$& 31 m5222EZSZZs"?&rzm --ir-zj&as&stBZSE s-ir aaBU ars-.M' . i -iv." vr - .'!. i i k VJ?- FK, ,T'" " -' - $a&s&&m r. -JL -1 ' i-U pw s ". , v.. "??B9BHHHKCgk. - Kw ki i 4. ) CRISIS IN FRANCE. Premier I'lixptet Defeated In ttir- liaiiii.ee 01 let puiiiH mikI tlie 31 1 ii in try ItcigHs. PaMIS. Feb. .' W'iieil the nii.-st n r.f me revision ol the Const i.ution cate un in IlieCtinrnlier of D;iutie yeIen";iy tne Cuamtter was crowded- The I'rincu of Uu.es and Lord Lj-tton, the 1'i-itisli Am b3sailor. occupied seats in tbe diplomatic Kall-ery. Huron Slacken, president of the liieht; moved to adjourn the revi'Ion question for one ivei-fc. He declared that tho Hight desiiel n complete revwion an well as the dissolution of the Chamber. A delay of one week would enable the Government to decide in regard to dissolution. Premier Fittcjv ti-eluned to entertain tho mot on, stating shut the Government could not consent to dissolve tho Chamber, and Haron Macku's motion was rejected "iT.l to 17:1 Count Du Douville-Mallereu then moved the liidtJiiiiu-pustpoiuinentof therev.-i in debate, saying: "Tlio electoral period virtually begins to-dar. Let us leave so tho pooiile the duty of indicating what kind of revision Uicy desire. Let its mt boo time in discussing a question tiin'ti n nowi-e d?timt. Instead of pur-ui.g a lolicy of t'KOt.sm let us return to a pol.oy of cnnnnm sen-e." Premier I'loqu.-t replying, reminded lh P-iusetliat tho Government was pledged to make the revision proposal the imin -diate order of tho day after Vie fie: sain d'Arondis-eiaeist bill. At the co.iclusiun of AI. Fkq let's re maiks. a division was taken, ami th mo tion was adopted by u vote of :i t :!1K. Premier Klcquot thereupon announced that the Ministry would immediately le sion and ail tho mt'tiilw-rs of the Alinistry M-nt their resignations in to President Cnr not. Thin was n complete Mirprie to the CI.Mtnlier as 51. Fioquut had said nothing implying un intention to make a motion to adj-urn ii Cabinet question and both the Left ami tho Kight were unaware how the Ministry would regard the vote. Tli majority included the members of the Right and a nuniiter of Opportunists. Afte adjournment the Radical Ljltand the Extreme Lsft liold a meeting anl sent deb-gates to M. Floquet to express regiet at the fall of the Cabinet and congratulate, the retning Premier upon tho liraiues o the position he hal assiimd. Preslent Caruot, after tho Ministers had teml-ii-d tlmr resignations stent for AI. Aliline, President of the Chamber of Deputies, and subsequently hail a confer ence with M. Leroyer, President of tho Senate. A rumor was current in the after noon that M. Aliline had been asked to form a Cabinet, but it was stated that President Carnot hail as yet en trusted no one with the task. TO GO OVER. rheSamoan Oirrstioii to f5o Over to the NVw AilininlNtratiou. Wakhimiton, Feb. l.". It is snid at the State Dtp lrtmeiit that as there is nolthe slightest wish or desire on the part ot the President or Secretary Itaj-ard to embar rass the incoming Administration, with respect to its Satnoau policy, it is not tit nil likely that the present Administration will ai rugate to itself the selection of the American repre-entntiv-e at the proposed conference ut Herlin. or that it will tnS.e any notion whatever which might tend to commit the next Administration. Count Arco Valley, the Germin Mnt ter, called upon Scciftnry Iluyard yestrr iay ami informetl him t but tho lattfi'.s aiisuer ti Itisiuarck's pioposal for a con ference had leen sent to H-sitiu by mail. It will reach lleiliu about Februarj iO. The German Foreign Ollice will piobablv take several days to consider Mr. Itaynrd's igS'"'bns and its answer, if si'nt by mail, would haidly teach this country befbro tho begiiiuiui; if the ll.iri i-ou regime. Thme wouM seem to be no gool reason why tho coriespoiiilence should not have Ireen coi ditcteil b t'leri;ih. ejreept on the as sumption tlr.it ISismaik's lesort to the iiihiI-. is simply a trick to gain tun. in x Inch to punish the S.-imoiins before tCio iiegotiatioiis at l!"ilin will begin. In well lufoimed .pi.-utiTs theie is a suspicion that Germany nas already sent reJiiforceinents to Sim ia to levengo the killing of a mini !t of men in the locent liht with ila-tiiaf.-i. ami it is nut at alt unlikely that uli.innlcly another bloody battle will bo fought. The Litest advics fiotn Samoa say th:r has beu no change in thu situation sine" th'list report. There litis Iveen no fight ing, and Tam.'isese av.d Mataafa remain in their strongholds. Tho llritish Consul lin warned Ibitish subjects not to supply natives with aims mid to maintain strict neutiahty. The l!iiti-li wnr sliiji Calliope t as ie)l:iced the war ship Royalist. The German and American war ships leiiuiiu stationary. Heir Rrandeis, the lea ling partisan of Tamascse, has b.en recalled to Iterliu. MERRY MILLERS. The 0"tut at .Mmtie:iili Kuus I'p to IO.OOII It irrets. MtxrvKAfOMS. Mmu.. Fein 15. The Northwestern Miller says: There weio tlr.rteen mills which ground Inst ik and they got out the largest output since No-emln-r, though under HhlOW barrels. Tho acgiegate production lor Ilia week (ending February :) was ;4S0 barrel- averaging l.Viss daily, against "'..VK Inn els the pio. us week, and 11.1W bariels for tho -nrespuiidiiig time in 1S" The higuer wh at maikets have stimulato.l the Ilinir titid" to a oo'isiderab'.o extent and up lo last . n i g there had been prottv heavy sales estimated at ItM.tWJto J"KOOJ barrels for t.-i da s and ntcstly of patents for tho listern trade. To get the higher ov.t of wheat, I'.O'ir prices were advanced ten cent- p?r baircl Monday night tmdtwen-:v-tive cents more last evening, and even at the-o quotations millers claim tint they are soiling Hour at twenty cent- under cost with wheal as at present. Since tho last advance the sale- have not lieen large and as wheat was easier the demand may fall otT. though a tirm wheat market would doubtless cause considerable of a move ment. rinnilt' Son. Washington. Feb. 15 Ames IL Plnmh, of Emporia, son of Seuntor Plumb, is m the city en route to Norfolk, Vs.. to accept a position in the employ of the Atlantic & Danville Railroad Company. I.carvV serious Cliarce. Washinoton. Feb. 15. At the Navy Department nothing can be learned rela tive to the charges that important dis patches to Captain Leary, of the United States steamer Adams, had been tampered with by the German Consul and so de layed "as to be of no use. The navy orti cials put no credence in the report. Com modore Wnlker, chief of navigation, doe not believe Captain Leary made such a statement, and believes it was invented bv some enterprising correspondent. At the State Department similar opinions were expressed. Such a charge they say -. .sa 41ia nlltfif nW wttlM is a very serious ouo iw mwvuin v s... Government to make against tho officer of another. Henry Le Caroe. ASIHNGTON. Feb. 15 The Star says: Wenrv Le Caron. the British spy whohaa been doing so much swearing in the Par nell investigation, has a war record is America which is spread out on the war records of the War Department. Before his name is marked "Coward and muti neer.' He wasaTuember of the tamoa Corapanv B, Foerteeatk FeHylTaai cavalry," which was orgaaiMd as a body guard to General ThoaMs aad part of whom mutinied whea ordered iato the fichtatMarfreMboro. Ha wm oae at taa SOO mutieeers who wara ooataed la iteatiary, jail OUR NATURALIZATION LAWS. ttroaff Report From the If ease Judiciary Committer on Kxittinjc Evils. Wakuisotos, Feb. 14. Kepreseatative Oates, of Alabama, from the Committee on the Judiciary, yesterday reported fa vorably to the House a bill to amend the Naturalization laws of the United States. The report accompanying the bill treat the existing Naturalization latrs in a crit ical spirit and calls attention to abases which have sprung up undtr them. It tays: "An alien may be a notorious thief, murderer, cutiaw. Anarchist, polygamiet, leper or h'ardened criminal, and yet our law allows him. by mukii.g an affidavit of intention before a clerk of a court, all the benefits of citizenship within the United States. Ho is allowed by the land laws of the United States to buy and own any quantity of leul estate or oilier projierty or take a homestead on the public domain and thus receive a ben oil ca tion equal to the Lest young man of American birth, and at least one-half of the States of th Union allow such aliens to own and inlerit real estate and to vote at all elections tho same as natives and naturalized citizens. In many of the States an alien w ho has legally declared his intention to become a cit.zn is eligible toanytlllco within the Slate. He may, by State law, ba eligible to a scat in Con gress, when the Constitution of the United States denies to him such rfcht until lie has been a citizen for at least seven yean. So d"licieat is tho pi cent liw finl so careless is he practice of the judges, with but few exceptions, that it has become a matter of public notoriety that they perform their duty in such a perfuuctoiy manner that any alien, how ever bad his character or Leistly ignorant lie may be. can become a citizen of the United States. There is nothing in the law to deny citizenship even to idiots, in sane persons, pnupers, criminals or others who have come into the United States in flagrant violation of our immigration laws." The report concludes with a 83-nopsis explanation of the piovisions of the bill, which are in Inief a limitation of the classes of foreigners who shall be eligible to citizenship in the United Slates (includ ing Indians adopting civilized life); a pre-criptiou of the form of application; a requirement that tho district attorney shall defend the'Government ngninst itu pioi or applications and that application shall bo corroborated upon the point of residence; a restiictiou of jurisdiction to high State com Is and Federal courts; tho preservation of the rights of aliens who have ahead) declared their intention; mi allowance of the riuht of bsnalide appli cants to make homes t (ad entries and to receive patents alter natuializition, and a lequiremeiit of would-be citizens that they shall have resided five years in the United States and be able to read the Con stitution in English. FRIENDS OF OKLAHOMA. Congressmen Manmir in Knvor of the Kill nul Perkins Argus ltef.tre tlie Senate Otiiimlttrr. Wasiii.nutox, Feb. 14 Whon the Senate Committee on Territories met yesterday to lutther consider the Oklahoma bill, Mr. Pay concluded his argument in behalf of lie (syndicates, but mnde no new poinls. Congressman Mansur, of Missouri, spoke in rip.y und in behalf of the bill in a most effective manner. He demonstrated that the so-called title to the Cherokee outlet possessed none of the elements of a fee simple title. He challenged the Cherokee cnttlc attorneys and their Indian allies to produc any tieaty law or legal authority of any kind which authorized tho present location of tho lioundiiries of the Cherokee outlet. He had looked in vain for any such authority. He touched upon all tho main ikmiiIk of tho controversy, showing most conclusively that the Oklahoma bill was not only consistent with tho terms of existing tieaties with the Iudiaus, but a measure of supreme impoitauce to the people of tho United States. Jude Pel kins, of Kansas, followed, dis cussing tho legal questions involved in the bill in answer to the argument of ex Senator McDonald, made Monday, and thosffof the other attorneys employed by the cattle companies to oppose tho bill. He clearly proved by citations from tho treat ies of lS and lCT."i. and the decisions of tho court nnd tho executive otlicers of tho Government thut the Cherokeus never hnd any title or right to the "Cherokee outlet" except the right of easement, tho right to pais to and fro over it when going to or returning from their hunting expeditious in the AVest. He clearly showed that the tieaty of 1828 gave to the Cherokee Indians seven million acres of land for a peimanent home and in addition gave them the right to hunt ami to roam over the unoccupied lands west of their homes to the bound aries of Mexico and to use the ''outlet' as an easement for tho purpose suggested. He read from a letter of John C. Calhoun, written when Secietaiy of War in ls2l to the Cheiokees, in which Mr. Calhoun informed them that as to the "outlet" they were to have no title to the land. Again he showed by the treaty of 1SI" that the Ctierokees recognized thut they had no right to the "outlet" except to pass over it as they then bought jvJ,o.K) acres of laud from the (lovernm-nt and paid JJoOO.lHD therefor that they might use it for the purposes of a permanent home in addition to (lie T.OW.fKI) acres acquired under the treaty of !:!;, The laud thus bought b.'camo what wis known as the '"Cherokee neutral lands" in Ivans and wexe owned by the Cherokee? until sold by them to James F. Jov. Tlie I'sitrjilltloii Tri-:ity. Washington". FeU 11 The proceedings in executive session of the Senate upon consideration of the llritish Kxtrndition treaty were given to the press yesfrday. The vote upon ratiticution taken 011 the 1st inst- was as follow: Ayes lllsckbuni, Cockrell. Faulkner. Frye. George, Hampton. Hnw.ey. Hoar, Jones (Arkansas'), Pasco, Payne, Hansom, Sawyer, Sherman and Walthall 1 Nays Allison. Bate, lilair. How en. Call, Chase, Chandler, Coke, Cullum. Davis, Dawes Edtiiunds,Paddock.Eutis, Evarts, Fsrwel!, Gorman. Hale, H.scock. lugall, Jones, of Nevada; Mauderson, Mitchell, Morgan, Piatt, Plumb. Push. Reagan. Riddtebergrr. Saulsbury, Stewart, Stock bridge, leller, Turpie, Vest, Voorhees. Wilson, of Iowa, and Wilson, t jlarylaud 3H m m Llacola's lllrthday. CniCJGO, Feb. 14. Abraham Lincoln's birthday was appropriately celebrated by the LaSalle Club at their club houe Tues day afteniuor. Among the distinguished gentlemen preseat were Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, Ex-Governor George & Boutwell, ot Maine; Governor Larrabee. of Iowa; Governor Fif er and Ex-Governor Oglesby, of Illinois, and Hon. J. A. Kassoa, of Iowa. The visitors were entertained and dined at tho club, after which ther listened to aa address by Hon. J. A. Kason at the Chi cago Opera House on "The Character and Worth of Abraham Lincoln. The Second regiment band and Oriental quartette ren dered selections before mad after ths ad dress. The Last Thins; la ScaMelogy. XKwYoJucFeb. 14. As the funeral ot Mrs. Charles FahJbusch was about to taka place yesterday it was Interrupted ia a singular manner. The hearse aad aboat forty coaches ware ia line, aad Under taker McCann had just ordered the cor tege to start, whea a stranger said to hian "This faiteral caat go oa." Whea asked why set ha said: MI aa walkias; dsle pU for the Hack DriTers Caioa aadjoa hare got a scab driver ialiae. He has get to get oat before the faaeral coatiaaes. Hie ohjectloa was sestalasd by the ether driver aaa the faaeral was delayed aatil was withdrawa aad Mr. Money in Organ-Grinding. The business of grinding hand-orgtins is rapidly earning- a fortune for an Ital ian family in this city which owns fcveral very uperior instruments of the "piano" variety, Fuch as are oper ated on light-running hand-carts. These are pushed around the city by pairs of young and pretty maidens, dressed in the picturesque costumes of the Honian peasantry, who serve 3 performer. One of the tivo. in each cac, turns the crank of the hug' music box. while the other manipulates with deft lingers the sweetly jingling tam bourine. The girls are all bisters, daughters of an ancient brigand called Grosse, a mender of the fiddles and things of the profession, and the tunes they render a majority of them from light French opera are so melodiously given as to set the most unmusical per son a-daiicing in spite of hitn-elf. And when one of tin: aid oriran.-. on its winding way through the business quarter of the tmvu, pau&es to strike up in a side street or alley, all the clerks, counter-hoppers, oflice-boys and other employes in the neighboring blocks quit work at once to skip round and throw pennies out of the windows. So it is not surprising to hear from the players themselves that they average ?10 per day apiece for their work. This is a trifle more than $4,000 a year in cluding .Sundays for each machine and its attendants. Pretty good pay, is it not? X. Y. Graphic. At an Oxford local examination in Northamptonshire a short time since, says the Pall Mall Gazette, the follow ing question was asked and answer given: "Who wrote the Complete Angler?" "Izaak Walton; and there fore lie was called the Judicious Hooker." This fact i not fiction. Reputations Made la a Day Are precious scarce. Timo tries the worth of a man or a medicine. Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters is a thirty years' growth, and like those hardy lichens that garnishthecrevices of Alaska's rocks, it nourishes perennially. And its reputation has as tirm a base as tho rocks themselves. No medicine is moro highly regarded as a remedy for fever and ague, bilious remittent, constipation, liver and kidney disorders, nervousness and rbcutnaUMn. Ax employe of a hotel in Denver lately confessed to the larceny of small sums and was sent to jail, but the bills continued to disappear. Subsequently a mouse nest was found, and the currency used in its con struction, added to that known to have been btolcn, balanced tho books. Engravings of Hulliting. Portraits, Etc. If you want Engravings of anv descrip tion Buildings, Portraits, Machinery, Maps, Piats. etc., write to us for samples and prices. On!' photo-engraving estab lishment west of the Mississippi run by electric light. A. N. Kelixiqo Newspaper Co., Kansas City, Mo. Mar. Bi.VAT?nr, the Thcosopliist leader, whether working or talking, constantly rolls, lights und smokes cigarettes of Turic isa tobacco. Check Colds and Bronchitis with Hale's Honey of Uorchound and Tar. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure m one minute. NntnER of Indians in the United States who cuii read Indian languages is 10,(!7. "Jfrvrn fail to cure sick headache, often .he very first dose. This is whiit is said by ill who try Carter's Little Liver Pills. Tnmn are ten Indian training schools lo catod in different jurts of the Union. Titn best known remedy for consumption Is Oxygen Cure, Write l)r."Oeiiort,Citicituiati. IiATtTntJ's serial story tho spinal col umn, continued in our necks. THE GENERAL MARKETS. KANSAS CITY. Feb. Vi. CATTIX Shipping strors, 1J HI 1 4-) 4 45 3i 4 10 M l -4'i il 14 2 73 5 0J :4 !'-! 30!, 6'i SI 40 ISutchcr stcors N.ttivc co HOGS Good to choice heavy. WHEAT No.: reJ No. i soil POIIV 'n V V ' Sa a a a Jm ! ! tti lA 1 5"NO. lt """iHOi .. FI.OUK l'.iteiits, per sack... HAY ltaleil IIUTTKIC Choice ercaiiL'ry. CHI'l'SK Full cream EGliS Choice.... ... UACUN llaiu Slniuldors aWAIV" . a a a a a a aa POIAI-OUS ST. LOUIS. CATfLE Shipping steers... 3 ii ii f & Q & ft it a a a a ( id a J ui 0 w .: u ai : 2 it 3 10 K lt 10 0 G a) 3 73 :t'j 4i 3 430 3 41 4M 4 T3 3 ) W 23 40t Iluichcra steers.... HOGS l'ocisuii: SIIEUP Fairtocbulco FLOClt-Cliolce WliEATNo. J ied CXI UN-No.: Ja J5-aOa Xaaaaaa aaa RYE No. : UUrrEU-Creamery cmcAua CATTLE Sblpplncswers..... HOGS I'ackiii); and shipping. SHEEP Fairui choice FLO I J It Winter wrtieal WHEAT No.3 rcJ UUIfc " 0 !, Jn A r" Oey aa aaaaaa HVl C HU tU'EU-Creamory lTwllV.aae ..a a .. aaaaaaa... NEW YOltK. CATTLE Common to prime.. HOGS Good to choice FLOU1Z Good to choice....... 'WHEAT No. St red. ........... UJ tti. .s O. ! ...... ....... OATS Western mtxej ... ... BUTTER Creamery .- VtaV . aaaa '.:. i& VJi 3 '-3i 4C Q V4 II J I 00 4 1 j 3 31 3 (II lOiJ 34 i3 43 S n at 4 10 3 3) 5 r ft 4G -.9 : 15 o a 12 uo 4 -M it a a A sft 4 65 4 70 6 U) 1 "t" "it II 10 4 TO 5 5) 5 75 101 JsJ tsae aa UDIES! PLEASE KUTIIS l arB UaaNaaT FH.K -rmvA?.. shoes $2.50 Po M a Icd-Beaeea hy Sialkll ara Sry aeaatl fea aoa oiSer ajifl aaqa arna laaa aw ra. as a wttl We will add taat the ca?eteee of Utnsaaeda ef aeople me taat a will ae anavt 1 1 man asr TO tolary HaWOa-OtttiaTli CaXaUULATK) "RED SCHOOL NOOSE" SHOES atyleaawama. itaservet Taatssraty. Ca DRADnELD'S D RE6UUT0R aKaSESistl AsWIk9bbHPj yof. g ss. 43trta. Wl 1 1 at e laawl wwa taa -"- '"TirllVrartartrfaaialPrai'ai aaeatawactoeiofoaa(aaBan-.toaeoal rauoa. ira aaaka aa iai intaa nw l BlaaaaiaajaaBBBB;rVSaTdr aBrwaBa1I I . Bbobt ih ' BTi a Xtarura aa- I aVaaanX.Taaaa tlBatliie aaaaaa McCaM I mmJkJBrMAMmmtrVmTmmtmATLAMTKmA. aCSTaaaa. mmwmmmmlMMlSSrSmVSLlZ - aaaaaaaamawaeai aaaaaaaaaar aBBaBaaarwa aaaaaa awpwaaa aaaaa aamaa aBBBaaBa arkdaafj bbbbbb) a . aaaar aaaj aa aBaedBmaBBjjBBBaajjajBB- SkajSjaesaa. aTBBBBBa Get Mljr tba Best. "Baker's Norwegian Cod Liver ChT' Is pure. Recommended and prescribed by best physicians. Jno.C.Bakcr& Co.. Philadelphia. Ax ajwnt of the Rothschilds has pur chased for a nominal sum a newly discov ered gold mine in the liaiapoh district in Slexico. Advance rumors say that there is fi,U0O,OQ0 worth of od wiling to be un covered. m Do xot suffer from sick headache a mo ment longer. It is not ceccssrr. Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure you. Dose, one lit tle pilL Small price. &nalldose. Umall puL Hjm. GrnnLRnrp.MiTr was a cousin of Hon. James U. Iiluue. lie aUccded her funeral ia New York. A mnirr co:.i, if neglected, often attacks the lungs. Huowx's Buonchul Titocur. give sure and immediate relief. SJd vnly In biitt. Price 3 cents. The "Icap-ycar"' girl who got 1-ft Is sad dest when sue fines: "Four tour, four years more !" 2i. Y. World. IraClicted with Sore Eyes uc Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. Drucgist-ssell it.DjC KntPtip a standard c&ildrcn are judges of principles; your $TJC0BS OH For Neuralgia NEW. PERMANENT CURES. For Tears. niMtiM. om. jsm rr. ins. EafftnS coarteatly hcmiril n IU si ffi rti(is; su rma!M zuim. tnts . jsccas o man ta swiii s. s. rnsnotr. r. 1 Haver Again, at. Olbory. III.. Iter XI. Mjr wU na treakUS wltk cmre-'fta sat afla astac as setttt af St. Jtwba Oil wia aaT tnabtat asala. KXKIT BXCXXMBTZB. after all. BaUaaS. W.. BUr tl. ItSS. B Inn cam at anralfta (Ivas a tf evlataaaawakr at.Jaata Oil. J. M. sjIAV. Brcctt- AT SXtrOOIZTS AMD CEAI2XS. TNE CH A-ILES A. V06ELEI C0 AtuafS. & Diamond Vera-Cura FOR DYSPEPSIA. A!TD ALL STOKACH TK0U1LE8 gUCS AS : Indicfftioa. Bour-Stomae, Hcartbura, Nauira, Cid- diaH. Canstipatioa, Follnrts afUr raUnc. rood Rising intn.aouuj ana oiamgrreiwe tastt aiur at- u. ... ..... . .w wf.... At lni92itfnn-t Itnilrrtnrtritt hy mnl Inn rrrript K .- J.. .in. I ... o !-.. . .. of i-rrf Stiimp. THE CHARLES A. VIIELER 60., Baltinorc, Md. Tutt's Pills The flrat mttrm aatesilsaea the I a valid, rjlwlaug elaatlelt jr or salad aad Bonyancy of Body ta whleli he a aefore a aaraaer. Tsw e ! aaaeilte, GOOD DIGESTION, ssscsilaratmreH aad Mild riesa. ee laasareeated. Price, s3ets.arB)e)a. Sold aCverywherOa FIND TliE LATEST STYLES IN L'Art Do La Mode. & OI.OKKB I'l.ATIJs. 1LT. S UtBT rials Ak kW TOSK MHOs, JrOnliT ltriiirNrMlpt it or n-iiJ SS crrls fur latvil iiiiiiiImtio . J. MOKsK. r.klUbrr, 8l'jil llklfirtwL aa-SAHL tiii riPia ,"ij !. j.m. FOR THE BLOOD Swiff'. Stt.s-m- Las ruml ttinf a mnlictiant brpuLlt. u.it n mjr If-ir -Mrli t Au-tl lntilrr nlilc iln It w, a t.l KiT.-tiiA by llirtlnt--l,n- f.Mir.if lioln trraltsl 111 .th u.i irlJrf I i-iMttntl, cut. that 1 iw- tii rc.rit i;.4d bmlili i..s .s s,. . Lit h in iy T.tinijtii'iil.ln fclUMblc a 14 bll i.iiisl Mis. J rut I'KITT. KV lOthM.M t.'Ul. Vo Otlr liAhr when lw. moulli. 1J wnn attA. L.1 Iwitli smt'iiLt wlnrhfi.r bnir (tin-. t!..ltf;.1 Ibrf rsitriiinnri l arilcm-.-t U!.t.Mbiir 1 lif lirrllV. IheiliM Oil's fallfsl lit I .In..' ir. . .ml wirilt sIrclli. whlrli ,.m rirurnl inrri niiriy. nti ,i r i i,o i,s.i. snu 1 . irn. 1. iiM,K.in rum i-iu Sonfii!' IrTeloil ii inv ilAnhlrr ... II- I luir anil lunin. tin Lt uli Ae wir Iter SlwiflSH.(U. BJ ir.r rvult wa lldftlul anj lh cure lyruuit. !. A. IK11S07I. Clrvrlal.it. Trna. Iia-sjrml for ImhiI. iri.lnp liUtoi-5 fl IHiKxt I'U ri, and adrlr- l.-ilrferrr inAilnl frr T11K W1T fl'F.CIKIC l. lrr J. Atlanta. Oa. .ear:s.... Catarrh UHUMbALM uire uM-d ttro Nt tlr Ely' Crnim Iktltn nrul tonrulrr inytilf rural. Imf- frrtvl 20 lewrs frum etUarrh arul cnt.irrh al headtifhf, atulthi ia th( J'.rrt rrm'dy that rtjTonlri! Uvtiuu rtlitf.D. T Ultfjin- urn, I4j Isikc SU, Chieao", III. HAY-FEVER A t,rtlcVrr!l.sJ lnln rxrh no.trll rJ la rrt able. ln.-eMs- tat itisirt.r.. by null, rrtrllrml aiatnta. LLY IJi.oTlll.il. n Warren M.. Nw York. GOLD MEDAL, PAKI3,187t. BAKER'S ArrantrJ ahwotutrlt par Corvti, tmia l.xh tbecxcriof OUhAt3rrniool. Ittacnoer fn rrr txtiti tit Krrxfti cf Ova card wiih ftinh, Arrcw rtst or Sozt. ami t tJxirfcre fr more enoomical. cottimj Uu rkaa car ml u mp. It tf Sext, nocnbinx. trrnteniRf. eaelly f.lsrKei. asJ JnlntJT alij'tej for lr.TtUd at wrU aa far person IntraSt!. 814 bj C rerersetnyvaere. 1. BAKER & CO, Dorclcsler, las. For any cne of Ae CHOICE MITTS or SkraiM, CraaeViasjaV Frail Trasaj, nc FbrezaattOeTre send poataala and vaaraatee safe antral M Packets Caotce Flower Seeds, sorts. artoe fl-M. for 1 tl.ft a F-acketa Coiee Veatable Seeds VaorU 1.9 UKrertaooalna- lli n 11 tuaiittfnl a in 1 m l M GerealaBk. II arleadid sorta I.W ! UCaraatlrwii. lelrmat sorts l.ce KGrapeVIoes.4 aorta, our choice I.QS rer the otaer U sets aa4 Met t akurs besides (amsay Xtw aad Kara) see oar GaAScSraiM Cataumcs. IS aafee, seat free to all ao aiaa to pti rraeat eWat i Sttaa, Waats oa-Trees. AUe(amswiaiUacitskial4ieealttjPecaataB. Oars t oae of the oldest, largest aad atost letlaMe aurseries la the U.S. Kk year. 91 TOE STtttS k MHItM CeW, Nsmisli, Uto esa, fjys. WANTED H7, 'TVJ5Wr P ataaa N. tata. W. aLMOtlS. OF 5 ACRES tasaav taatrfajky katjiaa. aatdway Lata raft test BBS una sad U toldacsa Worn. IHiiaa C Veaary. Weatatek traC Kasaaa tasy. lo. 0 utCocoa aBfaAwVaVir H I 1 BBBl I fl a I'l IPIHIT BbbbI Baaaaaa BbbbH VBaNaWM IraVStMi, Vm!aal HOME Prepare for Spring Kovli thatlta to arpara for t-rinc. arwi roar ovaarateai Uof IrMlmpomiK. It yea bar not felt cll daring taeannler.tr 70a bbrn 01 r worktst. or cluaelr e necctf In b dlr TntJUtsl purtBrr like Iluod'a srpanllA. Tax It rsrlf and roa vlll ward off attacks of di&e or wpe u rSects of laspnre Mood and that tired Ir'.tng. o common tn the prto. Do not drlajr. Tak Uwist's !araaparllla now. ' -I wih to state the bcre9t I !erlrd from ' Hood' Sarxat-anlla. lliareuvsttt In the pnnr for ttirru rear fur d-U!iir and ran ar thai 1 rslnad In fleh aod atrraxth after u1iik one t..tl!r. f It haf alo mrrd tai vi oirc badare." Msw. V. II. j AMiKfcws. Nutb W-Jttk. Conn I took II M' Sartrnlla for leof appc:lt. dfipep'la. and crnvral lanmor. Il did oraTiii t tniount of cJ. and I hie no br-tlancy In rvcos mending it." J. W. Wtu.eroun.Vulacr.Ilt. " --... ... t nooas sarsapamia sid tr ill druent. tr ci. nootco. It. 1 for H. I'rrrfl rn! Apolhecane. IaiwcII. Mail. ' fOO Doses One Do!lar or COD LIVER OIL, With Estract of Malt and Comnouml Syrup of llrpoptuHipnUa, Cures Conumptlon. BnmcnitU. 0uti.Oiltii. Scrofula and alt WaUr. Itwar. I Is ailcaaaat aa4 alalakla ( Cake m aeeejr. UatreastbeatsceaeeU ar-alssa( latase aUate. I It ea tail ( aaaert ltair wal rel.aallr aifter tMtaaaiaall.nrrd. ataath- tr Kasalalaaa crtlalr I It lafnitrrWitfrornOXi: u Mrs- CLE. It purlers the BIo4. aad pntlraUa'ala 1 rapldlr la welaat white taklas It. 1 It la a tree Kesalalaa. ta- aalr aaa that Ja always rra4r. alM ajra atlkr. aad taat itr ha.tfcra.aaiaiy aadgrar HLntl atlho ! lap la aptel Can r ATI CtTB KTUN.lt'H. I it 1. ud U all lk Iradlar Hm.IUI. ,. ...-. It la arracrlarl kjr lae asnat vaslacat aagat elaaa I a lae (alt4 Mlatra aag l'oaa4a. , Ak jruar Itruggtst for It. al tako no otber. I J. A. MAOKK at CO., Lawrence, Mas. lit II PC COODYEAR WALES RUBBERS ! CTals U tWtr Craaeet. The beat atakaee ROOTS ailQKe la tar aarM are bramlr.1 W I. CM VOOa V K. R SHIIB CO. Whrn you want rubber tall for WALES Goodyear. and do not bedereUed by buytngothcr nttibrr with the word "Uootlypar" on thrra. a that name la aad by other ennimnla on Infcrlcr pmM U catch tha trade that tha Wale ;wk1 year fb.-e 0. ha etab- make It eemf-int U bur Itm l jriMMTa anirn Tart WALES COOtt- TEAK ata'atl BlKBia. Ther make all arri Ther make all general lylni. and reoiarka.l! ilprctal'.lea, aad tha baat Cash IsoflcreJ to the person who nhall ctil in tho laigeat iiumocr 01 jeariy sntjacritit'n to the Ladies' Home Journal bitween now ami Jaly lat, !. at 30 cent Pe r rea rar-IIALP FKICK. AT-rr I.W ii.'-. aontdarrinf ioiu nttitnlfor ler thin 91 'V rtr vnir. aieo aaoo Is onerc-l retpectively tor next every Dutacrlhcr aiTured, tf ilcatrol. imlta.1 of ' premiums. Ilunurvui of dolur ran tw luaitt daring the next ls months, by nicn. o:no:i ot children. He nimUh free laxaple conic, tkt ers.Ac. Addrcas CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. iruu uusrirasaa-ea faiaaa. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL An J Hypcpfiospfiitss af L'me & SoiJa Almost as JPalatable as Milk. The eelr rmtaratlcm of CUD MTEB OIL that can bo taken readily aiul tolerated for a laag tUae eyaellraw Aa 4H A IE-4TBT roR ftrirtrnirTtoe. fstaonunH AHiA-noVs, Aiti.su. .i-f. tauL HiUliii. um.h AV -JkiWuf aF- rtni6S. aaa all Utof IS, jtl.61bbl.fc, of llLalti' it la saarTelkmaa la It- reaslta. ITracrtbed and eedoraed by UkS be It TsttlaaS IS tasconntrifa of the worVL Wmr aaaa kr alt Beaatiaa. aaagard for rHmrV.l en W am for tniaaaa. AA Staat, aCSTTT Jk JSOWikC. Jkaw lafk. FARGOS mi A a NEW 2.! cunc T)iivi.i.ifTniiiriwaiiiiiTli' VrrMllS rvrfres lit. HaIw -an-1 Tlptwl nVa't arvlIv.V. raVKSrsa, KTTni tie (.( .I'k jowrriAl er for'.KtaeXeaMeK. tf - at lrv them vol 1., n. ari w will farct'k j a rlr m miilU4l CM.riKUat.CalarAn aa w a Tina rarsa aa - aaa. "Religions New York" PmfoweJraml baaatifallr IIIatralaiTL aboalsartae caarcttaa of taa Jews Calaotlea aad ftnaatlantt. and Sua aamrtlta er aneje 01 taa aiadi of taa . I eaaiiliaa of taa Ifetroaolia asd taRlnc aiw e . Torkera woeihla, (na taw Java a tae Cttian ' ananuata. Thl ariirla at UN aornti Mruile 1 SaaBM far at rea taow ready ta a eer rrte4 on T to Rer. Cartoa Martra. It l Setter Lbaa a 5alay Ttit to Mew Tors, aad win aw ef creat la- tareat lo erery saeai&arot taafsaHlr. TaeeiUren , wilt a dtesiad tn learn te aranan la "faaat aiasata as a-aas-. IktM Xarra frassaer. It ta a amaery tllaxralad) la tfw i amoterfat eaattvr. A. roar !Cwad-tar fre H. ae 7'mirwmmm'mrmLZm?m2ZPm ' aTyjpn?y .TUaiSTl'e. I aaMUhwr. PENSION .Atry r.ayai BBBBBBBBBBBBBBklBBBBBV V ' H " .adlatal BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW $500 I Haf b-m 50Ai IWfiK SI 'V aaBTJ-asaT . bVbT BBaaaBT JmTih - lamaT mw 6Zm JljW J jfae-sa-esaa- o i aiaaifarraray aad afffjfffff SBBBBBBSBkkia a par Jarae AskkAaaeaa PIIHlSkBA! KaBBBaBBaBBaBBBBBBa"a kaifaao. reracaaK. aeatfwkatMir. Kw ta r lis aaaaaa. AWaSaM'aSB I A PROMINENT MERCHANT IN TROUBLE. Old mor.cyIrs mor in his cflflce all ilay. As snatniUIi and enw as a U-nr . Ttie clerLs know enough to kv out of UIs way. Lest the merchant shouM irrutnbJe and swear. Krrn Tabby, the rat. Is In fear of a cuff. Or a kick. If she Venturis t mar: Tb"y r.ll Inow the master Is mt to ts? rough. And Us treaks unesiecti'd tnd oui-cr. To correct a slurNli or dIor!eril liver, anil to cleanse am! purify the blood and tliorty wiitin tho teinper. Dr. l'lerccN tUdden Mrdio.nl Dln-overy 1ms no wpial. It improve dletIoti, lutllds tip the Uh, Unlgoratca the system, dis-icll mebticholy. and niatis Hie worth living. IT IS GUARANTEED to bMi-tlt fair trial, mended, or the money jutd for it will he refunded. CojyrUrht. Pa. by Wout.ti's I)nrrMAnr Mkmcjii. .ancx.riot. Proprietors. CATARRH 1Ti THE HEApf mr arm m w m m ,lrt mmrr t,f i,ow vuig rranaiutt. ai sea Baancutly cured by Oft. tAGEt CATAMH RXMCOY. 40 oruu, by lUugglaia. rMORTNCHH bum Bm, aPSa WWW fZ.j all n kraaaaaVaa atatk ia? ,E iOt aUlftiV SALZER'S EXTRA baabal. ntJUO I par lutl laWL (Uklixt IU rwa dvp hala aad r awn. A J-'e . ml. WZ..'iO Iwtoal. aftUH). tmr4 N ftUKpili aaia taa itnimj ina n.v-c-v SEND FOR XlAL.l7SS'TAVZ'JajC I. 'jr BaaaaaaaaaaaPV I vHSOW B RMHilHRaP I WmWmWBmTmW!Wte"m5mWml$mmmY&mm'mmWF I u5uiilAtjiaaaaBi!fff aV ahjayajJrtw?ASTvaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaa STTt !iaij ,aaaaaaaaaaWaaaaWAaaaaaaaaaar7 Wr. mt aaaafaaaataatkaaaaaaaaaaa-f Mm' rTaaawaaaaaV aawaaawj taal , ML-V Jlih&mmmmltmS&fSS. lmW.rmm:j-?mWlXmVmWirmTMwmMMMMW.iu; .S'M aaaaamVaW -rWa" fFSafaaS -aVaaBaBaBasBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaaBae --laBBSI ;laBfVkaaaaaaaaaaffaaaaBlaaBr!'B "VSkeaaBKrir? ' , iBaBrfKS. BBlBBBBBBBBBl BBVBBBBBBBBBBBSWH'aPTdBBVT T VSVaB(((((PafSH F '-" iswaart; "T -A RcfrifreoS.- '- -i jJ?KyJV:lS! j. alOSERH H. HUNTER, &g3EBfe BL W. DUMHA1TS OAKLASm FARM. 3,000 rtnCKIM REMH MICH BattCI, irearrr.av FTTCK 05 HArn, Oe SJTJI LLKi rr rrVav are: liO 1WLT n Cti" jeOcreea. rorrrWr Iti3- rvroate; K ITf IeatTKa RtlfMtnturA,viMi..i ttmam)tm9mtTitiBK.UU4Xr . QaaJIty. rrteea saaal.U. a-y. Bal Kay wrmiZ Israel tag IMi Crrataat aawA SiaaS aearat k-reaatiaa; toCaaitahaBwmta4AaarSee. Mil Wa4aaaaaCaaaraaC.aAa.frf aa.Tiialii aSeaa, Wim Win FNCtof fiS -- aaST e.S ta-eiTaiaaV aUaaVadaal3' -T-C'"- r'H-r.'aT "- S-EEDSattteMs wtT tAet.VAarCAUAAtAa aa Ota. i V nu(Mn rrrrtCni.i 0WanCAj-r MB Ojej, rritcafce Cna ma. B4 Lvttw- IUa. . aVaear AaA Oee W BSeS- . KIer KaV mm T . UOSmJbm i raerite- ixaa. artA'ai (j cat "aeejee Raaa T- at y teCi KfAMY AStiraWAflTEB! SaAr? Keaa - era cwaa a .er aTCFL'tn Ssbb. Tnn snn Bsti 3 aBBBBBBBBBC3arjTntfUl,sajr'B SVTaaeToataaoa.' s&&. jbbbbbW VZeaTka tr aBBBBaLjSVi! afaBBBBBBBMBBaBBCa! eaaaa!3ppPwn?eTr aaaaaaaacaaava mtco SyBBBBBBBBW w mm V feBJSapmaAi SaBBBBBBaSTaH ' " SB SftSSfsSj aat S-ftf mmmimonjt bbbbbbbbbbbbSbPbbbbbb! M4B" SJSj wkSafaSSL SBBBS.'elrSF'F'W'BK eSB'SySBJBJBBB aBffaVaffaVa SkSaSFSSSaSh4. Safffr SS)seaaBasaaeMBskeaWBaese aPBARafaaaaaaaaaa "''eaC I sTaaaaaaaaaa. aaaaaSaaasaaaBaisa 1 Wont tsakre the oM frllow ai turlj awl grtar. And N-bare so confounilotlr tseaa f Ttirre's c.-rcuulyaunu-tfcica' itw matter tta hlin- Ia It ttomarh, or IItt. or spleen ? We'ie gurwaxl It- hU Uvrr m alugrtah aad bad. Hfc tAI kUirTr!anl fi-ul. It's cnotifh to make anr one bofwlerslr tua-J, And gnxt hta tt Iru-nd with a groat. or cure. It taken In time and j-lrrn a In all din-a-c or which it U trcou- rAVu I SamiSlTSiaaaai SSISUSSSS laaa a n4 nO. a aaatl Ja aSBaaeB UwuK Uaaa la a ttaWa Ua M fSfg-T JtactagiTa ursiSajhlal m T m"aasS'aaBS' k,-,-aa.aaalaaara. We !kartaera grawa (raa aad lma Saaaa. a4 aaa tarfkat oat vat Caulagua. U kaUa ait atwata. CRASS MIXTURE ttT,? Ita, SI J.OO. auaMaadcata LUCERNE CLOVER Ttt geaat fertatrtna' rJial awklne tha a.art faeiaa. aad eiiiataa 4ataa la tha X. Batftag auatXiaant aad aatia aa aryi? V Iry la tb CaaL Waat. Hara aad -nh. HaiUatainvaaabMatlt. ? aail.it. Illreaaat in urrm avaa- TO WaKC -A- Mtdm Iltcsft aaa eCMaoaoctaaee COW SJAaM siMuuiiini uwtiii rvaa. 'i"--. '3ij-s? ISf' CATJVXiOCaVJI O- ROOT'S UtTREMIMWI l 1'I.Wl. 'I. -fwl . m.lKiKi.fiim. Hrr-r-t. C litir r-.l.l. vita e.rr - r4r V.pl.f fresr. aa ROOT A CO.. RaskJari, W. AIIRR.lVKr A.IWT. ! 5-TON WIIH SCALES. Ta Sua M a at r cl?. 4 taa AwtasSX eaaas tea rafaa ar aa e-a NORTHERN PACIFIC. ILOW MKJE IliLffOAl LARS 0 FREE Covcmment LANDS. traiuisxi. trttr.a-.ftAA.WA. ik Islt.. XoelaAA. I44, WAJa-V"w ('l'w, rsaa Cfla r,wwii- w-na ktawTtfa'tWi waiaaaf WW at Anritrl im.M4T !-.-. m 7. v vtivr., sckt rtvmc- CHiT lllaBTa-BM Lr-JCeaai . t-mmnm aT. ruc. ataa iaia raraa EH6fUVIN6 i ELECTROTYPISS. lrgt tat l.c slrae4 !umni wm tf Ih VlWl rvnr,llf ewVsei Tyrm Vf """M Jf '" aw.Ti(aetf. al riaSaaaf a V. J rw. fta a aad eata?w, A 3 KatLa i.WiMU.taiiiOlf.aW rsnat CWEET PfTiTiES W PATgTS asjetwre- ArJwaat fve a iaaw aa, aaaa3 " "" ,S ''''ataaaBaaV a YJmZmmfmrmmXmm frafai ' a aaa a Ce .att-t aBaBaSaaaeaBa. aVaf7raL7aS rmiirmm t i mm tee ataaMaat afiaaT HI' ll T. 1. HnSaTL CBBBBaaaaT Baav SSt4a,a-Bl VMS 96mfWmm aaaaaB SaWSaaVdJSataV feyisx. wSSdlaaH TdSatt aWSm wSaffJaV daaBB ffJaaVeaBBBB WKijej aw.kafaa aaae hat :- --- - aa( tvti . an aaaV aaavsaaaaTwaaaa aSsWl lataaiela. aSd '111 aa aaaa, aaaS-lllaTJ ta. AS tUwaa. aaoat T-J jfaB -a- - rt a AwaajSaT Ml- razz. sbb -.-,, j ---t."t ! ?? seal lrZ-UT- Tr z?T-7- "ae aaai aw hww wnrwB laeua hm -- 4 i Am utl- aV 1 traa-a vb trr cae V -lWlaarfw t PZr-PZjaC Js' -.-