerria Jaha .
RickaW to pWnttS and FraJxti H. Tr a
rraaciiJa. Tripp adnit)i:ntc udrfeoaatit. 1
will eir for oleatroUlc Tcrda- feroaahl;
mt ta ax aoor of th coart beaee la Ked
ri la said county ittiat aetsc ta. atece
wantae last tens ct ccert was BcMeajes
"awtawff i i.j .. - - - aa aaV
Mvm mbw. e "mm
agacnotra (ivhiu iv
16 in xauraaa
atMMeata Be4l
MBPdBb &
The Strike is Over !
And G. W. Dow invite; yoiu
articles he
Wh it
Flow beam
Plow !a:idi&
Lister .share
Wagon I ow a
Bukcv fpriujj
Thimble shein;
I ron axels
15o!ter plate-1
Uox roi!
Homo (shoe?
Pol coutilinc
Ax handle
Repairing of every dtcript:on done
guaranteed in every cote. A ring cash m your purser ani I will do
you good.
G. W. Dow,
Blacksmith and Wagon Maker,
McAvoy & Farrel, Props.
Keep Fine Rigs and Good Teams
At Reasonable Prices,
Commercial men and others will find this the best livery stable la the city, first
door east of Holland Uoom.
L. H. Rust says to send in your order for
Nursery stock at once if you want it at
Bed Rock Prices.
L. H. RUST. Red Cloud.
Furniture !
In the city at prices that all can afford to buy
if in want of anything in his line.
Opposite First National Bank, Red Cloud.
Spring is Coming!
Putting in a large stock of
Window Shade, Painta, Oila, Kaiaomina, and rythlo.t naadad tor
Cleaning-, Be aura afatl aaaaay aaflk baflara
yoa pvrokaaa.
Morhart A Fultoa'a Old Staad, Wabtter St., Rad Cload, Neb.
Fine rigs, good bonet, board by day or wtak. ToaraUroaaga aolwia.
ed. Don't ferget Ike place, east fid of Webster
street, Bed Cload.
ffaaal BaaaVA
saaataaaa iwavfT aa Bar
i:Hm M!
JjJJlJ22j " of all kiaae fea aactawra KaeraOa.
Twam Baraaaav par aac, aao. Vi, 20, t9a ttO.
A fuU Una of nerla aaal DoobU OriTEaT lUraaai
LT LOW PBIC7BB. ft win
J. L.
Drugs and Medicines
Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery,
Books, Etc.
attention to a faw oi the many
keep: in fctock.
Double trc-e!
Single trcf"
Neck ynk-
Cable f ham
Fcrk hnl!i
Bugjrv wheel
Harrow timber
Leather dhc
Whip socket
Wagon breaks
R!aulcmith ronl
y,,d Kindles
Coulter hubs
ith neatness anl dispatch. 8atifsctiaa
. . ,; .
Will be fo4 tae LABOKST and BIST
LIN I of
pay joa to
Miller, Red Cloud.
C)livct:uMis T.ivcs Paid. iKi,.
Office with tin Gunty luclgc, M. ll i k
Red Cloud. Xebiwkfl
H. CLARKS Prealdoat, Alay, N V . J A T,I JI Y. V a ?i.. :
Rjbu V.MIIR.Y. Tra,o
PAW UP aiPIlJL,$oOtnot.
Ked Cloud, Neb. Albany. .V w . rk.
H. Clarke. Alb.t y. NVw York Geo 1L llcac-b, IU t.ri n
W. II IMi.on. Alliativ. X. Y K . Fm. . i !...! Ms
B.V.6hixey I M. I'latt K.V. HubUnd. J. A. rli M!.Vi
Oa improved farms in etir.ka and Katii. M"r fun !! m mm t a
security ia a;provci I'ritiopal ajui interest iz r m Kti 0m
to MA
arrjca valuable nrroaatATioa tbom a study , r t.: . -j 4 r
I m - I aaaVaVaaaTaaVawaEvV'av aaVJaaawl' aJi '' v aFf
Ba3JBBBaaaBa w k. v. M a ava a .Ar T' at AavaaTeaaaavValaWLEv)- NJo "a"! i "
ai BaBaaBaaaBB aaak&i' SBBBBaaatffl3K!aBaPaa7r w
pi frF BH-KVSf aaaaataaal SaVf L aii i I
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaa m ,&&
(Chicago atoek laland ft Pacific noil Chlcn(TO. Kansaa A Jrkn llya.
It main llnaa, branchaa and oxtonnlonn vfm'r n "vv. -d niwct
Incltidis Chicago, Jollet, Ottawa. 1'oorU, IjiHju... W-iii;", u I:j..t in
ILLINOIH Daronnort. Muncatlnn. Otttunwn. Okf-to , Vr- I J nj, lw
City. DB Molnei". Knnnvlllo. Vtntnft. Atlantic. A l. Hrl". Utttkrin
Centre, and Council UlufTa in IOVA-MltHi&atHII and r-.t i i .-, Mt'fS
80TA Watertown nnd Bloux Fall In DAKOTA OiUiat n, rrc.wn. c mr n
St. Jeph, and KnniM City tit MIKHOUKI -Iloinn- rRlrtury. i.d SMm.n
In NEBRASKA-Horton. Toplca, Hutrhlnn -hita. nilvUt MrVn
Abllcno, Caldwell. In KANJ3A8 Colorado tivnnua, l"nvtp., n C()U
KADO. Travoraen nrnv und va?. aroait of rlrh fnrm;mr nl trrtHit tatut.
affordloa the beat fiiclliUca of intfrcotnmuulcatlon to I!r .-tt. ntftl to ail
towna and cltlaa in Southern Nebraska, Kaniiua, cnlurndo. Uuib. Vfnr
Maxico, inatan Torntory. Texiui, Anion, laatjo, CiUifontiA, acd ffcutn
. aad traaaoceanlo Uaaporta.
Of PaalaVC COaaChfS lOfMlStlff UI COinpUtOr U riJon!or f r Jtpffwtt Mta
liixxiry or accommcMiiitiona-nin through dally t)Ptw.oti ukw., tn (W
rmdo Bnrlnai.
uenver anj iueoio
TRAIN 8ERVICK dally batwen Cblcatro and Vm
batwaen Chicago and ksdsm City.
Beollntna Chair Corn (PI
kkki. ana i'aiac
tone dallj. Cholco of route to and from l.ult I-Afco City, I'criK'iiL t
naalae, t(an Dl. Han rrwAcjaco. and Intrvinlmr localitioa. Qiaok ono,
prompt connections and traaVMra In Union Dnpoui.
Buna auperbrr quippel Kxpro Trntna dali
Mock jniana, aicumod, St. JoPtt. Iavcnv
pone and 1st. I'aul. Tlj Favurim Tourist
nuntlne; and flshlnsr yroi.nda tho Nor
eouraea through tb most prtdtctvn landr
aUnnaaota, and East tioutbam Dnlcota.
awlaaataal tSattf ar eaaw-e-t flnntnnAM Tn1tarnrYttla
Joawpb. Atchison, Ixavnnwr'ortb, Kanaaa
Va TliiWAia trm V1a.m il.irf Im.w.m itmm ..l.. . .... .
TlcBat Ofllc In tho united Biatcs or
Marble and
Granite Work
a. , aaow.v. raor.
and He4viftocrn
Eat Si, aad 4tk At.. Barf Cload.
D. B. Spanoglc,
Real Estate
and.LsOan Age1,
Red Cloud.
ffBorazaTOM or twb
I nw Gntit i'stid m
Caataief aad ody act cf aaatraat
haaaa ta Waartar cawaty. Oaaaiac aad
araaiaf laade a&d city profwrty fcr
M aVeaar tacrti vf CI VkTj, i-
a&4 fkatatfflir M(lrftL V, l
rwactwuy o$cn rcr aacrnas
fwarinTrejnc atifj3 in mj c.
-a V
OcuM0rtxWai u jfiajn jig I
wj lawir iraic AH mnk
Birr.imr kau iritiijrr vxxnaci
S Iiltttaa 'fit
Klivn. I)y i,'Ro!i. l!nlatr 0e
iiopinw c r ( tuifurjjfu rita-w-
tch war lnfwpt Sajgrt?$.
III. K(tnH "rY and iiIbbj
in to th rj'ol reM9ii. a;
rt it Wfitr'T'tt JlSxr
ortlwni Ioa, oiUl -.-:
?.iCAi:r.r. off pu$itu$m t
I itfitvAfin M-if1 raeejpt1
City, llnnouoti. m Hi 1.Ti1
Canasta, or .ldr
0t Ticket u rut. A-.
I Donvor to Chlco,
? Denvor to rOmxau City,
Ocnar to Omahn,
Omahs to ChiciKOi
ICantvae) City to Chicn;;o,
Omaha to St. Loula,
f 8UHE COHfJrCT5 ,?I3
t ifrntim ftr far .. Uj Um UM&n
ait altwr pruc&t3 r.-'r. inj
f&e" irv lrfc-mAs5, &9J W
Stkeet CUiS
From the Oepor
To Hmdbrook
aBaajaaajejpMaasjia '' uni1 m "jyajaaji
araaaBBaMTfci1 ii&st9fM
Bai bbbbbbbWI ajr THBWaBwaam
BBj Bj -rVV"! Py- fTaal
bBbbbbbbI al BaWvDT NaBBBaTai
BaBBBaaaa wiTT SaaaBaaa
2 lil
eWetrtMeMrtaa I
sJaaawt- -
at rear aaeaki
. -