ft 1 V . I ? ) J li t C is&ispsmmi&iiaissu '-- - , , F Vol. 16. Nursery L.?H. Rust sny to sond in vour ordeife- for Nursery stock at one if vm wnnt it at Bed Ro k Prices. FL. H. RUST. Red Cloud. F. V. TAYLOR, KEEPS Till: FINEST LINE OF ' fFurniture ! In the city at prices th it :ii can afford to bin if in want of an thinir in lii-i lint. Opposite FirRt Nntionnl Bank, Red Cloud. , Spring is Coming! AND C. L. CUTTING, IS Putting in a large stock of! WALL PAPER Window8h&deev Paints, Oils, Knlsomi'uc, and everythlot needed Oleanlng, Be euro avod boo my etook before you purchase. METROPOLITAN LIVERY, FEED, &SALE STABLE. Morhsrt & Fu'.ton's Old Staud, Webster St., Red Cloud, Neb. HENDERSON Fine rigs, good horses, board by day or wfk. Your juti ed. Don't forgot the place, rast 6tdc cl Webs street, smnpacHun MAWChohialiiirse 11 Adjutta Itself to any HvTMw MffjM, Of Stitcfciar. Will tloM HartlM JHDlo better thn oTrovtrrwCftUe Team Haroea, per set, 420, $2-1. f26. 28, $3, $33, $34 audi A full line of Staple ana D ublo Drivngr Harness at EXTREME LY LOW PRICES. It will pay you to cxamln P 7 atook beforo purchasing ohwwiicrc. J. L. Miller, Red Cloud he:nry cook ItEALER in Drugs and Medicines Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery, Books, Etc, T 'j" m MMjBBBBBBjgwJBMMBBBBBB3B-''xSfc ?"aiBMBaBaB9BYBaBaMaaaessBab 1 "" SrjJ J "" " . . '. . Sjar.jT.- ' 'J a)V ' 'i . ) - aa, r. JiS ti PF . fr .' y - - . . . w . BeSV s "VW i J - ... . a mt & f aSaaKaV" jBB. BaUi' BS BB BBB. dStP '- ' ", " 'AiTz:z-rt'3-::3iZ&& t-L ' - ? C rlT?.?5JSaattaT-7T i " jaHHa5flBV "". aB ' SaL "Bl- - a3-.Slysry y - Stock for BROS.. Props. Your patronage eolicit- ster Rod Cloud. AT J. Ii. Miller's Vilibefou'ul the '.A2GEST Rt.d BES LINE of of all kinds in Southern Nebraska. gain Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, March 8, 1889. AT THE BOX-OFFICE. DapUattM KzklMtlM ta Kvry CUT There were three of them, amd each wore m tailor-made suit and half masticated caramel. They came hur rying and akurrying up to the ticket seller's window, and he shut his teeth firmly together and braced himself against a pillar for what he knew was coming. "Are there any good seats left for the matinee?" asked ono of them. "Yes'm. Here are three " Oh. mercy! We 'ion't want to ait there do we, girls?" "Oh. no!" "Of course not. Here: We want t sit about here." "Those seats are all sold." Oh, that's too badf "lan't it, though? How'd you like a front balcony eat. Katie?" "Oh, I'd rather bo down stairs. n We could eo everybody como ia from the balcony." t That's so: but then there! Ara thope three seats sold? "YetTm. "Oh, that's too badr1 Isn't it. though?' "I just think it's mean. "I can givo you those three seats, miss." "Ob, they're too near the stage. Aren't they, girls?" "Yes. indeed. I'd rather be too far back than too near." "Wish we could have a box." "Wish wo could." "Here's throe seats, miss." Ob. I don't believe we could halt s5e from there." "Well, wo must have scats where we can beo, for the dresses are lovely. they say." I know. Mnude Billings and I had those peats hist Saturday aftornoon. They're lovely seats." I liko to sit about ten rows back." "Do you? I like to be a little nearer than that." Oh. I don't mind being a row or two nearer, cither; but if one gets too near There's throo lovely beats all by themnelves. Are they taken?" Yes'm." -T ' "Oh. that's too bad!" Isn't it, though?" Supposing we ito try tho balconyP Well. I don't care." You willing. Maud?" "Oh. 1 don't care," "All right; give us three good front tow balcony seats." "Be sureand give us good ones." "Yes; right in the center of "The first and second rows in tho 2alcony are all sold, miss." Oh. that's too bad!" "Isn't it, though?" "It's ro provoking!" "Well, what aro tho next eery beat feats you have?" These three right " "Oh. those arc horrid " " don't want to sit there." "Supposing we go around and see the 'Queen's Mate."" "AH right; supposing wo do." And away they go, to the combined delight and disgust of the waiting crowd behind thorn. Time. THE LIMEKILN CLUB. IM XMkwi t'earla. That It DM Xat Tmj to H Strictly HaaMt. "Doorin' de past fortnight." said ( Brother Gardner, as the ameeting opened. "I hev received scores of letters expressin' heart-felt sympathy wid my I misfortunes an brcathin' good wishes fur de fucher of dis club. I wish to return my thanks to all sich. an' to add dat I am cinamoas as good as bow ' agm." - After the rending of the minutes of the last meeting and other routine busincss Brother Gardner stated that he had been aked to secure an expres sion of opinion on tho question: "Does It Tay to be Strictly Honest r Ho would call upon Sir Isaac Walpole, as the oldest number. frsL " I war in hopes dat qaesaaa would nebber cum up in this dub." said tho old veteran, in reply. "It araf ao.aMkaa which has caused me many nights, an' which I hev nebber Taw able to settle to my own setisfaksaua. Oa see occaahan I foaad a wall Uteres. It taiaed 00. aa' waoa 1 rosters, it aahaaaodaoaUda basis. Oa I saw to aat spent V warth af tiojo huatbV a ae owner aa' oia rewarded wid tea seats. A grocer sooo fia aw atlO bill fur a 1. 1 handed it back aa' he fir' me half a pound of tea. De Terr next week 1 fir him a 5 bill fur a S, aa ho keprtt an' swore dat I was a liar. If I buy meat the butcher works mo or less boae ia oa me." coatiaaed the old maal If I buy wood or coal it tr alius a. teetle short. I expect de iry-good man to cheat more or loss. aa de hatter aa shoem kerdoaa aline Mick to facks. If I war atrictly hoa Ifst I rechon I should iscd in tie poo- uocsen about a tear! I doaa' adrioa ae tour La war, to return again a oojoowoer nlng around de streets be should be taken home and tied up to de bed-post until some one advertises a liberal re ward an1 no queshuns axed." Waydown Bebee then spoke as fol lows: "Dar1 wa a time when I was so atrictlv honest dat olcr fifty of the oayburi.' chickens used to roost in my I back vard o' nights. At de same time aem nayburs borrowed money of me an' dun forgot to pay it back, an' if I left a spade out doah ober night it wan gono in de mawnin. If I owed a debt I ached to go an wake de man up at midnight an pay him. If 1 found half a dozon lead nickels in my change, I melted 'em up fur bullets to shoot eats. If I diskivercd ten cent on de j floah in do post-office I handed it to de postmaster. I practiced dts course (ur over five lone years, an' doorin' dat t . !.. ...... v.nni et nrvt hut i heard mvself npoken of on all sldet UBiO X UUt UUIJ I Ull ucuiuu .,w, ... as a greenhorn, a pancako an1 an idiot. I finally decided to change. In five years I has picked up ober 2.000. am out of debt an' grocers and butcher send to my house an' solicit my trade. When you ax me if it pays to be striet ly honest I mus' reply dat it don't aot by a jug-full!" Elder Toots was then culled upon, and he said: "If dar' am any one pu&son in De troit who has had chicken fur dinnor any oftener dan I hcv I should like to see his photograph, an yit whar am de pusson who dare Hon up an say i , - - steal chickens! I used to Do strictly honest. If I found a cent in do roaa lweni wnoonin un an ov-n 10 unu 1 Jl 4.l ! an owner. J I a f-o lost uog crepi un dor my houso to bo taken keer of until advertised I drove him out an' let de mnn next doah tret du money. I not oniy pa5a ti,0 hmie rent on tho day it ' was due, but made all repairs out o my own pocket. I run right down, hill, an' by an' by I woke up to find do i olo woman out o' 'tators. flour, meat,) sugar, tea and every thing olso cept bnd pung which PQ0m the funnier tho Bough on Rats an' two bars o soap. worse they are. tho general air of con while my toes war out in Jinuary tentment and good nature, make an weather. On dat same mormn as 1 j was gwinedown town. I heard ono man say to another: "Say. Jim, seo dat pusson? He ar' do fool nigger of De troit If ho bad a quarter wid a hole in it ho would frow it in do ribber fur fear of accidentally passin' it off on a millyonary.' Dat sot me to thinkin. Dat wery night I stolo a lot of wood. three chickens, a bag o' 'tatcrs an' a pair of buto-4. an' I hev prospered cber since. I specks it will bo a little harder on mo when I cum to de gates of Heaven, but I am doin' powerfully well down yere below an' increasin' my fat ebery day." Whalebone Howker, being asked for his experience, gave it as follows: "I was de honestest man in Detroit until a merchant sold mo two cotton undershirts fur all wool, an' one of his cash boys beat me outer twenty cents of de change. On dat samo day my pound of coffee wa hort an ounce an' a half, a peddler gin my wife a lead dollar, an' de landlord lied mo out of a week's rent. De worm turned. I sat down an' counted up dat I started life wid fo' hundred dollars an' had been reduced to about sixteen. I went out dat night an' stole a bar'l of salt from a grocer, an' befo' ten o'clock next day dat werry man had trusted me fur fo pounds of brown sugar a thing he had refused to do a thousand times befo'! From dat date I havo steadily gone up hiU. an' to-day I wouldn't surrender my property fur less than three thou aHM 4s11n aa " Shindig Watkins. Pernambuco John son. Throc-riy Davis and Perforated Jones, all spoke to tho same point, de claring th:it strict honesty was tho highway to tho poor-house.and Brother Gardner then said: ' "I ar' not a bit surprised. My owa experience fur do laa' fo ty years has taurht me dat de puon who starts out to be strictly honest won't bara 'taters on his table ha f de time. I don't counsel a man to bo disuoat fur from iu I ar' down oas rogue first an' last aa' all ds tiase. But what I adrise is a course lyia' betwasa stoalis' a red hot store aa boatin' astreet kyar out of a ride. If I go to de f roost J , and pay cash down, dat grocer has ao furder use fcr me. If 1 git trusted ho keeps track of mo an' s anxious aboat ay health sad prospect. If I gli trusted far thirty days, I kia ttaad aiat af thirty aW. sad be jistasrasa sswsItoaaMaa'daUberaty If I saMsawt cash. atiw. rnftSBsitobaaarrBSBat 1 aiaob da aaorcr. A merchaat ass fur all wsxri aa' it turns oat to half cotton. Ize got to ebea us how. If 1 pay $2 fur shoes which gia me cnlv f I worth of wa'r. I mus males up dat loss or I can"! hold my own. j As a matter of sentiment an' prisclplo hoaesty ar de beat p licy. As a mat- ter of fact an daily practice it doan t amount to shucks. We will sow ad journ, an de Janitor will search cacb , memttcr as he goes out an see if be is hookin de cand.ei." Detroit Froo Pre. A Fins Moral Ot'stiRCtiOfw week of two extremes ia Uste-oas looked up from the morning paper. "they hare begun to make maple augar in Vermont already. "Yes. sir." said the clerk, with ready comprehension. "Those saaple sugar bricks left over from last year are down cellar. Til have them sand papered and put in the front window to-morrow morning." Have you the same sign you had lacf vtamv frh atlrtlr tin in fYin hrtT "Yes. It reads 'Fresh from Ver mont. Strfctly pure.'" "You may use that sign again. James. I don't think U would be exact ly rig t to paint a new one with that inscription.' Chicago Tribune. Tho lato Mrs. Jay Gould was a turv frnili ornmnn whnen rhiof liltinir WM for clllldren and flowe. jn iate years she spent much time in her con servatories. Mr. Ciould built them for ! her at a cost of half a million dollars. The Gould tomb is on tho highest mound in Woodlawn. and as seen from afar brings to mind the Parthenon at Athens, though, as a matter of fact, it is architecturally unlike what a copy of that temple would be. Mrs. Gould selected the site, and her husband paid foO.000 for the ground, A GOOD DIGESTION. ClwerralneM t MU lli Most RtUM Krird for lypsU. How manv of you have ever con nected cheefulncsH and merriment at meal times with a good digestion? And yet. not even good cookery has a more kj - - .-.--.- pronouncc,i cffccW)!! tho digestivo or- an9 thar h;ipy thoughts and pleas- , .nee-he, wh6 at tho table. This is strongly exemplified among my friends, tho Quinbys. There never was a more jolly, or a more healthy family. Happiness and health beam in every countenance from ruddy-faced Mr Qinby who &eems a J-ort "of per-! p0njgcd chuckle, to the crowing, ' aimni. v.ir-old babv. Toddles. A moa, at tneir Bo,l!l0 js a"n episodo never tu bo forgotten tho merry quips, the impression n -t cjihIIv removed. Five son9 ftnd five daughters, and all as harmonious as birds in a nest. I was fToing to say, but any one who has watched a nest full of struggling, pushing birds, each trying to get the first worm, will agrco with mo that the author of "Birds in their little nests agrco." is not to bo commended either for bis knowledge of natural history or his veracity. At the house, by mutual consent every unpleasant subject seems to be dropped oat of sight und mind during meals, and although nothing better than a "dinner of herbs" frequently graces their board, there is always "contentment therewith." No worries aro ever discussed at Mich times. Even a dish that has i-uffcred at the hands of stupid Grctchen. instead of being greeted with frown and ill-nwtnred criticism, becomes a theme for fresh jollity. But what a different atmosphere at the Rawleys. Mr. K bemoans his losses, his expenses or hi debts, scolds his sons, nags his daughters and com plains of the food. Mrs. R , who doesn't believe In letting "a man have every thing his own way." laments that her house is smaller and her fur niture shabbier than that of the Smiths who Hvo across the way. She dis cusses the shortcomings of her servants and the disobedience of her children, and the children, not to be behind hand, indulge in many a side squab- "Breakfast." savs Leigh Hunt, "is a foretiste of tho whole day Many a meal that baa every other means of onjoymeat, ia turned to bitterness by unwilling, discordant looks, perhaps to tho treat misery of some person preo at who would give and receive happiness if at aay other table." I da aot wish to bora you bygoiaf into the medical science of a fact with which aay pbytdciaa will acquaint you. aaaaely. that cheerfulness during a aval promotes dif estioa. You can prawsoT disprove it lor yourself by ahaal tryiaf it for a season. If you saabssaassd to lading laaltwitb year wife's osokiag. try praiaiag it by wajstacaaaga.aad aoto ths ra-alt, Alios CaltteadeTs. ia Sam Sow Yorksr. Itltaa to frets' baattas)s but it MAUVCLOUS MEMORY mscovtuY. ajKJ"-f" aiaaaa,aaaa3f aaaaaoaiai ai tjaaa . J? Ttfy pjr''' acvcg avjtf-t is t IGHTNING I HAY KNIFE WELKAD! v1fvtASaTK!l 11 IwtolllBi mm - mXi - i r laaMMBd - asJ kaa tmm Ana nnif4 la mm tTili fka mmwmtkmm vt tkt ""i T ,,TT T--. 1. TST cufrSel LTTareTar wRCAT OFULAXITVBaaaa' " rfoJc7a - ' '? ? "J mmtm VmamwT bf r"l"- tb fnm bI nKaary VMaaHaMk THlalMII HOLT COMPANY, East MiMM, ate. GREAT BARGAINS ! GOODS SOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER AT lira F. Newltouiifo I have a choice line of Dre?5 Good -ritfi trimmingra to fintrh, Buttont, Velv . F iiwh'K II ols. Tolx)i;i:iin, Ham Mirg Lues, all kinds of White rnmuiiup Ilwifryf Glovet MiftoiiB. Lidies Undonvrar, Yarn?, Silk Handkerchief-. iAce Csirtain.-. All of tho above will be Rold out at the very I) west Figure. FURNITURE ' FURNITURE ! W I-, HAINES, Having purchase! the stock of FURNITURE! Fornieily owned byFrl Winton, will Fell you Furniture of all kinds, at very low figure. Call and him. . ' STORE-Oook'H old Red Cloud Drug Stoic Building, 3d door tvost of Holland House, Rd Cloud. GUMP& WAItNEK, REAL ESTATE&LOAH BROKERS Call and examine our bargains. Corresiond- ence solicited, GUMP & WARNER. Op".ra House Block HACKER & PARKER, THEGROCERS le delicacies a specialty. Quality tells, Price sell. THE TRALERS LUMBER CO. -wiix a-1 TTJ POSITIVEL Lower than any X T.lan-srr, Fro. Hasr0UMTrsv1-s. Jw. tmWKT, Ckitf f ----- IRST NATIONAL BAxK, Lf i Red Cloud, CAPITAL TrasMct a gsarral Wakisg saslssss, ccaatj, jrec2scisa4 staool dtstnet aMfVCCTCRS: Jas. XtSczj. J. A.T3!!ys, Joaa aVSaksj. No. 32. TMK BUT - U'. MATERIALS ua ml W - aaFnilOaT Itcaolftw - NIMa.v -aMMBa- , UiHI Red Cloud yard in the world - -" - Nebraska. S75,00O Vsj asi sell csatv warratt bvads. Baj &sd ei! fmpi es G. W. Llzl. K. X. awissy. L F. HhUad. m asaaw aWl aloa r ts9 am 1 m aaav - M TTTT- A