The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 01, 1889, Image 7

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11K1 AT his t'OST.
Sudden Death of Hon, James N.
Eurnes at Washington.
Surt.;,.!y Stricken With I'araly.U on tlie
floor ,f the House i: i)ir iu a
few limine Uric-fly Uio-
"Washington-, Jan. 24. Representative
.... .-..,. .uuit-s.oi .Missouri, was stiicku
witli paralysis yesterday afternoon at tUo
Cai.itol. The first symptoms of the ap
rroatbinfj attack was vxperietic' whn
llr. Butterworth in ths JIouso called Mr.
Hon. .fumes -V. JSurnc.
Burnes' attention to a parage of ths
Sundry Civil bill then under considera
tion. Mr. Humes then remarked that his
tongue appeared to be affected so that be
had j;reat difficulty in speaking. Jfoticinz
that his face appeared to bo somewhat
drawn on the left side, Mr. Kuttenvorth
insisted upon Mr. Burnes accompanying
him into tho fresh air on the east portico.
Mr. Burnes in a short time expressed
himself as feeling better, and went to the
room of the Committee on Appropriations,
where he wns induced to take snmo stimu
lants and lie upon the sofa. Ho soon be
gan to breathe in a labored manner, aud
to lose consciousness.
Messrs. Uallinger, Atkinson and Shaw,
who are physicians n well as Representa
tives, were hastily summono 1 from the
hull and a messenger was also dispatched
for Dr. Sowers, who has been attending
Mr. Humes during the winter. The
physicians labored with their patient
lor an hour or more, and it was then de
cided to move him to his hotel (Willard's).
Here he commenced sinking and at 12:40
this morning passed quietly away.
When the ambulance containing the
stricken Congressman arrived at Wil
lard's Hotel a carpet was spread upon the
icy pavement, aud the porters and mes
sengers of the hotel, nil of whom had
warm regards for the sick man because of
his many personal kindnessestothem, car
ried the stretcher up the winding stairs to
the apartments of the sufferer, where un
der the directions of the doctor the patient
was slowly transferred to the bed and
there allowed to lie and rest. Then his
clothing was removed gradually, giving
him a rest between the removal of each
article of npparel.
Fiimlly, when comfortably disposed in
bed. Dr. Sowers asked: "Arc you com
fortable. Colonel Burnes'r"
The sick man responded: "Yes, for a
sick man, but lot mo get on tcy f 'ot-''
Dr. Sowers iausumgly :iid: "That
don't sound like a veiy sick man." But
, the remirk was evideutlv made to cheer
hi patient.
At 7:15 Dr. Sowers said that his entire
left sdo was completely paral zd, and
whit ho was perfectly conscious his con
dition was indeed atnrmuig.
At ton p. m. M". Humes Iny in an un
conscious condi! ion, his pulse having fallen
lioni seve. ity-live to fifty within an hour,
and his breathing I e ng s.entonous and
ctillicnlt. The gie.itost apprehensions
woie fo t mid things horo n lame liable iip
pearauce. Coiigressin m I) ic'.cry. who is
a physician by profession, said that
no leaied a blood vessel In the biain
was ruptured and tlio heniorihige.
winch was possibly slight a: llrst, had
extended an 1 was enveloping aud press
ing upon lh brain. Htf stated that tho
health of Colonel Burnes had been failing
for tne past year or more growing out of
overwork nti.I endless labor in studying
and misloring the details of appropiia
tions, and thnt Colonel Humes hiiuse:f
had fieii.ieutly stated that bo felt bad and
would awake ami go to his table to write
a nieiiiiiinndii of instruction in case he
should dt without anybody near him.
At fJ:sta. m. Mr. Humes pisstd cjuietly
nnd peneofudy away. He was unconscious
from seve i o'clock until his death. Hi
son. D. D. Humes, ami his brother. Field
ing Humes, were at his bedside when he
died. n were also ConciesmnMcCreary,
of Kentucky: Dockery. of M s.oun; Ual
linger, of New Hampshire; Henderson, of
Iowa, and Harry, of Mississippi; Colonel
Momson, of Illinois; Dr. Smers, his phy
sic an, and one or two others.
The widow of the deceased is au invalid
at her icsidence in St. Joseph, Mo.
Jnmcs :. Hnrnes was birn in Indiana
in IS'2. His father was a native of Cul-j-pper
County, Va., and emigrated to In
diana, and thence to Missouri, where he
was one of the pioneers in what was
known as the Platte district. Mr. Burnes
graduated from the Haivard law school in
iNfcs He returned to his native place nnd
pincticed law for twenty years, tinally
leaviug it to attend to his large
business interests. In ls'ifi he was
a residential Elector and voted
for Huchanan and Breckinridge. From
lM's? to 172 lie was Judge of theCouit
of Common l'leas. This was his third
successive term in Congress, he having
been first elected to the Forty-eighth Con
gress. He was considered a man of ability
bv his feilow members, and served on im
portant committees. D.iring Mr. Randall's
alxenc? he frequently acteJ as chairman
of the Committee on Appropriations.
Mr. Burnes was a man of large wealth,
and it is estimated that the family, who
hold all their property in comrnoa, are
worth from $1,(HM,000 to 2.tV,000, largely
iuvested in banking institutions. He
leaves a wife and two sons and seven
adopted children of a deceased brother.
Cullotn Ke-elected.
SrRixGFiEt.D.Ill.,Jan. IU. Both brandies
of the Legislature have voted for a Sena
tor from this State for the next six year.
Senator Cullom. the present incumbent,
was chosvn his own successor. The result
of the ballot was as follows: Senate, Cul
lom, at; John M. Palmer, 13. House, Cul
lom, 0; Balmer. (X
m a m
Strike F.inltsO.
Lafayette. Ind., Jan. J4. The strike of
freight ti::aeiHeu on the Lake Erie &
Western railroad ended last evening. The
strikers are to receive the two cents pet
mile demanded and one man 'recently
taken from local freight crews will be re-
6ored ,.
Einlcorrler Uisappears.
Philadelphia. Jan. 24 Dauiel Duffy
who has had charge of the upholstery de
partment of the firm of John and James
Dobson for a numberof years, disappeared
from the citv several days ago, and, it is
alleged, bas'embexzled funds belonging to
his employers. It is reported that the
amount of shortage is suspected of beinfi
between ;10,000 and $13,W0.
Baried Edifice Cswww
Cnr or Mexico, ! GalrestoK J.
24 Yesterday near the ruins of Falta
aue. a lone buried difice was ncovd.
JoM-ph A. Slonrc, Pluanrlal Carrepoa
rnt or the otirctirat Xntaal Life Is
urHiirn ;.nnpny at Indisnapolla, lad.,
m Ilrlaultcr to the Amount or Half a Mil.
linn ItolUi-4 slxtern Irani .f tij steraatla
ICaarMlltv. Unrartli-.l.
Hartfokd, Conn.. Jan. S'i. Colonel Ja
cob Greene, president of the Connecticut
Mutual Life Insurance Company, of this
city, has issued a circular informing the
lolicy-liolders that Joseph A. Moore, for
sixteen years financial correspondent of
the company at Indianapolis, Ind., is a
defanltcr to the amount of about half a
million dollars, but has restored projier
ty which may reduce the actual Joss to
four hundred thousand dollars, and that
in any event the loss will not affect tho
solvency or impair the dividends of tho
company, which i very prosperons, and
will pay a larger dividend this year than
last, while probably increasing its al
ready larrjc surplus. The forthcoming
annual report -will show solid assets
amounting t fifty-seven million dollars,
with a surplus of about five aud oao
quartor million dollars.
Mr. Moore lias hitherto enjoyed the un
limited confidence of the company. Dur
ing the past week an investigation of his
accounts was made, revealing the defal
cation. This is the only loss through a
financial correspondent experienced by
the company during its forty-three years
existence. In an interview Mr. ftrceue
said that Mr. Moore was a leading -itizea
of Indianapolis, about forty-Jive years
old. He had been speculating. The
defalcation was of three kinds; princlp'al
of loans paid by borrowers, to be remitted
to the. company; interest for the same
purpose and rents of real estate in hit
charge. He concealed the thefts of prin
cipal by advising and securingextension
of loans on account of alleged financial
difficulties of tho borrowers, who were
represented a affected by the depression
in real estate, values dating from the
panic in 1K7.1. Ho remitted mre-t
and small payments of principal front
time to time in accordance with his repre
sentations that the unfortunate !orrowers
were struggling to do all they cduld.
These moneys came out of his
own pocket or rather out of his
stealings. He devised harrowing
tales and kept the comp-iny
minutely advised of the progress of indi
vidual allege 1 cases, aud thus prevent"!
foreclosure proceedings. Occasionally hs
would really settle up one of these case,
greatly to thu satisf wtiou of the compmr
and to the apparent vindication of his
judgment. Me.mwhile lie was eoustautly
remitting large sums on genuine iuvjsf
ments in a perfectly correct manner. Till
rents taken form but a siirtll part of thu
defalcation, and these thefts were easily
concealed by misrepresentations as to
short-time verbal lenses.
A Sleniflrant Interview Itetween n f!er-
Rian rimfllflat A edit Bnl Nrcrrtarr Hay-
arfl I'or the Flrt Tim Mm!.- I'olilir.
Net. York, Jan. 2.1. The Evening Post
snys editorially in reference to the Ka-
moau correspondence:
There Is one facl In the history of the iejr
tlntions which may pc'h.ins 1- mini- public
now without detriment to any body nit tills sldo
of the Atlantic. Very after Mr Cleve
land., administration was seated, a ("ernia'i cit
izen of rank from Merlin, hut hoMIng no itlplo
matic oitfon. called on Mr. Hay. ml. unit put
the question in him. In the name of Prince Hi.
marcl;, whether the Unil-1 Stites would oliJet
to Germany's assumlncexcliiiivecontrol of the
Rnmosin Islands. The question was put blunt
y, tiut with the utmost deference and frieudll
ness Mr. Itayard, havini become satistio! that
the questioner was rejllv what he assumed to
tie, namely, an unofficial representative of Hi
marr';, replied thnt the United Stites rould
not consent to any such s-pirate control of the
islands on the pirt of Germany. Thereupn
the interview ended in the same friendly spirit
in which It bewail. Mr. II ivinl s interlocutor
reluming immediately to Berlin, and the tin
presslnn was left thit no step would be taken
by Germany inconsistent with the amicable re
lations that hid previously existed with this
rountry. It is evident now that Ilismarrk had
formed the design nf Retllne ossessmn of the
islands, aud that he wante 1. If possible to Ret
an unnfllcial assurance from our Gn eminent Ins movements nuuld not be Impede!
Failing In this, he mil not desist from his nt
pose, but set about it In another way
As then" is no written record of what .."in
spired at the interview aboe mentioned, it is
comparatively easy for so sk ll'iil a j.vncti
tionerof "journalism" asllismarc'i; to interpret
it in anj way he p!, or to Isncre It alto
Crnrcc II. Itiitc. cil Vllmliii;t en. Itet.,
Sin! In Sini"H l" Scrret'tr; Kivanl In
1.XS7. ThroM-u l.lttle l.1Kln on tho sHl-
us nf AiT.lrs III Tli t o i trier.
Wii.mimithv. Del.. .Ian. it. (cr. If.
ltates, of this city, who was sent to Samoa.
by Secretary Ifayurd iu IV", ends tlie
f(dlwing letter to the Morning New-
To Tin: nuiTiiitoPTiii: Mounim: Xkws in
your edltoi nil this mnrninioii the -
ter. you refer in conclusion lo what vou call a
protocol asreed upon in JssT bj Secretary
lt.ivanl and the German and Hritish Ministers
at that time. You are evidently lat orinc un cr
a misapprehension in supp(sinij what has
been p-ferred to sn the public dtvuments as
protocal I the cnnfci-ei ce wai. in some Mirt a
preliminary treaty or agreement. No ngree
metit was reached nt the confereiu-e. What
werctermeu the protocol which Serrtt-try Hav
ard wished to communicate to Congress, but
which the Ilr'tlsh and German Governments
declined lo permit him to make put lie. were
s'mply the daily records of the proceedings of
the conference, and not an agreement actually
entered into between the powers. Thus fur the
public lias r.o knowledge of what these pro
tocols contain, they baring bi ea merely the re
port of the contl leul'al communications by the
conferees. The fact that Secretary Bayard de
sired to make them public and the other :ov
crnments declined to tlo to'y leads to
the inference that their publication would not
have added any thing to the credit of the tr-o
Knropcan governments concerned in the nego
tiations. I venture to make this suggestion to
you because of my own sease of the importance
of the Samoan issue as it might Iks called,
which make it desirable that it should a little
as possible be clouded with incorrect state
ments. Very respectfully yours.
Geo. II. IUtks.
Instantly Killed.
Clkvklaxd. O., Jan. 2.V Mr.-.. Elinore
Richter, manageress of the Ieunox, an
apartment house, fell down the elevater
shaft in the building yestenlav nrnins
nnd was iustautly killed. She was rathr
stout and her body was horribly muti
lated. The Naval Appropriation HUI.
Washington. Jan. 2.V The House com
mittee on naval affairs has completed tha
Naval Appropriation bill for 1MV. As re
ported to the House, it appropriate $19,
I1."77. The total estimate for 1M0 was
27.Tfi7.2rr. while the appropriation for the
current year was 19.3I2,V. Congress
appropriated. August 3. 1, l,i)i,tf.V) for
the erection of the necessary plant at the
Washington Naw-yard for assembling
and constructing the most -.wwerf ul mod
ern guns, an amount at that time estimat
ed to be sufficient. Thi has proven to ba
insufficient, and the present bill carries
the additional sura required by the esti
mates. iv. This bill, if enacted to
law, will complete the appnpriations.
ReitortB of Riotlac Anac the
Miner in Wcwt nrcila.
Roanoke. Va., Jan. 21. Much excite
ment prevails here owing to the report
of rioting among the miners in the West
Virginia coal regions. A fight is said U
have occurred yest-rday morainj be
tween the Pocahontas and Elkhorn min
ers, in which five white men and two ne
groes were killed and several wounded.
The conflict was, brought about by tha
Pocahontas men again susnemiing work
aad going to Elkhorn to iniRce a number
of ainerswho jiaa returned to wore xa
agmim strike. refusal to comply pre-
rlbery Charaea Diarea-ardeci
WastttlMini Cbosea Seaatur For atiaa-
8t. Paul, Minn., Jan. 24. The Senate ef
the Lgiilature ba disregarded the re
port of the investigating committee, in
which charges of bribery in the Repub
lican caucus were made, and voted for
United States Senator as follows: Wash
burn, caucus nominee, 24; E. K. Wilson.
2; Kiititt Nelson, 1.
The House committee on investigation
presented its report. It states that while
several parsons . ere offered money or other
things of value by over-zealous friends of
the candidates, there was no evidence in
any way implicating either General
Washburn or Senator Sabin. nor was any
member of either branch of the Legisla
ture shown to have received any money or
other bribe. Tho report wac accepted
after a lively debite and the roll was then
called for the election of United Htates
Senator. Th- bsllot resulted: W. D.
Washburn. SO; E. A- Llurant, Democrat,
9; C. M. Start, ; E. M. Wilsan, 2; M. E.
Clapp, 1.
The joint ballot of the House and Sen
ate for United States Senator was as fol
lows: W. D. Washburn, 107; Durant, 2i;
Start, 9; Wilson, 2; scattering, 3. Whole
numberof votes cast, 141; necessary to a
choice, 7L
A Steamer llefuars to Aid a Man Ftoatlag
on a I'lauk at sea.
Boston, Jan. 24. Captain Lunn. of the
barge, John Uuuyan, one of the two
barges sank of llardmg ledge, states that
while he was floating on a piece of plank,
which he had managed to secure from the
wreck in the bay, he saw a large ocean
steamer bearing down upon him. He saw
he would pass close to him, and raising
himself as well as he could, he waved a
piece of braid in the hope of attracting
the attention of some one on board the
vessel. His signal was seen, aud two men
on the steamer's topgallant forecastle
waved their bands in reply, and he saw
them run uft to tho bridge. He confident y
hoped to be picked up, but to his horror
the steamer kept on her way, and he was
left on lit; temporary raft, from which lie
was subsequently taken by a pilot boat.
The hour given by Capt-tiii Lunn is exactly
the time the Cuuard steamer, Catalonia,
was oil Hardin gs. When nsked if it was
the Catalonia. Captain Lunn said: "I
can not tell, but she was a large bark
rigged steamer."
m t
Sleeting of the Arbeitrr lltind Anarchists
Wrought t'p.
Chicago, Jan. 24. At a meeting of the
momliers of the Arbeiter Itund last even
ing Albert Currliti addretsei thu meeting
in German, declaring the purposes of tho
bund to be in strict conformity with the
T. H. Uurside made a long address. "If
public sentiment had its way," be said,
"Schwab and Fielden would be out of jail
to-morrow." This statement was greeted
with wild applause. Mr. Oarsiie predicted
that before another Christmas the bund
would not be so largely a German move
ment. Americans would leiii the majority.
Tho Anarchists and their sympathizers
in the city are greatly wrought up over a
communication niado to the stockholder
of Wnldh-ira cemetery by its superintend
ent in which he objects and conveys the
objections of lot owner- to the annual ob
servance of November 11 by the Anarch
ists in the cemetery.
Serious I-ire at Union vllle.
UNIONV1I.LE. Mo., Jan. 24. A tire started
early Tuesday morning in the clothing
bouse of It. Faliren & Co, and then epic a I
from building to building. The estimated
losses are a? follows: It ner& Iloralnug i,
giocerics, l.AOd; itisuiauce, SI. .
Knight & Hiukle, druggists, 2,SX); insur
ance. $2 2 X. H. Faliren & Co.. clothieis,
loss, sT.vKX); insurance, jC Vn). C. Figge,
dry good-, loss, ;12,0tM; insurance. $4 .
Geoige Koth hardware and furniture.
ilii,lsW; insurance, $s(ko. Nutional Itanic
of Uinonville: loss, 54 K). L. It. Fovvier,
grocc r; damaged goo Is, 10). W. B. Hov
el mule, two buildings, loss, $i,ijO; insur
nnce, S4,0"d. Elia Monier. one building,
loss. $.t.(KK); insurance. ;2.l)0J. Thomas
Stout, two buildings nud photograph ap
pir.itus. loss, $:'i00; insurance, ?'i.7)i.
Uuionville Investigator, new-ptipcr mate-
rinl. loss, fl,5"J; no insurance. The total
estimated loss is about .s70,0.X'. with naif
that amount of insuiaiie-. it will prove
an incalcu'.ible injury to thj town, and
will take years to eirect a complete recov
ery, ns th-' buildings destroyed were tha
best in the place.
A Little More About Smnnn.
Washington. Jan. 21. It is learned
that the Senate Committee on Foreign
AtTnirs is of the opinion that under the
terms of the treaty with Samoa it is the
dut3 of the Uniled States to interfere, by
fore if neeesarv. to preserve the auto
nomy of the islands ngtinst the aggression
of any power. The treaty was made by
Secretary of State Evnrts and Mr.Lemau.t
and declared February 11, 1S7. Article ."1
reads: If unhippily any differences
should have arisen, or shall hereafter
arise, between the Samoan Government in
amity with the United States, the Gov
ernment of the latter will employ its good
oftices for the purpose of adjusting these
differences uHn a satisfactory ami solid
Amendment to the Consular bill au
thorize the President to send a fleet of war
ships or cny other force he may deem nec
essary to protect the Samoan Government
and relieve the people from the danger of
war. It is understood the committee were
unanimous in support of the amendments.
m o
The MisaWalppI Lawlessness.
Jackson, Miss.. Jan. 24. Governor
Lowry is in receipt of communications
from the sheriffs of Kemp r and Noxubee
Counties in which they assure him that
they have bad a posse of men in the viciu
ity where the violations of the law were
committed. Three vacant negro cabins
were burned ia Noxubee County on the
night that the Nicholson residence was
barned in Kemper County. This house
belonged to J. M. Edwards, of Snuiralak.
Suspicion rested on certain parties and
they are being shadowed.
Soa of Kit Canon Dead.
Fort Garland. Col., Jan. 24 A sad ac
cident has occurred here, which resulted
ia the death of Billy Carson, the son of the
famoas scout, "Kit" Carson. Fiiday
evening, while attending his horses, one
of them kicked him on the hip. striking a
revolTer, which exploded, the ball enter
ing the fleshy part of the thigh and pass
ing downward came out near the knee,
shattering the knee cap. Medical aid was
telegraphed for. but failed to reach here
in time ta be of any asitance. From the
excessive loss of blood Carson became
Tery weak, and late lat night died of
lockjaw. He was almost the last of the
Carsoc xamily, having bat one surv.ving
brother, who is in the cattle business.
Advertising IHxrlor Arrested.
Kansas Crrr. Ma, Jan. 24. Dr. H. A.
Eberie. a practicing physician of this city,
is ia the toils of the law. under serious
charges preferred by several former pa
tients iu Wilson County. Kan. The doc
tor is a specialist, and 'it is alleged that
be has ased his profession to swindle bis
patients. He was decoded from this city
into Wyandotte Coaaty. Kasv. by a
naswai from a pretended patieat. srhea
he was arrested by Depaty Sheriff Davis,
of Wilson Coaaty, aad taken to Fredoaia
He will be brought back as he eras rcmorsd
ia defiance f a writ of habeas earmws ia-
Cooked roots ef all kinds are espeetaTr
good feed for growing pigs, when they
can be readily secured.
The dairy cow will have her place in the
animal economy of the farm, and with
many it will be the most important place
I of all. To succeed with her she muit be
thoroughly studied aud her wants sup
plied. Western Farmer.
There is frequently a large waste in
swine-feeding, much of the food passing
off undigested. The farmer imagine that
because his hogs eat a large amount of
meal or corn that they must gain accord
ingly. There never was a greater mis
take. One part of cottonseed meal to four part
bran, or mixed ground grain, is a proper
proportion of each for cows that are in fall
flow of milk. Should too much be given it
is liable to cauie scours. Should
the case, simply withhold the cottonseed
meal for a few days and begin iu use
Wet places around the cattle and hog
troughs soon become very muddy, and in
winter the troughs are at tinivs almost in
accessible to the animals, as they are liable
to become mired. In such cases it is best to
remove the mud and cover the ground
around the trough with gravel, raising it
high enough to allow all surplus water to
drain off.
I have made several experiments in feed
ing, and have found that my herd of Jer
seys, with the grain feed I gave them, will
eat on an average 19 ounds of hay or SO
of ensilage, and, with the ensilage feed,
my butter yield will be about 12 psr cent,
more than on hay feed with the same
amount of grain. Oae year when I had
not ensilage enough, I found when it was
gone so that 1 bad to feed dry hay that
I had to add one quart of mixed corn and
oats to hold my butter up to where it was
on one-half ensilage feed. Cor. Farmer's
An exchange gives a formula for a lini
ment much used for cuts in live-stock
from barbed wire. For healing cuts and
flesh wounds of all kinds it has no equal,
and flies will not trouble a sore where it is
used: Haw lins-ed oil, 16 ounce; salt
peter, powdered, 1 ounce; sugar of lead,
powdered, 1 ounce; sulphuric noid, 1
ounce; carbolic acid. -'.' ouuee. Mix the
oil with the saltpeter and sugtr of lead,
and slowly ndd sulphuric acid, stirriug
constantly. When cold pour on from the
dregs and add the carbolic acid. Apply
with a feather twice daily. Do not wash
the sore at all. Keep a supply constantly
on hand to be ready for casualties.
In order to uinke a success of breeding
and raising stock to sell again as breeders,
it is not only necessary for the stock
raiser to have good stock, but he must
build up a reputation for his stock and
himself. His stock may be of the very
best kind, and yet if he has not been able
to build up a reputation for honesty and
fair dealing, he will find it somewhat ditll
cult to build up a good trade. Nearly all
kinds of breeding stock are sold at prices
considerably above the average market
prices, and the reliability and honesty of
the breeder becomes a very importaut item,
as it is the purchaser's principal reliance
for securing good breeding stock. Ex
change. mm
If you expect early potatoes it is impor
tant to have good seed of a good, early
Wet fields should not be pastured. Rye
is iu excellent condition for pasturage
now, owing to the warm seasou. but
trampling the rye when the so.l is damp
will injure it.
It is quite an item in keeping the gnrden
and fields clear to see that l he fence cor-
' nrs and uncultivated places, as well as
the roadsides are kept clear. eeds, if
allowed to mature seeds, will scatter a
considerable distance.
With good cure an asparagus bed will
Inst an ordinary lifetime. Either get a
start of plntits or ow the seed early in the
spring. Put the le 1 on one i le, where it
will not Ih in the way of the preparation
or cultivat.on of the garden.
There is nothing to pi event the growing
of trees for fenc pot-. Pear tiros grown
in the line iutuuded for a fence, will not
be injured if the staples foi holding n wire
fence 11 re. driven into then, uud such a
fence combines usefulness and prutlL
On the farm where a free innge can lie
given the Plymouth Ho-k or Wyandottes
are among the lf st if not the best breed of
fowls to raise. Tney nie well able to take
care of tliems"ves, are good layers and
nre, in fact, n gotnl fowl in all respects.
Two excellent re-ults of life on the farm,
compared with life on the street, are the
humanity and economy engendered in
thu many dependents on the farm, and
who tlud no other wny of gathering needed
pennies but by thnt slow- earnings aud
cnrelul saving.
The cellar can not be whitewashed too
often. It not only renders it clean, light
and cheerful, but assists in preventing
decomposition as well as disinfecting it to
a certa.n extent The purification of the
cellar is the most importaut matter of
housework in the winter, as the cleaner
the cellar the less liability of disease.
Tho valueof a hot-bed is not appreciated
a it should le. A lull supply of plants
can be t-ecured by this means much easier
than by any other. To have a good one
the bet- plan is to prepare ahead. Make
the frames now. Whether glass or cloth
is to be used it w ill be a saving of time
later on to have every thing in readiness.
J. C Cabill, for forty years engaged iu
tobacco culture in Henry County, Va.,
writes to the Winfield (Kan.) Courier that
tobacco raising can never te made a.suc
cess in Kama on account of the wind,
though all other conditions are fovorable.
The wind, he says, turns the leaves over J
and breaks and bruls-s them, causing
every one to be defective.
An acre of land will produce five or six
times as many strawberries, in bushels, as
It will of wheat, and the prices usually
obtained for strawberries are more than
three times as much as for wheat. Oae
acre of strawberries will bring as much
profit as fifteen acre of wheat, while the
cost of growing the strawberries is pro
portionately but little more than thai af
growing wheat. Exchange,
The flower bed for next year may be
made very rich by scattering the sweep
ings of the poultry boase over it, Soap
suds may also be well utilised by throwing
them on the flower beds.
If the I utter-maker weald tboroagaly
please his patrons and secure them tne
highest prices going, his butter mast not
only be of good quality but uniformly good
It will not do to furnish a poor article oae
month oat of the twelve, or even one week
out of the fifty-twa
With either small fruits or gardening it t
is aa easy matter to attempt toe much. I
Five acres for one man with a horse anil
be all that can be doae properly.
Buttermilk poured over the backs of the
hogs will clean off the scruff.
At least aa acre can be devoted to small
fraits and the gardes to a good proaL
Better to watch the breeding sows all
sight during farrowing than to ran the
risk of losing a litter of pigs.
Every dty that the stock is fed adds to
the cost. See to It that a gain Is ssrereil
all the time to make this ap.
Ia plaatiag eat trees care shea! always
ae taxsa no to pat poplar, willew,
or elm aear th walls or cistern.
Wheat braa is osm of the vary has
terials ased to feed the milk news.
He Traveled at Once.
He had bn wondering for somw
time how he could escape from the
toils that were pently creeping 'round
kirn, and break the spell of eoft con
vene and witching eves. An oppor
tunity came at last- As she ended a
spirited description of her journey
through the Alps, she said impul
sively: "On. Mr. Slopace, I think you ought
to travel."
He looked at her rigidly, rose slow
ly and grasped his hat.
"No woman shall say that twice to
me," he remarked, in a firm and des
perate voice. "I knew it waa after
eleven o'clock; but I thought that
is I hoped no matter. Farewell.
Miss Phineweb I will travel!'1 And
he did, with alacrity. Puck.
A Singular Form of Monomania.
There is a class of people, rational enough
in other respects, who are certainly mono
m an lacs in dosing themselves. Ihcy aro
constantly trviag experiments upon ther
stomachs, their bowels, their livers aud '
their kidneys with trashy nostrums. When
thes? organs are really out of order, if they
tvould only nse Hostetter's Stomach Hitters,
they would, If not hopelessly insane, per
ceive its superiority.
- a
A scientist calculates with great pre
cision what a mosquito could do if it were
as large as a human being. There is no
ntility in such figures. A mosquito can
do about four hundred times too much al
ready, small as it is. lUlUmora Amcri-
. I
If you are tired taking the large old-fash- (
ioned griping pills, try Carter's Little Liver
Pills and taku some comfort. A man can't
stand every thing. Oncptlladose. Try them.
Trkrk are no rounds of drinks in the
ladder of success. St. Paul Globe.
No Hatch Itcoiedy can be had for Coughs
and Colds, or any trouble of tho Throat, than
imtcii'K Itninthtal Tioche." Price:'- cts.
SM only in lrtM.
All the pawn-shop pstron wants is
te let a loan. Hotel Mail.
lluw if T Throat Hl'ktsI Why doa't you
use Hale's lioiiev- of ilorchoiiud andlari
Pike's Toothache "Lfrops Cure In one minnte.
TnE letter "X" Is like a porson in doubt,
because it Is always in erpleaity.
ARK as small as boniasopathic pellets, and
as easy to tuke as suar Everj-lwdy like .
tlicui. Carter's IjtUe Liver Tills. Try them.
It's odd. but a feml ''nine" i gener
ally efleinlu eight." Dans vitle llrceic
Tn first building with a recorded liea
the tower of ilsa. Toledo JJlado.
CATTLE Shipping steers....! 3 si 3 65
iiutcber steers. ...
Native cow ,.
HOGS Good to choice UeaTT.
WHEAT No.l red
No. 2 soft
J A a9al(Js
ata a fc """ O. v aaaaaa
KLOUK 1-alcnts, per sack...
HAV Ilaled
liUTTI'K Cliolce creamery.
CHKKmK Full cream .. ..
EGUS Choice
a") 1 tlCk) i aa
Uni'll aaa
aJA IvJw3
CATTLK Shirpln steers...
Iliurliers' steers....
OOfJS l-acidiiK
SIIKKi' Fairtu choice
WHEAT No.- red
cthaJ I a a """"" W aaaaae
Ua"V 4 "j"-a V
UYE No. .'
HUTTElt Creamery
IvwlailVa aaaaaaaaaaa a
OATTLE Sblpptnjc steers. ...
HOGS PacUliiK'stid slilppin;..
SHEI'l" Falrto choice
KLOUK Winter wheat
WHEAT-No. red
"J 1 1 O.
J A a A Oa a a eaaaaeacs
a 1 Ia' Js aaaaaaaaaaa aa
CATTLE Comrron to prnntj..
HOGS Goodtocnoice
FLOUU Good to choice.
WHEAT No. St red
CJJicVaWiQa .
OATS Westrrn tnlied
BUTTEIt Creamery
mi n s yi
j (pi a - l.'i
4 4-, a a
a i.
n a -
:i 3 -'ti-i
4u e
2 4-1 i 2 SO
ro a c i
Si -
1-' tt l-"l
II 11 i
pi a '-
r. a c.
at a so
Sj O 4 2J
:iu) s ;i4i
4i0 C 4 3
.1 ti !
3 51 1 i 4 7i
3J il i i
-.5 .4 r: ,
t: 25 a '2 ui
( lo i to
4 70 f 4 11
3 tsl ii i IU
1 0) is 1 7c
35- a 'C
(. i Sis,
H -it -.
cm ii f ,
is c -r
u ui a it 6i ,
(0 & IUJ
531 ft 3 7)
1 1 n, ;
4i a
.a t 32
19 ft ?1
n"" i r CT i
I was troablfst a i.sJIt with rbpasatlara sir
tisnl ahusUrr anil ilau of mj Ug aa out U N?aUI
tnnalk. I tJKis llood's harpaparllla. anl now
don't fcs?l any achcra nr palna anycrhcrp. an.l It nit
rnls" slopssl tba soraivraa to trf ahoal(Jcr anJ
joints, bat makes ma feel aa lltaly as atn-jrar-old
bor. I sell npapa-crs rtcbt la
Tns Miniits or ms strcst.
and atandln on tha eM (tonaa ain't BopxnVc. I
ran tell you. Atxl If IIoo.i s.aj-sajartUaciir,Ml ma
It certainly ought to ba cwxl tvr tb.-e ssjplwao
don't land on the cold stonra. I eanbo as-netery
day ia tia year at ciirnerTrorapkliia and IKaIt
Arenaes. William T. Howakh Brooslyn.! T.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all draolata. fl: atx for aV I';epared only
by C I. HOOD & CO, Apotbeearle. Iwrll. JtJS.
100 Doses One Dollar
la t a BVa aa4a Car
fcatyaaeajsrtaa STarvaaSa
a- aaaasj mmt
Susa-S ta VS !.
II ta Its,' im
1 ia I Ltsv
' T " aw ""aac ar aiaiy am, wy jua
JTrarFaTa". lw.TtaS-a. IfaaaMaaaS
taiaaa4ta,.awa.iUraralay a (atiaa
tm uses itfow CQate-ia-t-aiEaiT.
Book to "Morasxs" Martxr rare.
rut csriATaei cax. TiasTA,aaa
fanu bt at.
fM. - 7J m HOT XTP
bbbVIbUaVIt !f-v
1 a .a -j aika S.aa - -aas. .
SSTtaaarly Vaa yaara.aa fir a SVS tisaa a cxssaa rvam iM vxa
cfcaaa asatanaS, .taSvkaa (BBa-a
laTaeaar a, n aaa
-tkia aawthaa cit-xa a-a.
r-sist Blacl ISaiiaMaila li
aaaeartsalsaafaX km tiLa SrtM . ...
aaajsaCcty ta rsa a S Caar
Wtfo, as ta f ?st wV. tka
aaaataaa II ffq aaa ia- utaa
Bar aa rcaaraSar. a-atia v rsa
'aaw as a a-aaraacaa ef
raaraacaa CSacsv BaSBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBa-:-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
SSS-4ssaiiarLvi2i!r: "" aBaBasaaBBK!??aBBBV'SaaaBBBaBBBBBrSSSSSWaar Slaff -- 'rT'T'Tl?7. '
aasaSsaassasssHtoaswaak BBraBBBBBBBBBaaSflaBafaBBBBBBBBasaasaaSS BbW 'rnr'-t-tZtlSZLtf9'
AMtoCM-Stnr. VnESSKf rll?-
aaBBBak aBBBa AaBBlaBBBBBBaS aaaaAaalaaaa aSaataaaaBaTaaaBBB Bataa B aBSaaTaaaa asaaaSlZa.Tlz' a
IWi BBBanV aBBBaaaa SBBBBr f.aaakBBvas4--a - - aa. -s. aaaTJaBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBieaafaVaa
rcni rmuci. 122. 1 cncim JKuat. ua.
atr. a. a. an. tw
aaanifao ." .
smsac aa4 rw
Sas ssvsral -;
r srs: sattuat
aSfalilsss ait :
&s ajasasr rUe as
(aac jaUir kM.-:
rtM an eve sstva St.
Jssaas ett: Sn asia
ta ta.U sanaa r-
ala: aMUasM
Stw a. US.
Mr issvS.Wan.llsB.
-taSsn asia yaUs
1m) fes Wta axt
sutrs. ;f St. Ja-
OB a a!M: stsca
rttnS la ta naiif.
Tna It assla. tola ti -IT
Mac aunli I
k aaS a mara f fla
lata. I aav scaa'asa f
fet anrfmrt. SsaSavat
UIUMIRI aio sr-tJ 1
fNt CMAIUS a. fMCUa CaV. I
Diamond Vera-Cura
a rosrrxTi cnu rot nrcxorsTio-t asto alt
f tsauaa Tnatdcs Armaf "Tirrafrsac
Tor PrM(f r -flJ Jta"- awM ft Vrsj,f,,
for V if asW oirntdf c .ft-- tf al.!N a-ii.
reica nssjtr' o S-mt .lamp.
THE CHalHSa.VII'ElEt CO., "!. Id.
Slft avfs?i8r rurrt n of mallptiaal hl-M tt"on
t!Url hid t"srnlr.lTvlIn aln.ltoMaaIIja
dl-a of Hrrmrr awl IV!U s s Js. owl on"y corsl lie
ElwsJ Tula" JAit ir if rx! tH H'iruiaaUam U& -aa
cautad Xij la Pvlofioi:c m arra.a
C.I.O.bOVil,aWB3 T
JCIna yaara aaS.-n)'oU attf -vl t-ocf ny cU..itn.
aajlkry mrrr lal aSlrtJ t:h lhl d'"-', '- h
r!.t-4 tha trratmm' wf my family rh-'lclait. I
lrta.lsl tocMS-KI'a spa-rlfl- ! ai aa arrocat
ufrui-a In m suuf Jsc's-r Thr Imptutamret
at iwrant from Ibr frt f- dvt.,MIailirtliM
iuj LlL2ra acic rjrt an!arH wainl aril mr
JOII.S siIXlvVS.Liu-4.a Va.
Sarirr arctnrliantlf!y a t..-rtii; troi j ri
llbol! mrjlrln -hlrS 1-Ttuan.nKT rlil.a f-tn'o
la, Hamun c anar a-Mt .inta-!. a It istsll't iwn
ScbJ lir Unab& lltwsl ainl sam ltw" mallavl mc
IiaWIM"K'll o
Cleanses the
Nasal Passage,
Allay Pain anil
In 11a uini.itlon,
IlealN the Sore,
Kesturcs the
Senas of TUt4
ami SinclL
A pr11'Iela apfltcsl Into rh nnlrl an4 l a-rt
ahlr hnr Vrnl at .lTi(Tlf-l l" III 1 raW-.'-c-l
cWccata. L.T UiU-IllMUi. 44 urm M.. - Ivm
Tutt's Pills
enr box orthrae pllla will sate niattjr
alullara In alus-lur'a bill. Tlsry arr
aps-rlally prr-aarrat a a .
Family Medicine
ana1 aappllcsa a want Ion-: frlu 'I Urj rcr-
snevr tnlca!tlsr arrasnalatlona rrwnt
the laetlr, wltticitit nsssra or arlplsts.
Jtctplsd lo jomns and oia. wrtrr, ijr.
And Hypopfiosphites af IJme& Soda
Almost asJPalatablo as Milk.
Ths cr.lj; j-rrrTatIon or rt Mtm Oil. ttsat
ran ta taken rrail.l jr aa J tc.cratrsl lur s Iva Ua
B7 4rUrsla sloaiirts.
am a a Ki-entT mtt fovgnimo'L
MimlUtls ArHifHv. sVtlHU. f.
Itttl. pthiTITi. uncus am '""' "
HuTlOXc, and all 'UMISI, MMlltlci hTiT
IHlUilaX It ts asarrrlloca ia lla raaalta,
1-rracnljcsl snl tv-jz-d j ILa Ul 1 ajslctsc
tB tie countrtra of tia worM.
Vm ( ar nra(lI.U.
a5as tnr ritiS'"i IVi-i wH -a Ait
trtaa, A'U-rr at: AM - 1- r ak.
Xt US a av f.n fa
a31asf -w4. If s u
cal tr4- La'rMaa
fMnMr Um tea a
l-cat ciana. Wi2a SJ Pr Dty. raiaawii-nia. a
twl4'unrl aT a4ca ft wv. ."B1.I . Ma.
Stnttanisl Mfnu'act.crinz Cos, Cincinnati. Ot-t.
fwr y- vant tS 1IIV
At.t,vca.w mi
LVCii ftSaJcQin
rraaYFLYtRsdi A
m 7m
BaHaaaVa-Nir-9. .ai I
tsa-a anvt Cnn m injr naar(,a4 caaaa Bv ieaa-ra
oa tart rWari, laj. , IVai tar . atvl a-C c-iaaauaa;
lafmt tr, tUi.tac.LZt.K-a atia. Mlvk.
ifailSMUMT cijicac
t-ks. I UfteslBjr
teajT ruMcaA A aw aaa.
aarsacctrr! rarrsaw.i
I BBfaHaacwW lUUI I s tM aaoat raa
atSc a at of all plants. ttrraJor I frt stasia
kaaatlral rrrantdal asra of Saws fata,
tka I of tsa sans aaaaStf si an cart-a
v4ts fSrarlat.lloa,riat.ABara'.s.TnsaF.
fires. oranaw. ate. aacliact lt a Riat-o. jt
ta era cf ts -y aaaicM pasata tn irum.iVhmt
aa uaj aztrvaa r pnia. am
er ictiiif
JacT.')SC'ltanait aswaa an raatc tKl
taooo aast dy. rKaaea. ptcra ( a aa atkeas
SSOBS ataa. t txaa to" o-t S cr:. tia prm?.
1 a4 lkt partaoa iXkrm Ua ay far
XdlaSama. la-rf-Sto faa atS ad aa4a
paaes prtTacrs arnrsi poo-cys ar raaat it
Srs aa tw-ana trlf an aatasKe ! asr
f an mmrnt ii asr
If. SO rrcaavSa-c V H
arsea. t Matvmvww
la aisaSiT id Iwaat y,
P1BT. TaaSJaBBsB taUaSJ. T
atttail saawatasaka casaraTea sees aa
lsTaatT-l atO a r-1ae-t!ina nast nasi tSnaa I.
BafaV laaaBaaaaaKafaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaa
f LitBBBBBie,V i-tBBBsT IsbVibV JbbbTvW bbbbT '.sbT va. 'i
WS sir i W -)drHwwWMtM::Kjli
bbb2s3Vsjbi JwwmMMutixBBMWJMMWmfLAivIA
-M9M9WmWM9MU SaWaFaaaaaaaaaWaaBaaaaaaaaaaUg-s
afaiiff i aaiaaaiii a a. m XaaS f ae Ciaaj aa Maiflta
IPECI At- OFrKP ! yac-taa-aanasaatailiSaaS-iasS
trKWINb yrrSII i tnasaaat rptrv J-aay aaa. aa
tsrfCSlaasaTsrnaaaaaonaa.rr,atari-aar aaaJCaV gr Warra Sfssra
rmi n rrtLMm 4asa.a.
aaaaac SJ
SraOakas M T
M mAMMMMWm355immZmmkn' h imi.
n m BBaa K-aaK.aaae a73aa.
Jo other proprlctarr msxliclne i3
the endorsement ol llijrsician t '-he
same extent.
None i usssl in Hospital pnrtie
with lar:e a rcenlR'Tr sU
iacUiry reeult--
No other remctly ha curvel ro mattjr
cae of
and other I'ultuonary IIa,.v
U entirely enulicat! from tho svaloai
by Its tt-c.
It isneaay to take as Mario"." run or
Honey, and oui bo retiin-U oy U.w n.svas
delleato stomacht without nsuw
IF YOU J'1'0 A 1'4Jd- Couch- ron
chitiss ly-sia. or a i;vnern 1 run
down system, you can n-;aln he.-UUi
and strncth quickly bv tho u-h of
A .a joor lTE"lsrn,a4 tal.lyV.I UW'W
J. A. MAGKK at CO.. Utrrrnw, ."U.s.
Tha (sax SXaalaar HaWI) casrf Mttttt'siln
( WALKsblMiUt at.
allllt IU, Whan -iKi aiAl ra s, . ,m rr
WALES Goodyear.
an J ilt tii t r1Ts-litstl7li-1bauil.ri tu
l"lOa rl C.cHstyasr a llialai. aal.l lau - cat
7 cth-r romranlra cm Intarwr .-! r ..!.
Ira tbal th W lrac.s-ljar sk sr I I
licsl t f a a i:iailr.w sl ax' a
r aS-a It miwhiii ! t.ur lb WAl.k C.tMl-
j Tr..i hi nwratav
artcl TKia f rl
OMnW f fw 't ais
V-TSM Jh. IS,. .
I ae S r.1-9
1 k.i! C '
w atKt..
Kar-r4. I..U.I
wafer a Saraa,
Bsaas nus rarsa mt
Umsxjr a Catarrh la VUt
Brat. Eaataa t t'aa. axl tlMail-ai.
Also S-H-1 tnt CuM In laa lUait "H
llaa.lacliv.llar rctr,4c MsatiU. "
t vl l1-" a""l tt. ah s ,
a ijsIikI Hrmaaf.ra t'ira.
Sa4rcaa T i. walNM"-. O "hic. -.a.
atrlaa taia rarst -a- caama
rilc"t H"i A'aa
Taal s ila'sa-
ill Clr lllrt-
aa rarat tc4
Sl-rrlrnca- srcl tlalttp te pa4 .lrra
. To HTtl.ISl. SMaaaaa at la-, nlaaf Iv. I.
artUI tua ra Itaat aaa s
C.nmI S rHv- a
TKxaa.ft.IIJ rlttaatc i.i'.lir
""!. Mnw ai.lifrulafafns- TIHw,
tUaaaaaalaalaaar. t.tTTI.r. fM'K rw.
araaa im.c i .ram MftMfMws-
TICI.1.. T Mlaam at ni a,'.... a
I aaata 1.2 ts as ca trial fos n,Mt.i
attr l(Jraa la It latl Biatra a "
M-i io, ('' Ira caaia la a'lcar n f-.
U K. rasas a. Ilet , ksoaat (. t alw.
LoaU, Xa Mac MHO ai4asa Yaaclt. aa
tauaaital la catll4 kiwUu. for l.ll ulisr.
TOSS A DAY. ."ctpV.-si.itnl i
It. f T f ai V u s, . f. .. ,.
ssaastta mm aiisHtxaaaitv. UrXr.a-a.
ICI l KMI 17 aa s.
M4k II -a calaacw .ary .. f.c. a
HBaSS,.,..,.,.- is. -vl lau..'. if-a
fata. IHMMCL takm, licit i,sm,
iricat liu rru.a.fM.Ka
ICCiTC SV.TKI Irtaa lapl.aWH 4" "faw
SOCHIO (m t Aa'jaal alftt t-tb lCSt.ialr
larsii ha-nt-l "i- IS. uaike a . kcit( .. Hu.
sa aCcTaWSjagi a. -r-a,(a i, i rfc.a.
HflHCnr'' "" """. rvrf'saH.Mp. accui
HUsBiC. toJ a,rh.-l S CS i at
r a- cxit-tiara fa. sataiT-scsctasx. -r t.
A.S.U IS. n. IM4."
itllt.N ttlilllNI. ICC .tIKl ;(,. (S,
pleaar aay Juaj aaw tits Acltartlaalic ul In
tbla pa par.
Bf ASlVlla?Bta1S 3rkastS
Saa-uaa. paacaaat.eie """
fl aaWtfa. V a-r a. v.
Oaa. Va fv j .
swwsv w w aai mc m4 a- f aa-T-.t-L-lJ'eaJaSaa.p-aa4
1 -a1 f at.
itt A- afaaat, aaCraaa.U la.
HaaWcaJSlaatiS, .aaaasaal!
aa acf tfta ta--a
! &9t I
of car atuMaaavrat.
It rsa)
IS. cW
a aal tfawo
Ssa as- asaaacaaa 44 at
WVV aa"MaWf IcaWlaM
aaa a
aniJKr Va
. TV. ataat
Lobrs tllaaara4Ba
fl Ha, ata
tas-lyapartattaeatVa ia.
&) rM w uf f Smm
a if ja rr
The tiaworth Com Ptanfr.
ts-rt"J?saCaa ail i I WTX0trmimslmiZ
f-Saaly aa l-aaswa-aaaaa-oaat.3i"
ta J aa-arataaa a aw a. gmsu, a TtZlus acacaaat
Taaa faaae ta fans Maav
ta- ataau
BSSmaBBBBBBSaL -a-aaaaaw
SBBaVaaWBlaaBaBBBaSH l.r Baa -C9Cisl
ST al al aasl alaac a,a Snai. S
Kvl 1 bBom imrfaaUsSus a-it-l
"ca 1 sss" I rsal'"' iaatttai i ,. w4
BV M UBS aaS) W a. ('UawraiL ! i .
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaci ns asSBSatask
w iisi inni unui
a-aaaaassSaajasS traasamssi
aa ) M aaxanatis ta
rrvtwmtj msstiai I a-V Sa
s .iltfr?
" fa.HI" RWa
a c
aan Jm frasav.
I, Saaa tJri.
launara. T
TSs (rrrae