l-fr r t ' r- - fe V r : l t ft .1 !: M- r ( If is. r it s-JSaaS&?yiBWfiBMMS"''T''''r' ;,,-;jr-Yii7iS"giijaeg '" Vol. 16. 2ie fTeafertt t) Red Cloud, .amamssasmmmmmmmsmsmmmmmmmsi'Bmmmmmmmmmmm tBMPpBBiSHiEBIjiBBBrwy U 3rMMBgsgyrfcfcijMfM.3BMnMM lVaBB .swasmmmmmmmM.timsR. 7 7JviflErB9'0L .9 f7'& ml m y .yt Ty'lrSjay Tnjr.' y I '11 THICmmmsjmmmmamF Var wWMMB MMMJMfc . . t WJMt-'v r L J-imtFFl3mmmmTtVmW mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmLmMmmmmmLmwmmmMmifl 'mZm ssBSBBmsm'aETr'iAmmmsm'r Js mmmmmmmmmmsmmsn ' ff LsmmmsK. W 9jtOmmmmmmmttmmmmkw PTmml' " ' " "" Ii-msmmmfrmPrffWiBaBmBmaaBsM BBflriay 'MrlJflBliBPBfr PMBBy 'asVmmmm mmm '" ' Hi AMI Have Bargains for you in Felt Boots, Rubber V. Grain Leather Boots, Arctics. Over Shoes, Sandals, (Ladies' Gossamers, Men's Rubber Coats, Comforts, Blankets, Flannels, Etc., Etc., Ladies' and Gcnfo Underwear, Cloaks and Shawls, The above goods must and will be sold at ? The Western and Southern Mercantile ' Miatioo MASON'S OLD STAND jhgg1jchaffnit.- Manager. "V" ie-i & Southern Nebraska, Boots, , '. i? $ lie h 1 r "t-Jtt rUr'-tBatZ-i i- '""""' iT." .""J- -"'-viB f f f , " r i "fr i n,n J jaiwillt1fllnr " '"' 'J' vl ihibt rui ir uriiriT tit-"1 i m- wa1"-- 'r' Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, February 22, 1889. BIDE A WEE, AND DINNA FRET. Is ts. road very dreary f PaUeace yet! Xeat will be sweeMr If Ura art t-wHiy, Ab4 alter BlcM somes tb. aoratac aaiirn, Taen bide a vet, aad diaaa trtk Tie elosdi mar. silver Italia, Don't forget; sdtkoMb ke'a aiddea, etlll Castas tsssav lot; Courage : Instead of tears and vsia repialac, Just bide a wee, and dlnna fret. With toll aad earn unending s Art beset? Betklnk thee, bow the atorm from Hearea do- acendln( gaaa the stiff oulc, but spare ths willow bev ir. And bido a wee, aad diaaa fret 4rlef sharper stfBX doth Borrow From regret; Bet yesterday is rona, aad shall its sorrow Ualt as for the preseas aad the morrowf Nay; bide a wee, aad diaaa fret. An orer-anxious broodlait Doth beret A host of fears aad fshtas'es deludia; Tbea. brother, lest -these tormeau be latrnd las. Jost bide a wee, aad diaaa fret, Christian Natloa. MEN WITH QUICK MINDa Tbvr Find It Pays to F Good Memory Aiw Jast aa KaesfMteds aa Maa Tralaiaa; the M Katahte laataneea Ifca Arc am ssaeorw. I don't remember!" There are few exclamations more often made by ordinary persons than this one. ; The business of calculating and of ' training the memory is now boing mrrlAd on in Nav Ynrlr hv a. lurirft . number of person who are positively ; coining money from their profession. There are sovoral professors in New York overrun with pupils who wish to improve defective memories and who aro willing to pay the person who will supply tho method. Each of theso professora has a system of his own, and each of them savagely insist that his is tho only suro system. Phil Armour, the great Chicago pork packer, is said to have remarked that a good memory is nocessary to ono who wishes to succeed. This is, pur- haps, a trifle strong and yot there is ( no lack of evidence to support the statement. Armour, himself, is an ex- ample of what a good momory can do. . Ue is as wonderful in his time as Car- ' dinal Mezzofantl was in his. Ho is j said to carry tho smallest detail of hi ' immense business in his head, lie can remember the dato as well as tho . sum of small business transactions. ; Ho knows tho names of pretty nearly j all of his army of employes. After tho building of the addition to his great j establishment in t Chicago he aston- bhod a circle of friends by rattling off-1 hand the number of bricks, car-loads of sand, feet of Umber, etc., etc, that used in the construction. Ar- J were mour's gift is a natural one. He has never cultivated it, but the demands of his business have unquestionably kept his powers of memory in active training. Old Hutch." as tho imperturbable ("TllirMifTii urtiftat mnninnlntn, la in.3 is another man gifted with an extraor-, dinary memory. Ho needs no books to carry his transactions in, although, of course, ho uses them. With him, too, retontiveness is a natural gift Ho remembers every thing that he wants to remember, but says frankly he doesn't know how he docs it H. also possesses tho gift of not remembering things he doos not wish to remember. But then that gift is not rare. In another line of business is John Stetson, the famous theatrical man ager. Many funny stories are told at V anunu mi Ik VT.,ff Ana torn In.. k tt-fl-1. m. f ,. . fi mm in nuiin i,?-. be disputed. 13, He runs a newspaper. always has a few theaters or the atrical companies on his bands, and there is no one who can quicker tell a good thing when he sees it, ar make wtereof ittauJeh Stetson. It it said that if he were ban hie hooks he coeld carry est hit fceriaeas wiHsaiiocss. astasia sot swwgb tw ow Have, ef CDu-, hwtcerttiitj h 1 tree that pretty nearly every etil of his business is carried in hie thrt ho is able to carry it is soswaUmcs of vast assistance to him. The professional memory aes say at among ; public aeo and sneakers forgwodall-rwiad untrtimuuii Ho- T,- .. . . -- . sfsnMfisX rwajajs) isajBjtaMmssTwMaT cast skis vsuy iaweaswasr sxatae sWwJwe bsbwi BHBHWfiMSn wajssl ajaaaaausn Mw.ais..;ri.VMT little short ef maiteloaa. mJ are the stories tola of hie exploit in this line. In the domain of agnres Satacel J. Kendall, wbea well, stood almost pro minent His leng serrico on. those commireecsls Cpnrrcsa that continued the finances cj the natiim cave blue an I iwsnense tnowlcie of aixh maUers, i ,.... . -- . . . . woica swt rcsauectt. w.isci an eacrv It was aav ancemsaea thinr fat him4 nukalnaf: ! enasT sMsaee aswavnai u aad SSSSas" then into fractions of a cent withouj tripping, a most men, however able, would have done. It was the same faculty that made Gladstone so suc cessful a Chancellor of the English Exchequer. Roscoe Conkling was a man of won derful memory. Whether dealing in figures, in legal argument, or quoting j from tjte early English poets, ho called junu bcuujiuk wiiuuui cuuri turn without previous thought the right thing at the right time. Congressman Sam Cox has also a retuarkablo memory, especinllv for things litorary, and this has stood him in good stead in debate in Congress, for his oppononts never know when the genial jester is about to double them up with pomothing from Shakespeare, the Koran, Bobby Burns, the Bible ox some old hymn-book. It is his memory and his wise study that enable him to successfully compete in a running impromptu debate. It it: charged that his memory trips some times. In tho fishery debate last win ter he ran in this queer verse: Ye tconsters of the briny deep. Your Matter's name upraise; Up from the sends yo codlings creep, Aad was; your tall always. Some one interested in tho verse looked it up and found it in an old English hymn-book, but insisted that the following was tho correct copy: Ye montters of the briny deep, Yuur Matter's praisos shout. Up from the sands ye (rollings creep. Ami wngyourls U about! There xrus a. row over it, and which was tho best and most correct version has not been settled. So Cox's memo ry may have been all right Chauncey if. Dcpcw has a rotontive minu- Bourke Cockran surprised oven tho staid judge of the court of appeals by tho glibness with which ho rattled off former decisions and argu ments when arguing in the Jacob Sharp case, and almost without notes and at comparatively short notice. Jo seph H. Choato. e-Attornoy-Goaeral Russell. Elihu llool. John E. Parsons aro other lawyers who possess wonder ful moinorie- that havo been improved by constant training. Henry George can quote political economy of the past and present by tho yard without reference to their books, and his one-timo friend. Dr. McGlynn, has an almost equally good memory. Dr. Talmago goes around continually with a few sermons, a lecture or two, and probably a mag azine artlclo in his head; but his mem ory is such that ho stores each away in somo subdivision, and they come out all right. These men frankly admit that a good memory is invaluable. Among actors a rotcntivo momory is necessary or a "good study." as the veteran assistant secretary of the Actors' Fund, Ben Baker, has it. But it is not so necessary now in tho time of combination, when tho samo com- pany plays the samo piece for a sea son. In tho old days of stock com panies when it was common to pre sent a farce, a comedy and a tragedy all in one night, and to change the bill nightly, a good memory was an absoluto necessity. No actor can suc- "f1 wout it. for it is no uncommon thing for a play to be put on at a fow hours' notice. Lester Wallack, in his recollections of the stage, attributes much of his success to the fact that ho possessed a remarkable memory. E, L Davenport had a marvelous degree of retontiveness and Fanny Dvcnpor: has inherited the gift. JohnB. Swift, who. after Forrest, was the greatest Rolla who ever trod the boards, possessed the same faculty; so did John Henderson, one of the favorite tragedians of the Old Bowery; o did William E. Burton, the great comedian; and o did John McCuUougn before his momory gave way, axd so did Frank Barry, who is still above. but who has fallca out of sight of theater goen. Of the actors sUll on the hoards, nearly ail th.- who wore trained in the old school have) are fully trained sMsaoriescaaahieef ey ing any reasonail call pai i avawin awotsi was savwa a. - tody." hut m he wrw p!af thw i " uanoosly ha has f VAVSVAW IfttV will, U, MV -- 1.1. .kllita Ik ktA J V" r ""' TTr.": t tl: t - l a BwaBajaaaaw sVn4HVii a-w www aajaa 1 lAlimm, fftfiP'iiaaisi fsm t 1 jwmn. ;lodoQt q sterna, i ft s wbo f ' b-h- to 1SL m CZ irom swus to awoisramo), aw aa ( Andersaan. 8s) hnW Jshmi Oh j v" alwMrlWwm Mghtlnt -Mr Mhtlet , tn T,U dnr r!.1 .nwl atalwv by hb fellow actors, aad IHca Sosxt- canst had a similar reputation. There are say cumber ef younger actors who possess the same faculty that was so useful to the older members of thsr nroiesstoa. bat they are not called neon ta exsrebe it," owinx to the tear raw cf Tslavs. hich five thes aapia oewnrtnaftiri to awpsre fee a play aalbra they thrwsjh wiih the ..- ,,, mm iMiaimii 1 1 hi ii hmkt-tt - -" " ' 7 wu -iamHL: memory is valuable. Thero'Ii a nead waiter in an up-town hotel who can carry a scoro of complicated orders in his head at ono time, and ho has never been known to make a mistake in car rying them into execution. There is a laundryman in Brooklyn, a Scotch man, who does a large business, and who has never adopted tho check sys tem in vogue with Chinese laundry men. He relies entirely upon his memory, and yet makes no mistakes. He claims to havo no private mark, and never gives bis customers any mark. How he docs it no one knows. Ue says he doesn't know himself. Instances of the possession of this gift might bo multiplied. Those cited, however, are enough to show that a goa4 memory is a good thing to pos sess. N. Y. Mail and Express. Marie Henrictte, Queen of tho Bel gians, has started a magazine called La Jeune Fillo. Tho Queen and her daughter Clementine are tho editor, while the Queen of Koumania will write a poem for each number, and it is expected that tho Crown Princess Stephanie, of Austria, will do tho pictures. SCHOOL AND CHURCH. X Mormon church has been dis covered in Brooklyn, but thero is no polygamous doctrine taught in it It is reported from Yalo Collego that there has been a uolab'c decrease in smoking thero during the last six year A year ago nineteen per cent, of the freshmen used tobacco; this year the ratio is down to sixteen per cent. Tho worst kind of a church mem ber is that one who is always out of sorts with his pator. A small hornet can spoil a good-sized carup-mectlng. and a disgruntled member can over throw tho work of a church. Hartford Religious Herald. A medical missionary society ha been in succoisful operation in Hour York for bevcrj years. The society is uncclarian, a is evidenced by tho fact that tho forty-thrco students in training during lSi7 belonged to nine different denominations. When Mr. Moody was in London a number of young men were commis sioned to follow up the converts and see that they remained true to their profession. Two of the committee were at the Bible school, and said that they got the names of 45.000 convert, made in London. In the interest of both parents and children, we protest against tho cram ming system in our public s-choola. If matters were rightly managed, all tho study might be confined to tchool hours, and our boys and girls might havo tho balance of the day for rest or play, or other employment, which would change if it did not entirely re lievo tho strain. Christian Standard. The Methodist Book Concern will be a century old next year, and will celebrate the event by the opening of an imposing structure of brick and granito notv going up at Twentieth street and Fifth avenue. New York. Tho building and grounds will cost f 1.000,000. and the intention is to mako it tho finest publishing Iioumj in tho country. The institution, backed by the Methodist Episcopal church, has during the hundred years of its exist ence expended romo $2,000,000 in charities. Yale College in 1795 had but four or fire students who were church mem bers; to-day nearly one-half hold rich membership. Princeton in 1813 bad but two or threo openly professing the Christian faith; to-day about oae-Lalf, aad among them the best scholars. la WUliama College 147 out of 240. aad in Amherst 2S3 oat of 352 are members f churches. In many other colleges, aa proved by Dr. Hodge, from when. carefully-prepared tables these agaras are taken, the proportions are still mere favorable to the rmwpecm ef re ligiam. Archdeacon M&akajallh. is Tim Enter af llfWaratf. A eaaauo of the lllistrstm la the warla iBimtriae ef the werW. itcaat lypahtbhemia tmt 9totksiche Men atiasaerifU atacca the three Saeic aeamaefKsmmaauu Serria ami ahm aUattheheMef thelifC, with ahwet 83 per cent of the popwlatioa naaWa to read aaa write. Of the Lla-aenk-iag racaa. Saaia head the list with (3 per ceah. feUewed by Italy with 4f par cent. Fraaea aed smsglam twetjf tfmjremn. The iHmwma ia mtmmflt H la aowslatiaa) S aer cast, aaiia j 7 p-r cent. Asiocc the pcrely Tea- toalc S'jubs there u a markod rKue- i tiea in the pcrceatajw ef UlUeratea, Tha kiffhewt as ia SwitasvfsasL 1.5r in taa wbete Uermaa fcaplre n m wet 1 . -. - ..-. per ccaL; while is Swedes. Dcsartrfc. Sir.M -- ? - naif hcrethcra as jaraeticaUy Bsem iaiwCaimmsmsmm fajajm) .. H ' IGHTNING HAY KNIB WE LEAD! WwU-to TUVUI rtatliBs. m UhafTaTh! warm vmmm wmr fwvatv iwsaiul. T .wftd toJhw fyafcf ih rtotilwU aad ii nwif.il lamMt tftxrxltol it Milan of Kntl tim w CUTTING MAY or aT ra JIw. Mark r Btas. sad I CRK.T POPulARITI Ml Manu THI GREAT B. GOOJ mm EVER AT MFi.Fi I have a choice line match, Bnttong, Velvt burgs, LaceH, all kiudn Mittens, Ladies Undei Cnrtainf. All of th vc Lowest Figurerj. ) Hi r I'ROl police Office with the Rcj ;i unty loud, GU3 & REAL ES ic our L.all and exai f , :nte sohciteo, Opera House Bloc! HACKER & PARKER, THEGROCERS Table delicacies a specialty. Quality tells. Prices sell. THE TRALERS LUMBER CO. -WILL w 1? . POSITIVELY a - a . Lower than any - tr f-Jt R. T.8HBST, PTwsT. aaSsfhT CtaaB,TiaaPrs iMuB. ttVAO t. CafsW. lawhmmstCaiUat FIRST NATIONAL B Red Cloud, CAPITAL.. tim . v..? l Jraap am a faerw naaaieg wwet neaajij, fsie4aa4 avhaei iUn-xtiZ JKsaasI idi t ,.'" t J att5 ? T Nor30. UiVMVtj Trm4m kail MMT K MATimata e swajbaW at. lOaswiaTY," ALNS! BOLD CHEAPER -J kewlitMaM j v4 V -' SDrvm Goods Hti ttiumtafr ! plannete,.apaarTcoi8aan Willie l riBasiinga, ncmrjy wwipj p, Yarns, Silk HandtortiMVUsoa fiasi be eow out ai lae Ttry .4 j public. sTTKimOM QITKf TO . , WZL.Z u 1 1. . 9 it .. tai , ,. " is, laxes raia,4xc. Judge, Moon Nebraska., - s it WARNER, E&L0AN BROKERS banrains. Carrcminnd. o AMARNEBL" y yard in the world NebrastUL - yj nan aS aMMItT --. it -r'-! - -5f I? f i t aV ;! Is mm W1 ' r ammsmstsasmamf m& srXlt. - mm 9BW--$ if aHamLiasma pgn 3 v S it j' s rla j r I sW tama BWmsT Jmrnm -t. .-. r i s?sr?a " ve 1' , 4Z"2 & ! ' -, t ? TjfcsWima aersw s saaa sMsasx wa wm'wa sHsmm emmmm mmmmnsmwsmmsasmmmmmmmsmr Bsmmmmsmsmmm.BskBBMZ2 ammmmaBaasaamaTmswBnssBammaBaBW" : v r i y