The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 22, 1889, Image 2

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A. C. HOSMEK, frUr.
pen rv OTTD.
Tite recent riots in Some are charged
to French agitators, some of whom
have been arrested.
The Grand Lake Coal Company, one
of the largest coal firms in Pittsburgh,
Pa., is embarrassed.
John W. Stkeet, inventor of the
improved cattle car, died recently at
Chicago aged fifty-two.
Fbom the comments of the European
! If. Floquet's fall created u deep
iaipitNwlon in Her in and Vienna.
SKMAtTti.i.KK says the use of his
suae in WiVnection with a Cabinet
.ppoIntmentjueVfititiroly unwarranted.
Qlasa.a 4 by Ttesraph and IfaiL
s k
collection of
broajrht the sum of
Arm pasting several bills of a private
and local character the Senate oa the Itth held
aa Executive session for a few annates and
then resumed consideration of the Naval Ap
propriation bill, which after further debate and
amendment parsed. After a Ions debate the
Pacific Kailroad Fundlnir bill was laid aside
and the report of the Committee on Privileges
and Elections in the Washington County
(Texas) caw taken up, and the Senate soon ad
Journed....When the House met the Senate
blU to enable the President to protect the in
terest of the United States in Panama was re
ceived and referred. The House then resumed
debate on the Smalls-Elliott election case
which continued until the close of the session.
In the Senate on the 13th the conference
report on '-be Consular and Diplomatic bill was
presented and screed to. and after some routine
work the Senate proceeded In a body to the
House of Representatives for the purpose of
i counting the electoral vote for President and
Vice-President. Upon returning to the cham
ber the proceedings were entered on the Journal
and the resolution in regard to the election in
Washington County, Texas,! until
, adjournment.. ...In tbc House Mr. Oate.,
j from the Judiciary committee, reported a bill
tn Slfnpnil thl VntnraHMtlnn lave and f hf In.
.!!.. nHn..-i...l ft. Ill ... .... ..r-
. niCDJins. j the ficnati: wa-. received in a for the nur-
at auction pose of counting the electoral vote for President
and Vice-President.
the private
. m t - '
Hastt members of the Vlei
toeracy hare been swiadledi
brass . filings for Russian gold
They cm get no redress
A oovFAxr has beea formed in New
York which proposes to make
chines for the delivery of postage
tamps automatically by dropping a
coin in the' slot.
gn : uuii iccrivaiucnh Aiicrum procecmnK rc-
nounced Harrison and Morton elected and the
Senators returned to their chamber. A long
and heated debate then followed on the Smalls
Elliott contest from South Carolinx The ma
jority report confirming Elliott in his seat was
final lr adopted and the House adjourned
lit the Senate oa the 14th the reio-
Jutton for a select committee of scvea Senators
irrigation and reclamation of arid lands was
eed to. One or two unimportant bills passed.
tor Wilson (Iowa) addressed the Senate in
of the bill rclatlna4o imported liquors.
AcfMsrence was ordered on the Legislative
11, and the resolution in tela
the I
. Owing to the violent opposition of
the people of Hungary to the proposed
Amy bill. Premier Von Tisza has
amended it In several particulars and
it is now expected to pass.
A careful estimate at Cheboygan,
Mich., of the logging stock for the
coming season shows that the cut will
reach 140,000.000 feet of lumber. Mill
nen look forward to a very busy
Hox. Jehu Baker, who dofeated
Colonel William R. MorrisoB la the
Congressional election two years ago,
has given up his contest in the
Eighteenth Illinois district against W.
S-Formaa, Democrat
The New York corn shippers are
beginning to be worried over the grow
ing importance of Balthasjn as a
shipping point, and an investigation of
the Baltimore & Ohio railway com
tariffs is talked of.
The Duke of Norfolk has decided
ot to visit the Vatican again. The
Pope is said to be much displeased at
Lord Salisbury for refusing diplomatic
relations. It is asserted that Irish in
fluence is gaiaiag.
The Joint resolution Bfptwjiristlng
$500,000 for payment to the legal rep
reseatetives of the bite James B. Eads
has beea signed b. j the Provident, as
! tbXcl for the relief of Gea
ral "ftaldy" Smith,
BEPRMENTATn'E Matsox, of Indi
ana, chairman of the Hosie Committee
on Invalid Pensions, was presented rc-ceatl-by
his committee colleagues
.with a magnificent clock and a large
olid silver double cigar case.
Orders have beea Issued on tho
Pennsylvania road that no freight ex
cept perishables shall run on Sunday.
Talrmcn will stop work at ten o'clock
on Saturday night, and will not return
to their work until seven o'clock Sun
day evening.
The Bouse
aaaeadaeaU f !
asked a fstH
port of tfc
the Terrtt
and a farther
Y.) offered a
tae Dtu so aa
So th Dakota
proposed Stat
basis, either!
ten. Asnbttl
providing for i
Montana aad Wi
Baker. The
Mexico waa j
alderstios Um
AMo:ro th
oa the 13th watl
the allotment st I
aad MUal
The credent
(Maw.) were.
Muscogee or
W. H.
forty-oae prlt
es. After
the lata
Tom AxwoRTiir, the city treasurer
of Cleveland. O.. who decamped from
there hut fall, alter appropriating half
a million dollarahas bought a large
block of real estate in Sault Ste.
Marie, vOnL A friend of his says he
will leave Toronto in a few davs.
tyARDiNAi. tiiHHONs. in piv:tcfiing a
sermon before the convicts of tho
Maryland penitentiary, remarked that
he could sympathize with their lot. as
he too had been in prison for six
years. "They culled it u college, 'tis
true." said the Cardinal, "but the dis
cipline was as rigid as that which
governs you now."
Luke Palmkr. an old and wealthy
citizen'of Burlington. Iowa, says that
ho has been swindled out of fS.OOO.
lie was tricked into a bunco gamo by
a lino looking young tn:in, wlio pre
tended to be tho nephew of a bank
president with whom Mr. Palmer is
acquainted. The victim is a brother
of General John M. Palmer, of Illinois.
the Tari
waa reported! f
Musy the I
stltsttoa, wh
to originate i
taaa aad Wash
retectJoB of,
acsUea aad v
rDsi-omee Apars
aklered la Coin
evealag sessiw.
bills msi
. In- the 8eaa
place Major Ja
Colonel l
Direct Tax Mil
and the rest f
Senator Coke
resolution oaf
election. ...Ial
on the
aad agreed:
duced taxation '
aad Means I
the Cowles oil
law (abollshb
Forney (Ala) ;
The Post-el
considered aa at I
Both houses!
of the House
13th when th
Col lege wet
igton County (Tex.) election
tsed by Senator Coke...
oncurred In the Senate
ie I.egisltalvc hill and
r conference. The re-
nfcrence committee on
Union bill was nrcscnted
nee asked. Mr. Uaker (X.
Jon instructing the Home
ude New Mexico. (S) amend
Ide for the admission of
Iamation, and (3) that the
forth Dakota, Montana and
admitted on the same
Iamation or net of admi-
fTered by Mr. Cox (S V.)
mission of North Dakota,
Incton was accreted by Mr.
isitlon to ..uilnate New
and pending further con
ad journal.
rep- .-te-l to the Sennte
ic House bill to provide for
ds in severalty to the Peoria
in the Indian Territory.
Senator-elect Washburn
icnted. The Senate bill to
the agreement with the
Indians and opening for
icd lands in th Indian Tcr-
Tlie bill to retire General
lth the rank of Drigadler
id. The Senate pasned
nslon bills in twelve mlti-
lutions and eulogies upon
inn Robert on, of Lonlsl-
ilJourned....Ia the House
1th Senate aaendments.
Mills also reported a
lUbsUtntlon of a now Tariff
s la conflict with the Con
the House the sole potter
leasure. The rcsolut'on in-
con ferees on the Territorial
as agreed to. It pro-
ion of North Dakota. Mon-
m. The Senate bill for the
irican interests in Panama
was ordered on the Fort!-
n Appropriation bills. The
ation bill was further con-
itee of the Whole. At the
lirty-three private pension
on the the bill to
Ilelger on the retired list as
he conference report on the
presented and agreed to.
session was occupied by
ldrt-sing the Senate on the
Washington County tTt.)
House the conference report
tile bill was submitted
Two bills to ro-
reportcd from the Way
e. Mr. Ranuall reported
L-ndine tho Internal revenue
he tobacco tas), and Mr.
Irtod a minority substitute
fptiropriation bill was then
I Con Kress wet in tho hall
Representative ou the
isturns of the Rtectoral
Ined by Presiding Ofllcer
mm Harrison and Levi
fcl elccttl President ami
It the United States re-
Mccii comment has been caused in
Vienna by the news of tho holding of
a court ball at St. Petersburg. It is
stated that tho Czarina tried to pre
vent it, but that the Czar insisted
upon holding the ball because or a sim
ilar action in Austria during Russia's
mourning period. The Danish Em
bassy alone was invited to the Russian
A votUMixors substitute has been
reported to the Senate for the bill
fssed by the Honseto prevent swind
ling by what is popularly known as
"the green goods game." The substi
tute makes it unlawful for anyperson
to use the mails for the purpose of de
frauding by negotiation or sale of pro
tented counterfeit money or securities
under penalty of a fine of 9500 or las-j
prisoament for eighteen months or 1
both. The use of a fictitious name or , fairs
-awkswaaaJor this purpose is also made
ualawfal aad subject to the same pea
adtiwa .
The Baltimore American's Wash
IsigUm correspondent telegraphs the
lwr fwiWe HarriaM Cabinet
W cosubafT froaf a reliable source:
Secrwtary of Sute. Jaates G. Blaiae;
Secretary ef the Treasury. Charles Fos
ter, of Ok4o; Secretary of War. Jere K
Busk. f Wiscoasia; Secretary of the
Kavy. Jeha R. Tbossas. f ninois;
Secretary of AgricultaW. Warmer Mil
ler. sKew-Torkr Secretary .of the Ia
larisju J. sV-Nohie, f Hissourl; lost-BrisisTTTiBtr-1
Jte - Waaamaker,
ofsJswfivisaia; Attoray-Gearal.M.
KR. from the Committee
l Forestrv. has rerjorted
rfaiofaMi'an anieudment to the Agricult
ural Appropriation bill. Riving the Secre
tary of Agriculture 100,000 wilb which to
eon tints a the experiments is the produc
t.on end manufacture of sugar from
sorgbatu cane and beet.
TK President has nominated Commo
dore George E. Uelcnap to be Rear Admiral.
Cr.prntu Johu G. W.nlkerto be Commodore,
Commander Silas Casey to be Captain and
Lieutenant-Commander James it. Fordyce
to tie Commander.
Ijt consequence of its defeat on a motion
to adjourn In a debate oa the Constitu
tion revision question in the French
Chamber of Deputies on the 11th. the
Floquet Ministry resigned.
Assistant Gkxkbal ScrEniTrxxDEST
N. V. ltiKir. of the Northern Pacific rail
road, died the other day from the effects
of injuries received at Tacomi, Wmb, T.
AN Anti-Trust and Anti-Pool bill has
been introduced in the Minnesota Legisla
ture. The penalties are made very heavy.
Ex-SxcacTART William Wisdom re
fuses to either affirm or deny the report
that be had beea offered the Secretary
ship of the Treasury by General Harrison.
Latk advices from 8aasoa aay there has
been no change ia the situation. There
aa beea no Ightlag, aad Tasaasese aad
Mataafareakaialataelrsiroagaoida. The
British Coasal has waraed Bntisa sabjects
aottsauafMy natives with anas, and to
asaiataia strict aeatrality. TaeBrttiaawar
ship Calliope has replaced the war ship
Reyaliat. The Oenaaar aad Aanricaa
war ships rassala atatioaary. Heir
Braadeis, tha IsasHag psrltsi w of Tasaa
sese, has beea recalled to Berlin.
Cattaw F. M. Raaseey, United States
navy,' has btea ordered to daty as Com
asaadaat of the Breoklya aavy yard, aad
Commodore George Belkaap, aow at the
Mare Islaad aavy yard, has beea ordered
to take command of the Asiatic aasdrsa
Tub qaarral between Iadiaa Cosmmls
tloaer Oberly aad Secretary Tilas was be
fore the Senate Coauuttee oa Iadiaa Af-
tly when arach a( the earre-
leaos was sahentttsC
Tws Baase Cnaiailttii oa Appropriations
has decided report a eahetitate far the
Cewles Iateraal Reveaae Mil. prepeahsg
entire up i al ef the tahascs tar. hat
ttiag the MaMoashiae etiaai ef the
Cowles hilL- y - -.j r
SacajwABsrf AracsaxBrwsif aaatasSaad
hastily to Caseaovia, H. T est the 13th by
a dispatch aas saiiwat that his veaerabl
father was dyiag trasa a strakewf
Tax relatieats
aad Lord Lytsoa, She awttish
a poeat sc eusjaesta.
McTrxjaa. ef she M
Charah 8eath, prsslliat f the Vi
Uaiversitv. died at JUehviels,'
thelTth. si
Tn Chicago, BurliaEtoa & Qalacy rail
road directors have declared a dividead of
oae per cent
A uvaXT war on freight rates is brew
ing among the Atlantic steamship lines.
The White Star Company has cat rates
from Europe fifty per cent and the other
lines are ready to follow suit
The official trial of the new gaaboat
Yorktown was made in Delaware bay re
cently and was pronounced a success.
Tbs stock bam of D. Henry Riemaa near
Emmettsburg, Md., in which were several
valuable horses aad a great quantity of
produce, was destroyed by fire the ether
day. Loss, ?.t(XX; cause, incendiarism
TilREK building in Gluckman & Heller's
block, at Chippewa Falls Wis., were de
stroyed by fire the other inorninsc. The
loss on the buildings and stock was about
$170,000. Partly injured.
The Ilartholomay, Genesee, Rochester
and possibly the Miller breweries, the four
largest in Rochester, N. Y., have, it is
sail. passed into the hands of the
great English syndicate said to have 125,
WO.OjO capita!.
There is some anxi-ty among farmers
and miners in California on account of the
absence of rain iu tha valleys and snow
in the mountains.
Bu.sim.SS fa lures (Dun's report) for the
soven days ended Felnuary 14 numbered
2-S3. compared with 'JM lh! jrevioas week
and 273 the corresponding week of last
Jons Lee was hanced at Alexandria,
Minn-, recently for killing his rival ia a
love affair in cold blood after a spree.
John Moe, his partner in crime, was
granted a commutation at the last moment
JiT the explosion of the boiler of a loco
motive at NorristoMrn, Pa., recently the
engineer nnd fireman were killed.
Four ladies were severely hurt In
Chester, Pa., recently by a collision be
tween a railway train and a street car.
The Opera House block in Cape Vincent,
K. Y.. and the bank in which were 7W
pounds of opium recently seized have beea
destroyed by dre. Los, $40,000.
MoxnoE Wilkeusov, a colored mur
derer condemned to be hanged at Scotts
ville, Ky., March S3, made a desperate at
tempt to escapo the other night but was
recaptured and chained to th jail floor.
Jon.vUnAY. a prominent citizen of 1'iits
ton, Pa., was found murdered on a by
street recently. Italian robbers were sus
pected. The committee appointed at the recent
meeting of the American Shipping and
Industrial Leactie have presented to Gen
eral Harrison the resolutions udopted by
tho league.
Mits. Oi.ivee E. FitlEKD, her stepfather.
William E. Howard; her mother, Emily
Howard; Orrin A. H.ilstead and George
HnNtcad. the parties charged with con
Mihncy in the Electric Sugar Hefining
Cu'iipnny frauds, have been ariested aad
p aced in jait nt Ann Arbor, Midi.
Clearing house returns for the week
ended February 10 showed an average in
crease of IS 5. Iu New York the increase
was W. L
McDoukai.i.'s elevator and adjoining
mills at Montreal burned recently. Lose,
The American schooner Carrie W. has
been seized, at Ht. Andrews, X. B., for a
mistake in tho manifest
The Missouri Pacific has inaugurated a
system of economy by taking off local
trains on the Wichita, Lexington aad
other branches, compelling through traius
to do the local work.
Thirty feet of the surface over an aban
doned mine on Mulberry street, Kcranton,
Pa., caved in recently, breaking off the
ens and water pipes and stopping street
cars. Gas from the broken pipe ignited
and before it could lie turned ofT exploded
with terrible force, tho concussion knock
ing people down and endangering sur
rounding property.
The Typographical Union has taken
charge of tho coraposine room of the
Chicago Globe Publishing Company. This
acquisition makes every newspaper office
in Chicago n anion office.
The new Owings block, corner of Dear
liorn and Adams street, Chicago, one of
tho largest buildings in America, collapsed
on the morning cf tho 17th. Ten floors fell
one alter the other-.
Business on the London Exchnngo dur
ing the week ended February 10 was in
active and depressed hecauso of Afghan
rumors. American railroad securities
wero unsettled. The Continental bourses
were quiet and tirni, French rentes show
ing n rise, Panama shares a fall.
The steamer Mnripo-u from Australia
ami tho Saiiioau Klnndu arrived at San
Francisco on the 10th. Among her pas
sengers wns John C Klein, the American
newpnper correspondent, who figured in
tho Berlin dispatcher as having led the
natives in tho recent buttle with the Ger
mans, but who claimed to have witnessed
tne fight as a non-combatant in his ca
pacity as correspondent
Neswaatns Leglslatere.
THE Senate held a short session ew the
11th corasneecicg at focr o'clocx p. m.. a4
passed the hill autfcoraln; the chief ot police
ef Omaha to sell certain nnclairoea property,
and permitting the prucceds to go to the police
relief tuntl When the House met in the aficr
aoon barely a quorum was present. A bill cat
presented by Mr, llanthorne to compel pur
chasers of tax titles to notify all partlrs who
BoM njoruriircs on the property of the sa!r,
also one by the Committee on Public Lund
and Public Uulld!n to appropriate the sum of
eu.00 to repair the damages that r- sstled from
the recent cxp osion at the lusaae a lain, .id
JourneO. Bct little business was transacted by
theSenateut its raorainR -esion on t el'th. i
meet of the rslon bcisr conuinel in Commit
tee of Use Who!, discus n Corn-H' t 111 for a
constitutional amendment auttiorizlnc the in
A Xsiui City IJwrv Mafcl Destroyed
'lfr-Oar of the I'ruprtvtara sad "lety
Herae tturuesi.
Kansas City. Ma. FeU IS. A roaring
farnace 1U0 leet xiuare, ninety or more
valuab.e hor.-e in ther drath agon ire
adding their unearthly scream of anguish
to the btursf roar and crackle of the
flame, one human life Ixt and the posl
bili'V of many other, a broken wateraiaia
and a helpie- tire department howrrof
tirr f.i'Iing upon tlif roofs ot innuiuerab.e
frame drlling little wonder is it that a
feeling of terror and utter-de.pair spread
through the ;rrat crowd that gathered at
Tenth and Trvost avenue at about e.evea
o'clock la.t niht, atLracted by thn ularat
of tiro.
The building in flames was the three
story liricS liverv bant at the southwest
vestment of the State permanent school fund ' wrufr of Tenth street and Troot avenue.
In district school bunds. At the afternoon
sion tie Sutherliind bill crantini; municipal saf. '
frage to women na indefinitely postponed. So ,
was Mr. Kobinson'a Mil on the same uij-ct .. ;
In the House a rcotutlon offered by Mr Mc- i
Urlde to the establishment of a court ot
claims wr.s defeated. The bill fixing the fees
of county treasurers vras favorably reported. !
At the attcrntxtn session : ri solution oSered br I
Mr. Cady was adopted alter a warm discussion,
It was a substantial structure, fronting
uiut 10 feet on TriKMt aenu and Truth i
resprctiveiv, wa o
relet View.
Baaux. Feb. 1&.-U the lUichsta yes
terday a white swk ia refereace to tha
Haasoaa matter was Introduced. It cosa
prises forty-four documents, eswadlac
frum Dvcetntvr s ISK to F hnsary iV. IXH
Among tue documents relating to revent
events is the report of the Ctrrtnsn Consul
at Apia, dated February - -V which
J dvcr."ure the endeavors of Ani. lean and
Englishmen to pruvok cotsSict.
A dispatch dated September A, 1V
dealt with the rolt of Mataafa and the
pprt gisrn htm b- Captain Lrery,
After an account ot th att-sck upn the
Germans on Dceratr 1- come a lttr "
frvm Count llrrlrrt llisiutrck. dat-rd Jan- I
I uary 1, to tbr tirrman M nistor at Wash- I
, itigtkjt and Luiiduii. lttsting tbrtu to In- j
form Secretrv ltavaid anil Iol .!- I
. J
Tk Kepart of Ike Hoe Way ! t
remsalllee rlttelaee tfce . xiST
WAmsRTor, Ft-U IT. Th pcr -f
Way and Means Commit! In rfnn,-
U th inat Financ CsMnmitt, !
Thy no ogr contend. a In ( rmr
yrarv thst Concrrst in lrsitu dit.
hc-ul.l .1 scrim. nJ- in favor ot thA-n
producer to an estent suffli.rnt to vr
tbd-STm In th rst vf irolurti -n.
trot they no dmhd that th tax sbs.i
l so h-gh as to ptohibit th Importation
cf foreign In ordr that th- h"m
msrkat shall b tept for tb hom pro
ducer whr thy may cvraUu to i
tbff tiont ronumr at pr.c a hiih
th Iratttc wilt l-r. And thU tbor
jtleaaesl to call roteaia to Atmrwi
inlustr j'. Thr Industrr thv ar prs'"s t -ini-
U th Industry of roi btng th tasT
er, limiting pro-luctlm, bvling-ot. .1 -
Charging ami tsiTVit lalr lr-p
i ..-, . a. --. t .-l-ai . ... a -.
strt resprctiveiv. was owned bv tne " i-vhj nn.r .. ..nS ( ,,, ,,r tpr.-tio.i i.r o rnn.-
I.-....I.- Tr,.f..r..i i .iv.r, ,.s. .,.! tne m ,nuur Al ashuigtoii to cisiupiant toiivmraittM Is a policy tr rrsUrUoi
ifjsed to II. S. Fu. er aad J. It Ifottman,
who ran It as a Imarding stable, keeping
only a tetr horses nad bug);ies fur hire.
Over the main en ti unco ou Troost
avenue rnsiiiotl Mr. Holfiiiau ami his nil
appointint: a committee to inquire into the und sou I.eou, the Uv being nU,utthirtre.-i
charse of briery of members. Mali's Maxi-. ve.irs of oce. Tbrv'had nlras.tnt atart-
nmm Kailrol Tariff bill was discussed until ,nvnU, Weii furnished and cimlortabic lu
aljiurnincnt ,,Vorv ,e,prt:t ilr. Kuller re.ulesat Tenth '
The .Senate on the 13:h put In the morn- fceJtnU Virginia avn.ue. Mr. HolTiuau ,
agpasilne the Mils already approved in Com- J rrmved lo UlM t.,tv ,rom iiaiUn- ,,L ,
mittee of the Whole. The only on-; to protoktv J4 , , , , ,. , .-,, s ,, it ,
:.ny dlscus.lon was Senator IjatuS bill for a jkv j Of0,t4'U"r' tul Mr' tulJcr U aU oM "",lll
lice relief fund In cities of the metropolitan ,thiscitv. j
class. This was finally passed with the emcr- ilJ"lar w: "'"t from the engine
gency clause omitte.1. The Srnaie also passed 'lol' t Eleventh ansl Troost, and thrde-
I purtmeui resMniiti promptly, iui by ten i
i time tb tlrst hose reel reachel the scene j
. of ac ion ttie tlauirs weiebienlkin? throuiU .
IIerdziit ii.AiisToxn has written a let
ter defendng the evictions on his father's
estate at llawarden. Eng., ns perfectly
comatih!e with upholding the cause of
Irish tenants.
It is reported that at the coming session
of the Itiitish Parliament the Government
will propose . 'i defense loan to be devoted
to the construction of new war vessels.
A beauty show will l held in Paris
next April in which women rrpiesentlng
the American, Asiatic and Caucasian
races will participate. The (Irst prize wilt
be .i.0l0.
SccRETAnv E.vdicott disapproves the
site selected by Generals SchoTield.
Brooks ami Crook for the new Fort Omaha
in Nebraska and recommends the purchase
of a site farther anay fiom Umabo.
Secrxtauy Vilas has decided ia test
cases that Hioux scrip locations oa public
lands not made for the benefit of the
Indians are invalid. Large quantities- of
lands adjacent to towns ia Montana, Min
nesota and Dakota are involved.
J. G. Borde. an eccentric New Yorker,
hat offered a premium of 1,000 for thecitr
or towa ia F.orida which on Jnty L 1WS,
hall present the most cleanly condition ia
pablic aad private premises.
A TOaSADO passed through Bibb
Coaaty, Ala-, oa Us night of the 17th.
Several persons were killed.
Rocs Rapids, losra, waa devastated by
fire oa the 17th. Less. $73,000.
Ia tha Seaate oa the 16th the Kpriager
Oklahossa bill was favorably reported.
The State of Michigan was thanked for
tae statae or Lewie Cats. The Texas eat
rages reoIBtIoa was farther ceasidervd.
air. ixke coacladiar his argnsaent agaiaet
it. awstaeee ia tae Hease waa
the bill KiviriR the Tenth district two judge.
the bill permitting persons to asstciAte to in
snre their own property, and the bill making
counties liable to an individual "ho may suffer
damage by reason of a defective bridge or high
way. Mr. Cornell's resolution foraroustitutional
amendment relative to the Investment of the
permanent school fund was defeated. Mr.
Sutherland's U'-olmlon rcuestlnc the Hoard
of Transportation to make a schedule of freight
rates th it will prevent discrimination was in
definitely postponed after a warm debate. In
the House committers reported on many bills,
and the South Omaha Charter bill was consid
ered In Committee of the Wholr and recom
menced lor passage- Air. Hill lllullcr) intro
duced a bill uppropriutini; Ml 0 to pay the
damages caused by Ir. inilitus experiments
to prevent hog cholera At the afternoon tes
Mon Half s Maximum Itailroad Tarid bill was
further discussed. Mr (filbert's Usury bill
was discu sod at lengih nnd njKirted for Indefi
nite ioslpanemcnt. and rending the iiuestlou
of agreeinc to the report the House adJuurneiL
At the morning session of the Senate on
the Hth Senator Cornell offer -d a resolution
(the pre mblc to which recitet the large schtxd
fund on hand not druia anyinteiest) which
calls upon the Judiciary Committee to frame
and present such a constitutional amendment
as will , cmitt a judicious invest ent of th s
surplus. A ro olutlon by Senator Kuncfe. for
Uie sale of the Home for the Friendless and the
removal of the Institution to the experimental
farm brought ou a lively debate, but the rt-Kilii-
tien (which requests the Committee on Public
Lands to prepare and present a bllli was
adopted mils were considered in Committee of
the Whole . .IntheHousu all insurance bills
were reported back without recommendation.
The Gilbert Usury bill was ordered to third
reading. A lonx fight t-llowrsl the motion to
recommit the bill providing for a reassessment
Of certain railroad lands In Valley C.reelry,
Webster. Franklin and other counties, and the
notion whs lost. At the afternoon session bills
on general die were considered in Committee of
the Whole. HallV bill for submitting the ipie-s
tlon of llccnslrg saloons at village, and citv elec
tion aas recommended for passage. The
licenser Is llxed at f MSI for all villages under inhabitants and !.( for all cities of a
larger size.
The Senate on the l."i:h pnssed Mr. Linn's
bill for taxing sleeping cars ami Mr llnrton's
bill increasing the aggregate limit of taxes in
cities of io .VJ inhabitants t rum ) to -.3
jierceiit. The Committee of the Whole p
proven heniitor IMckctt s bill allowing news
papers to charge regular legal rates for publish
ing tax notices. Senator Conner's bill malting
abstractors liable under their Itonds for errors
was killed, and a similar bill by Senator Shan
ner met the same fate by a tie vote....
In tho House the bills providing that
all employes shall have the llrst lien
on the product cf their labor for their
wages, compelling all abstractors to file a
liond of fl'.u before commencing business,
and to prohibit civil ofilcers fr m practicing law
In the county of their residence were favorably
reported. A resolution reciting that the House
had 137 employes and that a committee be ar
pnlnted to ascertain the names of any that
fwiM be dispensed with, oorailonro" a long
wrangle, but was finally adopted mils
were Introduced. The remalnd-r of the session
was occupied in Committee of the Whole.
The Senate on the Kith pa-ed a resolu
tion tendering Senator Manderson a reccotlon
on the 19th and upiolnted a committee to loin
a like committee l-uni the House to make a!!
arrangements for the same, Mr. Funck"s bill
providing a uniform election baltot was consid
ered in Committee of the Whole but no final
action reach d. Mr. Hone's bill to provide
that t allot boxes shall be of g!a-s was also con
sidered at length, amended so us to apply only
to cities of !.) and over and recommended for
passage Adjourned uct'l Monday afternoon.
....The House alio appointed a committee to
tender Senator Mandcrson a reception. Hills
were considered In Committee of the Whole
Among the bills favorably rcj-orted was the Dog
Tax bill, Adjourned until Monday.
th t'n ted S atr. (.ovrrnm-nt that th I mtr .-alnt lmt-ortatloa of ptoducts. h.t
i Amrncau, Kie n, was promttirnt !: th ! ftrict on against th dlsttlhalibn o'
j fighting. The Minister ufuilhrrlnstruc- i Atih among th tass.f b- jserni.tirn
J rd to dec are that G-ruiny adhrrrd to thftn to buy bf Iher can Uf cbi-si
her treaties and w 'i d respect the r ghta aa, .; M hPrv thsr can sa'l hirh'sl. It
founded thereon nnd u d apical to U Ui a rwitrictoti agilnsl rmji'iii nil m t
I Gorernmcnts to co-operab. actively with S loiter wgr It Is roitiidri tr thm
tlnmanv and ro-e.l.ttk;ih trnqnl!. ty. ! ihAt jf M. rttiude for-lgii uojHWlsur vsi
J .in uary Caut Heit-ift H.siuatvs tle- . manufacturer d thir wortiwn :f
graphed to the German nl ApU aai4 thm end lv up;oysa4.l,
' that, en account ot an Agreement with lb 1 popl..."
filled Stales and (Ijr-ft Urt-a "lis the an- i Xbr jrjsort then adduces tlgUfrs and
negation of Suh. by (irrniauy ws out .tat.stics of th teraibis of lh a IT
of the quesitiun. j mw in talyat to ml tlS-titt., .sn-
A d.spat.h sent tothGrrmsnrml-sie triiticm and ilrc sts that th- yat-
at umilosi and Vt nshlntott Jauuaty U , which shovsefl,: iiiipsrUtl
........ . ...
stnleil ttinl tne object of tlir UillltArr '
mensurrs a;atnt Mataafs ami his tr-
tbw ro.if and in a few -cml. were lrap- j tisatis wn tou i.sli thnmu- derris of (ir
mg toward tho heavens, enstiug a ruddy man soMjets and to cuir to Geiman aub
rrtlectlou upon the snow laden clouds that JCts thr f o.sefjslcm of their props ty.
could be eell for miles. I A divumrnt datd lebiunrv whU'h
All was confusion in a moment, and the ent by Oaint HerUrl H.msick tc
occupant of the small frame duellings I Admiral Vou dr Voltx. chief of the Ger
tiackrd thicklv togetuer iu that ixitmlous i nsan Admuaitr, ay; "German v la not at
lielghloriiood. became panic stiicknn, and
leguii to move tli-ir household etfects into
the streets. The cable cars vserw tqx
mill hose I ahl. when suddenly the coiifu
Ntoil was orso confoumlnl by the discov
ery tlint a water tuaiii had burst, and that
the apparatus was for thu time boin
utterly ustdes. j must talo
Suddenly a crv was heard Issuing from j eludes by
warwith Maui.ia. as tho trim Is under-
stvr.i by International law, but she rrgntds j
Tnmnseseas th rightful Hirer ami Mataafa '
as a ieUl, against bom nnd hi f.'llowrt, j
retnii.ttuu must ln etUorcriL Anyone
tniulmg by them Is a promoter of the con- :
ll ot letef thrm nnd lh Gerninua and i
tho building and the form or n man was
seen at a second story window to tho
right of the Tioost avenue entrance, lit
bin st the glass nnd shouted "Help!" lu
tones of indescribable anguish. The fire
men quickly xit up a ladder and hn ,
started for it. when a shudder ran through j
the throng of helpless spectators ns lift ,
was seen to throw up bit bauds, totur
and fall into the nieuwny below, a dis
tance of per hup thirty feet.
Willing hands quickly Lore him aero a
the street to the residence of Mr. II. G, !..
1'ier, but by the time lie had lieeii placed
upon a bed there life Mas extinct and
shortly nfterucid his remains were ie
moved to Carlat's undertaking rooms.
The houses in the vicinity that weregir
stroyeii or paitinlly so were as follow':
Itrick rcsideni.'o Imlongiag to James
Montgomery, janitor of the American
Nutiorinl Hank, partially destroyr.1;
loss, .V.s; insured. Hmall fraum
dwelling next to the bam. owned
by Mrs. Montgomery, mother of
Junius, totally destroyed: loss. jNOill
Fin me dwelling on alley just south of
the rear or western iMirtlon of th stabln.
owned by A'lert Mooie. partially burned
the consrquoncei.
drdai nig that nothing It
change I til the Ugnl hIMo!i of foietgn
subjects In S-iuto-4.
Tlir tlut UMik end with ix long
from th (ietm.tti Consul at Apia. It it
defed Jtnnary t nn. I Int. tbiitreu append- !
liv. dealing Withetrntt frum lrermlt
It, 1N,. These record that, Unvtulwi J'J
wrfs among tb tlarirsi in uur iniiutiv
historv. It I rvtitititfl that rdutvt
duties mnan lstgr r ij.ortitltous, and bat
tllCI-at IlllJnM taljis b1S itd
protwrity, lhat: -t cret. of lis aesl
tnunirsl In ih I'niwd rstste at pro
ducrd at a loert t than In li!gn cstm
tr'ra, which is a suClcirnt aawrtvte
ii'SlfCMS that flow luiportatitatt ssinslj r-
utt In ruining ur induttr r and lal-or
It Is said that i-,ui-tlii In rt will ln
rrrasr thr lui.itaiio of the articles mm
lliiMtf td. Ct'listitutilis; r than uprt)ut.
t f thf Coiisumt'll hi. bul tt tstttitd not bring
to this CsMIIIttV an of the itlto.1 Itut
piotuo-d t loiuir, lvaurhr CAfllait4
arr prvhluir-l and iUil char than th.
can Iss prtMtuce.l tlxiintaii,! Imixti lv.l and
old heft lit CtililM(illfi with iMIf unit,
MisiiulftCturtls f.isor high dull Ui'suir
thry roli thrm to eoiitbtlK UP.HI p tee
far In rsc.t otdinar) ptls. Tti-l's-i-ing
of duties I I li t lners.e tS 'inst In
Hull of any of thr atlit-irt ts tiud a msau
facturtt at home. Itut It w II usi th
and then cnihed by s falling stall; loss that the (irr
Jiaianin iu a nuiuiilr inter uii;lit toopn , prle of ttn aiticlrt b tm c"n.uoi.f It
negotiations with thn Consul, but would ; will lncrr hm ttMporltUi iifrrtait
not sjirrrndrr himself, although pledges tlmfs of inw mntritafs r' ittsi n,
were givtu that hi lite would to ;atnl
In a sulxrqtirut letter Mataafa promised
to surrender in thn pirtriir of the llrltish
and American Consuls, but t.i I in man
Consul drcliiieil to rntrrtnlli the olTor.
; iovemlirr VI l'r-ttc lllsruarck sent a
telegram saying that If tho vindication of
iniitasesc was impostlbltt tint utmost ad
vances should lo mad to rrcoitcdti him
with Matanfa.
Ici!iiiler a Ir hluapp reported that
th American coramandrr at Apia was
ttirrfng th natives against th (tornmne.
Iecemlrr IT Mr. lltalock cotnptainr
that diunk-n sailors from th flrruinn
man -of-w fir Olja h. niuimlttrd outrages
lu Apia, entering Kimn ami wimndine
men and
later that
tiinutifarlurrd'Htl wr sitrb llianafArt
uird artiol-'s a t tu not Ik iruatH. ml b-r-Th
committer st : t' tti-ofMi eit
not ttnsiit to th- Utii'it w l.leli iri
lrn lilllirs.tatlugl rltHtxl U) thr ub-
titul of tbr Srnatr, tit lc tURilfxl
nlld drcltrrd lit tt Klllsllir ( 'tiinmill" 1
destructive of ad Atnrrli'aii !, .
crpt thai of IruMdlllg Up prilr. las-
nllitsiot'l t rnrlchrd aud to,l So.bjf a
lifOst t lltlttll of tbr taS'Hg IHisrr of III
I Wotrmmnit. It probiblts linie.f tallon
prohibit ri portal Ion. pruhltdt tnf.lot -mnit.
I.hI t.tit and dlstti-sfr UI-t an I
prom.itrs deslltutloti ! sulTHsg
throtish' ul tb land. Th fnit lull h
cbangrd His ad tatorrm ralrs whrrrrrr H
Wiinieu. Ir. Knapp rrporll J could I doir.tnd uhtlltltrdpr'in- iatrs
fregnrr had spread n rumor In thrir s'rsd Thu t-hancr , i,t
Hmall. llMil lA.h ti.a-9 .l.l.tH ... ..I..m ...t -lu....u at 1 a .
Mlsrellanrona. .
TnE other afternoon n Superint-ndent
Kelley, of tha insane asylum at Norfo.k.
was returning to the asylum from town,
and had reached a grm e about n mil from
town two men rode ojjt from among the
trees and began llrfngntliim with a re
volver. The doctor w hipped his hore into
a run and th men did the same and fol
lowed, firing nt intervals for nbout three
quarter of a mile. The doctor was struck
twice In the arm nnd once in th shoulder,
probably fracturing a bone. A fourth shot
iascd through his ccat collar clos tj the
probably i-ifK The rrsidenc of Mrs. Wil
liam Kcctex, across the alley from the rear
of tho barn and facing Tenth stiert, was
slightly dnmngrd b. Hie and is In danger
fiom the port on of th west wall now
standing nnd liable to fall at any tlm.
There were iilnet y-two hotsrs in th
bnrti nnd they occupied three stories of
the southern one-third of tha building.
They ranged fiom common draft horses to
somoofthu llnest roadsters In the city.
Among thu more vatu.ih! animals lost
wer loiirtf-eti tlint ilralt hot belonging
to .Vorth. Orr.sou & Co.; valuable toml
sters Itdoiigii.g to I)r JL It. l.wis, J. J!a
lOtito'. Dr. .V. A Drake, Mrs. T. M. Jainos,
.Mrs. M. J. Tarue, Dr. K. M. Johnson. W.
C. ,iinilrtii. Dr. J. A. Ilmd. Mr. J. S. Mi
lls. Dr. Dinle valued bis horse, Urdltght.
nt j.V.i. ami W. C V unlan hits oftn
named j.x) n, the prlc of bis ur
rel gelding, Ulmidie. Mr. Cuiiilau also
lost two blooded colts worth about
i4t) rnch. Mnny litu carnages and
wagons were destroyed nnd tha total Joss
on ntiiiuaU nnd vehn-les will rrnchJT,(A
Mi. HolTma i's body was examined by
Coroner K s.on at Cnrlat's and h found
w!iat at tlrst aparl to l a knife stnb
in th breast. It was very deep, nud for
a lnoment thero were suspicions of murder
and arson. Uou probing th wound,
li9wm-r, the doctor found a long triangu
lar pice of glass, shoniiig that th d
crised bad received thr wound in break
ing through a window. This wound nlon
without ins fearfui fall would have caused
mans bad len forbiddrn to induct ami simplify ih l. til t. t
Inter Terr. This tumor had th rflVct of
encouraging the natives, who stoned (J
man sallora and drstroyr.1 Cut man pi op.
In January, lieei, Prnc Illsmarck noti
fied Ir. Knapp that reprisals wrr nrcrs
sary, but only such as vt rr consonant with
th treaties of Kngland and Amrrica. The
t'hnncrlor said. llrcaus Mahaafa a
sauttrd Tamaen wr hall Intrifrtw only
by tureonng Taniasrsr. " 1'ilric Itlsmarck
chargfxl I)r Knapp to entreat ih othr
foirlgti i'oiiiiiIs to combine In order to ri
tor peace.
e m
Arrr.t of a .Stan at Kansas I ll ovir4
to w -Ittarsi Hart tbr lwir ltlBl.wa.
Kaiss City. Ma. FU Id- II. L. or. j
ton was nrrtl on Union strcu tW- !
dav aftrrnoon on tba itnul r.t tli- i,.ia )
- ....... ....,....,
from Iursa. Knn It It a l-r-1 tbst h
mi in) suiy in, m. it i, fr mat pu'pv.
that th ln-ifi.- 1st Is usnl and it Is t
CsUs ih ad 4loim tat will nvl smsjf
that purxisr that It condrtiin'l bt th.
whtt favor bull ratrs of latstion, ,i
jilstlOeitlon for th numi t aitgrs from
ad vatoc-Mi to sjteeifte rates b ttir KiManos
CoiMmlltrr, It ( rhoH that ritvtn..,.
flatlds base ltl rrr prt'aUd Uttdsi (
ad va'urrtn Kiauds si not th-pio-liirtnf
any parttrulaf avslriit and
ystrrn Is es-mpt frm thrm. 1'isad I
th product of tattuM and it 'tMni.-
at to lr rn In all systems ami at ait
ralr. high ami low and th nuttd
and magrtlt!i')r of th fraud
maatur. by the nmwiHl fit lh lisirdo
llllM..- up.,f( th tatjisy-r and the faetttlf
ljr its rvasioti."
lh irjift .a-. ,at tli is no grrl
raott why th sugar bounty .oUl.
of th Hrtial Mil sbould I- dapl. atxl
ronoludrs with the ltvRtnt thst Dims
will trally Is no inUHoo In
, rrfrnu under the . vui,Hf th rM.
",i-f yi".
llrlHf Silt Wewe t'wtaH(r
lfrrM.T ! sr4a.
"fh Ways aud
waat af a qaoraas,
Tats United 8tates teasser Vaadalia ar
rived at Hoaolala Febraary 1
Tn strike saotr tike seaasea ef tka va-
rieae British parte is saksristiac aa4 Use
seen are accepting tae ceeat rossiee is
of the skip owners.
T. J. TaTtra. a Beatb-r o tkeCitr Costa
dl aad tae leading Miller of Ffert Worth,
Teav, was killed ia hisaiilltaecaaerabxkt,
kis l telac caaght by aa elevator spiral
aad berri&y asaasled.
TMBlaeiarea tae escoad enhletelfce
Xczicaa Teletrapa Ceeapaay trass Ceataa-
coaleaa. Hex., to Oalvsstaa. Tex. eras
Ta Caleaga, BarMacte Qaiaer
taUe extent of MM ailitiantk,
neck. A mnn named Soudirr and Ins U
brolner-in-Inw were subseinrntly ar
resteil en the charce of m 5 kin the as
sault. A sister of Soudirr recently died
at the institution whtl undergoing an
operaiiou in charge of Or. Kelley.
A few evenings since Samuel Ankeny
was murdered at tho horn of his brother.
Edward Ankeny, twelve miles northwest
of Sargent by Fred Pierce. The men bad
qaarreled and apparently made up when
Irieree secured a revolver and shot Ankeay
live time. The mardered man was un
armed and was shot down at the door of
his brother's house and in the presence of
his brother and brother's wife. It seemed
to have been a family quarrel m the
Pierces and Ankenys mn related.
Union's greatest seed at present is a
Tas supervisor of Batter Coenty have
decided oa eahealttiag a proposition to th
voters te tmibJ a court house at David City
to cost front fXk.W to tsStOOu.
FaaxK Wimoa. sereiac a sentence for
earrjriBs concealed weeptxts, sad Kraak
Hoyf, who was awaiting trial in the dis
trict coart fcrewiadJlBg fanars by the
shell caane. escaped froat jail at Dakota
City she ether alght.
FoarOnana has beea re-located oa a
tract of acres of land eight miles aetata
of Oasaha. aear Belleview, ia Harpy, the
adjoiaiag coaaty.
Tsaasrwarda A. R. post has paaeeda
reeetatesa iaderslag Captaia Paxkiseea's
caadidacf for etsssavsaier of the Scale de-
Miorklnc I'atr of T. Voimg Hunters Hf m
tanitelr tit f'af f lr.
lUwujts. Wv. T.. FeU IT. Ind-t-nd-er.os
rock, th most noted landma k of the
ovrrlnnd routf- to Ca iforn a. was tj.
s-rne of a rrmnrkablr fatality throe dare
nco. Dtniel Stociw-it came to tbff Tern- t L?rita tor
toiy from Ohio lnt Anr"t and purchatrd f luprclf-r Job
a suiall ranch on buffalo crrrk nsr tb " and Ufm
rtsrk. hor four wrrks .Strkei has had jotnte blrn int to
as guests Ailerl nnd (trorg Avry, young
men whose parents live near Vuungstow n
I "lilack Hart," th famous Ion high
Wat man of California, charged with in
numerable taze coach lot t-ll. Jllark
Hart's" latest riploit wa tn robbery of
tbr Utidrd Mtnt- mall eHch near In
gram's rntuh, M'ndoeino Connty, Cali
fornia. Oil tlir tliz-ht uf IlM-riil-.-1 I..,
.Horn month arolta. .arnr.l h-.u.. I . w'l3of.s. l-.l, J
-Cted that on H I. (Joiton, a Kansas?'-" l",n,l,,, hoft io-.tioi
City th war. was th-one high-J ,r"U",'r rtwr, lt fall of r
waymsn" or ' illack Half Kvr etnc M"- Tb" MM Pan TarJiT I. II. whertt
th-iolfbery of Drcemb-r I Cniied Mtetes M" I",,'l' stjMitte, -.,
d-tecttve bav- t-rt! anx'ontly looking ; "JIJr "wclre.I and drl lo h r
for him and in J.nuiry tliv struck bU'i ln,Ui " U" "" Aelliig
trai'. or ni ir they bvl. Knm fan i ""' iwlt,e ..tlust t, ut.
Francisco they folJow blm to lCi.... www,a " tiete. mto a Ja-.
ttutn ? '""" "e revrtitt ilttl,tOj
ty and then. 1 I! ..'" " ' ""' r"-"' "' !-
rgsin to Ineia. Kan. A ( .lev Kol M ' l"lMg the fr Ut
I'ot-.nic- In.p-ctor Jo. ; J t,n.rn tik wl,h r,, 'ldiUf ms-le fr h H-n.(r.
Up the ca and 'irut hit iatups" ou the " wo,," b-r. J b-o.iest. rttw
u:pnt at lr.-x. W..M left ""' """ "'l'. telri .ng i,
. - . ... 9 vv. .,"'- "I'M WM
City; from Kansas Cltjr loi'Iere and, I
CJrvriand back to Kansas City andth city yesterday afternoon . f'J '""'"'l '" d tft plst. fcb
ohnson was on Ih- .am- tra a I '" U"kX " tb "- Ull. Th1h.
arnval at tb Ut.n Ii I lrf sde ,r-l dat aad other t.a.
' 1. f. f-i..
fi'ir.. at i ito 'ifisi-
' ii.i- r ....
f M.t Ta.rt.'.wt m U-kll. ., .....!
Indrfrfiiilenc rock, they noticed some cat
tle forming a latgn circl- of which thsy
were tb cn'.er. Jjtockwrd. f-arm;; a
stampede. counr:rd Sight to Indsprn-i-rncs
rock and told hi ;nsU to drop thrir
guns and run tor tber live. Htockwell I
rapidly got ahead ,f them, and oa reach
ing the tock wns born fled on iovk.tlg tack
to llnd that thr young mrri la thir des
juration had m.vir a stand against the
maJdrn-fl cattl- and dlschargl their first
arm ia th face of the frweasst.
The beasts in the lead attempt-! to
chsnge thir costrse. tmt those behind
!orce-l thrm over th tackles yoeng maw.
Ibe entire brrd of at leeet U b-ad
trampled over the bodiee of the Averyc
The reasaun wer wholly nareogiaelse.
Orrftletin. who plaee.1 J, m nnd-r aijetl j ""'
and took him to th-central tat Cm. where i ' "
be was In cell So. a and bkd u
to a fU tb
acU'Mi of the
tbl as dft- 1 -sf. IK. .o-taiell
,- Ut h vine st is.J Ut
ns-t imioeltsi "mi.muhc. i. ...
t d . .. .......
Uo.eintseoSl '""WT w -sv-ssiv i.ifn., a:rlt-t a
j faroeal.lei.ts(rvei at v5oai U
-- it. wy liraeiai,t fffse-hinrbigs. f
Ctela.t's rntmr. RMl.l..r., I 'M&rr. blrh j. u f U.- xat.
Ntw Your. FeU 14.- Regard ng tt ; ,v, "1 ,b fr 1 "" tir us
foture X-.deb- f FMKlent Hovaland I ",t", ea X"Vrs-1 la Ih 1Ij.
af irr V arrh I. mac of th uJk 4titmi ,,i,J- its itn "'
lit is nrr gr!p sod re. werk. Mr I !"" fe ',,,,t Mh lv CV
("Jevrlanl will lit in J.rv-dJra and not lei Ml ,"i itwlade (, r.. -Jk.i
w York as reported. .-t.- hsse , w "' vit t&en r tV- HfiU U,U
r aooer conij-rstlou. frjial pati
have the matter ia hsrvl. end there ia e
dosbt thst tby will sacces4 Ie psrrhaalng
a hsute in a ;4ndd Jo-ati. ed u
that will r-s th I'rraid.ou Mr. ar
load prefers a home (if aa 1 blU- thst
Hroehlvn is the place te esjjy It lus-lle-
seresss try tae sm1 sssetle that kr
svrteriaes 3Uw York Oty
TSat 3Tarf ctt BssJeeee Mea'e
has Isssed a cirealar ia regard to the Sersh
5shsaika as r which is to U nta fa ceaaee
tisa with the Bteax Oty rora palace traia
as attsad the Harries rasagsra! at Waeh-
iactea, argiag so operatica aad aa organ-
The rsaaae TrstqSle.
Ctftxca's Faaar h. T , rL. IT-Hfeef
F.yaa. ia atteaipticg to collect tazae y .
ry, ; soase acrsee beicogiag ta
a half-breed. He wee overtaken be
fore rreehiog towa by a aweatsJ
band of fftevn kalf-Lrswda arat.1
stith gaasu They toeh the horeer
frose the heriaT aad rede o. Sri eg
their pas aad ehoetiag ia h Iadiaa faA
iosv. Lste last aight a eswapaay of the
iHkda Natiosal fJearde anisapaaiid hy
th sheriff weet to Deaaetth asd arUl at
tempt to arest an thee eegeged la the
ecriaiagsv. ladigaetisss rsae high aad
ertthomt eelsssieeleai eai the part ef the half -Ueede.
hed Mjr he ahasl Thetaleae
das gar of the whita sssstlars Uag aMteelenV
5aar Tons; Feb. JZ-Csjtfa Cm.
of the eteaaM aytie. K-pehrtc. Zrtvmt
e irw i arc yeeterday. -Jh
Ulaiftar wheis air ski as
W.I! rresesst lis rt f
CaaaLnrrrs. 5, C. Feb. K TrooUa hee
beea taseensaj ft the past t-w f la
Wres 4:aa9f av4.tha 1mt mMkmrt
cveapett hev btsea ,t re4y for ser
vice. Esery y raw there ,. j,. r U
aa eades erf agio teprked txp by wm.
cratio aate, ead Ul cee serlva
trestle Ut the forra ty 4pf ,,
the aagros te jfick tXir fsrUuss e4 4m
sawse srera. ids Tear
aegroae leavieg has htswa
eavJ the Urasar. have dacidal to
T'11 sg-ate no xgr. Ateiegra
frosa WayaeCoeaty last sight hsewght Ike
aewe tfci aearty mil t white ritlsesse are
atrpsi lay SatasUaasl to
step aha
i r.
ax raaa. TejL, fmL. K.C
' ef tks twe aagf ileB
, U s.:s . . .
-r '
M. O
laeessMttsg las aatarT.
Wtmmwrt, rU II-Tlte , f..
e.a OmantifUse W4V fi t4 fatrfaJU
o tba Wil UfTo.ia( ,.JAr tj r,,
g.';se HmanOfm tee Mar.o
Hovpiial f-vk. ta rate J. v ta
rmr,rVmi f ih- ear. eteet twi
ft year.
rte. as a- Wereav
Foer Waree. fst. r. tl..- i-..
fessrretery Utca Us-:lt -, Ca)Wvs, .u,h.
waad aad orrie by UmtU Wn at Cs..
swavraet- IscVfr. aj ik- ii
Uth. el- Iw-ewy fcn Vm
mimm Fte.i-ig ! a,s -. J
. Is'sUktrflt withe mtU ZZ
wry, a eve totally iasrWoysW W g,, lAi,
SSfWslag. Tt-taU(-4Ha,'a
sjssss rve Wfl i
Moaraasu FsW It, a leertUe See ie
sg sVere. The Ogdvte iar eave
ke rWJieg mtil f He. jur e.
are already 4mrvjM a4 the Htm ,,aj
eayig. The Sees ie :
I .
Baavua. FeU t 1 le atavted ia the
esressraat i ate t m
t eg av
---.- - aatsc am tm - - .
SBMliaa SSIMSIalaAaAit-. -. - - -s - rtia m . . J" " - H
'-- ' uiuiiA . .'-"" y - - -asssi iieesuwa-a
V1- V-T-T '. .' -- tas. a a rrpvessratates. U he. erdawssl the ll.etl. eTZZL teeZ7Zli!r w? - jsa- r--J a Ike Waskatse sWes. I
b-erret(irnet l-rtl iTii luST 51 ..'.iZtSL ?-- l'tmmTZ 'lttLZ S! SLZTZZ? ""' I
efelstlfB CXVaBavsnTfMi, VIUalV ".BaaaTaaaranaal eaWW &&& tV VaesanaHHVBJCaanaW WILB Ma --- - - - ..J .ts a . a . . -. saaaw .an-9jaaTJrsf fJVrflfWfeflM anakan. flML tmUt9LWwkM - M WV. - - - - t - - .H
nMhAadss " " csartailed aha g. Mmiii iiljt rf s, -- - Zm'r.immwmn mJ mm era 1aeie right to h ms,,'. TT . .. .T. m ,--" "
Awummmmar ....,.. - , , .- - auotcaa, tustaiyeciae aasac atfsaak ifhnst far-', t.i t. iJT. -. -vT"""r" ssassraa & la ssaBMas fewvsesisattairseaeaisc.
aaceaaaverTssacastAiasd -eas;a . scasaaiast jMrtett- . aaim mm ssawsev ac Wsraasesv CMlaM.. mA ahif StaileMaMsaii Li H
- TLJ1lZr'wmmm'wmmmmmmtmwm MsavfXUB a BaWTasva. widow ef tk mm Umm IZaI IZrJ Bmmm aee ,.7.'
a.a lit & F sasBP aAVsaaHT aBBfeaBraBVasSKaBBBBBBBBBB Baaaanf aaSaBBBaB bbbbbbbI - "aV" s"eesV aBaBaeV sarBaaBal SvlsaV alaBBaV aTsaaBaBBaBBV aBBBaSat kaS faBBBak aBBBt aBBaktaaasaaBahdA -- "BBBBsBBP alTM.SB.taaft M m . . A bBBbI
aSaaaBBBSBBBBBeva er - - - "" """"" artkaBBB BaVV.BVVf.SSBl sBaBaaa bBbI faaBBBt amaaBBBBeBat aBsBBBaasat aaV .a. aat - ' esseaar sasaeasaB' wmm eaBaavaraBnapBHSBaB BaffTasBBBl BraBBBBBBE aaaBBBBHBaBBaaas.ea asaaeeaa7B bjb dBeBs"JeseBa"ja saraBrVw BrvaTaTeaawdaiaB faah aaaBsaaaBSB. bbbH
MwaaaaamaBseaa. bb a . sssmb. are assd atawsi. -' mmm - m' - eaasas-asa, .Baajsr aaa aasi
s " BBBM --- ., , . " v5-v.s, tt. A. --. . MstpBaBBsBBBstafeaaBaBW- - .' - -' .-... ...f aasBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl
- M .-a.-aJ-..rt.-s:-r- d . MBBlt,Mtal,1BBlllfailI1Baa
' V
. e-.