The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 22, 1889, Image 5

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r? .cars?yjEPTa
r "T
."o t.jf irvw
aijriwrB'ii( n
'MMjptu-. .;
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never mien. Marrel of pure
atrengtli and wholewmencss, more economical
than tlie ordluary kind and cannot be sold in
cemnetion with ths multitudes of low test short
lght alum r phosphate powdors. Sold only
loc Wall street. N. Y. ;itr.
Ehc gcd fglaud huf.
A. C. nOMER,
I'ubliKlied eTcry Friday morning lrim the offic
in the Moon lilork. I ted Cloud. Neb.
Farm Lram.
Interest from 6 to 10 per cent.
Time from 1 to 7 yearn. Call and
investigate. G . W, Babker.
Gathered Up by Chler Bepertera la
And Afca-Ht the City awa Coast jr.
Nuts, fresh candies, etc., kept at
Ernst Welsh's.
Furniture of all kinds cheaper than
eratF. V. Taylor's.
Get yonr meals at the Farmers Eat
ing house. E. Welsch.
Money to loan at a living rate of
interest by I). M. Piatt
Great bargains in woolen dress
goods, at Mrs. F. Newhouse.
The beautiful snow dropped in
upon us Saturday and Sanday.
II. H. Hoskins, editor of the Nor
eatur (Kan.) HegiBtcr was in the city
Don't forget to go to W. L. Haines
icn you want furniture. He keeps
a fine line.
Geo. Miehael.of Salem was a pleas
st caller at these steam headquar
ters Saturday.
If you want Early May wheat or
White Ilushian oats for seed call on
L. II. Rust, at the city feed store.
I wish to buy county bonds, school
district bonds, also, county and city
warrants. I. M. Platt.
N. B. Thomas of lleymer, Colo.,
was in the city this week. He is
holding down a good job for the 8. ec
M. at that poiBt
Rev. Mr. Blose, occupied the Cos
gregational pulpit on Sunday morn
ing and evening. He is spoken of as
a very talented divine.
We haven't any rich relations to
fall back on. Some newspaper men
have, and distance seems to lead en
chantment in their case.
When in Red Cloud call at the
furniture store of F. V. Taylor, oppo
site the post office, and pick you out
a fine kitchen or parlor suit.
The Golden Eagle Clothing Store
has just received 66 1-12 dezen new
spring hats, and expect to get in I of
a dozen more. Call and sec them.
C. Wiener.
G. R. Chaney ha been prominently
mentioned by a number of our city
papers as a prominent candidate for
one of the members of the board of
The city dads should pass a strin- j
sent ordinance making it a severe
penalty for peopie leaving their teams
unhitched in the streets. It is ab
solutely dangerous to both life and
Judge Gaslin opened the adjourned
term of the district court on last Mon
dav and is rushing business through
pell-mell. The judge believes in
keeping the docket clear of as isasy
cases as possible.
Darwin's missing link has been dis-
corered. He is located in Red Uoud,
and pretends to be an editor. He
was recently imported by a corpora
tion who run a side show in this seek
'o the woods.
The ''Comedy ol Errors" who pre
sumes to maege the "tempest in a
teapot" freqmently swells up like a
toad and then bnrsts leaving an ef-
huvia arrising that causes his own ili
.o exclaim "Ye Goda."
ir. 8eafeit.theaIaMead osar
teees aaaaager efthe Westers aaa
Seuthera Mercantile AmeciatiM
havicg oatgrowa his present quarters
with the iacreaae ef hmdaes kai reae
ted ewe of ihe large store reams ia
the Moon ' block, where he will hav-
aaWewwTeaiexi aad eemmaii s qaar -
tW Tn Cauw m 1 limni ami
"SiaaoMgaji thumbs ip."
Mr. Altshuler ii on the tick Hit
Mens eaps only 15 etc at B. AG.
What's the matter with '-dissembling."
Oysters at Ernst Welsch'a. Best
brands kept.
Judge Dilwortb was in Red Cloud
on Monday last.
Esquire Pond his returned to his
home in Kansas.
J. N. Richards of Beatrice was in
Red Cloud this week.
Miss Myra Pardoo has returned to
Council Bluffs, her home.
C. E. Davis of Superior was in Red
Cloud this week on business.
Read our new ads this week. It
will pay you to scan them closely.
Sleeper Bros regular days for grind
ing are Wednesday! and Saturday.
Jean Pants, warranted not to rip
for only $1.00 at B. AG.
All winter goods at your owa say
so at B. & G.
Remember a good solid over-coat
can be bought of B. & G. for $1.50.
Overcoats at coit and more to at
B. AG.
Look at our jean pants for $1.00,
warranted not to rip. B. c G.
A. M. Walters of Blue Hill was in
Red Cloud attending court I his week.
Old copper, iron, rags, etc., taken
in trade for tinware at Adam Mor
hart. 22tf
R. M. Martin has sold out the Chi
cago store and Wm. Ducker is now in
Great bargains in Hamburgs, hos
ery and white trimmings at Mrs. F.
B. F. Dennison, "Q" passenger
agent was visiting old friends in this
city this week.
On the 16th Clarence Guy and
May Horn weie licensed to wed, both
of this county.
All kinds of novelty braid, rick
rack, braid, tinsel cord Ac. &o. at
Mrs. F. Newhouse.
J. R. SUirey. cashier of the First
National bank, and John Young have
returned from York.
A marriage license was issued on
the 15th to Schuyler Watson and Vic
toria Leport, both of Webster county.
Take your old copper ware, iron,
rage, etc., to Morhart who will ex
change tinawre for the same. tf .
II. C. Lillibridgc of Detroit, Mich
igan, was in the city Sunday visiting
his old friend, Harry Pond and family
Red Cloud is making a desperate
effort to secure the extensioa of the
Rock Island to that plaee. Superior
The -petit tnaitre editor, Boss Mo
Keeby, of the wind mill organ should
muzzle his fool manager before he
gives the snap away .
A. J. Welch and wife will leave
for McCook about the 1st ot March.
Their friends will be exceedingly
sorry to have them go.
G. W. Knight and wife, Harry Pond
and wife were in Kearney this week
attending the annual encampment of
the Grand Army of the Republic.
Henry Scott has made one of the
best sheriff's that Webster connty
ever had. He attends to business
promptly and gives the best satisfac
tion to the patrons of his office.
David Zerwekh and wife started
for Portland, 0egon, Wednesday
last where Dave will go into business
for himself. We take pleasure in
wishing them success and prosper
itv. The public schools are becoming so
crowded that Prof. Curran informs us
that it is impossible to furnish seat
ing capacity. There are now almost
700 children enrolled, and the num
ber increasing every day.
Sheriff Scott arrested two horse
thieves on Saturday night wasted in
Adams county. The principal culprit
was named Bemis, and the team was
a large gray pair of ' Jes. Juniata
parties came after t. m the same eve
ning. Art Howard, who has been in the
employ of the Howell Lumber Co. for
some months past has been tramsfer
ed to Colorado, whieh place he left
for last Wednesday. The Great Fam
ily Weekly will follow Arthur to his
new home aad keep him petted oa
Red Cloud affairs. Tax ClitT with
es him prosperity.
The Farmers and Merchant's bank
of Red Cload began a general bank
iag hasiaeas April 5, 1864, aad at
this day makes its isssri gsta U the
eeaeeefthe sssreUryaf state. The
aatasrisea tejdtel Steele is $10,w,
aad the fellewiBg gamUsmes sasserise
to its articles ef faeorporatiea: An
as Higby, W. S. Garher; X. E. Smith
C.Smith, J.W-Xao, Silas Gar-
4 her, Geeege B. Helmmi, . B. Smith.
P. C. Niasjsasfr, smi Qtsrga.Tei-
Train Master Dauchey will move
into John Garber's residence.
You will find something of inter
est to yon ia Young's ad. Read it.
' - Young gives some convincing facts
for you to think over in this week's
ad that will ray yeu to investigate.
The elub masquerade ball on Mon
day evening was a grand affair, the
costumes being both novel and costly.
Rev. A. W. Snider, of Columbus,
Neb , will preach morning and even
ing in the Baptist church, Sunday,
Feb. 25.
Miss Beta Villers is indeed the liv
ing embodiment of the highest type
of American womanhood. Cincin
nati Enquirer.
Miss Lida Huffman has accepted
the Beardsley school in Smith county
for the spring term, commencing the
last week in March.
Ten lota, and three houses and
barns in Guide Rock, a span of mules,
font cows, a good gold watch to trade
for a good farm or will trade the
houses and Jots and watch for horses
or cattle. G. R. Cuanet.
Remember the date and call early
in your visit to the Celebrated Ger
man Specialist as the rooms will be
crowded from morning until night.
Consultation free to all. Red Cloud,
Wednesday, Feb. 27th.
Mrs. M. Brodstone entertained at
dinner yesterday Mr. and Mrs. John
Templeten, Mrs. A. J. Briggs, M'i
and Mrs. C. E. Adams, Mr. and Mrs.
George Brown in honor of Prof. Cur
ran and wife. Superior Journal:
Today, one hundred and fifty-seven
years ago, or thereabouts, the father
of our fair America, Geo. Washing
ton, just saw the light of day. His
name and memory will be honored in
a befitmg manner by all Americans
today in one way of the other.
We are pleased to announce to the
people of Red Cloud that we have en
gaged Miss Beta Villers, of Boston,
one of America's grandest character
impersonator. Her entertainment is
different from any of the kind as she
is a grand artist. Don't fail to sec
this grand woman. She will be in
Red Cloud, Feb. 2B.
Among the gentlemen from abroad
in our city yesterday to attend the
annual election of a board of directors
of the Lone Jack Mining Company of
Arkansas, was Jno. M. Young and A.
T. Hollebaugh, of Red Cloud, Jno, It
King, of Benkleman, C. A. Luce, of
Republican City, E. E. Drew, of Lin
coln, and Col. A. S. Everest of Atch
ison. The report of Superindent, E.
J. Adams was recieved with much sat
isfaction. Superior Daily Journal.
miCB) Bckeel Iteena.
Miss Thomas, we are glad to state
has returned to her position as assis
tant principal, and Miss King was re
leased from her duties as assistant
during the illness of Miss Thomas.
We tender Miss King our hearty
thanks for the pleasant and effective
manner in which she aided us during
our time of need.
Mr. Hunter, principal of the Guide
Rock school was a pleasant caller last
Monday. We are always glad to
welcome visitors, especially parents
and those employed in educating oth
The "A" grade having completed
zoology have commenced astronemy
a subject of such grandeur that the
most indifferent can scarcely fail to
appreciate it.
we are sorry to have to announce
that Elmer Kaley, eur schoolmate,
was so unfortunate as to break his
leg. He has the sympathy of all his
schoolmates. We earnestly hope he
will soon be able to return to his
place in school.
Miss Toaler visited our school last
Wednesday, on the 14th inst. The
usual scenes of mirth prevailed. Both
teachers aad pupils were the recipients
ofcomio valentines.
The public teachers' meeting last
Friday evening was well attended.
Prof . Curran conducted a class drill
in "etymology of words a subject
of great impoatanee to all lovers of
language. After the recitation the
Prof, addressed the visitors on the
subject of "moral education" aad
remiaded the parents of tho great re
sponsibility resting oa them ia regard
to the welfare of their children ia
tellectaally aad morally.
The Rev. Mr. Biaflaaa, presideat
of the Haetiag's College was a pleat
aat caller ia the high sshool last
Moaday. We regretted that the
gentleman eoald net remaia longer
than aa hoar aa it very seldom we
have aaeh a dietiaguiahem visiter.
Willa Gsvrua liMer;
We the jay ia this ease beiag
41j impanelled aad swats to fad
the said defendant raUty ef assault
aa battery. We farther aaa that
IBt saw aeaaBMBB aw seawawijiaaw
. m - m. - . 1 .
aiwfaffsr uvea umm& w Deeaav
lire XeeClac.
On last Saturday evening a large
number of our people met at the Fire-
men's hall, to discuss railroads, and
u i u-i-.- r .. . :
the probabilities of getting or m-
,r , t.
dweing a number to come to Kec
Cfoud- R. B. Fulton was elected I
chairman, and A. J. Tailors, s?cre-'
tart. After a pretiv thorounh ul.-
cussion'of the various topics relating " . ' "Te ta-T ?pwprfl
.,. . r t u 1 1 ,.i lit. ana perctalsito due thftafor the:? scp-,
thereto, D. B. Spanogle was elected j . . , .
. . . . ,1 erior abilities. If they nave tacniel thi j
delegate to mvest.gate ana report trie ; powwOB,d itnotbebetter to hare the le
best method of ob'ainiug the same, ' Klt votC9 decjdo lt than to leave it to thU
and to visit managers, and to impress 'jelect few who unfortunately are not al
on-their minds the advantages of com
ing.thisrway, all of whioh he will do
in a forcible manner. It was also de
cided to incorporate a home company
with a capital sufficient to build a
road or two, to different points from
Rod-Cloud and a committee composed
of a number of capitalists was ap
pointed .to draw up a charter and
make all the necessary arrangements.
Tbe committee appointed were G. K.
Cbaney", M. R. Bentley. E. B. Smith.
A J. Kenney and D. 6. Spanogle.
The people are in earnest in this mat
ter and there is no doubt but what
they will have everything soon arran
ged in that regard. This should have
b&ea accomplished long ago, instead
of -waiting for some one to build it
for" us. Let the people push this mat
ter and something will be done. The
faets are that those fellows who
throw cold water on all enterprises of
this kind should be set down on hard,
andf given to understand that this is
not. the kind of talk that goes in lied
Cloud. Enterprises gotten up for
the purpose of dividing the people
should afso be scorned. It is just
such things as that, that kills crow
ingfowns. Where men are permitted
to "project institutions for the avowed
purpose and intention of breaking
down enterprises already numerous in
the city, and creating a dissension in
the rank and file of the people for po
litical efftct, hurts a city more than
any one thing else and looks as if
their interests were purely selfish, and
that their outward professions of in
terest in the welfare of the city was
only a sham and a burlesque. Such
methods should be dealt with as they
deserve. That kind of sentiment
bhould not be allowed to exist in the
community where there is so much
at stake in the up building of the
town as there is in Red Cloud.
That Jail QtirMlnn.
We can not sec what difference it
should make to the public, if sonic
fellow should sub contract to Luild
the new jtil free of charge as far as
general results wero concerned if the
people secured a jail that actually
cost and was worth $10,000. It is no
sign that because Mr. Brubaker took
the contract to build th wall and fnr
nish tlie weod work for $.",000 that
he will make or lose money, or that
the balance of the material will not
cost the other $3,000 remaining. The
contract as near as we understand it,
was for a structure to be actually
worth $10,000, or as near that as pos
sible barring the contractor's proiits,
of which he should be entitled to.
We think the board did well in let
ting the contract as they did, and be
lieve that they acted in good faith,
and that the jail will be vrortb the
money paid for it uotwithstandinc
tha; the snb contractors' price was
only half of the contractors price.
ail will cost the contractors at
irast $S,.00 to $0,500 when complet
ed, notwithstanding the croaking? of
a fow discontented chaps who desire
to gain fame by insinuating that
"steals1' abound everywhere except
under their own vine and fig tree.
If we may be permitted to use an in
elegant expression, we should say
-oeme off the dump" and cease howl
ing about the county jail.
Old Soldier, Take Notice.
During the old soldiers reunion
held in this city last September,
there was only a temporary organiza
tion perfected for a reunion to be
held at some place within the confines
of Nuckolls. Franklin, Smith. Wcbter
aad Jewell counties, therefore, the
delegates from the various parts of
the counties named are requested to
meet in Red Cloud, Nebraska. 31 arch
C, ISSf , for the purpose of comple
ting the arrangement? for an inter
state reunion, and the selection of a
plaee for holding the same. All old
soldiers interested in the reunion are
requested to be preseat oa that oeca-
aioa. After the meeting is over there 1
will he a grand carte-fire. Dn't for
get the dates, acd come expecting to
havj a good time.
H. E. Potd.
Secretary Intcr-Sute Reunion.
Farm For Rent
H vl fa surktt 9t crlauioa will take part- The atarea
PleatT of wood aad
call oa or address
G. W. BaJiKia,
Red Cload, ek
1K .J 1 J-. a t J i
immmumj w itata trai-aa-
war. aaast easgwoa ewaem aw sasa.1
is a part greater than the whole? If
not, why not call an election and Ut ererr
Republican Elector who is a regular pat-
ron of this Post Office express m prtfer-
'.,.-,. .. .
e3Ce for our nc-xt nostmastcr. Are not
oc -oied tbwgh the
rrccarozlaxios o'. !?t t: .Is : zdisg
no ii-as ut ?:t .: ,oz sav the
J-s.-esw. i.ia pscr?.ea.ra.e.tais power
ways strictly honest in their political dea
lings. What say you my brother aspirants
after the post-mastership of our fair
city. Would you not rather hold it by
virtue of a plurality Tote of all the pat
rons of the office than by the recommen
dation of a select few of this or any other
city savoring of deals and combinations
in thu interests of the dear people for
the city and county elections in tbe future
Tha republican party say that the
n-ro of the south shall and must hare
right to cast one ballot on all public
questions of his locality and should if
necessary have the strong arm of the
government intervene and see that said
ballot is counted as cunt.
Have not the laboring men of thu- c 7
and tho farmers who get tneirraau
tho right to express the r choice .
and all other pnblic qu3;ions f u.
much as the colored mei. of tho south.
Our Congressman, Hon. Jamen Laird
lies nigh unto deaths door, .our Jim) we
old boys call him. Wo- tj V . qasjr
if some old soldiers wo - imp
osition and thus Ica-e .. -
that which we should seine i. .;(::-.-elves
and only have his name endorsing
the choice of the people of this oity.
lie either fear1 hi fate too much.
Or his deserts are too small.
Who fears to put it to the touch,
And win or lose it all.
Oliveb. U. Dovs
The Public Worship ol Co c
Let tho American people cling to the
l'ublic Worship of God and to the Christ
ian religion. It is their olIv safety. The
History of nations, states and communi
ties, greater and smallor, has shown over
and OTer again, how the Public Worship
of God produces thoo effects in the opin
ions, habits and spirit of tho people which
contribute to the public security and pros
perity; and how on thu other hand, the
neglect of it produced n fearful demorali
zation of communities. It is not, then,
a matter of individual nnd general con
cern for the people of Kcd Cloud to
maintain the Public Worship of God!
What substantial reason is there why.
not only til Christian people, hut all
worthy citizens, should not cooperate in
upholding the church and in creating a
public sentiment that will lead all classes
of society to honor God's house with their
pre'unce It is especially incumbent up
on professional men. pnblic school teach
ers and tho conductors of the local pres.
todothi. We naturally look to them,
among other clice, to aid in teaching;
moral truth nnd in building up public,
moral character; but no man can do
much in that line who is n habitual ne
glector of tho sanctuary on the Lord's
day. Perhaps no state in the union, pre
sents stch striking illustrations of the
above mentioned nrinciples, as Indiana
(See Str.ts Supcrin:endnt. Crafts, report
in tho Congregational Home Missionary,
for February) Contrat that portion of
the Rtaie between the Ohio river and the
lower Wabash, called "The Pocket, the
Muncio region, Northeast of Indianapolis,
and the Ccal Bluff region North of Terra
Haute, with tkeir meagre Christian in
tlnence. and their oft recurring riots and
murders; with regions not far away well
supplied with thegospel and with worship
ing congregations. Said a R. IL conduct
or said to a minister lately, as they were
approaching a series of towas in the Coal
Bluff region, almost destitute of Public
worship: lhe nest .- miles is an
American Sodom and I wish we were safe
ly OTer it." And I need only remark that
lie who does not know that no commu
nity can retain the principle of religion
apart from the Pnblic Worship of Ood.
has observed and read to very little pur
pose. Is it not plain from what has been
said in this nnd in previous articles, that
it is essential to the well being of this
city that the great mass of her citizens be
seen in the sanctuary on the Lord's day.
Bet. if instead, the great mass of thepeo-
p!e forsake tbe hoae of God on the Sab
bath, and spend the day at home, is idle
res and ia ways indifferent to very
thing religious, will it necesar.tfly pro
duce a state of society full of danger to
the future welfare of this city!
M. C Bctxxx.
Notice is hereby givca that I will
examine all person who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of the pnblic schools of this
county, at Red Cloud, on the third
Saturday of each month.
Eva. J. Kims.
Couat Sap't.
Craaa lasenaaatoaal rate.
Will take place, Taeeday, Neb. 26,
at Y. M. C. A. hall . Thia eater? ata
meet will he the grander 2ir of the
season, ana a t.pper of all the deliea
cies of the seasoa will be aecared. Tat
asaia attraction af the tveaiag wiQ aa
a ecaater atarea ia
the diffi
to coarlade with a tahleas with all
' the represeatatiTe ia a rirele areas
I U. S. aaa Geaaesa ef Liberty, after
1 which the patreas will proceed t ea
w . . ,- 1
j3j a gwa pst nimuihk.i
oaapsc, wiu a pan aw saw aaaaaaaaai,
Railroad !
Fare One Gent a Mile
I have this day concluded to open up
A Cash House, February 1, 1889,
Twill run a strictly cash house. Please call and nott my
priced. It will be a greater cut on prices than one cent m
mile by the railroad company. I will positively NOT nil
one cents worth of goods on time. If any goods that aell for
15c or two for 25c, I will sell for 12c, &c Will make exact
change so you see you will save 20 per cent by trading at a
Strictly Cash House. You will not have to help pay bad
accounts. As a credit business is run all customers have to
pay more for goods to help pay the lof sea of bad debt. I cui
do business for less profit for cash, and that is what I am go
ing to do
Sell Strictly for Cash or Produce !
So come and see me and you will say that I have ttruck tht
right key note to that great hereafter which means in a
commercial way great success in business. All will aay we
have found the place and the man to trade with. Come,
come, come and see me I will do you good.
-reat Cash House, no goods sold on time
bring your cash or produce and trade with
the best house in Southern Neb.
The Opera House Cash Grocer.
The Tide Turns!
Tbe people tiooii find nhere they can get Bargains and Young' C O. D. Era
porium is att:.;cliru, attention. Our price can not be touched by competition
No such bargains to be bad this aide ot Now York our headquarter. In the
maelstrom of.'mercanttle life, in the rush and push, and atruirj;Ie for supremacy
The Battle is Half Won in the Buying !
And with ua a Total Victory ia obtained in oellinj aa we bay tor caaa aad be
low real yalue. Our New York man picks up bargaiae that only lemg eiperi
ence and constant watching can secure, and every item thai passes orer eur
counters will be a thunderbolt from thu clear sky we will quote a tew of our
prices to give you an idea.
Plna lc per papar. Naadlaa lo pr paper, stood thread la wait. 3o emoo!,
SUk VaUintr lOo pr yard. Double width Vailln 16o yd taat otmara
aak 40c for same. Draaa Buttons, from 3c to lOo pr dos. taat
merchants usually aell rrom 16o to 40c tor saraa fooda,
large) call knitting cotton 6c pr ball ssad so on
wc could name a thousand things that we sell at half what otaerj ask M
still oar competitors look on snd wendcr how we cae afford tc de it.
We ate constantly receiving goods from our buyer that surariaM area ear
velvet and the lucky ones that call at our fUrc sooa, take advaatage ef
uch chances the goeds don't last long, tho trouble ia to get enough
of them. Moving onward, ever onward, wr will by indosntabie cirrtatiea
and zeal, gain the fore front of the mercantile battle backed by the alausaty
toiler, which exerts an all-powerful influence in scooping here, there aaa
everywhere, picking up tho greatest bargains for the least Money aad giviag
you the greatest beaefit ever offcted to the parehasisg public. Our fc
troidrries, laces, white goods, 4c. have arrived.
The Golden Eagle
Tailoring Departm'nt
Just received a large and complete line of
For Spring and Summer Wear !
A special offer the next
60 DAYS'.
All wool suits made to order for
$25, $27, 828 and $30.
Pants that wc have heretofore charged 10, 1 1
and 12 dollars ior will be sold for 8, 9,
and ten dollars.
We don't want you to think that wc intend to
do a cheap trade. The cause of this reduction
is that we have bought these goods dirt cheap
and intend to give our
of the bargains. All
ing clothes this spring
advantage of this opportunity.
customers the benefit
who contemplate
should not fail to
WiB Houghtotx Mamafet.
isVvM aa aw ssaaa;
, s