The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 11, 1889, Image 5

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,."MP Jl rf' ??'-T
-. j, .. . . -, ,
i x u
USr i' V-
v T jBfjt ,Ha?aBam yiwrwa -
? r
rj -
H' -. v
wci-:j. H. F
v -
Ot A V .
r- . . aa-a..
. .!?,
Smtnvwaitttne city this
Q" strike which has
ety 1
absolutely Pure.
f . .
fr neter vails. Manel ol pure
I lt)4 wholesomcnes, more ecouomiwu
oadinary kind and cannot Ins sold in
a with tha multitudes ol low test short
(aii4or)bo8ptaal powaors. Sold only
$ 106 Wall street. N.Y ottv.
fl!l$Cti g'Joud glUtf.
bllsiet eerj' Friday morning from the offic
iiiina woon ijiock, jvcu viuu, ....
ithf 1
Farm Loana.
itirest from 0 to 1U
ieframlto7 years.
esfsnte. w,.daukbk.
per cent.
Ca'l . and
thsred U r Chief merlcrs 1st
ilal Afcoat Clly CoHBlr..
: Frank Dickcrson has been in Smith
nUr for a week or so.
,!.& McNitt is in Lincoln settling
i tne state treasurer.
Tie mother of Mrs. A. II. Jester
is ;;oie to Ohio on a visit
Tlif ia the week of prayer and
eatves have been in progress even?
TheWatkns bojs have siiq uieir
pjrat Indianola and will start a
tirit Hastings.
Job Myers has purchased an in
the Democrat. The new
will be Ward & M vers.
hi matrimonial maiket is quiet
fihn. however wc have reecivcu
i. . ? : t t- !. lnct
qotations or inquiries ju m
ir days.
)lis. N. Yclton, on her way to
lin, stopped over onoay in tue
in wttb-to visit her sister
W Vllwaa I 1 1
. .., n.. anw. g-u-
eases oi vainer va viaw;o ."-
it ufury was the subject of suit, was
...taV.1 nrt -iTir onmnrnmisO basis
01 IBI.U UU i.MW. - -WW
t'iks veek in Judge Swcczy'4 court.
S. F. Dickinson, of Newton
Tl.n l,nnk .nd. 'ladder ttaek has ar-
xivcd. .-
Orsrors at Ernstelsca's. Be"-,
brands kept.
Nats, fresh eandicf, etc., 1 kepi at
Ernst Welsh's.
O. II Marvatt, of Del NorteX Col.,
rjs m the city.
1 V . m-w m
WE. Uailey.of Kansas vityj was
in Jied Cloud, this week.
Cot voitr Trail at tho Farmers Kat
. j
iur liou'e. K. Wclsch.
Mnnov to loan at a liviac rateff of
intcrestby D. M. Flatt '
II. W. Bedell and wife are in the
city visiting with L. H. Fort and
family. )
Mrs. A. O. Berg has returned
heme, and now Andy smiles all over
his face.
Sleeper Bros, feed mill will be
ready to grind ou Monday, the 14th,
at lied Cloud.
F. Bradbrook, our Moo block
rhotocranhcr. has been on the sick
list this week.
Take your corn and oats to Sleeper
3ros., Red Cloud to be ground. Satis-
'faction guaranteed.
The Chautauqua circle will meet
with Mrs. Frank Taylor on Tuesday
evening, January 15th; :
Judge Gaslin arrived in the city on
Thursday morning to convene the
district court which will pjrobably last
about ten days. -
The board of supervisors should
make strenuous efforts to -get the new
$10,000 jail under construction ae
soon as possible.
The county supervisors had to
change their place of meeting to the
county judge's offioe to make room
for tne district court.
Hutchinson & Edgell have added
to tbeir already complete lonsorial
parlors a handsome shaving ease that
holds seventy-five mugs.
Mr. Johnson, the gentleman who
took possession of the Chicago store
after its failure some months ago, was
in tho city the other day.
Mrs. James Ducker and daughter,
who havo been visitinn . here for the
past three months, have gone to Cal
ifornia for au extended visit.
Wc have refitted and put up our
.,.,: n and food mill and invite vou
ji wif,i-- - - -
v kivo ua a ca wnen yu waB
amount ox mine).
Ily nettled. The strikers
of employment lor ten
lave virtually been dc-
icavv exoense to the
We arc glad that thi
:n amicably settled and
a mt aMatrleta atetlUa
Mfee Mate Awpartlai
Aait. No.
.$113 50
...45 33 4
i. ....... . i"t-J
7 2S 8
9 43 39
11 IS 2G
13....... .31 49
........ o. -
17. ......4S GS
20 35 45
$421 &
...24 22
G . o H
8 3."t 4a
10 23 S5
H 53 07
14 4 !
1G 35 76
18 39 42
21 21 J)H
a. Editob:
With yonr pcrml5ion I wo:4liKe
make a few su.'?e.Uon- in rcgarU
Iho statntes' of eorsk- The of-
ace of township treasurer a it is nor
conducted, is altaOit an office without
fucctions, and it is difficult to obtain
-. first-clas maa who will serve in that
capacity. The office at present i;oe.
bescing, or is filled by inferior men.
', ' 4' "" "
- - .fTny.k
will be able o get back o2 28 84 24 35 85 I say this witnout meaning any . au,.
- ? ! o "741 . l, wnrtTiv triMi. who. in a spirit ol
:.. ...... .- -" ' --1 "- "".j 1 ' .,
28 3'J 4Z
supervisors decided to
or near Red Cloud, said
contain accommodations
knee of the jailor. The
tilt of brick, with Btone
md steps. The cost not
10,000. The committee
id to look up the location
other preliminaries in re-
i matter, and present their
le board at tne aojuurucu
January 22d, 1889,
lcxation fever is gaming
idly in Canada, and it may
: than a score of years bc-
tadian provinces are cor
r he protecting folds of
can flag. If Canada wants
let her join Uncle Sam's
and the country that is
ridden by an extravagant,
d lot of worthless officials
fbhaken off the barnacles and
air of prosperity and pro-
has never been known un-
rescnt regime.
27 28 18
29 50 67
31 ....... .Go
33 2G 20
35 43 39
3 1 . . ...... 3o t
19 l 57
41 29 50
43 29 50
46 26 20
AQ ft 0
50 43 39
52 22 23
54 41 41
56 43 39
J ........ Ov ".
61 33 47
tS ........ tio o 1
65 33 47
68 46 70
70 33 47
72 30 17
74 186 24
76 42 07
82 28 18 83 33 77
Total, 13386 64
Fractional Remainder.. 29
Total 33S6 93
Eva "J. Kino,
. County Supt.
23 18
....41 41
....2J 20
....40 03
32 15
I0 o
44 05
45 42 73
47 12 11
49 31 49
51 29 50
53 44 05
53 33 47
60 44 71
G2 ....... .31 iJ
64 ....... .32 15
66 . . .. . .32 81
69 30 83
... tn nr
4 1 - v
73 81 4i
75 28 85
77 29 51
..36 12 79 8 81
..30 17 81 23 55
Golden Eagle
jifi, who woh recently called to the
l.lI...;nn1 ohnrAh of this citv
t r:::t: : '
Tilrprcaon nexi sauoaiu uiuhiuS u
Miss King, ur efficient county
jHerintcndent, is teaching in the
few days, in the
a itm
of tie
55 . X
t. o
.18 1
Hh schools for a few days,
e of Miss Thomas who 13 reported
c quite sick at Alma.
i 1 1"T ..U a Vaah waii
( xno VOWiea iieraiu una mtu"""
i 4 a. l -.- nf n Mr
unuer inc uibubjjciuwm ...
npvrntt, who aanoanccs that the
Herald will be a clean cut local paper
without politics. - Good.
IThnei. aav-iackers who micrato into
Faiounty and begin to find fault- with
tie management of county affairs
atarcely before tney are oiu cuouga iu
4tc, should beware and at least have
a! shadow of truth on their side.
I (lustavc Bartsch, accd 17 years, a
k ' wlative of Ernst Welsch. died last
Sunday morning after a brief illness.
rho young man was quite well kuown
in Red Cloud. The funeral o:currcd
bn Monday and was largely attended
lty our citizens.
The criminal case of Berry vs Fcn
Jnell, on the complaint of running off
land disposing of mortgaged property,
i resulted in binding Fennell over to
the district court in the sum ol Ju.
m ! : .- .m!n.t!nti waa bri
rne rreuniiuBr, !. --
I before Judge Swcezy.
Oa last Saturday U. S. court offi
cers were in the city serving notices
., n M .1 MSlK.n Ta outrun.
on tne iwu uu M"a -"j"--in-
that company from disposing of
any of its property. In c-nsequencc
the mills have been closed until a
hearing can be had iu the. United
States court.
J.-4I. Bailey has made one f te
cst connty clerks that has presided
nvtr the archievos of derieal de
partment of the connty. He nas
been faithful, and we believe has per
formed his dnty honestly 4nd in m
MrefuUnd businesslike manner as it
is possible for any man to c. He in
carcf nl omecr and gnama we
of the eennty with a jealemw eye. He
k.. mmIa a tew crren w -
ministration of the tiee ef
clerk. bat believe that be
tewcrmuetekee tbnn nnj ef
liaat entiee eenM jbtWM im
they bave c. &$
Sleeper Bros., Red Cloud.
Arthur L. Reeve, of Jewell county,
Kincia nml "Ronnio Webb, of Salem.
Iowa, were joined in matriage by Rev.itji
Falkcnburir. on the 9th inst in thini
.1 -T l)niLrr will move into
A?s.iint. now nnarfcerfl lodav. the TOOM
recently occupied by the post office?
This is decididly the finest loc.KfJ
in tlie city. W
The people of the south side of the
river who desire to holp fix up the af
proach to the river bridge are request I j
cd to meet there next Tuesday far ,
that purpose.
Tim nmotinirs at the M. E. chmrOW
thib week are well attended, and
good interest is manifested, iter.
Falkenburg is conducting the ser
vices, which will continue this week
and possibly longer.
The ladies of the Congregational
Aid Society will give a geographieui
social on Tuesday evening next at b
residence of Mrs. Jos. Graves, e
frohments served. Admission $t
cents. All are invited.
legislature is tbo source
jbbnry in a nice way. fcvery
has some ax to grind, and
rewards for faithful service
;his election, and the state
I has to suffer to further that
is an open fact that men are
:rkships of committees, the
rhich is not less than $250
jot have an iota of work to do
the whole session but draw
Irrant. It is about time mat
lc get a rest from burdensome
which only goes to further
Worthless hireling's pocket book
itical favors.
maha Bee and other state pa
calling loudly upon our leg-
to promulgate to the people
commonwealth a more
t banking law. It is an ob&o-
t that private banking institu-
ave hardly, if any. supervision
tc officials, while a national
s inspected at least five times a
by the government. A bw
be made that would give the
power to examine incse ins-.,iiu-
at will besides rompclling them
lish reports of their business
f law stands a depositor does not
whether a private bank has a
in ca-h or a million eu hind
ricent latlure ol private nanus
empty vaults should be a warn
o our legislatures.
The new board of supervisors or
ganized for the jear 1889 on last
Tuesday by electing Geo. W. Hum
mell chairman. The board is made
up of representative men as .a general
thing, men who have had years of
ripe experience In matters of business
and if we mistake not will give the
county good service during the coming
year. Nine of the old members of
the last board are on the present
board aw follows: W. II. Barcus, L.
D. Thomas, Geo. E. Cbon, G. W.
Hummcll, A. U. Kaley, los. Garber,
J. L. Frame, G. P. Cath'rand S. S.
Wells. The new member arc l
McCallum, Jas. Groves, W. C. Laird,
J. Martin, T. G. Wilder, M. W.
Dickerson, Isaac Fish, E. II. Jones,
S. llcaton, niuc in all. The members
are decidedly abli to take care of the
business of the county.
Report of school in Polnicky dis
trict, No 26 for month ending Dec.
21st, 1SSS. No. enrolled 2S, average
attendance 16. Those who have not
been absent r tardy during the
month are: Emma Polnicky. Mary
Sidlo. Lizzie Si'Mo, Bertha Hieler,
Henry Bielcr, Alex Buckles, Joseph
Sidlo, Joseph Varicka. Those not
absent during the term, Emma Pol
nicky. Jas. J. Locuran,
The Andrews Opera Co. held Jhi
boards.4tr.vWcdncsdav night tj?'M
oncra housed Itis'a fine company ir ll1
. . . . -. . ..?-'
compdcfo, leading artists, llf-
first claaitCf Tne n0UM WM e0,,
with appreciative audience. r ;
n X' ri:- nM. Ali1 ValrBBan -r ail
IT. n. VJttuv, aii -- f"
lrr far nlifnrnia some monthf-a
r. n of his wife's heal
has returned, .she having did j
thrco weeks ago. Her bodyji
hmimiit ta Clav conatv whe
Wl""" ""a W
was bnrried.
hile Tiik Chief does not care to
ar on the "cranky role," yet it de-
to lift its voice on this occasion
vor of that class of people wao
c to have an amendment on the
ibition question submitted to the
rs of the state. The republican
yhas agreed to do this several
s and through divers methods the
udracnt has been defeated by dc-
ing politicians and people who dc-
to sec the movement blocked.
e Chief believes in the minority
well as the majority having their
hts, and if the temperance people
ire to vote on a prohibition amend-
nt to the constitution they should
doubtcdly be given the privilege to
so. There is nothing to be gained
the advocates of high license ob-
ucting the will of the people on
is subject. While The Cuiep does
t believe in prohibition as the great
uacca for the removal of the causes
intemperance, yet it believes in the
ople having their rights. The ver-
ict of the people, whether it be for
r aaint prohibition, should be rc-
pected, and the weak as well as the
trong should be protected in their
ihts, guarar.tced under the cvnsti-ution.
We hereby extend our heartfelt
thanks to the kind people of Hcd
Cloud, who so generally aided us dur
ing the sickness of our nephew, Gus
tave Bartsch, and especially to the
pall bearers. Their kindness will
never be forgotten.
Er.nst Welsch and wife.
For 60 Dafa,
Tne Chief has decided to extend
the time 60 days further before raising
the price to $1.50. Therefore, all
those who wish to get the paper for
II should call in by the 15th of March
at the latest, t which time we shall
positively raise the price to $1 50.
A. C. Hosmer. Prop.
jvoftox, at.aas.i9.
Nice weather for January . 1
Mr. Humbert had a dance on New
Mr. Hamer is still on -the sick list.
Geo. Mountford is cuttinc stalks
ready for croping in the spring also
H. Steffen.
Our school ma'am gave an oyster
supper to her youflg friends. All
had a good time.
Bro. Williamson will preach at
Orio next Sunday and will run a
week's meeting. All arc invitee.
self-sacrifice, arc filliug office, calling
for a $5,000 lond, in which, from $50
to $1,000. is received and disbursed
annually, at 3 per cent; which is all
the law allows, making a salary of
from $1.50 to $30. The county clerk,
in counties under township organiza
tion, is obliged to make out a dupli
cate tax list, for each township. In
some counties the clerk receires 4
cents per line for the duplicate, the
same as for the original tax list. In
others (and Webster county is one of
them,) he receives nothing for the
duplicate. In this county, I think
only one township collector, took out
a tax book last year, though duplicates
were made out for all. The conven
tion of delegates elected by county
boards of counties under towuship or
ganization, held at Columbus, Platte
county, on Nov. 20th and 21st, sug
gested some excellent amendments in
regard township laws, one of which is
that each township collector take out
tax books on or before the 15th of
November, each year, and collect all
personal taxes and as much of the
land taxes as possible and return to
the county treasurer, on the 15th of
the ensuing September, for collection
by him, all delinquent land taxes.
All state and county taxes to bo paid
into the county treasury, and all
township and district school taxes to
be retained in the township treasury.
In this way the office will bo a paying
one, and will secure the best talent.
I suggest that the school laws be so
amend jd as to abolish the office of
district treasurer, and let the district
school hoard consist of three directors
whose powers and duties shall be the
same, except that the board shall ap
point one of their number as clerk.
Let the said district board draw all
orders on the township treasurer for
school money, and credit his accounts
annually, or oftoncr if they deem it
nccc?sary. Let all state apportion
ments of school fund be paid by the
county treasurer, to the township
treasurer. T.) make it agreeable to
ill interested, the township treaurer
should reside in a part of the
township, as nearly as practicable.
However, the tatcr will take t li
point into consideration. The office
nf ii;trirt treasurer is not needed. It
is burdensome o the treasurer, as he
is obliged to give a heavy bond, in
some cases even in county districts as
high as $1,500. He is expected to
draw from tho county treasury, in
person, and disburse all infney be
longing to his district. In many
schools, teachers draw their pay
monthly, which causes the treasurer
to travel, in some cases. 20 or 30
miles from home, in all kinds of
weather, to the county scat, cery 30
days, without pay, or the teacher
be put to the inconvcnicn:c of writing
for his money. herea, if the school
money was in tho township treasury,
the district board could give the
teacher an order on the town trcssur
cr, on Friday evening st th expira
tion of each month, and he could
draw his money the same evening,
nnrl Bnpnil it all the next day. Mow
-- t '
convenient. Then if he wi not in
.!... ho could start even with the
: Clothing Store I.
Overcoats I
Although having but very few on
hand will close them out
Morhart & Fulton's Old Stand, Webster Ft , Ucd Cloud, Neb.
Fine rigs, good horses, board by day or week. Your patronage eeliei
cd. Don't forget the plaee, side of Wcb-itcr
street, Cloud.
Drugs and Medicines
Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery,
Books, Etc.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska,
Public Sale!
Thursday, January 17th, 1S50, at
10 o'clock, a. m., the undersigned will
cll at public auction at his residence
- - tr
Tho trial of John Holi, aiteMN i
ovina most of Saturday afternofer jjj
Judge Swceay's court, ended inrb i
ing tl young man over to the to
.,u nf Jndcra Uasltn. Tntf ci
4CIVU0 w - -
room was literally crowded wi
. U. ... ltj -aHf r f
pie tagcr v " ....
R... C.e. W.iJtiematell U
first elaas anneleeTlmt is
At the installation of thu officer of
ucd t ioua Lou::
i ,iav
J. K. Ja:ksoa ha moved to
township and hool !. If thw i
town, .published 1 will next give wy v;c
. . mat I 1 T
A. (). U. W. Tues ' "c occupies the house Owned by .Mrs n regard to a proper town ooara.
evening last- The wives of the ' France. ) -tak.
.numbers invaded the hall and invited , " . Gibson is in Lawrence. ,
I xtr.- e l. . 1 .UA-
.iis cewc. u uwiviuv. '
ith friends here the -first of the
. . .;.-. i.j r!..j -
world the following Monday morning. . aues soutnwes. o. u .. . v .
Itwoullsavc the trouble an annoj-1 section 21, town 1, range 1., in bal
ance of the district treasurer giving a! nut creek town.hip, ten head of cattle
bond, and of going to the county eit 'described a. follows: 6 three year
on purpose to draw money, of which sola nciicrs. i iuui .. .- w, .-
he dares not spend a cent, for there is 'yearling h-ifers, 1 re.rh.g ste.r.
severe penalty for him to use for Also 1 thoroughbred Berkshire ww
himself, the school funds, and it ; and six pig-, 1 Buckeye lower almou
nald save the teacher the delay of, new, 1 re per, 1 iron Tnrbme wind
awaiting the convenience of the dw- mill, harrow, calti-ators, and other
.... e :.. iMnUmrnll. 2 haT r.t"tSt.
trict treasurer, to say noining p. an- jhi6 r- ' ,
avoidable delays, caused by sickne-'a portion of thekitehen fcrnitare, Ac.
or death. Let u, have better law Ttns.-A credit of tn month. jrill
las better adtc-l to oa- ; be given on .11 o-r $ with IU'umcfir.rfi ina ei-riii- in.i , .- . .
V..V.V.." , ,- ,.
5pi cm! rt etn on l'inoa end
orjran ti'ui.n lv l'ino "old fof
cah or " M'l1y pymccw cottlnf
lc tbH $1 it day Otzn aohl el
rate Ui nui c utoncr.
tikox J. !U;i.T, Afl
- i m iii.
Nc line of Sor pl. Te for
decoration and Matiea?ry jest recleT
cd at Henry CooV',
H 1 m- 1. -' a. aat
iity. ua: unuer tJ ". "
cent oS for cib in hand.
Lzw HcxMr.t.u
At Uf ci
.v Ajafafafg
Tv, tri
ly a very popular
ixatton of the neat one, y
was elected ehaittaan eft
and so well did he fetiWai
ef Unt jne waai
with na
one eft
tUt tne MfMTieetn did
1 the lodce to uiper which Was srtrcad
in the bamuet halt, anil finer spread wl
has not been made, to which all did jwcek.
ju-ticc. After supicr the ladies were I'ctcr Uill has moved to L. C. Gil
invited into the lodge room and wit-lrl8 fanB bch was rcntly vacated
nessed the instalat?on hv D. G. M ! 5 r- Jackson.
The cheapest corscU
Mr. Markcll's.
hi town at
For Sale.
rrt .wii.
Notice is herebv given thit the ds-
i.:-i i-rtwri of Webster eoaatr. -
.- - j
braska, hat been adjmTnd'tr-e4
irKrtfT 15th. 1&S9. at 19 o'clock a.
ytA alirrala
Anjl6dj n eMcb a fold thla kind
of weather Tlie f?oq!to i ta let in,
like th man IU rajght tins )af
W v"t wtr r'4ct" f p'haae cf
II f r Ca a W.; V vf ranu A14a, U
..irtiia K'm; ti 0tinn;tk)ea
Atba, YirrnHtUi Cnvgh 4 VrrmP
Cit. ri Vpitj4ndy. Tm p!a
itc: u ;a- twt tl lth t thafrta
fs - - . rW i to tKt!
n 2 $?'J) AiUim-K ft.ft!ar
itw immm- -vb l.i'f- Tin Cat tergal
nr '- titli.i hy it hraHaw
vl ;' . istfil. Give ft
tnl jnx tsnb trraUntat tlAO ny
mift JO
A cood two seated spring waon M- at which term cf cowrt the jwry
j with top. Also some farm machinery 'drawn Ur the Jannty m will il.J
,lliShl.nd. assisted bv J. A. Tulle3S W. A. Ilonejentt. brother of the p. e a -'- PF "' " 1,''''
, , . utit-jj j j j Mabksll. ioaraed term d frC cfinrt t-wit,
,s6. G. of the following officers: iltor of thc C01" Ha,,1 ta:tcad-, ,i? ,'.t. f-
li., f. ti r t-j. .. . ,r . ;.. vt - . . . -., reoraary cm, -. . .
k (, ... m. x una; master, u. "' " -"- jc B,aBet K.aret pnr paiu xor , j j Font,
am larnwpr' a-ivMawawfat ' vbv.. m a-r avavi bib w ibi '? aui: in-na liaa, r . .- & . a v
... -...--., .V.WO..O, .,. caioru; ri "jtntter ane ergt. live taracy- iu
the week or prayer at tne --lellekeat the Wcntern Senthem
-nnehwitagoodre!t.. Mercantile Affectation. Red Cicnd,
The Cowlcs school opened last
Yljr pjt. bf v,i kti at Henry
fe Orcnocr. M
, ,
B. NeNitt; Recorder,
O. B, Downs, Finaecier, 1. F. Redd;
fir Ike neejer ef tmnmmmat t
.Heceivci, A. J Keener: Galde. 31.
II. "Warner; I. W . J ( Keanedv- O Monday with the -me teacher nad
-. . .
' . r. ar. nam
Mercantile Affectation.
OerklitrietrrTt t
9mw i.
Tw Kit ad viiax, fg far sale
f fjiiT5 f VA. A. i'orawje.
Old vj,jrr rr rase, tie takes
in t Ur tiawar at Aden Her-
elected medical examiner.
cu it. f'amercll wasi
GebMri. Maraferrejain. l'j.
KememWrtkls. that P. Barklej
'win smtnwnlane amenat ol nref
... ? .i:..t.J ani ia mW ta.
at. ierfirJ kt:Aadsa The mat tunshtcnaz sale t IU1 mJ . - - - i
Cemmanieu servieee will he htli at going en
ItheCengreratienelehtren nxt Sa
at tungatcnas saie is tu ; -
Pile tfjpedearefeHn Urn tW neefle nitfc pwr. rivtr iee
a : . ... m-i.. f iaaM4 n ersH irt: uen w er-
b Bfri Barm a a bbi n aar aaai " -
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Bslk ojiters at Jet
Estra lt pm
Ktiri la ,ffrt Jr.
Tiieyr J4
raj, rtr.. t ?wlrt
e Itnewtc fee tmt
S5j.. A. "