The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 18, 1889, Image 6

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rt ? it a ,
t rf ,ws ar
- , Trif .
tfca Magic Wwri tU
tUm Barer.
I Here are two? von V mnn wlin nM I led to its production: "In 1827 Dr.
.i-i,...' w . :-t ..- . ... .. .
ntma of - Prclinu vryim3, and apparently wweu mmnou wm mai'r-m 10 icnu ni
j i wpruiy 01 mcir ntgn calling. Una U mii'Sicai laionu vt tywn, unci wnil9a
a 1 4 . . T 1 .. A j
inero-jjaTo especial
SMed is the ruling idea of the ntfe. r "T S. GrniitTector ofan Episcopal
raalhe traveler in search of health church at Fall Biver. iU -'iRar, many
Evas the
U in a hurry, and insists on combining' .n.puup. mfnii parmii. and in bo
the excitement of a match ..against ' mUch int:rd In his tor): i among
tj- with ihn niirsuitof Hvcreia. Fif-. ljMjm ha ho has decline ilatterin?
ALUO -- - "
miles an hour over the nurfaco of u,4t-r3 f aw ciy anu a-oxu notion
auu. j. roviutxico. xnoointjr i liector
littlo Enlwopal parish
lie "hc3 hbi serv-
- jtmii rivt-r. windinrr through tho
unn' in th world, docis not' rcrkini.of
.. , ,.r i,.iu. ...... n .i t.iirr.-rnear oalcm. a. .1.
sausry wo ra " .'- "" --- . .,,-.,. , "--. ,
m., .rmiralon. Uc prcierd afcinu''nii "--"" """v""'"1-' rwjr wiiuh
.storm, "" pwwp'c rauuc up a nico jjurse lor
j0 mm no remi i niyuyj tlwtt he . had
all the money. that. ho wxjded. and that
attention to the
training of children in vocal' Vnusie,
being tho first poreon to Introduce
ainjf injf ' into the public schools. In
order to mako these .'jging classes
attractive. Dr. Jlnon requcHtcd M.ii.
Sarah J. Halo and" other writers to
furniwh hira'with ver.icd Hiiitcd to tho
capacity ofi children a;:d of a kind to
and yHow Mh argin:ivou-!tonc
r containing nfdn! nl t-iy Ironntone.
oxblbltlntr cl)ut Uilrty-llvu pr cont
of tho nietnillo Iron. Tho cam of
llrjnito has b-n r 'np'etcly burnr1
out over a ocm!d?rabto r.rcu. ltivin
the surfaco covered witji a 1cd of do-
bnaot ahe. eHrkc tnd bsrnt clay.
in place to a tfucrfi t of twenty foot,
supporting at ptv-Kint a thick growth
of grusi and undurbnmh. From thl. i
mzias of burnt clay and cinder. I
-orl Want d
'irl of wo-! wanted
- -
-t sJm otfice.
tjvntwi .tfajnccfr !
rush through bona of dust and
'ofrinden at tJirico the pace.
.. kn stfiTnliri.'LL :l "rflov.' (Jich.1'
and takes the cxprc-H train, from should bo nsed for tho i im'iroVement 4 for children, which were set to muHlc tronitone which h.ivo boon red
rhlch he'ean dlstingtii&h no feature of. " -u ,;MMlT"1- oy air. juimju, uiu au:i; in iu dcuooia mo rac-riic siav. oy ;: nea
intercut them. In response to, this I plccca of inubilllo Iron am rcadilv I
request, Mr3. Iialc. cvr ready to I picked out. weighing In sorno ca as
lend a band in any good much :n fifteen or twenty jmunds.
work, composed a series of little pemi doubtless dnnvwl from the nodules of i
jdiicjd to ;
the vanishing landscape as it fitrcanw Aiglit text Ixioira fcavc 'been pub- ol woston ana tnrougbout so larjre a boJy of burning lignite. and thanks his-htars that lu-hed by thi Stntc J Calfilornia forjtno country. Among the-e wai tho A. 1. Sun. ;
hoisdartin" ovcr'tliQ earth'rt surface --e-in her public achoola. ard it is dc- i world-famous Mary"- Lamb.' which
at a rate which render- it-s beauties signed in a Tew yeais Vt supplant all was founded on an incident of the
undistinguifehabJc. ' tno oc'':, pub!i-.hol by private con- , writer's own childifch experience. A
But perhaps, 'alcr all. the passion cern3- Tll ,Wrtt cnt ;unong tho farmer's daughter. .Mie had had'fn her
for rapid motion is no strongcr-now local educator., is?mPloycd in writing , New Hampshire home .her own little
.i. t;. . .. ....... ., in n-unun ' these books and nere arc, no midrilo 1 pet lamb, that followed her wherever
lUlUI WlWrU muni" M.L-J lKt "i-i.v.. .... . a I . fa . H r 1
,. , . : -.,i-,!j.. nmnn in men. J he -grammar is sold forjbhewcnL Devotedly fond o
velocity. Nothing in the story of Jack . if) " :i red net on of i cents on the
, r.rt.niinr .Irfirrhn children so Brammaw i.iBauny m ue. mo jnco
The growth and j)opu!anty of re-llgiou-.
cubs v.iiosc main object t the
promot.oa of social intcrauir-e is one
of the interesting bigu s of thu titnaa.
""? 5
-f, n e 1 1 a a lFik1j,a-' t
1C1 'vs V fT JIB a ii3 .T?t JaT il
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3T ''? J f Pb.
i, y.-A.:ir ir
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fci 'J.O
tmmmi ta t lr-. a
a 3tw. Cawk v UpI-
w. rt
j&tijpmm m-m
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.SBlV aaa OiJ
.aaaaaaaaaWatVjF (maMM W
r' a laalaa
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f .yi"78V
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1 tbX
,, w.-iswt-' r
t iMtiott: "ACmsKv
. aaaaa akEaataKaf I !! -"Fl
tor iw ' "
a4 rvM4Tlfc
ti. "a jf -jl.
THE HIRAa KC5.T G0I9PABY, East arillcn, io
the episode of the BCVCn. , of the ge:r,tl m
jots, and wo remember the :ul.0, .1 " "
ct and aerial 'steed of tho he other books:
much as ,tht
leagued boots,
a ' T-. .1 T'. ....:...,,.., 4 j .flar.n liUl.CU.
Arauian ijgiiw ji.i. un.w"., ii
irftory w 80 cents, in-
ridor the old system,
ire projKjrtionatxdy ro
-.small par cent, of thoanoncy
aHtho"lowcr"rcsulUiorenehantment! "sec1"'1 frUf0 bfjolw h Invr-Ucd in
.Sixty ycaM ago a car-.
a sinking fund and it I cstimaicd tliat
aro forgotten.
riago and four ras considered a spiriU ' " " .'Ul" l"' i-.i:oa ue
stlrring arnidgemer.t. and postrboya ' partmcntwill hw yaul for its plant
were feed munificently to keep their and will tnenbo so .-.unportuig llio
catUe on the gallop. The lilicralily of oi3 1115 -rr ,j:k1 ar highly
: gallop.
the old woman who offered her bacon
to feed tho furnace of a ?IissLssippi
steamboat when lU rival was getting
ahead was prompted by the wane in-1 e:.e
htinct which moved onr anceotord to,
bribe the postillions of their day to
ply the whip and 'jpur.
It it useless to rca-ioii against the
general desire to push ahead. Jt ia
human nature. All O12 rcourccs of
art and science are laid midir contri
bution to ncMimpluh thin grand ob
ject, and the most wonderful of all
modern wonders is the progress of pro
gression. A voyago aco the Atlan
tic was a nix or eight weeks' affair
within the recollection of some of ua;
but noxv, steamerrf occ:isionally slip
over in from six to eight daya!
And speed i-t tl.t- wo.-d o 1 tho Iload
of Life as on the public highways.
From tile universal anxiety of the ac
tive classes to make the most of every
moment, one might cuppoc thai tho
idock of Time was protty near it.s final
tick, and th:it mankind, aw.'.re of the
fact, were afraid of being might at the
great jimc die Jidjoirmuient of hi:m:in
iiffalrj with hoi.c " .nii..iahi'd busi
iicmj" on the;r I'.v.rid-:. A. J'. Laljcr.
spoken of by most of the teachers.
Of animals, jjoiae Sotiml Aitvic 011 a Mattrr of SI or
and making pets of them from her . Thu urdinary iuiortuce.
earliest to her latent j'ears, this busy While somu children eat daintily
editor and mother of a family turned and seem to know when they havo
aside from her pressing cares to write enough, there are others who eat
these verses, which have a sympathetic ravenously at the tablo and seem to bo
echo in the hearts of children all over t eating all tho time between meals.
this counry. In 1S30 the poems thu9 This. I think, is an unnatural state of
composed wero published in book form ' things. Animals in their youthful
under Mrs. Hale's signature, with a ! days arc inclined to over-eat. but an
number of other songs and rhymes animal worth raising is carefully
affectionately dedicated to all good 1 guarded so that it does not over-eat.
children in the United Stale-.,.'" I'ltilm Should not these children bo ah care
tkJithia Times. j fully watched as animals? It is too
often a habit acquired bv food being
J easy of access, or over-indulgent pa-
Tli Miilurr lUrtl li hlilnrI':i llm l.llit-lloilnt-t
(,11 (lit; ('oust.
Kxcursiouisls who travel along tho
sea-coast in Hiuuur are often attnict-
d by tho remarkable whiteness of tho
light-houses, beacons ami keepers'
dwellings, and thoy wonder iiow thjie
guides to the marine r are kept in such
ashining condition during the winter
as well .is hummer. Tho material
used is simply white-wash, and hero is
the United Suites (iovcrumcul formula
'for mixing a while-wash that when
jproporly made and applied gives a
white that duos not easily wnnh or rub
"To ten parts of frc-' y-.dncked Iimo
add one part or the b I hydraulic ce
ment. Mix well ' i f-alt water and
apply quite thin."
SylvesU:rs pro" a for excluding
tnoiature from external walls consists
, in using two wadie-. or solutions for
covering the surfacj of brick walls,
'ono composed of neap :tnd water
land one cr alum and water. The
proportions aro of a
,louud of soap to one gallon of water
nndhzilf a pound of n'tim to four gal
lons of water. l5oth -iiib&tauceK must
bo perfectly dissolved In water before
, using. The walls tihould ho perfectly
clean and dry, and the temporal uro of
'the air should not b below Jift;- de
jifrooH Fahrenheit ;heii the cotuposi
'tlons aro applied. Tl.j fiivt, or soap
.wash, should be laid on when at boll
,ing heat with a Ila1 brush, taking
care not to form a fto'h 011 the brick
....... 'i'i.i 1. , , .
,!. inn v.usii MiiniKi remain
twenty-four hours, mi as lo become
dry and hard ber.i-.- t!.u sccoiul. or
alum wash, is applied, which tdiould
1h done in the s.t.iit- miinnor as the
The tcmperntuieor thu- u.ish whon
applied may I. rdsty d.t,'rees or seven
ty degrees, and It ibould a ho remain
twenty-four hour, Is ,o n m-rond eoat
jjf the foiip-wnsh Is put on. and tin so
roat aro to be icpcaUd idtrrnatoly
until tho walli are nmdo iinputvious
w waiur. 1 in; tiuiiii dud soap thus
combined form an iimolublo com
pound, lillin-r the juin'j of tho ma-on-ry,
andentir.-iy pieet,ting tltu u.-.tor
from N.imti'.itiug the wallji. Four
coatings will rend ... ,,..., Impo,,
trabla A' i ihnx.
-The Antl-Pnnda Tr.ivcHn Unijin
hasexi.tixl in Ihii country for alKiuf
four yoar., and it hai now about ,X1
corollod inemlnr.i.
Twenty-eight thtiur.and of the ."17
000 now members add' ,1 to tii Nytr
York ltuplLt cliiiridiut in i!,e )as
eight years canto fivm Um Suutiav
1110 "union r,irm. rmon ' th
ovangollc;U ptundatioit of llollnti.l
Tlin-" ITinclpit! IVaya of DrjlRK
t'.npe for tlic Slarkrt.
Malaga, Valencia and Smyrna raisins
derive their names from the places
whence they come. Of these, the
Smyrna black raisins are the cheapest;
the Jin.aga being held in the highest
estimation and fetching fully a third
more than any other description of
The growth of the vines in Spain is
different L-cm those of Italy- In An
dalus!. thoy creep along the surface of
the ground :u strawberries do, thus
gathering all the atmospheric heat,
the branches appear like roots, and tho
grapc3, though white, have a golden
tinge. The vintage is very carefully
conducted, the fruit not all being
gathered at once, but the same ground
gone over three times, so that all
tho grapes aro properly ripe?
when flicked. As they are gathered
they are placed in baskets, and
carried, either in carts or on the
backs of mules and donkeys, to tho
place vhc.-e they undergo the drying
process. Th fruit, however, is often
much injured in transit; and sis no
brokeii grapes can be properly dried,
the lo-s from this cause is considerable.
Tho grapes are prepared for tle mar
ket in there different ways by simply
drying in the sun, by washing, and by
steam-drying. In following tho first
mentioned, whi:h is tho general proc
ess in Malaga, divisions arc construct
ed of either brick or stone, in an in
clined position, exported to tho sun's
rays. Thrpo divisions aro built in ut
ono end with a, triangle formed of tna
fconry, and so arranged that tho hum
nlwj.yn shines on their contents. Tho
interior of these compartments is
thickly spread with fine gravel to ab
sorb tho heat. As soon as tho
grapes aro gathered they are put into
these divisions, and aro fully ex
posed to the intense heat of tho Anda
lusiau sun. It is stated bv experienced
cultivators that during tho month of
August they attain a tomporaturo of a
hundred and forty degrees Fahrenhoit,
While drying, tho grapes which re
main green aro carefully picked out,
as thoy are spoiled; the others aro
turned, each grapo singly, so that tho
proper uniformity of color M observed.
At night tho fruit Is protected from tho
heavy dews or rain by stout canvat be
ing stretched over tho tops of tho
divisions. Somo people uo blankets
instead. C. rapes take a longer timo
drying in this manner than by tho
scalding plan, ns then they aro ready
in lour days; but dried only by tho
sun s heat, they take ten days. This
los of time, howuver. is fully compen
sated by tho economy of tho process.
Drying by washing and drying by
steam aro inferior to tho sun-drying
process, because they aro moro ex
pensive, Involving outlay in buildings,
furnaces and steam-pipes; and tho
raisins are, monovcr. liable to tho
danger of fermentation during their
transporlntii 1. lsidos, they alwuys
have to be dri in the sun for "a, cer
tain time lief 1 j being ready '.o pack,
whatever plan is pursued .. curing
,thcni other than tho sun-drvin"
I)r.H.ej.s. When tho dry.,,. js thor
oughly accomplished by whatever plan
pursued, the raisins, prior lo being
lacked fof exportation, rcq;;.-,. to bo
carefully looked over, and alt thoso
broken and bruised ones removed, ns a
drop of moisture, from smci, would very
likely! ; whole box. After this
comes tho proper ckfMiiicuttnn, by no
means an easy ailai' as merchants and
mlti valor ditfer. often very material
ly, on this subject.
Tho boxes un morally niado by
ciMititicl. Tho beat aw tnfido from Ur
wood, which ia imported from l'ortit-
gnl. The producer provides and packs
tliei-o box., which tho mcrchaulo fro-
A Description of Chicago' Carl rated
Klfctxlc Al i riu hymen).
Somebody smells famoko or sees a
strange light at night and rushing to
the nearest alarm-box pulls the hook.
In ten or twelve seconds tho number of
the box pulled is transmitted to every
engine-house in the city. Five or 9ix
hundred men arc instantly out of bed
and dressed, and about two hundred
horses, released from their stalls,
spring into position. In twenty-five
fceconds, on the average, four engino
companies, one chemical company and
a couple of marshals are tearing along
tho street, and in a minute or two aro
on the spot where the alarm origi
nated. "How is it done?" repeated Prof.
John I. JIarrctt. "Ilj means of an
alarm system that hasn't iU superior
in the world. Counting ordinary fire
alarm boxes, public boxes and private
boxes, there are in Chicago upward of
1,500 points from which alarms may
bo given, and every timo a box is
pulled tho electric carries the
necessary information over 100 miles
of underground wiro and oOO miles of
aerial wire. Tho current is never off
the wires and the hooks of the boxes
aro always thcro to be pulled as occa
sion requires. Vet you would bo sur
prised to find how few citizens keep
posted about the fire department They
don't know where tho nearest box is,
or where, in case that falls, the next
is to bo found. Fully a third of tho
residences in Chicago could havo pri
vate alarm boxes al an initial expense
of about 3 1, and no subsequent fees
whatever, yet there are only :520 pri
vate boxes in the city. Kvery citizen
may nave a Key that will unlock any 3
' rents, who. as soon as a child frets.
give it something to eat to paciiy 11,
until from an over-loaded stomach it
is fretful and cross, and the moro it
eats the more uncomfortable it be
comes. I could not help contrast the man
ner of a very rich lady with her threo
boys with that of others I havo seen
They have a ve-y comfortable
breakfast at seven o'clock in tho
morning, lunch at twelve, which
usually consisted of potatoes, rice,
cold sliced meat milk, bread and but
ter; at five o'clock a pLite piled high
with sliced bread and Ir.ittet and threo
glasses of water were carried to tho
nursery, and they wero allowed to eat
all they wanted of it; at half-past five
the two youngest, aged live and seven,
wero put to bed; tho oldest, nine years
old, was allowed to be up till seven.
Tho family dinner was at six, and if
tho dessert was a light pudding, fruit
and nuts, occasionally the boys were
allowed to come down to dessert, but
retired as soon as it was over.
'Do you never allow them a piece
between meals?" I as keel the mother
ono day.
"Oh, yes. thcro aro somo crusts of
bread on a shelf by the nursery door
that they can havo whenever they aro
"What, thoso hard things?" I asked
in amazement for I thought thoy wero
Fliine crusts that had lain there a long
t Sine and been forgotten.
"Yes," she replied, "if they are
hungry they will sit down and jjnaw
iHway at a crust and enjoy it, and it is
good for their teeth."
I saw them many times get one of
;3 -vorto Chicago,
Denver to Kansas Cfty,
.onttcr to C.T.ah.i(
Omaha to Chicago,
-'ar:sv City to Chicago,
Omaha to St. Louis,
Through tickets oyer the Burling
art Route ore for r3lo by tho Union
"YicKic, Oonvor 4t Rio Crande and
.11 other principal railways, and
y ad agent's of tho "Burlington
;-cr further Information, apply te
n 1 ago -it, or to
P. S. EUtTI3,GcntTk'tAKt.
Marble and
Granite Wori:s
A. II. IH'OWN, ruur.
Fine MonumeRte
.and IIeal.Mtin-'
Kim S. and 4b A '" "'..i
Street Cars
rom the Depot
lo Bradbrook
Photo Studio
K. V.Si'jkim. Yt. llrKV ('uBKf,Yitc.i'r
t.i'UAai' i. C.VTIIIK, Aiit
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
CAPITAL, - $75,000
Transact a general ...taLmi; huinc, buy and l! county ware !
county, precinct and ,Aieol district bond. Bur and cll forei-s ?chnii
Mc.Nonj. J . A. Tuilcyj). G. W. Ltad-ier. K. V. Starr.
JeliB R. Shuoy. K. F. llijjhUad.
Hry Cl-ulr, A. J. Kcancy.
!. 1 --.-
r m Jjam m. rS i jfbv
rtiiijujbiid, lui'iiituio
lcv stock and almost at vour own lurur
''Jomc and get bargains.
- .
Opposite Firs. iS' lianit and Post Oflb.12.
Special att".--u)n iriven in uv?r1nr?
J "
those criiKts and i?n:ir at It as If It
box in the city .mil iho multitude don't'1 WCro enndv. and I thouirht how manv
fjotthcin. Few think of fires till thsy mothur.- would ,'ivo thuir children a
occur and than still fewer know just thipis of nio. enko or bread and
Tliero aro three keys, I huttcr thick with jam. iellv or mo-
qutMitly xvj.:;ck. L.iiiloy!ut;oiiicii aatl
0 ' rirh to pix form this oflloo. Tho boxes
nrw Keiiymiiy into layers.
'for thu e.i.ilH.iiuiiiinl of what aro I '0,,r !,.r' w" ,Kl eotainI in
known tin Hible vlioo'i has mr 111
bmoIi Bdiooltt. with 7I.U-M ri'hoJarj,
ropix'scntiiiff a cnjiitail f -fi.o. n,H
awBofoixj Chrl -ti initr or.trrM li.tta
Icpors won li"vil"d wttii shocking in-
humanity. Mnuy "I " w.rclmnctl
ttlivp, Th httnlil rineri hrvc pu ;,
stop lo thi. cuHun. nn; f.r fo-rleca
vcars Uicrc ha" Tjr-p 1 i-p-r'ai Cbrlf.
tian aiseion lo Iho l.w.0-i lujir In.
. 1laA 1M Tirxt-tmil Rltlifrtt rn-.
11 DcUUaeY.i IIci'-vw irnwlation
wlmlo box. tvpivtJontin. if of full size,
about '22 jMMinds or fruit; U10 total
olpht with tho tilled box bciu froa
TO te 29 pounds.
what to do.
sometime four, to everv alarm-box.
and citieus should keep posted as to
where those in their neighborhood aro
"ft is often maid that the man who
pulls the box awakens tho firamen,
loosen tho borboa. and throws open the
doom, und to forth. This U truo of
funall cities but not of a ylaco like
Chicago, where there i a r.ctwork of
telegraph and telephone v ires. If a
couple of wires get crossi- d thcro Is a
possibility of false alarnr . Under the
direct system our men v m.ld bo turned
out one hundred timos nnihL Hence,
hero, all alarm- coiu'i directly to tho
central ollicc. nni aro thence sent to
the various ouruni heuwes. In general
terms the oytont "is simple. rulllnfr
tho nlarm-r,ox winds a clock-work In
side, to vhieh is attached a wheel,
joined to ai to girvo the number of tho
box. Tho brcikui-; and complctting of
tho icircuit m:-kw tho register print
th number of the box in the ufllcc
her e. My sliihiiy- a key. with scarcely
a 'second's dclny, wo transmit the num
ber to every uiginc house in tho city,
"where resistor tcpriul tb. number,
jfonpi awakui the men. and merlin Jilral
appliances jvcry ihir.;: worked by
the current tset. freo thu horses. To
Rlide dtttwn the iolo and hook a. few
snap!, U the work of but a motntvit,
und awa po the companies.
"Every day tho. wires are tcsilcd to
injtke Bin that tJic resistanco o tTcrcd
(jfion't interfere with the pass.-ajjoof
the ouiTeut atal to guard n painst
btvaJcs?. All our circuits are mi jtallie
tluii is. Jiavc a return wire. .They
aro safer than tin common circoitin
which eaclY-entl of tho wire is Rrouadctl.
Wc can't a iford to risk having a v um
ber of Ih sees useless As additional
?4x:urity. ."specially down-town, tho
wires arc interlaced so that if ono
box fail I o brine l" departments, tho
nejttonc i rill. Hy this Interlacing of
lincj the t? tccufity of the t'uineKH -part
of tho ci ty Is doubled. Every fire
alarm box km niso a full Morso tele
graphic ooSit. If ouo of our lines
break we ka . bat to jjrountl tho ends
at the en iria c houses between which
the break -n'.r and wo havo tensor-
Mil IUU CJ rCllII. VKUIHIUIIl,. ..v- .w
commercial purposes- Every pre.-
tion Is akm . to nuard against r.traos-
lnasc-v The crusb did not lake away
? Uio appetite for the next meal, while
; such a larjje lunch a, the other would
answer for a meal.
DcpiMid upon it, that children raised
on some system of Mdf-denial arc much
j happier, much better in disposition
ind health than Ukims allowed to ffrat-
V ify every appetite.
Titke notice for voi.relf. -ome tt:ne
f when vou are traveling, and you will
soon notice the difference botwocn tho
children who eat from tho time they
jet on tho cars to the time they get off.
and tliero who eat nothing upon the
journey only at regular meal time.
Children md :oo(l. plain food,
plenty of fruit, but all kinds of rich
pastry, irrcuy and of
every kind thoy are much hotter with
out. Tho food we rat is largely responsi
ble for tin disease- with which so
many are tnmbled. and al-o for tho
disposition; so tho plainer it i. tl-o
freer wo shall be from the many ills to
which mortal Sle-di is heir. Ladies'
Home fXirttinum.
Ue-ddcs tho i-4i?inn already named, pberie inSv ences and every form of
may lie mentioned Sultanas. AitisoAtela. i dbturbnjHO and accident
Ltpari, Uclvederv. Hloom oriarralsina. "Tho
and sun or Solij, Tho brst kiads am alarms fa
Imported in boxes and Jars Hock M'Mffw
Malawi and Mtircatoln while Uio ia- f aaiserf
ferioraortt-are shtpned in caaka mmd I el c
UarreK trails and mat, (iVrfca Aiy. ,
t iV-r e 71Tm ' 9lan'
Mf K)N Itl or-K.
QKO. o. and r. i. ykiskr.
for Coisi; ikitfit1 OffieE
Oompb'iti md only et of abstract
ook" 111 WrlmUT county. (irAzini; and
tnnui1; land-, and citv property for
e tb it c ur trdbo nmr, SANT All.
II! -. oh every bottle t is .i. excry
lie '.1 ih l pleanHttt Ctliftiruui rnn
.!. -iti-fi i.n .'(rnil. l or.ui n
ev refni. b d I IIin ('mk
p -TMtlt- uc-vriua C0UGU?
Lower tlinn any yard in the world
arrn'OTttfi .,
CLARKE Prealdont, Albany, K Y. J. A. TULLSY3. Vlea
fvobu V.SHItY. Trtmmuxer.
r"-r-rr3 thplm t
w.1 allil. jbV A V aaam II Balaam"'"''?
Ci-fv,jMaV .Mil BlB aJaaaaW
y . ZFZi
mAN CO..
Albany, Nov.- York.
Jew! Cloud, Xol).
H. Clarke. Alba y N.wVorw Go K. Ik-acb. HNUitSrM Z
. II. IMn-o ii. Alb.nv. N. Y. E .h Franoi. f.iviu 4 M
R.V.Shircy I.M. 1 uti K.V. Ilicbland. J.A. r.IIj ,M. H tfdffic
On improvi-d farn.
aecunty i ap
.ef.r..- ,. ,tni KiUji. Moiinr fufli(b'rd M
. i'rtnv'ji! ntt tnlrrvt pAVald' In llni
CuuiDaralltc Vi'r.irlnt; fJuilltlr of ,
Iron unil Mrrl. .
The comparative wearinj; qualities of
iron and steel rails formed a very fruit
ful topic of discussion at one timo in .
railroad circles but the question sud
denly lost Its vitality when tho price '
of steel rails fell below ths cost of pro- ,
ducllon of iron rails. It Is, therefore. I
a matter of much less interest than
would havo !ccn the ca-e. say ten
years since, to note the experience in
this respect of the Wabash railway,
which has iut lxen made public Tho
' r-r-
1 jh
i ,
yjt WC l
Srrtdfor Ct"CwIjr.$ jt Uaj rS..
uwacQUAiKTr; . r.n ttjx ococaanrr or rnz ccoirrsr .r::.
much v.i.j.. i. roan atxo mom a iTt?0T or tk -
, IJy dL-pe Hns thp yni:)Um ?i Mftm
;mita:'-n for contn Hon. SANTA
I A HI E has brought gU ns to mnv a
hoiiehold and br promptly brcVin
'n thrf cotJiiti and cob! that to' ofte
company removed from its tracics this J devppj mtn tlut u'al uiia' wi
fall some iron rails which had been !yt cyve tl.oi:nd' fru n an u tjm" y
first laid down in ISob. and about the ' h" You mle n. rni-'Kle by
satno timo they took up some English , kf opm2 a lttlo of thi rlcs-ant rem-
..1M!t5 which Wftr fiMt .! .n dyx'V l lr-r Km,.
1S73. Tho iron rail-, after a lire of
thirty-two year, were sold to be re
manufactured, and the steel rails,
which had boon ucd for fifteen years,
were relaid on a brunch road, where
they are crpected to Iat for tweirts to
fifteen year more- The "expecta
tion of life" in cthtr cie would theT
foro foem t bs nearly the wun'. ilh
the In favor of the iron rails,
prooablydue to the fact that the latter
bean their -sixer ia au era of less
traiSe. slower traissi. liuhtcr loe-
irally Reduced Iron.
tli Km it i iuWiii a
vnv m.- -a aaa ...
il circulaltea amettj? , thi IZTTV?? '',,
. . . ... . . ii 1 aw mm Hq atl.
Ill ICM inaa ten y-cica w,rt- -- -,,V.i.' r . '
I ooalcs kave bscn sold, wtinly . T ," 7' , 7:"ZP v.g WT .,
l& Tkn nmiirrnnt
. -r iwnra nstn kun tai.i i , am
, aad Now Tor Hate nutrt m.;. ' - .?" "-T" " n.alMl tta! he4 oTlIniia
amODf emifrrattn? the ?! 1,,., t Jr. .."T? f k)ur imami Twt-MtatnrJfci
rkudnds of copies. gtewnn 0. -Jy Jtarinr k Mk f r V I milaa.
and accident.
n r rl fj irtis-ff
ltivv mirrfu 1 in i a jtat . .
-" - ' , , i." n motive and 'ina.ier :r.-tcnl ear
rarer - crertheb the fscv dtoi po far U
thing W aU5jii?"Jitrfntbe pouttoa of JM ermrhfle
!0r.rC,?CS Si!J I advocate, of the coalinwal uvr of Iran
a the iasldo P raiLs, tht - Iron nub wnid
V "! ILUlT' taia the wcaracd tear of rcr
j Itl worthy of aote in this coascctiea
that the Wabash Md raLs cart ti03
per ton. Is celd. Ia H75. and that tsa
?L 1 J
LtKt ...
r?s v
bX s
(Chi capo. Hors 1''..-
Jnciufi "t "
Cuy JX l m-
r -AT. xrl ' w - ,
SOTA W4r! r
- 'JKU&&?'Srir2J rVjVh' m m v. v J jm
. .&zkr&.'m&By!ywi-,' A'-ra
.. I tVri; 'JW I ' r" "-NDC.T Jt 9
"' " ' --c --' II J
0; Vmn&c nJ ChUmcrj, Xa&M A J."trs.i.ltn Xjm
. par-"? . W-s r5r3rr-t 4$. t
. -V "' . vpwt, v, 94T) jh-
m bscn sold, wtinly Lu TJ1' ZZL2r - k tally redc4 Irw Uid Iroa rails cre sold thb fall for fi ..m
tf Awlria oTnJTl tV5kn.ltr.bal It .ffiati ,k thaa three-fourths the price of 1.IST1
( i iFonviA ct tuvnz
T i" ffX-Ar rr fy.- M'arri.
id e t -e x bay ier. ItreeiJ '
rg?tr4.' 4. a4 wir ?te. re-
"vj tW w f :e a lid tn&
!rHKt t ?t ?ii s.cpljuit I
v 'H. ?' wns frna otArriV F..flrw
',. nc x nn wsrrjet-r! yji
v;, d W iour to
IFJ.1- liin "i- '-', nwtm .
Ki 3 tmimrnt Hit
tt Jon!i i
H.tXQ. Trr
.T ciar !- t
to'sras Mid r -.
Kcairo. J.'".''
scu ;
Ur3Llf Ca .-i
"?F rj
AsrHfc. ftHa tMfr
rsspt a-ao"- -
v tjwt r4 artM- s rJ- raBm' mmA rr-,t-
-. rt'1c(i io 4trr IN 2t T
r?ra Jrs-i. X&aL Oti2T. fT V.
:V&- Al?9' Ui9' Cato8-rsift2S?
? -J -&ia mzzlUr idAMfdiin,
a -p-warsj ,ss JtLL
i'iH --M? tZmSl.-ZM C -nkeft tLZZZT
r -m1 -r ai - . k -a -. - . w r' .e
s- mx m vffii tmmm Jtrft-L rx Pi-rym . ar. - :
r , v j firasw 3UH. L CHy, ir-JuZ
-2L 'tL' Irl . t. JG1 Tr ' .
a Lctas rVM-
JCistr u Sk!
ssi '.ct; r-xsim
C95S5rtr tftfs jit v s crsci
aaaaaliaBajaMaVfttf. fe-: p rV W.
. 4 v.LkJtt. AaVaat
--n . ... -. , . .-. tm I taa 1 O atafc
"Sclbrt, Tf, 7';4i4ra. wr
lat tt vAifcwt
laattteatflUlMakfE C"iCr'J',
"af fclW kil- -iJBL
j. "
l v
'. - - .
isz-; -arw"