The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 01, 1889, Image 5

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tykft JU.'"" "- ?' "'--"
9-TT7p -w. liy-nr ,-
qffwmy -n- -5T -"yt 'r- smpf4n
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. Marvel of pure
4trenth and wholesomeness, more economical
than the ordinary kind and cannot be sold in
cemietion with tha multitudes of low tost short
. ljjht alum er phosphate powdors. Sold only
log Wall street, N. Y. City.
he gcd gioud M.
.. . nocK,
ruMMied eery Friday moraine from the offic
in tlie Moon Itlock. Ked Cloud, Neb.
Faraa Leana.
Interest from G to 10 per cent.
Time from 1 to 7 years. Call and
investigate. G . W, Barker.
Gathered Vb by Chler Btepartcra la
Aaa Aaaat tke City aai Cob at y.
D. C. Metcalf is on the sick list.
Mens caps only 15 etc at B. &G.
All winter goods at your own say
io at B. & G.
Oysters at Ernst WelscVs. Best
brands kept.
Nuts, fresh candies, etc., kept at
Ernst Welsh's.
Wc understand that his photograph
is in the (oyster) soup.
t ; Lrraof io nnnn iis and the
ice man is altogether happy.
Fred Winton has closed out his
furniture stock to W.L. Haines, we
C. Wiener goes east to Chicago and
New York in about ten days to buy
his spring stock.
l&Say Means is happy. Itsagui
baby and weighs fifteen ton accordiag
to Andy's statement.
Mr. McFail, teprescnting the Chi
cago News, and an old friend of Art
Welch, of Vassar, Miohigan, was in
the city Saturday. He paid The
Chief a call.
rru i A;Da Tt M II. Society will
mi; Aiuvo " ---
ivc a quotation social at Mrs. C. F.
Cathcr's, Friday evening. Feb. 1. A
prize will beprcBcnted to the one who
gives correctly the greatest number
r..t. r.rilif nuotitions. All are
invited to be prepared with a quota
tion. Through the enterprise of our friend
D.F. Parker, Red Cloud wilt soon
have a telephone exchange, provided
the people subscribe to the enterprise
liberally. He will start m wun wu
bubscribcrs and increase the number
Mrs. M. 1L Bentley was 43 years
old the other day and in order to com
memorate the event, Mr. Bentiey
purchased as a birthday present one
of the handsoavost set of china dishes
that our reporter has ever seen. It
was certainly a most beautiful pres
When a man will practice medicine
or any other profession, and then
make a business of loaning money on
the side at usurious rates of interest,
is it not time that the legislature or
some one sit down on mm m -
Be a man or a mouse or a long tailed
rut, anything but beiug two-faced.
There was atira when there were
no better piano brought to lied Cloud
than third class goods, but now you
janbuythe Stcinway, Estoy, Lhick
ering and KnaVc. Pianos, at reason
v i .. ..., ,tW for cash ar monthly
a uic .- call on or
r -
gtfe.gSH-VM Bulk oysters atJoe Herbarger's.
J1I IW fll Joe Rerburger's little baby died
"Maf Ml
I Mw 4L ean Pants, warranted not to rip
P WmillSQ V fr only f 1.00 at B. AG
Mrs. D. M. Piatt is visiting in
Lincoln this week
Extra select oysters at City Bakery
served in every style.
Furniture of all kinds cheaper than
xer at F. v. Taylor's.
Get your meals at the Farmers Eat
ing house. E. Welsch.
Money to loan at a living rate of
interest by D. M. Piatt
Great bargains in woolen dress
goods, at Mrs. F. NewhouBC
As soon as the weather permits the
new jail will be commenced.
J. II. Bailey, our efficient county
clerk, was in Lincoln this week.
Overcoats at cost and more to at
B. AG.
Look at our jean pants for $1.00,
warranted not to rip. B. AG.
Esq. Pond of Hoxie, Kubb., is in
the city visiting with Harry Pond.
Remember a good solid over-coat
can be bought of B. A G. for $1 .50.
Miss Anna Proskovec drew the
berry dish at the theatre on Wednes
day night.
Little Jennie Myers drew the
pickle castor at the opera house Tues
day night.
Great bargains in Hamburgs, hos
ery and white trimmings at Mrs. F.
Tne fire boys have raised nearly the
required amount to secure the state
Jessie Visscher's young friends
gave her a surprise party on Wednes
day evening.
Sleeper Bros, feed mill will be
ready to grind ou Monday, the 14th,
at Kcd Cloud.
All kinds of novelty braid, rick
rack, braid, tinsel cord Ac. Ac. at
Mrs. F. Newhouse.
Mr. Thoeming, of Liadsey's meat
market, got his faee badly scratched
this week while unloading ice.
If yon want Early Maze wheat or
White Russian oats for seed call on
L. H. Rust, at the city feed store.
The Saunders habeas corpus case
has been referred to Judge Dilworth
of Hastings, by the supreme court
Isaac Crowley of Catherton, one of
oar enterprising farmers, was in on
Thursday, and made us happy by a
big round dollar.
To-Jiorrow is groan d hog day. If
the day ia fair, G. Hog will hnnt his
hole for six week. Otherwise he will
cou:t Gentle Anna.
Bailey Potts, of Hasting, and Fan
nie Shinkle, of Red Cloud, were mar
ried by Squire West at his office in
this city on the 29th inst
When in Red Cloud call at the
furniture store of F. V. Taylor, oppo
site the post office, and pick you out
a fine kitchen or parlor suit.
The theater company which . has
been holding the boards at the opera
house this week is a No. 1 company
and deserve first-class patronage.
Charley Potter lost three horses
the other day. In order to find them
he left an "ad" this office and in
lef than an hour afterwards he found
them. Just see what advertising
The board of supervisors saved at
least $1,000 by letting the jail con
tract at their last meeting, notwith
standing the silly croaking of a few
individuals who were not duly con
sulted by the board.
Save regrets and purchase from a
home dealer, who will give you dollar
for dollar, old pianos, old organs,
bought for cash and the same applied
on a new instrument, satisfaction war
ranted. Sada. J. Bailey.
Mrs. Otto Skjclver died on Wed
nesday evening after an illness of
four weeks, at her home in Catherton
rnwnchir. She leaves a husband and
ii c.j. .L:uun - ,nnit-r imr dirn
address iJJU KOVCI1 cuuuriru W ,!" . --..
a- I . v-:-,.Aicnwfcfr CkA wn nno nf the carlv settlers of
J. Bailey bctore purcuB . . -
StOCK toe cuuukj, w - -..-
kncKand aboat 14 years arc She
Read our aew ads carefully this
Will Aikman has gone to McCook
to reside.
John J. Ducker has one of the
finest dry goods stores in the state.
Mrs. Fd. Parkes has arrived home
to the intense delight of " 'H orphan
Take your corn aad oats to Sleeper
Bros., Red Cloud to be ground. Satis
faction guaranteed.
Editor Plumb has started a daily.
It is a six colama folio. Tub Chief
wishes him success.
Rev. C. B. Lenfest, formerly pas
tor of the M. E. church, and hi. wife
were ia the city this week.
Take your old copper ware, iron.
race. etc.. to Morhart who will ex
change tinawre for the same. tf .
Secure the shadow ere the sub
stance fade0, as it is said that the
sbadow has more brain6 taan the sub
stance matter.
People are always sure to put the
coat on when it fits, come of our
remarks recently seem to have cut
several people on the pigeon wing
style. Well, never mind, it was ever
How sad, or how glad, we arc that
our fortune does not reach millions or
we might have been sued for damages
otherwise we hayeto remain in obscur
ity behind the hill of poverty. Well
we may be rich some time.
See W. L. Haines, the new furni
ture man. He is a first-class work
man and will be pleased to repair fur
niture and make picture frames on
short notice. Call and see him, at
Cook's old Red Cloud drug store, 3rd
door west of Hollaud Hoasc, Red
John Williemson and P. Barkley
had a legal tassel over some congealed
aqua para, on Wednesday, before His
Honor, Judge West It was thought
from the aspect that a little war cloud
was hovering around, that would take
Grover's navy to settle. Judge West
acting as mediator assessed Mr. W.
$1 and costs. He received his sen
tence in a "freezing" manner.
The people of this eity who are fa
miliar with the circumstances in rela
tion to the late cashier of the Red
Cloud national bank, consider the
proceedings against Mr. Edleman in
the light of malevolence 'rathe' than
for the purpose of avenging the maj
esty of the law for some trifling error
of which no one believes Mr. E.
guilty of intentionally or otherwise,
unless it might have been through a
lack of experience in the banking
business, or at least the U. S. court
does not seem to have considered the
offense of much consequence from the
light bonds asked for.
A Few Facta Caffcere Fraau the Btee
rdaerWeaaterCoaatyla KeUUea
relative and
Red Cloud, Neb., Jan. 23, '8.
The board of supervisors met as
per adjournment
On motion of J. L. Frame the jail
site was located on the northeast
quarter of th court house square, the
jail building to face cast
In orde- to show
eomnarative number or mam ares in u -c
Webster county, our matrimonial edi-1 The jail committee made he fol-
tor, who gives most of his time to f lowing report
No Irtak Nci Apply.
It is sail that the local oyster deal
ers havo formed a s.vdicate and will
hereafter sell for cash only. Th: is
hard on an editor. Argus.
Yes, and wash women and coal
pcalers, ditto. These are trying
times ou an editor.
N saaall Fox la Bed Cleat,
The report seems to have gained
credence over the state that small pox
had gained a foot hold in Red Cloud.
The facts are that there has not been,
nor is there now any cases of small
pox or anything akin to it in Kcd
Cloud or hereabouts.
that branch of the Gjeat Family
Weekly, took occasion to compile for,
the benefit of our thousands of read
ers those very interesting statistics.
In his researches he discovered that
the records show that since 1871, the
time of the county's organization,
there has been 10S9 licenses issued
to wed . The first marriage ceremony
wa conducted by the Hon. Silas
Garber. who served the county in the
capacity of first county judge. The
marriage was aolemnized July 14th,
1871, and the parties ?o united in
matrimony were William J. Norris
and Huldy Jane Renecktr. both resi
dents of the nw county. This was
the only mariage that Judge Garber
performed in Webster county while
acting as judge. During the year
1871 thec were three marriage cere
monies performed, and in 1872 four
going to show conclusively that mar
ringe was a failure to a large extent
at that time, or that immigration had
not set in very extensively on the
part of the gentler tex to the wild
and wooley west Since 1871-2 the
iuercase in the matrimonial market
has been perceptible on the upward
tendency, and in 18S6 it ems to
have risen to the very pinnacle of
conjugnl felicity, there having been
112 marriage ceremonies performed,
making an average of 9 per month,
or about one eyery three days. Those
were golden days and everybody was
banking on the future of the country,
both populatively, politically and ag
riculturally. The ratio since has
been about the same, with a slight
downwaid tendency. In 1SS7-3 the
number was nearly as large, amount
ing to 10(5 in '67 and 108 in '88. The
cold chilly winds of December seems
to have had a desirable effect upon
the matrimonial inclinations of the
average westerner as 137 couples were
married in that month during the
17 cars. Then while the gentle
breezes of September Seated calmly
over the land of the free and the home
of the brave, the same spirit of doub
ling one's fortune seems to have per
vaded the Nebraska atmosphere, as in
that month 120 souls were made one,
while fickle March comes in third
best with 115. August brings up the
rear with 67. Rev. Geo. O. Yeiscr
and John Willcex seems to have had
a monopoly of the marriage business.
Mr. Yeiscr having solemnised 1G6
marriages from 1871 to date, while
Judge Willcox married 110 couples.
With the facts above stated one should
expect great results in the next 17
ye-r.. ot the country' history.
Siuoul Keport.
Repoitof school ar;u district 41,
Loan, Kansas, for the month ending
January -.". Number enrolled 32,
average attendance 23, scholars not
absent or tardy, Marquis Merrill, Gay
Merrill, Charles Brown. Frank Witt-
iver, Claicnce Ucardslee, Emma An
derson, Myrtle Anderson an 1 Emma
LiUrarj exercises every two weeks
on tidsy afternoou.
Patrons of the school arc codially
invited to vidit the school.
Lida Huffman, Toaoher.
Wj, your committee do report the
contract with the Paaley Jail Co.,
to committee of the whol for its
actien. A. H. Kalbt.
31. W. DlCA-KBSOX.
W. H. Babcus. Com
L. D. Taomas.
G. P. Catiibb.
The plans and specifications pres
ented by the Pauley Jail Co. adopted
and the contract entered into with
that company approved by the fal
lowing vote:
Ye.i. MrCallum, Bareus, Groves,
Laird, Martin. Thomas. Wilder, Hum
mel. Diokvison, Kaley, Garber, Frame., Wells, Jones and Hfcatou.
Nays. Cathcr.
On motion the chairman wis
authorized to sign the contract with
the Pauley Jail Co. for the county,
the same to be attested by the signa
ture and seal of the county clerk.
The following claims were allowed
and warrant-; ordered drawn ou the
general fund of 1888:
.lack Il.ithr.wav, ntnrt fot- S 3
Tru'lcr: I.umlT o
J. . Warwr, fis
The claim of J
was laid over until next meeting.
The official bond of E. II. Steeney
as road supervises of district 3G was
approved .
The county treasurer was requested
to correspond with B. A M. railroad
company in regard to their lands at
Guide Rock and Red Cloud which
were sold for taxes and request the
company to send him a plat of said
land showing what part of it lays ia
their right of way, and send money
to redeem the balance.
The following claims were allowed
and warrants ordered issued on the
county general fund for 18S7.
Janws Groves, services as supervisor
Joseph Garner. "
, l' Hi
4 OU
S. Gilbam for 100
Fare Que Gent a Mile
I hsTe this day ooncluded to open up
A Cash House, February 1, 1889,
I will ran a strictly cah house. Please call and note my
price. It will be a greater cut on prices than one cent a
mile by the railroad company. I will positively NOT 11
one cent's worth of goods on time. If any goods that sell for
15c or two for 25c, I wiU seU for 12c, fcc. Will make exact
change so you see you will save 20 uut by trading at a
Strictly Cash House. You wiU not have to help pay bad
accounts. As a credit buainets is run all customers have to
pay more for goods to help pay the lotses of bad debts. I cn
do business for lees profit for cash, and that id what I am go
ing to do
Sell Strictly for Cash or Produce !
So come and see me and you will say that I have struck the
right key note to that great hereafter which means in a
commercial way great success in business. All will say we
have found the place and the. man to trade with. Come,
come, come and see me I will do you good.
Great Cash House, no goods sold on time
bring your cash or produce and trade with
the best house in Southern Neb.
The Opera House Cash Grocer.
E. H.Jones,
;. K.Coon.
G. W. Hummel "
Samuel Ueaton "
Jonathan Martin "
L. I). Thomas '
T. G. Wilder
W. C. Lalrtl.
J. L. Frame, -
M.W. DickcTSon"
W.H.narcus, "
A. H. Kalcy.
O. V.Catlier, " "
Isaac Fish,
S. S. Wells,
F. A. Kifkn, attending board
110 00
6 40
U 0
10 30
12 30
11 00
18 20
11 CO
It 30
33 SO
10 SO
10 SO
Tf Tied Cloud bad fiye Ure
bur, five harness tfiops "
i no doubt but wht the peuple would
'et better prices for their hofis,and in
7hc second place cheaper harness If
five newspapers are a good thing Aaa
fire of eaih of the above ought to be.
om. ;. certainly room for ore ia
u. - , U.
RedCload. THitwrsow
licve ia saoaopolieeor trmsta,
A.Tniexchaaretella efateauh
iicaa. who we. 10,W0 e. Harris.'.
clectto., got coavertoa ";---
..:-..! -entitle aad rcianmea .c w v,
000. Aad now iU said that we hare
BUherof democrats omr city,
bo. while .ot particalarlj .mm to
"approach a throne of grace" arato.lj
was estceaac by all wh,o knew her,
and her death will be ntdlj felt in
the community in which she reside.
Mr. Skjelver and ftMily bare the
sympathy of all, in taeir hoar of
grief. j
. . i . jn : a1
There aas .ot oeca aetiar m wc
eoanty .ridge f ad i. the peaacsiio.
cftheeeuty treasurer for .early a
year, aotwithstoadiag the coateaaii
Me whining of a let of disabled,
soreheaded, illegitimate political ia-
trigaers whose ability for telliag tb
trata ia oaly equalled by ther elatira
to H bald of the pawe strtaga of the
caaaty to farther their owacorrapti-
- m ,
It does mi look: well for
Hew la It.
Ae noticed the other day in one of
the city papers that aa Inavalc fannor
made $250 olear on a capital ot ?r0f
stating at the same time that he ki.t
a firm in lied Cloud that was doing a
business on a capital of $2r,000 that
would like to make money that fast
Now then, we kniw a firm near Rf d
Cloud that has been hereabouts for
tan cats at least, locating with a
reported capital of $10,000. aud today
are renorted to be worth $75,000 bv a
mercantile airencv. Now then, it f
seems wonderful that such a lame
1 amount ot money could have been ac
cumulated in such a short period o3
of so small a capital, in a new country
and the question uaturally aracs,
when one stops to poader oTcr the
enormity of the pile, where did the
profits come from, if not off of the
farmer. It certainly boat five per
ceat a month. The Chief is alwj
pleased to see farmers make moaej
and prosper, for theirs is generally a
bard raw Io hoe, but then when a maa
tries to make yea beliere that he is
otmakiar aaythiag ofafyaa. aad
still caa make ttt.Mft off ef fl
as dieted i. tea years ' . J" '
, . . v i,e
doabuag tb; tij ,f the stoto-
-, or his methods mast hare been
offeriagwp silent patitia or mm
r txi suite a swim i
era wit whoatithey Iowa wearde will abear exposv. to
TjTti"" r. . , .i , t.. 1 , wtmmtAm will aofbear enonm to
Overture Band
Orwt!n; Oioe Chorus
-il ami Uiiartette. "Ooly a mesae Una
llomj" ttr. Jcn:r. Mbs Kmi;h. r!r. Fu!
tonardSli. Alj:iliU
Qulntct'f. "Hie M.dnnht Punrc" Hr-.Jc-
tcr, MtM Ui-own, Miss unich, Mr. ruuoa anu
Mr. Alhrlsht.
Trio un 1 (.aiatette. "GiurCna Angels Lalla-
Vr," MU- Hro. SicMU!n, Krciph, ami
3lVji. Fult ja a:l Allulchl.
Du:tL "cojr.o tjacrv tho roat !;! sleep."
Mis-Jc-.. - a:ul Utvi ttuish-Ccm-tivli.
"i'pvS;oci:!oiu;." with var
iations V.l!,Jcr
I Latte .u.-.rtc:te. Come vrheie the UU flow
ers t.l.KTi." Mlscs Krrtirii, McMillan, Un'gn
.tii.lMu. Jch er
Whistling botu -iIcjnulB 1c'" 31tr
rirmb, l'uivj and Alhris&i.
Comic j.. Maiuit for r.lur.Uaie oj-.
A. H J..- r
Baritosc n. x "lU-ananu" V. FcRon.
DaeU. "lUiauaia Lile's dream is O'er. Mr?.
jester ami Mr.Welca.
CfWriaJsV ffasaua
Hi!e Quirtctte. "Tke twinkling rtar urwi the
like" Mi aire. Fultjn. WeJch, Albrfeht aa
Walu son?.. -Sneit to the MUk Maid the Dew
hcyaaaz." Mr. Jester.
IrtBM Tomme comet ola. "Coacert reUu.
A. .Jr'xt
.-1p . Tje oU maa '-ry - jrr.
Heme K wmt tae awmer 4vVr
Miasm 1,, it )UHUluaafi4 Hewn. Ful-
On motion board adjourned to Tues
day, April 9th, 1889.
Fellaw Clllxea tm4. Otoatf.
Still tarrying amoagyaa, I would,
if pouible, dn somethiag more for
your good and the glory of my Master,
ere I depart. I feel an unusual inter
est in people. Your position at
the gateway of this beautiful valley
and other circumstances I need uot
mention, give you an influone that
but letvcitiesof like population poss
es;. Serry I am that your influence
in the past over surrounding commun
ities luw noi. been better in certain
directions, gathering wisdom from the
mistakes of the poet, let us tarn to
better and brighter things
Lot me call vour attention to tnc
imnortanceffor cads temporal as well
-it trrn:hDf the tmblic worship of
God or the Sabbath; without nproach
for your past neglect, as a community.
of this high privilege aad solemn duty.
The worship of God! Can a ration
al being perform a higher act than
this? Is there any other which so
completely er:ising the power? of
both body and soul, and w dignifies
and exalts them aa l'ai does? To
conceive right tkoughts of Goi and
feel right emotiaafl toward Ilia, and
to gi? them suitable outward express
ion, by mice, by postare of body aad
hy other faculties of expression, pre
supposes and developed a character of
the anblest eakwra. Far brevity. 1
pasa by iuairidaai, family and prayer
meettnr worship and speak oaly of
... - .- :- , 1
I public worsntp on i cuu i
crcAt congregation, remarking, how
ever, that all worship to be real, when
ever and however expressed, must be
spiritual, mast be that homaa; which
isdaeto God aa tha sapmma Kiat;
mnA tha Father of arsoirifts: mast
Ladies flaawmYN
Read What One Cent Will Buy.
5 Slate Pencils, 2 Lead Pcneils. 1 Paper of Pins, 1 Paper of Needles,
Ruches, Lead Pe.cils with rubber tips, 1 ard Lace, 1 fcpoel a,
Thread, Jooa narsf, ec.
What Two Cents Will .Buy.
. r. i -, . mi j i n-L ..A Tr.;i Soit, l.adlea Collar.
l spool Jesi turcau. i v g"" . -. --- itofiaV'
Cuffs. 1 Yd Ribbon, 12 Ssbeets liooa .oie i ap?r, .pb'(
Handkerchiefs, dec.
What Three Cents Will Buy.
1 Pkc. White Envelopes, Tablet. Siate, Yard of Lace, Child's Lace
Pine Combs, Yard Ribboa, and Ion of other thing. .
Notice the Difference,
Ladies Kid Gloves worth ;'0c. wc shall erll fur 3c.
Good Corsets 15c. Nicely bouad books only rc, old everywhere for .ac
A few pieces of Table Linen left at onc-thbd 1cm than others sell for.
ft ,vV f WKite CotmU and Embroideries will soon be on hand.
Watch for lUrgaius. Onh a few ladies hats left at 2Se oa the dollar U
close out. The Spring stock wiii be hire in r roper time.
Young's C. O. D. Emporium,
Moon Block, Red Cloud, Neb.
bility of character, aad beariag ia
such a person that is seen in no other.
What community, in this or ay
other laad, has stood oat ia history.
grand, colossal, mighty in i.telleetaal
character and influence, that has not
beeu distinguished for the reTerent, wnTshinof God. The Sabbath
day eo around tho p-ople assem
ble the word of God lis open the
pulpit the minister takes nis puce,
...1 tk. unir of Bra .er the read
ieg and expoaadina of the Hely
Scriptures aad the siagiat: of praise,
by the whole asaembly, ledhy a choir,
with iaatrmmeataof masia, begias.
Aad this serriee is af diviae sp-
poiatmeat, for tie gooo ox ,
rendering suitable homage oi mm
who is the Father of us all A.d
will jna fellow citxeo, say tn the pub
lic by yourcoastaat abeaee, "I feel
m iaeliaatiaa toward thia duty: I
have a wosttive dmrlke af U aad rpi-
diato the whole thiaf ". Ia a4 saeh
be aa ack.owUe.t .f kU right a. atutoda towar. tha awhli worship
toraletrvsfthaawra -th- af G4 - awfml -. J
.. .Illi itWa.aaawaM!amiwaaait mH toad to trawath-
g;t more Ilailroadsraad now Mr. Ed
itor, not wishing to toot the hora of
advertisement, at the cxpene of a
neighbor gcntlemsa editor, we will
jut sy that Smith Center baa raised
and shook the sleeping dut off ef tha
mantle, aad is no mare the Smith
CVafr- of the pt, wteh three Brkk
illcci completed thi Ut fl ai'la
winter, and J. Rurr Bank Building
aac o
Farm For Rent
of his
for which tha
bwiy, se.1,
io., hope, immag
aaity ia wkieh yaw liva hy pro-
jwat, xaare
Caaawy aiharajat waaata
tmM. mare rirwaams am.
tra, mare
M miles from market 80 acres
brake. FfefiUef wood aad wsur.i
Fartarau aall .a cr aiareas 1
Osmtesoar. Mec like MtOkaa
futecte. -Meeearat win eoai
Dau,awaoaaaGotfar. Mt.aarfJafS. Jester
rjtt. -Ure fcauaiiWe.' M. Jeater aaa
cod Xicht ccUe folks CfceriH
Tae it TartBea u.sKn. - exWieilT
ihr m wf t 33. mate loasifiiag 1 our aatare, or mora esaewawj
aaa a tart all Levartatioa are UevtfyUtesS. Jfa wewder thai arafj tn
aalwrxsaowiE. . - -M..t arskiawr ef G IB
MU fc -
takes ! this or aay other
Gad? Cawaaytkiaf
j perfectly the hi
Old copper, irca, rags, etc..
iiawwe a AAasa KasatiarawaB
si. :. mmM i
TO BB C.WT l!Cf.
ii- aSa taiaawaa aawaaW M sajwaaSK. Wwaa
mawawaa Bamef, M Baaa sbj wwmay
. .. i- aaJ taaw.
--?- at smajaa,s aware """ - .
uii MiaMaat ef ameawaC tssf amaajaaa aavfwaw
MBa Bmaw " -
tkaastedCVsmt bara-amami , mmwBtmat
.ivL.MaMiaimat mama mai amw tastimsa
a an
awawiawwEBwwmaw; fat atojaawatlam.
.. - taaat SBaaa amr saa 1 saam. Bm
ar iaaaaWSyWaaawaa aama aasaa m sivwt wm
f the finest aad costliest laild-
mj: i te., will be ready ia a few
days jarre to rewir iu Snishiag ta
sidc aork, with a fine a body of ag
ricultural laad surreaadiag the tow a.
We predict a treat future ia tha
way cf eaterpne fcr the capital m
Smith Center. The Rosk I laad rail
road company ha it Ursa asd rem-
modiou hotel, runsto? fint elaj style
acd two daily pasca-cf trains with
fiae coach ear tt- made ia the warJd.
aad a prospect of gtttiag twa sacra
taiiroads, why a the eeator pat aw a
aew cloak. Tke tewa fftoa4a aaw
aeawad to sjawe i. th way efita dif
fareat hfasKSjaa ef bweajeea. Tha
tows is jwM bow klea-d with a varkaj
aow called the Salratton Arwy. as4
a rood mamy an adchaij pasaaylat-
ward to awe kaad
tor a few sail
tha tky e savW, we ahiah tsmtiC
wwyrftmatiatW Haly
Skat is W .sliliisl tmrf mVawX W
iky ma ama-
ney, thk fwaftav i
satem ahall met ha
awamav ;
IBS. .-j
t- ?
i m
ssWsaaTiamBamaMawamwIJaBBaaaWfamsi amammsasm.
"" I Ml "f"' " I I
i-g $ y