The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 11, 1889, Image 4

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rings ot the Board of Supervisors
January 8th, 9th and I Oth.
ard called to order by G. W. Ham-
el. Present, McCallom, Barcas,
Groves, Laird, Martin, Thomas. Wil
der, Coon. Dickerson, Kaley, Garbcr,
Frame, Fish, Wells, Cathcr, Jones,
On motion G. W. Hummel was elect
ed temporary chairman.
On motion a committee on. creden
tials was appointed, consisting of D.
If cCallum, Geo. B. Cither and Jotham
Martin. Committee to be governed by
vtke certificate of the county judges,
Board now adjourned until 1 o'clock.
Board met committee on credcnrfectve deeds &c. approred arid order-
IMUS maaeineir report u prcwuuay
the certificate of the county jui'ge;
showing that he following supervisors
had filed their bonds iand the same had
been duly approved entitling them to a
seat as members of the board of 1889:
J). McCallum, Guide Rock Township.
W. H. Barcus Beaver Creek
James Groves, Stillwater "
W. C, Laird, Oak Creek
Jotham Martin, Potsdam "
L. D. Thomas, Elm Creek
T. G. Wilder, Pleasand Hill
Geo, , Coon, Garfield
G. W. Hummel, Line
M. F. Dickerson, Red Cloud city 1st
A. H. Kaley, Red 2nd ward
Jos. Garbcr, Red Cloud Township. '
J. L, Frame, Batin
Isaac Fish, Glen wood "
S. S. Wells, Harmony
Geo. P. Cather, Cathcrton
E. H. Jones, Inavalo
Samuel Heaton. Walnut Crcekj "
Certificate of the county judge, was
approved by the board.
The board proceeded to'the clcctiqn
of a permanent chairman, which resul
ted in the selection of G. W. Hummel,
by a vote of 12 to 8. ,.
The minutes of last meeting were
read and approved. '
On motion the chairman was.. in
structed to appoint the satnd number
of members on each committeo with
the exception ot the bridge committee,
which is to consist of three members
instead of five as in 1888.
On motion G. W. Hummel was au
thorized to enter into a contract with
Joe Bennett for the keeping ' of W. 11.
Delancy for the year 1889 and make a
report to this board.
Moved that a committee of three be
appointed to examine and make a re
port as to the amount paid to the board
of supervisors for scrviscs during tho
years 188C. 1887 and 188S.
Motion lost by the following vote:
Yeas: M. W. Dickerson, A. II. Ka
ley, Jos. Garbcr, S. S. Wells. E. II.
Jones and S. Heaton. Nays: Mc
Callum, Barcus, Grooves, Laird, Thom
as, Wilder, Coon, Martin, Hummel,
Frame, Fish and Cather.
Board now adjourned until January
9, 1889, 9 o'clock a.m.
Wednesday, January 9th.
The report of the chairman on stand
ing committees for the year 1889, ap
proved by the board. Conitnittcs are
as follows:
Ways and means Garbcr, Wilder
and Fisb.
Bills and accounts Cather, Wilder
and Jones.
Jail A. II. Kaley, Cathcr, Dickerson
Thomas and Barcus.
Settle with treasurer and clerk
Frame, Thomas and Cathcr.
County property Coon, Kaley and
Bridges Jones, Frame, Coon, Mc
Callum and Kaley.
Printing Thomas, Frame and Laird.
Rules Fish, Heaton and Garbcr.
Supplies Wilder, McCallum and
Official bonds Wells, Martin and
Roads Barcus, Laird and Grooves.
Settle with judge and sheriff Mar
tin, Laird and Wells.
Settle with old road overseers Hea
ton, Martin and Groves.
Boundaries McCallum, Coon, Wil
der, Garber, Heaton, Jones and Dick
erson. Licenses and permits Groves, Jones
aid Coon.
Milccllancoas Wells, G rover aud
Settlo with county sup' t Laird. Ka
ley and Cathcr.
On motion the committee on supplies
was ordered to purchase coal for the
F. C. Buscbow was appointed justice
of the peace for Potsdam township to
fill vacancy.
W. D. Hall was appointed constable
forGleawood township.
Oa motion it was determined that
hereafter appointments lor officers
for towaship will be made only on peti
tion from the townships.
Petition from W. M. llritton granted
askiaf the previligo ot building a
(bridge across the draw between see
tioas 6 aad 7 town S range 11.
Petitkms to lease the poor farm laid
over aatil the next meeting.
Beport of county eupcrintrndentfor
eadiagDcc. Slat 1S8S accepted
GMaialtteeon supplies instructed to
i a car load of coal from M. B.
I'Jbr 9S.S5 per ton.
Ob aKtfoa the county sttpcriatea
aat'f salary wss fixed at 1,909.
Ob BMtiuB tie report vt coaaittee
oa ibbbMbi TCQeBunendia the reject-
ieaof all TsMe, attested sat approved.
OaiacfM.M. Morjraa of $3.07 for
BMMrvfefS ttO.H.B. D.N. l,tk
draw a warrant for 1200 ornhtarn
d&r of Aoril. Julv. October 1889 Ipd
January 1st 1890 in payment of salai
ol county attorney.
On motion each county officer is to
order his own supplies for the period
of three months, claim of party sending
supplies to be sent direct to the party
ordering the same, claim to be certi
fied to by party receiving the same and
filed with the county clerk.
On motion 875.00 granted to Beaver
creek township for support of the poor.
Report ol 1). McCallum of timber
hauled from the Guide Rock bridge
accepted and approved.
Statement of the board regarding de
eg madc;a iart of the records
We the members of the county board
of supervisors of Webster county make
this statement for the information of.
and as a suggestion to the general pub
lic ol Webster county, and in justice to
our county clerks, past, present and
Wo well knowing the manner in
which the numerical index is kept, also
the manner in which the Assessment
pooks and tax lists are made up from
year to year, would say that we do not
hold our present clerk responsible for
errors made on the numerical index
prior to the time when he took charge
of the oflice, and on account of which
errors, land is being sold at the present
time for unpaid taxes, as an error made
at any time would necessarily be copied
each yearou assessment books until
discovered by accident and the atten
tion of tho clerk called to it. Our at
tention has been called to a certain
class of deeds (notably those from A.
N. Patmorc to different parties) that
are found recorded in the county clerk's
ollice, that in our opinion are defective
in description, not locating the lands
definitely, but leaving the clerk to com
plete, the direct locating ot the land
himself. Such deeds we think are not
entitled to record until corrected, but
in case they are recorded, not entitled
to entry on the numerical index, in
which case the original owner would
continue to pay taxes on the same.
The Red Cloud Republican has made
the statement that the county 'paid
Clerk Bailey in 1888 $700 lor keeping
up and correcting tho numerical index.
Such statement is not true, the clerk
having received nothing for such ser
vices. J. L. Fkamc,
D. McCallum,
James Groves,
G. W. Hummel,
L. D. Thomas,
Jotham Martin,
Isaac Fish,
W. U. Baucus,
G. P. Catjieu,
T. G. Wildek,
Silas S. Wells, W. C. Laibd,
E. II. Jones, Samuel Heaton,
Geo. E. Coon, Jos. Gakbek,
Hoard convened in the county judges
office. Thursday, January 10th, G. W.
Hummel in the chair and full board
A motion that $8.95 be refunded to
A. A. Hummer, taxes on illegal assess
ment of 1888, and paid under protest
was lost.
The following official bonds were op
proved: Town Treasurers C. A. Teel, Still
water; R. A. Simpson, Potsiam; A.
Arneson, Walnut Creek; I. W. Crary,
Guide Rock; N. B. Wagoner. Garfield;
S. Lindquist, Batin; G. W. Knight, Ina
vale; David Carpenter, Harmony; A. H.
King, Oak Creek.
Assessors Frank Kent, Garfield; M.
C. Jackson Pleasant Hill; W. M. Cra
bill,.Red Cloud; L. D. Wells. Stillwater;
John Stout, Harmony; A II. Alexander,
Batin; Otto Skjelver, Catherton; O. R.
Downs. Red Cloud Citv: David Dintrnp.
Walnut Creek.
Constables L. V. McNutt, Oak
Creek; Daniel Snyder. Line; Wm. Van
Dyke, Line.
Justices of the Peace Samuel II.
Shirley, Oak Creek; Thomas Hatfield.
Red Cloud City; A. C. Sanrord, Walnut
Creek; Thus. Euierton, Garfield.
Clerks W. S. Parker, Potsdam;
Henry Gilhani, Red Cloud; C. L. Funck,
Line; J. W. Robinson, Guide Rock;
John Polnickey, Batin; Geo. F. Pope,
Garfield; W. J. Vance, Inavale; L. G.
Genereux, Catherton: W. W. McCrary,
Walnut Creek; A. G. Diehl, Stillwater;
W. A. Brubaker, Pleasant Hill.
Overseer of Highway J. C. Taylor,
Xo. 52; W W. Ellsworth, No. 5; Peter
Britton, No. 17; P. C. O'Berg No. 47;
Samuel Miller, No. 2; Philip Zimmer
man No. 14; D. L. Groat, No. 31; H.
Staplehurst, No. 23; C. Gurney, No. 3;
Jos. Topham. No. 53; Abram Scott, 46;
J. M. Chapin. 41; John Dunbar, 40;
Wm. relit, 6; Augut Maire, 49; A. P.
Uagau, 4; M. DeTour, 40; Chas. John
son 48; John Beresford, 12; C. W. Lied-
gren C; Jacob Goll. 50; Wm. E. Eeperly.
20; W. H. Rice. 3S; Thomas Burton 32;
John Beauchamp, 51; G. A. Martin, 37;
C. Jaspcrsou. 39; Robt. Wallace. 18;
Wm. Mocde. 16; Thomas Emertoa 24;
David Uefflebower, 00.
The following bonds ordered returned
for correction: O. W. Hall. O. H. E. D.
No. 42; C. W. Well. No. 22.
On motion 950 or so much as is aec
csary was granted to Beaver Creek
Township' to build a bridge between
sections 1 and 12. town 2, range 9.
Oa motion coaaty clerk was ordered
to make requisition oa the auditor of
public acceaats for the proper raveave
books and Macks for rereaea parpowe
for 1869.
Report ot the committee on settle
ment with the coaatr jeefce predated
and approved.
UB BM&HI IBS COMtj jedge
rraaftew aivu Nr
pBbashlaslprv.cceSUBcs S 12 SS
KtvJ.AlPK, salary Cbunty $ upt v
u. c. cot, expenses case Aaaie utas
J. G. Wwner.'atf enUance board sop.
J. H. juiley, postage ami expenses
nkmirew Hedge, Jurors feci
H. II.HoldredKC
A. J. Ilayc. supplies tor poor i
Templeton Uros., "
C. Gurney, witness, fee .
Omaha Keputliran. blanks
G. L. But, publishing proceeding
F. A. Sweezy, fees iu trimlua! case
Omaha Ucpubl.can, supplies
Baa v
BBa, .
'.' 9
Gi 15
15 OJ
2 75
15 00
14 00
107 SO
C. Schenck, fee J. I.
J. IX ScbeiicK", fees ami milage
Jo Demittt, bo.nHiiK Delancy
G. J. Warren, printing
A. C. HoMuer,
On motion the proceeding!) of the
county board were ordered publislu-d
in the Red Cloud Chief, Webster County
Argus and Guide Rock Signal, each to
receive $50, and county clerk to furnish
a copy of the proceedings to tho Red
Cloud Chief.
On motion the county clerk was
allowed $700 for a deputy clerk and
$700 or so much thereof as is necessary
for extra clerk hire lor the year 1889.
A motion to reconsider tho action re
garding the printing of the supervisors
proceedings of 1889, was lost by the
following vote. Yeas, Martin, Kaley,
Garber, Jones and Heaton. Nays, Mc
Callum, Barcus, Groves, Laird, Thomas,
Coon, Dickerson, Frame, Fish, Wells
and Cather.
Resignation of W. G. Smith as jus
tice of the peace in Red Cloud City 1st
ward, tendered and accepted by the
On motion T. W. Uattield was ap
pointed to till vacancy as justice of the
peace in and for the first ward of Red
Cloud citv.
On motion $30 was appropriated to
Batin township in support of the poor.
On motion a committee of three was
appointed to confer with the county
attorney regarding certain alleged
crimes and misdemeanors in different
parts of the county.
Official bond ofF. C. Buschow as
justice of the peace of Potsdam town
ship, presented and approved.
Report of committee on settlement
with county sheriff presented and ap
proved, said report finds for the year
1888, $767.07 collected aud $512,30 un
collected fees.
The followiug resolutions wore intro
duced by Jos. Garbcr and resolutions
adopted by the board: Resolved, that
the board of supervisors build a good
and substantial jail and jailor's resi
dence in the city of Red Cloud, in the
year 18S9, said jail and jailor's resi
dence not to exceed the cost of ten
thousand dollars.
Resolved, that the committee on jail
examine location and confer with par
ties as to location of said jail to be
built in the city of Red Cloud, said
committee to report on said location at
the adjourned meeting of the board of
The following resolution were adopted
by tho board: Resolved, that said jail
and jailors residence shall bo built ot
good and substantial brick with stone
foundation and stone steps.
Resolved, that the jail committeo con
fer with any parties desiring to furnish
material such as brick, etc., for the
building of said jail and make a report
of their doings at the adjourned meet
ing of the board.
Claim ol Omaha Republican for $10.
25 for advertising for bids for building
Red Cloud bridge, rejected by tho
Claim of Samuel West, fees incase
of Fred Potter for $36.05 laid over.
Claim of J. C. Warnei deputy sheriff
lor $38,30, reduced to $30,00 and al
lowed. Claim of D. C. urice for $13,00 ex
penses in case of Garlock etc, allowed.
Claim of C. Schenck for work on in
dex in county judge's oflice $75,00. al
lowed. Claim of L. D. Oatman for $5,00
for boarding Holtz, allowed.
The following report was recieved
from the commmittee appointed by
this board to confer with the county
attorney iu regard to crimes reported
to be committed in various parts of the
county. Your committee recommend
that tho followiug resolution be
Resolved that the county attorney be
instructed to visit any and all places in
Webster county for the purpose of sup
pressing crime or misdeamors commit
ted against the statues of Nebraska.
The report was accepted and the res
olution adopted.
The following claims were allowed by
the board.
J. c. Warnrr, attMuUng board suj.t,
S. S. Wells. ujcriors services
I). McCallum, "
Isaac KWh,
W. IT. ttorrtH.
Jarac Omvcs
W C LilrU,
T 3)
IS Hmtos,
7 40
7 70
a ?
O. V. catber
Jos. Garbcr,
C. W. liumaiel, -
T.. Wilder. - - -
J. L. Franc.
J. Martli.
. E. Coon,
L. 1. Tltoi?s -
- ie
7 m
c St
Official boad or T. Y. Hatfield as
justice of the Red Cloud City 1st ward
appointed to fill vacancy approved.
Board now adjourned to mret Jaaa
ary iM, 1889. J. H. Saiut, Oerk.
I caa sake joa farai loans quicker
aad with le$ troable to yoarself, tkaa
tkroazh aaj other agtaey. OCce
rer Dejo'a irag store. &.L Stovb.
Far farai loaas ate K. K. Slowe,
' oralis t. it la tali, ha "toraed
t'tt the product of his pea fat thirty
over 100 relumes, mainly ficuea
t itnmbraciag ocm other topics.
Owgo Storia Veoables, a dls-
i isiM London lawyer, died recent
ifc ifjaa the erbjiaai erTliackeray's
vtOBin-rcndenats." ue leaves
iVf f750,000,and among the ba-
ls l lfeacy of 160 annually to
t nolan. tho author of
preacher." is an Ameri-
can lady
Vty years
of age.
d Is the
She was bbfaj
he was boilP lburgh, and Is the
ifc of a ltosfc.'tttBan. Her first
ppcarancu H4iftu was In 1S3J,
appearance JitBijau ir
when she contriwBid .'Cw poems to
tho leading m i-siSJBfc
Counter ToUt!JgU "C the Rus
sian novelist and rolttfBei does not
sympathize with herBBab. ad's ex
tremo religion- view:?; BBsUit H, said
threatens, if he attemptfvlnW " out
his plans of belling all tMIwi .aas
and giving the money to taBipo. H
ask for an official investigatiafBfi. &.,
sanity. '&;;.
It seems that tho poets are foajiof
making fine speeches to MaryAnde
When Oscar Wildo was in this country'
no prcsenteu Alias Anucron witn a,
volume of poems iu which ho had
written: "From a Poet to a Poem."
And now Tennyson has written several
.new pieces for hor and calls her a
'perfect poem." j
Miss J. E. Harrison is reckoned
ono of the most profound arcluuolo
'gists in England. Miss Harrison has
made a specialty of the interpretation
of tho pictorial record of tho Greek
vase, aud has lectured to largo audi
ences at the South Kensington Museum
on this subject. The proceeds of theso
lectures the has given to the British
school at Athens. j
Mrs. Humphrey Ward, author of
i"Robert Elsmere," the most popular
.book of tho day. lives In Ruell
square, London, near the Hritish
Museum, in a house full of books aud
flowers. Sho in described as "a won
'derfully charming person, slight and
most graceful in figure and movement,
and with a suggestion in her brilliant
face of her uncle. Mr. Matthew Arnold.
In his volumo of professional rem
iniscences Colonel Mapleson, speak
ing of lima di Murska, says that she
traveled with u monkey, two parrots.
lan Angora cat una a ewiounuianu
dog. Tho last always dined at the
tablo with her off a plato laid for
.him, and ho novcr dropped a mor.ol
on tho floor or oven on the table-cloth.
.Such excellent manners mi,, t bo ob
served with profit by many who havo
had better opportunities for learning
the etiquette of tho table.
Mrs. O. C. Conver.-e, of Watcr
"bury. Conn., is an old lady of seventy
eight, who had a hand in the cduci
tion of two Presidents of tho United
States. While teaching school in
South Hcnd, Ind., Benjamin Harrison,
President-cicct, was ono of her pupil,
and sho taught him his alphabet.
When teaching in Ohio, James A. Gar
field, then fourteen years of age. was
ono of v her scholars. Ho had been '
driving a horse on tho tow-path. and. i
his boat being frozen in. he devoted a
fow weeks to her Instruction.
Tlq inventor of the barbed-wire
fence got his idea from the autograph
of a Russian Prince traelirg in this
country. X 1. Sun.
"Don't you think it extravagant.
Henry, to pay $.0 for a diamond ring
for your wife? "Not at all; you seem
to forget how much I shall save" on hor
,glovo bill." Uoston Transcript.
In Iceland it is tno cmt un for ev
erybody to kiss everybody oLu he
meets. It requires a good deal of skill
in Iceland to meet only the people you
would really like to ace. Somcrvillc
Winks "What a sad, anxious
face that man has." Jinks "Yes. I
noticed it He strained, haunted.
airaiu-i-won i-ca:cn-ino-irain cxprcs- i
alon. I guess he works in the city and t
lives in tho suburbs." Philadelphia
After having listened at a Thank i
giving dinner to Jono Miile jokos,
Smith said: "I say. Jones, the Thanks
giving turkey is luckier than we are."
Jonrc "In what iv.iv?" Ho !n"t
stuffed with chestnuts "until after he Is !
dead." Texas Sijlings.
Lady And what doc- your
father do?" Little Girl "Oh. jinpa
Is a doctor." Lady-" Indeed! I sup
poso ho practices a preat deal, docs he
not?" Littlo Girl "Oh. no. Ho
doesn't practice any more. Ho knowa
how now." arcr'j Younj People,
-IlarjKr's Younj People. I
(jui released from lhc !
r to tailor)-"! want you '
to Jjet me up a first-class suit of
clothes." Tailor (innocently)" Ye.
air; something In tho
Btripc?" Iloodler eyes him
luuu uruurs a prunuunccu cut.-cti. j
Epoch. i
Younjj prl In eoclety should ro- 1
strict thcmsclres in their lndulccnce !
In wnMnTTinl?rtxir rtrina 9r fiTw rvnttrH 4
. .- ,M..w -.v,rJ ..r .. ,
TTila ciiirrM.tnn X rn! Tn.? rt
......,.,... ..w.. . . ...w . . -
Jones " Hello. Smith. Cbn;prat
! tdations! I hear that you aro caacd.
'Bat. between friend, old fellow. I
4toa't sen bow ycru p'neked up courajja
lo do it. Smith- Well, you ace, w
got ts talking politics, trusts, riaffs.
etc. aad driftcil nht oa 10 tho matter
before wo knew 'iL"LurUngUm Frm
SHa Waa Nat a
-... . j . -. . x r
He (with endeat arttaiioa) J
3Ua GriaMS. k you tlag? j
ate i(Siaf j-rainx. 100. i?Fer
-. . - - ml
He ledu aay?
much for the welfare of the your.? ' vilh a t"1" ? snxtoy la her toe
ladles as for that of tho voun? men !a - M ?' laU' hcr naibaad-. alch
ocictr who furnlh tho Supply, which t- "H! P8"" ,; il lt
rarely equals the dcmaad.-arjr' - Tu bronfcertttA. cscuunwS th ia-
treat waiia.
, '
Bushels and savrrele of
can bo raked isT dawn
zaona remarked William
of tifat vigorous Loa Aafeiea Cownty
tovru. Ho spoke entile as thdSaxh
they vrero apples or "eraages, fmUea
from tho trees. (
"You go out there' remarked hB
4and dig three or four iachee la th
and and ou will come your scorpion.
Suractinic:! you will get half a docea In
c p vcz. Onco they ttrike the sir they ,
g ?l crss and sour, aad if yau eeep ,
throj or four of thoai an tooathep voa
will cc. a KiagniCcont fight. There la j
no to a tarantula when once ae
get started on th-j war-path. It means ,
that ctthcr ho is to die or hlj enemy 1.
"It has bejn ruining down there, aad
tho rain arrays brinpf out the scor
pions You may not know there are
any around, but get a good shower or
two and you will lad. enough to
frighten you.
"A scorpion never brings forth
than ono lot of young. As soon
they aro ready to begin eating they
burrow, like larvaj. In the back taa
o!l ono. and actuallv al her allva.
This Is a straago tain, but it is true.
,' 'lavo seen it done many a time la the
jrycars that I have lived at Pomona
Bat. vicinity.
?a JBorpion is a very repulsive taJaf
floo'v at. It haa ten legs, a sariv
c!eds." of appearance aad wicked
H'tWifV ' Its color Is a Bght yeUaw.
15 IJatHth i ten legs it has a couato of
tfrr.bltMda vs. Iu sting is In its tall,
an J tliolc'BMS with which it caa
u o it Haae ol the most woadarfal
things in naiare.
Dilute tlat Jata. number of the ra
puUivc thlngila Tertala sectloaaaf
1)3 Angeles CobbIj, however, tao ia-
stuno-s u hore moa OJ stung by
are comparativeh tBJB I do not
of a cae of death frBsil V; stlag, al
though it caueH tcnlalo. poia for a
few hour?. When they atlBft-Aah other
it is x,:n death, but they,VfJ. flfkt at
Ions a- life :iU. ''
"'Ilifiv is about tho uKial,5B f.
centipedes and tarantulas BlK
Angoles County. They, luWl?LTl
scorpion, are seen oftcnest dur!BjfJa
rainy season. Kastern pooolo havo a
great horror of them, and old-
la fact, do not go hunting for the
unless they keep at a good distance
A Digger Indian who camo down
( fr0I:, xlo t mioc iMt Friday had his
left hand tied up In a sling, and it
swelled very big. Ho had been bitten
by a tarantula and was suffering great
pain. A Pomona doctor fixed him out,
however, and ho Is getting along all
"l'eoplo in the tarantula section aro
lighting shy of them now, as they are
of such reptiles generally." San
Francisco Examiner.
An Ugly Picture Drawn bjr UUgratla
uml JUteil crtbblvr.
The girl of to-ilay Is rained up in the
parlor to be an ornament and nothing
more. Sho knows nothing of the kitch
en; tho place Is a death-trap to her.
Sho knows nothing of the art of cook
ery, and never propoea to learn tho
art, except circumstances forco her to
it; as. for instance, sho marries some
young blood who turns out to bo poor
er than a church raouw, and thoruforo
she has to do without a cook; then the
gow into th kitchen, and with a good
deal of gruntirg and Hnger-burnlng,
manage- to;po up a meal barely fit
for a dog. Our girl belongs to tho par
lor. You can always find her there
when sho is not lying abed or hootlng
through the principal street, flirting
with drummers or ilaihy-dreeaod
cl:k-s who live miserably on a alary
of $JO) a year. Her education conlU
of a fe.v loikon- in grammar. Latin,
miuic and drawing. Sho contemplatoe
nothing. A year after sho graduate
sho remembers nothing but her achool
flirtation. As a musician aho la a
nuisance. Sho studio music not aaas
art. but as an n.ccomplihmont The
result !i that she not only in cooed in
murdering music, but tho poor victims
who aro often compelled to llxten to
her aro mado sufTcrers too. She can
dance, she can flirt ho can make love
as no other girl In tho wido world can;
but when I hive aid that I hT said
all that can bo said In her favor. She
Is beautiful, charming and always in
teresting; but ?he U an ornament, aad
-rou n ,nake. n" mopo.of hr
If you
can afford to build a fine house, fur
nish It with rich and contly furniture,
k-p hop-ea and carriage" and a groom
! to kwj) them in order, by all mean
1 rnarry our cirL. She can aprod your
I mosey n.i tho plrl of no other conatry
can. Sho can play Queen to perfec
"""' -"" ""'. "ur U,J 4""' J
household allait matter you.
"jr, .ijL !".
tion, and mIU not only matter your
ou can
not holp falling in lovo irith our girU
but tudy tho cxpcao yoii will bo
Cirl too. thmi tek my iuItIo aad
ry the hira! r'rt .. J. Iraphie.
"MiaidM tf doctor prorwKiaoa
VOTjr aillwj.
irialrl ths wif.
t ni;pi.u. ijnfi3iiva. vri;ii caiPi; iuar
s4f vp la fcd. scd I rtrp3Vsd hiaa
1 at caco to make oathl bill;d go"
tkiG?& Tribune
It i a. ccriosa faet. bal oae that
ppcar to bj wo!! cHbIhod by !a
retiir3tion. that iht woair3 Udsen
of the 2 Viric tchoals vrv mac f
poti to tlv-s cjtpcriausl of Jiaviac
vdnnsn on tho ehool board.
ctiia ffasxraUr. on thfl other
tbc xpriaat crxamwU
, . t
XKrt n tra rr um
of the PribTVwiaa rhrch
& ajniKU rj"' laiawi 1 laiai aaaw aaa
t .S .l C. - - -
--" ' " "- - r -
yeir, 9:sisU & filOID.
pcaiizi; Mi& eaUre imppoK m
tfcas SX) woaaa: T&VHrzxtim, Z
way of a nice ' V'Z r.f "llu " 'ZZL
f r rttt !if Irt rli - ?i1a Vir fraiV
darklv. and . ' ... . ... . . .
1 .l t. the race, can ; kcp hr and the hlraa
la thi
l t
id spcntl their nincy with us
During the past mon
only, but because t
Commencing: Januartklst.
We will save
on all purchases
prices given you by
Any Other OUTFIT in the
r i .. r .t
wecan ao it tor tnese
nicest selected stock (not the largest; therciorc
we don't wrap up a pot of wealth in old goods
but buy often, thereby getting the newest styles
out. Our expenses arc about one-eighth what
,"ur competitors are. THIS SAYING IS
VOURS. Because wc make a fair profit and
seli at less price than others can possibly ccil.
fc St
Db.rg(& Galusha,
Clothing for he farmer.
mechanic or merchant at the Ws
ami Sou'lirrnMerraniilc
nicrt' rttmtof Ir an-t IM rhrrr laal
Jff. n'lUlilt Itlitl ll-a4llt trtlMtlr (or ronlahAa
rolil. linHK hill. athin Ktvl all Ibftwt Uittilc
Will n-llcttTAtuI l-"!"! rfOUMtilo? try It
nl ! rnltMl "rj UtJc rfauir.t
prlcr ft rent himJ l "t UA, iJil ljr all
lrult rrrtnl ( r lh l.nmrt rr"jr$.
Ury I ..(. hlcnco. III. v.Hn I...
interest Straight 8 Per Cent.
Can pay part or all of principal at
any 3 car and top ttitcret. Well
cured note bought. Insurance in
good couipanic
F. Catiiik,
i:.-J Cloud, Neb.
Office over jtt ofScc
Ur Jrarm' ;-ntun wrw c' lrtnrjr
wirttl ji iwi'ot f ll-fiu tuna tiQ jrtewi. P"
pbAQl aiiJ cSc Ur
nrlf HAtti rutliiia xrirr IH rur Jl
trnijwr, tojh r-: tnmta too! of !fc
dlarww U UrU hirM ratt lwv "
ami wlur ar- o!jct. fM Vj X 4riMCXlcf .
fnd fam' iwr" ? l-o Uelsvt wjlt
rrUc jln. l-n. turi-st" ti rfcwa-
UKn. vM I7 n drvtOCW
Notice 1 Lcrcby fiitn that I will
eiamincall pcron who May deatr
to offer thctn;le a candidate for
teacbT of thr public achoolt of thia
coanty, at Ild Cloud, on lh third
Saturday of each raoath
Eva J Kt5f.
County Sup't.
ThaOririn! Abiniats Ointment i
only put op in lars two onnca tin
boie. oai n lolut cuf for tAi
or, burn, woandf, rfcppd hand,
and a!! kin eruption. Will txstily
cure all kind of pIt Ak tor th
Oripnal AUctin? OintmsnL. &A4 by
Hary Cook ai 25 cott fr bo by
Kail yjcv.
If yea can t
rwbr !
Heary Cook
Ltd what j vaat
is ua, why f la
IU fca ,u
Whrn in Hd i"Uid call at tU
farahore urr of F A. Tjl?r, op
ile tle pt f5c, ard 4tk i 'at
a fae kil-i.- er porter it,
Mra. Markfll i ffrfa f. Wf
eattr uk at cL (all
D. & Spanoglc.
Rkal Estate
and Loan Aget
, Rcl Cloud.
for ur i.clf&nceW'it:
Kxv ilo
as pur-
you 20 jpr cent
ur M
reasons: vvc carry u
l II
1 ".
. 1 .! .L.1- V '
3 t I. tW -r
t.3Lr .rsiw
tie wit
, HJM r;
ffe TTiV-
k r
' W.W4
A .
tiMi Krfir j -...
Sot:- ! WA .V-i m i ite JSt.J
tu-idis waaav ai ut a7J
ti-i.rr '.ITBJ Ut $- ZZZ
t .r. tfbl & 4jka Ijl " . FW
.." , .. '" m v-
inl lll lc- .
Sff lM .! lzl
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ja.t timU -u4 ok.
Ur f Jar fcl)
Urmlfi fil! ir'f
ttitnf 11 .ir rav
lfth"' r,rr r '
U I, it. lb v3ifr4
riMthHi i4rtf s
ihitu 'r -' vmj viit
raiJCvt It 4fm tia r
trf tvtfh1 SkTMi. itlTTi -J$t
thl fib Uf tA ! eu&'t, ;M
J n. I.(a It p V i
rUHbUH' AIJvMtw-f
1. w iviinn.x i
oM'-miuiitK i-nriri
URlblec P$rem (iISmwi
!wm tivih. v'A lt ri
Carui 4virivi yy jj
c a xauir. J t a.
.u.r.v PntR
A nBM:T At 1 (.
K4 , ?
j r
a TWKXK)AU t"Jrlt& a? t
sAmi ax mt pt'-f -vj -t
- t Mao M " -,
14 WmmC -
atta a cu. it iuwim, f i.
lrB aVaWalaBBw PJ 4Paaaaaaaaj faaaafeiaaK faj
a W 4KMtfH v J
tmtm4 mt wt
I It 1 l "JC !'
Wftm t ILrtl ,M.
V A rf M
tk v- r
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Br" eaieiaaajeAr aaaf a rf av0a4B
Mmk. Vr
mm mm t M mim,t fv. ,--.
NkWJat aaaie sa WfawtEX'
r . T!. 3.
mi A ca r :.
' r irtti fn w i
, --it rv&
evfrrtiL S"fcia
a isii, fir
m-3L tmt tx
STitV.fe. LrfUu.
92 faa 4aHMc Wi at ffi ,&
w kpMfc ff 9 WM-
ym'i&rf $ 0kS
In: i "
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1 Jtm M
W? 14
TV ) ? m
Mam i4tMttj
mm fm tmmmm ; -
Wffa aW anajaMaaaaaaa MMaw
ttmfm hmmm Mtnai
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1 '. i- 4na.
Tht MtoirtRx
-S V
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-!.?; '
ifc$ii. tsiwwNM:
fjfr "jg&h,
MPjMIA aalaaJbaa
, r-itim- inTi n amaaniaMiawr