o QQ S V. 0 9 B L.A o o DC O o It- ggrregs rf4i . .-- w. f a rva .. - m , T , na Wat,y-w; i '! iimii , -- " -"- -nafnasar- m 1 "BBSBBsaBpjpaBipBajBjBjBaaajBj, nz sssBBBBsn f '?S PH assBBBBj L-aT bbbbbb .ssssn bbbbbbb' "it n? - "vKP h a H bbbbh bbbbbI arH assi --- sbbbI SBBBSBBa! bbbbbbbk assa" TWg a m . n 7 a aa"aTTaiff-jik4 a w .nag .. ."jJgifcgB i jm 4(sLnnnnP lVS BrMrlBi &hfl ''"w" Lfinn BnlllibW-nnnnnn jsgsiiSagr - - JasJfe fc HSJliWBBBBMMJww1Fl r Traa?nnnnnnnnnnv nnTirVrra T - t 1 i-l Y & 'taU-r' IJ-- - aaLieaDnnnnnV; nwlnn9unnnnHPnnnnnnnnnn J j 2jMBBHHy"'V. KK9S3i' 'r oi'foEMntnnnnnWgff BH9HBilKHHBHHkyllH MBs3ifi jf yMBBfciTLTPFtfSSfA ffiasfcenlnnnn n argBseaajajajajajajajaiaBajajajajajajajaiajajajajajajaaBapaiBajajaBvi -a fSlliW TiUlaf -m VsmeaQuv Hh.a t mimBiW" ' TPaanTrSSSSSSsnBSMiTTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSj I aiaa uiHBHHHBSaHH'BHHHHHBFBk' S fl r'JtHnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannBBi-a------ "jJ BKWKaBBHBKaHiHBBniPK a A3IJIB3f?!TSwl8C' . ?x&J!jm1V yaaBSBnfceeeeeKMeCjrTi&SL- 'laga'anTa,laeSBBBBBBJSBBBBBSBBBBin H Vol. 16. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, March 15, 1889. No. 33. c 0 O 03 o '-'.' , I. $n 4 v a. j 0) . - vutOtS..X ( IS O 4 . . -4tv '-' , S f i- r " -- . .TJT'M iJfe -" . - ' jc,-4 - ,.-.- fc V' V IRISH CHARACTER, The Element to Which the CelUOwThh Iogcd iMTt For th SelL Putting minor divisions aside, ad keeping in mind the two grand dlvi ions among tho old Irish, namely, th imaginative, persistent, stolid, re vengeful, superstitious Ugrian, and tho quick-tempered hut kind-hearted, generous, unsteady, quick-tongued,' pleasure-loving Kelt, wo can under Htand perhaps better than beforo tho reason for anomalies in tho national character. We may perceivo in tho in dividual Irishman, it may be, the con test still going on between Aryan and Ugrian, between Iran and Turan. Havo we not hero a clow to contradic tions in Irbh natures, their llory threats and uctual puaueablcness, their turbulence and relative freedom from crime, their reputation for ferocity among thoso who do not know them, and the charm they cxerciso through kindliness and hospitality when treated with regard? It is not fanciful to trace here the singular mixture of sharpness and stupidity in tho peasant, nor will it bo found on reflection hazardous to assert that tho Irish owe to tho sturdy, plodding Ugrian element their ability to support suffering and their dogged lovo for tho soil traits hitherto given to tho Kelt, although history is full of examples of tho Keltic passion for rov ing about tho world. It is an element that gives the counterpoise to the hot headedness natural to those in whom Keltic blood is strong; it ex plains tho caution of many Scots and Irishmon; for both are apt to talk with violenco but to act with great circumspection. It may also supply tho sad, nodical sido of tho Irish. It accounts best of all for thoir essential law-abiding character when humanely treated, their freedom from crimes other than agrarian, to which tho latest trials in London bear testi mony. It may offer an explanation for tho petty though vindictive nature of misdemeanors liko moonlighting, houghing cattle and destroying crops traits which seem foreign to tho Celtic genius. Moreover it affords a reason for tho virulence of class hatred in Ireland and for anomalios liko tho siding of tho Roman Catholic upper classes with tho enemies of tho Nation, though tho enemies are all that is most bigoted in contempt of their old faith. But it must 1o obvious that the key to tho Irish Nntion fits moro or less well tho lock of many other peo ples. Tho ancostors of every one of us have fought, conquered and suffered in that endless quarrel between Aryan and Turanian, which took placo all over Europe and a largo part of Asia, and which still goes on in tho breast of every American who is descended from that primeval mixture of races. Charles do Kay, in Century. ir. nyv THE ROACH-KILLER. A Ptttsbarsh Ma Who Grew Fat hy Waging War om th Buy la cU. You have perhaps heard that there is a man in Pittsburgh who makes his living by destroying cock-roaches. As there are a good many of thoso troublo some insects in the city at all times tho crop being one which never fails in dry seasons, and docs better in wet ones and but ono man who is their sworn enemy, quito naturally ho is kept rather busy. Fato tried to ob scure him by bestowing on him a com mon patronymic, but ho has risen to renown in spite of it. From tho East End to tho West End. and from the bleak bluffs on tho south sido of the Monongahela to tho top of Troy hill beyond tho Allegheny; yes, even be yond the bounds of the county and tho lines of tho State, the fame of the Pittsburgh roach-killer has spread. For fourteen years ho has been waging war on tho roach tribe, by which he is doubtless regarded as a veritable mon ster. Yet he does not slaughter the innocent (?) insects because he de lights in cruelty to animals, bat be cause it is his business and he gets paid for it. "; The roach-man takes contracts for keeping the pestiferous orthoptera out of public buildings, hotels, depots, sa loons, stores and private residences. He charges a certain sum per year for the work. When he has been engaged for a job he goes at night, armed with a dark-lantern, attired in overalls and a blouse, and carrying with him a satchel, a bellows and a powder of his own manufacture. He wears a sponge over his nof so that when he begins shooting the powder into the haunts of tho bugs he may not breathe too much of it him self. He claims that the stuff will kill nothing but roaches, yet he prefers pure atmosphere for respiratory pur poses. Then he goes prrinsr around iajU cupboards, closets, behind, furniture, into dark corners, and uvory tine he discovers a colony, of roaches scatters a liberal quanity of the doatn-dealiag compound among there "When lie has fiafched the tour of the whole building he goes a war, to return again week families shall move in and make the placo their penn.ment quarters. Eter nal vigilance is the prico of freedom from roaches. "There are moro roaches than over in tho city since natural gas began to bo used," said the insect-slayer. "They breed faster in warm place, and peoplo generally keep their houses much warmer, especially at night, with gas than when coal was tho fueL A female roach lays ten or fifteen eggs at a time, and lays often. Theso eggs are all enclosed in ono shell; the powder won't prevent them from hatching, and of course I have to keep OF GENERAL INTEREST. The Bible has to be printed in twenty-nine different languages to sup ply tho people living in Pennsylvania. The largely varied industries of Penn sylvania attract to that State a more cosmopolitan population than any other State in tho Union. A rich find almost 12,000 in gold, bank-notes and silver was made in a bag of oats by a storekeeper of Brent wood, Eng. He returned the treasure to tho poor farmer from whom he bought the oats, and was rewarded with a bushel of grain and the promise of a rabbit. They live long down on the island Of Nantucket. Of tho seventy-six who died thero in 1888, five wero infants ; tho average of the agos of tho seventy one is a little over 08 years, forty-two wero 70 or over, twonty-two wero 80 or over, twelve had passed the 85 mark, three saw 90 or more, and one, a woman, died at the ago of 97 years and 25 days. Thero is in tho United States a dog for every threo inhabitants. Tho cost of keeping twenty million dogs is at least 200,000.000 per annum. Tho food given to un avcrago dog every year, if fed to chickens, would yield a return of mora than ton dollars. High toned dogs are vory expensive, their food costing a good deal more than that of some people. A Wisconsin mnn has patented a fence for intercepting insects. It is made with boards joi ncd together at their ends, with a tarredrope at their upper edgo, and an outwardly extend ing board made to form a channel, whereby bugs will bo prevented from passing from ono field to another, and will bo received in a receptacle where they can bo destroyed. A London fashion journal says that thoro is in that city a fashionable boarding school whero young women aro taught to enter and got out of a carriage. "A vehicle with tho proper pedal arrangements for this sort of ex ercise, which determines a' lady's breeding and claim to social position. is kept in the back yard of tho educa tional establishment and tho carriage classes aro put through the most ardu ous training." The information is also given that "another accomplishmeat peculiar to this gilt-edged academy is learning to cat asparagus, oranges, grapes and other juicy and. unmanage able viands that shall represent tho perfection of table manners." Any thing to save time is New York's motto. The newest thing is a shop whero men and women may havo their shoes mended while they wait. Customers sco the latest shoemaking machinery in the window, and behind the machines a row of lasts at which men prepare tho work far the ma chines. A women goes in, has her shoes taken off, put on the lasts, trim med of all Utters and shreds, fitted with new heels and soles, pat into a sewing or nailing machine, and mad good as new almost half as quickly as it has taken to write these words. Patching is the only work that is done in tho old-fashioned way. Entire new shoes are mako to order by the pair in two hours. A white pine tree was cut recently two miles south of Shade Mills, in Gar rett County, Md., aear the site of the old Braddock road and con verted into shingles. It was a large tree, and by expert woodsmen esti mated to be at least three hundred yeart-old. la cutting it up the saw, going through some tough snbstaacc then supposed to be n kaet, attracted attention, and investigation disclosed a bullet imbedded within two inches of the heart. The ball is supposed to have been shot from a musket by eae of Braddock's men during the cam paign which culminated in the disaster at Fort Du Qucsne. In this event the bullet was imbedded in the tree 133 years ago, cacu year's growth burying it deeper. It is a mot interesting Bcaaento of the iU-etarred campaign of 1755. m m HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. 2ne Way notrn. Adam Uorhart, our popular hardware l dealer, says now that tka republicans are in power again he has determined to knock the bottom out of barb wira and from this date will sell painted barb wire for $3.75 and galvanised for f 4.25, and will throw in one pound of staples withv every 100 pound of wire. This U the cheapest that barb wire has ever been oold fn Rod Cloud, Farm - Loans - Farm. SILL & STOWE, Red Cloud, Ice tet'.l Ire!!l !. IJarklcy has a 1000 tons f PCKEIUVKU ice put up for the trade Unring the heated month?, and is hound to ilitpone of. it, and Las therefore knocked the bottom out of hih prices Ly putting the price down to 25 cents per hundrod pounds. Give him your order. Iteuiriuber that it is no tainted creek ice but pare river ico. P. Bauklev. For Sale. Any one wishing to purchase a No. I. stallion 3 years old, past, half Nor man and cnc-half Kentucky Grey Ea gle, weight 12.50, would do well to call on Wru. Huffman on A. rleyH arm, 2 utiles west and 1 mile north of ICcd Cloud. Term.- easy ill Notice irf hereby j;ivcu that I examine all person1 who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the public sebools of this county, at lied Cloud, on the third Saturday of each month. Eva. J. King. Count) Sup't. Save rerets and purchase from a home dealer, who will give you dollar foe dollar, 'old pianos, old organs, bought for cash and tho same applied on a ii cw instrument, satisfaction war ranted. Sad.. J. JIailrv. KjLucuabAXaA MMH r c'3fT aw- i mixttitti al llfsrfHfs rflC, - . zzsi r s xo am - XIA rijaMl'inw asaasai TjhS m ' &Z- ap"i s!l.knr; Tig z e !.! MBk VifH '$1 nts3-f?i2;i filk 9 " a ",rr"" f -.-: Zrir i. AtftPi Sale. Notice h hrtl.y o veB that vadtt aad tyvjr- nf sa orlrr ct a tuI ly J.. H. Fort, r!rk ol tin- district court In asd for wbtT couity.et!ra.fc Jn an artioa jwaUlns ta ai ro'irt. tnrln Auturt-xUdtadm H p'jUaff ac4 W It Meaner and Amen lie aner arc icru AatA. i shall offer lor ie at ixiMlc rJac for uh In trin-t to the IilcbeJ Wd iddrr ax the r ol th coort how. la KM Ckwrt. Wefrater county. Nrkx it&t brtn lbearebr tht Urt fc?raj el court wa fcoUlcn) va tfce iSth day of April. l$, at two o'clock, p. m.. the fo. lowlns decHbe4 property to-em Tfce aertk t trtnuartr(ne ) o tcttoa tamajr tixxr (M) untwe(Taacf teatetet oiit P-,-In a etxtcx cxar, 'etraVi. iot , twe 1. oa i. 3,. 14. 15, 1C if. t, .N?ck S. ttNt ct lot II. Mock 4- Wt IX WoclE. lots. Mock &. loUl. .X.5.fi.ndr. bl.'i. T. lot J. Z.3.4.S. 6. T. r.V. 14 IU -? 1- hWfc , fctl. IJ.tZMl 13. Wc J. . hi Uw oHrtasI Kc tr Otddc Uaca. - nfc. ix pifrertT t w. h H'Znrt aM Aaa-W u H'.t :-r t.Utti csder ray fc.wi tM is iay March.1 ,, -.ll.C.'tt.sarUT. Uas ii. Meeoy. vlalatlS j atnsej". nnHsrs "ot'.barel trea t&at xcsder aa4 W UH.n rwiottw Ortrtd cam: ta aa4 tm bxz 1 ta tc as ofr torn tj ir- fU kid telailaa mt a t Jewelry rsttra. "3urk tcy Trords. the present tary will end i'- it bean. It will bn characterized bj extravagant H ihiosjn and lavish exriditure. It will be an of two extremes in taste . - vainaka. la ma art ae aailac la ru'WfeeaaiB WQiasi rvrn wUiataat Jto IV IW-a, ct aU are fffes4aara. Ikl 0grt Ur e at tar be tc4s for o.tii ta lami to Oi btfi-aC H44er ax la ei Ceor of tk ctrt xuv. ta fccl CVwi Weaitr coca.?. ? brsJka(U3Att?tsct!i4actrrt3w lJScr cfcurt JFS-a"QtV istiidaywf AprC. lw.a:ccocVeXl.SB-rtetoJ,i Aertt- toati.pisortIirifipf wtsicti Kia-B, ta ejrer ccoaty. .Vlata. aeUie fevrrty ot fHa U rt:a. ct !. Aelra-Lhtto. tiira ca lcr sbt hasJ Ui J3Biir of Jlrta. Visa. J Z. Ciisey. jalati2 't aXsrztj. ARE TUK SOLS AGENTS VOR Ml 8l Li & Tnis t 0 Of Beatrice, Neb., and are prepared to mali Farm Loans oa better taruie and on shorter notice than any other tlrni Both iateroet and principal ea a b paid here. Call t a aa at oar oiSce ever City Drat; Htare. Insurance Written in the Best Companies. GREAT BARGAINS! GOODS SOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER AT Hips F. N ewhouse I have a choice line of Dress Goods ritli trimming to match, Button, Velvet, Flannels, Hooda, Toboggan, Ham burgs, Laces, all kinds of White Trimmingx, Hosiery, Glove Mittena, Ladiea Underwear, Yarns, Silk Handkerchief, Lace Curtain. All of the above will be Bold out at tho very Lowest Figures. FURN ITURE FURNITURE ! W Ii. HAESES, Having purchased the stock of FURNITURE! Formerly owned by Fred Wiuton, will Ml yon Furniture of all kindB, at very low figures. Call and him, ,STORECook'rt old Red Cloud Drug Store Building, 3d door west of Holland Houae, Red Cloud. GUMP & WARNER, REAL ESTATE&L0AN BROKERS Call and examine our bargains. Correspond ence solicited, GUMP & WARNER. Opera House Block Red Cloud HACJLER & PARKER, THEGROCERF Table delicacies a specialty. Quality tells. Prices sell. THE TRALERS LUMBER'CO. -wiix ?i"i w m POSITlVliLY Lower than any yard in the world K, Snnjrpn. sarin f!. Xertre h becrtyctwa "J 5irr at. y tL- caart-vafrera Ttceaaa a. r? a ?Jam-ii ? Van Varrt.e at. are toJmUat. iataa eStrzcTsaJeat paaSc Tala fr cat la t&s4 ttte tar bWcr.a? tka r&s;lorea eeart &oe ta (J C3orf. 'We9er eay. -kmu rtimt. Urbtf ta He a insa Sat tena cfeaert w KwAea) A- uta imjMffir s. ii::ocJJip. L.efcMwi-eame r BT06riT wki imc 90MWm. WJ fsec&aa twfry-BtB aai Ue sccawaat R. V.StnnxT. Prts. Uxstr CumB-YiM.?r. jmr, m ... rat.! .. . .-.., mmmwwwn Hovaa a Catub, Anaktsst Cat nttr FIRS.T NATIONAL BAnK, ' 'tied Clone, Nebraska. i smnnnV i nnnnnT- &S . - Tf - CAPITAL, - $75,000 xm Traaaad a ffaaaral Laal-tm Wmu U -.J i .. oj " ' B hii.m m f mJ f wh emmm wm k awm atMi. j m fHfmf j yrt il w 1 1,- . w JSSL J. JLTi G.lT.lSnaWT.