j -sm& jggiiSrT? "ssasssf"" Tar- i n -- jpwi1"" i jiijfffyiiii' t TRAIN ROBBERY. Dynamite Ilnmlm Kxploilrd By Rnbbera I'utlrr at California Kspreee Train-Two rtssrn.r MioU Dela.no. Cal.. Feb. 21. As train No. 17 left Pixley Friday night five men boarded it. Tuo u cut on tho engine and covered e cngmver and Hi email with revoHera. .Vlien j.iHiiit two miles from the station the train was brought to a stop and the other three men entered the express car ami oniurcii tiir messenger to open the box, coveting him with revolveis. Dyna- mito Inmibs were exploded under the bar ami during tho excitement seven passengers ran torn aid the front. Two of them wero shot. E. 8. Ileutlcy, of Mouosto, was piobably fatally wounded and Charles Cabert, of l'aso, was killed instantly. The train ran btck to Pixlej-. Tho passenger coaches were ' not molested. Another account says that but tw o men were interested in the rob bery and Jhit while uno remained on the engine tho other made his way to the ex press car and by exploding bombs under the car so frightened the messengers that they speedily openid the doors, JJeiitley, w ho is probably fatally wounded, is deputy eonfitnlile bore. Tho amount ;er;tiroi jjy tlij ioble:s is utikiiowii. A posae went in pursuit of them from here. LATER I'AKTICCI.AKS. Los Angei.es, Cal., Feb. 2T. As re gards the robbery of the Southern Pacific train by masked nu u near Pixley Friday evetting. United States Deputy M-jrshal Thomas liayes states that the men hung around Pixley several hour before the train arrived. They wer armed with shotguns and gave out that they were go ing radlct hunting. The station agent no ticed them for the reason that one of them was well diessed ami his clothing was highly perfumed, 'lho waiter who waited on them also noticed the pfrfitmery. Hayes is of the opinion that the robber w ill be captured tefore they reach the mountains. Kelly, messenger for IVells, Fargo & Co.. saj s there was something Its than S'ftK) in the safe at tli time of the robbery. The amount was muhII. owing to the money older system now in ue. lb opened the door and let tho robbers in only Ih'ciiusc the latter threatened to kill the ngineer ami fireman. Kelly says there were only tivo robber, but tho bag-gag'-master savs there were fiv' at least. They wom tlurk miisl.s and liad Hour vaks to carry the plunder. Kelly says the lolibcis were umloubtedly noxices. Detective Smith, of the So.itiit-i.. Pa cific, has left here for Pixley. The de scription of ihu robbers has ln-eii tditaJm.il and he thinks they will soon b-j caught. "- a WITNESS PIGOTT. Thr I.omlitii Tinifs Witness I'lares That l'.i-r uinl I In- i:nj;lirli Tories in ait I a l.ttttr.ililf I'atsltittii. UiMntv, Foli. 1M Tho elTe ct of the ev idence g veil by I'igott bsfor thu Parnell Commission has had a staitliug effect upon public opinion, and Hi" matter is al most thu so'e topic of couversiitiuii in all ciilJos in and out of the lobbies of the House of Commons. The conviction is mp idly bfcoiiiiiig general that I'igott him self is the forsier of the so-called Parnell letters, and Tories vie with Painellites in the depth of their condemnation of the w retcti who is convicted out of his own mouth of iicts scarcely less heinous than those of .ludns lscariot. The Pall Mall tlur-stte publishes a leader, tiiumphuut in tone. in which it declates that the collfpse of the Tune case, brought a In ut bv the testimony of McDon ald. Houston and I'igott, has made home mle for Ii eland a foregone con clusion. It Ls usierted that Mr. Walter, who was mainly responsible for the. Times' ciusade against Mr. Parnell. will , peiM.iiiilly lear all the expenses and costs inclined by the paper in conducting the oas? befoie the commission, even if ho has to sell Iiih estates to raise the money. This resolution is believed to lie the result ot a "stormy interview between Mr. Walter and his co-partner in ttie proprietorship of the 'lims, in which the matter of the papet's inability to pay its usual dividend was the foremost topic of discussion, and Mr. Wnltei's sudden announcement of his intention to go to Nice to recuperate, is mi Ituibtedly auo'.hei result of thut heated ineeil ig. as a FROZEN TO DEATH. A fatality in NelraWa Tin Cold i:iM- here. I.iui- City, XeK, IVb.il Charles Hunt ing and his son Kdwaid. farmers, started home Tuesday ening after upending the d.i in town. Yesterday they weie louiid near J li ir house, tho son ileid and the lather so badly fioren that he will lie crippled if heiecoers. The ili-rmometer heie icgisteied ten ilegrecs below aero last night. r menus, v. Imii'KUI.m;. Mich., Feb. 21. The worst stoimol the season and one of the most s eie eer known is now raging over the entire uppei peimixiila. I'ttle snow has laUcti but the vind has leached a velocity ot hit miles an hour and the temperatuie has taiigid from 2a to "Si degitfes below ZM. It is now a."i degiee below and still fa 1 ng The railioud aie blockaded and the country roids iiiii:is.-ilili. IN IOWA Ciui'Ai.n Fell. 21. Dispatches from Xoriheru Iowa state that tho cold is ieiy seveie tho meicuir langing from ten to sixteen degiees be.ow reio at different points. In this city it registered seven de giees belm ztiio. A Mr-tiiBi" "Mifessloii. Kai.sma7.mo, .Mich,. Fell. 21. Seven' weeks :i,;i Christian Schaure. a piuiiin-ni budge bulldei of Chicago, then on Ins d -iug b d. ami now d ceased, confessed to Wi ham Koethgar, of this c xy. the burn ing o rieeliti i gen a submit of CnUor den. piovince of lhunswiek. Puisia. in Kit mplicatiug h niself and one Schu gart Srluiilz. lit the lonfession he st tel that Sehulty was then lixing in "ei mauy in prospeious circuiustanii. The o uifessi.tii was tileil befoie Justice Jan mis if this city, who immedtntdy tor wauled it to the (teininn Impel ml Consul at Cincinnati Fiom the latter city the confession was sent to the Herman author ities, ami an iii estimation followed, which resulted in the finding that Scliult? had b'en living in Klechtingen in com tollable circumstances, as the confession saul, but he had died a few weeks pie- ious to the arrival of the confession. a m Ttt I'rotoot Mill 1'raiK Isco. - Washington, Feb. 21 Senator Stan ford has iutioduced a piopo.ed aineml iiieut to the Army Appropriation bill, di lectiug the Secretaiy of War to purchusc four pneumatic dvnanute guns ot tifteeu uich caliber, ami the necessary machineiy ti tiro and handle the same, w ith the nec essary ammunition and cartridges, to be located at such points in the harltor ot San Fiauciscoas may be designated by ihe Secietary. The cost is not to exceed over ?2t ).0 H. In a letter to tho Senate Secretary Kmlieott approve of the locat ion "of these guns in the harbor of San Francisco, and says there i at pro tnt no appropriation available for the 7 lie Crrek Itill I!. W.sjitNfiTOX. Feb. 24. On motion of Mr. Feel, of Arkansas the House esterday passed the Senate bill to ratify and con Itrin the agreement with the Creek Nation of Indians for the purpose of owning tc settlement the utiassigued lands in the In dian Terntoiy ceded by the Cieeks to the United States. m For Eicht Iliturtt. St. Loeis, Feb. 2 A mass meeting of workingmen held here last night adopted the eight-hour lesolution of the Atuericar Federation of Lalwr and listened to stir ring speech? in bath English and Ger man in favor of pushing the movement with the utmost vigor. AN ELECTRIR FORTRESS. Am Kntranee Floalljr Effected Into Freand's FamoM Factory at Brooklya, Where lit, F.lrrtrlfli-4 His Dope and SM8r t the Mmn Tlme-Thn Inner Be esfir the KttahlUliratint Almost lat. preicnslile with .Many Doors or Iron and (inarleil Oak Kvirtences r t hn FraaU. New York, Feb. 21. Curious people have been seclring to enter the factory of the Electric Sugar Company in Brooklyn for months, but armed men have stood guard night and day, and no one is allowed to enter. The factory is a most remark able structure. It is a five-story brick building, originally intended as a ware bouse, and was rented by the Electrio Sugar Company at tlw earnest request of Prof. Freund. The three lower floors vere open to the directors and stock holders of the company, but the two tipper floors were guarded with a vigilance that was simply extraordinary. Not even the president of the company could visit them, and until exposure came no one wan supposed to have passed the first of the big doors except Prof. Freund, his wife and Dr. Howard. The first floor is aow filled with the original lioxes in which 'r?U2'e sugar was whipped into the facto ry, and htfhdrcds of bags of raw sugar which he was supposed to have electrified into finest quality of refined SCRar, but which he simply hid away, are piled up here. The second floor of the factory contained the pajier-room, where the blue paper which was to line the barrels when filled with BUgar was kept. The third floor ended the territory which the company was allowed to visit. Here it was that all the "demonstrations were made. Above the third floor was an impenetrable mystery to the company. When the sugar was pouring through, the awe-stricken stockholders would hear rumbles and noises on the floors above, but they were only told that this wat made by the secret machinery. From the third floor to the fifth one passes through door after door of iron and oak studded with thick nails, and strong enough to resist an invading army. There ls a door at the foot of the stair way leading from the third to the fourth floor, and beside it a bell which the di rectors of the company had to pull when they wanted to see Freund or Howard. At the end of the stairs was a massive door, after which, when passed, there was still a third door, which was even stronger than the other two. After passing through these doors the first of the secret rooms is reached. One whole side is filled with seven so called granulators. They are simply enormous siees. one above the other, three in each tier. Much shifting aud machinery is visible on this floor and all of the very highest quality. Itut it was the fifth and top floor that Freund used as his holiest of holies. The floor is divided into three compartments. One was used for Frcund'ii private office, and the third was the secret room. Freund's office was elegantly fitted np. The secret room it self is a curiosity. It took the company three weeks to brent into the room after the exposure, and then they selected the weakest spot aud came down from above. There were two doors to this room, each about two feet thick, lined on the outside with two thicknesses of sheet iron, spe cially hammered and prepared for Freund. Inside this come great blocks of gnarled oak laid so that the grain of no two blocks run in the same direction. Then came transverse bars of iron, then more wood and then another thick sheot of iron. Next to this iron was more oak, then on the inside iron sheetings. The w hole a,ass wa.s bound together by bolts a thiik as one's wrist aud the front of the door was all studded with nails which looked like spikes. Along the sides of the secret room were long tables covered with zinc. The tables were used to break tho sugar on. In tho center of the room was a large quartz crusher. The sugar was thrown into this and crushed. It passed through to the floor below, where it was sifted in the gr.'Uittlators and dropped into the tubes, whence it rushed to the stockholders whenever there was a demonstration. The raw sugar was never used at all. Freund evidently intended to get rid of it by washing it through pipes into the riv er, just as he haddoneathis home months befoi e. It was proudly pointed out to un believers that when Freund got raw sugar the refined product corresponded in weight exactly with what was given him. A nice little pair of scales standing at tin door of the secret room showed how this marvel was worked. Freund simply weighed the raw and the refilled, ami knew to an ounce how much he had to shoot down to his victims below. The factory has live engine, two dyna mos to furnish electric light, two boilers, two pumps aud one large injector. At lcat one hundred and twenty-five thou sand dollars of the company's money went into this factory. THE "HARTFORD HORROR. The lloily nrNizlit Clerk IVrry Kerowrcl The liijnrrtl Victim lining n Well as Coilttl lie Kpettil. lI.MiTromi. Conn.. Feb. 20. The work of excavating at the Park Cential ruins ban been vigorously prosecuted to-day, aud more effect i ely than hitherto. The streets on both sides of the ruins are crowded, but special iKilicemen keep the people from interfering w ith the work. No bodies were found beyond tho.se already report ed until about ten o'clock this morning, when one was discovered which from its location close by tho safe, is undoubtedly Night-Clerk Perry. A great mass of de bris is yet to bo overhauled. Many peo ple thiuk that more bodies will be found, as no other persons are rejHtrted missing, but others ex pect to find more, as tho hotel was reported full. At the hospital to-day the ten patients taken from the ruins are do ing as well as could be expected, aud no serious icsults are expected with any of them. The funeral of U ight H. Iluell, the jeweler, was held this morning at the house of his broflier-in-law, J. O. Uatli bone. Dr. aud Mrs. Perrin w ill be buried to-morrow, at 11:30. in New Britain. President lw ight. of Yale, and others, will officiate. 11a. m. The body supposed to be that of Perry ha been "taken to the morgue. His father and brother, of Holyoke, Mass, are here to take charge of it. mm Will Mantl ty lh Association. Nkw York. Feb. 21. The Illinois Cen tral directors yesterday resolved that while tho terms of their charter precluded them from signitig the Inter-State Hail way Association agreement, they would give their moral support, so far as may be consistent with tae best interests of the company, to the aims and objects of the association in the establishment and maintenance of rate, as far :k they may conform to the laws of the various States in which its roads are located, and with the Inter-State Commerce law. They also ordered the president to notify every employe of the company that if he will fully violates any of the rat;s established he will bo disin issed. A Russian Frlnce t"ii!er Arret ia Xaw York for Fraudulent rrartlrr. New York, Feb. 20. George Ehristofl Do Gourie. the Russian Prince, adventur er and woman-hunter, was arrested last night on a charge of obtaining money on false pretences on a complaint of Rock well, the furrier. Tho Pnace six weeks ago bought a seal-skin overcoat forJWW, promising to pay for it on February 15, or give it back. On February It the Prince pawned it for $100. A search of the Prince's apartments showed that every crap of clothig and jewelry not inactive ev had been pledged for cash. He was arraigned at the YorkriUe police coat and held to answer. Rather Meager as a Fee. "Speaking of marriage fees," said a prominent clergyman, "recalls a very embarrassing blunder which was perpe trated upon an innocent brother clergyman recently. The groom, who was not a very nervous fellow, either, carelessly poked an old plantation negro ballad into his vest pocket with the five dollar bill which he intended as the marriage fee. During the excitement which followed the cere mony the young man placed the ballad in the palm of the clergyman. After a fervent God-speed the officiating clergyman left without inspecting the negro song. The divine was indignant when he discovered the nature of the bit of paper which he had stowed away in hi9 wallet. However the young man found the five dollar bill in his ve-t pocket, made a hurried examination and Hucceeded in allay ing the ire of the clergyman." Christ Ian at Work. In all the excitement of the most exciting of many campaigns, the one through which we have just passed, there is one man who has always kept his spirit level. The carpenter, fool ish one, the carpenter. Burdette. m A Trust That la n Monopoly. The trust reposed by the dyspeptic and bihous in Hostetter'a BtomachBittera ia not a monopoly. It is ahared not only by them, but by residents of malarious localities, quondam rheumatic sufferers whom it has relieved, and the nervous, debilitated and infirm whom it has built up. It troubled with inaction of the kidneys you should use it. Give this medicine the systematic trisl it merits. "Sat, you fowl man. I thought you said that goose I bought of you was a oung one." "So I did You call my daughter a young lady, don't you! Weil, that goose was a gosling tho summer that my daughter was born. What do you take me for cheat!" Engravings of Ifallrilngs, Portraits. Kle. If you want Engraving of any descrip tion Buildings, Portraits, Machinery, Maps, Piats, etc., write to us forssBplos ami prices. Only photo-engraving estab lishment west of the Mississippi run by electric light. A. X. Kellogo Nr.wsrAPca Co.. Kausai City, Mo. Tnn German Empress, says the London Star, is a perfectly colorless character, who hus no opinions "of her owu, and she is completely under the domination of her hus band. Medical experts, by the use of the Micro scoiio, hav e recently "discovered and classi fied specific hv iug germs in the bloinl of all ItcrsoiiH suffering from Malaria, and say that to cure the patient these germs must bo killed. Thirty years ago Dr. Khallenhergcr advanced this theory as the correct one, and prepared his " Anti'dote for Malaria" to de stroy these Kisonous germs. If you have MuUri.i m vour system, a few doses of this medicine willdcsiroy the toison immediately, and not injure au infant. Sold by Druggists. Vox Bcixw,it is reported, recently threw a fiddle at the conductor at a rehearsal. It is a new thing for him to develop a violin temper. The piano is his forte. Have no equal as a prompt and positive euro for sick headache, biliousness, consti pation, pain m tho side, and all liver trou bles. Carter's Little Liver fills. Try them. Prince Alkxavder, of Battenbcrg, has been occupied during the last two years i a writing an elaborate history of his seven years' reign in Bulgaria. "I have Ven afflicted with an affection of the Throat from childhood, caused by diph theria, and have used various remedies, but have never found any thing equal to Bkown's UnoscnuLTuocnrs." lire. a. M. F. ifiiiiitii, J'ihttnti. Ky. Sold only in boxes. The Frinco of Wales has been exceeding ly unfortunate upon the turf. He received no return last season for $40,000 paid for yearlings. " Like Oil Upon Troubled Waters is Hale's Honey of Horchouiid ami Tar upon a cold. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. Tun Queen of Greece is not a Dolly Yar den in her tatttc. She only wears two col ors, tho white aud the blue. It is no longer necessary totakeblue pills to rouse tho liver toaction. Carter's Little Liver Pillsurumuch better. Don't forget this. New Zklni offers a bounty of five rents e.u-li fur lho destruction of English sparrows. THE GENEStAL MARKETS. KANSAS CITY. Feb. -4V. CATTLE SblpplnR steers....! 3 in fc 3 Butcher steers. ... 3 .V) 6 3 KatUecoffs - m 9 '.' HOGS Good to choice hoary, tai 4 WHUAT No.: red !W i& No. - koft v:it& COKN No.-J Si"ii OATS No. - at a KYI'. No.: 42'i-l FLOUIt Patents, per suck... 2 J Q 2 HAY BaleJ 3 H a 5 nOTTKi: Choice creamery. 2S O CIIKBSK Full cream 11 a EGGS Choice lu'ia BACON Main W a Shoulders 6 t titles. ... .. ...... t-i uAllll ...... ......... . o 4 POrATOCS 30 o ST. LOUIS. CATTLE Shipping htcers... 3 73 Q 4 Butcher leers.... ;iui a t HOGS Packing 130 Q 4 SIIEUP Fairto choice 3W Q 4 FLOUK-Choice 3 (A 5 WHEAT-NO..! red : COKN No.i VT O OATS No. i i'4 A BYE No.J 42 a BUTTEU Creamery V4l rOBtk--.-.-. .... ... ...- XI CJ ij 11 CHICAGO. CATTLE Shipping steer..... IW 4 HOGS PacWtngand shipping.. 4 4 Q 4 SHEEP Falrto choice 3M a FLOCK Winter het 5 OJ a WHEAT No.4 red lW) 1 OtkKKNO f OATS No. :5 A RYE Nj. 4 43lj BUTTEU Creamery 3) (ft NEW YORK. CATTLE Common to prime.. 4l) 4 HOGS Good to choice 4 9) 5 FLOUK Good to choice 3 IS t S WHEAT No. red CORN No.3 43V OATS Western mixed S9 , BCTTEU Creaiaery :9 o PORK 12 C" " IS 75 t Hi 21 44 75 ) 24 12 VJ 11 4 9 6 40 30 a 50 7 K4 27S 2 44 36 75 60 GO 00 Ot m a-a Ufa 2 ' 3J 73 " 44 33 SO SO Diamond Vera-Cura FO DYSPEPSIA. Aiwum tTPKi to vnnxstte an ah. tMaklm anriac ftrw(f.i alrrcUr t iftri.ftriaiiti"J is rirrtrt of 3 . J Nsir. li; U tamf. Smftt entomTTtnrtcf3-ermiimp. TIE HatUS A. Vftmit (., BaNfaatK. Xt aflll March April May Are the bast ssoataa la loea to parity your bkto. for at ao other saaaea e tae system soaioea naee the aM ef a reliable aiedldae like Hood's SarsaparUla, as aow. Daring iae loo, cold winter, tae blood becomes tela aad Impure, the body be comes weak aad Ured, tae appetite may be lost. Hood's Baraaparitla Is peculiarly adapted to purify aad eertcatbe blood, to create a gooc appetite aaa te orercome that Ured f celiac. Hood's Sarsaparilla Xery spring for yean I bare mad It a practice to take from three to ae bottles of Hood's 8ara parllla, because 1 know K purines tbe blood and thoroughly eleanoes tbe system of all ImportUe. That languid fecllnc. sometimes called 'sprtag ferer. will never visit tbe system that has beea properly eared for by this never-failing remedy." W.H.LAWBZXCB. Kdltor Agricultural Epttomlst. Indmaapolls. Ind. The Best Spring Medicine "I have taken three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa. nlta and consider It tbe best blood medicine I ha ever taken. It builds me op. makes me sleep bet ter, gives me a good appeUte and Improves my health generally." Mas. A. P. Lzicirrox. Port Isnd.Me. Hood's Sarsaparilla sold by alt druggists, tl : sir for R. Prepared only by C. L HOOD A CO, Apothecaries. Lowell. Mans. 100 Doses One Dollar SCROFULA. Of all tho Ilia that human flesh Is Belr to. Scrofula is most prevalent. Very few. Indeed, arts entirely free from some taint of ucroiuia. Young people of delicate constitution arcofteu aflicted by this disease, which manifests itself in various forma. Tbe glands of the neck, groin, abdomen, etc.. become enlarged, either persistently, or with slight impairment of ealta. Swellings in the Neck frequently become so engorged with scrof ulous matter that absces-s are formed. I'aln- iiiiiIiisiiiim Mvmlannearon the arms. legs and feet: aometimescoiitiiiuousand some times of an Intermittent character, uccamou ally the sores appear in the ears and nose, and on or about the eye, causing deafness ami blindness. Pimples, cancerous growths, swol len Joints, etc., are other sj mptoin of Ihe lls ease, it nnit be trcutcd through theblooulf a permanent tun is to ! obtained. What is more beautiful thunn rich, soft com plexion in man or woman? This can te ob tained only by the eradication of ull scrofulous taints from the blood by the persiatint ue of Magee's Emulsion, ami health will follow. He sure your Druggist sells jou only that prepared by J. A. MAGKE CO., Lawrence. Man. CHOICETEXASLANDS Rare Chance for Settlers. The Eailrosd System ot Teiss hating devsloped So as to bring within easy accea tf kih4 intsriur and srataerd markets the lands granted lo tbe HOUnONATDUsSGENTLIIYrO. It has beea determined to offt r to settlers the Baa waiuuiaa wsa v County, coBprUIof 200.000 ACRES In farms of 10 acres and upward. These lands were located by tbe Oompsnr among the earliest, with rsrecial care as to Bull. timUr and water. They are adapted to the growth of cotton, corn, oats, wheat, tarfry. ri. vegetables, orchards and gsrdens and the various domewt lo graswe. Sltaatedin the elevated and healthy region known as tbe tiouthrrn Panhandle of Teias. they possess a gesiteil rliwuite, favorable Ionian and braat, where ..uMior work can lie carried un tbe y ar round, and aiu in marked contrast with regions of early and lata frosts or of destructive blitsards " Population Is fast pouring in. and local government is already established, with schools, cburcbrs. Ac. Tcaakor Halk: One-fifth cash, halauro in four eiual yearly aaymeuls. with interest on deferm! payments. For further iuformation as ti these and lands in adjacent counties, apply tu J. :S. NAPIER, Vernon, Tttias, (who is prepared to show to purchasers); or to C. C. GIBBS, Land Aut, Houston, Tei. taTsrarsaiieiir Th mother of a member of oar flrra h lieen ciirtsl of cvruvrim .ire on her face of twenty Tears standliit: tiv t tkingS. S . PEMiLETov. Vraitr A llti.r.v. Krutfci't". Farniervllle. Ttx wlft" "Spfcllo cutp I our batut of an snirry erup tlonmlltst K-xemi after th lnct.ir' prerrtpllnn had fallt-1. ami liui nor tislt? an 1 tif-artv It. T. MIOBK. 111. h Hill. Mo IET"Scn.l foroiirltka on HIihi-I and Skin Ilieae sndAdrlce toSufl'reM. tu tllfl fns-. THE MVIIT M'KCIKtrCO. UIIAUIIt. ATLANTA. O A. Intelligent Beader. will notice that Tutt's Pills at mw"wsrissferffoewr' all elnsnaw r ellawaaew, hut ealy aaek aa gwaala frwamaelUerderwel liver, via t Vertigo. Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious Colic, Flatulence, etc Far Ism tae- arwmatwarraateellis fatlilU, mat arc aa nearly se aa It In paa alala tw mskt m remedy. "Price. 33c la. SOLD V1CYW11KE. CATARRH Cold in Head I Elf t Cnaa Bil-1 LT BKO M Warrra C 5. T. MOTHERS' FRIEND hakes CHILD BIRTHiASY r USCO II'O'I CONHIWlataNT. Hook to -JloTiirH.s-' Mailxi rare BatIEL BE4U UtTsta CSK. ATLANTA. a. ou bt Aia.baccv.trra. lAfll CO COODYEAR WALES RUBBERS ! Crate U taele ,wst.n The heat Kaa-Wr MslaTB awe) anors tw Ilte2S?r5m,?,,drt WAEJCa SMBVKAR aHfsK res. When yuw want rabben call foe WALES Goodyear, and do not. he deceived hy baying other rabtrwtt the woed -ro.vtyear" on tbeej. as taat ease t wmsi by other companies oa latertor good to catch the trade that th Wale Goodyear Mkw Cos haetas llsbed by always making rilrv!. wtocfc tact Testes it eewosy to bay the WJhUBa CMMbW TEJlat BarBatKata. Tbev aits ail rmi uyle. and reroaraabie epedalUea, aaa the best si tae wgtm. TRIAL Tbe Mitwrtl avn SUvsaa aaa sv tl be seat on iris f oar raoatas i ear adJ-es la t'altei atste. Csasias oe Hf lieu. !r Ira ceili la aUter cr efsvisa Address -H.A S. riSjima.- Box B. Kansas Ctty. hie. mm say FImVs Cre for Oob eamtbaa te THE SaT for ite tie wife dear, sceals. BtYOTismnH nLri! Renowned Agricult'l Lands teestsJ along the line of the Fort Worth A Denver City i. K., beginning with Wilbarger PI smwjriuj SamMmfSsa--smmBaaBaBaBaBaBamma ON LADIES ! nUSEKAITIISi WI UaBIKeT ilK aoKOatA mstsl MAT, shoes $2.50 sire aeaee essiw easrieelal. suse acyl- lea. aad weeaealee m ia v-i ver- tavM rSILK. Do aot be Inflaeaewe by dealers who try tn -l' vou some other gue shoe wtib lea merit, a It will lee eewejesBlesri fatr jmu le essaad ewra. Weetlladd that the eipnenc of thonMnds of people prove tbat It will t mi set eeawaae fur you to boy HKNUERJONT CKlJtUHATEl "RED SCHOOL HOUSE" SHOES for vour Boys and Girl. Seethata label with the name "Henderson and theplctareof a Ks4 tchuo House lsou tbe bottom of one of each pair. tavut! deception. VVe make all oar goods en the tbeorv of style and merit. Yosrs truly. CM. HENDERSON & CO. OILY For any one of AO ciioick jtrrs or VeftUMa er FfttMr Sttet. Sesat, tkrawt. Craft Via, Fruit Tratt. Etc For example, we send postpaid and fuaraatee taf e arrival M PackeU Choice) Flower Seeds, 98 torts. price flJtu. for 11.00 Packets Choice VegetaMeheedsaOnirts 1 0u ISRvorbloorelng Bnaes. ISbeauUfulaorU 1.00 U Geraniums. 14 splendid aorta. 1 00 15 Carnations. IS elegant eons I ts) LI Grape Vine, 4 aorta, our caoioe 1.00 For the other M sets and 10U1 things heslJce (many New aad Kareisee our GitaMoSruiso Catalooub. 190 paces, aent free to all who wish to purchase either Seeds, I'lants or Trees. Allotheeswishlnglt should remit the cost rec Ours Is one of the oldest, largest and must rrllaMo nurseries in the U.S. 36th jcar, Si areenbousca, 700 actra. THE STOMS 1 MllllwOI CO., NkMtrlllt, Lakt Ct., OMt. asreaas tbu rsrsa mmj ! m THE SATIN FLOWER ,aa ls a new variety of n aii- SLOT aCAITV. and bl ims In 4 or ft weeks from the lltue of sovtng theseeds. A iilent fores asnlkl pyramid of bloom as shown In thecal, Ihe gosjersbeli gs lance and numerous a to eotnplrtu ly HiiK itu and branch-. HloMwmis are of tbe most delicate and beautiful color, shining Ilka satin, bred can be plsnted at once In pots tnsklng must charming p..t fljwers. or It ran be soon tu the ear den In May. In either case It will bloom in about f ees and make a most beautiful show, tor only Ifeta. 1 will mall a paperof seed.Owetherith myjljeant Catahwieandanew Kverlasllng flower ratt-K. CatalwevlUsose seat watese wahejl r.r Mvsaaay alreaey jr tu . "" Iweeat llUaetratew Catatacac fee ' thetlnest ever Issued. Frofceeir I(liitrat,s4 with One ruts and colored ptatp. lli,i,iBJtf!!,JM' rf vixiwr.a at vrarTARLK arr.ua. BfLlla? KawW; LL WJC" J TwV- Look to It for many ORAv at wwVEa.TIEa1 1 nev er before offered. Price 10 centa per copy. Sanm seat free escept to the who order the above haiin n.twerHeed. BeawsUeaee ae thla sttr will aeateae amta. Adrtress JoailXcWiai llll-ma. rteewl Park.a.T. r ana seae bb r easa J. I. CASE T. M. MANurArrrataa ot Portable, tattonerv and Traetkin Baalaea. K'P- ARATUaa, none rowers, iresa rowers, kin aAeV MlaTt. ataefalnery. tWHtyj ritatalMia ' llAMMgCATAI4)Grg.MAILgU FaXKlb sesaas Tale rsrsa mtm 1 WEBSTER noon niorc Words and nearly O0O more IIIu trulions than any other American liictUmary. An Invaluable Companion in t-tcrv rV)irol and at every Fircl" SkM by all ilookscHcrs. Illt:tratrtl r;tn;hlct ent free. C. & C. MCHRIAM k CO., rub'r-.S.-rlnrScI.l, Sta'- Help Wanted. Wc offer GOOD PAT to WOMBS for rrs rial work up to JVW oeit. Ikslccs gijd jay fur work Qftf"aBB will be glvm as an rerformetl. 9lrW KXTKA present to the urort doing thu het work: l6o to the Keono. and k oo. Men. toys and girls ran make bundtvils of dollars trtwien tviw end July lsy ThU u a HPECIAI. chance, and boltls Rood only until July. Address CURTIS PUBLISHING CO PHILADELPHIA. PA. sjaTiTTTTTf rn 1 1 ai aunt urn ygen amba ts tet knnva wsjIV fur omtumMli'ii aad thmat t!r-; tetter Uian hnr of rtlmatr InteU'crsre Mnmrin'.t . usril st patlrnt s Immr iijr inniunon a: cost. wrtteJ. 1. Ucfperi.M.D.Ua tLO ammmsaemmmsx g m IBjKKMRBaRj .PewC2sVK ssSjrMiaaKBea3eBss Bri HeV-P BBBBmBBBBBBBW aXSr m in in HI i1' I asamaWTZea A afaSmm LlflH r VsTy li isT lu JOSEPH H. HUNTER, S S$k FOR rota sax raw Vaesa HAWORTH'S twfasaj1yiyessaatefueaeasTaUaae as a eaaaawCaaoei ani ta ak-wt aw, sraaa saei aw a (Map matertas, aa aassi eesav4 faraekrrMea tt waa aaopil lilt mscAfaaa taasjr saa akssg so latSeassa's setae att,iUmn laa ilnmiairkat ea esreewstro srtta It ksae. Wirs. as4 ale srf. ksaet aassvat f tt'ti anal art ef tke awraane. Wrssw t rsa wire sura at a cure fee wtrs eaeai AStwdtoCtfwft4tonr, skk ta It saa tMSial is ssrn i j afwe sae sreaajg aw. waesi taw aaj-irias earuy. ay wasaa ma. TIN My wBiBMiJ2l""PJtaw9 ? PJST wNJwTnaOaB wcwwJefs! bsBBBBBBBBBBBww aft ieasw my eases, aad my Usrairnlal awmBBTaBBTaBBTaBBTaBBTaBBTav esw Sssss swees--evTtag,taa m asax ss aw. SBJBBBBBBBV f mmt aa rrSase atta raesa eeeaayj AmfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsS Sw7a.5w WglaSSS ft HSSS TWSI fAfSVAfSVAfSVAfSVAfSjM lam Teacsmwmevemaeerwasattt.Bj fawsSBfaSBBBBBT Be rammn alawt a Oaermi Um mama la BJ BBBBBBBBfflr gTwwasjssasrisiiwscssrt cestrrrtB SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBmsaiBmWBBBBBWm.ana3redrsae asaSSrrerraiaasa-B affsffsffssffsffsffsffsffsffsffa BBBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsfaTea jawB A. aaXAagtTla fs aasw Way M I wBBBBBBBBBfaV,BBBB"fAsaBBBBSsBmmBB- vsaaaeasiseeamasamMav AimBsaBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBKaTatlTsa-' a arLSjCwsruraasaam, aaTaVsaaaa aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBfcana awe aswa m avw m awasw aa sbMvw jaSBBBBBBBBBBBMR fi laBBxBBBBy rfcwBBBBm BBBBBBBaBBrwawr swamtai m mA.mm. mmmmmmmammmwmmmmmmmmammmmammmwmmmmmmmm m-m fctwr Sstti Mj UtnitotlLmkmHk.BJBmWm Jmmm "..".. " H aa. m rat TTT af t aa 11 . 1 - HA WORTH A SONS, Jl 4. iM! n'v,ii . I li I 1 T Afeeaav ll II 5?i! LONGFELLOW'S MAIDEN, whole Standiup. mlth reluctant feet. Where the brook and river meet, Wotnaiihood and childhood fleet ! Is a type of thousands of youtip jrirls who are cnifrplng from the chfrtalit tta(w of their existence, as they enter upon their tretia." Nenoua, eiciuhlr, irri table, stirred by strange, unknowable forces within them, each a aaystery unto herself, our pirls need the teuderest care, the uiot lovinp. patient ovrrsif ht, ami tlie aid of Dr. ricrce's Favorite l'riscrliitlon, to safely carry them through Oil critical ieriod, during which, in too many lives alas, are sown Uw seeds of dis tressing forms of diseases Hvuliar to the female sex. Hnt UiU boon to woman kind will prevent all such dUeanrs, or cure them if they hae already seized a victim. Wouiau owes it to herself, to her f.tmll, and to her social station, to bej weH and strong. Let her tlien not neglect the sure means of cure. FavoritQ Prescription is a legitimate medicine, carefully coniiviinded by an cxj"crtciictj and .skillful physirian, aud adapted to wotiian's delicate organization. It ia purely egetahle in its couioilioii and perfectly harmless in lt effects In any condition of thu system. Sold by druggist ; $1.00, or Ax bottles for f-VO. Copj rytlitol. lss. by Woitl.ir Disi-ottiir McniCAU AiuutCiATioa. lYopricUtra. T."D DTI?1 PT?'Q TT?T T T?TQ purely vegetable and liH. LUhKAjEj O ri!iljliilo. perfectly harmless. I'neiiuakt! as a I.Imt Till. Smallest, ch-jcst, cnut-st to takr. One tiny. rugar-xate IVlh-t a doer. Cures Sick. Headache, lllliuus ilt-atlachc. C(iDstiatlon. "ii-tlgrstlon. Utilosst AtUicks, and all k ranjiciurnU of tho Momach SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PDBE COD LITER OH And Hypophosphitss of Law & Soda Almost as Palatabtoas Milk. The only -peeparatlon of C0" UTU OIL that saa be taaea reattily and tolsraled foe a leaa time by aekVate ateasaras. lliL wtliUTt. Cttl'sikhalB lMBOtT if- nnioVfl. aaa ail Waffll!!, MftokwEBt or flULHH It le marreUea. la It. ragE ' l-lvecbe4aadendoeedbytllsssiTaflr1Saw ia the countries of the world. re Bml r all saaMs. WTIsnil fnirssiI'Mit sii Vrnin l'i-sr-ri AsV aHTUTT da auiiSK. mew aevau FARCO'S BOX TIP SCHOOL SNOE Is I hr Hrel mmdrfmr k.)iw(ltln H.tr.KlMt - ks4vr a4 s4 m !(- llt.BA lltuiii, Law I W I I B. Otir ftstn ! ttt th tw tttim rf .trrt bi. tsr-Jltfc I our trait r lor hrs . lie i TtttfV If I.-,!.-, t.l .. Ilirm .rn.l lo u "n t If.ntithir i r tr, l t o( i r 1 . . . r IM.lt A !),' hlraats III eSW IUI l.ta aTra.v-oa 15$5 aCsTa" ttlrrw-tr- $10 A DAY ADEN'S WANTEO! tftll'.' 1 Hits HlM. I on tlrrs.tr. ftr llrltt HVU-s PIVCM AWAT intn-lse- lhr rrj ii jr nrr ! from to 4. .Ifr. ttrtrr tllnlrr htJT-rr frrt. Sril it ti. to 9tmi . to t,r iw.te ) .rklnfor Mrkrl n.l-l s.m,u ts.t rrll. f.r A ..at IWaTIrl BtANUrC CO., HOLLT. MICH. M. rl& wWtfwwm ENGRAVING 1 ELECTR0TYPIN6. Largrtt tt tett jgips-i t!i"'.hmr.i writ ef tt Mlllrfl. I'h Utrntf at t-pirrinra ma br elrrrr'c tlftt. t.iwtd "ork. P silttir al rri-mb. lr'c Write for mflr. &4 rti'mttrii A. X KiLUvttst Nrairtrs Ct KaCJtr at PUFF J-""" MARHIAGF PArFIL l'r' HONrMtN7.llL.l,letoOLIa us rarsa ease bbs saw ATTnKNrr. WANInToV. r. .. writ.i. arr att at rrai nawi maia. areas. yii ii VARBOS ibn'-vfV V ItidS-Kx mm " F Sv . IsCHoacSern r ii i . sl'wMU i 3m W I m-. ISOS CURE WWvi. ,C WV ALL OWUCOISTS. SEEDS tss PLANTING assa Bsasewwaslagaweeaia jM- 4iaerna a4 vttwat sa mata . JkT 1 WtrslssaSBSsesiHlas m A " M l aBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBwflBaBBB'aBM B' ,BBBBBBBBBs"aBBB3Bmm r ArV ar mmwmwmwmwmwmwmW'mimmwmm1mwwwW immmmmm AW kv M .mmmmmLmLVCLmWMMmmmWm mmtmM9MmwmMmlmwmwmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma.-tS nf L3 j&il V&. and lkiwtls. ri ceata, by Urugan FREE ll'reltlest H4M1K ever! frillies. 1 titiiiMiiitU tigl Kn'n4 ings. iiott arru I a 11'witr-st ever grxiwit. i'sls Xe CVt-ti os tllrj (y oc A U: KBHas) f-Ais. stew ertadltvcird rK::o Cuslumrrs. tgUe awa rauew titan aiitnrvts sell rtrmtfufnir Cataloiriie. It- II. Miusaway. lawraiavw,! aveaas raw rs rts , . Mas $15 MftOUA IAMESSSI5 Alt halt 1 ni.!iik Leetheri Ntekrl tr Havls Itull-T Trlmml-g. oarsD lenl tit fiir salKfarlloa mcaev re f sodrO. Kasrard IWewa. t'asAler Stela leokufM. JoUat.ssTS. 'TSe Vl sin gle bartMss 1 e.er saw for .ae ntnerst rTrrjbursenwneranil breedrr sh(4 hsrevn- AdSaTS Mtllay. Cea logae Frr i'IaIY a FOMTUll Ociaerv. Miaa. PENSION Lata rnexwavl aiiass. I'. h.tNaiKi rarswu. A try an -a-. aaStimcSsiSl, B9. t ., suees.fbil7 .reuU elalws. uesgti lnt-rraM. r-ratios. w.t.iw', rltlMrva'S aad 4r -nt rvlatltr" r'nrWswi3)r. la taetwae. li elalws. tiftgtael. tvei Tra iw i riiHUH nuirwt, ! , ;fs arttui ruts rtrumMiaM WM.RADAM'S IMres CatsrrK lesralra. CoaruOif.l wi. Ilbeuatallsat. Iaeattl. wslsil. lf prpsit ItlBhth.rta. Tj"l MICROBE Terrr II ar reirr Hiau-1 re In i4 ll r st sn4 r-tn'slJ-e KILLER 0l.a. ffit fte famrhlrl 4- er1M' f lt nrf rfl diwsrrv. KWAM t. MlCUOSt; KII.Lall CO. M.Jorjl.l . WANTED T" a-Weers nf avi.rtre an.J sllr. tUIIUHt- soLDiEnsv;:.: : taaa NOMESTEIBS. W. E. MOSCS. trUtDUoa lliliitaiter. IiC.N'TKH. COLO. PENSIONS lrirtsV'iii'klT isree fl-fclrt lt frs)l fc4 IWnMr U. mtfili, riTZCattALB. I a. Claim is-rneT t r W r.t.tn . Wirt. U4Un.t-.IU, 14. tti rnis ripitt-r-- Al kaff IMIUfa f Alls-titiSrrsslrT.tte lllJIIIUBtM s iiiDrnuIllirsMM Ml lose I thr. clr Alr'tmsttandatltrartsof I' S IjsM MM . UcrtlrlU'lii man; n.a Vrum rmif v inrSf rl. Him at wr. .haTIdaU VI MUIIMH 1U T WW. tVASMJSOTOI.II.C asrS4as mis ssrua "' CWEET POTATOES H v tz. -r 4't-1s-l art. aJaarv lrfU rarwreqs r-mt ff rotfsM- f ar f-er t ( s ffSVAV Ad.fww T. J. ftt.lric. CJsas, Isssv -A t Ttlll rrtefs4maasMea. NEEDLE8, SHUTTLES, REPAIRS. eesaas ISM rraa mwi rcf.Mrtrfrklt T A l A nrMltlS Ts TrsM- awppsliaV fruA f nr WSJt'lvsa SrVSl nsv. HLCIi CXrt) Co. l-cust sUM.tMiaJle SlNCE'tS tV1 h OBSst flw't Oii Uf Qits)sel"w ritrtimrorAU iviU -rr'. aa PATENTS rUL'KKn. Alee Tkiiii Msaas i , j4l- 1rA- M r.lrrfrrrfws l. esrrwr vt tMit; !rf ! k Ar . T. niK.tan. t sSxt. eaBA thi rails HOME OF 5 ACRES st LrAryfoRTit. iiy A fe a) easrl ! trrst. trUf. (y Vw.lrst F.llrir Ulr'tl 1 -rr-wT-ai a-S Clr. rf -1raS d M 'AMfj,r. .:fc!itk.urr.aeaeaCit. at. tTVatt. aa earlesT , Stle. Ilrlikt Om,rU T asau. uevsLases In. aejvsrrt K.l- n.ti sytt e ktwrM , asatawei BBBBBBanTAaM C Bssr r.arvTsirr, all ia laJrllaawfca lo iu Slavrv. Co.Baua.ra. EarMltimTtati T"Ste4e ssfwieni e-ara. Ur Larrss cms Co.aw.Xea A.3S. IX Be. Ilia. VHR5 WBtTI-sfi TO AUTCBiTleKfta. wleaisw aay ya aaav tfe Astrsrtlsesasat la taia saser. MACHINERY. Tl-se Haworth Corn Wlmtmr, tt saar tesrf - mmi. t i ?. fWiiMt i sv Iwiisi i lataiHtai rtveTac.aT UlUrtt'tOnaar. 1 1 it ITItrawglJII TVffsiair)srwi w taat rest s k M Points) Wttmnln H t. TTV o r elsaT y an mU la Vs. -W" " "?' I 'ewae.4 t mfu ,yft,"u'-u'"tae SX.T-'t-a'-fw.ki-.tt-r--tawv t CM m tM krl if Ika - . -.Asm ' tsj. !iflM raail an ,W f - Ssavfsat ra,t".ii a af It ... ! ia J .wai &ai nmzmiA rrr . rmr-r T Tmik fr.-ajeie. t-roart-stT nsMI sa mmmi.m4 ta I a- i-.f aawr,aea a- lfc rrTr. Iae--- fcre a 4art t. f-H ara la. (Va m-a, M-T IWMU'IVI 7VaaS.rasw laWT V "SS lasi r-i. eta.Tk i nevse srtassasaee safasae a I a rrrw,, a- aa tae asvwswsa taar sw swVsbsbsbI ay ; ee wa stsaweeasav era- TV i-'i sa.a-aasweas taawa awa I Bl ttaaS at. - l-aaaatsaBr sseatsa aax afwaw. AriiwiilawaaTtasaasamwasV. DCCATURs llaiaJMOIS. afVTvTtrsa I'laVa'S V7aawl BBBBWaBsSawSir4 J aarita. a eawetsasS 4fl I IScu tfS&22EO&3t3-meaaaa y 'ii--