The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 18, 1889, Image 2

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    J8U OfrfB
Golden Eagle
Clothing Stdre !
. - - '
Overcoats !
Although having but very few on
hand will close them out
Morhart & Fulton's Old Stand, Webster St., Ked Cloud, Neb.
Fine rigs, good horse, board by day or week. Your patronage solicit
N cd. Don't forget the place, east side of Webster
street, lieu Cloud.
Drags and Medicines
Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery,
Books, Etc.
Red Cloud,
I. W. TUI.I.KYS.M. 1)
amlBlm: Mtrreon. offlr miixMltn Kirvt
Tonal Itank. Krd Cloud. Nehnwk.i
Ckronlc diseases treat! Iiymail.
V. W. Kamcv. J. l Kalkv.
A TTORNKYS AT LAtt . Apcnts rr the B.
A M.R. K.lamlv
Um-pon WelMT Mrtvt
Red Cloud. elrka.
'Will nrartlce In ail courts of thu it
llettlass as well as litigated buslHwa mvtni.
jraadeawkntlr attended to. Abstracts furalftb-
Ornra. owr
ramd. Neb
First National R-mk. hee
Kilcrt's oitrnct of tar and mild -brrrLia
saff, reliable and pleasant- remedy lir cmiirhs
roMMimnchiUs, asthma aiulall throat JnulU-
Will rr-UVre aad henctlt consumption, iry tt
and te convinced. Kvrrv hot tic warranunl
lriceiccets ami j1 tr "bottle. HoMhynii
truKit.i. lYrpaml lythvKninitrt frtiiirii
tarrCn., Chicago,- III.
Inter t Straight 8 Per Cent,
Can pay part er all of principal at
any year and stop interest. Well sc-
Icured notes boacht. Insurance in
C. F. Catrik,
Red Cloud. Xeb.
UCce over poet office.
German nk. Am
adTMwpre them fnim the systortv sat.
condition lundfrwill mm.u.
as. efe frrmiiadtMRt nrtWJ
w mmmrm, ppu, OWL saees. ham.
iw hiwj. aw uj,u arpeguts.
fcaVs S2 a?d boat UniianiL rOa
KaTeS" en&sT "W '"'
For Sale.
gttaV tw Mated sprii& wags
.Isf. Ak smm f am BMckiacrr
J. H Majlkcll
D. B. Span ogle,
Real Estate
And Loa.n Agent
Red Cloud;
Fini floor nnrtk af f; n.L I
fi-iVi.:".7:,V ""."-? f-
"-"" wiorouguij equipped. We
ressea fullr solicit tout satrosaes
giiarar teeing stttsration in ersjiycass.
unt Motto: Will be to please aD
whop re ! their trade. All work
doner j a first-dam manner tad is. the
latest fcantthe profession.
Hotchuuoii 4 KtalaU.
Notice is kerehj girea that I will
txamiaeallperseas wbe saay 4jr
r-er 'Sfceatetre as candidates for
tenet era. of tke pbl je sefcoola ml taia
osMiy.jatRedCled, ea tW third
Sfttv vlry 0t each awnta.
. KtaJ. Kim.
' ffX
.. , Capellato Wast.
( .Scstkcded: With this issue we sua
.'pend the agricultural department, ec
tablisbed five months ago. Weiaati
tuted this feature as an experiment,
and to help out a literary tenderfoot
from the East, who was bare-footed
and penniless, but who was4ertile of
suggestions. The experiment was a
failure. The aforesaid i. t-f. was
drunk most of- the time, and when
sober he didn't know a cactus from a
wild lemon. The most valuable sug
gestion made by him was that the
farmers of Arizona drink less oats and
sow more whisky. We have bidden
the tenderfoot a permanent and last
ing adieu, and we now bid farewell to
agriculture as a set thing. Wo shall
occasionally refer to the subject in a
reckless,Vff-hand way, taking chances
on results, but there no further
studied attempt to make the sandy
plains get up and hump themselves
into fields of waving corn, and wo
shan't cover the rocky hillsides here
about with vineyards or patches of de
ceptive buckwheat. Good-bye, ten
derfoot good-bye, agriculture!
Go East. We warn those meddle
some citizens who are charging us
with political treachery to go easy. It
is true that the Kicker has been Demo
cratic at times, and that we have oc
casionally had a good word for the
Republican ticket, and that we have at
intervals seemed to bo red-hot for pro
hibition, but wo were sort of feeling
around to see what kind of a paper our
subscribers preferred. Wo didn't pro-ipose-to
break ourselves in two in .the
first six months by getting, left Wo
had a Democratic and a Republican,
rooster ready for tbo election returns,
and wo didn't care a cent which way
the old kangaroo jumped. We shall
now be a little more Republican thaa
Democratic, as we want tho county
printing, but whenever we say any
thing distasteful to tho Democracy we
will, as soon its tho matter is called
to our attention, turn about and give)
Harrison a "wipe" in tbo next issue.
We shall bo independent in nothing
and neutral in lots of things, hoping
that the Democrats will get there nexb
time and advising the llcpubttcansto
hang. on if it takes a rib. We arq
heavy on tho political principles of
our forefathers, but wo have run. our
circulation up to IDS copies, and" wo
don't propose to hit any of our sut
scribcrs between tho cyc9 to tickle aay
not return rejected manuscript If
not accompanied by stamps wj use
them to light the ofiicu tire. U stamps
are sent we usu thorn on our business
letters. If the author o' Seven,
Iiuckcts of Blood, or tho O jrk-Scrcw's
Revenge M will send h'-'r ur'jdress U this
oflico she will U-ar of something to
" rtuauuiK;. no irave received a
sketch entiled: " l$o' Mailed Bob, or
the Bobber of Bobber's Hill." which
we will publish en receipt of the
author's check far fifty dollars. We
must, respectfully decline tho stories
entitled: Her Rchcr Booted Me, "and
" An Adventure With Indians in
France." Tltey seem to have an im
moral tone. Contributors should al
ways send in their right nvmes, noUfor
publication, but in order that nono of
onr thousand checks sball go to tho
wrong person.
Steadily iMruovir.-r,. Since our
last issue Colonel Fairbanks has had
three rods of bcatitfiful picket fence
erected in front of his adobe, and the
(Jem saloon has reouived three barrels
of whisky and a new pier-glass. We
chronicle thefe improvements in no
boastful spirit, but simply that out
siders may know thnt tho spirit of
progress is not dead within us. Wo
arc going right to the front as a town.
Accident. We regret to learn that
Major Jackson, one of tho pioneer res
idents of our little city, kicked at his
dog last Saturday and drove his big
too back into his heel by hitting tho
corner stone of the new Masonic Tcra
plo. The Major was our second sub
scriber, and he never meets us without
asking us to drink. Wo sympathize
with him in his dark hour of trial, and?
trust that ho may soon reappear
among us. Should his condition be
come critical wo shall issue daily bulle
tins from this office.
Go Hence. A correspondent wishes
us to explain tho meaning of the term:
'From Alpha to Omega." Wo shan't
do it. Wc have had politics enough
for one season, and propose to letup
on the machine. Wc never beard of
Alpha, anyhow, and as for old.'Chncga,
may he be durned! Detroit Fixe Frets.
He Could Well Afford. It.
"I want the best suite of -rooms on
your first floor," said the gentleman,
registering his name.
"That will cost you twenty dollars
a day. sir." replied the hotel clerk.
"I didn't ask you what it cost, sir;
I don't care what it costs."
"Guests without baggage are re
quired to pay in advance."
"Look at that card, sir!" thundered
the guest, throwing upon the clerk's
desk a card inscribed:
a. job, :
" Beg pardon. Mr. Jones," said tho
clerk, humbly, as ho looked at it.)
"Boy, show the gentleman to roosa:
It was the day after the elect!.
tTkicmgo Tribune
It im all very well to pay as yon
go r but if you have no baggage the
hot l proprietor would rather you
vot Ud, oav whoa rou arrive.
The American Board bow oecav
pies L00O centers of evangelical ia
luettce. and 121274 was oswtribated
last: war by native Christiaas la thsa4
civet sn folds.
-laenosejiuiiour Society af'
see r.-esyierxaa caurcn, Mrs. Jaaws,
afKer York. preaideaU has eae Itsa-'
sired ti-sialag schools aad tea
aekoolti amaar the ladisas ami
aoaa sma waiter .at ae fesjha.
tarns aad $170,000 astsa'assm
ahead Wtee legatses of the lass iar
"fhATsirWerth totha sjatsmTdatj
of Owens College, Manchester, En
gland, for tho erection of a hospital,
'together with $5,000 a year toward its
Many a man sits in his pew on
Sunday night and sings "Rock of
Ages" and rolls up his eyes very
piously, who, on coming out at the
close of the service, shuts tho pew
door and says " Good-bye. religion. I ,
will be back next Sunday!" T. De Witt
Talmage. S
A London minister lately had
notices printed that he would preach
on ",;:.?: He too as ms
text: " Stand thou still awhile," and
announced his subject as "The Pauses
of Life." If ho had only paused
awhile perhaps he might not have
made such a ridiculous announcemept
of a good theme. Christian Inquirer.
England, with a population of 26,
000.000, had under 5.500 students at
her universities in 188'i. Germany,
with a population of 45.-J50.000. had
'over 24,000 university students. That
same year tho United States, with a
population of GO.000.000. had 66.437
students in colleges, 4.921 in schools of
theology, 3,079 in law schools, and
15.151 in medical schools; total, 89.
688. Thero are 315 collages in tho
United States. They have 830 in
structors and 25.40S students in tho
preparatory departments, and 3,890
instructors and 31.5G5 students in tho
collegiate departments. Tho total
number derived from productive funds
is f2.73C.589. Tho tuition fees auiount
to f 1,568,433 annually. Tho total valuo
of collegiate grounds, buildings and
apparatus is $13,565,413.
A wealthy man. whoso identity is
not disclosed, has suhucribed $300,000
for tho establishment of a Christian
university at Nanking, China. Mr.
Arthington, of Leeds, Eng.. has offered
$75,000 for tho beginning of mission
work among the Indian tribes in tho
valley of tho Amazon. A single donor
has sent $27,500 to the English Church
Missionary Society. Mrs. Elizabeth
Thompson, of Boston, spends all hor
income of $50,000 a year in charity
except what is barely sullicient to en
able her to live plainly. Kichawjc.
A. Style of Agriculture. Which Witt Never
T He Very ProNtable.
Too many farmers count the total
area of their acreage rather than tho
average producing value of the land.
No one ever made this dillusivo stylo
of farming very profitable. It would
pay far better in tho end to concen
trate means and energy within narrow
limits, rather than acquire, a number
of acres to be half tilled. Again, tlte
farmer in putting out man tiro gener
ally spreads it over too much territory.
A near neighbor sowed to wheat thir
teen acres of uniform soil; twelve
acres in his usual way well plowed,
harrowed level and the teed harrowed
in. 1'he other-acro was well broken,
and six tons of manure broadcasted
and thoroughly incorporated with tho
soil. In doing this the surface beenmo
in lino condition. This acre yielded
22J bushels; tho twelve acres returned
only C bushels per acre. Tito grain
on the one acre cost forty-live cent
per bushel; on the twelve acres, sixty
live cents per bushel. Yet with all tho
ovidence in favor of high culture wo
still spread ourselves thinly over
broad acres. It should bo the motto
of every farmer to make tho most of
each foot of land, and to nccumulato
all the manure he can -and use it to tho
best advantage. Much space, always
very rich, around PUibles. barns and
fences, is allotted to intruding under
brush or debris, or given up to un
sightly weeds. Learn neatness, care
fulness and economy in the use of land.
Make moro money with less labor.
Thomas D. liaird, in S. Y. Tribune.
Advice to an Ar.piring Poet.
Never write a poem beginning Abou
Bon any thing.
Keep your hair cut.
uon i writo poetry times you are
forced to do so, either by hunger or
tho enthusiasm of your muse.
Do not be cast down becauso you re
ccrvo $2.50 instead of $250 for your
first effort.
If possible, avoid rhyming "Casta
net" with "pianoforte." "frolic" with
"cow-lick" or " Niagara" wiflivTip
pcrary." Don't call on the editor any oftoncr
than yon can help, and don't feel hurt
if he says lie's out. He frequently
says that without meaning It,
Never dojpise work that comes your
way unsol'.clted. Writing advertise
ments is a profitablo vocation, they are
sure to br printed and are much more
popular v.-ith the masses than odes.
sonnets o r French forms.
It is a bad 'plan to copy one of By
ron's shorter poems and sign your
name to i t.
If yott have three sections to your
namo con nect tho last two by means of
a hyphen and cast the first to tho winds.
if you wish to. bnt do not try to gain
admission to tho -uthor Club on the
strength, of thia proceeding alone.
Hew the HaatMewt MmnIwM Way Al
ways Have a t .Mractlv TaMe.
A pleasant dinicf -room 1 an attrac
tion which every home should pos
sess. It is in it tha t the family should
assemble three or f rur times each day.
and it should be the brightest room la
the house. The t le. furniture and
entire apartsaant i .hould be scrupu
lously neat and erdet rly, while it should
bo the desire of evw ry housekeeper to
contribute to the cm, ifort and health,
as well as tho taws of her faatiry ia
Jao arraagecncBt m id preparatiow of
wvury BMaL Taw tbie cloth shoal
he ssfotlrea at id f no. and aa sbs-
eotcr of ttdck cloth hweJ4 bo
tho taht 'e. as it gives a
vior. ssaooth er a ppearaace to the
Napkias should he &
aa 1 a ooald never Its
Th . liaha -w '- W am 8
. ' - -
kept asd free frees tseks, the glees
asm stiver atwi sye a rightly
Pmw srleea aa4 c Bias de set
y as the et earn
eelf. ifcarefai-
an d a
tha a e
er Chios t hat has
, WWVB W kO,
a - a
fy haadled.
tesjAemtias ftamsjjld, hat
washed with soap or rubbed wKa a
Atdiaiagsor eatertainmeata a
name&t is so pretty aad attractlvaaa
the table as aataral towers. Bestee
mo niaa aheaM be elaced as aaaaj
knives, forks aad spoons aa will ha
ceded, a ,'flass, lor waier.
where wiBe is used, wlae-gl
set. near each elate. The
plainly andaeatiy folded. Is pi
mrfe niatn aad hetwaea it a sej
piece of bread. All plates required far
tho meal are set out ready. o at w
msoid confusion, which, either in faaal
ry or company dinners,' is ia very had
At breakfast' the tea and coffee are
usually set before the saistres. wtth
cream, sugar, caps aad aaucer. Fee
family use or small eatertainaasata.
ono caster is suficient. Butter is put ia
twoaunaU butter dishes, or individual
dishes, with lumps of ice. Honey or
sirup is aorved in aaucer. Diaing
room chairs should be of equal height,
and the tabic thoeld he firm and solid.
If linger bowls are usvd. they are
passed after the pastry with a doily
between tho bowl and. plate.
To clear the taofe neatly aner
meals, and property wash the dishes,
i a very important item of household
work. for. if carelesaly done, great
annoyance aadf disorder will roliew.
Unless the housekeeper has a very
reliable servant, her assistance aad
supervision will bo necessary. As sooa
as a meal is over the fragments should
all be gathered up and tho plates care
fully scraped; tho crumba should be
lightly brushed aeido until tho dishes
are put away, then they can be takes
up in the dust-pan. To wash the
dishes, have clean water in the diah
pan. First, the nilver should be
washed without soap, and dried on aa
old soft towel, after which soap may
be used in the dishwater. Then the
glasses, cups and saucer should be
washed, rinsed aad wiped, leaving tho
greasy articles until tho last, when
moro hot water should be used and
plenty of soap. Plenty of clean dish
cloths and tea towels should be kept;
those for thedlning-rooat should sever
bo used in the kitchen, coarser.
stronger ones being needed in the lat
ter department. A dish mop for wash
ing small articles will bo found eos
venicnt. By attention to these rules for tho
management of tho dining-room, aed
tho exercise of good judgment, the
humblest household may always have
a pleasant dining-room and an ele
gant, attractive table, which will ex
ercise a refining Innaenoo over the
family. Taste may be displayed ia
tho cottage-of tho poor, as well as the
mansion of the rich, the great secret
of good housekeeping being strict at
tention to e'cry little thing that caa
in tho slightest degree costribste te
tho comfort and pleasure of tho family.
Tho unselfish lovo of tho wife asd
mother will always accomplish this
end. if properly guided. LeuisvitU
Sheep Trouble and Remedies.
When sheep are compelled to live is
a-dirty yard or. wet pasture they have
foot-rotor what is called with osstle,
"fouls." To effect a euro, after trim
ming the edges of the hoof and wash
ing tho root clean with salt and water,
put in some powdered bluo vitriol
while tho foot Is wet. or if dry
pine tar. A dry upland pastui
alwavs be at the command of
"gulden-hoof." although a run ia lew
lot is favorable in time of drosth.
Sheep are also troubled with parasites
in tho form of scab. This can be
cured by a wash of tobacco water ia
which is a little turpentine. A good
plan is-to scrub or dip the sheep after
shearing. The tick or sheep lousoeaa
bo destroyed also by tobacco. This is
ono of the best u.cs the plant can be
put to. Tho lnuo i somewhat like a
miniature lob-tor. crab, box turtleaad
potato hue. Sulphur is good as rec
ommended, as it sweat to the surface
and roots of tho wool and the parasites
take It in th:lr food and dlo young.
Farm and How.
According to Alphone Daudet lit
erary people, as a rule, hare a horror
of music LccontQ de Lisle aad Bee
villc share this opinion. Tho moment
a piano opens Gonoourt frowns Zola
is of much the samo way of thlakiag.
Daudet alone, among his especial ee
touragc. loves music madly.
Tho King of Slam recently donates
$250,000 to Baptist missions.
Water Curtains for Theater.
And now comes another ides for a
firo proof curtain for theaters this
time from Swedes. It is InUrsstlag.
as being suited for old theaters w!
construction will not sustain
weight of iroa curtalaa. The chief of
the tire brigade la the city of rfVmf.
Uerr O. Berggrea. has eositructed a
fire-proof curtain for a theater, which
ha calls a "water curtaia." It esa
s 1st of two sheets of canvas, steeped
In a fire-proof coaposad. joined to
gether at the bottom aad sides la each
a manner as to leave a fair speee Be
tween, with water aaias ruaalag te
tho top. aed whea fire break est. aad
the water beiag tarsed es. the lSBSf
vcnlng space becomes SHed with
water, forming a solid wall of
between the sediesce aad tho
Lately, experiaseats were carried est
with the curtaia in aa Improvised
structure ia Maimo. ia the yreseaea of
the officials of the leva, architects aad
otfaef. whea s pile of fagget-wesi
was heaped sp agsisst the curtaia aad
set fire to, but the games made so im
pression oa it. eves when petressasa
was poured spes the f re. Alssey (at.
V.) Argu. j
ai i
Vandyke Camelthalr (artist) "I1
charge fifty dollars mere for the'
idealistic portrait thaa for the re-J
aliatie portrait. It ie each a strata j
upos the serves te iaWfo. aad or I
the er the-I-ah. it is so dJasfaH
to catch the iaeermeet expreasaea of
the seel, as it ware that I
' Mrs. Wewrieh-"Oh. that' afl
(Late of
Nebraska State
At the Holland
Hacker & Parker,
Keep the finest 'ine of
Teas and Coffees
In the City.
Call and examine our bargains. Correspond
ence solicited.
Optra House Block
c. sc
Collections, Taxes Paid, &c.
Office with the County Judge, Moon Block
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Mrs. F. Newhostfte
t atstre a choke in of Drtssi Gooda itfi ttitamhti u
sajlrh, aWtton. Vra4a Fiiotji. UosmK ToLi&iti, lUtv
hug. tor. ail kiavk of WhUm itimmifp. HrUrj. GIov
MJttrthi, Udk Uadenrejjr. Yanaw. aWat HsiMkrhi. Uc
CfsTtAlaV. AUof tls ttTwWttlssf ss4d mt At til Yasyy
Snl! .
and Surgical Institute !
House, Monday,
28, 1889.
Red Cloud
,. V
I - ?Cva -sg-y.y-j