En-E7T3 &&&k&m& 2g&&fU&tHmwJ&&,Ulbf3l , &o ik i :& V. i Golden Eagle Clothing Store 1 Overcoats ! Although having but very few on hand will close them out AX COST Attention Farmers ! And Stockman I have just received a fresh steok of " Ravens Horse, Cattle and Poultry Food I hare sold in the last six years hundreds of this condition powder, and hare ye to hear the first complaint from nny purchased. It will keep your hogs in health and increase tho fat. It will make the hens lay. It is the best thing for horses there is in the market. Try it. For sale only by C. L. COTTING, For the benefit of the Rivcrton En terprise, we will eay that Judge Gas Iin adjourned court on petition of the Webster couaty bar. Whatever ay be Judge Gaslm's faults Tur. Chief believes in giving him his dues. The democratic pirty neTer were very inueh on war as their record plainly shows for the last fifty years, that is as a party, hence the people of the cotstry oaghtaot to expect Cleve land aid Bayard to bristle up to Gemaay over the Samoan trouble to any large extent. The policy of that party has been weak-kneed all through the put four years. The submission amendment has passed the senate. Now let the house of representatives do their duty and give the people a chance to vote on the subject for themselves. The leg islature should not put themselves up as bigger men than the people who elect them, but should remember that they are only creatures of the people to do the bidding of the people. The Chief is not a prohibitionist but be lieves in people governing, and if the legislature docs not acquiesce in the matter there will be something drop and drop heavy some day. ' Ducker's Cash t "i 9 t I Dry Goods House JTJST RECEIVED - N METROPOLITAN LNERYJEED, & SALE STABLE. Morhart & Fulton's Old Stand, Webster St., Red Cloud, Neb. HENDERSON BROS., Props. 4 Fine rigs, good horses, board by day or week. Your patronage solicit ed. Don't forget the place, cast side of Webster street, Red Cloud. Our remark some few weeks ago in reference to state and private banks being duly inspected by state examin era seems to be the prevailing idea among men who ate familiar with those institutions. It is an absolute fact that there is no responsible man agement of these banks by the state, and if those kind of banks wish to de fraud their creditors it is a very easy matter for them to do so. The state legislature should by all means pro tect the people by passing a more stringent law governing state and pri vate banking institutions. It is an absolute necessity. Waateral Winter Partarlnz. Kveiy time the ground is uncovered in winter some farmers turn out cows. sheep and other stock to browse on frosted and innutrius herbage. Some of them think they save by them, but they ara greatly mistaken. Frostei grass quickly has all its strength wash ed out of it and becomes a drastic vit iatorofthc stomach of any animal tempted by hunger to cat it. Left where it lies, it has some value as a mulch for the grass rootsMrcr which it grew. When removed iris only an injury. The winter pasturing on fur western plains is not comparable to this. These plains arc, or used to be rainless, and the herbage dried into tolerably good hay before freezing. Of late years rains have increased on the plains, and the winter hay no longer possesses its former hnrativc value. CHEAP Vn LOA!K. Interest Straight 8 Pkr Cent Caa pay part or all of principal at aay year and stop interest Well se cured notes bought. Insurance in good companies. C. F. Catuer, Red Cloud, Neb. Ofice over post office. Dr. Jaaues' German orm cales destroy aa4renove wen iron ucsyMvsB. aaic BANKRUPT STOCK. Tho sale of tho Stich bankrnpt stock in Hastings still going on, the goods con sitting of tho finest grades of dry goods, boots and shoes, clothing and fancy goods, will all bo closed ont within 30 days at a reduction of frcm one third to one half of the original prico. All goods marked in plain figures, so that each purchaser can select for himself. In order to give farm ers a chance they may clnb together and purchase $100 or upward and I will give them time until after harvest to make payment. Among tho stock are $13,000 of shoes of tho following popular makes: Korbash k. Brown, Pingree A Smith, Bradey wet calf, P. Cox, Williams &. Hoyt, Carlisle, James Parsons, Aeiiich fc Co., Wrigh Peters, B- Gannon. To merchants and dealers I will hold out still better inducement, xerchaats desiring fuller particulars will address. Ikaao Cahh, Hastings, Neb. m A literary and ice cream social win be held at the residence of xrs. Sherwood on xomay evening. February 4th. Enter tainment furnished by Mrs. Sherwood's clas. Admission r. cents. Cake and cream fifteen cents. The legislature should avail them selves of the opportunity to correct our election laws. There is altogeth too many chances for fraud under the present law. In this county for nearly every year fnr the past five, there has been large sums of money used to defeat the regular tickets and thwart the will of the people. The Australian law or some other law should br enacted to pre vent election frauds, and then one to prevent electioneering and otherwise influencing the votes of the people, before election. It would be the means of knocking some of our would be political steercrs in the head and give the people a chance to elect their officers without interference of cranky politicians. PLEAS 4 NT PKAIHIK. pleasant Prairie still exists after the good hits given its "moonshine" by tho ''man in the moon" its dark nights will come with the warm weather. Change is busy as else where. S. I. Umphenor'a sold out to Mr. Mad ison who is now a resident of P. P. Wm. Rankle will vacate the farm of B. K. Orchard soon, and Mr. O. and family will again be among us. Who will make the next change. Bnt few of the first settlers remain here but they are bonnd to stick. Mrs. J. a. lleguorn is in very poor health. We learn the sad news of the death of Mrs. Iney. . Springer wife of J. L. Springer at their home in Bladen after an illness of a few days. Mrs. S. was form erly a resident of this place and will be remembered br the pupils of our school as one of their number four years ago. Ganc. 50 Pieces of Checked Shirtings ! Which we are Running at 6c pr. yd. Best goods for the money you ever saw. Best Ginghams 8c yd. Just received 25 pieces of Plain and Striped (to match) ; SEERSUCKERS, In the new spring styles at ten cents per yard, never sold for less than 12 l-2c before. We are filling our store up with new goods of all kinds and are going to make the LOWEST BID FOR YOUR TRADE This year that you ever had. I have started in to double last year's business and I will do it or quit the town. Yours for LOW PRICES, J. J. DUCKER Old Postoffice Room next First National Bank .J Official Recapitulation of County Treasurer's Report. Showing the amount en hand July 1st, 1SS5, the collections since made, warrants redeemed and amount remaining on hand at the clo of the iU.t Jay of December, 18S8, in each and all of the several funds and account of M. B. McNitt, Treasurer, W'ubxter Couutv. Ncbravla, toft-iUtsr with the total amount of the scleral items stated. aleasaat ami e uve. Uncle Sam'c eondltioa ponder will 'euro dis tesapers. couch, colds, tc ere and mo-t or Uie ill nasi I to which hones, cattle. sheep, linn aad poultry are suojeet. Sold fty all drnbu trade Saaas nerve and bone liniment will leiiiin mrnlm. bruises., neuralgia aad rlieuma- 1 vj jui biws;is- SBeriaT. Sale. Notice is hereby ptwa that underandij ir twefH order ot wlo Issued out ot the district riMBrtef the etsht Judicial district In and lor Webster eeuntr, Nebraska, upon drew lit aa actio, pending in Mid court wtienln lorzc O. YcMer h pfcUMtf.ane Uoattas Yensun. rt ul aredcfe.eatif, I haU offer for fate atpuW.e vMHtaeforoash in nwwlirt the east deer or the eewthease in Hrt Oond. aaM county, (that flat; ran rlace where the last term of court washe&leB) on the 4th dsyot M?reh. MW. at l o'clock p. n. tte fnHowlnr decrilU coscrty t.vivit: Lois K vC and Swa a iu block nineteen J3 la 8salth& Moore's addition tothetnwn of ;.,-1 Cnmm ia w cosier eonnty. nernusa. iwtt; tiaeerinybnd this 5tb day or January. issa. Joaa O. Yeier. 11. C. -nt, sheriff. Ksiatifl s attorney. SCHOOL UKTOKT. School Report for the month ending Jan. 25th inDt. Xo. 36. No. of days taught, 20. No. of pupils enrolled, 28. Average daily attendance, 20. Naais. ufpnpilfl no) nbeut during the nvoath; Katie Ailc. Susie Amack, Wlw Amack, UortnaSwearimjen, Clarvac Hweariagsa, Frank Anuick,leaB Smith, Alva wefford. JcMio Mcfford, Orvillc Holiagraln and Charles llolingraiu. Visitors; Lod Amack, nits Ida craft, Kutsxertlc Ilryaut, Walter Teacaworth. charier Amack, X. L. D. Smith aad viss Swearineu. Patrous are cordially ia ited to call aad aote progmwef sehoat. Eco. H. Fla. 0t Jlemcmhcr this, that V. Barklej will pat up a large ataoant of river ice this winter and will be ready to serve the people with part river ice instead rf creek ice; Hold jour or- uers for him. 21-tf Tafc. Xotlz Z& M.iamawc aHeatlaviara SavwTawr Trr.de where job caa baj goods tha i;iiti. uvoi yam sv cewta id. A spleaara Jeaas for SO etit a vard. at - S1.1 " i . the t extern de 9.)t&ern Association . i Tl.Uee. Therfc will be a special ateetiag el the First National Bask ef Sea Clewa at its baakfnjc hoase 4 a'eleek. Satar- Mercaatile I. Iaaa. Twa arc teeeay netlfed i ath day, at Jaae. liwt. I. L auai. r. ut xvm ewt for flwtaanar a . the teMmrtae arsattsr asaaajr, Sthia ha. mt Mnaut u. taeeto-wit: wTumk. tew. s.aaae tl.s wa'.aafcw- , it, m r?.r-.i:a u jy Tehraarr 16tli lar the aaraeaa af UutaiMM 1 -1.1 IllEC 3IW ,.. '. -. HTO l.-"- . ---" - -. cari.Ka. The Ljoeam last Friday night was well attendeded not-withstanding the high wind that was prevailing at the time. Mias Georgia Booth, who has been vis iting her aunt, Mrs. C. W. Fuller, retaraed last Saturday to her homo near Long Is land, Kansas. ar. Daarerg of Iowa who located here some two or three months ago, has pur chased of C. W. Fallsr the property in the west part of town, that was formerly owaed by Dr Hard. O. S. Gibson went this week to Omaha, He expects to remaia three months as ageat for a Inn there, after which Be will visit soma of the large cities of the mi ia the Interest of the same firm. Amebic. INAYALE. A.J. rTorthington has retaraed from Chicago. "vV. were pleased to see the faaailiar face ef J. C. Chamber's ea ear streets shakiag aaaes with eld f riead. C. Haater shipped a car load of eattl. to Oaaha. C. R. Pitaey is makirg a visit to the castera part of this state. A. J. Worhiaroa left this aoraiag (Tarsday)for Iowa his fatare horn, tak iag with aiat ea. ear of yoaag aorssa. There was a daace at Joaaai. Taagha's Monday aight. Pnu lor. t"-t-tt ttt -rrrrrr-r -r - - . - - - .. ' ' - ....-.-. V Amount ' Zl C w r r "liter a; s S- ;j niuu m (uuu, -iV imirw. 11 i uuuuiiviiiniiiii ca trial j j.J I UUii inRII'irrii Ul if 2 TIJ ." - Tax Int. 3 ' " ConsoliJa'ed state let 31 TTs IT 5s-t 'j Interest and rntnaUstlo&t. 3" 57JI ' rii I 5 am&u w -, County Ceoeral t itw kv- u unla Uenenl a AtCT T lti zr i cl 3 ims af: , Milking I3 12m 7 v 2 31 ;i t 1 H tl Koad ITS 7 7-' U 7 6 3) w - 3 Ko,j Uititet1M.....J cc M il J Drlds 134 CO !?'.-W 04 K2 JOBTTSI &' Vi - -m m w m K it. Iion.l i. i-o loiis.c rrw IIiob I ...I J ij5 Jail 1 !4KH3n7 s 73 3ES I iU, 2 STT Insane A tl T rr, 41 Tl 1 jmuu g L , T! fj rooriioue 4: soii: 35 14 53 ' rift s J L LH Kuadlngbond v are. 1 4.; C3 4 14 1 u R Rnd Wrraut. 54 tl 1 9t s H ii Bridge Judgment 41 M 2; i. i jj si if - roil t House a 39 TO ,j JS 7 I i ali . Safe lf. 2i ' aia I II 2 . 1? . Bond liT r.i en HI l r ., Poor io 9 fc ; I s , wm&t .! nt of im'l l t,J !2i Surplus OnerU JTi Tf "1 , 1 TX T W oc cJ rtiU mat fv... if ' 1 m S Siert)d "23 I 221 .. ! 1 I M 1 m3 (k School lUstric: .".""."!"! . V l 01 73T3 4t2 e itonditxo e0C i in ima H ,2K "K H i c-ii c3 mml Bond...., a r. 3J 32 01 nowI w" yo- ,U53D mi -o t immM IK.un i J lls: Sj S Tf - Mandamus .V 20s si X i 21 C TJ .'A 3rt U f " 1 m Fines aaJ Uce vs li sec U . ... ' . J tat. m nnnlnnmrtti vIV (U ,t 1 f 1 ' 1 i w Twnhip 4.' Tti4Ji:?5i i7uijorTxrii L jj sort s srxt u rv-SJ ., :ulde Kork Treflnet liond . . 2 2m 2fJ 17 li 7C Ch rttund. 7! 141 ra i: 5 11 j! ! LI ii Red Cloud City Jk.nd ." l TO t 7 t twi 71 14 at H t UI Ji! 1 4-'4 ZZ2 fii,12M 32 l m H 1573 ISI 4 f 8 2 1i J U Blue Hill tiUe 42- id 7v tx 41 zi v. ,! ei 14 ots Q iS 3 '5? ! Ouid Kock vuuee 4S !Tfi i-J 4 i M t, itc c g ' J! " Dtrtrlet l-ad 227 422 2 i Corotv fcd st U c ss .tzlu'' H -at tl it. 1 labor tax 2 is 1-774 !iWTMLa Hi lmm vx Km i-u, rt 2,. ' 4 il Iatemc K4 i:o; iuiwtmuh m JTV v . nmd 4Rf.et j Adveitlsns 1T5 31 70 3 ; I U c Twtt r4 ottiJ f4 M 7W t ,' . t lsfJ-.7 J7M 5 fsTOTJ 43 77 712S1 t U.XX X i5 O H lya kv ,w, ,'. m"Z?.'Z LessoTerdrafMUCtkmen:.. 2S-. k.. h Xm tis It&i 'jfrn nl t . ! H ' ! I--7'3! I- 1 1 i wrl mmFmmqmm.m i i i "as ii , ii- i - I, ,.i, , ,, ii Fee. and commi.ions collected from Jelj the 1st t the 3It of feeemh?r. Iv2 Jccfeirer J33.5J. Registered warrant of 1S" unpaid $ 515 25. ) -,, . . - , . , , A.J . fc 1SS3 3252 32. I omat of regiiUrrfrd warrxst sepJd $37C7 57. Hondod indebiedaeM of the eoaatt is $47,500, dae Jaacsrj Ut, IS3I. I, M. B. McXitt, Treasurer of Webster coantr, Nebraska, hertwj eertifj the aWre to he a eorrret 4Utrnt of ail taaes, fees aad re.aiiMta n- A ml aveatjs tobiraed hj ate, as coaaty trcasnrer of WeheUr ceaatj. from the ?? e JaJj to the 31t daj of DrccaWr, If&g, iaclatire. s. ifc ft. debiedaess of the eeantj, eaording to the record of this eelee aai ike beet ol mj kaewledse an-i btief. J . HnSrrr, Treat trer To the hoaorahle board of sapcrvUnrs. We, joor ceaiaiuee, de reaert that we hare cssiad the icci-i, rcccrd. acetate aad vwacht ra f ti ' treaHireraad find the abore itatement i correct. J. J, PtJiMg 1 !.. Taowjn.tce. sUxdVaed. aata.1 ert'enarte MJJ4 22 n . ani"- x SR-eTS-S- - a aaniEH f -r- - r. m -t--. n aeaae. cejaaw iBAVii electing aiae direeUrs Car the is- jear. Ja. Jt. pamr. , 5Mt jCahiar The eerknaeb eerer tries to vote Xor seek aadytag auae; If haa a. hwslaess "la ahe swap" yts there jest the t 1 HENRY COOK DZALCR IX Dr. Wlaeheirs "Itega yg3jy ; aa ta.1 ji"iiBiwvpmeBaLaHi HML I. Drags and Medicines PjGtints, Oils, Tarnish, Stationery, Books, Etc. VfUIiE FURNITURE ! W. Ii. HAINES, Having purchased the stock of FURNITURE! by Frnl Wfartw. wiM dl yoti Fw.itare of t verr low Iratju GUI aad klem. imhU4MM MOomd Ih Brim- 3d j - A . L r i I w e r T - V , JSrWc asTrreiarH Teyl! ,M- irsej saaaaaart