,- BED CLOUD CHIEI . A. O. HOSMER, Proprietor. RFJ n.OHD. NFRRASKA OUBBKNT OOIOCMNT. Nearlt $10,000,000 wii appro priated by tho Fiftieth Congress for the construction and improvement of public bulldiags. While party of Swiss students were making bombs at Zurich receatlj an explosion occurred, killing one and wounding others. Tax decrease ia the circulation in February was $4,413,796 while the mtoney and bullion in the treasury in creased $2,788,158. Tnx committee of toe lower house of the Rhode Island Legislature has re ported ia favor of repealing the pro hibitory amendment. TUB Chicago. Milwaukee St Paul railroad has reduced flour and wheat rates from Minneapolis to Chicago fro cents per 100 pounds. Fobtt-vtvk members of the Dakota Legislature have telegraphed Presi dent HarrisoB for the removal of Gov ernor Church at once. Thk wildest excitement prevails at Los Angeles. San Diego aad other Southern California towns over the gold discoveries in Lower California. A suae cure for hydrophobia in the juice of the peuca plants is claimed to have been found at Aayacucho. Peru, by a victim of the disease who was cured. Count Sawe, Marquis Madia and three Japanese officers have arrived at San Francisco to examine the mili tary and naval systems of the United States. Justice Stanley Matthews is still so weak that it is thought he will not bo able to resume his place in the United States Supreme Court before October. It is reported in Berlin that Bis marck is expected to prepare a bill for submission to the Reichstag relaxing the rigor of tho Socialist law after this year. Governor Luce of Michigan decided not to recall his extradition warrant for the Electric sugar refining fraud workers and tho prisoners were taken to New York City. In an interview M. Zanlcoff said the Czar had emphatically declared that he would not meddlo forcibly with Bulgaria, the expulsion of the Prince being an internal affair. QurrEahot debate was had in the Canadian House of Commons the other night on the subject of reciprocity with the United States. Sir Charles Tup per opposed tho project. TnE first official act of Secretary of the Navy Tracy was to postpone from March 15 to April 3 the time for re ceiving proposals for the construction of a coast defense vessel. A resolution has been introduced in the Illinois State Senate providing for the submission to tho people of a Constitutional amendment for tho rais ing of all taxes by assessments on lands only. George Cook, aed seventy, an in mate of tho poor house at Crawfords ville. Ind.. was recently found to have $6.500-$4.000 of it in gold. He was immediately discharged from the poor house. Hkxbt W. Genet, familiarly known as "Princo Harry" among New York politicians, is suffering from a fungus which is growing under his tongue. The excrescence has already pushed two of his front teeth out The general belief among Minnesota and Wisconsin loggers is that the crop will, when the final figures are all ia. show a shortage of twenty-five per cent from the calculations made at the beginning of the season. M. Rochereau. a director of the Paris Comptolr d'Escompte. which ia closely connected with the new cop per bank, died suddenly on tho 5th. id in consequence of rumors there b almost a panic on the bourse. Postmaster-General Wanamaker has purchased from the Frelinghuysen estate the elegant residence which has been until recently the homo of Sec retary Whitney. Tho price paid for the house and a part of the furniture was understood to have been $80,000. The Russian painter Verestchagin defends his realistic paintings in an article in tho German Review. He states that an American colleague, Frank Millet has testified to the real ism of prisoners in the Russo-Turkish war dropping by the roadside frozen to death. Washington police shipped eighty three pickpockets, confidence men and other suspicious characters out of town in a single lot a couple of days following the inauguration. Detect ives from Baltimore and Philadelphia accompanied them to see that they did not stop at those places. . The London Times, in a recent Jnaaialarticle,aaya Ohat it hears that the Anaconda, Calumet and Heels mines have agreed to restrict their autput for two months, and it is be lieved the Rio Tinto will follow their example. This would be done to help the copper syndicate, which was in dire financial peril. The chair in which President Cleve land sat for four years is one that he had made to order and paid for him elf. It is made of light oak to match the desk 9de from tte Besolutaaud sent to the White House by. Queen Victoria. It ia. de-spreading revolving ctainiitt w- r f ... -a- aad R NEWS OF THE WEEK. GiMMd by Talagiaph and MaiL THK SEHATE-EXZCtmVB SE98IOK. Tan Seaate was in executive session a saort tlave on the Mb, sad there being o objec tion to say nomination made by President Harrises, as I measly oontrmed sis CsMoet aaeowtmsata. Tns SmmU simply ssst on the nth aad hamediAtely sdjouraed. (After aajourumeat scmscaswasaeldtore-srrsafstaecoisMltfes.1 Want th Senate met on th 7th a not was re4 from Vice-Presideat Morten that he would be absent during tbe nay. Mr. Sherman moved that Seeator Iagells be elected Presl oeatpro tern., and Seaator Harris moved to amend by sabstltutlag the saiae of Sesator Voorhecs. which motloa was lost by s party roteof t7toS. Mr. Ingalls was thea ehesea aad a worn is. The Senate then adjourned an tU Monday. rnsoxAx. and rouncu. Srrator Beck, of Keatecky, who is still at For trass Monroe, Is almost well again aad will retara to Washington as soon as tas wsathsr becomes settled. Ex-PasaiOKXT Ciryrlavd aad family left Washington oa the Cth for their fu tare hosae ia New York. A Brrur dispatch says that Herr Stne bel goes as a special commissioner to re store order la Samoea waters. He is re acted to be an able diplomat. The Ameri can aeooaat of tae terms of the armistice arranged by Herr Kaappe aad Mataafa are aot believed ia Berlin. Kiro Milan abdicated the throne of 8ervia on the th ia favor of his son Alex ander, aged thirteen. Regents will have eeatrol dariag the Frisco's minority. Kino Hcmrert, of Italy, has accepted the new Cabiaet formed by Premier CriapL It Is a comblaatiea affair. Ml Tucmto, a conservative Journal of the City of Mexico, aays it sees la President Harrtsea's inaugural address a menace to the peace of the Spanish American Repub lics, especially Mexico. The same journal also expresses a fear as to the policy which Secretary of State Blaine may adopt Br a veto of 59 to 39 the Minnesota House of Representatives refused to submit to the people an amendment ia favor of pro hibition of the liquor traffic. GjcaxRAL Boulahokr in a letter to an Italian paper declares his earnest desire for friendship between France aad Italy. Acstik Corbin, President of the Read ing Railroad Company, is seriously ill at his home in New York city. Dion Boccicault and Loaise E. Thorn dyko were married on the 7th in Mr. Bou cicaalt's home, on Fifty-fifth street Mew York. The ceremony was performed by Chief Justice McAdam, Tmc Peaasylvania House Judiciary Committee has reported back the Single Tax bill unfavorably. Tan decree of exile against the Due d'Aumale has been rescinded by the French Cabinet It Is reported at ,8aakira that tho Abyssiaians are besieging Kassala and that Senousis' army is marching on Khar toum. Tm First Lord of the Admiralty has submitted a scheme to Increase the English navy by expending 21,&00,0QQ, Simon Camerok celebrated his ninetieth birthday at Harrisburg, Pa-, on the 6th. Pabnexl received an oration at a ban quet given by the Eighty Clab to Lord Spencer at London oa the 8th. Bcloarian newspapers are of the opin ion that the abdication of King Milan was the best thine be ever did. Captain John Ericsson, the noted en giaeer and inventor, died at Mew York on the 8th. He was born July 3t 1803, in the province of Weralaad, Sweden. , RaraaaxNTATivB Townsbkno. of Illi nois, was reported lying critically ill with pneumonia at the Riggs House, Washing ton, on the 8th. Tas new Italian Cabinet is announced as follows: Crispl, Premier and MmUter for Home Affairs; Zanardelli. Justice; Seismlst Dorla, Finance; Giolitti, Treas urer; Cremona, Public Works; Bertol Viale, War; Admiral Brin. Marine; Bsc cell. Ins traction; Micelli, Agriculture. Doho Kban. the ruler of Annan, is dead. R. W. Townsbcnd, the well known Con gressman from the Eighteenth Illinois district died at the Riggs House, Wash ington, on th 9th of pneumonia. Congressmen Bccbanan. Spiaola and Lee, who have been quite ill with pneumo nia at Washington, are reported much bet ter aad will recover. Their sickness was caused by the bad weather on inaugura tion day. M WOMCKULMJimOC. Davib and Joseph Nicely have been ideatiaed aad held for trial for murdering Farmer Umberger near Jennerstown, Pa., aad robbing him of $18,000. Muui Aba Fuller, living near East St. Louie, 11L, is reported to have eloped with her father's negro farm head. Mas. Catherine Tatlor, an aged widow of West Troy. N. Y., was struck on the head with aa axe by aa assaaiia the other night and died nextday. Hereon William, aged twenty-fire, is under suspicion. TRB Charleston, Cincinnati & Chicago railway Is to be exteaded at once from Camden to Charleston, & C, and from awtaerf ordtoa to the Oaioriver 350 miles. The 370 ton British vessel Eldorado has succeeded ia goiag fiteea miles up the Panama canal. Bar. Da. CRsillt, treasurer of the Irish National League, denoaaees as false stories concerning a schism ia the league. Sens against the Standard Oil Com paay. baaed upon charges of depredations on certain laade ia Leuisiaaa to obtain tarpeatiae aad which have been pending ia tae iBsenor veparuaeas lor some time. have been settled by the eempaay paying $61680 damages. The British vessel Port Gordon was wrecked on the coast of Washiagtoa Territory receatly aad four of the crew lost The sarvlvors were cared for by the Indiana. By the ditching of a paseeager traia near Coshocton. O. the other night, a dosea persons were slightly injured. Tax trial of the famous lyachers at Pickens, 8. C, resulted ia the coarietioa of Haywood. Boltoa aad Williams, who were sentenced to be haaged April a C C. Watts, United States Attorney. Charleston, W. Va.. has besa raaasstsd to eead ia his resignation. BcstNaas failaree (Daa's report) far the seven days eaded March 7 aamhered . compared with 333 the previous week aad 353 the corresponding week of last rear. EAaTRQCAEB shocks were reported fas Peaasylraaia aad Maryland oa the even lag of the 8th. Annie Roche, of the test of Ida, Doug las County. Mian., has committed eaiaide by hanging. She was the sweetheart of Lee. receatly haaged at Alexaadria for marderVaad since that ereat has heea ex ceedingly despondent aad at times par tially damaged. The Missouri Facile directors at their recent meeting ia Sew York City declared the regular quarterly diridead of aae per ceat payable April 15. Martin Toara and William Garner. leaders of a gang of twelve or more coun terfeiters ia Coaway, Perry aad Saliae Counties. Art. have been arrested aad a huge sum of begat geld coin captured. It it reported that the Vaaderbills have recently bought 15,0W shares of the -9kg Fear" railroad stock at 19a, with the) la- teaUoaof ultimately apeake Ohio rail war. A disease reeembliag atenlagiti has saade its aapiacsaca ia Kent County. Mi, aad ia use Hag torriUe havoc among horses aad males. Br the fall of the roof af building ia Ctadaaati recently two Tax seventieth aaaiversary of the snsry of Coaat voa Moltke into the Prussian army was celebrated oa the 8th. OwiNOto slow collections the Buffer Boas Lithographlag Company, Boston, has suspended for s time. The assets are f 175, 000 aad the liabilities (100,008. The striking employee of the Ames shovel works Sortkeastoa, Mass., have been ordered to vacate the company's houses. Tax later-State Commerce Commission has issued sn important circular contain ing the fall text of that law as amended by the past Congress aad pointing oat and explaiaing important changes. Fire receatly destroyed the dothiag house of Kleiaaaas st Bimeasln, Market street Louisville, Ky., with adjoiaieg premises. The Ioases aggregated I4J0.OOO; iasaraace about (900.00a, A mauonant f orm of diphtheria is re ported la Veaaago Coanty, Pa. A sensation has beea caused ia Calcutta by the discovery of a plot ia Cashmere against the life of the British Resideat The discovery was made through letters left by the late Premier of Cashmere. These letters revealed a design oa the part of the Maharajah to poison the British Resideat besides other treasoaabte plot tiags. The Maharajah offered to abdicate. Clearino boase retaras for the week ended March t showed aa average lacrosse of 13.3 compared with the corresponding week of last year. Ia Mew York the la crease was 13.4. The Haancial paaie ia Paris had a de pressiag effect oa the Leadoa Exchaago aad the Continental bourses during the week eaded March t. The London Econ omist said the liquidation of the Comptolr d'Escompte was iaerltable. 8an Fbancisco was greatly excited oa the fth by rumors of an impending war over the troubles In Samoa. Oa the de nial of sensatioaal rumors the excitement quieted down, but the feeling would be appreheasire aatil the arrival of the Zea laadia bringing advices from Samoa to March L The Mexican Government will declare martial law in Lower California if tremble over the gold find increases. A rASSENCRn train on the Trans-Caspian railway was receatly thrown from the track in a tunnel, owing to the removal of rails by train wreckers. The result of the derailment was frightful. The killed aad Injured numbered tlfty. The band of robbers who tore up the track were captured. A tract of land containing 528 acres, in the rear of Mew Orleans, has ben seised by the United States Marshal to satisfy a judgment against the city obtained ia the United States Court by C H.Stewart Toe land seized is owned by the city. John Grkklt. John Costigan. William McGiaais and Fred Schrank stole a can of blasting powder at Akron, O., the other day aad tilled their pockets with it. It be came ignited and all four of the boys were terribly burned. Joseph L. Hall, proprietor or the im mense iron safe factory of Ciacinnati. died oa the 10th of heart disease, aged sixty five years. A resioknt of Montreal has patented in the United States aad Canada a procest for making ice by which he claims a year's supply can be manufactured at a cost of 75 cents. The large planing mill or W. H. Dyer in Washington was totally dostroyed by fire the other morning. Eiti mated loss, $35, 000. A HAN named Michael Donegby aad his wife have been arrested at Queenstown, Ireland, for having revolvers and ammu nition among their baggage. Anna Dianond. a beaatiful French Canadian girl, committed saicide at Rochetter. M. Y., n cent ly. She was nine teen years old and came from Belleville, Ont She became infatuated with Charles Mecklin or the "ShamutO'Rriea" Theatric al Company, but he would have nothing to do with her. A savage tight occurred the other night at Long Island City among a lot of Ital ians who were gambling, in which kaives were used and furniture smashed. Several of the combatants got ugly knife thrutta. A small riot la the shape of a street fight occurred at Steubeaville, O, the other night between the pottery strikers and non-union men. Several persons were injured. All the painters and plasterers in Pitts burgh, Pa., struck recently. All the build ing trades were affected. While Allen Gregory, his hired man and wife were ia a sleigh the other even ing trying to crots he railroad track at Chicago Junction. O.. they were struck by the Baltimore& Ohio express aad all three instantly killed. Postmaster-General Wanamaker at tended all the services at Bethany Church. Philadelphia. He talked to his Bible class and ia a short address said that he woald come from Washington every Saturday to do hia usual work for the church aad re- Monday. aBoirurvAi. distai Thk uuui Known as Cifiou riall ah Lakewood, N. J., tbe famous winter re sort, was burned early the other morales and sixty guests and twenty servants made their escape ia their night clothes. A number of the guests were compelled to jump from the windows. A cablr dispatch received a t New Bed ford, Mass., from Aquairalna, West Coast of Africa, states that Captaia Holmes, of the waaltag bark Sea Pox. aa cdneer aad serraat were killed and fire of the craw burned by the explosion of a wbalia bomb gan. The French Catholics of Redlake Falls Minn., are ia a turbuleat state, cease sequent upon Archbishop Ireland denes ing their pastor aad sending thea a utriest from 8t Cloud. Jcboe Caret. Solicitor of the Treasury. has teadered his resignation to the Presi dent to take effect upset the tptalilcaties of his successor. The bonds of the electric sugar fraad workers have beea txed at $11,000 each by the New York City couiS of general see- sieas. Iaon makers of Pitbtburgh, Pa, are do- SBoadeat orer tho preveiliag dallaessia their liae. Bt the breaklag af a rail Bear St. Nicholas, Pa.. 8unday. a Reediag railroad eagiae aad twelve leaded cars ware wrecked, aad Firemaa Walker aad Coa- dactorOilkaerwere killed. Dl N 8noos. grain dealer, moaey lend er, jusUce of the peace, aad farmer, who abecoaded with flSOOS from Stepheas, Mian., has Uen located ia British Colam- bia. It is said that Sir E '.ward Malet, British Ambassador at Berlin, will represent his Otrreramoat in the Samoaa coafereaca AGebmab artillery oascer has discov ered a aew powerfal explosive made tress carbolic acid for ase in sheila Trb ceaveutioa of States to consider the alleged beef combine, etc.. assembled at St. Louis on tbe 12th. The ""Hurt waa much larger than expected. Trr trial of Sngineer Cook, rhargsd with having caused the terrible railroad disaster at Mad Baa. Pa., October VK ia which sixty lives were lost, aae began at Maach Chaak. Pa. Tan SaJpreme Court of th Called States has reversed the decisiea of the Supreme Court of Utah, which had refused a aew trial to Aadrew Coltoa. a ssorderer. bo th trial judge had aot iastracted the Jury ia regard to life imprison meat for murder. The weavers af tfty mills ia th Fall aUver (Mass.) district went eat ea strike an the 11th. About , mea were af fecteaV Two mea were killed hart by the exalesuea mt Oeeelaxwl(a)roUuBaasneeaba4rta. has saaanshnat to Jehan Serifs, af HEBRA3KA STATE NEWS. Nebraska leRlahstare. The Seaato occupied a goo-1 portion of the morning session ea the th trying to stratghtea the record. The bill for tbe tup press ea of backet shops was favorably reported ; also Mr. Roche's bill rrautnag that school dis trict orders shall be registered and paid tn tne or registry. AM lae mis rora wra at Kelita. sad other bill, mostly local. ....The Hoese took u and referred bills oa seeosd reeHasaad taea considered bills on cea- oral tie la Coauatttee of tte whole. The Aastrallaa Balk bill was dtscusted at rrest length, amended aad reeoauaeaaed forpesace. aad aft r recoatssenauur for asssare the bill for a reassessment of railroad property InGrrelr, Valley. Howard aad other counties the Route adjourned. The Senate oa the Sth passed Mr. Ray mond's hill to require cor orations aad InJl vMuels doing a banking butinett to report their resources and lia&llllirs to th Slate Audi or, aad defeated the bill for the sepprrs sloa or backet shops. The bill to si o rail roads to assist each other ia conttruetion passed: also the bill for a normal school st Nellgh. besides several other bills. Bills were thea considered ia Oammlttee of the Whole during the remainder of lae sesttoa . In the House the report or the Committee or the Whole that the bill providing for a levy and eeUection of taxes when an Injunction has bren decreed was adopted, aad other bills were con sidered. Tne Sugar Bounty bill was amended to make the bounty one cent per pound, the pajmuut to commence January 1 lt. and favorably resorted. Appropriation hills were thea under coatlderaUoa until adjournment The Senate oa tte Sth reto.ved that neither House had the right to vote away the furniture to Its members without the consent of the olh r House. Anions the bills passed were Mr. Jewett's Nil reUtive to the ownership of Nebraska lands by aon resident aliens aad for eign eorsoraUons the Constitutional amend ment increasing the Kuereme Court, aad Mr. Lindsay's bill eauallxJag the aeporUoament or State taxes among the eounUe. After much discussion the South Omaha Cbirter bill was passed, and the Omaha charter was ceanldereJ la Committee or the Whole... The House passed the Omaha charter after alongcontetC The bill requiring a tbree-flnhs vote to dindi- a f?-nKV,.JLl!!,LM,Be0.U,,t.T.tp"MH,:'1.M ZgenT UldTerVTirto The bill "for . TreaiT.menl of railroad lands in Greeley. Howard and other counties; alto tbe bill requiring voters in towns of over l.oo inhabitant to remitter. TacS'uate on tbe 7th considered LI'ls In Committee of the Whole and ps-d Mr. Ransom's Nine-hour bill. Mr. Ilrsrdtley's Kegittcr of Deedt bill and Mr. Cuthlng't Mil ftwtM conveyance of lands by executor, also in nuuiu vruiua cBrr hiiu jwr. portal ' Railroad bill. A rommlttce wt appointed to attend the funeral of Itepreteniative llav lathe Iloute tbe death of Rcprrsntative Hay t wat announced After a longdrhatc all railroad bills were made a special order for Tuesday evening. Many bills were introduced in Com mittee of the Whole. A committee was ap pointed to draft resolutions on the death nf Mr Hays and pending consideration of the claims of ex-; vornor liutler for EAOOS foreipene lacurred In his impeschment trial the House adjourned until Monday. - 5EITHEB bouse of the Legislature was m seasioa on the 8:a. In the Senate oa the 9th Mr. Funck offered a resolution to investigate the fact and make a correct statement as to charges made In a memorial from tbe Farmers' Alllanm al toging that tbe 8ut Is being wamied by mortgages and that the industrial rlaM- are being ground into poverty. A warm debate followed and the resolution went or. Mr. Tajrgart's Sinking Fund bill passed: alio Mr. Cornell's bill permitting cities lo Ittue water wothS bonds. In Committee of the Whole Senator Linn's bill to tnske certain life Insur ance policies nonforfeitable was killed. Ad journed until Tuesday morning ...Tbe Huute we. not in session. Mlsellaaus. A L.VTE prairie Are in Howard County baraeil the siahle of Ernest Brocka. a farmer living near St. Libory, together rith three head of horses, one cow. l.V) I ( bashels of corn, some farming implements aad all of his chicken. At three o'clock the other morning the general store of J. H. Darner At Hon. at Coaad, was discovered to be on Are, and shortly afterwards, with tbe entire con tent, waa burned to the ground. The family of aeven person living upstairs had a miraculous escape from suffocation. Alt officer recently went to Chicago with a requisition from Governor Thayer for Robert Clark, theembexxler, who got away with 2 W. belonging to the Howell Lum ber Company, at 'orth Bend, about a year aga Clark states that since hit deptrtuie he bat spent a great ileal of his time in Canada, bat some time ago returned to the United States aad'has siuce taea dodging cflscers. H. G. James (editor) appeared befure Judge Swain at Orecly Center tho other day and stood trial for the criminal lilel suit brought again t him by tbe wire fenc fb. Tbe result was tbe discharge of the defendant amid the approving shouts of the spectator. A cow and thirty-nine hogs belonging toCharles Boydtton, a Saunders County farmer, were bitten by a mad dog aome weeks age and developed tymptomt or hydrophobia a few days later. All tbe animals were shot. Farmers in the neighborhood of Ewiag are agitating the creamery question and hare heea promised the product or over one thousand cows. Ax adjoaraed meetingof the Holt Conn- . tyG. A.K. will beheld at O'Neill March R9 for the purpose of locating tbe next re an 'on. " Footpabs held up a Chadron physician she other night, bat failed to And a siaglo article of value upon his person. Br order of Judge Powers, in mandamus proceediags, tbe City Council of Xeltgb re ceatly revoked all aalooa licenses in th I town. Poo a crops and debt caused August Balser, residing near Albion, to bang bim- self the other day. He was slxtytwo years old. Firrr thocrabb brook trout fry were i receatly planted in the tributaries of the :.v .. ... a-t .! gweo oy savwa vo aw iinrsaca coespany. THE gaaeral merchandise store of Kit- ts. u. . r-Am iii.e. b.. . .r : "irrr. .rrrr .wi "7-zz.r, ,. ' rrrr.. MROOO. ... . . DOMESTIC trouble caused James Cus- niagbam, residing aear Wayne, to rec-ntly IKaipiHiuw vj e-.uuwnB aucHaw.t wiib3 I a revolver. He succeeded ia inflicting I waai wa uovsi tows taiai wouno Fnc PaLMeb, of Tekamab. lost bis wife's eewing machiae last rail ia a wager with F. F. Parker, that Cleveland would be elected, aad now Mrs. Palmer tas brought suit agaiast Parker to recover tbe machiae. TRERE are 1,100 members of the Farmers auiiaa is abwiu .Mkaiay. TRERR are 7,1ft) members of the O. A. B. In good staadiag in 5braska, composing aMpeta,aadlLi3Sl has beea spest ia aeststiag needy veteraas dariag the year. SrncE last Jaly Wayne has shipped 2M itti..u x. a ...t. r--. ef rat stack. At the late csmveatloa of the Xatioaal Lsbgacf Repablicaaaab.hIdlaBlU- more, maa. John M. Thurstoa. of 5ebraa. aa. was naaaimousir elected President. . W. C. HasaT. the Grand Army ef Ee pablic Department Comma ader. has at isaaia 127 camp Ires aad six count r aad lieti let resmieae dariag she year, inspect ed a poem, written Lm letters and trav eled Ram miles ia the diseaarge of his datiee. A Maw awnuxrr. lrvtag wear rSastaa, reeeaUy rohbe A her father ef rtw aai Mmi. hat tae old maa gave chase and esaptared her aad the sssmey ea a traia hoaad far eat T aa Jeba Jackson aad hm ana. WiHtam. ware as work ea T. M, tTstrBe,e gravel pH near Sorfoik, the tavak raved Th father was a eatireiy ........ --.-r-- ...aim. anu flrra herr has received rrom it foreotaa Fort Itobinaby the wperinteadeat of nho BM Jait .rriTM .. n In tf9 the State Fl.bHitcheriee. fh. mMut jutrict. tb. followTng te. ASC!T.'f f.,LCO,,B.,?rm7k".T,rrM,: Tn "'" T t" laves gata ceaibiaed to defeat the collectioa of note J Tee mines ar a sell" MILWAUKEE M0& Chin Aaaaultod and Lauudry Windows Smaahad. , t, Notorious Mall ZlBasaerwtaa Teoer Ar- , ., i. i:,a,M--.- .su. Seanl4 The llenney hvlaae twagCeae. i Milwaukee, Wia. March It A mob of about S.WX) people gsthtred in front of the city ball yesterday morning to await the arrival of Sam Yip Ja aad Dab Ding, the two Chinamen charged with inveigling little girls into their laundries for immoral purpotra. They srera disappointed, bow ever, as th officers anticipated the dena onttratlon and took the prisoners to the court room at a very early hour. The crowd was veiy noisy but no unlawful demonstration was made. The preliminary examination tgan at i eleven a. m. aad continued until 13:30, when a recess was taken until two p. as. Ther was no new developments. The crowd had nearly disappeared aad every thing in the vicinity ot the court room was quiet and orderly. About three o'clock la the afternoon a crowd went to the West side whure, after smashing ia the doors and windows of a (number or Chinese laundries, they dis torted quietly. The feeling against tbe ! Chinese is growing ia bltteraets as tbe enormity or their crimes Is being revealed , by tho testimony in courL Tae street in the viciulty of the Chinees laundries were thronged with crowds of ' men and boys last night aad th doors aad window of hair a dosn laundries were ' washed In with reck before pollc could , arrive and disp-rse the crowds. Atone oiut an unlucky celettlal rII into the hands of th- mob who bfgen yelling for a rope to string him up, and h would have ""! '"r tw the courage or a '""' 7 V PrUC"d W" Ul J uucwaruv-a ' matximmkrman caitured. , Omaha. Neb , Marcn 12. Humlay, Octo- ' bcr 15. 1W2, four min, on of whom wat Matt Z.inmrrmaii, arrived In Minden. a I frontier town, with tciitr-two jk):iU which they alvrrti.wl for ttlo. Two ir ,h0 ,ueri U. , tu nftc,rn,n. Whil viniB twenty guett. incudui several lndie, were nt tlie hotel oiipr er taltt. 7. rnnierrnnn and his niato forinj; th- door, Jnclc WcumU. the sheriff f Hutch non Countv, entered ami oidered th" two to throw up their hand There were two sharp report iu quick ucvoii, and th tiler r fell ilend m the doorway. One of the gueal who shouted to hit wife to run wnftilly hiL The de.perndoe then iU4hel into tlm bar nxtni whernthy mort ally hol a mall carrier named Collin. and then mounting their uiuttang gal IdimhI out of town tin n it at evervUnlv ther I met. Z inmermaii wit ulriiietitlr cnt ured nnd h companion killed. He u tried and tenteiiced to death three times, I nud Khortly after the thlid trial he iiikIi hl etoape four year ago. Yesterday In ! formation rerhrd hire thai he had been i caplurtt I iu T'tah nud as now on hi w sy I to bin Statu In charge of thre deputy sheriff. Esi'Arto thk fCArrot.it. llosilAM Tex., March 12. The cl eiratl -arlett murder ca wat called in thi diitrict court yten!ay and wat dimitvd by the State without the exam ination of a ln;le witness. This is the en e in which Jim Scarlett wat charged with murdering Andy Lscetleld tn INmI and throwing th.! body into the K-d river. e win tried two yrart ago and found guilty and nentenced to te hangsd. but I owing to a technicality got anew hearing. but before tlm new trial came on Ltre I Held wat found living In the southern part of the county. Scarlett can scarcely realize the good fortune of ngain i-elng fro after so narrowly misniug death on the scaffold. IIRgn OX BT WHITKCAra. Jacksum. Mich.. March 12 Some weeks ngo Wllilnni Cahoon, landlord of a small tavern ven mile west of here, received a warning from Whltecapt, l.ut paid no attention. Last night, while sitting in his room rending, a load or huck.hot crathed through the window and burled itself in on of his leg. J. H. I'rlce, m neighbor who had quarreled with Cahoon. 1 hat hern arreated. I IIE.VNVT AMI WIVE HELD. ' Lhicao, March 12. Ueorgn llennoy end hi wife, charged with being fugitive ' from justice, were brought I " fore Juatice I V. oo1 3 ritenlay morning and the catea ngninat them were coutinurd. awaiting I the arrival of the Kaiiaa City humane jotScers. 1 hey were not reulrvl to deny J or atTirni their guilt as allegel abductors 3f Lucy Selirnan. I -w IWhlakr and Murder. CRARt.rtTox. S. c.. March li Karly ' yesterday morning a moat shocking mur , Jr tuok plac in tblt city. William Muni- maier. llloIgtt Bker. K. I- Simons Joseph Mcllride. O Weir and evral other f '-unj; white mea were playing cards In a bar room when IUksr smaabed Weir's hat 3ver the letter's ys In run. Hot words ...... I ! . . ... '""t iuiiuwwi uj m. general row. vir . ilaahe-I Munsmaier's throat with a rasor, ee-arly severing th head from tbe body. I Weir waa Udly cut on th side of tb fac and bead, and Baker' nose was broken. I All hail beea drinking aad th whole party wat arrested. Tho .Wine Hell. Low AsrjrtJCn. CaL. March li Reports tbatth? Iower Catlforaia mining boom n-nl t m rir,iir. ...i ,u. -- i in in innrtii or ianl cons. mmnl ,. m.nh., chM.k 4 excite --.-. .- .-"-' kAI.WAl-. . . sseeraiee ntewatvr Am -ns- yohr. March i Th -l Gayga.. w. . H.mi hamn perdue, reecho hr dock her y terday morning. At aa early hjr she was slghtl o.T Fire Island flying tas:g. nal fcr a tug boat. Her dtenUoti was dee lo tkTeaktag tOSM portion cf tT chlaery Two yare ago Herman Clark, a wen known txs tractor. brvaacha4 a cbe far a greet yt tm of tsaael nadVr 3?w York City aad the Et and 5ortb rivers, con necting th e.ty with raburtasa points. Little atteetloa was paid to tho r-Ue, as it was considered too xpesstv to he prae. tlcalda lUciatJy Mr. Clark aaaxKae! tbe completion of arraagaenu forearry teg oat tb great work. A ewpitad of flM,aao.C9 ha beam gxuararrtewe. ef wbkh 39.CaM.QCQ is considered niest o do the tannellag. Tee tasas will be Us) fees 1 below the surface, teas avoidlag aU barisd tor, gas pipes, etc-, aad avoid. u " dimealty with tb ntnx Tbe ""f" "f1 " a4 frMa tb Oty UWI l ,w Tor r-oeI park aa tho aorta, aader Breefclya to Coney Islaad oa the east. as4 s4r Jr- 1 sey CRy to 5wark. There wilt t terns tracks. Trifi:i aad paesger miU be carried. Efiora win cswita-y frwigkt aad paassagets bHsms strwat etet'owt tad the trjBL Tb plmn farcarryUg freight will reL'eve the city etr ef arecb trackmp Ca win raa aaer larger ur eadfrtcaAbSoTw2d;-;ytoU. fhe lacerpaexuors af RVe saserprie are M perfseeed H wfil he hartid bra Hisahvr of raUrsavd xe aad etX. -wtav Mr. Oarfc haw ewaaSeat tba ' " ""ti'ifi larsawmysaeBUS. t year aad a hasfa THE CABINET. Cabinet aw at to lb nwat now C'wai WAsKistiTOV. March ft. Tbe rWnat met In xcutivo .lin yesterday with Vice President Morton In th chair. President Harrison et la the follow lag Cabiaet Jim (i. itfji.f. w'C'i.ts Httfoes. nominations, which wr promptly cva flrrucd Secretary of Rtt Jamee (ltpie Blaine, or Maine. Hcrtary of the Ireasurf William Window, of Minnota- JsrvarfdA A'usc. JA ItUH.twdSrr. Secretary or War -lldflld 1'nvtor, of VermoaL 8crtary or th Mavy lUnjaiula Franklin Tracy, of Nw Ytk. Secretary of th Interior John Wit.Kk Nolde, Of Mlaaourl. l'otniater-(lnral John Wanatnakr, or 1'ennsylvania. L'nMeld I'rurtor. II It. . .V.fer. Atto'ny.tliirat Wtlliam Henry liar-ri-oti Miller, of Indiana. Sucretaty or Agriculture Jeremiah Ituk. or Wiiconaln. aiiMinArnirAi. Jame Ulllrtpin lilalne. tbe moat problem, atlc 1 aad Interesting Cgur In ti.e ne Administration, was ntty ulne jrn old ui the 3lst ot January Wett llnnnrl:. Wah Ington C untj. 1'a. tn bla Mrth ll-e. and Waahlnctou College hi, educator lleron-.eaf agiKul Ain-'tean family, and b cran.l.'alh r. John HilecAAoUe. llrjtmtn f Trfy. Kpfcralm HUlne. fought In the retolutlou. Mr. Illaine's blatory 1 wett t. the (Ktintrr William Henry llsrrla.m Miller Aimns-r. aeral of the new Adminlalratina tn trn in Oneida jjnty .1 V nearly U'ttj lgUl )eaa aro. Me grxiaatr.l bj Hamilton Coll-ra and studied lav w)th Judge Waile. vf T'i!rd, O. wt afterward tmtne ITilef Ja.tlre i.f h Called Htate hupretne Court. ornht year be practiced la tn fori Wa-ne. .! . aad tfcrn waa Intlt'd in i71 U tf-roroe Oeaeral llarrlson't lax partner In lndlar.aptla In the psrtnrrahlp Mul-r prepared ti laipnr taat casea and aoukt out Um latricsle law point and Harrtao preaeaf.t litem tn tko court. Cetera! Jntin Willoek So .'. Herrtary ef tbe Interior tnltd Ktate lntrf-t AtUir. ney at St loua fni tr u 2tm. ar.4 ka4 Xh duty of entorrlng tbe reBO lawi hlch. at that time. arre kr. ta Urtralebt 4lfaor is Mlaaourt. hif llegera XobW aWU tu kll'M and bU own life Waa frejaetUy tbteat. erved. but be plutkUj aturk to bin task o til lb! law wi rally aaaertnL 1 jicn. wlta the bant work CaUbe.1. h (veranmaSly liled leu:rat Orar.t it.) sabed l f- relleted Tbe KreabteDt nnc(tnBte4 bias warmly In tbe tM9i irf the CaMcet fer bit aervicea. and relartasUy aprd bl rei aatiea Kedfield rrVrr, t OoMrv T Vemol Sof relary of War. I tb atet frvdaeer a4 manufacturer of mart I tbe Csiied atXs H baa ot.e more tbaa aay otber ataa V 4 iop tb facnoi esarble ijuarrle f Vravoal. Wtillwan Windosn. Hecrrlary of tb Tre., bM U ane fmixum in fiarfl'M' CU vv He was Ur-a ts Obta. ia 1TT and a tM a4 a:t!ed to tb bar ta JOSri Kmi Oesaty wi5 bim pfuiuung itUfj la tc eavl Vke r-tv later be rvntove-t I MUaoaota. fa ME b . gaa tn yar T aeevie la rrre.. t IK b wa srp"tated t tb Cslvet Mate -xK Ui tU tb rejbi-f asd m r-l B3)amla rrub.1a Try !"tar7 ef tbe Xsvr U aVntSfty dee aad a Vt4- a rarwj ia TVoe Onuatf Nw T. ta test fc wa . ettltee to lb tee ad iKr rear Uvee Khm tliUUX lUrty at TV. He a Tb4e Tlltos" attorbrr ia th cwirt-raierf Mae.ae TJtoa trtai. jKrrmik RaaS. (UrrrlTT A AgrVrlsr, I arty-eigbt two y? i4r tea tavt lrttt. H ha bees 'WW Grrr Wifmmm three tin; aod R-?xtaU t 0ra tare tte Jo a WaAamar f PstladeifJfci te aw riHUltMtft"t 9vAa 9iji4 a web ts s4verlu b vr? saw swy bt rts. SeJ-8leI adxriiaeegnvw a y He waa bvra ia l"VUiji u ;. M er-4 ta e etwuan niutu n t'gM ttaee k-t : laav VOUNQ WOMEN Of WEALTH. Jf i Aurs Gti Is a m aifTimai'fsee. ftl t&dagktrrf Asetia trhta.aad ttrraty tear tiS. Mxts ytiuj Goru.i& ddv daaghSieff ef Jay G?il3. ta ecnwrtAisg euvrv than fAb 9HUA Kfe is Jst twenty a4 rathe pretty, ffe m a clsrcb a embay aa4v chera-s sooy KSm g-M te U eprra, how. artr, aad U a senaawr. Tars Mi Arasora3Uraef T isian O. Armtnr. ef the great bwef. parama ftrrn. iave Bvawuw aeswem, aa-l ar Wmij to srrwsasiasrt. KVesfer. th ariUR King, fat tw easbsers, aeeatxg anw.cas. TWy tearh wchKa. Mm AsLattAajLaaasewef Cseverser rKaafsriof (LSnXmmjm Vm, aad wa prssUy mimrl .RlseMhl aw.re w&ra kt aaei sVasa aa at saJr twvty ywars skI, am Xasr CsULrra at sa WTJy5rr i!rm, waa fg.-maat,. IbsTat. a itaocVa-r t Jahn W. Vwrm. has atee Cerawatjaa FKCbSea ba rr esstatr, RVsasUa. ha th sswaw MS sMrrfysVa Wert at Verieat xrssn 0.1aw."Maexs Ve Uaavywi wR,the at SXSSXRTC sPP WmBBBSRSSBBBbPbW JmuV DBSBSSBBBBBaPre T' i s riVm &9 " aav XSaaaaAaBwaWr -wamTlTmr LHICSSON DCAO. Dealb r lb Pesawaae S)wwtab xl Iwaowtavr. gw Yoau. March -Ceplain Ja Kricaaea. the fernou 8w-ltb aginr. who deaigaeal lb faasoti Iron clad Moni tor aad launched br complete ia V J . died yesterday morning ebortly after twelve o'ciork. II bad ls lit fur lf one week wha a phytlclaa wa cotl-! ta. Owing to bis advanced eg Mr Krtc falleii to rally. Tb doe4 we Nrro) July St. IJO. in tb tromcof vr.anJ. MstesVm. and came to America in I. Rtrreeea iaatot tb rw prvp1!'. wblcb has revotwtiutiised eor ll w tibia half a century lndt ta fallar of the English lo appreciate tbe crew.prvpalisr la what nt Rrlr.n t Amrtoa where hie aJvaact Mee4 round bttr treat atewt, la 14. dariag John Valncy A !" trm aPiealdealtbetsernnnt la-te4 eucveetral aprlmewte wlta tJ pw pJKr. Tb Ut ia which It a tr .!. the Prlncetve, wae also tae fit! ! ship ballt with meehlawry prvtvfd frn shot by being placet! ! tb slr In, asaklng It the pioneer ia asu-leiw at coestrueliva- lie gwae. atovr. had t!i first s4f.K-ttng lov-bs of tb hind tbat at now la gai al uta. At this tlw tb vm mltMse of th America Institute forma, y aid. Nothing la the history vt avhan lo surpas tb latantlv gwaies cf Captalu Kiktsua" Th peblU eBblbitioa of lb Prlaceioa at WeihlngWia waa attndt with an acct Jent. for wblcb Krkea was In s way rvpunslblv. TU greet gun called "Th tecmar"sitHl4. billing tb rUr. tsuv cf HUia. tbe tecrta-y th y and thr other runs. rttraug lo aay. Klc4a waa avr r luitwrsod rur hi apnive aperituenU with lb irlnci.n. bis modl claim fr rlguu. tb actual cvt, hating been dl allowed hy Ctwgr. Msteager tlllt. Krlcasoa wa nvr 14 a dollar fur de lingand bttildlug tb wonderful sua Uwt with wbtch bi fame I (urMv cull nv ted. lb Uf gotttiwt of tb MvMiUir Aral mat by Krira.un lo ,N')kv.u lit. In a Utter dated at w V .s In lv Kor eight year lh I ! awit. It. op portunity. Tbe Uvanl lo lneet deatgn fr irrn clat. after the war I'fwke oU not lv I ititcouragel the iitYantur. tul e-t.y nuMil Mm, odne their iali t r li appreciate hi advanced lda the trr of Ita final acfeptanc la a lun 1 not a particular sratifym; on lUit !' "rbraia tit on a ahinfle" urprie. N world otia day at llaruplott IUd an t KrlcaMiit haa had a record In clrr. th.-oh an ungrateful Jfalloo never paid turn l rath. OCSTROVINO FLAMES. tturiitag m! Ike 1 b)lllM I If ) el al I etndve l..inl. S... llrw.lle t ie t liuullle. l'Larra t'lrr. Uv, March 9. Tb ' ilau I'ulnt female ur ! eleU . burned at eight o'flixb yewtefdav ttnn trig, the fire itrlglnatlng In the laun trr ajui dlatance from the main tHitlding It pilckly cinjmuil ate-l ! the c-tg pRwper, and hiii th entlr truildlog - rapMi lii ftartiea. hlch rtTrr'unUy pit tti avtirn the effitrta of th Intra tr ga-l. Thla tnat tutuMi. htch waa ait well -! favnrably ktioou thrtKighoul th rta, wa founded In IHU aa s Klewl for !. axlucatlou of orphan grl by Altii lr l'rctrf, A. II J.hi. r I'erff. A I- I'errln. At, lire, tnidga, W t W.li. and other prrxnineut mrit of h ChrUlUn Church. utnUr li rh denominv lion the cht had len eaully mn azed Tb major wirtioii nf th nnil.til f th buddltig I a total lo. II p ato, cotnjratily new, being snwnj .She proefty deatroyl The ua baa tt SWw completely ateU bttt it la aafe .t aer that It will reach $!.' "A. It was tare.t for ,tJ. i.hkat rmt t ttint.ia i.flaVIt t.t, hty.. March e K.le la4 rut at noun yeaterilay in tb ttnMl f tlie ICIelnhan A fttmnnaon etothinr bwMt. tn and & Wett Market tret, an I r fifteen nrnute fb flam bad .! thrutigb Klelnban A HI rstm .,' ihre large ffra and wa cep!ng through t fourth flo-ir t4 tn rxf. Tb rear f Hlratii' dry gtMi hrl went d'iwn ant the fir eecne Mynnd roetrol. A mtt-'Hg wind wa lilowlojf Aftr a bsrl tit'. however, the firemen gaine-1 roitr' an 1 routlnwl the Sam to th tipper tl f -( Htraaae' p;a- The (e K i ban A Himoaaon'a !. vt,".(. K haw k Mimvnaon li I tlog lVr,n. rnb luidlng. tZt,'). Hlran. t JI,firj th Charrhilt iiildlag. ;,' Th luaurance KT'elnhata A HiaSMna-m Inch and Qsturea, tlT'.Tl' Klelkbam A timoinim'i and tb ZirWvtnU teilll'r(. iri.(s.KUM.' ilwt, f3,fsJi Ckurea.i t.oildlnga. ftnen BHAOftTwCKT. ki nil. at j..erai ( ri -.r1 leiatel !. . Voaa, Marcb - Hra4trt', It re(e uf tb Weeb. ayl fpe lai Ui tram to HraltrlV whil rprC e rj generally Imprirving . 4i 4 rcert an ltct avaseet 1 lb urn at Uiain. sp at JCaeae lt. HU Jv;.b anxi Chicago, bwt dry gel( and nrii end Iwa aad b 4 lumtr be ! ia hasr i-jv At Hostoat wr4 i iadliawd w ward : at Jles Yi fralt and furaltero are ba au ectiv eU. an I W.timrm ewetr rwjt m improving dwd fo? herd war ! lerefcwr. nv-eb ra"aietiea at Jw T 1 arrrw4 fcr far of SaeieJ ., cation alalag ttt lb rwppv ttt'-t aad tak tf fertr rate WvebU. Ht asanlpailetWe ba how lfe Bl f 4 io wawbaae. fr or stroog ! wis ieteset eara. lOpwt tts ,T, ewyavtas ai !. tf im t erttOa Rtavte shew e Vwlsv' einrb b-f P braary 3a, la. 4 bgr . at4 terwns, f lOsVSat hte f - egaiast t. at ta esaae Va .r r.v raary X. ls, 4 9vm) i; Ax J tu towae s- turn reart4. ai tit to-wa. eat Fvieaary JS, aa. ivf Ks,a beiaw 4. egeiatt nsA Ua Tear agw. a,ia)ee fuir rvt-l t ftrvfirV eemtwvM Mrf fa lb C; ieiw a!te. easvsMi Mi let .. M Ibis week ie vvr Casta! bavt iyie tbJ wk. agtuaet t is t . tat aea. Sr. raw, rftT.tl, Marrh A few 4r er agewb rf ta Manser Cetafsir is fvrett pwwej T ta ye.m.ae 4 W A.reaST. farraav 4 (Br W laa-t ar av. eaig t b. pn the irwtt rwte ,.nW hr rt.'m vt sirv4 fatrte u eat wH bl eeajate. Ta Rt-U j . r4! eavd tita a frara. tmfmj . t iagl P!er tg4rtaar Tb svat ter wa catrrVwi tm ia rna 4 yew. 4mf d fe-igwya t th h- st. graa4 t.y aavrt4v- a " Psertswr, Th. Um , vaJsoU ia ta. cHt. g.fei j ta - WiaiMJaa,. TV n.Ut Ctiwaaay 4l tvOd (JU tmrtMj. Tffcw Vi tmmm. x?rt a v't. Um lUmm v t t&r J eey tx iTje : Harri,,'. C uUf ut t Vatt ao4 fc4 mCmbi km iut rrtoskg,, 4rM K"' 4SMii rs4i. tb. rSalwat bw-.ar. ia Vid Mmlt vl ta aWf Ra wta JU -rf gaefyig tti frvaeov, . ., Mar. .r,r.g twweC. pnpvier a spasra jia a, rC si s4 he ,;,. ,. r- Baae Mb erswereaeaiy lajarea asm a seat anu owe-. ,. r Ha Ui