The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 15, 1889, Image 2

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    f "? WfpF"
M. Gctot Demaigxe succeeds M.
Frriolat an French Minister of Justice.
Colorado is to become a tobacco
growing State, receat experiments
showing the climate and soil to be ad
mirably adapted to it
The recent number of the London
Contemporary Review containing the
unsigned article entitled "The Bis
marck Dynasty" is now allowed to be
circulated in Germany.
GlMnad by Telegraph
Bakxey Bilvyk. a fcquaw man, has
been arrested on the Crow reservation
in Montana on orders from Indian
Agent Brincoe, who proposes to make
a test case of the right of whites to
live on the reservation.
The bill authorizing the Governor
to offer 5.000 for the apprehension of
any notorious recent criminals, and
which is designed to cover the Clayton
murder.has passed the Arkansas Legis
lature and has been signed by Gover
nor Eagle.
Jons Stewabt Kexxetjt. of New
York, who has purchased the whole of
bis family estates from Sir Douglas
Stewart, Is a Scotchman who made his
fortune in America. The estate num
bers 33..VX) acres, including some of
the best grouse moors in the highlands.
Govf.knoi: Bulklev. of Connecticut,
has by a general order accorded all
regular military organizations of other
States permission to enter and pass
through Connecticut, en route to and
from the inauguration at Washington
and the coming centennial celebration
in Now York.
The Anti-Pinkerton bill introduced
at the request of the Trades Assemblies
of the twin cities has received its
quietus in the Minnesota Legislature.
TheSenate Judiciary Committee recom
mended its indefinite postponement,
and the author of the bill was the only
one to vote in the negative.
Frank Shannon-, of Philadelphia,
has been rewarded for saving the life
of a hyena. One of the hyenas at the
Quaker City zoological gardens re
cently swallowed a bone. Shannon
entered the cage, thrust his arm down
the hyena's throat and extracted the
bone. The woman's branch of the
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals has given Shannon a gold
Recent advices from Ilayti are to
the effect that General Hyppolite was,
on January 1. formally saluted by tlie
United States steamer Atlanta while
he was being rowed to that vessel in
a small boat. Minister Preston an
nounces that he has received a dis
patch informing him that the British
and French Governments had ollicially
recognized General Legitime as the
President of the Haytien Republic.
Broker Gibson, who committed sui
cide a day or two ago at Buffalo. X.
Y.. had been accumulating insurance
n his life ever since he began to fail
in business, and at the time of his
death he had policies for 130.000, dis
tributed among a large number of fra
ternal and benevolent organizations.
One of these orders he joined on the
night of the suicide, going direct from
the lodge room to the Turkish baths
where he ended his life.
lathe Senate ea tb ft theOfclah
but h received from the House. Seeator
Piatt more its reference to tbe Committee oa
Territories sad Senator Dawes wished It re
ferred to the Committee oa Iadiaa Affairs, sad
a lengthy debate followed. It wm anally re
ferred to Ike Committee on Territories. Senator
Hawkey pretested aa amendment to the Ssadry
CirU bUl far toe payment of tWWto tbe widow
of General Sheridan la gratefal recoraitloe of
Ms errice to fata country." The Hoae Joint
reaotatloa for the payment of t tha
faeira of James B. Eads patted. Cofuideratlea
oftheLjrUIatlre Appropriation bill wm tbe
returned bat do aaal aetioa reacted.. the
House tae conference report oa tae Xlearaenn
Canal bill waa dJtcotted during tae day and aa
evening teuton waa held for considering Dis
tract of Columbia basinets.
Arrxa routine business taa Senate oa
tae Cth took op Senator Chandler's resolution
lnttructlng the Committee on Appropriations
to Investigate the natter of naval officers'
claim, and after ton e discission it went over
and the Senate indulged in a Ion and uninter
esting debate oz the pending amendment to the
LeirUlatlve. Kxecuttre and Judicial Ap
propriation bill increasing the clerical
force of the Civil Service Commission ...In
the House Mr. Posey took the oath of office at
Representative of the first Indiana district to
tacce 1 A. P. Hover, resigned. A message from
the Pretldeni in retrard to the agreement with
the Creek Indians aa to ceding their lands was
received, and the coaferenee report on the
Nicaragua Canal bB cauted as animated and
interesting debate. It wai Anally agreed to.
At the evening session a number of private
bills passed.
Tbk Senate on the 7th agreed to the con
ference report on the Nicaragua Canal bill.
Ttvs bill now roes to the President. Senator
HI air. from the Committee on Woman Suffrare.
reported favorably the retolution proposing
constitutional amendment prohibiting any
abridgement of the right of sum-age oa account
of sex. Senator Coekrell renorted a substitute
for the House bill removing the charge of
desertion from soldiers who served out their
term of enlistment, and It patted. Tins Legis
lative Appropriation bill was then discussed
until adjournment... The Honte considered at
tome length and passed with amendments the
Senate bill providing that the public lands now
subject to entry and chiefly valuable for agri
culture shall be disposed of according to the
provision of the Homestead law only. The
Army Appropriation bill was then considered
until adjournment.
Thk Naval Appropriation and Fortifi
cation Appropriation bills were reported in the
filiate on the nth and placed on the calendar,
and after the disposal of variou resolutions
the Hou: bill to quiet the title of settlers on
the t)'-s Moines river lands In Iowa was taken
up and passed. The Pension Appropriation
bill was also passed. After further consider
ing thi Union Paclfi.: Funding bill the Sen
ate passed fifty-two private pension bills and
adjourned. ..Tb'. House soon after rjsembling
took up the Army Appropriation bill in Com
mittee of the Whole, and when the committee
ro'e the bill passed. The Agricultural Appro
priation bill also passed. At the evening ses
sion thirty-three private pension bi.h were
Tilt credential of Mr. Ransom (. C)
for his new term were presented la the Senate
on the Jrth. The Senate substitute for the
House bill establishing a United States Court
la the Indian Territory was discussed aai
pated. The House amendment to the Direct
Tax bill w non-concurred in and a conference
committee appointed. The Fortification bill
was passed. Senator Hoar. Cullom and
Coekrell with the presiding officer were ap
pointed the committee on Inaugural ceremonies
and the Union Pacific Funding bill was further
considered ...The House passed severil bridge
bills and Mr. Springer reported the inability of
th- conferene- committee on the Territorial bill
to agree, and the Post-office Appropriation bill
was considered in Committee of the Whole.
General Boclancer. in an inter
view recently, declared that bis pro
gramme was the adoption of the Amer
ican Constitution, but with a ten year
Presidency; the formation of a Coun
cil of State to prejtnreand submit laws
to a non-deliberative National Council
of five hundred members, half to be
elected by universal suffrage and half
to be chosen by the Provinces, to sit
only one month in the year, and the
granting of limited local government
to the Provinces.
Amos Lawrence Hopkixs baa left
the service of Jay Gould. For years
he has been one of Mr. Gould's closest
business associates. He has been en
trusted with interests of vast img
nitude. In Wall street circles he has
f late been recognized as practical ly
Wr. Gould's other self. The cause of
the rupture was the cutting down of
alaries. It is said that Mr. Gould
has been cutting snlaries in every di
rection throughout all of his corpora
tions. He is credited with having
brought about reductions within the
lust ninety clays that aggregate a
monthly saving of 39.000!
Judge Bell, of Mount Carmel. I1L,
has made public the following maiden
speech of Abraham Lincoln, delivered
in Pappsville. near Springfield, nearly
fifty years ago: "Gentlemen and fel
low citizens: I presume you all know
who I am. I am humble Abraham
Lincoln. I have been solicited by
many friends to become a candidate
for the Legislature. My politics are
fchort and sweet. I am in favor of a
National bank; am in favor of the in
ternal improvement system and a high
protective tariff. These arc my senti
ments and political principles. If
elected I shall be thankful; if not. it
will be all the same"
A SPECIAL from Castle wood. Dak.,
fives the particulars of a peculiar
suicide which might result in the
lentil of twe men. one of whom was the
physician who tried to rescue the
would-be suicide. A man giving the
name of Gustav Johnson was found
toon niter he had taken n dose of some
kind of poison. H was nearly dead
and Dr. Staley waa called to attend to
kirn. The doctor examined the poison
and in trying to tnd what it waa tasted
it Terr sliffntiy. In n short time he
too was saifferinc terribly and other
,4octw were brought into -ervic,
Both mm ware in a critical condition.
Johnson said he had no friend ia th
world and he wanted to win.
SrsaTOR .SriERM a.x baa reported favora
bly the following amendment to the Sun
dry Civil Appropriation bill from the Com
mittee on Foreign Relations: "To enable
the President to protect the interest! of
the United States and to provide for the
security of persons and property of citi
zens of the United Htates at the isthmus
of Panama in snch a manner as he may
deem expedient l(.(0fl."
The House Committee on Territories has
decided to report against the admission of
Utah at present, but to favor letting in
Idaho. Wyoming and Arizona together.
A report on the Utah case waa ordered.
A memorial signed ly all the Htate offi
cers of Coloiado indorsing Hon. John M.
Thurston, of Omaha. Neb., for Secretary
cf the Interior has been presented to Gen
eral Harrison.
bECRCTART Bataro has notified the
German Minister that this Government
accepts the proposition for a resumption
at Berlin of the conference begun in Wash
ington in 1KS7 in regard to Samoa.
Tbk death is announced at Home of Car
dinal Ledochowski. formerly Primate of
Poland and Archbishop of Posen. who
was imprisoned by Prince Bismarck but
who was released on bis promise to reside
The report that General Boalanger bad
applied to the Pope for a divorce is denied.
It is stated that he will continue bis suit in
the Paris courts.
The resignation of Harold M. S-wall,
Consul-General of 8amoa. baa been re
quested by tbe Slate Department. Bewail
bitterly criticised the policy of the Admin
istration In the Samoa matter.
James E. Walleb, private secretary of
Governor Lee, ot Virginia, committed sui
cide recently ia his omce at the State Cap
itol Richmond. The caase for the act was
not stated.
The w York Mail and Express, in a
double-leaded editorial, congratulates
Harrison and Blaine that the latter Is soon
to become Secretary of State.
Ifa. Kilbride, member of Parliament
for South Kerry, Ireland, bat been sen
tenced to three months imprisonment
without hard labor for breach of the
Crimes act.
It ia reported from St Petersburg that
Count Tolstoi bas tendered his resignation
as Minister of tbe Interior and it has been
accepted by the Czar.
The much talked of "protocols" oa tbe
rJamoan question weru seat to Congress on
the 8th, the Governments of Great Britain
and Gerraaar having coasts ted to their
The recall of Mr. 8ewalL the American
Consul ia Saaaoa, has produced aa excel
lent isapressioa la Berlin. The Post and
other paper urge the necessity of the re
call of th Eagliah Coasal also, wb, it ts
alleged, con tri bated largely to the eatsiag
of Um tronbles.
A has meeting was held in Hyds para.
London, oa the 10th, deaoaneiae; the Gov
ernaeat'a Irish coercive policy aad the
imprisonment and ill-treatment of Editor
O'Brien. In a newspaper I'tter Mr. Bad-
foar denied that O'Brien had beea ill
treated. la a cosamaaication to the State Depart
ment Minister Denby states that the num
ber of Americaa citizens now residing ia
the Chinese empire Is 1,02. Of this aum-b-r
806 are mieaionaries. eeveatv-threeare
seafarers, twenty-eight are ia the Chiaete
customs service aad twenty-tare fa! lew
mercantile pursaita. Tbe occupatioaa of
S4w are anclassl fled.
The b rtaday of the late Samuel J.
Tildea was celebrated on the 9:h by his
admirers ia several of the priacipal cities.
--- '-T 4
TnsBadgwt Committee c the
Diet has adopted the bill iacrsasiag the
Emperor's allesraaes a.800,000 fraaca,
At Little Treat, Oat. taa other nay
Treetea Golosh was mardered by Ire In
dians aad ttea literally tarn to pieces. Tarn
af the murderers were lodged ia Jail.
Orrrn a n amber of persons have bean
arrested for oatragee oa colored persons
ia JCew Iberia, La., as a result of the re
ceat investigation.
Qcrrn a sensation was created la St.
Louis by tbe announcement that Hknry
Diecamaaa. a promiaeat member of taa
Merchants' Exchange, bad skipped tn
Canada, leaving a shortage of $30,000.
Tnn Theater Boyal at Aldersaot, En
gland, was baraed to tbe ground the other
night. A perfonaaBCw was ia progress
wbea tbe Ire broke out aad the audience
became panic-stricken and made a rush
for the door. Maay persons were hurt,
bat no one fatally.
Br tbe wrecking of a bark at Texal re
cently ten persons were drowned, includ
ing tbe captain and bis family.
The works of the Pacific Guano Company
at Wood's HoIUMai., have been attached
by the Lynu Institution for Savings. Tbe
liabilities are about fLOOO.Ouu. 1 be com
pany's headquarters were at Boston, and
they have mines at Beaufort, M C, aad
works at Charleston. H. C.
UUhWrss failures (Dun's report) for tbe
seven days ended February 7 numbered
for tbe United States, 27.1; Canada. :
total, 303. compared with 33J the previous
week and 2fe9 the corresponding week of
last year.
TTTHo-rsErMosiA of the most malignant
type ia raging in Granite, Moat, and tbe
doctors are unable to control tbe disease.
Ia tbe American mine at Leadsillr, CoL,
recently Superintendent Gieason waa
killed by a falling rock, and next day two
workmen were killed by a heavy piece of
The attempt of tbe Baaqae Parisienne
to found a new Panama Canal Company
baa failed despite tbe extension of the date
for tbe issue of a new loan.
There was an outbreak of idle work
men at Home on tbe &n. Many rioters
were arrested. Fears of further trouble
were expressed.
The agent of tbe German East African
Company has ramomed the Catholic mis
sionaries recently captured by Busbiri in
surgents. A DTXahite explosion blew a bole
through Stevenson's brewery at New York
recently. There wa no clew to the per
petrator. Several persons were hurt,
four women bting brought to premature
A. S. Goodkijt is reported to hare em
bezzled j70.00J belonging to the Manhattan
Elevated railway. Xew York.
E A. Watsojt hai been broucht in to
Fort Smith. Ark., as tbe assastin of Blle
The bodies of nine Mexican prospectors,
it is reported, have be-n found in the
northern part of Wyoming Territory. It
was said they were in search of a famous
loit mine by the aid of a chart and were
murdered by other projectors who ob
tained the secret
As attache of the British Admiralty
'has been dismissed for crookedness in
divulging terms of contract. He was
caught by an e.ectnc wire while abstract
ing documents.
Ton Allex, a colored seaman, has ben
arrested In Swansea, Wale, for the mur
der of a Mr. Kent, the landlord of the
Gloucester Hotel. Allen confessed. Ho
bad broken into the home for purposes of
robbery, tbe murder following a desjerate
Governor Francis respited for sixty
days the death sentences of William
Walker and John Matthews, who were to
have been hanged at Ozark, Mo., Febru
ary 1-V
Tuere was a general tendency to ad
vance on the London Stock Exchange
during the week ended February it. Amer
ican railroad securities were atfcted bv-
the desire to iell in Sew York whenever a
rise was reported in Londo.i. The Conti
nental boursei weie quiet with buinet
limited. Panama canal shares contmaed
to fall.
A storm of exceptional teTerity was re
ported raging throughout Holland. The
rivers are greatly swollen ani Rotterdam,
Dordrecht, Schiedam, SwoIIe and Kampen
are inundated. Manv hhwreck with
great loss of life are re;orted.
Clearing house returns for the week
ended February ft showed an average in
crease of 29.1 compared A-'ttli tht? corie
ponding week of last year. In .Nu- York
the increase was .15 &
Tnn value of th plunder secured by
tbe mob in tbe recent riot at Komi is
estimated at 7.",0u0. The Government
poeses evidence that the Anarchist
leaders fomented the agitation.
The Wyeth drug factory, Philadelphia,
was destroved by fire on the lvith. Loss
between 2uO,OXi and $U,00v; inureL
George Power, a fireman, was killed aad
two other firemen wer injured.
Nebraska Lrgtslatarw.
Tax Senate met at four o'clock Tuesday,
the Ma. aad paed the following bUU: Makiag
as aatault with intent to !dU cr to commit treat
bodilr injury a penitentiary offense rro,5tr:c
aAsoisston to the bar to tr thmwh th Snnn-me
Court: malcinsrlt a criminal conscirarr for two ! terdtv pis.rtL. x reported from the eaav
or more pertoat to comtiae to tajurr Use rpa- mitte oa military affairs, a substitute for
tationorthe business or the property of another. I the gwarral bill recently ped by the
and requlrtagnotsnes'records to b rsaSc to the j Hosse removing the charge of desertion
district court clerts. Hecator Gal fr certain caes. The substitute provides
logiy anJ llaher were appoints a cora. ttl-e on I tbat ch , ue,ertioa ,h,U be re-
the proposition from Kansas to ro&kiJcr cattle j ., , 7, .,i ,. !(..
tnm . Th iir V...M .Hf .. M i niored from the record of anjr volunteer
T tn SakitHat Asia
Ska aat rr tk Ha sWIIt tw
tbe Tatat mt lasfil rroas al4see aw
Skw War of its lUteeUosi Caster Ctrlala
WasnixoTov, Feb. S. Tb Senate yes-
adopted Mr. Cad7s memorial asSctn? Conzress
for a tuspension of entries on school indemnity
lands in the State. Two cr three bill passed
aad a larse nnmher were diipoed of In Com
BBtttee of the Whole.
Is th-Senate on th Cth Mr. Pool's bill
soldier of the late war, when it shall hare
been prored tn the satisfaction of the
Secretary of War. that he served faith
fully until the expiration of his term of
enlistment or until Mar I. l"" having
prerioK-sly served six months or mure.
to tax tnorvaes was Indefinitely pottpoard. I who failed by reason of absence from his
Senator Howe's bill rroridmsr that saloonkeep
ers sball obtain the consent of tdloinlns proo-
erty owners or tenants to their carrying on the
liquor bu!neis brou ht oct a lon debate in
Committee of ihe ".'hole and when the commit
tee row; the bill passed . In the House peti
tions were presented a-klctr rcccicijal saSraje
for women, and the Judiciary Cot&stttee favor
ably reported the h;:i increasing the silary of !
the hepreme JaJsc to i m jhJ district
ljJre to tXin liiiU were then considered In f
Committee of the Whole. The dlcalon oi
the Omaha contested flection ca tt-n occu- '
pled the time of the House until adjournment. J
The morning session of the rvnate on
7th was devote I principally to cocs-.deraUcn of
bills In Committer of tee Whole. A little i
Barry wts created b7 the introduction of a :eio
lution tht committee to v. sit fttate :ntuu
liens should in paid only tbe money they bd
paid out for actual eipense. and that h-re-after
no such committee shall be provided i
with Pullman cars. The Joint resolution ask
In? the Board of Transportation to make a
schedule of maximum freight rates wa favor
ably reported Tbo Hoasc put tn the day dis
cussing the Omaha contested electloi cave.
The fteht was interesting and on a final vote
Messrs. M om7 and Kenno i Democrat) were
unseated and O'Brien and Sprecht given their
seats by a vote of 27 to 4L
The morning session of the Senate on
thesth was larscly taken up la routine work
The Judi lary Committee recommended in
definite rostpocement for the bills craalict
municipal scJTnse to women, ba; the friends of
sach a meaur- succeeded ia setting tan on
the r-neral file. Mr. Norval's btll to aid the
urpreslon of disturbances during
passed. The bill creating i!tker County a!o
passed. Bids were considered in Commit
t'e of the Whole at the aitercoon ses
sion... In the iiou.e committers reported oa a
larjfc number o: bill-.. A resolution to tnvrsti
rate the late eiTiTo-lon fit th. trin i,i.,i
passed, and the Speaker appointed as the In.
vestlpatins ccmmitter. Messrs Gardner. Tren-
ion. joocwa, soverta and iiaors. In Com
mittee of the Whole. Mr Corbtn's h.'.i :0r list
ing property at its full vatuat'on was recoin
mended for passage, and a ten debate on the
Usury bill fotlo-ed. At the attcrnoon session
Mr Kcnck's bill to enable railroads to consoli
date passed, a resolution wjs adopted asking
the Jcde of the Supreme Court to famish the
House with an opinton as to the constitution
ality of the Submission btll recently passed.
command, to be mnterd out and to re
ceive an honorable discharife. or who was
prevented from completing his term of
enlistment by reaoa of wounds or dis
ease. The substitute also provides for the re
moval of the chire of desertion from
the record of any volunteer or regular
Cattle wyaaHcasw Altai
rroea lbs rakUe Laa-S arsw
WaSaUaoTOX, feb. 12. -Tae SWjaato Coss-
alttee oa Territories ys-aterday bwsd a
hearlas on tbe Oklaassma MIL Tassra were
preaeat D. VS. Ilashyhead and C. J. Mar
ns, Cberokee dleate. aad lIcPoaaM,
Bri(bt and Tav. cvua.ei for tb- ladlaaa.
Colonel Fay made tbe chief argument op
pjainc the MIL Tbe tif of tae csunsrl
claisaed that tbe Mil violated (a the saawt
flagrant manaer the rUfbta cf tbe Casro
keaXatloa. The Cheroke 5atioa. It was
claimed, rs far eaotigb adsauced ia civll
iaatioa to carry oa their affair. Couael
said: "ThaCbsrokea Natloa waa so far
adraaced la civilisatloa that as
early as the treaty of Hopewell it
was ftvrn tbe right to aead a
deputr to the Congress of tbe Ualtext
States', an.t ssht-a thev left their home In
Georgia they left behind thsm cultlvateit
fields and well stocked plantatlooa li
a no trfiiog consideration that $assed
U the United Stairs. The gold alone that
had 1hii taken from the CheroWee lands
in Oeorj.a has Nsen no man jiorllow of
the wraith of tbe United Stair. bat
. -
T-Taw sH tfasallssa .
. - W-fc. B Taa -ttMftocess-
aHMSIV. - -" w
(or eswclat ssl.ates) of the confer- of taw
Ufereae. aa ssoan affair b-44 ia tni.
rlty In l!7. togwtaer wlib additional cor-
rrapond.ncs. oa taa subject, were iaia s--for
CmST yesterday aftswaooa. In nl
soldier in case, where, after the cbare I cn,m or thrn can U. Mt in th
was tcuie. m- oiufr reiurncii volun
tarily to his vomm-iad and se-Ted .ut his
term, or where he absent on account
of wound or died from those wounds.
The charge of desertion Is to x re
moved from the records or th-iso who en
listed in the navy or marine corps with
out obtaining discharges from tha army.
here the re-cnlil:nent was not for the
purpose of securing bounty; provided,
that the absenco from service did not ex
ceed four month, and that the soldtor
served faithfully after re-cnllsttnent.
Any soldier who. after desertion, has
been restored to duty by a competent
commander is not to b deemed to rest
under auy disability in the pnecutioti of
any claim for pension.
The Adjutant-General is to issue to any
soldier retored under section 1 and 5
of thU act a certificate of discharge.
When the ch-xre shall have been re
moved, the heirs of the .soldier ar to re
ceive the pay nnd bounty due him: pro
vided no pav or bounty is to be allots ed
for the jwribd during which he n ab
sent from his command, or in cases where
tlie oldier rved les than six nnnths.
Theyharc of desertion U to be removed j
from the recorti or soldiers who nerved
in the Mexican war, where the oldier
rerved out the time of hi enlistment or f or
six months or more and until July t, 1M",
nad left his wranwml without reccivmw a
The ivalls of the "Meyer building, re
cently burned at Omaha," were Mown down
the other morning and crushed several
other buililiti-s ns thy fell. Mike yinr
tin. Edward O.eson. Peter Hover, liudo'pb
Mitchell and .Samuel Imbnrd were killed
and Max Houston and Mrs. Hen-en jkt
haps fatally injured. Other. Were more
or less injured.
r.zoRC.K Haceiima.v. th? young German
who was in jitl nt .Scnuyler anaiting trial
for the bum ng of the i'nm and stock of a
farmer namel Craig, n-t quietiy taken
from tbe jail the other night by unknown
parties and hange L
The I.Iml-ay SuLm ssion Lill as passed
by th Legislature submits two proposi
tions to the voters nt the general election
in &J. Th fligt reads: "Th-manufacture,
lulcrtnd keeping for a!e of Intoxicating
liquors as n leverage s'litll be forever pro
hibited in this State, nn I the legislature
shall make suitable ians for enforcing
th.s provision." Ihe second is: "Theiuan-
uiaciuic, sail anil Keeping lor sa e of in
toxicating liquor an a beverage shall be
licensed and regulated bylaw."
The Lodrs used in the heat:ng of tho
inane hospital at Lincoln exploded on tho
afternoon of the 5th nnd utterly demol
ished the boiler house nnd k.ll-d W. IL
Huntley and J. K. Smders, pttieuts. nnl
John Morrtn. engineer. Several others
were badly Injured.
H. P. Chase. siipermtndcnt of tho In
dian school at Genoa, hat been r.innri..!
The charge against blm was mismnnace-
ment, and it is nid his Ixmdsmen will be
qured to pay ;.',tVJL
There is a surplus of several thousand
dollars in the Dixon comity treasury.
A rROPOMTlo.v is to be submitted to the
people of Fillmore Countv to issue s.7)CmJ
discharge, and where the soldier, after
! tha charge was entered, voluntarily re
turned anil served out his time.
The conditions of the net nre not to Iks
construed so as to relieve any soldier whi
left his command from disaffection or dis
lovalty: to evade h.irdshipsor in the pres
ence of the enemy, not being slclc or
wounded, or while uu ler arrest or utid-r
charges; or in the case of a soldier of the
.Mexican war who did not actually re.vh
tlie Kent of war. Ail applications for re
lief uu ler this act are to be riled withia
three years after J.ily 1, lO.
The Senate has .-vskedaa immediate coa
ferenee on the bill.
Fama-a Covexbt, of Duasaaaway. Ire
laaa. dsntsayosiuvely landtag taa killiac
of lasnector Martin at Qweedore.
Tan ertbnmpbio blaaket wdll ataeve
lansl, O, nmaaswnroyed by ire tha atnsv
atorninc. caatiac a roas ot HwHOOn.
InarncTon BosncLa, Csytaia BrniTs:
aad Detective Lawraastain, at taw Ckieago
polica. bave bean snsnsadsd by Mayor
Rocb nendias; tbe trial af their saint
against taa Chiang Tisasa far libel
It is neniea bysa OlaaaasiLUa, X T-,
taattbarewas any trnth m nnsrspartaf
taaskwwwlageafawvaBissmaaewaast tatdr
m ran Ink, near wasra, a law nays
Tar mutiluied remains of a uoiiuiu wen
fonad in a trunk at Dundee. Scotland, re
cently. Her husband waa arrested and as
the body was mutilated In "Jack the P.ip
per" style an 1 the man was from White
chapel and subject to unconscious murder
mania, it waa thought the notorious dead
was at last captured.
TiiKltK will be a heavy movement of
cattU from Texas to tbe Territory
this spring, estimates being placed all the
way between 123,100 and 1W.O0O head.
THE Gentiles carried the recent munic
ipal elections ia Oaden. Utah, by a band-
some majority. Oden is the lir.t city in
Utab rescued from Mormon control.
Father Akhficld. a Catholic priest,
was recently stabbed to death at Mem
phis, Tenn., by a craty friend named
Keese. When fonnd the lunatic was
caressing tho dead body of the priest.
Thk President has approved tbe act tc
enlarge the powers and duties of the De
partment of Agriculture and to create an
executive department to be known as the
Department of Agriculture.
The Senate was in executive session on
foreign affairs oa tbe lltb. The sum ot
$900,000 was agreed apoa to be used should
troaWe break oat on the IstboMs of Pana
ma. 2taval nutters also occupied the at
tention of the Seaata. Tha Basalts-Elliot
election rata was before the Boas, whicb
led to a veatilatioa of the race qaestioa.
Tnn sadden removal of Civil Service
Comssissioaer Edgerton by President
Cleveland excited much comsaeat ia Waec
ingtoa. Edgertoa said that be bad often
dissgresd with tbe President on tb Dem
ocratic policy, bat he thought it anwise
that tbe President sboald have openly
raptured their connection, seeing that
both would so shortly retire.
Rcaa AnninAL CnaxoLxa. coaamaading
tbe Asiatic station, died at Hoag Kong oa
tbe 1Mb from an attack of apoplexy. Be
was born in New York Aagast 22, IKS.
CoLOXaX HnsaT J. Hear (retired), gov
ernor ot tbe Soldiers' Hosm la tbe District
of Colassbia, died oa tbe lltb from a cosa-
alieatloa of disease. He was bora la De
troit, Mich., September 14,1$&
Tnn Pataa rice case was decided on the
11th at New Orleans, tbe jury returning a
sealed verdict, which. It was understood.
was in favor of tbe Government.
Tax Ohio aad Westers Coal and Iron
Cotapaay ha- fatted. The Uabilitie
saaouat to about &0xaX Tbeasaets
aist of VMtautf band la the Hockiag
alley aad other property. Six or save
haadrstt men were thrown oat of eat
ploymeat by the fallar.
Br th explosion of a bun bailer in the
tarra catta works at Chawannoaca, Taaa.
awchrslay a man was hsjrned tethmth
and his sen family iajnrsat,
trish-Ainrrlcana Mlrrrl I'p Tliey Ileus
111 Allegation.
Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. J. Irishmen are
greatly ntirred up over the statements
j ma le by Witness Keach lefore the I'nrnell
Coiniutssiou regarding an alleged meeting
uith i'rt-stdent Sullisanof the National
League in May. 13. J G lioiitieilv.
reg ster of probate of this county, sho Is
State executive of the league, was askrd
what ho thought of Itearh's dis
closures. "I think," snid Mr Donnnlly.
"that If the rest of hi testimony he
as reliable as that uhcieiu ho mentions
Milvsnukee he wilt strangle himself in per-
jjurybfjre he finishes his tale. His nl-
leged conversation Alexinder uill
I van In Milvsuukee on the occasion of the
Lgan-hu.ltvnu ttieotiiig In l3 is abso
lutely fatso, nnd many b-side myself
can prove its filsity. On tb- evening of
the ineting retvrrtd to Mr. Sullivan ar
rivei hero from Chicago on the eight p m
train. He wn met at the dejot by a ojiii
ruittee of ivlnch I was member, and
j escortel lirst to th 1'lankinton House nnd
j then to the Academy. 1 was with h,m
I during the uliote time and sat by huu on j
I tbe platform through the meeting. After;
th meeting we returned with him to t
the Hani in ton, and despite our (
earnest eirrts to prevail on him to
I Lniird fstates by blch they now prac- I
tleallv confi. atetbeseHnds TheCbero- ;
Ve Nation rati now ,1 A.iiiO.OiM acre of
' this lanl at .t er a r.s. This sum can l
j r-allfd f.r it at once. Why abttuld tho
Nation not its alu Why Bhosttd
i trto-tlurds of the in unle land l gisen
I to th- peo!e of the United Stales?
I Referring to the gi ss.itg interests of th j
(.hrrvikre Nation, the counsel sstd; "o
j sane man ran tcr.utisty contend that theie
Is any thing liutiinrnt .r csmtiary to the
welfare of the people of the I'nlted Mates "
In leasing laud to gram rattle uMn Keen '
t Ti'RuUrlni tuHiM not consider It Im
moral to penult CM t e to. Irror allow them
to gramoiithe prs rtr.of the Indian rsisin- I
try. Hut in addition to this the section .
not nul declares tU lease toI.I. but It J
directs the rxerutise to osrry Into esecu- f
tlOtl this legislative d.r-e. This sectte.n .
U not, ir it it onreis able that '
any court In the t'nltd Htt, inJ jM-r- '
111 It Its exrctlttoil. Ihe s.-ln pnrM of the
sectuvi is to loere- tae Lbiaie Nnl Ion
to accept the prut i ion s of rton ft." I
The committee s i:I gun. th r-prsnta- I
tiles of the other dlVI.Ued tii- a hear
iug. j
The friends of the OtlabontA W'l b '
filed o bilef the Mettsl- Cwwutl1' a
which the legal objection Ut te Ull a'
met ntid anseri-lt nn I stj.,u ! it ks f-ua
neceury they ill l.e licid by tttnl arma
ment. Judge John F. rinlip. Web Wth-r, T
It. llullene, Cidounl I) P ler Jii.Um
Kevuolil. Thoiiins W Heatlry ntid J. A.
firnham, of tb rCmisas fity (ILUhvs
delegation, armed nst night mid express ,
themselves highly gratilld at the situ- : I
....... t - --... . . . .... .. H.. .
Mr. Dawes presented n jetitln In th j M'' d net a certain tini- be rise.
Senate vsterdnv f r in I 'JO Indian ten- hich an election should take ta
dents at Hampton. 'a., plotrstilig ngattist
tht continuance of the ration system at nn
encouragement to Idleness nnd lev's in
mending their ruiva'cni In fntm ng Int-
plenit'llts ntlil stock. lie poV of the sug
gestion a being wie and judicious aud
said that It was doubly k bin frutu
the fiu-t that the memorial sn In Mi
hnlldwiitltig or one of the student, mas
Wgued lu the handwriting by ail lilt thie.s
of them nnd w.t tbetr own uupronifiteil
Idea. It was a Iittln singular that there
shuuM le- any law in the was- of nn Indian I
changing his latlon Into ng icuittiral or j
other implement o that lie might, by hi I
own lalxir. upport himself, lt snob wa '
Wl IMCi. lie iK-.l to Unvn Ih ,.1 tloti
refrrreiltotheCVmmitteou Appropriation
and how.t it that cjui:intle
make the necessary recotutn n.ia
Ihe itttloti was ) refrret.
Ml lls'ii.UND IICARU FltOU
lir.aVKM. .No- JI an'.., Feb 12 Th
'ollo.smg pet I 'ion
Oktah'iini l.y law-
pa -d by the COunci
Hah. or I.rrttst sxivr Astr.utii t i
Ili.svtH, I T. IVb :
To It snt.V f lr t'nitut st,f .in, rift
The Territorial Cinell of Conarr-o Ternlry
In C'o'iiicll asM-inMetl. herssby represent Utat the
I V' ArrnirlCM cttlr-as resWIna; on U.e
I-ml Htrlp (fally the oalr lnA Mt
of Oihlrrai Trrrltorj' resllie e-ch Uv the J
lnrralna nesiv for bsl eon, jiuwle .
enrvii. ami I a I let j Hlales la. There
fore. r, the l2atse AstrtuU
sn.l only represeaUtlse ef
any portion of the ;,;..;! iiUina T"rrl
...... - i...ltil Prsssideat Cleela
SFera sjpsa aa as.m.awe-sws.
save the Ooscrorante of Germany
Great Hnlaln have consented toUtr p
Tbe protocssJe of the first conference, at
which was iweaent Heoreiary lUyard. Mr.
Alveatteben and Sir Lionel West,cwttaia
she rroposUltas of the three dlpleeoaU as
to tbe form of Goverameat teal should t .
provided for Kaato. The Ger-sf
saaa renreeeatative set forth that
atatletosv having notorloasly violatetl h
treaty rights with Gerasany, and haviag
but a small mlaoelty of followers among
tbe natives, Tasnaseee having the spiort
of a great majority, aa eles.Uon or w
King must take place. The, ia order tu
secure peace and order In the Island, a
foreign representative should l appointed
as advisor to the King, aad t act a th
msn-latorv of tha threo treaty jKmera. Ha
also sugsotvl a renewal uf the principle
Of absolute equality of the three poters
on the Ulanda.
Secretary lUyanl saggested a chotn
of constUa'tiossal guearasssat fsar.smoa.
with a native legislature, securing itin
dependeaco aad autonomy. Including aa
acknowledegmeut of Malietsa, as King'
and Taaiae as "lce-KUg.
The KngtUS tlosernment, thrsingh Sir
Lionel West, suggested an agreement
among the treaty jtossers that one of than
hould. as the mandatory of the other two.
act a advisor of the Saiaoan Government,
and In view ef the rsrepoeideeaaow of Ger
man i merest these, was witting to Ut (er
tisny have th Aral term "t av yr.
Kngtsad agreeswltbtJeisnaay in acknoel
eslglng tbe aecsssslty for the election of a
new King. All the rsprsesutallee m
xe. the organisation of a land rvuit .r
rsmmlslon to settle the iuslion of titlsa.
No discussion occurred at this con f rem e.
At the eoond meeting Seoietaiy Hayart
stated the points u-stt sshteli he undr-t-!
all were agreed.
Tfcrn followed along dlcuion of the
d'tall of the Government to l createiL
S-crefarr Ilaynt oonse-nle.1 to a new
election tut uialsled It shouM !ea nation
a! election, tree and tinawrd; that the
custom of the Saru.ti hoiild pi avail m
It. and that the result of the u
hwuld be announced tu and dclare,t I
tae thr Consul, w ho should not othrr
" l-ttf pste In the ptos'vdlnga.
rtir !jent Wast ssld he shjiii.I as,nt to
that fro;!;loa. The native must ei-t
a Km; and the etKn l free. Mr
A veattn iauirel whether thr ahou I
not take Into cseislderatlon theprobsUbty
f th nal is, not arr lnir at an eles-tsn.
wil 111
. If .1
should not take place within that lime,
then the thfee k),i, htiuld agree Uou a
Mr liaranl therrapiin iruswm n.
tlnne Malietoa In ofTiie. bat Mr. West and
Mr Von Alvensteln united in -i(HMiti-i
to this, tbe latter alo Imjulred s,.,.r
the newly elected Kiag !iO!J n l- e
proved by the power towhit'HMr lU
ard replied In the negative. Insisting I list
there must be a fie r. n
Mr. Von AIentld-.M thro read a formal
statement of the Hlliun of hi li.,rn
ment, lu which be ar thre I onl una
c-ure -ti place one forwign efSeer at b
uenii oi iu , iiuinistralten and to nsl
til ill with suffis-Sent peer t tak In-ss-j
Ure r-iUlrel fur the tuamtenanre ef . e
II I't'lT a welt a foe the .nxi,i..
... ani ni
SVtUlIil .
tioiis. development of ixiuw.ns and InlTMj,.-.
(erniany nanng tne i(m intil
should noaainaie th (iCttlat Mr Jtayard
asid the astlt-e In e.
for the of ," , ,H'T 'xl'1" '- '-
ha. I.en prepared, ' ' " HU.1" T hmt th'r" -
d and aenl ... Wash- ! " '' f" -- I- I -r.
j Mr. on AixnsUtwn aiil that adP-
l.rhAt.nrnrChl...nnm..i ... I'"' ""; """-""- .ran.esJ.ate ae
j ........... v,..,v.....u .u- tuin. Ui. Innonthi. I irii.,. hlDkfuxii.lK.
train. There was not a moment of the
pUeaaiaa In two nwiisis in Tai
Oaaaty. Fa-, has aMlanvi jraJRy tanr-
in bonds for the construction of a court
Fiikd Snmr. porter at Kelley'. Hotel In
Kearney, was horribly burned by an ex
plosion of gunpowder the other eveniu?.
The explosive had been placed In a coal
hod byonecf th- employe of the hotel.
wno tnistoos it for dirt. Tbe unfortunate
man put hot ashes Ih the supposed rubbish
with tbeabove result. Hi face and hanis
were turned to a crisp and tils eyesight
Joux Holmex, tbe Strang led who was
bitten by a mad dog last summer, was re
cently showing signs of hydrophobia, not
withstanding his treatment with a mad
stone. Tux Custer County Agricultural Society
and LiveStock Exchange have purchased
toe fair ground which they have bad
leased heretofore.'.i elevator at Lincoln caught fire
and turned to th? ground the other day.
Tbe elevator was a total lo, together
with ZO.CsjO bushels of grain. The loss was
over H00"JL
The receipts of the Fremont post-office
for January amounted to $1,477 i'j. tbe rrcent high wind the roof of
the high school at Arapahoe wa blown
loose and fell in among tbe scholars.
Eight or ten pupils were hurt and one boy
may die.
A. B. Ball, chairman of th- executive
committee of the State Sunday School As
soc ation. has calleJ a meeting of the com
rnitteeat Tecumseh February ?) to ranks
arraagrm-nts for tbe coming Slate con
Ax expert has been engaged to investi
gate tbe books of the Polk County treas
urer from tbe date of th- organizatioa of
tbe coanty. It is a three months' job.
A naxn of fifty Adams County wotsvu
made a crusade on a saloon and gambling
house at Proeser tbe other night, deraol
ishsd the entire establishment. The build
ing was crowded at the time, aad the
women attacked it wita lumps of coaL
breaking every window -glass aad cieea-
lag out the establishment. Tbe Inmates
scattered in every direct.-o-r. some of the
loungers being husbands cf the womesu
sViae, whisky and beer ficwed freely into
the tatter.
Juax Rise, an Oaklsad j-wl-r. bas
mi lean assignment for tbe benefit of bis
Joax DtxaxCT. a farmer residing near
Fremont, bas recently iot orer fifty bead
f cattle by a strange disease that paxales
AX indignation meeting was held at
8ce ay ler tb other night for the purpose
of voting oa a petition to send to Goreraar
Thayer asking him to urge aa appropria
tioa of &W as a reward, for th arrest
aad conviction ot the perriespanu ia th
lyachiag of George llag-rasaa ca the -lag
cf February A. The raotiaa waa car
ried and tbe peUUoa forwarded to the
1. 1.4 . ., ,. ..
t. tae he was hre that he wa not In the ' enablf-il ti, r.ra!. ,.,n!rion .. t.- .....i.
company of well known citizen, and the j rnnlnsl secure tlt.e tomir lattJ. build scfcocl j
conversation wnicn lie nan was certainly i -. carce nnort, nj esiabitth c-rurt
not of a violen
tor. Ileach
) to my tn
on w men he had w a certainly j """'"S cnarcoe. nrtn.-. ami estahltth tartan
olent or revolutionary charac- i f rr'r', ,,B '! 'be prl lege ) irriiauin.e,
l was not lu his corawsnr, nor ' ''Mwr-.iaM n,M.sil ri. of hi.
ow ledge in Milwaukee at th. i Utr' "b "r'" lb," lBr. ..( a ,.l0e-r 11'-
. stronj:
Wltlt Cut-
Jj;rn lit -Jtt. Cha.ia.n
TauaAS I. Iltniiiei.tii. httKlrj.
Ilelecatlon jlir
ernor I'raacl.
JrrrxRsox CtTr. Mo., FeU ft. A n'el-ga-tion
composed of Judge Klward Seay. ,jf
Dent. Colonel H. If. liyd and J. I. DeL
ney, of SprinKfleld. Captain Smith, of
Dougbi, and ej-Seeretary of Stste
McGrath. apje-red lfore Guvern'.r I
Frcncts last evening and argnel In j
favor of executive clemency for
Wilhani Walker and John and Wiley
Matthews, the Christian County ilald .
Knobl-r. who have ben sentncsl to ,
bang next Friday. Very strong je-tition !
were presented from bulne men of
At the third meeting Mr West r-.d
paper in support f ,e uisn.Jatoy ehu,e.
and aAid that the HrttUh UoT-ritm-Jsl s.
witling that the lienuau t-.r-nlatis .
should act a the mandator-? f ,.
tAUmr two poisrra t' Ih- flr.t term
of five year At the nst . Mr.
ltsvaid lil h had not tha .tiht.-.i .il
sire to vxeieis any prrwodiance .
(etmany and tir-at lf llsm, tjt he did de
sire to ee ihe uatire It.fiumt Ul,l.i ,r
the three powers -J. y asd fr rwu
i purisiw. II- ti...e. also to df-rt
to the tnMirtanee f the practical wli.
Isatiott ut th l and.
At tbe fifth neUt Mr. llavara s)es.rd
that the German fa sf(ajd.s.fjt ia an
lariuatity wh eh wnld gr,w larger. -,
Mr West ml. r,t ris.. ft psWnt.
At the laat etluH. on Jal) Z&. r Ur-
ard. In reviewing the linn,,,, pe..M.M.
aid. "The plan a pr -.. t n.j .,!
pla'ae. by Mr. Voa AU.a.t.Ua u eb
staats;iy a foi. Ijn aauraue -.
men i issei nn
t,um l...e..w,u. Het, f.eole I -"- " merranill. and
lrHi.rt Hhlle sUlLf. ' J"'MnCe bs .hon what ! e.
LrAVrsw.itiTII. Kan . Feb 12. -Ve.f.r. ' ",,rUy r"' f"W eurh an attempt,
ds sflorswti a pirty consisting of Grace ' '1 U1 u'br It the derat nt the V.
Philips. .teUughter of Juice Me; ,. ' i1' w h" all dfctitiy jvwp i i
K Anthonv daughter of Co!wil I. ,L certala. f .Jf eat ea e,r mm ,kwj,
Antbonr: Harry Jewtt. .in of M M. "" rr'n'" at It,, outset, aad nrt, e(e
J-we't. and K-lwm Plrc.. n of C It. ' ln f'no- frit of lf.jf,T.f ale f-
Pierce. left th- high TilOol Uiddlflg for ?W f'-r. l ,,.
the purpsse of having an hour's j V1 m' ae beru,fee gt.n .1
r-creatlon in skating ,m m t,nd j ,"'il'utt ' betr dee re U thU Uy ,,
o-j the farm of J f, Ht.tje. Jr , ttmr raTO i'mtsi( th-afbjiafy d en
miles sooth of th ajj- 7h
ttt o7t- man nsrei upon tn ' ---. - -.- msi ,sii it t-
f the jwsratMm and ba I hsrdlr ieae
h-r fcsl I u,' - set of their r.r t,. (.),
sjo'rai-at (Ht,,,', ' ' U-) Aisd It t. ,o-
aeb.l "m"'w coawctssX (i(s.r. b.
.-., I " " "' new dleor-ler aad 4t.
& A Saaa sa sat aa a a
Sprlnsfleld and the countie surrounding
Christian. A statement was presented from ,q mUdte ut the pond when the ice
the county cCirials of all th- Bald Knoblr ' "y ni all four were tbrvwn info the I " than tr iMtsse.
counties that the organization hml di- . v,:r Snsie Anthony and young Pierre 4 " ',b aUvee wka, wnesse i.y
bandeI forever. It was argued that of ujmeLteIy tank aud dead leibr ' "T acte.1 iBpftrly ad iMnswr,! T,
tho 19 Bald Knobbers ladlcte,! for murtlr , ld r-afhe-i tb-ei. Voung Jeweti sod f WW fJrS-r '" .'' ej-i the .
. . ...... .. is, (.-.... .. elieatibci &f mim. fMj .K . .
oniy inree are iiseiy to user tbe extreme , a.t 1 uu i rrs rrinj!, Ujl nt aotil 1 .. ..-,-.4., agesii. n rmJt
penalty of tbe law. The Govsmor p.-vm- they ss.r. taorongh)y chllfe.t aad their I ,IT,'t".;deTnj, aaHs- teif.,.
le-l to return an answer to-day. Th
delegation expressed the belief that the
condemned would have their sentences
lle for wrvmm boar were .!... I, ..4 I ,B svleante f'tf it has nH !....,
trtt the Utet in.'MiasUon Is that thr are J 4 ? t'5r'5ef' ,, aa .i.not . A
now out of danser J l'l faerUe r.aUtratitfa. and V i
Anetfcer !. Tragealy.
Srrvxva' Poixt. Wis Peb. aOeorg
Schtttot, a liohemian aged thirty, fatallv
shot Ida I'oltr, a venten-year-old wajt-
rets of a hotel at alcwill, a sabsjrb of
theveas' Pont, and then blew bis own
braias out. The act was cosma tied Im
mediately af r tbe girl refased Hchtseal'
offer of marriage.
Meet -t a M-S Werriece.
hT.CtVK-o. Minn rU li Aaate KnavK.
Us badnsdiJ7hfr -,f e-a-tsy per its
I in Crafttm. f)k is a ravieg
at the Wet Hofel ia iS. eity canssd t-r
the diecoseiy that b- aad t-eaj betrsy.d
(lata a aaosrh a-airlage o-renvxir Ur Va
K. Mcsasga. a traveling agnt f.r a nt,
Paal bsatia he,
aessate Tariff at4 artless.
WaHixro5, F-b. ?. Tbe compatati&as
made br the trenry exp-rta upon the
probable effect of tbe Senate na-adinat
to tbe Tan!? bill rearb-d the Cosxtauttee
aa Ways and Means yesterday aad
ware lmt3d.aUly seat to tbe printer. )
A Democrat c member cf th
COSBSaittee says the tabfee sbear
that tw.a-balf of tbe redaction of fjt.
Xr.Cs) effectod by tbs change ta the ragsr
t;Beds:e is wiped osjt by caaagee ia the
athsr tariff schednles, witch la themselvee
woald result Is co sideraUe iacrea. la
the reread-. This on Id leave the net rs
dactiow of rwveaae aboat U.,'i erf II,
X.0M3. tsiaving the wtsraal rsrveaae -
tiotM oat of the csJcalatloa,
A laraber was rsiansls di-
snsmagtheiatradkMrUsnsjf Csslifavwl red
I-fairly teete-l, VT,bJ (t aM. t her Wo-, t.
--.. ,-, . ,w s.ijni tela .
til th. .., 4 lfc, gU9 UMhlU(
afllterso(r.rsaany a4 Gr-et !,
V .Ua!t Ikeir ptmn tWJr ,e-ap-Ktise
ifcisrsmesu ia teer that la
snKttaaa asey I reeHvesf by Ub ef a
Uttral?""1 '' by sassans nt
which ssw aasjsr ba -a tht at a ssasn u , Itayafd-afUaa)!.
ad j vera eatll astaaMs w, taew, agreed u.
OwsiM Cef 1iefl ewn atsflsw.
w Joee -.
i jiv wtmm na. m ..
woarl a'J9 tbe fate l th ' ' M , , ' .-svese l-aef-e
sstraocLaary growth ia SopaUrity. " wStZtZV!! 1iZr'yiXJy
yers ago." a. .aid. -this wt wa. aow- m LzZ.! rf M, rf.
psu-atve.y aakaowa to tha gesvarat tra-U. I Itnt-rT.! V ' M M
5owt Ut.of taa saoei jeaiar f m T.Tl to4- " wrst f ifcrf.
av aaa.a . . - . ay. SWJ1lSrai
asm a -
Hi price hrtrr.
about as seetsv ifiat
Goveraor. The cooaty comasissioaers
were also asked to offer J4V far the
rnrzn Xtxavia, a sctia fwsiss.
recsmtly hiUad by th ears at Xor.h Plata
A cnnraxT has hee organ laed at JMigh
far th mas ii fait si of pressed brick, and
wnl sscstnst ear, watch
In tkronmx.
. I
Irynaaaite afraSery.
"- Letm. Feb. A mystery ha 3 ate
th life af en Taosaat T. Baa. ef jia
JcaTersoa areas a, th city. Lata J9 a
year aga seme aakx:wa $mA attempted
to blew sp Ms toes with dynamite. Tb
exptat! was terrisV. away tb
Iwr povtiosi of the kssu aad aatailiag a
lass of ever fL9. Formsvtey a est
was hart. Th iacidat err ted a great
wasatlon as th time, th exoiaa tat
jti tar nuts arasad
smtssj th ease, had SaJaWd as-
Lawn aagntth
bat aly warUan af tn drna-
axyisisft, th aafy da
f the
raeaper graaee. By right tt
eaLla&alesM price tha pine, aad
wet fa th rt u sraais.rsat'1
wm!4 be the raea As It U II awlla fe a
The r sssaad le
elsittr aa nsree
saw. Ta graia U frj ctoae aad its ar-
farwba a aoftnesss J.. delicately wo-.a
wit. wTtfea it is siawssy pfsaes its ewrfae
lsgs Tdts sau. an rich i its baases-.
Catsawt arorbvrs Kke th Wxsd
tagty. They ram eavrre It with
treats rstltw it U
eft, aai its pruy mlnr, waieh m sJgaMy
m'saasmi, laevi iteaU ts esadJag anth
snahCecL Uuli4 tvw aeJag jg -sderahiy
far svaiaeessOag, friaaaa. miH
ap cieta, aetastf aiee tvsd Ms tib
Kaass. toes, are va givSag H t
mm Ut Aar-tg, Bats far this
m ttwaac ad hwassssf ms eastmw)!
rse aae resve
asalUUde f U-
as aa sa ia the e1
in a
Mr (eekl
Trr """a -itAa fatrmi
ewsaw srweet htk f febn -m ..
:aw4 as fwatiaafis' afe tl .fi'. -..
Tb aaaaa tA ta. se.. . -k .....
sf eaiarjesv fl (eaaUt.. Mr. -
nra rtlJr asdavi. 1. , . aaa.-, .
t-. taoa-st rtsfih JCet
is le rlA4 Wtt riug fcr.jfcj .,1
redart, a-Hh Je et a -y ar tAai
aggregaie a auwata-y aaetag $jk,
9mm f Ms aw aasm grwa sdnns nhn
Castra4rd trssan. tsn Tn saM
nasary aaisfs msarisw aa tn et sanss
d wawd tawwtm
wane aa tsae wayaasanw aasrst fawaam smaf
ntywiihijrtiaa'itnsav Tat mmsawsashac
tnaertehmsd m saw hi mat nmn nkmn
Vea CaeetaM SJ,
.7 ( .r i.W fer
WrsMla aiaaartm r-'nl
- aad wk s dvg;ad t .r
IsWCsaytaai aesj-W. 4 . fL
eyswterd,y 4a4 4A hmm Jk
rirrk'" w srer ma hk
wtWmVsds as sd JsX.
'. Jd. rVav BV-af.
t?s t nay sawaag m nv tuvt
m Use W,m. asm f saw
ammm asaasa. .L . . wwmmmmV sTsvatV SaP 'awissll
swaansav wmmwamwamaPafsP maawaPiV JS wasawammani matw mammmmmmV
ansm SanMsSt. " areawe
(-,- "f-iJ?-!
Sfc J
- fl
KfV fc-tv-'-s.