The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 18, 1889, Image 3

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"---? NH J-i-'aZ"
..i .
wi.rintfi..i ! i ii n.i "m"'tM'iJwjijini iiiniiii Kin
"" i' II i ir f ii in r i.--- -
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. Marvel of pure
atrencUi arid wholesonieiiess, more economical
than the ordinary kind and cannot he sold in
cetnpetion with tha multitudes of low test short
Ight alum r phosphate powdors. Sold only
IOC Wall street, Jf . Y. olty.
ghe rd g gUtf.
A. C. IieKHER.
I'liblKIied eirry Fiiday Morning from the offlc
in the Moon Mock, lted Cloud, Neb.
Farm Lean.
Interest from 6 to 10 per cent.
Time from 1 to 7 years. Call and
investigate. G. W. Barker.
leathered Up by Chler Keporlcrr la
And About the Clly and Connty.
Go to Mrs. Markell for bargains.
I Mens caps only 15 etc at B. &G.
All winter goods at your own say
so at B. & G.
Bcv. G. W. Hawlcy was in the city
Oysters at Ernst Welsch's. Best
brands kept.
C. E. Davis of Superior was in the
city Tuesday.
Nuts, fresh candies, etc., kept at
Ernst Welsh's.
Bcv. Butler will leave in about ten
days for the cast.
Great bargains in woolen dress
goods, at Mrs. F. Xcwhousc.
Sleeper Bros, feed mill will be
ready to grind ou Monday, the 14th,
at Bed Cloud.
All kinds of novelty braid, rick
rack, braid, tinsel cord &c. &c. at
Mrs. F. Ncwhousc.
Bcv. C. i Harrison of Franklin
'va&cadcray will preach at the Congrcga
tiofXichurch nest sabbath.
Jas. McNeny was iu Lincoln mak
ing presidents on Monday, along with
the other presidential electors.
The committee appointed to settle
with treasurer McXitt are doing so
this week and will report to the ad
journed meeting of the board next
Tuesday. ' V
Our frien 3, Win. Berrett of Judson
while driving his fast team the other
day cut a pigeon wing around a cor
ner and got dumped out to his injury.
He was quite seriously hurt we under
stand. At the January meeting of Piatt &
Frees Co., D. M. Piatt having dis
posed of his stook, resigned his posi
tion as president, and the following
officers were chosen: C. T. Piatt,
Bed Cloud, President; B. 31. Frees,
Chicago, Vice-President; Geo. Hock
ncll, McCoek, secretary and treasurer.
John J. Duckcr, who is one of our
well known merchants has moved his
dry goods emporium to the old post
office building which he has fitted up
into one of the finest store-rooms in
the great west John is a thorough
dry goods man and fully understands
his business. He is bound to wm it
money and good judgment in select
ing good goods is any criterion to
base an opinion on. The Chief
wishes John success.
The Chief does not believe that
the people of the state of Xcl)'?ska
desire that august body kn7ii as the
legislature to waste moneyin idle ex
penditures by subscribing for ..11 the
dailv and weekly paptrs in the state.
If it benefitted anyone it would bo
different, but the constituency m
nine cases out of ten do not get the
various journals until they are from
one to four weeks old. The legisla
ture is wasting too much moacy
this term. They should give
the public a rest on expense.
Dr. P. Janus, President of the Ne
braska State Medical and Surgical In
stitute, does not pretend to cure
everything but claims to have better
success than the uenersl p
id(.i'iit-i in
Chronic Diseases, on
Antwr his total time
account of
to such dis-
.Ses and the large number ho treats, i depot eems to have oeen quite un
Hc has wtu klia ao0ut tliretf thousand fortunate. He was cleaning out an
V dollars worth of instruments foi ex-j engine in the pit. when tha hostler
animations and operations, among started the same knocking him down,
them a tnteroscope costing in Europe ' and in his attempt to get out of dan
three hundred and fifty dollars. Con-; gcr got his hands on the rail the en
gultatien free and diagnosis never j gine passing over his fingers cutting
faiK The doctor will be at the Hoi- them off. It will lay him up for a
land House, Monday, January 23th. good many weeks.
u v-r
Bulk oysters at Joe Herburger's.
Oysters 20 cents s pint, cash on
The cheapest corsets is town at
Mrs. Markell's.
Jean Pants, warranted not to rip
for only $1.00 at B. & G.
Adam Morhart is on the sick list
with a sprained back.
Extra select oysters at City Bakery
served in every style.
Furniture of all kinds cheaper than
ver at F. V. Taylor's.
Get your meals at the Farmers Eat
ing house. E. Welscb.
Money to loan at a living rate of
interest by D. M. Piatt.
Curt Evans has purchased the Bed
Cloud Tank Line of Will Yeiser.
Mrs. Bert Zerwick of Colby, Kan.
is in the city visiting her parents.
Overcoats at cost and more to at,
B. &G.
Look at our jean pants for $1.00,
warranted not to rip. B. & G.
Bcmember a good solid over-coat
can be bought of B. & G. for $1.50.
Mrs. Markell is going to place her
entire stock at cost Call and see
J. C. Warner has been elected a
member of the state board of agricul
ture. People who have to deliberately lie
to make points are in a hard row of
Great bargains in Ilamburgs, hos
cry and white trimmings at Mrs. F.
Take your corn and oats to Sleeper
Bros., Bed Cloud to be ground. Satis
faction guaranteed.
New line of flower pots, vases for
decoration and stationery just reciev?
cd at Henry Cook's.
If you can't find what you want
anywhero else in town, why go to
Henry Cook's. He has it.
Take your old copper ware, iron,
rage, etc., to Morhart who will ex
change tinawrc for the same. tf .
When in Bed Cloud call at the
furniture store of F. V. Taylor, oppo
site the post office, and pick you out
a fine kitchen or parlor suit.
Watkins Bros, have started a paper
at Hastings to be called the Repub
lican. The boys arc good newspaper
men and will giv Hastings a good
The district assembly, Knights of
Labor, met in this city this week and
transacted business appertaining to
the various societies of the the order
in the district.
The injunction issued against the
Amboy Milling Co. by Judge Dundy
has been dissolved, the court having
found that that company did not owe
AHis & Co. anything.
j iu niuiit aiutau u i'twnuj au
Tuesday is the worst that we have
witnessed in the state. The two days
were very disagreeable and the fog
settled down over the land in great
A ten thousand dollar dill was
quite a curiosity to ye editor and
others this week. It made our head
ache to think how near and yet so
far before being able to corrcll the
"dear little bill."
The board of supervisors have done
their duty so far this year and will
continue to do so without fear or favor
regardless of prating nightmares who
imagine that their presence in the
community is of much weight.
Messrs. Frame, Thomas aud Cather
arc engaged in settling with the
county treasurer so as to be able to re
port at the adjourned meeting on
next Tuesday. The "big man who
cocked the cannon and ble w his own
brains out" is wanted so that he can
be photographed for his uncle.
The board of trade met last Tues
day evening to consider a proposi
tion for a state normal school, and a
creamery. A very small number
were present. If there is anv show
for a normal school or a creamery our
people should be awake ond shake off
their leathcrgy. Now is the time to
do what you can for Bed Cloud.
The irrepressible Jim Hubble was
in the city the other day. The
Chief scribe met Jim on the train
and propounded the question at to
"bovlonghe expected to hold down
the Fairbury post-office." He repli
ed that there was no show for rebels
and he thought that he would be out
early Tuesday morning, March 5th,
1S53. Jim thinks that the victors
should have the spoils. Correct.
llaada Cat OST.
Bnrnev Moore who labors at the
That laanranea Cns.
The ease of the German Insurance
company vs Sarah Eatherten, taken
to the supreme court on a writ of
error from the district court of Web
ster county has been affirmed. The
following is the text of the decision.
Opinion by Chief Justice Beese:
1. In an action on an insurance
policy for loss sustained by fire, where
it is stipulated in the policy that upon
the written request of cither party the
loss shall be appraised or determined
by disinterested and competent per
sons, one to be selected by the insur
ance company and one by the insured
and in case of their failure to agree,
by some third party called by the ap
praisers, the award of any two of the
three, as to the damage, to be conclu
sive as to the amount of loss; it was
held, that it was not necessary that
the petition should allege that an ar
bitration had been had on an award
made in order to the maintenance of
the action.
2. In such case an action can be
maintained without reference to the
agreement to arbitrate unless such
arbitration had been actually had,
and that would constitute matter to be
pleaded by way of defense.
3. A provision in a policy that no
suit of action against the insurer
"shall be sustained in any court cf
law or chancery until after an award
shall have been obtained" by arbitra
tion, "fixing the amount" due after
loss is valid, the effect of such pro
vision being, to ou6tthe courts of their
legitimate jurisdiction.
Manaeraon 111 Own Sacceaaar.
The state legislature now in session
at Lincoln elected the Hon. C. F.
Manderson to the U. S. Senate on
last Tuesday, the entire republican
membership of both houses voting for
him unanimously. A still hunt was
made for Mr. Manderson's scalp by a
few men who still have a little Van
Wyckism in their make up, but it
did not crop out to any material ex
tent, and the result was that he was
chosen his own successor. His re
cord in the U. S. Senate has been
brilliant and in accord with the best
interests of the state which he so
ably represents. He has done more
for Nebraska than any ma n that has
held the senatorial office for years.
The legislature is to be commended
for their action.
Farm For Rent.
1 miles from market. 80 acres
broke. Plenty of wood and water.
For terms call on or address
G. W. Barker,
Bed Cloud, Neb.
As far as the county officials are
concemed, there is not not will there
be a more careful or competent set of
officers in the state, irrespective of
the calumny of disreputable parties.
The business of their various offices is
and has been beyond a shadow of
doubt carried on faithfully and at no
time has there been any irregularities
in any of the departments of the
county, as one would be led to believe
by reports cmuating and trumped up
by blatherskites for political prefer
ment and having not the least founda
tion. The reflection so cast out bj
them arc unworthy of men who would
presume o bolster themselves up in
a community as shining lights.
Information Wanted.
Alfred Brcssard, Irft his home
near Campbell, Neb. Jan 10, 1S8H
His whereabouts will be cheerfully
received by his brother Joseph Bras
sard, of Campbell. Description:
French decent, height ;H feet, black
hair and mustache and gray eyes,
weight about 150 pounds, wore gray
sack coat and everyday clothes.
state Board Ol Pfcarataey-
The board of examiners of the
state board of pharmacy completed
its re-organization today. The meet
ing was held at the capitol. Alex F.
Streitis, of North Piatt, was elected
president; Henry Cook, of Red Cloud
first vice-president; Max Bccht, of
Omaha, second vice-president, James
Becd, of Nebraska City, treasurer; H.
D. Boyden, of Grand Island, secre
tary. Tkrfnxi orTfca Caaalrr Kdltar.
Lady friend: "What is the hard
est thing connected with your editor
ial duties, Mr. Lumplcy?"
Editor: "The hardest thing is to
leave the impression that I am out of
town on the first of the month,"
Do not kt prejudice keep you fiom
eonsultin: the
celebrated German
specialist, in Red Cloud at the Hoi-!
land House, Monday, January 2Stk
If jen arc afflicted with a chronic dis- will La lucky if they get -40c on the
ease vour pbysiciau is not the place ' dollar. Longworth, repreventing B.
to inquire about hita. Write to'M. Young & Co. Ked Cloud, bid
tanad Ilaud. where he has been far some of the lest barriins in. The!
... . .... . ....... :.- l..t.:-. L. A a.1a- ta)e.
12vcars. lie t a graduate or three
I Ji.e colleges, aad through hi. sue
ecssful and large practice has become
one of Grand Island's heaviest prop
ertj holders.
These people whe are connected
with the institute for feeble minded
children at Beatrice, are certainly
philanthropists if there are any.
There are now about 80 inmates who
receive the minutest details in the
line of work calculated to advance
their education and make them self-
sustaining. Dr. Armstrong, the su
perintendent, F. G. Simmons, clerk.
Miss Wood, matron, the Misses Mc
Clean, LaSallc and Mrs. Butterfield,
teachers, deny themselves many of
the worlds pleasures, in their endeav
ors to relieve the distiess of the un
fortunate inmates of the institute,
and it possible brighten their mental
faculties, so that they may enjoy
some of the blessings of life. In
many cases it is a trying ordtal, but
with that perseverance that knows no
obstacle, they press onward in their
great cause of pbilanthrophy aiming to
do that which scemcth best for each
child. The work accomplished during
the last year in the way of educating
the children has been wonderful and
the officials, one and all, deserve
great credit for their unwonted seal
in trying to redeem the children from
a state of indifference, and in a man
ner placing them on a partial equality
with the more fortunate of mankind.
Although the institute is only one
year old the children are rapidly pro
gressing in their studies and exer
cises and are exceeding the most san
guine expectations of those deeply
interested. People who have chil
dren there should feel doubly grcat
ful to those persons who are giving
up their lives in the advancement of
this noble cause.
TheNapenrlaeraGeaa Knoagh.
There seems to be an effort on the
part of some people who arc not well
informed to cry down the supervisor
system. The facts are these, that the
supervisor system gives more general
satisfaction to the people than the
commissioner plan of aianaging "cun
to affairs. When the commissisocr
system was in vogue in this county
there were too many individual axes
to grind, and the result was that only
the direct townships in which the
commissioners lived ever secured any
distribution of the county funds,
whereby the supervisor system the
interests of each township are care
fully guarded by its member on the
county buafd. The expense may be
more to operate the county board,
but it is much more satisfactory to
the people than the commissioner
system. The supervisor system is
decidedlyjpopular in this county.
All is nctdod is a few changes in the
law to make it perfect.
The med Claud Baak.
A'asiiinuton, Jan. 14. It is sta
ted at the treasury depattment that
the Bed Cloud National bank, of Red
Cloud Neb , is not likely to be placed
:n the hands of a receiver the prompt
action of Examiner Griffiths having
resulted in recovering the assets and
securing doubtful debts to an impor
tant amount, wealthy stock holders
having offered to furnish cash sum
cscnt to pay all claims on demand.
If this offer is carried out the bank
will resume business under a new
management. Associated Press.
The above prediction is only what
has been known in this city for some
time, and demonstrates the fact that
it takes a long way around to find out
something that has been known for
thirty days. TllE ClUEK hopes that
the institution may resume business
so that the depositors will get their
That Concert.
The date for the grand concert to
be given in this city under the direc
tion of M-s. A. H. Jester has been
set for February 1st. This will be
decidedly one of the finest entertain
ments ever produced in the city of
Bed Cloud, and will be composed of
home talent The program is one
that wiil please all and still be a
credit to the musical, genius of the
city. Such entertainments are the
kind that should he liberally patron
ized, being tqnal aad indeed superior
to nuny dollar entertainments that
have exhibited in this place to large
houses. It will be replete with band
overtures, duets, quartette, eomie
soncs etc. Dt not forget the dale
and make yowr arrangements ta at
tend if tot wait ?eV enjey aa enter
tainment that will be grams in every
Fall a re In New Warm.
The large linen importing irm of
Mcrriweathcr & Co. of Belfast and
New York went under last week
stock sold by Hoguet d: Co. It was
thought the firm could pay at least
0e on the dollar, but owing to the
hort prices realized, the creditors
ircocs are oa tnc wav aru win arrive
S.turdav. Call at Youngs C. O. D.
Emporium Jyou.wuat tk greatest
- , bargains yon ever saw in talk linen,
nankins, splashers, ttdief, Ht.
Quite a spell of weather w have
been having bit we will not complain
it is better than none.
Mrs. DwightCbapin is visitiyg her
parents on Walnut creek.
Mr. John Posey aad family will
soon move to Benkleman where, we
understand he has rented a farm.
Bro. Moore has been holding meet
ings at the Ash creek church for the
past three weeks we have not learned
what success he has had, but hope
there have bcenmany lasting impres
sions made.
That fellow with a "little white
mustache" is seen saort every Sunday
evening wending his way towards the
south-west What is the attraction
Willie? Scbibblee.
jvmftox, KAsnaa.
Fine weather for January.
Young folks are enjoyin
A danee at Mr. Humberts on Mon
day night.
The M. E. folks have been holding
protracted meetings at Fairview
bcjooI house.
They organised a literary at the
Star of Hope school louse on Thurs
day ere. Question for next week,
Besolved that catt!e arc more profita
ble than horses.
Miss Lizzie Barrett has been home
on a visit last week.
Mr. Emery Smith has left, ho went
between two days, also his son John.
Mrs. Sa T. Stone is on the sick
list Sid.
Beautiful weather.
Mr. Anderson and family are visit
ing at T. Brown's.
Mary Brown is working for Fred
Wedding Bells Barber & Brown.
Humph! we think it is about time.
School began last Monday morning
with Miss Mclntire as teacher.
Willie Haskins is going to school
at Pleasant Dale.
Thomas Brown is at Kivcrtou this
Mrs. Hilton was visiting relative
at Blue Hill last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chrolic of Suleni
were the guests of Mr. Ship's last
John Wittncr in cutting wood at
Labon Bubuschons.
Snow, snow the beautiful snow has
come at last and the children are hav
ing a good time with their sleds.
Jimmie Hale has returned finm
Denver. We are all glad to see him
back among us again. Dam rumor
says he is going to housekeeping in
the spring.
Will Kanklc is down with the rheu
matism, so he says.
Quite a number of the old and
joung people of lnavalc gave L. C.
Olmstcad and family a surprise Fri
day evening.
Miss May Hummel spent Sunday at
U. G. Knight came up from Guide
Bock Saturday.
Mrs. Knight aad Mrs. Holdredgc
made a flvinir visit to the Hub on
There ,wv preaching here Sunday
by Bev. $fitc, there was quite a full
A. A. Huramor is loading a car pre
paring to move to Perkins county his
futuro home.
We learn that Charley llarber has
traded his farm with Jimuiic Hale far
land in Kansas and will move in the
spring. We will be sorry to lose you
Charlie. Pbteb Bot.
Jos. Gsrbcr and A. L. Funk are in
Lincoln attending the state agricul
tural society.
Consultation with Dr. P. Janss,
President of the Nebraska State Med
ical and Surgical Institute, is free at
the Holland House. Monday, January
Cook, the efclone anchor man who
came near swindling Mr. Hefficbower
of this city on Lis scheme came to
grief tbe other day in the east part
of the state. He was arrested aad
jugged far snindling.
Via Wilikms will sell at public sue-
Uea en Thursday January 21, at 10
'eleek a. m. at his residence in Jew
ell Ce. Kan ms., 9 head of stock, con
sisting of horses, catthi etc. Don't
forget it.
Some parties afflict :d with small
at this point the other day, but by
- tt ii.j
the promtos ot n:tyor iiouaau,,
thev were forced to wove on to some
other point. That was right.
people of this city do not care to be
afflicted with small ro x or any otber
... .a .. ,.... .
diseased persons.
- -- "
Thert will be a sped
the First National Baul
al meslingof
of Red Cloud
ihhhhh uc v.-.-
day Febtwar, lth tar .the pwrpe of
eletti-f nine director for the esw
ivg !
alKfi. K.sauBKT,
The writer i
ugly in favor of
township orgaaii
en. me cawairy
feeds the towns
d cities, and the
farmer produces I
of the wealth of
the country; anft though he may be
kept poor by supporting the specula
tor and the Aon-prodncer, he is as
much entitlef to representation as
th mnre wealth residents ef the
city. Township organization gives
representation to the thinly settled
rural districts, as well as to the cities
and villages. We want justice sad
do not leg for charity. In the lan
guage of the immortal Jackson, ',We
ask for nothing that is not right, and
we will submit to nothing wrong."
If we are taxed we want representa
tion. Taxation without representa
tion caused the Revolutionary war.
Under the old commissioner system,
some parts of Webster county had no
representation, except as we were
represented by our hard-earned money
naid into the treasurr. lQcre is
much imperfection in our laws, some
of which we trust our coming legisla
ture will modify, or repeal and substi
tute better ones. In my opinion the
recommendations of the Columbus
convention, in regard to lengthening
the term of the members of the coun
tv board, to two yemnUSJid elect one'
half annually, would be a move in the
right direction. However, I think it
would be still better to divide the
whole number for the county, into
three classes, a nearly equal as pos
sible, and elert one class for 1 year,
one class for 2 years, and the other
for 3 jcir, and onc-thi;d for 11 years,
annually thereafter. Kach class
should be promiscuously distributed
over the county, so that at each elec
tion, the members elected should not
all be from one side, nor all from the
central pan. Hy lengthening the
term to U years, two-thirds or nearly
so, will at all times be uica who have
had some experience in the dnties ol
the office. I would also suggest that
no member who bad served as super
visor, for less time than one year,
should be eligible to the chairman
ship of the board, after tba first year
that the county is under township
organization. In this way business
would be done with less friction, with
greater dispateu ana accuracy.
Tricksters would have less power for
evil, and honest men more weight and
influence. I would like to see the
town board entirely divor:cd from the
county board. Let the supervisor be
a member of tbe aeunty board, onl?.
The writer suggests that the town
board shall consist of three trustees,
who shall be elected for 3 years, one
of which shall be elected annually.
Let the senior member be chairman,
or each member be such, during the
last year of bis term. The slid town
board should meet in regular session,
semi-annually at the office of th
town treasurer, and they may hold
adjourned or special meeting, as
deemed ucccssary. The town clerk
shall be clerk of the board. Said
town board shall examine the accounts
of overseers of the highways, formon
ics received and disbursed by thcui,
and shall require all town officers to
account to them for any or all monry
rcccivcd or disbursed by thrm, in
their official capacity; and shall ex
amine and audit all charges and
ciaims against the town, aud the con
pensation of all town officers. The
town board shall audit all accoirvt ',f
the town treasurer
asurcr (including district
and shall draw all or
trraanror. exrotit for (In
school funds
dcrs on said treasurer, except loruu
.. ....
tnct road lund, wnicn snail 00 pam
on demand and receipt of the proper
overseer of highway.; and further the
district school fund .nhall he paid
school treasurer, and that the tchool
fond be paid into the Unvnship trcaj
ury, and prodnemi arguments io favor
of said change. Everything under
our present law, in regard to town
ship and schools, is imperfect. As
our present legislature is strongly re
publicanwhich is the party of prog
ress and real reform we look for bt
tir lw. Thcv have zoldcn oprortun-
ities to do good, acquire fame, and
.trctgthea the party that -aved the
eountrv from anarchy and ruia. the
upon the order of the clul board of 0 BlISiMSS 0fllfntf !
the district to which said money be ..TTajamiwc school. :.. raft,!
longs. In a former article wc VZH3?ZtZl'ZSulZZ?
posed the abolition of the diMrict. ' w
party Of two martyred presiaenta.Jmajrja-aHaaaaaaaaaa iai
Success t oar legislature, and s f aal .lati. f r
brilliant reeord is the wish of your'. SZgJ'SVttttB!
I humble correspoadent. St a.
. ., , . .-... Wnt
old responsible
l 4V f a a
He haa ban at Grand Islsnd for
"c '
-. . - ,. ,,W to gi
.,CT"' -"" - r .
; vor information m regarn te nit re
i...;t;i; A aatlttaaa a nhvaieiaa.
, - . . . ' f .. .
lie ... n mam v. .. -
llaadHoase. Monday, Jary -3t-
" t aa.j i .. a.A ki..i.
. .....
Dr. K J... of the Schewaka St
- j Medical ..4 S1'
jte in Iea viwi, .-.w-, .
it the HftUand llsmsw.
n-iitl of NebaskA.'jciT2S?i.J'.4ra :& naaVlat!
ratr Sato.
Two sows and sixteen figs tn tale
Inquire of Ed. A. Ytwng.
" ,
Old copper, iron, rags, etc., take
.- ... fr.r tmnr at Adam Mor
is uww v .... .-
hart u
Special rates stven on Renos and
organs nniil Jan. 1st. llanos sold for
cash or on monthly payments coetinc
lets than 1 per day. Organs sold at
rates to suit customers.
Sapa J. BAUJEY.Agt
fc-ni. iir i
Benwmbcr tin., that P. Berkley
will put up a Urge amount of river
ice this winter and will be ready to
serve the people with pure river iet
instead rf creek nc, Hold yoar or
ders for Iiim. 21-tf
Superior, Nb. Jan. 14th.
Mr. Editor- Will you please say
in your paper that K. E. Bartlct of
Madison Wi -rill preach in Superior
Jan. 20th. All are invited. Should
the UoivcrsaHsts of lied Cloud wish
her service address her immediately
Save Vunr SMata.
Trade where you cau bay good the
cheapest (.loud yarn 50 ccnta lb.
A splendid jeans for "20 cts a yard, at
the Western A: Southern Mercantile
ft-ur SO Stofa.
The Chief has decided to citend
the time M days further before raiting
the pneo to -Jl.r-0. Therefore, all
thoje who wish to get the paper for
Jl "hould call in by lb? 1 5th of March
at the l.u-:, it which 11:110 we .b.ill
po.. lively raie the price to J1.50.
A. ( Hosmek, Prop.
Kil.-rt'it iiliL-!it llnr ill!t ntc a Nuti tntuS-
t-rrrs rrtwi Wk lir.iiUfl wnir Uieich. trpll
llTi-rn!il l!Hl!.fitSn XtEr-riwtiTt .lmnt
totnV- ;titl n.iir.n.tM la koUiimu.Ii uy iujr
H.i!.jy homo tild purlf.rr U tt ot!-
topuLr turxll tie lor iurtftni; ttn tiltuM . tp
i"itlnc ornirlin: lyl-ll-'. 'l!lie. hrivl
env, lotU am! tl ln r, ati.l lulut.i! Jlxvvw,
rrlceSOcenti iiim! SI t lHlc.
tttVaCuts from un Cctu
I Xfev.wJtwsmCa
nnnsnw kir,0.
4 urr Catarrh, Krurl'. Iefr.
Notion 1 krrfliv t;lrii U1.1i urnlrr am! bj lr
tuc ol an ottlvT of iul lti.M out of the rltrtt In
llrlal tltrlcl limml lor Vrblr routilr Sp
brnikn um .1 ilrvrw. In an iwlloii pr-tidlng in
ali court tif rein Chaile II. Toiler I j-IUullff
uliilJOtiu Iveitv unit l.ors" lloiUlul mnlr
feiiilrnii, 1 'O.ill ot!-r fi.r nt jmtille ttmtuo
lor culi : land at the t 'litl of tli" iwirt
Iioiiw In tint I01M In al.l routitr. Hint iiit
til- lilm-e a here Hie Ul totlu of ouifl a bJ
Ucn on tliemh l) of IVlifiurj l3at I oVlorh
p.m.. ttie lolloHiiiR !erniiei inuy MH
, .... .,... -.-, - - "j- 1 - - - ----.-
Ttie ouUi-Mit il"rr $?. I.
II .
eutern'lTl nut! tlie vmtti writ
iuaitr I.
W. '. of vttlon tentyne ,
! i.rtlon twenty ow1 itli In tonalp
three 13" north rnnif ten ,10 rt 6 i
WrtMtrr eolintV. rIRlthiL
Ctteii titi! r my li.uit till llUitlay of J
uary. Imj. 11 i. mit,
J S. M'.li.uii Mirrifl.
rialniiru Attorney r-t
NotlrrU herein Riven Uut muter am! b r.
of all onier of j 1'W out o U dial I lei
i!l 111
, Nrlir
Welitcr rouiitr, Nlink. iiiHJrt a !eere In aa
aetlnu ternllng In -i'l eimil wheirin M lit ami
lP-lwr.ll.lfe luuranrf lrijiny aw lllu:iSa
ami Atnvy I. icttrofl. l-n-ii K. UlLiaae,
ltiiiiiun.wliTnrt real nuii In uuknaaii.
the Kiultoi7rtit CmtMrtT of Omaha. W r
r:uo.i. -liarl-i I! I'otter. William A ttatala.
t-UwA. MoVnj, Knley ltro , AUton lrtm.
Hooter .. C. tiMl lute & MulUi tr MealenU
i will ofler for a at ntlle remtii" for eah ta
luunl nt th e.i.t tlrxir of ttiw pjHi;t hnn In
ltrl Cto'.hl in ! county, that llui tlw i'lr
w lir the i: tt rtn of mI1 cowl holitrn, on
tUe'vo h U of ft imiat y, iw-j. t j o'rloeli . m.
the rollowlns ewitJfri JHif fly tvwt Th
wit halt oUhe ou!h wet illle fW i J V
i ami tli wniiii et jnuter ol U.; mth
eit ijiwiter l-i 1. W h W '1 nl the oul.'let
iiua'Wof Xtf iUi ijuarter W . K.
I I ufwrtlfrii t- fv l"n thfr 3 no,th
of iarie triu .'Mc-ttl lh"t . IU III Vltf r
count!. Nrbraia
i,.rti '! rtn nit'l !. Ktljilar rf Jan
1Vt iv) H i" tvtrr.
'.MiT!i!l' JMiertfi,
lti-t f A 'uiieli. 3VU
..., - -2
SHSnfcu, hartawt.M tvr,-,ii..,-.
Hllnlk . : .: "
"TrrZii .l"r-J2?
- v " ltl WUdsW anftmVdaWB Ha
a..v. n u.
av laxa.
,mu , itin". i AuxKnutlr
f;-"- i..u..rti..,itJ
t ruf
haae tt,,
ax nmdt
n . t en.
!" .
am W aw.irr
.JSSSaS. vuaanavj wajnrj
;i4rf Jaaun lua. iiS etipa4 y S- - !-
CwC'Vft"tafTt TZeAfawT,ajaiw
anii - w va tarre u 4wu-aiai
12ts4 -. svi tsms thc-m fc
l'i:w--.'r u- hvXix aja
aa e r I -- . - - - a m anantr frrf
1 ' Ma -m liJS LaTk. I S r-v - -. - a -- a
i . rJ ..v t,M miMil u aav Uac oawSJ
. Ttlli-JZe ZZ 3i rf sm
" "" " "- - ---- ,
- - . w-ntP?rTi-vt
xaA!ttn tirftt i-Hi 1
1 . tfe..&.xtz
, w r"-- "
i.'a.jr AAtiMtm
rr . . r . - -
. AVn
it f-e &
txiartt rarJ
jTTTTT f aft fc nftnamwfm
a, .. --- k . . bm. . alln ataW-i.aT
maTVWIlf WH e ''T'
..w-w- r-jiw Sum
i i
f v
&wiS , f,r