The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 15, 1889, Image 5

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    St i ii Tii x . ..
.tfjjMft-jwumiwMM'iWw " in i.i i "' ' "J ' ' wvrofcyiy waaejaf
. XI
; i ?
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. Marvel of pure
rtrengUi and wholesomepess, more economical
than the ordinary kind and cannot be sold in
comnetion with tha multitudes of low test short
lght alum er phosphate powdors. Sold only
106 Wall street. N . Y. Oltv.
ghe ed g ,.
1'ublirlied eery Friday morning from the ofllc
in the Moon Illotk, Red Cloud. Neb.
Farm Lotn.
Intcrcflt from C to 10 per cent.
Time from 1 to 7 years. Ca'l and
investigate. G. W, Barkkr.
Catkered Kp ay Chler Rrporlcra li
And A beat tan City aad Coaaty.
Nuts, fresh candies, etc., kept at
Ernst Welsh's.
The district court sets on tho 18th.
Bear tills in mind.
Furniture of all kinds cheaper than
TcratF. V. Taylor's.
Get your meals at the Fanners Eat
ing house. E. Wclsch.
Money to loan at a living rate of
interest by 1). M. Piatt
Great bargains in woolen dress
poods, at Mrs. F. Newhouse.
Harry Pond and wife hare returned
home from their visit to Edgar.
II Jehn Clark, of Nemaha county has
"oecn the guest of Kenyon Skcen this
Will Ycihcr has gone to British
Columbia and will soon sail for
Charley Buschow's welcome coun
"lenaprtfwas seen in our city on last
Satur jj.
Don't" forget to go to W. L. Haines
when you want furniture. He keeps
a fine line.
Wnr Hoffman, of Line toWnship
has moved to A. II . Kaley's farm on
Indian Creek.
If you want Early 31 ay wheat or
White Russian oats for seed call on
L. II. Rust, at the city feed store.
I wish to buy county bonds, school
district bonds, also, countv and city
warrants. D. M. Platt.
County Treasurer McNitt's little
son, who has been bedfast with in
flamatory rheumatism, is getting
around again.
Roy Oatman has been creating a
great deal of amusement this week to
both man and boj with Ins dog team.
It is quite a curiosity.
When in Red Cloud call at the
furniture store o? F. V. Taylor, oppo
site the post oiiice, and pick you out
a fine kitchen or parlor suit.
. S. F. Spokcskeld left Monday night
for Hebron and from thence to New
Hampshire, where he has been called
by the serious sickness of his father.
The Golden Eagle Clothing Store
has just received 66 1-12 dozen new
spring hats, and expect to get in I of
a dozen more. Call and see them.
C. Wiener.
M. E. Hutton was arreted one da
last week for appropriating tics be
longing to the B. & M . . Ho was
fined $5 and costs. He promised .to
return the tics provided the fine was
Whenever vour horse becomes
balky :n the street lift one of bis
fore feet from the ground and strike
tUf?" shoe a few sharp blows with a
stone or a wrench. One who has
tried it says he never failed to start a
balkv horse in that very simple way.
At a hugging bee for the bcrcfit of
a church in a country town near Red
Cloud 3 v evenings since, a man,
while blindfolded, hugged his wife
or several minutes without knowing
who he was hugging. A'hen he did
find out he wanted his fifteen cents
back .
Bradbrook, the photographer, is
again 4Lu?f happy, and as he appeared
...wc nno wnnlrl ll-liv ilwai'in.
.ed that he had struck it rich in the
',ouisana lottery, but upon iuvestiga-
on it was fomnd his good wife had
V r the second tine presented bin
with a baby boj. Utaal weight aim
I Mens caps only 15 etc at B. A 0.
i E. Wekch was in Superior on last
Ex-mayor Tinker was in the city
Ojstcrs at Ernst Welsch's. Best
brands kept.
M r. Starks living north of the city
is shipping baled hay to Denver.
Sleeper Bros regular day3 for grind
ing are Wednesdays and Saturday.
J pan I'ants, warranted not to rip
for only 1.00 at B. AG.
All winter goods at your own say
so &t B. dt G.
Remember a good solid over-coat
can be bought of B. dc G. for $1.50.
Overcoats at cost and more to at
B. AG.
Look at our jean pants for $1.00,
warranted not to rip. B. AG.
Great bargains in Hamburgs, hos
ery and white trimmings at Mrs. F.
All kinds of novelty braid, rick
rack, braid, tinsel cord Ac. Ac. at
Mrs. F. Newhouse.
Another wedding of note is said to
be on the tapis. Wonder if the
"g-cat unbidden" will be there?
Take your old copper ware, iron,
rage, etc., to Morhart who will ex
change tinawre for the same. tf .
Mr. D. F. McFarland, the B. A
M'b new roadmastcr will occupy A. J.
Welch's dwelliag as soon as Mr. W.
goes to McCook.
Ed Highland, formerly roadmaster
of the B. & M. on the Republican
valley division was in the city Satur
day and Sunday.
Mrs. J. W. Sherwood held a very
pleasant entertainment at her resi
dence on Tuesday evening assisted by
her Sunday school class.
J. T. Emigh sold his meat market
one day last week. On Saturday
the Red Cloud National bank
who held his paper to a large
amount, sued out an attachment for
$700 in Judge Swcczy's court on the
remaining goods. The probabilities
arc that the bank will be losers.
The report that Armour's man was
in Red Cloud trying to scare oar lo
cal meat dealers into buying fresh
meat of that great monopolist, seems
to have been purely imaginary on the
part of -wind mill organ.' No such
proposition was made to our local
dealers, we nave been informed. He
was here for the purpose of selling
cured meats, and that only.
The indications arc that there will
be music in the air before long to
which the Hon. W. A. McKeighaa
ex-county judge will be a party,
unless a sum of money supposed to
be due Don Dwyer, who was a few
years ago adjudged Insane, but since
pronounced sane and released, is
forth coming. Don proposes to fur
nish the music, but wants the county
to pay the fiddlers.
On the inside of today's CHIEF will
be found an interesting serial story
entitled the ''Lone Hollow, or Peril
of the Pcnroys." It is a thrilling
story and full of adventure. We are
also publishing Talmadge's sermons
and many other special features. A
full text of the Oklahoma bill as oas-
scd by the lower house of compress,
will be found on the inside of this
week's paper. The bill will probably
become a law.
G. R. Cbancy delivered his lectuie
ou the "Evidences of a future Exis
tence," at the M. E. Church Sunday
night, before a large and appreciative
audience. The paper was one of the
most logical productions we have ever
listeued to on the subject of religion.
It was in contradistinction to tho ab
surd idea of evolution, and from many
well taken points proved conclusively
that the bible theory was the true
one in regard to the creation of man,
and that there was one great law
giver whose handiwork in the man
agement of creation was an undis
puted fact. Those who failed to hear
the lecture missed an able document
in support' cf the gospel, besides a
literary effort not often produced.
It was good.
B. F. Mizcr, our popular opera bouse
cash grocer, is doing a fine dosumm. He
is a thorough grocer and fully under
stands the seeds of the people. e has
a fine line of groceries, provisioas do.
always on hand. His stock is continually
being tamed, and consequently keeps
oaly tho newest asd freshest, as well as
the best ol goods in the market, all
of which he sells strictly for cash, and
much cheaper than those who sell on
time, His stock of qaeeasware, china
ware etc, is large and well selected and
positively the finest goods west of Onaha
or Kansas City, and prices to suit the
times. People should consult their own
interests and buy of him as his goods are
the finest class and his prices, down to
bed rock lor cash. A full liae of canned
fruits always on hand. Call aad see him
before buying. Remember that baying
for cash and selling for cash enables him
to save yon from 10 to SO per cent oa
every thing yon boy-
Give nayomr order for
la we will aav .yea setae? asd jrrt jwa
The HzlrAd says there's a chancel
to get the Rock Island railway if the
proper effort is put forth. If such is
j the cars our people should set togeth
er and make the fur fly in that direc
tion. It s time thit. some effnt is
put forth. The Northwcstorn could
have been secured a year ago if it had
not been for the fickleness of a certain
gentleman in this city, whose respon
sibility in the matter is well known.
A delay of two we.'ks ctuscd the road
to go to Superior instead of Red
Cloud. The people should harmonize
on this point- and get down to busi
ness. It H'jd Cloud had the riiteaj t
that Superior has she would be a city
of eight thousand people today. Will
our people sleep on their arms and
receive a Waterloo, or will they wake
up and receive the Roek Island or
some other good road? Red Cloud is
willing and able to pay a good price
for a railroad and a good man should
be sent to headquarters, a man whose
interests aie centered ia Red Cloud,
aad one who will work for Red Cloud
with might and main. Will you go?
Aa leapertaat Bectelea.
The following opinion was rendered
the other day by F. A. Sweezy, judge
of the county court of Webster county
in the case of Bank of Dorchester vs
Talbot and Talbot.
As to the defence of usury there
seems to be no ground for doubting
that the Bank ot Cowlcs and L. C.
Gilbert are and have been daring this
whole transaction the agents of plain
tiff and the loan in question was made
for plaintiff, and of its money and it
had full knowledge at all times of the
usury in said note and I And said
usurous interest so paid to have been
$102 and that it wa paid in cash and
must be deducted from the note of
$500 leaving a balance due plaintiff of
$393, and as to tho question of the
liability of defendant, Ellen G. Talbot
on said note it appears from the evi
dence that she is and was at the time
the note was signed the wife of de
fendant, A. M. Talbot, and signed
said note simply at his request and
with no intention, as she testifies, of
charging her separate estate, and it
appears that she was not in business
for herself and was simply engaged in
the household duties of the family of
defendant, A. M. Talbot, her husband.
That the money received on said
notes was used by defendant, A. M.
Talbot, in his own business and de
fendant Ellen Talbot had no knowl
edge of the use made of said proceeds
of said notes.
The evidence does show that de
fendant A. M. Talbot t secure the
credit or loan, represented to the
agent of plaintiff that his wife E. G.
Talbot, owned real estate in her own
right and that she would sign said,
note, and the plaintiff did make said
loan believing that said Ellen Talbot
was good as a surety on said note.
There is no evidence to show that
plaintiff or its agents had any conver
sation or contract with Ellen Talbot
tu specially charge her separate es
tate, nor does the evideace show that
defendant, A. M. Talbot ever repre
sented to plaintiff that she, . G.
Talbot, had or would agree to charge
her separate estate, but simply that
''hit wife would sign the note, and
that she had property and was good,"
which appears to have been true. It
is also evident that at the time the
notes were given both plaintiffs and
defendants believed that in law a
married woman was as good surety on
a note as any man, but this cannot ef
fect tho finding in this case, as the
law must govern, and the court finds
that this question has been several
times settled by the supreme court of
our state. In the 5th. bth, 19th and
several subsequent volumes of our
reports we find the rmle laid down, bat
the case ia 10th Nebraska, is identical
with this one so we will only refer
to it. There the note set out in full
was in words like the note in suit and
the court found that the wife signed
the note as surety, and say in their
opinion as follows: "As it does not
appear in the record that the contract
of suretyship was made by the wife
upon the faith and credit of her sep
arate estate or with reference to the
same, she is not liable asd as to her
saitwas properly disaustad. There
fore this eonrt finds that the defend
ant Ellen G. Talbot is not liable on
said note and as to her this cause is
Old copper, irca, rags, etc., taken
ia trade for tinware a! Aisai Met.
hart. 22tf
tld. suwwaaw ww cnMaeace m scnai
nwunS ia inc wassoaersaxw aou, tm
trlei --?0'Ba'
An m 1 1 ri r- rw t t- - n
earaca, FIvta aaa Flwr $.
Permit Mitchell have por-hased a
large otocfc of bilk scds for spring Uaa
) and are now prepared to 11 all eiders ia
that liae. Their .arriece the rt
aas anaaled theem ta aaieet with ear aad.
j jssVmaH.
tela Wrtedas. wSiettaatl
laste Tftleat Cei
The concert siren last Friday light
under the management of Mrs. A H.
Jester, :dd bv our local musical
Jeni tras aanne the best of the kind
every produced iu the city. Fverv)
srra:i::rfcnt7a3 entered iv.oto mako
the affrf
pleasing and instructive to
the aidiencc, and each detail .was o
tharougly carried out that those pres
ent join in saying that it was a com
plete success. The opera house was
literally crowded and freely encored
the participants during the rendition
of the various parts. Among those
who ""ere especially applauded were:
A. II. Jester in his Chinese character
"Me be like Mtrllican man." Mr.
Jester is a commedian of no Email
character. The duet "Life's Dream
is o'er," by Mrs. A. II. Jester, aad A.
J. Welch was simply grand and
brought forth the auplaudits of the
audience. Mrs. Jester in rendering
"Only a message from Home" showed
her fine musical ability as a soloist.
She was assisted by Miss Rose Eiaigh
V. B. Fulton and others. The most
popular partof the evening's entertain
ment was the rendition of "Mooa-light
will come again" in which Mrs. Jes
ter, Miss Rose Emigh, Messrs Plumb
and Welch took part. This piece
seemed to be the crowning glory of
the evenings entertainment The
Chief would like to mention all of
the worthy parts, but space forbids,
suffice it to say that each and every
one did well, and their musical gen
ius is a credit to the city. The en
tertainment was a grand success in
every respect.
Onion sets now ready at Perkins
Blue grass and white clover seed at
Perkins & Mitchell.
All kinds of garden seeds in bulk at
Perkins k. Mitchell.
An endless variety of choice garden
seeds juet received at Perkins & Mitchel.
Cottiug has new invoice of those decor
ated window shades for 50 cents each, with
spring roller.
There will be services at the Congrega
tional church seat Sabbath morning and
evening. Preaching by Rev. D. A.
Bios a of La Harpe 111.
The Westorn k. Southern Mercantile As
sociation will, on or about March 1st move
into tho room lately occupied by F. C
Winton's furniture store, in the Moon
Last Wednesday ovening whilo Elmer
Kftley was riding hii horse home, the
horse fell and broko his leg just above tht
ankle. He was carried home where the
doctor set the fractured bone.
License to wed was isened on the 13th
to George II. Scott and Miss Belle Hcln
tosh, both of this county. The groom is
the son of shir,eff Scott, and the bride is
the daughter of Angus Mcintosh, one of
the pioneers of Webster county. Tna
Cn:rr wishes them much happiness.
District Cnart Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
adjourned term of the district court
will conveno at the court house in
Red Cloud en Monday morning, Feb.
18, at which time all jurors dravn at
the January term arc expected to he
present. L. li. Fort,
Clerk district court
was quite an accident hap
pened at J. M. Brown's last week. An
insurance agent came to Mr. Brown's
to fix up some insurance papers. He
tied his team to Mr. B's fence, and
when he came out to go, Mr. Brown
had some colts in the pasture and one
of the colts kicked the agent just
above the right eye making a very big
gash. Mr. Brown cared for him un
til tho doctor arrived from Smith
The Rev: J. T. Stones has bien
holding a protracted mteting for the
last week at Miller's school house
with pood success. This week he is
holding a protracted meeting at Orio
To arms! To arms! Rouse ye
Romans ana exterminate the common
enemy! Old men. young men, boys
and minute men. to arms! Organize
a company is the city, and a company
or a part of a company in each towa
sb;p, and a whole regiment in the
country to eztermiaate the wolves.
We caa hardly go oat after dark,
without hearing the howls of a paek
of wolves, seeking for plunder. The
scalps cf wolves ate worth $3 apiece.
and those of eovotcs SI each, at the
court house in Red Goad. Sports
men, who love sport and good par, do
your best for fun and money. Far
mers look to vour interest. Now is
the time, in a few weeks th -ttaSowcr
war will cemmeiee iu Mmmer earn
piiga, aad yoa will luve no time to
of.uctut - w -uc vn. v.i ioc con-
devot? to the wtlves. On the con-
- itnnr thtv wUi carrT oa x kilj of x
carrr on a kind
-;!, . -K;u , , ..!
i a - w t w w a b La ti:u.
I . ...... ..
aca -rieep will yoa i..w vnnr
quails to be killed, nd your crolre tu '
Will voa continue to ue voar
eB2JaM better than
p . . J
citizen i af
&w. .
Weather pleasant, health it good as I
2 rcle.
Uncle John Brown has been sick
fcut " bettcr D0W-
'" -isccrsoa
has coved on Geo.
00s Iarm-
The literary society i? prospering
tir.cly in these part.
We had rather a stout wind from
th a northwest the other day. It did
some little damage by blowing hay
stacks down and scattering them over
the ground.
John Merrill has gone to Mitsouri
on business.
Frtd Brchrchl is shaking bands
among his old friends once more. He
is from Custer county.
Uncle Tom.
News is scace, and farmers are
preparing fer spring work.
Miss Etta Dellart whohaa been vis
iting her parents has retimed to Red
Miss Lena Boldiag is ea the mead.
She is visiting with Misses Mertie
Bryant and Dicey DeHart.
Mr. John Posey and family who
has lived in Nebraska haw moved to
There was a gathering of neighbors
went over and gave Mr. Bent a sur
prise party, in honor of his birthday.
Misses Alice McCartney and Ollie
Sanderson also Mr. Will Kent and
Lcn Munger went up to Mr. Wrench
ing north of Red Cloud Saturday.
Miss Ella Sleeper is visiting with
Miss Blanche Uerrick.
One of our young bloods went to an
old gentleman's house at 11 o'clock
at night and told him that one of his
neighbors was very bad and wanted
to see him, and when the man got
there there wasn't anything ailing
him. Is not such conduct shameful.
rather scarce
Mr. J. Rurnett has moved into the
Hoffman house.
Mr. Guthicr of Falls City Neb. is
visiting with his sister Mrs. Person.
Mrs. Nelson of Blue Hill has been
spending a few days with friends of
this place.
C. F. Hicks sold a very fine Mason
& Hamlin organ to Mr. and Mrs.
Woodside as a preseut for their
daughter Bertie.
We noticed the familiar face of
Peter Sailor behind the counter of
his store one or two days last week
after an illness of nearly six months.
Mr. John McCallum shipped a very
fine car load of hogs from here last
Monday, 42 averaging 467,15, A. and
E. Cox, Honry Boyd and Wm. Wood
side shipped a car load each.
Mr. J. L. Springer who resigned as
teacher of the Bladen school on ac
count of ill health has again taken up
ths school.
Miss Lawrence of Oscola, Iowa,
who had been hired to take his place
has decided not to stay.
The Bladen house has again chang
ed bands, Mr. Lee having again taken
up the reins, Mr. Hoffman going
back on his farm
As Ambov is not represented in
your correspondence, I send you a
few itim.
Farmers arc busy replacing the
tops of their haystacks, torn off by
the wind last weekt
Mr. Allan Carptntcr and J. Sala
den went to Adams county.
M,iss Flo Williams went to Wymorc
Sunday. Charlie looks sad.
Meeting at Ambey school boase
Sunday. In the absence of Bro.
Hummel Bro. D. F. Trunkcy enter
tained theaudienee.
Mr. Andrews is visiting with the
family of Mr. Law.
Mrs. Loughlaa and her two little
daughters are visitiag with Mr. Wil
liams. 3Ir. Will Halliday is building a
new house on his farm on Willow
Wonder what has became of the
Amboy amateur theatrical company,
we should like to bear more from
Th ere is a new orgaaisatioa in tht
neighborhood which we will term the
dancing clab a la stag.
A series of protraetew meetings in
the neighborhood woald be aa ia
provcaent on the protracted daaeea
ow in crder. Caa't some minister
help u; out .
If the school mother at Aaboy
woald net set ap asite sw late Sunday
evcaiags it wowld be a p&o thiag
for the health of th childrea as she
is so ero en Morndsv aoraitgs.
Well Mr. Edilor.'l will elo with
tfcii ' J.f we H il itt Hat
tj afcala Us.
jgp-jt tfceCSfel.
? ln f.Sstftaa: WKfcaWMSirrartMeSasM
U-Frttsy. Skw.nac
a ......
.V--.V . - - -,.... I
"'- - -- j
K9t ra
Tie rrrfral K2rj ea Tvaay Creek eetKtert-
vour lncads?,"uay wer ---tw.isi- ow'
j Xccsay Bkx after tw
t rtK?-A SiitftmiSai
Railroad !
Fare One Cent a Mile
I have thin day concluded to open up
A Cash House, February 1, 1889,
I will run a strictly cash house. Please cull and note my
prices. It will be a greater cut on prices than one cent a
mile by the railroad company. I will positively NOT sell
one cent's worth of goods ou time. IT any goods that sell for
15c or two for 25c, I will sell for 12c, fcc. Will make exact
change so you see you will saye 20 per cent by trading at a
Strictly Cash House. You will not have to help pay bad
accounts. As a credit business is run all customers have to
pay more for goods to help pay the lof ses of bad debts. I cn
do business for less profit for cash, and that is what I am go
ing to do
Sell Strictly for Cash or Produce !
So come and see me and you will say that I have struck the
right key note to that great hereafter which means in a
commercial way great success in business. All will say we
have found the place and the man to trade with. Come,
come, come and see me I will do you good.
Great Cash House, no goods sold on time
bring your cash or produce and trade with
the best house in Southern Neb.
The only House in the city where
yon can buy goods at less than whole
sale prices.
You wonder how wo can aflord to
do this? The aaswer is simple
We have the best buyer in the
United States watching for bargains
He has instructions not to buy aa
less at 25 per ecnt Mow wholesale
value. New goods come every week
and are sold again before we can hard
ly realize it.
Watch for oar bargains thin spring.
Call often at our store and eoe the
Our Millinery steck will be here in
proper timt at prices that will aitonish
Golden Eagle
Just received full line
Spring Hats
In every conceivable design.
C.WIENER, Prop.,
Red Cloud and Wymore.
Trousers are becoming so wide that f
the question whether the gectkanan
or lady ehoala taka tha lead in aasaa
diag a stairway i furtbar from a set
tle meat than ever.
Mra. C Weistr. Mm. HifblMd o4
Mies Addeltaatmi return this after.
non to their home in Red Clood after
a visit of screral davi in this city.
They ate weU pteased with their visit
in Wyrncre- The society folio heft
showed them every Lofaiia&ty mxic
their stay. Wyaare TJaicw
ata Tea lata aad tire
tiGmiekEwaa. tacwtj
Kfrearcseeet & MRTMaif M4 S Vf
asne tockaai. watch. Aay at au U trade fir BB
hatc zMUn. . proved farm er hariaa r cattle.
G. K. Caajirr.
Farm For Rent
li milo
ta frasa
Meaty f
Sw tcresl
aaa wSlaT
The Opera House Cash Grocer.
Clothing Store !
Mastr. Marvooa,
Meats. atiorT af
frost tat eit 7 yUiasy '
pUeatiea far a neahrar is tea ease af ABss
appears is Ha
Ba4 Clawi aaa
wbo are aUstsaltil la la estaat af
9104X0. They aaaaw Ue
f atasamr. Mr. LasUartsaa eep
tcasa iaveaea.aawat a3at,0
sail ent aat af lU Satan af
ii -
act mmmti Ms ts4 ji ii
iffaaf is tha haM fat
tnamaaa. !
Save icgrctt x4 psrthtM f
htase dealer, who will giva jaw
far dellar,, oil fuses, tc
Jheaatfc far aaah aad taa eaa
ifswiti 9a0j.
attest tW
. a ir