a i a i r m i i " r " r ' BwnveBM aBTe"al ,- s. JaSS? ms-iS' --.- "g" .J-g. -- w T- ilM.,. . ,tW,(,-3j-Jl..t,.c.1 ,.nnjt1- --,,,, lanPsfl I I' Pl ' ' g!S 1 "- - '" I f m . afavenw nV. 4Pw)aruVlLatK WW 3B 1 fri v 1 PITTSBURGH'S 0ll,..,r UuiMinc Mud riftv Workmen Jtitru-. oiiifr rk of the Itrcittlul CyeUiue. Pitthbukgh, Pa., Jan. 10. A t-uirle Storru of wind and noil the worst known for vera s swept over th city .liiirt!r c'ter noon yesterduy, canying with it death and destruction. The storm ivm iforuied with a suddenness that wax over whelming and uk ttie ind. accompuuied by hail and torrents of ruin, swept along the streets pedestrians were burled before Jt nud barely escaped being cru-heii under vehit'Io passing a.oug the thoroughfares. ' Suddenly, in the center of the city th?re . ws n terrible crash and a few minute ; -later the cential Hie alarm bell sounded a call fiom box H. on the corner of Diamond and U'ood streets. Hundreds of people with blanched face hurried to the scene, when it was found that the cyclone had caught the building on binmoud street, owned by C 1. Wjlley, and hurled it to the earth, covering up two scores of mangled liuma'i lo lies. The building was in the course of erection. It was m.MxH) feet iu dimensions and was seven stories high. The front had not vet been put in ami the wind seeuitd to enter the high shell fiom th ojien end and the high walls of bricks and undried mortar were parted, one falling each way, pattly wrecking ueaily a dor-u surrounding buildings. Th main force of the crushing luiid rig was thrown against tVeldou tc Co.'s l.oclc store oa Woodland and the bniber shop of I"red Sliuniai.fr. at 41 Diamond street. The imr end of Wcldou's stcie was crushed ::i aud the fiont of the building forced out jnto Wood street. The barber shop was completely demolished. The leather tor next to the Willey building, occupied bv W. H. Ttiomas, was also totally wricked. The rear end of 11. Watt A: Co.'s booi ttoru was crushed in, while some of thcfall sng structure struck Joseph Eichbz.um's building, fronting on Fifth avenue, break ing the windows and injutinga number of employes. A portion ol the wall of a mil linery store next to Thomas' was crushed In and the windows and doors in a num ber of surroundiug buildings were broken. At the time of thedisasternboultwenty live men were at work on the budding ami not one escaped injury. In the bulbar shop, next door, seven men were impris oned, w hile a half dozen more were buried Leneath the dcbiis of the Weldnn building. Chief Urown. Coroner SI. Dowel!, Building Inspectors Frank and Echley, and n score of Dhysicians were eaily at the scene. The hospitals were nntitied au 1 u short time later the clang of ambulation lells and patrol wagon gongs weiu heard. Contractor Jiootb and Flinu hail twenty live wagons and carts on the scene inside of an hour and private exprensmen lent their wagons and their aid in helping to rescue the victims. When a poor unfor tunate was found he was given temporary relief by the physicians and then carefully removed to one of the hospitals. The work was continued all afternoon and at eleven o'clock lastlnigtita numterof persons were known to be alii! underneath the debris. Up to that hour forty mangled and bruited bodies had leeu taken from the ruins. Homo were dead, others were dying und man- were Jatally injured. Une'or two died on the way to the hos pital. From the le't information cbtaiuab'e, eight were killed outright or died in a shot t time and thirty-live others were in jured, but it is believed that the list of d ad will be greatly increased. A little girl named MclIIone was walk ing along the stieel with her brother when the building fell ami the two were buned in the wreck. The gul was terriblv in jured ami her b: other probably fatally hurt. The Itody of George Kirsdi. a barber, eighten y eats old, w"ns found in the cel lar of the bailter "-hop. Dr. J. U Keed. a prominent physician of vAlleaeiy. was iu Weld:iN at the time atiVls still missing and it is feared that h Is dead. The cyclone wrought terrible de-ti uction in oilier parts of the city and out uloug the railioads cent"iiug litre. A port. on of the foundry of Mcintosh, lleumliil! .S: Co.. on Thirteenth street, was wiecked. a was also a house in Allegheny. At Walls Station, on the l'ennylnuia railroad, n large bi.ct building own-d by the Westiughouse Airbiake Com pany a 5:iit:ily deuolihed. and nt Wiluurding. l'a a coal lipp'o was wieeked. At McKeesj o t houses w re iiiuoofed. trees blown down and windows smashed Three houses lit ci urse o! election nw blown to p ece. On the liver ii siumber of bints weietru l:oui their monr.iis and cast about like corks, but they we:e s.-cured befoie much carnage was do:i". The velocity of the wind wus ilftv miles an hour the highe.t rectd-d loryetrs. Inspector of I'ohca McAIees aies that hi i. of the opinion that from fifteen to twentv-t.ve persons are yet m the lU'n. O: the thirty-live injmel six are in a dangerous condition aud w.ll probably u.e- m'STItrCTION AT M'XBL'UY. SfXitriiY. l'i.. -bin. 10. iii this city at ,ri::Kl o'clock last evening a rain and wiml stoim came up -uddeiily and blew over two of the stacks of th- Sun burv nail mill, s tuated b-tween the Keading V; reniisyl vaui.i railioads on theou'skirts of the city. The tii-t is the puddling mill, having six furnaces. Stack No. '2 was thrown oer on the loof. dropping with it slack "o. Ts " hev crashed through the roof, complet-ly dt-molishing the puddling department. Tlnrtv-tive men were employed in this dcpnitment and half of them weru buried in the debris. The lire alarm was sounded and soon hundreds sut rounded the null, lien we:e canieil out half nak-ad and nu n ire at work yet. as it is uppoed several others are in the niins. The fo'.Umitig is the list of k.'.led and WOU'lded: jjillod A trr.mn. name unknown; C C. Showers, of Milton. Wounded 1 I. Jones, of Sanbury. tn- ternm mIv in iu red: .lames rails:, scaip l" and ribs broken: A. C Menther. x rtiTi! right leg broken off below knee and arru i.roken. not expecte.t to live; jbikcs .s DonnelT. Sugar Notch, head cut: Allnrt Williams, puddler. Lancaster, leg broken and head cut: John E. Splen. Lancasier, bead cut and knee broken, seriously in jured; two bovs aged thirteen and fourteen cut on head and otherwise injured. Thei are four missing. llaniMce ' CnaiU. MONTiiEAL. ,".. J"- A storm l,ro over Lower Ontario on Sunday morn ing which continued until last night, lenv-in- a scene which for peculiarity and damage has never been equalled ui thu locaht v. The damage can not yet be fatr.y stima'ted. but a low approximation mak-. it at least 5L000,O3J, which with damages that can not lie repaired, makes it a very serious matter for the people concerted. The property devastated ranges from t teau landing to Xapanee, ISO miles, and back from the St. Lawrence as far as the Ottawa river 100 miles, or l.WOsquar mile- of territory. This immense tract of land was yesterday all covered with olid ice from one to six inches thick. WlUUtnport Vlalteo. WiLLiAMsroRT. Pa., Jan. 10. A trrrible storm of wind accompanied by torrent of rain swept down the West Branch o ....tardnv afternoon. Considera ble damage was done in all directions. I the particulars ot wuicn m i. "at this hour, telegraph and telephone communicatioa being intemipied. la this city th damage was particnlarlT sere.e. About a dozen houses were de molished, the JUrtrey decoratire work, unroofed aud the buildias of the Demor et SewiBBMachiae Coapauy demolished. The damage rastaiaed by tht Maakrey people will amount to $M.O00 and that f a PemorMt warts to 1X0.000. n.c.cTm I ncu -.wr. n.croTc .nlnr.iNrunvccc STOCK ITEMS. I EVILS OF TOWN-UPE. v-niaw ;--. r' IMWV0MPUI I1 Do They rottseas 8ene Which Hamaa lie logs Have Not. With regtird to the hearing" and the sight of insects and thecruU.cea noth ing is settled, writes Sir John Luhbock. These creatures possess in many cases curious contrivances which, while ob viously sene organs of some kind, can not he assigned their functions with any certainty. Thus some naturalists regard as auditory apparatus that which others believe to be organs of touch or taste, or even sight. The ways of nature in these obscure corners of creation, moreover, are so fantastic tut it is diftlctiit to know which to expert, or by what standard to form judgments. There are some queer Crustacea, for instance, which improve their hearing by putting grains of sand in their ears'. Is thttt mere in M inct? Then there are other creatures which po.s-ess two kinds- of eye?, the compound eye and the ocellus, which V suspected of being a sort of un finished or aborted oriran by some naturalists, while others think the (impound eye is, for the day and the ocellus for the night. Experiment, by producing spurious and contradictory result4-, haa only confused the ques tion still more. There arc the strange insects which ixirry their ears in their tails, of all places in the world: though these are really not so marvelous as t!ie bombadier beetle, who mounts- two apparent guns at his stern, ajid, when attacked, fires thorn, produeisgn loud report, a little cloud of white vapor, and an emis-ion of some secretion that stells and burns liko nitric acid. If we de-eend into the depths of the ocean we find other wonder.-, fishes which are equipped with electric lampn in their heads, and can thus see their way and their prey in the ab.-ymal darkness of the great depths: other Jishes which angle with teiitcles tipped with miniature lights: yet other crea tures which carry lamps behind instead of in front; INhc- that hear through holes in their sides; creatures which see with the ends of their attenna-; marvels of many kinds, in short such a the cunning story tellers of the Orient never could have imag ined. To get at the actual truth about all these, weird, uncannv things is well nigh impo-sible becau-e of the diffi culty of ascertaining how much or how little they can see and hear, and what Use they make of all their complicated apparatus the several parts of which are the despair of the naturalist every where, aud tempt him to audacious nnd ill-founded guesses. Sir John Lub bock, to his credit le it said, steadily rcsi-ts all such temptations, and when he doe-not understand athing valiantly says so. Hut he does not hold him self under any obligation to retraiu the exercise of the scientific imagina tion, ami the drift of experiment is to wtird the suggestions of several sur prising possibilities, all tending to strengthen the surmise that there are more sen-es in nature than man pos sesses. Thus he says: "We find in animals complex organs of sense, richly supplied with nerves, but the functions of which we are a- yet powerles to explain. There may be fifty other sense- as different from ours as sound is from sight, aud even within the boundaries of our own sense- there may be endless sounds which we can not hear, aud colors as different as red from green of which we have no con ception. These and a thouand other questions tvmain. for solution. The familiar world which surrounds us may be a totally different place to other animals. To them it may be full of music w hieh wo can not hear, of c dor which we can not see. of sensa tions whieh we can not conceive," 0'iaijU T ibunc. A POINT BROKEN. How a Witticism ..iiIouimIi il a I-twjrr' CI. e.- Argument. A witticism based on truth and "truth, when witty. i- the wittiest of all things" confounds an argument or break:-the force, of a cross-examination. Kobert Morris, the colored lawyer of ttie Hoston bar. while defending a col ored dressmaker charged with stealing silk from her customers, and substi tuting for it a poorer material, cross examined the principal witness, a lady who declared emphatically that she could tell the value of silk within twenty-five cents : yard. Knowing that it is difficult for v. bite people to d.stinguir'h one colored per son from another. Mr. Morris a-ked the lady if she could recognize the colored man who had brought a bundle to her. -Nu." she answered. ! think that all colored persons loitk alike to me." 'Oh. they do. do they?" rejoined Morris. "We'll see." and he asked several colored men to rise. "Now. madam."' he continued, "look at me aud then at these gentlemen, and tell tiie court whether you cau tell us apart-' "I don't see much difference." re plied the lady, "l'erhaps by studying you all 1 might: but your heads are all shaped alike, and except that some are darker than others. I find it hard tc distinguish one from another." "Now. madam, said Morris with a triumphant air. "do you mean to Mit-ar. after telling the jury that you can judge of the value of silk within twenty-five cents a yard, that you can't tell the difference between Mr. John son here and me?" "Sh regards herself as a judge of silk: not a judge of wool." interrupted the prosecuting attorney. The court laughed, as did the spec tators, Morris smiled, for he saw that the wilticism had broken off the point of his question, Youth's Companion. A Chicago Wild Flower. Magatine Editor Would you not like to contribute an artieletoour sym posium oa the subject, "Is marriage a failure?" Literary Lady (from Chicago) O, Mr. Easychair, how could you think me capable of venturing an opinion on uch a subject? Keniezaber my youth and inexperiene. I am still in my twenties, and I have only been married four times. AL 1 WtcJdg. Pefata bjr fflileh a Good Anl Itetermlsed. The first consideration is posture. A horse standing should come well on his legs. That is, his fore-legs should be placed well in front; his hind legs under the incident of weight or the point of the quarter. Horses of val ue cover theirground long, low, natur ally and wide. The happy hit of strength and refinement. Marketable anywhere and any day. The limbs should be placed well outside the body e. g long and prominent el bows, bold, well-placed stifles, ttx a line with the elbows. Feet should not turn in or out. but point forwards. Odd feet are the sign of distal past or present in a chronic form. Harmony of proportion is a sine quanon here, length under a horse mti'-t be gained by a deep re clining shoulder. His height, through the floor of his chest up to his withers, and not by hi- legs. Width at the shoulder points, and by a deep, wide and capacious middle, width at hi hips. The position of the fore feet are regulated by the shoulder: in the hind legs, by the width of the pelvis or hip--. A hor-e may be taught to stand, but the judge demands a natur al rather than an artificial or educated po-e. Legs should be short, stout with mu-cle. and clean along the tendons. Knees well to the ground, i. e., short cannons, likewi.-e the nocks, well down. In examining a horse don't ajs proach too closely at first; let him form the base aud you the apex of a triangle, you then can catch his end-. It is early enough to go up to him when you desire to manipulate him for exostoses, etc, e. g., splints, etc., spavins. So much for the profile. A horse is said to have a riding angle, the acme of perfection for all work, where a line let fall from his pole just grazes his no-e. Manners maketh both man horse, and without this angle we can have no true manner- in either harne-s or under the pigskin. A long rein or upper line to the neck, and a clean ar ticulation or junction at the head and throat are essential as contributions to perfection. A full throat is an index or full wind. The hoad should be blood like, and convex for courage at the base of the ears smd acro-s the eyrs. The head should be full, yet neat, no coarseness at the "race" just above the nostrils. A moderately long neck for comfort, Thie with a moderately fine wither gives you a light forehead "a horse before you." Necks should always be muscular, of moderate length. The breadth of che-t depends on the breed and trade. We will ttow only deal generally in points aud make, but for galloping a deep thorax rather than a round one tulmits of greater expansion under ef forts of endurance and extreme exer tion. Stand well in front of a horse to see thR Then pas- to his rear, and judge the quality and mu-cularity of the hind quarters'. Stand well back here, and step two paces to the side give you "form tit a glance,' or the concert of points from his head to hi- middle and quarter. You must go round a horo on a system to save time and gain an accurate judgment. The quarter should be wide haunches well let down, and always neatly clo-ed in horses worth the name. Light ends iu the fore hand, volume and area super ficially hi the middle, mas-ive hind quarter-1, and four good feet well placed, leg- like bars of steel. London A'jricullura' fluzclls. m FADS AND FASHIONS. Hits or Information (tattirrtl by Entrr jirl.luc -xx'ietr Itt ixirtrr. L.:ig-hatrel.blackin eikey-skin muff and Vandyke collars are again in high favor. ('"utiles, o.lalisque sas'.ie-. and an tique brocades are among the fashion able novelties. There :.- u revival of old Chantilly huvs and many hand-omo patterns are lieing imported. Small toques and turbans are still popular and become some faces better than large hat-. White plush lined with old ro-e-watered -ilk and olive-lined sea hell pink are favorite combinations for ball or opera wraps. I'retty little Bulgarian hoole made of cream-white camel's hair, bordered with gold or silver embroidery, are wocn with opera e!oak- Hodices in Josephine and Marie Stuart -tyle. K 1 ian bodice and gimps, and Grecian efftel of drapery are some of the new features of French tea gowns. lride-msids carry flower muffs in preference to the u-unl bouquet of cut flowers. They look pretty and may bo utilized as receptacles for fan or hand kerchief. Cloaks are made of any length, ranging from the Hungarian jacket, jauntily and absurdly short, to the Kus sian peli--e. which extend- from throat to ankles. Tailor-made empire gowns are still in vogue for street wear. The bodices are warmly lined so that it is unneces sary to wear any outside wrapping save fhe fur cape, collar, or boti- Otie of the new Pari-ian importa tions is an elegant opera cloak. It i of emerald-green velvet, lined through out with primrose-yellow or moire, and trimmed with bands of lynx fur. A brilliant cloak for tie opera is in blue and silver brocade and is lined with a tea-rose moire. It if trimmed with a broad passementerie and fringe of pearl and opal beads intermixed with silver. New dinner and tea gown show a predilection for stripes. The latest stripe are either wide or narrow and are seen in such fabrics as faille fran caise and velvet, the sitk being in mojt cases of lighter hue than the velvet. New designs in black laces show thread and point patterns exquisitely interwoven. White flouncing laces exhibit a mesh as soft as that of tulle and have intermixed device of Milan ese. Flemish and old Pompadour de signs brought upon their dainty sur faces, Chicago St. m The Government boards its red men on reservation at Lo! rates. -Ju When a man i frightened or angTT H digestive orj:ani do not work: tfa i alto true of au animal: hence th profit in keep ing it in a peaceful and fear let state by kind treatment. Tfce American beg how more fat and produces more lard than tcone cf Europe, due to our large corn crop. The bet war to dii poe of corn is to convert it into pork and the fodder into btof. Do not insist on milking beef cattle all your lifetime wbea you wish to make money by (riling cream or butter. Hoi stein or Jersey ccw will produce twice as much butter as your brf cattle do with the name amount of feed and work. Captain Pierce, of Junction City, Kan., fed a two-year-old steer for about ix I week on entilaje witu a little corn meal sprinkled in it. The steer was weighed once a week during the time, and the aver- age gain was about five pound- a day, In the feedmz of pis not so much de- pends ujou buildings and appliance a in bavins plain, practical pen-, and in lbs owner either attending to tne Xeeamg ! himself or seeing that it U don with reg- ' ulantv lhr. t.m. n tl.iv. and tht food given at the rcqu.red t.ine," aud ju.t enough and no mere, and the peus kej.t clean. Michigan Faruter. A horse thoroughly exercised and wuraisd and aborted to stutid uncovered fetr tWt....am nt.t,i....i In m f..lttnir t TT flk W ..Vt.I lllt.k.S iU ..T.tu .mvo phere, is Injured more thereby than he could be by ezceMve hard work. Any thing as valuable as a good hcroe ik elt worth the exjieaditure of the um nece hary to provide good covering, not to 'peak of the detuauds of humanity in the cae. Natiouul Stockman. The Kus.ian tuetho 1 for (topping a run away hor-e i 'aid to be xery effective and N not particularly cruel. Tbey place a cord with a running knot around the horse's neck near the neck (trap. To thin 'lip noose attach a pair of rein, which may lie thrown over the dash board ready to he keized at once. tVhen the horse starts take up the extra reins aud tighten the cord arouu i the iiur-teV throat. The most furious hcr.se thus choked stofrs instantly, and w ill not kick or fall. At the present prices corn i the cheap est grain food for sheep. A very good ration for sheep would be as much hay as they would eat clean in the morning, a pin: of corn each nt noon and in mucti oat straw- as they will eat put iu the luck at night. For a change buckwheat may b mixed with the corn occasionally. Sheep grind their own feed eo well that it is a waste to pay lor grinding grain tor them, and as they will hwaliotv meal too font this i another reason why whole gruiu lb best for them. N. V. Time. An old teani-ter of fifty years' experi ence says he has never had a case of gulls upon his animals where the following pre ventive was adopted, which is simply to rub the collars inside every few dayn with a little neatsluot oil, and the in rnient any dirt is louud sticking HLn wax to wash it olf with warm toap.sudt and then oil. A yoke from oxen, or collar from a burse, should not be removed when brought into the stable from work uutil the sweat is fiitiiely dry, and all chafed poti should be oiled. FARM NOTES. Avoid as far as poible, in planting (ecoud crop., a hU.cehion of similarplants on the same laud. Of all fertilizers ground bone it. the test and most duiabie wheie geueral crop., are grown, but fertilizers should le varied or cjusibtof all the elements lequnedlora crop. If the bulbs of certain flowers tnrt to sprout whin in the cellar it indicates that ttiey are kept too warm. They should be kept cool enough to remain in a dormant condition until spring. Late tall plowing, making the coil rich, and taking pain to kill the butterflies as fast a they appeur, art good lenicdie for the cabbage worm. Thne are a large number of remedies given for thU pest, but many of tlieui are entuely worthless. Manure can he applied in the gar.Ien or orchard at any tune during thewuittr. What is used Iu the gaid-n should be thoroughly rotted While it is best to have all that is applied on the farm in this con dition, it i not so essential in the field as in the garden. Now is the time O remember that it Is difficult to get the land tot rich for vege tables and to gather up nnd have sutli cient supply of manuieto iimUe it rich. The manure can be haultd out and applied now with less iuttrfei elite with the farm work than luter. Hauling i one of the mot expensive Items on the farm, and in laving oil a tleul, or planning fur any kind of a crop, the lirsi consideration should le the facil ty and ease of hnu'iing and spreading the manure on the land, i.nd the carrying otf ot the crop therefrom. m Our agricultuial advantage have to argely Iteen lost sight of in the era of real estate sjeculatioii. but mot fortunately the owners of tra.t of Jan 1 nre awaken ing to the fact that there i money, nnd big money, too, in farming and trult-rutsiiig. Wichita (Kan.) Eagle. Hetio wa the banner corn county of Kuusas lnt year, having i.JT?,14l bulie's; Nemaha second, with .i.7tMiJ i bushtls; Urown third, with ."i.4s?.t!CI bu-hels and Washington next, with ..21'1.-VJ bushel. Saline was the banner wheat county, with n total yield of l.t'si.ftlj bushels; Sumner seccud." with PTi5.no bushels, anil McPh'r third third, witu tV.l.f.M bushel s. There i no duubt about it that nil e tenth. of the fanu-tuade butter i sjMj.led, especially in the winter, from keeping the cream too long tefore it I churnetl. This I. usually ln.'c:u-o so little uink 1 gotten ( in tfce winter, but mid watf r to it so as to , one-tuinl till the churn, and go to work on j it. The water will help uiut-rcieatu nd ( greatly tniprov- the quality ot tne butter. It doc not par to borrow money in or der to purcha more land. It i an old ' truth that "an acre of land ha no limit to it( productive capacity." The true farmer prefers a (tit&ll farm well tilled. The ma nure that i spread on two acre will give butter lesult if applied to oue acre, while th cot of tillage will be leg. No farmer can afford to buy more land until he ha brought up that alreaJy in his pot (enion to tha highest degree of fertility. Notes. The American Cu'.ttrator adviea far-n-er to have the roofs of their baxna painted as a meaa of preerrinc tkera from decay. Th falling drop of rain, it Mrs, caue the fiber of the wood to break, Baking a fuuy" surface which holds water and induces decay. Faiat entirely prevents this so lone lsts. Have the garden tools in good shape, for work. A dull, rusty implement of any kind not only does poor execution but is tfceso-B to work with. As a rule, eTery thing that cam be dftue that will lesea the work la the spriag should be done during the winter. Aniller in the Northwest B&adeaUst It avecages 3S) pounds to snake a DswraleCr tour, against Zli pounds of last year's crop. It also take one-third snore power to tne barrl, and the bran is not worth nay thing like as much as was the bran nade from wheat grown n rear ago. Use a ther -aoasetsr in the stable, cellar nad whereTer you wssk to know the tesn pemture, and you will sare taaay crops that are stored aad also avoid case of irrnssa-amg- aaiaals. la aog fMMtarea, where a tacrakie feaoa iansed, to a to change the hogs aad thus prereat wast of the cJoTerfrota tr-inrar, (town, in a fair ataooa aa act of ciavar arilt fa-BXaa Xoraga far Ma i Tbe Caas f tfce Tb-slcat letrrioratta of Dweller la Cltlra. The general unfitness and incapabil ity of trfe dwellers in our large hives of industry to undergo continued vio lent exertion, or to sustain long en durance of fatigue, is a fact requiring little evidence to e-tablish; nor can they tolerate the withdrawal of food under sustained physical effort for any prolonged period a- compared with the dwellers in rural districts. It may be affirmed also that, through the various factors at work night and day upon the constitution of the poorer class of town-dwellers, various forms of di ! ea-o are developed, of which puirnon j arv consumption is the rao-t familiar. j and which is doing its work in a lavt-h and unerring fashion. Thu- it maybe ; conceded a- an established fact that I ,, .,,,.,., : r. ., whnl. mn.ti. tutionally dwarfed in lone, and hi life, man for man. shorter, weaker and i ".C more uncertain than the countryman i I hold the opinion that the deteriora tion is more in physique, as implied in the lo.s of physical or mu-cular power t of the bod v. the attenuation of :nucu- - . 11 iar noer, tne joss oi iniegnij l v.e.i- strueturc. and consequent imoiitty to 1 the invasion of disease, rather than in actual sttiture of inch-mea-uremenu The true causes of this deterioration are neither very ob-cure nor far to seek. They are b id air and bad habit-. To these rna be added a prolific factor oieratin;: largely to produce defeneration of race, and that is. fre quent intermarriage, often necessitated by relipiou- aMinitie-. 0. . llarron, I. 1).. in Popular Science Monthly. The man who flrt suggested the use of an X as the sigu..ture of a person who couM not write w.m no ph loophcr The fitness of thing ?hould have led bun tc srlect the cijiher, whbh as a nactosrraph i eminently urmticaut in most cases. Bicgn&mtou Lcaler. Slrlicrl) Cillltrtrl Are the joints by rheu!nu;im ITxiiq'. this utr(K:ous lis"ae, tws well u gout und iH-ar.li. at the outset with H-letter -Stomach Hitters, a'ut avo;U pi-siuic bfe long agony II is a tetuptini; t,f 1'ne. idctice to delay when rneumatisui assails yod. u r is not only obiii!ute, but tlanirt rou- Oiu.s and fever, kidney ifjtnpU.nts. uervu-ucs. debility, ronsiifial.nii anil tljiK-psi. are also routed by me Bitters. Use regularly. !?0 wondei: there are o many unhappy mrrlace. when the "test ruuu" tever gets the biidu. ' I itAvn been occasioni.Iiy troiib.ed with (Roughs, and in e.u ticast-have us.-il Kuoit. Hkosciiiai. Tiukiiis, which huve x.ever fulled, and I must su thy are second tt none m the world.' Frlix A. Mny, ttu.'nT M. i'uul, -V(si. Talk is cheap, but not the affectionate talk of n pretty girl; that Is uear Hc ton Courier. You hardly rea.ni that it is medicine, when taking i'.trter's lattlel.tverl'ills they arc very sum1.!; no b.id effects; all troubles from torpid liver ure relieved by U.eir use. elevated road-the milky way. Time. Ccr.n your ro-iKh with Hale's Honey of Horrhoutid and Tar. i'lke's Toothuctie Drops Ciireinoueintuute - -- "Tnr MMr" i said to be the most popu lar drink in the market. BKF;riii:s of promise must be the ones tailors let go on credit- Texas Sittings. THE GENERAL MARKETS. KANSAS CITY. Jua. 15 CATTLE SMpplnit steer.... I 3 4- 4t 4 w Ifutrhcr leer. .. N.ittve cos . . HOGS Good to choice heavy. W1IKAT No.J roJ No. '- o!l CUKN No...... ........ UA 1 b0. ...., ............ KYE No.4 FIJL'U P.tecls. per acU... HAY llal-tl IIL'TTKK-Choice crea-uery. CHKL-K Fullcre-Ai EGGS Choice BACON Ham Sl.ouMcrs 3lllCs . Mil 1 i-f POTATOES ST. LOL'IS. CATTLE Shipp'.cs steer... ltutcticr titer.... HOGS I'acUlrc SHEEP Kuirto choice KLOUH Choice WHEAT No. 2 red UvKt - O. A " "0. BliTTEi: Creamery POiliih,- . CIKCAGa CATTLE Shlpplnj: :cerv .... HOGS PnciJtnc vnil shipping. SHEEP Flrto csoice FLOCK Winter wteat WHEAT No., red CUI"0. CI 1"'""" J BUTTEK Creumery PUlsiVo .. NEW YOltlC CATTLE Comcioa to prime.. HIX4S Good to choice FLOCK Good to choice WHEAT No. Sred 4 Ui i't) 5 1 4 K, so J III 1 T as .&-t ii si a -4-ir: 4. a IS S3 5 t-f 1 t' I COKN No..' OATS 'Vctcrn rc.ieJ BXrrTEIt-Creaiiiery iy Si '0 CI CATARRH Col. in Head I Elf's Cna Bala) ELT IiKlv.iirro?.J.l SALESMEN s-tnurs Wastes S3 PtrOtt. " Wl - t. -IlHI fs f mm,m M Vm mmmt.mlm mrntt tail -X LarfMlncs. Waves S3 0. rr-wstr--S'- . l.IWl "lUt7 mA-mmKmi r- lllmMUL . tearcal eanfactunc cs. cnci-nsn. ose- PATENTS Prucrnnn. ah- Tnr-iiK tc. AScv. r-. nifty m rtfrr.iKw. Icr Uinnt. -iki tsa:prTvr. t". .sccr . t. frrtacaata. .m 1 m u-. .iri-..t ! I TJ rmtlmmmw, r mm HAWORTH'S k.tt ! aarf Tmmmmmmm..m rr mtiy tmm -. wt i-c ti .- a mm v. a mm -"t. a tvmpmtttort wt la : SO. H 111 Wl mm a rrtmm umu, . &a wka rxackrk n f. . Sii3 il tu-atnw tk fm. fcatiSiia-maiaws"' !" . aa4 rrTT iwtJ tS ottMmwunm'titmts U H. ! w rss i 'sN. (few rw4: I laai la tl Owr I. wttoU:T to m a siuk Cis wow. aw4 Hrftu wrSfc taw trir. mu Ta! i.a a4 ear tl Vo i vtrwrUrk t a : ef -s.-, rerwtfwi rtm, as vai ASMItfCkdBanr tfWwwP W VwTwlwl NWIII Us-arswi Tta o-n erstai H AWORTH 4 OHMm 3 ' a ( m a s to 4 j a, i 10 v: w w w C 'J i :j a .- 1 4: fi a :u e ; v . r r il V ' t V -s S, is -'J JfmA 1- ft 1-' SJ K'.'t H - (44. oii o vAKtSUu 4i e w DwAi 4 s ft -". :r. TIP -Vnv 1, r. . . 'ar-w t - il -- rc.filtikr -.rra : 4v, :" C 1) 3'm ti iz :i HRlywI IKMBAl mWmmW-:izmm''-m CSm I - I llll ila ". A cew and rr effrvt.Te thine walrb J taking bold oa Jhe market H a valuable ut coverv cjie m iwn larouchThc Ctarlc A. Vogeler Co.. LUlt.tncre, Md , proprietor ol the renowcrd.si. Jacobs 0:L acd known a Diamond Ve-u-Cur. for I)rpcp. a pI tive cure for Indigestion antf all -ttusach trouble amine thercfrca If no: found ta the !(. ft drufirlt or dealer, it wu be seat br mailr-a rtveipt ef 25 rent boxe tl.b in rtasip. sssip"t nt oa m-cip: of twsvent sUmp It ha U- a f.rui on trial to be a sprv ac for sour st.nach, heartburn, nausea, guld nc, coampitiot:. cervou-ne- and lew spirit-, and it i ;kea of aad rexonitneciled ov hutdrtsis wtj b.v ucd it aud have found U-utg oenedt. When corn pop- it cet raastly welt. It I much the same with bashful toubc bicd. Urpcr's llz.ir. Ant one can ta'e Carter's I-.t:ic Ijver Vuls. they are m vory tnsi: swallow So jaur or gr.ji.s, No trouble to ra'tcr t-trag. Ix gcoJ and rcru'ar :aa! a? ta taa la the street-car full of on.es Lifr Ax brotL unsatikfactorr meal a dcacstlc Pains and Aches in Tin. in. ii-t of tti t!f. saorc ii. -ulr la XU tu.rk. s,.ulln snij Joint., r ltj. anr..-v a. ' loUlcatloni ISl rti-an.tiii. L csiefsl a r-Ui l. bed jou r5 i f-jr I" tt a t-r ut iilri pfrttsl. Uheomstjn l cb1 bj ticttr mr.aiath t,'H-'.. nJ i. curisl fcr M-l fUMKrln. ih.ro . nrutrfcllir. tt scU'ly i4 rr-4lcale rrrtf a punt j fTJia thr l! Jtsj l uScrrvl Xrem ah ktt'e altail ef rtMcnl"to Itxnrtsl t'f i. wtrrr iln il a on dlicl, uk!.Hnt. "fcRti rul frr.nritiB latlictrsi. pain. HirNtll tt lltssl sri-r.!t. rvst.rTl cirralstluu cruict tlw t .! 1 ftilfrO tt :tn." I-T ItCST.-.rj.-flrlJ.MJ Hood's Sarsaparilla sua ly .liira.vt:.. It ..iforK. I'rTinsl t n.7 br C I JH1A CO, AH.tt.s-irtc, Ut i.ilAts. 100 Doses One Dollar , A LIBERAL OFFER. An Arti-t.cTwt .o I'nc At r. . C.ii endar, beuuttfuhy dci'crau! w.tii tuh-h-linished co! trxil jit urvs ri-prc-cnl-In tho four yaviu- Winter. Sp-mg. Sutntnor nnd Fall will lx v.nt Frco to any oroti who send ma oonfc for a eainplo copy of the New York l.c tjcr. Aildre-s B0EEHT I0NNEKS BOSS. Publitbert, 1 WiiaiAM SntrhT, New York City. ILts Calendar is worth f uily . cent.. TIi rrntlrmii a lh ltl tx Ptrrcurjr tiO srsi!.n.U M.iturrii. which ruimsl hi Hon aii't i;tj hliu m-rforl! rhumsll.tn ,;r .ntlftnni on ihr nrM UH'k fwirTi" srrciric s s.s wh -h f.irrrdont tlie jkjUoo. n.t J,aill Ultu ui from tlir tlr.l !.. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC l rntlrrlr Tr.-rth m-.ll. rlnn. snd l tint 'tlir I3dlrlnr which berrcBrd . BI"1 PulMincTDtuU. Ill.sst Itumor. and kindred I rt. ,s-nl fur our !-.( n III -1 ml Sn li- j iMi, u.lli'J tree. TlIKfWIrT-PKl IMC Ft ' tlrawrrX At snla t.a. Tint's Pills FOR TORPID LIVER. A lr-Ht llr4rssiKMtliikaU-is (a. prcttfaeea Sick Headache, Dyspepsia Costivcncss, Rheu matism. Sallow Skin and Piles. Thcr la no beitt-r reniely rorhw rommoii Jr . tban Tult'w l.lrr nil!. u u trial will pro.e. Krlce.ie. Sold Everywhere. FARCO'S BOX TIP SCHOOL SHOE l.llr II. M -- .i.Jr f I .;. r ft.!.. l9r..-t ItwA.f u ttltki tA I '4iA l n. i.r "r-ri t- rirdci-r f f ilf'. Itkn - w-i kre ' r x5 1 u- rrSH . is. f UiCn j, t( T j ' . tm,f' . Kir-c. IU. mrmKMl tki lirliirMismk nRABFIELDS DPMXAiiB - -REGULATOR Cures .11 Oiteaset Pecullzr to Womca! II k :n W fA M'ir kit uusru:i.t i.ri.t i.v-rR - tm r. .ju B if. tt r. I" w VunC) fl 2 E2t wB ryant & Stratton Ghicajo Busintss Colltt! HOOT-HAND INSTITUTE nnd IMCUIM TVAINMHS HCMOOU iiwtT(- ITTT1TII .4 lfc JtA.1lCICrr XTC rxi XVOJVI.OI !- Uco U.s- tr.l -t- r.tiKfr. tAr1m. W. UH .1 A .r'ir"r'"'il 1 rM.ftwrnt.ruvr tM ll-VBm0lmwrmmmmm9tmnrt1tm, OAT NOVEt-YYWHITE WONDEstf Plftrn(rriO!. t ! -C- lr ltl K. 1 mtm, i -j. .-. --. . - ',-y j" . . . ur. mn u-m m nr.j .u ?-d it V. X r-'mt lw.w4Uinilnsit t i Ii TTTll r 1 I fl I I 111 llTI iwi.B. rjrtt rrt. t wr- ir rrtmm t, mm- m y Tartar Tmm i yVkSAf ' W 111 rru Niui-irr 4 Mtu(.r.( nirtfM.i '-. V. M 1 mrmmV Trmmt Xm Vr.nniSH,r"!'Mlil-,fU V ... .... tmrmX. rrr mm-, firm.: . rim.rn.rn llVrSlC rl. x. i r 1 rniirr.li rlklri rtsrt (? a4 f."i wiewa a- stLZcx. PLANTING JS wtt&ecl -. atara WWW u .1M lerfet&ri ISawwaatwa atTv. Ttr"vw0awa aaaa eaSBS mt . I vjfn. ? www, fsaasejs a saaS m vtow7aw -4yfk jmTLT. - J $wkjfVtitAt M aw- tw f7"BB3L. & rsar lEDY'"! -t!RES PEnMANSNTLY BACKACHE, HEADACHE AND TOOTHACHE. coss peia:;ditlt ill aceis. & "ifsr" t Pstrr, 1W CN-KtiS , V0CILH c, . . Diamond Vera-Cura FOB DYSPEPSIA. ajro au. rro-f acx Taotjurrs -.ccTttAS t .. C'JtU". rn-a rwr -uc r Ki.r imtdrX lata a4 6urMt! 'JUf UTirr Ux. Jf rrBM .s4 U'lfinU J &T?e " -J " r r.tww TM CflAlUt A. VlCtlHI Ct., -tls---. 1J. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PIfflE COD LIIE OIL And Hypophosphlte af Uae & Sotii Aimot -iin Mim. tu t Urn rrUy std uU-i-U t Uhc 6j 4Ik4t slot-- .,,,..- m'kot 1W-. At Hitiis i-.t-iu. a -IktL bkhilitt. ciH'.M- l 'HUtur if- nnsi'M,' a .ii WusTiVw itMi:i4X"rsv tilllitUS U i -fi- i ll n-slt. "lnsrlt.tiUru.turt t'J U hcrt it j siaJi- ta U.e eountrrs ef h werU. .SeJfvrri.,A .( W.i, -- - ci. wwrr t ' 1, atMvCuCs trowi uu Cafu v ieuc , at ccWVcwulJAvsW- o.cics for vVte soww . S Scai4F(ucKEwca(cvUr;s(r.l S,SwVi' .( . -s-- (- -(" Kfevjov5mCa Ktxnss cw.1r.1no. fur. ( -larrh Mrufwl'i t-fr-. Ilrstl.rhr (140.. ! I -IkC KJ.rlr r lUUf r In rj UjUI. (V- 50 IITTlft tlVII A WAT I in lnlr'.w IU rvr1 f.ct. In.fi. 10 i-my t.'.r tiiHl - It f lilli- ih.l f-ll. for Ui nm. CSMrlnr. . s lH-rfjr f"Hil Jlcmnfmrw rirfi irrlldaiiM'ltm. T WTB. Ailit- rwrr( t.. Mx. . ,y(HMT1lrr( Miii" vinrit owi . or w)4kll-. w Cirwkaw nir M -rw, I IKwrrwIi ir ! rorr.wlrt. AiMrniw.ii .-" ' Mr ..i mm mm m m . . I. rcKiiii.iJ.(i"'wi ' rrl.-n.flif.iln WllJl -IMO-s, CU.ii.r-. CWEET POTATOES W rlll-ou fl H'rtl..N.HHItrll, .1.1-. t-.' 14Ift T J. ".kllU. . OilQlbwl. k riAm tui rim -s -i INFORM ATIOM m-mt AHIMIAI. (. J A UlM. h.w rrtc r.r IIK tu 4 rt.i.i, i(-1t f ' tr- IN(r.rri. I.ITTI.K MwTK. Ark. -" tj fhvt rt-n' Cttr fc CrmuitVia Tt! II HKKT r-1r - VT4IXD-H (lid 0 lw Um ttmrim. intifl intnutt riU... iMinil f ur Clf-ulaw. FREE ft trlmnt tnml TmII Smmrlpttm Mxtra T4l..r -jlt f llrw tt 1Un r.r f s. fmm m-mm a. tts- ( i. -r - ir . 1 .i v.f -- rrf- - t . trMIUIIl-qa i&immmizm UIU"lwT. r yl. IViiMMt. tw. tlUMfa st-. .fcrtV.tv.t tkr-nt!f 'gt T hum. .lrrjw ttmm. (TrrotXBM. nl 'm.T t. A- N. mCl. ' ' mTl1lmC miis xtuitix. it At,it ri:i'-. ylfsmm- mmf fftu MW lltw AUrltlnlt tt Ihl jMijr. .. sLXi'trei kisirsi aaoi(w'eastTa' sss. ..- is c&h. mwrm &r a mm mm ., W4 mUmSttt IHlil. 4 rWf m SSSa - mmm, m mmmm m mr mf, tMlWwal ? ! ta. wrVt.MM.v JV'wwwi w VJff fjL .. sv. rmmwmmmm mmr r bn)M - isi m Sm S -iiTii- llll ! mCmm- wutwwrum im - w " T iw . Ml. U. s. - li. rii'j - r - i an I Ci u(m MACHINERY Th Maworth Corn lh-intn. t. .... . - .. . w J ST Mj.W7I.Wt X T ! W ' I sl iiW)jtmiw 3 ii i Umw ra.M Urmmtm tawapwUCi tmm. ! T W tm mmmt m - " " " W Mmmrh '- -. w-mmwmwrmy m i r"rtmm Tyrimrmmvmmmlammm,,, tow-? wmmf pvpww Wwamww4 WW mAfi t ".- -awwrfVT " ' ie a r ws m sw wa to Ska wawm. trtnuinsw) mm eW aaawaeaajwa .TV-. DCOATUHw nfimEDTrsrw m iMnnil PJgCATg c rK ml t-wr. 9 . . Ti. P- Hfw", lji3t i -x