The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 01, 1889, Image 4

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    i BBBBBSaawaw
NeUe &aaford's aame has been
BMBtioaed u a caadidate forpost-
aueteref the Bed Clond post-office,
aad weBaderstaad his candidacy is bo
iag Bashed by certain Red Cloud par
tita. Nob bad better move to town
befart aialriag to that position.
A large aasaber of people in Web
aterceaaty coatcsoplatcH moving to
Oklaaeasa aa sood as that country is
opeaed for settlement. However, it
looks rather doubtful at this writing
whether the bill gets through con
grese. heace, there will be many dis
appoiated if it should fail to pass.
Caettautty Burr of the Rivcrton
Eateravise with the gall peculiar to
the breed of that outfit, seemingly
triee to crawl oat of his false accu
aatiaa of Judge Gaslin by saying that
lie waa on "the talc end of a drunk
at Bed Cload," that part of it was
probably just about as true as his
frit assertion that "he was beastly
The laaking bill before the legis
lature has a few redeeming qualities
ia it, bat it should provide that state
aad private banks should be examined
by state officers not less than four
tiaies a year and the report published
or the bill will not be much of an im
provemeat over the old one. The
people are entitled to know how these
banks do business.
Oa next Monday March l, (Jrovcr
Cleveland steps down and out of the
presidential chair to give place to
Beajamin Harrison of Indiana, the
graadest man of modern times. The
probabalities are that the last admin
istration will be the waning star of
the democracy. The new states just
admitted will be republican, no doubt,
and it will be many vcar.-, if ever, be
fore the democrats again come into
Some silly-billy writing o the Oma
ha Bee from this city says "there arc
3.000 cattle be in-' fed here, and tbat
there arc 7,000 head in county." The
, .
the business or is not ported on the
affairs of the county. There are
aearer 7,000 cattb being fed and in
theatighborhood of 21,000 all told in
the county. Some difference. The'
Bee should instruct its correapond
eat to get facts when writing to them.
Phil Armour, the great capitalist
is aiaply after the earth, and noth
iag else. He not only controls the
packing house interests of the coun
try,but goes one further and wants to
control the sale of fresh mrats in the
country. Armour should be sit down
upon hard and given to understand,
along with others of his ilk, that the
people are tired of monopolies and
traits, t'oor people arc entitled to
protection from these monsters who
would ruin .the country and their
own souls in their wild race after
It is decidedly refreshing to sec a
newspaper w nose cutter has not a.- vet
beea relieved of his infantile garments
and scarcely lived in the city loug
caough to become a citizen, advising
the people how to build up the city,
whea each and every one have been
patting up their good money for Red
Cloud's advancement, for the last fif
teen years aad before he was thought
of. Then again, it i decidedly in
bad taste for one so young in experi
eace to attack our best citizens with
dirty ling and to assail our county
efieera, &c. Ac. when in fact he
does not even know what he is writing
abeat, yet this embryotic specimen .of
Balaam's quadruped has the gall to
ge ahead cveB in the face of the geers
aad sneers of the community with
hii bolder dash.
Representative Hampton teems to
have it ia for county officers. Since
he has been in the legislature he has
advocated several bills, that if p.?
would accessarially cripple the public
service without saving the public any
thisg. House roll 115, relating to
sheriff fees, Hampton placed liiiatelf
ia direct opposition to it. and in his
reaurks said "that he was opposed to
this thing of putting up jobs for
county officers. Two year:! an the
county clerks had a job pnt up for
them and now the sheriff's come in
for a snap." Mr. Hampton is wt
presume a cansciention; man, and
aseaas well, but ni wholesale on
laatht oa tha coanty od-ials cobim
with P gre from oar who knows
better. Tni Chief belieres that
Mr. Haaataa is aot radically wrong
Jb gaaeral bat has beea ill-advised by
theae whe are sapposed to bo his po
litical (Heads, ib order that thj rcu
get area aver some one eles shoul
der. Til CniBF and every good
eitiata ia affeaed to patting eajobs
eTtm te tha lagislatare, for tat par
waaaaf ajj-8!"1"-'"!, the bat
"" il.l:I.Lkt!lt.
ia awzwewuete.
If .1 Auj.
What effect will the baildiagof
the B. db M. shops at MeCook hare
upon the volume railroad basiaess at
Red Cloud? Superior Headlight
Red Cloud will grow and boom, and
be the great city of the valley not
withstanding that Superior has rail
roads and MeCook the shops. The
darkest hour is just before day, and
when it dawns Red Cloud's horizon
will he brighter by far, than that of
those who laujzh?d first. Do you un
derstand. Headlight?
TIn Afcaolete F.Ily.
"Is there no balm in Gilead?" or
must a long suffering people be com
pelled to pay taxes to keep a horde of
imcompctent men at Lincoln, styled
the legislature for 60 days whose only
object seems to be to draw their sal
ary or introduce foolish bills. The
outfit introduced 488 bills, and we
presume not ever eight of thesa have
any real merit, that would be worth
the price of the paper usad to draft
them on. The legislative session
under the present system is a high
handed outrage and should be squelch
ed. Once in four year is often
enough for the legislature to meet in
Nebraska. There is certainly no cry
in? demand for sessions oftcner than
that. It is a useless expense on the
Calh.aa Fr.hlMtlea.
In yonr i.Mue of yesterday yon say: "No
need tonsk tha democrat. They will be
a unit ngainst prohibition.'' On this I
beg leave to any n word. You are misin
formed a to the sentiment' of the demo
crat of this state. Many thousands of
them will vote for prohibition. And they
wonld still like to remain democrats. For
this reason I wish now, in ample time, to
protett against any attempt by party or
gans, leaders or conventions to commit
the democracy of Nebraska against pro
hibition. This question is entraneous to
politics, except as regards thoe fear
people who have been vainly trying to
found and build a party upon it. Their
non-scccess is conclusive evidence that
the question is one of morals and cot of
politics essentially considered.
To commit the party to a defined policy
ngainst prohibition is both bad morals
"Pol"- Theerperieneeofthedemo-
cracy of Iowa and Kansas needs but be
glanced at to make assnranee on this
point doubly and forever sure. In those
states the adoption of prohibition by the
republicans and the opposition to it of
the democrats did cause some temporary
perturbation in the ranks of both parties,
and for awhile the transfers from one to
the other were quite marked, with an ap
parent advantage to the democrats. Bnt
whea the clouds rolled by it was found
that the democrats had traded numbers
of their best men for an equal or less
number of the worst men of the enemy.
The former disparity between the parties
in those states has returned. The
democrats are reduced in numbers and in
morale, and as having some knowledge
of the political premises I can confident
ly assure you that Gabriel will toot his
justly celebrated horn many years before
the democrats will carry either of those
states unless the current of events and
tendencies chinge nightly.
It is not much to ask that a man may
vote for prohibition and still be a demo
crat in good standing. If it is not grant
ed tho next state convention will see men
on its floor demanding a good deal more
thnnthat. The democracy of Nebraska has
been the combine of the whisky element
long enough. For twentw yean of whieh
I have pergonal knowledge, the saloon
have been swallowing democratic plat
forms and republican candidates.
Thousand of democrats have had all
of this disgraceful and humiliating sort
of thing they can stand. Another formal
surrender to the saloons, an attempt to
dragon the. party to tha support of the
trade in liquors, will either utterly fail, or
it will drive out of the party maay thous
ands of its best men and most zealons
For these and many other equally good
and sufficient reasons I beseech the new
Herald, the only democratic daily of re
cognized metropolitan standing north of
Kansas City, to treat the subject of prohi
bition with caution, with due regard to the
feelings and prejudices of democrats who
are weary of continual sale of birth
right for no postage at all, and with some
concern for the welfare of the party out
side of Omaha. J D. Caliioux.
Teacher TIeetlas.
Tho regular semi-monthly teachers
meeting will be held in the high school
room next Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock
to which the parent of children aad
others interested in educational matters
are most cordially invited. There will be
a class drill coadacted by Miss Leafie
Calbcrtson after which the Basal profes
sional criticises by teachers aad others.
There will be vocal and instrumental
music by tho high school papils, aad select
rrrdin; by Misses Celbertsoa aad Brak
fielJ; alv romo remarks of a didactic
astute on some subject pertaining to
school work.
At oar meetings in the past, have beea
well patronized. We hops to be greeted
toy a good atttedaaee Beat Friday eren-
Respect f ally,
Jobs. F. Ccaaas,
For Sale.
Any one wishing to purchase a Xo.
1. stallion 3 years old, past, half Nor
man and cnc-half Keatacey Grey Ea
gle, weight 12.50, would do well to
call oa Warn. Huffman oa A. Kaley's
farm, 2T miles west aad 1 aula Berth
atBaiCltwi TMBasy.
odi Clea FaMfe acaeele.
I took charge of these schoeia at the
comaaeaeaeat of the present school year.
Foaad a " Coarse of Study" whieh meets
the requirements of the " Minor Coarse7
of the University. It wns prepared by
Prof. Picking, my immediate predecessor.
It covers a period of twelve years school
work fonr years each in the primary,
Grammar and High School departments.
We have two brick buildings one of
four aad one of five rooms. Have also
two frame buildings, one of which is I
used for a Kindergarten school. We
have an enrollment of about fo pupils,
and a corps of twelve teachers.
We have recently placed in our schools
a geological cabinet and philoso
phical apparatus.
Oar people manifest a deep interest ia
edoeatioaal matters, a fact amply dem
onstrated by the large audience that
greats each session of our public teachers,
meetings, held semi-monthly in our High
School building. Our large High School
room has not sufficient capacity for
the school patrons who attend these
meetings. The program for eacn meet
ing consists of a class drill by one of our
teachers, after which we have a profes
sional criticism by the teachers, aad such
suggestions as visitors may desire to make
oa edoeatioaal sabjects, or the welfare of
oar schools. A brief talk on some subject
of a didactic nature, select reading and
music, complete our program. The great
aim of these meetings is to create a bond
of true sympathy between school patrons
and teachers, so that the former may in a
greater measure appreciate the work of
the latter, hence very materially aid in
attaining tne great cbject of our public
Moral teaching receives due consider
ation, and I am pleased to find a good
moral tone above the aye rage to per
vade the pupils of these schools.
Oar teachers are faithful, energetic
workers. Thoroughness is the key-note
that keeps sounding through their work.
Joint. F. Ctnsiv.
Faille Male of Meek.
Tuesday, March li, "59 at 10 o'clock, A.
M., sharp. The undersigned will sell at
public auction, at his residence. 1 miles
southwest of Inavale, Nebraska, on Sec.
9, Town 1, Range 1-', the following
erty: 65 cattle! Described as follows:
SO head good Milch Cow. 7 head of two
year old Steers, 10 head of Yearling Steers.
9 head two year old Heifers, 8 head Year
ling Heifers, 1 Bull, '2 colts, .! brood Sows
and pigs, also, Farming Utensils, viz: -cultivators,
1 Lister, 1 Stirring Plow, 1
Breaking Plow, 1 Bay Rake, 1 Mower, 1
corn Shelter, 1 Farm Wagon, and many
other articles, household furniture, etc.
Free lunch. Terms A credit of eight
months will be given on all sums over fa.
purchaser giving approved security.
Motes to draw tea pur cent interest from
date. . per cent off. for cash on sums
over $5. f 5 and under cash.
Thos. Vaughn.
There will be a bible reading and
song service Sabbath morning at the
Congregational Church at the usual
hour for service.
The Two Worm ruder Which the Disease
Is Chiefly Met With.
Catarrhal or false membranous or
true, and diph there tic Diphtheretic
croup is seldom recovered from, mem
branous is very often fatal and catarrhal
is usually recovered from if tho treat
ment be not too fierce. The child with
membranous or diphtheretic croup is
taken ill, and the cough symptoms, at
first perhaps mild, increase in severi
ty, and the little one, ill from the first,
prows hourly more ill; whereas the
child with catarrhal croup is usually
taken sick suddenly, apparently very
ill indeed, the croup symptoms being;
very intense. This occurs usually at
night, and after tho first sleep. With
or without treatment the child usually
loses tho croup symptoms before morn
ing, and ho plays the next day, to
grow worso the second night, to have
a second day like the first and a third
night like the first and second only
to be well the fourth day, save from
the symptoms of a cold"' a slight
bronchitis of the larger tubes.
True and diphtheretic croup demand
the physician's every attention. False
croup requires little save an equal
temperature (warm), the usual treat
ment for a slight cold, and a half or a
teaspoon of the syrup of ipecac (or the
wine), according to age, if the child's
breathing becomes excessively labored
child becomes blue in the face and
struggles for air. In every form of
croup, to relieve the embarrassed
respiration, the application of a cloth
wrung out of cold water, to the back
of the neck, and of a second wrung out
of hot water to the front of the neck,
and those rapidly alternated, is a pro
cedure I fully indorse. Once weaned,
the many symptoms of digestive dis
turbance show themselves, which
symptoms arc commonly (regularly)
attributed to worms, and other symp
toms appear which the all-knowing
ignorant know to be duo to teething.
Worms cause an irritation of the bow
els, just as improper food may, and
thus do most of the harm they an
really responsible for. Herald ef
"What business are you ia bow,
Brifsbyr1 "I will manage Prol Aster.
old. the eminent scientific lecturer.
this season. "There's no asoaoy ia
that. The lecture business is plajaA
rut" -I know it, but I have secured
a couple of prize fighters to giva aaz-
lag exbfbiUome before aad after tha aa
dress. That ought to fetch 'ejB
Nebraska State JacnaL
rife Bale
XIrt is hcrrty zhrea. ii uwJer aa J by vlr
meS an .r ef sals , ted gx oft? dMrkt
court taeeigaia nun r
Vrbster eeintrT Nebraska npoa a ceer la n
taidmrealadoot rof the rt hots ta Bed
?W IsTsaM eooatr itht ts O Plate
Sirt tSSS SiWo. WL
i .aUif tm&ju rrncu
OaariTweaeter eaearrjebraaa. J "
.crwwtxaw. Hi.
KaiJLtrw aalnlxauir ldetraiMt.I
- ivt aaaa-i
Lonsdale, yd wide Muslin,
Fruit of the Loom, yd wide
Dry Goods
Next to First National Bank Red
srattf I PIT. CIIUI!
Cannot Choke a Horse
Adjuets Itaelf to arr?
Morawa bj.
Will haM Hama
la ptae better than
an lam
Team Rarnesa, per sot, $20, 124, 120, 128, $30, 32134. aad 930'
A full line of Rinfle and Double Driving- narnaaa at JLTMMB-
LY LOW PRICES. It will pay you to asamlaa rj
stock before purchaalncr elaewnera.
J. L.
Considerable interest is being erineed
by the students of the Latin and book
kaanincr rlaaM tmtt Mrh crtlr m
coaraffes the teachers ho hare beetowed
mack earnest lvbor to secure thi much
desired aad gratif jiag resslu
Notwithstanding the great effort made
by th. teachers of the high school to sap-
prese wnispering, inere jei remaioB mocn
L u- .J : . .1 . .. k.w. k. ,
v av wvaaw m nMassv mivm
is so detrimental to the great aim of onr
schools a good scholarship id due pre
paration for good citizenshl i
The Ancient History d I will
complete the work. This ti f has beea
a profitable oae to all stsdet fiaterested I
ta the deeds aad progress j maakiad i
i i
J..:. iu .-l- .- sk. CiJ k
Friday being the aaarn xy of the. STrapathv ia this, hie tti aertavaieBt.
birth day of the Father of oar Coaatry we i Be it farther
aBjoyad a holiday; doabtless the papils Ottzdvcs, That we Ua4ff to the
availed themselves this opportaaity to Brothers aad sisters ef the aeeeasei,
stady the tratafat character of oar aa-J 0 silcere e0l4eKt ntit dew
titers aeaaf actor aad aatrioi. , m- .
a j -- v . -.v 'aSictioa.
Lastlfsaday we were honored with a; . . . .
visit frees Mr. Boviageoa of Chieafo, 3ec. That a eea j ef these rea
the geaUeemas was fomerly s teaeker. oiatioas be seat to the faailj el the
ew eeaaarted witk ta. pablisaiaff
efOtBaACa.Bo9toa. neexpreee-
ed hisaatlf well pleased witk the disci
plia. aad gtaaral eoaditioa of the sckeel.
Hewaaespeeiany well pleased with the
OeawMtry, Etymology and Latia cUsaea. (
We extead a cordial inTitatioa to all eo-'
weekers ia edscatioa t
Srreral aew papils hare lately joiscd
oar raaks aad Taeaat seat ia the hi& '
rosea are a aegativ qaaatity .
Lacaa Kmsaaae)
fttia Laxaost. )
Wmm m Cw.
A aew sewiag
W. Fi
Cheek Shirting,
And lots of other bargains. Come and
Never were Sold SO
As we are selling them now.
J. L. Miller's
Will he found the LARGE8T and BE8T
of all kinds in Soatbcra Xtaraska.
Miller, Red Cloud.
ee.lall.aM r
At a recalar sseetiaa: ef Heasaat
I Prairie Parsers Alliaaee, No. 346,
, th following preaaiblt aad resola
tions were aaaaocsly Mopteo.
Whereas, It has plaaate! aa Al-
isc Creator to call fraat Mr aidst,
j gj,tcr i:,,
ife of ear esteeated
. - , , . . . .
brother. J. B. Clewkom. ae it there-
fRczclvtd, That we aver recorait-
cam sister icgaers twm cbiivum,
an tfffeetioaaU wife, a?4 leviajr Bla
. . mi. . v. !..:.
ther, aad higalj eateeasea Beigaber,
fReicIvti. Tkal we teaeer to tee
- .-. j ... BkAMAVAiai
deceased, aad to the See Ctaa4 CSlaT
Argas aad Helaeek feraahliaattea.
c. w 9
Ma. A5D Ma. O. & Prrr.
Ma. Ajr& Ma. G. H. Utcuxmum.
Me. M. Jonsaosr.
Xoiice is herebj grrea that I will
j uiaiac mil jliwvmi mmv mwmj am
to offer thesaselves as eeadidaies for
1 teachers ef the aahlie sihaass ef thie
coaatj, at Keel CleaJ, ea the third
I Satarday ef eaeh aieath.
It a. J. Kxsa.
- -)
- 8 l-2c
Muslin, 8 l-2c
6 cents.
5 cents.
Drugs and Medicines
Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery,
Books, Etc.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska,
Morbart 4 Falton Old Steed,
a, good borti, bosrd bj da aw weak. Tear aatreasge
Fiat rigs,
Don't forget tha place, east tide ef Wcbeter
street, Red Owed.
Spring is Coming!
and C. L. COITING, is
Putting in a
ee. Paint. Oiks,
Cleanlx-. B
Furniture !
In the city at prices that all can afford to buy
if in want of anything in his line
by the bolt.
by the bolt.
I -
see us.
Wtaeter St., Red, Neb
aatreasffe eolirit.'
large stock of
- r
- arf
i J
4 - ..
ess ?
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