TT7va raw, jLvgW-jJi -v EEDCUMJD. ... NEBRASKA BsB". IsaXDEft IftetAEL, pMtOT Of the Unitarian Church. W Sale, , committed suicide recently. Hie Mind was nabalanced. Jonx Butlek, an aged Frenchman living near Foxcroft, Me., recently set fire to the buildings he occupied, killed his colt and goats, stabbed himself slightly four times, took paris green and then died. Those who have seen Private Sec retary Halford's chirography say that nothing he ever writes will corapro- WliftA thn Admfnfafefittnn tTntiuvs Greeley's fist is said to be copper-okM j compared with it. w I Famine and droucht are reported In the interior of China, and increasing I . t l mm m tKJicriiy, caubing terriuio; suueruig. In the province of Shan-Tung crops have been destroyed by an overflow of the Yellow river. J. J. West, proprietor of the Chicago Times and Joseph Dunlop, the city editor, have been arrested on com plaint of Inspector Bonfield and Cap tain Schaack for libel in alleging col lusion with thieves. Baron Chevbeul, the famous cen tenarian French chemist, is reported to be in better health than for some time past, and to give every indica tion of living to enjoy his one hundred and third birthday in August next. Pkobably the most youthful caso of sfeath from alcoholism ever heard of was reported at the New YorV coron er's office recently. It was that of four-year-old Nellie Ileynolds. The coroner decided to make an investiga tion. Resolutions from several com mander ies of the Loyal Legion and from tlio Massachusetts Military Historical Society have been laid be fore Congrcbs asking for increased ap propriations for publishing the official records of the war of the rebellion. Tiik Friend electric sugar refinery Ijrocess, to operate which a company was formed in New York, is said to have been a huge swindle. The secret," so carefully hidden, was merely a blind to sell stock, for not a pound of raw rugar was ever refined. Great anxiety is felt concerning the safety of the new steamer Gulf of Guayaquil, which sailed from Liver pool December 24 for Valparaiso. Two life boats, life buoys and a quantity of wreckage belonging to the vessel have been washed ashore at Fish guard, Wales. The United States inspectors, who have been investigating the burning of the steamer Kate Adams, have ob tained evidence which satisfies them that forty-two persons were lost in stead of fourteen, as first reported. It appears that eighteen children among the deck passengers and ten of the boat's crow perished in addition to the victims previously noted. In many parts of Dakota and Minne sota, so mild was the weather. New Year's day was celebrated with pic nics, excursions and ball games, the observation of the eclipse being part of the day's pleasures. Smoked glass, when not used to watch the juxtaposi tion of the sun and moon, was brought into service in placo of the palm leaf fans, or which the supply was insuffi cicnt to meet the demand. TrtE lumbermen in the Northwest are breaking up their camps and giv ing up business for the winter. A special correspondent at Duluth says that in all directions lumber camps are preparing to break up. There is no snow and it is impossible to work, and lumbermen are generally discouraged. Twenty camps at Tower. Minn., have already been closed, and fully four hundred men have been thrown out of employment. It has transpired that the compact of bagging manufacturers to combine foa certain purpose, or so-called cot ton bagging trust, expired January 1 by limitation and the price of bagging has fallen about two cents since New Year's and will still further decline. The manufacturers say they made a little money, hut not so much as they hoped to because of an unexpected large amount of bagging in the hands of outsiders. Howevor, they were satisfied. The Liberal members of the Hun garian Diet waited upon M. Tizsa, the Hungarian Premier. Ufoffer the New Year's congratulations. M. Szapary, the spokesman, referred to the eminent services of M. Tizsa, expressed the ab solute confidence of the Liberals in his leadership, and declared that they would support his foreign policy. M . Tizsa. in reply, said that in tho for eign political situation the alliance of tho Central European powers offered the most prominent guarantee of peace. His speech throughout was most hope ful in tone. He expressed his belief that the peace of Europe would not be disturbed. At the instance of the leading Ger man authorities in criminal law. emi nent legal men of nearly all countries have agreed to form an international society with the object of practical improvement of criminal laws. The agreement awaits the adherence of only English and American lawyers,, the rontons for whose hesitation were unknown at Berlin. The prin cipal supporters are Tcssendorf, Attorney-General, of Germany; Liszt, of Marburg; Holtzendroff. of Munich: Prins, of Brussels; Wahlbcrg.of Vienna; Zucker. of Prague: Ailinea and Garo fals, of Naples; Scalia. of Home; Gar ,rml. of Lyons; Hircel. of Amsterdam. andCsuiezi. of Pesth. The last named is the author t the "Hungarian Penal Coda." s Ts " after toehelMay jl la the taste setttieas the Tuts fterseiac ad raeai vs4 fees the Fiestdeat te regard to ike e ea ike sahjeet ef the treaty wKh Cbiaa acadlac tart Seatember. Ae- leaned. There was a slim attesaasce at the Mease. The taU prohibttlac atteraeys fesafecerriaga fee fee arocerlag aaiacrease of peastoa vss siriilnl sad passed. The it as aaoaifii was oserea or r. Peters (Kaa.) as pensile the appllcaat to can txset to pay set te exceed threedollaistoaiij perseaiahlsewB8tsteir the claim is allowed. The River aad Harbor bill was then considered aatll adjosrasseat. Is the Senate on the 3d Senator Vor bees' resolatlos calling for certain information as to homestead, timber-culture and pre-emp-ttoa entries was agreed to. At risS) the Sen ate took ep the Tariff bill which was considered .oattl adjournaiest .. Is the House Mr. Reed. of xaiBe, from the Committee on Kuies, re potted a resolution which had for its object the prevention of ffUibustering by opponents of the Pacific Railroad Funding bill and the Okla homa bill. FitUbusterlng was resorted to by the opponents of the motion which prevented a rote upon it. nnd pending the attempt to secure a quorum the House adjourned. I.v the Senate on the 4th a resolution was agrfed to calling on the President for corre spondence touching the recent Haytien trouble, and Senator Edmunds' resolution regarding the construction or control of the Panama canal bv European countries was reported and placed on the calendar. The Tariff bill was then con stderes until adjournment. ...In the House the Senate Nicaragua Canal, bill was taken up, amensed aad passed. Mr. Seed called up his reeolBtioB amending the rules so as to present fillibustering on the Oklahoma and PaciUc Road Funding bills. Along discussion followed and no quorum could be had, so without actios the House adjourned. At the close of morning business In fbe Senate on the Sth the joint resolution repotted by Senator Sherman from the Committee on Foreign RelaUons in regard to the Panama canal was taken up, and after a lengthy debate postponed until Mon day. Consideration of the Tariff bill was then resumed and continued until adjournment. ....In the House an attempt was again made to get a Tote on the resolution to amend the rules so as to prevent fillibustering on the l'acltlc Kailroad Funding and Oklahoma bills. All ef forts to secure a quorum failed and the House adjourned. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tna wife of ex-Governor Garcelon nnd sister of Mrs. Senator Fryo died at Lewis ton, Me., recently. The New Hampshire Constitutional con vention assembled at Concord, 2. II.. on the 2d and organized. JoH.vUE.t.NKKEn IIeato.v, member of the British House of Commons, expects to visit tho United States shortly to advocate jtenny postage between England and America. Foua Radical members of the Servian Chamber of Deputies have been arrested for an alleged conspiracy against King Milan. The Missouri Legislature convened at Jefferson City on the 2d. Turn Cortes of Portugal was opened on the 2d by the King in person, who de clared that Portugal would willingly join in the anti-slave trade blockade of East Africa. The President has withdrawn the nomination of Leon O. Bailey to be dis trict attorney for Indiana and substituted the name of Solomon Claypool, now as sistant district attorney under special ap pointment Postmaster Shellkt. of Kansas City. Mo baa been removed by order of the President. Shelley accuses Congressman elect Tarsnev of bein? the cause of bis removal, much bad feeling having devel oped daring the lata election between them. ' Tnc Secretary of State has received a letter from the United States Consul at Cape Haytiea announcing the election of Hippolyte aa Provisional President of Hayti by a convention held at Gonaives, and saying that no particular damage was done by the recent bombardment of Cape Haytien. The biennial message of Governor Adams, of Colorado, has been sent to tie Legislature. It recommends, among other things, the passage of a high licenso lav. Cardinal, Simon. Primate of Hungary, at a banquet the other night made a vio lent speech denouncing Italy's treatment of the Pope as infamous. Prof. Uktteckks, who has been held in custody on the charge of being responsi hle for the publication in the Deutsche Kuadicasu of the diary of the late, Em peror Frederick, has been released, the prosecution having been abandoned. The professor's release and the Morier inci dent excited much comment on favorable to Bismarck in the European press. The President has directed the removal of Alfred E. Lewis, deputy fifth auditor of the treasury, for neglect and inattention of his official daty. Senator Plcmb has introduced a bill to create a customs commission in the Treas ury Department to invejtigate the work ing of the Tariff law. macKTJJtwajoca, GoEDELrrrE & Jambs, merchants of Nashville, Tenn., have assigned. Their liabilities are $92,000; assets $10,000. At Dablin on the 3d Judge Kelly in sen tencing rioters to prison denounced the Government for it laxity la allowing riots at evictions. Extreme cold prevailed in the Ekaterin burg district of Southeast llussia. It was estimated that 175 persons were frozen to death. Near Tiflis a railroad train was blocked by saow and fourleea passengers froze to death. The stables of the paving aad health dspartsaeate ef Boston were burned oa the 3d. Ten thousand bushels of grain and seventy tons of hay were destroyed. Th buildings cost $,000. Two firemen were hut by falling timbers. A qcaktitt of dynamite was exploded ea she tracks of the Philadelphia Read ies railroad at Mahaaoy Plains, Pa., the other alght aad four dwellings wars partly wrecked aad the town badly shaken ap. The explosive ia supposed to have been placed ea the tracks by trala wreckers. Heoae was iajared. A saaixs of earthqeake shocks followed each ether la Costa Rica ea the aight of Decesber9B. At Alajaela eight p erases were killed aad smaay iajared. Two hoys broke through the ice ea CHeesea1 pead. as Seath Farssiaghass. Mass while skating the other day, as did several ethers who caste to their assist awes, aad three Charles and Fred St. Peters aad Johnny Ryan were drowned. They were between tea aad fearteea years old. , It is learned that the change asade ia the sugar schedule by the Senate sub committee ia charge of the Tariff bill pro vides that a bounty of one cent a pound be paid upon all sugar raised ia this country. This has been, it is said, fully agreed upon. Ix an altercation at Bayou Sara. La., J. F. Irving. Jr., son of Mayor Irving, shot and killed Tnomas Howell, son of Judge 8. J. Howell. Irving was released on bail. Et a collision betweee freight trains on a brtdg near Carbon. Wyo, the other night the bridge was set on tire and it and a number of cars were burned. A tele graph operator in tho caboose was fatally injured. Bv an explosion of fire damp in a col liery near Ovelda, Spain, recently twenty seven persons were killed aad saaajria jured. U'tirxs tho audience were leaving a theater at Madrid oa the night of the 4th a tomb exploded near by with treaasndcas effect. Great excitement prevailed for a time. No person wa injured, but build iBgs in the neighborhood were damaged. the beaha B itei with V eaasylvaaia raUf 'Jersey .& 3 !. Vlld ,V mt www ww awu Brtaefallef a tern at iek had beM aaaeratUMd I rare killed. Uovxaaoa MoBSHOCSB has redaeed the ef BUI Byaa, convicted iaWl far the Brae Cat trala robbery, frost,' twenty five years to tea years. The coBsftBStetloa will release Ryaa April 16 aest, William Foaacs, aa electric light trim eter, ef Detroit; Mich., was killed by a shock of electricity while at work oa his ladder the other day. Tax Navy Department has been informed that yellow fever has appeared on the United States steasaer Yantic which re cently went to Hayti to release the Hay tiea Republic. Tax sheriff recently raided a wholesale liquor house and the Hotel Duncan saloon in Dubuque, la., and raized large quanti ties of liquor. W. B. Fat, president and general man ager of the Denver (Col.) Gas Company, has been arrested for manslaughter for re sponsibility for the killingof four laborers by the caving in of the cable road. Jonx Walter, a submarine direr of Philadelphia, while at work on the bottom of a vessel recently got the air lins en teazled about his fee; and when finally rescued was almost dead. Tub colored Catholic congress at Wash ington adjourned on the 4th to meet next year In Richmond), Va. A RIOT was reported recently near Seat tle, Wash. T., between ccal miners belong ing to the Miners' Union and other minvr belonging to the Knights of Lalor. Sev eral men were reported to bo killed and wounded. The handsome residence of Robert Mc Wade, city editor of the Philadelphia Pub lic Ledger, and J. H. Tighe, on Lancaster avenue, at Wayne station, were entirely destroyed by fire the other night The British ship Montana was sunk re cently after collision with the German Lloyd steamer Main off the Maryland coast. The chief engineer was killed. The cause was inexplicable, accordiug to the Main's officers. A courier hai reached the Blackfeet Agency, Dak., from Sweet Grass Hills with news of a four cornered duel to the death between a quartet of Gros Ventres and Kiver Crow Indians. The. struglo occurred about sundown on the banks of Cottonwool creek in the foot hills, three of the reds being killed outright and tho fourth so serious! v stabbed that he died. The Supreme Court of Massachusetts litis given a decision setting usido the famous John Amory Codman will in which nearly all the property was left to Mrs. Eliza Ann Kimball, the"Violette of his letters." CLKAUi.vr; house returns for the week ended January ." showed an average in crease of 1 1.3 compared with the corres ponding week of last year. In New Yoik the increase wa 1S.& American securities were firmer on tile London Exchange during tho week ended January .". Other business was active and discount easy. The German bourses were firm. In Paris financial matters were quiet, Panama shares still continuing to fall. A passenger train was blown from the rails near Fiume, Hungary, the other day by the wind and three persons killed and many injured. The river steamboat Kate Robbins sunk above Yazoo City. Miss., on the 5th in fifteen minutes, having struck a snag. No lives werelo-C A petard waj exploded in the rear of the building occupied by the Spanish In terior Department in Madrid recently but no particular damage was done. There has been no yellow fever in Jack sonville., Fla., for some time and the city is now entirely free from epidemic dis ease. It is announced that the salaries of all employes of the Missouri Pacific earning 10J per month and over will lie cut ten per cent., excepting engineers, conductors and those employed in the mechanical de partments. A revere storm was reported at Long Branch and along the adjacent Atlantic coast on the ftth and Cth. Norwegian settlers in Walsh County Dak., are reported in a state of starvation. The boiler of agiist mill exploded re cently at New Hope, W. Va. Several farmers who were waiting at the mill for supplies were killed and the building de stroyed. The steamer Paris C. Brown struck a snsg near Hermitage Landing on the Lower Mississippi on the night of the 5th. A passenger and several of the crew were drowned. The same day the Kate Rob bins was sunk in the same way near Vicksburg, Miss. No lives were lost. ADDITIONAL DIaTATCHSS. Tme National Z.-itang, of Berlin, says ia theSamoan troubles there are traces of envious meddling on the part of rivals to the German power la Samoa, especially Americans. Too Goverumont is advi-ed to remonstrate with the authorities at Washington. Mackenzie, the agent ot the British Esst African Company in Zanzibar, on New Year's day presented hundreds of slaves with papers giving them their freedom. His action created much enthusiasm. It is said at the Navy Department that no more vessels have been ordered to Sa moa, but there are three that could be sent there if necessary. Wilet Matthews, the escaped Bald Knobber. was reported as having been seen in the Indian Tenitory. Before the Houss Committee on Fishe ries recently five Government officials wi.o bad been in Alaska on duty denied the stories of maltreatment of the natives as false in every way. Judge Beach, in the Supreme Court at New York on the 7th. refused to interfero with the action of the trustees of St. Pat rick's Cathediat ia declining to permit the body of old John McGuire to be buried ia Calvary cemetery. He practically upheld the action ot the church authorities and dismissed the complaint. McUaire was a friend ot Dr. McGlynn. The commutes of clergymen, recently ia esssioa at New York, have advised general services oa the ceateaaial of Washiagtoa's iaaagaratloa, April 30 next. Benjamin Hopkins, ex-cashier of the defaact Fidelity Bank, recently pardoned by the President, died at Cincinnati oa Us 7th. Mas. Padelford. the daughter of Gen eral Ordway of the army and a social star of considerable prominence in Washing ton, made her professional debut as a comic opera prima donna in the part Felisa ia ths "King's Fool," at Chicago receatly. Her stage name is Girard. THE oa the "O sv.tem was 'formally declared to be at an end on the tth, by agreement betweea the brother hoods and the railroad company. An Italian recently exploded dynamite maliciously at Oilman, near Seattle. Wash. T., and killed four persons. He was promptly lynched. Charles Wise and Ned Apstey of Cadil lac, Mich., walked Into an airhole in the tco oa the lake the other evening and were drowned. Tue United Stat Supreme Coart has apheid the constitutionality of the lotr law holding railroad companies responib!e for double damige for animals killed, if tenement be not made in thirty days. Tnc ijenate in executive session en the j Tth pasted the Edmunds resolution vtew- I IKfl.t() A . (.- .,. L .. ' European governments in thr cotistractioa of the Fanaiaa canal. Biackbarc, Hamp ton and Vance were the only three Sena tor who voted against the rrAluisoi. Affairs in lbs House -outre again blocked for wast of a quarsst. AMartleat at ef the State tehee aad the fellowlag sill shew the BBSsber ef school ia each ceaaty aad the aateaat of ateaey from the school feed apportioned teeecBcouaty: So of AVAe.'ar.l t'eaafW. jMMMf. A ate lope Aaasss BUbvBV DWPC Box Butte Buffalo Brown.. Hurt. .. . Batier vtte Cherry...... .... .. iiH . . . ...... vCltlf .... ... . wi3y , . . . . ...... Co3ax Cutntn. ......... , Custer Dayton Dakota l)4Wt4 .......a il.W.t .......... . I ft.,. ............. Doula Dundy Fillmore Franklin Frontier Furnas Is3 JJtJ... ..... ... UtirUeld (2re;2cjr Ooftptrr...... IiU ...... ... Hamilton 11 arlSaQ ....... slaty tr A ........ ..... Hitchcock aUi .. ...... ..... Howard Jefferon Jobnton........... Keith ... Kearne,- Key Paha tnox.... .... Lancaster Lincoln Loup I.ogan Madison. Merrick tallCC ..... ...... . Nefna1 a ...... ... XuckuMs t-j i ir ........ ...... I.4ne 1 rlc.ns Ilielpi ".... tc iL ,m ............ Platte S ' .........a. Ret! Willow KfchariSon online. ...., X'16.4 4.SCi.C SfOKC Seixu T7&3C X 2M. S.&1 1 .4W S3 e,r-7. HW.14 t.43S3 in .i 1.7t9l SlSil. &i.T. 3. vwil :.fJi 4 l.ta.73 1.KI i 2.417 11 .1ASI 14M33 4.4' 2, i inirv 17 :. . j: C'.OiSl tats 1.4. a.i l.tK.72 4.CJ1.32 4.141.12 2AV.3J IW27 !..& 5.7tH IS 4.WJ !' 3.43'i 17 3i3.'-l 2.714 40 1.491.17 1.7-7.7rf 1J.WJ 5 2,131. 9 4-I.UV 2,-n m 2.s3J4 1. 7L77 2,9.2.14 C,12.U 3. .M I.trt7 3 2.SU9 S1 i.r.-i xt i. 2 tie Mri.7i MSI, si! 2.61.1 2V. 13 i.rar, son l.Ml S.01VJ s.;M .".:. H.A.V 2.9J" LOW- 5.C3 .S.I.-S l.U5. a. sal 9.U1!. I.CS 5.2 , 1.737! 1 !7l C.5.-j a.2i 9.9 r, tir, s.ter 1.TU2' a,i:nl 2.4 ft, SMI 4..-M' ncc-s! MM, l.li1 3 3:1 7.2 VI .TAMj 1.2I-J 1,'iTO 5,Iu7i 2.SI2, fi.721, 7.S15 2.I-.3 T.Tiy 5. la I.TJ' 4,13 2.4. K I 3,-'.) 6.f. i.a p! Saunders Heivan I " 4,-tVi.' .... Sherman Sheriilan Stoux Stamon , liti(r .... ....... lliomas Valley Washington Wdyne Webster Wheeler a Uin ............ .i 1.974..-' i.;s 4-. "' "' s'ca;.v. rzLit k: H'"hH'? e i, i ii 1 4 'J-. 1417 I 73- 2.-V .2J :s37" -I Ml 37 :.3.2J I- Total. 9"!.1K 2iViV.J 21 Nelirasjta l.rsl.litture. The Xebrn-ka legUlaturu met at noon on January 1 at Lincoln. Tli'i oath of ofhV wasailmlriNteren to the Sen itor by (.''ilef Jus tlce Cobb. Church Iloive wa elected l'reslcb" pro leui . anil Walter M Scley w.i- elected chief clerk, ulth Mer. K Utterly anil Icotieru as assistant-. The organlratlori was eoinpietnl by cho.lru the following otUcer-: ii 51 WelU, clerlt of the Committee of tlio Whole. 11 C Purlclnson, terge:iut-at arms; S. i; taut; Her. J. . Tate, haplaln: K. S Olllespte. doorkeeper; Mr. L. M. Haye-. en rolling clerk: Miss Ada Olmstead. engrossing rlcrk; M. K (Setter, postmaster. A reo lutlon by Mr. Pickett to give each Senator a clerli met with souie opposition but was finally udopt-)! by 2ijeas to 11 nays Ad foiirned . Tne House sra called t order at noon unit after a Committee on Credential- m appointed took a recc-s until thrrc o clocU Upon reassembling the oath of oillce was ad ministered to memhers Hons. John C Wat son and Frank White were no Inated for Speaker, the vote resulting Watson 7n, Whltt 1H, and Mr. Watson was conducted to the chlr llrad Slaughter and Tom Cool; were tr.-ti elected chief rler. and first assistant cleric, und Harnard. of I'awnce. second assistant cleil: Nettle Worthingtou was elected enrolling clerk: Mrs. Jennie Holland, rngrossing clerk, und Itcv. Dillon chaplain. Adjourned. In tht Senate ou the -1 bills were intro duced tj enijHiwer nine member of a Jury ti civil case to agree upon a vrr llct. de.'Inlnt" the liabilities of ln-urunce dompanlc-: to prevent the Introduction of armed men into the State for any purpose. This bill I-. called out ly th" events conneitril wllh the late 'Q-' strike when I'inkertnu men were bought to protect the companv's property . .The House elected t M. Aiken scrgeant-at-.inn. and after trans acting unimportant business ivo-lied the Sn ate in Joint convention for tin; purpo.c of can vassing the vote cast at the late election. Th candidates on the Republican ticket were, for rnnlly declared elected. THK Senate on the 3d. after routine busi ness, proceeded in a loJy to the hall of the House of Ib-prVsentatites to participate in lh' inaugural ceremonies, und aftT retursln? to lis chamber wljourncd to January s In the House a lar.-e number of bills wrro Introduced (Io"eraor I.'irrah'-e of Iowa,was escorted to th Speaker's chair and addrvsi 1 the Assenbly At l.:ti the S-ntc wasrec ht-1 and (Governor Thayer was formally lnaugurited for u econd term. When the Joint esi n dlstolved t.c House adjourned to Januarr ?- Mlsrllaiiot. At. Robekts, a G noa gambler, who had made it his practice to insult ladies, was recently taken in liniids bv a "com mittee" of citiz in whostrung hi'n up sev eral time, nnd only spire 1 lis life on condition t'ia he leave the country, nhii.ii he promptly did. is a ilane hall at Weston th other night Jo- Waudra becamo en-;ngoii in n ipiarTuI with Frank an 1 J0V1 Oruey, re sulting in Fr.i'ik knocking IVandra down, when John C?mey jutnjiil on him and stabbed him several time about the hen I and neck, leaving a mimhr of deep an I dangerous wound. H'nndra win not ex pected to live. Tho Ornoy skipped. Thb State Jrange I', of II., at a reca: tuswtingat l.'lica. pissed a reau'io: that "we, regardless of party alTiliat o i. rc spectfallj request Attrny-(Jnera' Ieeetoue his authority and infjnc far the appointment of a farra-r a sec retary to the Stale Board of Trantporta. ties." A Gbsklkt Coc.xtt fsrmer mm 7 it Urasse was recently conv cled at Scotia of tyiaz bit wife with a ro; nnd beating hrr shantefally, for which be waa fine i V.')aaJ easts. 810CXC0CSTT farrarshaveaa Albanof. TaB yoanc sou of Jens Jensen, a fanner livriaaT flfteea miles north of Onl. met with a serious accident Ihe other night Whil retarnlng from Ord oa horsriMick tbbort stumbled and fell, breaking the boy's leg a little below the knee, hay stack near by. wb night. Wh-n found aezt lez bad fros-n solid. EiCRTT members of the Lgislitura sigaedapKlge to saprort Senator Man- demon for re-electi in and forward.! it to ne oeuaior so inat nj m-gnt no. consiur it necexary to leave Washington to look altr hi intret p-rt'nally when th e!-ctiun of Senator com on. V. I. Bates, a nurtiei man thirtr-flv ear old. recenMr etcpti from Vatparaio wun rannie tsrown. a miss 01 nf te-a years. A Xax was recently arrested on a farra , ucar orth Lonn uho is -rorH 11 . Jk ' sTiprn the murderer cf MIm MeUitaWe Wfait la Concord, Mas. He profited his iajjo cence, t ut wat held for idtatificatloo. A Rsr Srewe ianiJorJ rcniy sl owed a tramp to t eni the night in in tie , hotel efiice, and next morn -rig si otel cfSce. and next rowsjig u obliged ; to settle with a traveling raon for a sris- tjg overcoat and "jnn,' Tnasi b nrlar?. in the renon of Toss ' Cody and Mrs. H- Eal-olt -1 d-oghtr. , hare been arrested at O alia a- Tiey vMMMn4Affvii -. -.eew--- -,,- S W1IWKW!?. WWT ' BJtWaBsirsU-T. A. R. 1XIU:, dry-i ivts Osta&a ! was buraw tb osier al;tt, ciaitjr a nrt V-'Wma B. " it of tha X otlatlesta Wl Fraud. How His Sft-apieloaa Were At By li tae Weamaa's Stipa.atiems Coa tract. Supicitw Stoppage af the Alleg Mackiaery ia tat &crel Boom. CntCAlo, Jan. S. A correspondent foi local paper who has bcn InrntiaU the electric snsar cae at Milan nnd Aa Artor says the handxomely fitted hon recently occupied by Mr. Freuud and th Howjir.U at th? latter place an bow tie -erted. The arnval of 'resident Cottrrlt at Ann Aibor FrJdav create i coaiderab!o of a tir at Ml'nn 3ir. Freund's father. Mr. Hoivard, n letvored to borrow iCOM from two different Rfntlcmcn, ofrering to RlTe mortgage on the Milan pro;ertv as eenrity, but a in wantM tbn motier un tnediitelvt they wern either not uitiins or noi able to nccommodate htm. Last ereniiiK Mr. Cottrel;, after -how m a laaiptr of the -tiar ailesrel to have bten retinel by Freund' proco. -aid. "Aliout a month ago thins vvrrr- i dv a tnra wre could see to make th demon-tratton which, if Kfttisfactory, ws t wnrfnnt us In nmvin MrL Frvuml T." () for hur .m. cret Mr. Howard. Mrs. Freund. tten father, wi in charfjo of the lie work.. Tho excuse for not starting the work a that the crank shaft wai too weak. It tHk about a week to remedy this defect. Th machinery was then started and in two hours and fifteen minute sixty-two inr rels of re lined ui;ar were turned out. 'the milt was topiod becailS' as li clainiei, somo of ttio bearfscs were hot. Friday and Saturday another run was made, and sixty-eight barrels of retined sugar wa the rsulu The -utjnr men in the country were at tho mill, and rwrv- ' liodv was sutHilud. The Fmund art j gave as an excuse lor noi goin rigru on that it wai Uiipoi.ile with the help thev IiikI tt handle tho vast usutit if sugar necessary to fcrp the null i-utti,ii; cteadily, and it would not do tieiplv men -uitit enough to understand whs? i.... i.... - ...... i.. ." K"iiK " ii" ; ' riuiiriif Ki ii fiitlrt-lv i-niixaiit. i .... J Theileiiuinstra'ion ttn-npparentl) nil that ' IV( ll;&il llt.mnti 1.-t t tt It. rifiil u. v.r. mu. i Dared t; tract vh b deiKs - --- -- ....,.. to entry out tlio terms of tlifcoti- ich stiptintil t.nt ?).ts wn- t. ' be depos'te I in Seiv Voile and made pv- I ' nbtMr- Fieutid w hen dixulgod I I 1 t':c s,l'r',t of the process. , "She was toliav(-.VuUltii.tsi of our M! in nny thing, i cniie on here nod m t Mr. Fieundn we k ngo in theullleei'f 1 r .'ittortiov. JIi's-i . Sawyer .t iCti.-I n. Mi.-. I reund In-i td tlmt tli ;7niMi bo lepo-ito I in Jlifiiig.m. Th contra t ml that tho moii must t deponie-l n Nw Vork, but ibinlly wo consented to lime t pined in Mich ga-i. Then sh dem tnll the fi.O1' in ca-h. 1 rsfu-ed to pay Hit- on gtound that if i did, tilt depiit be! ig j in Jlicliigun. the Whole thing wou! I k hi un.'.r uniius. I sail. However, Hint I would place tile j.",(sX in the iianil. of her attorney with th uiid-rst.iinli'ig Hint Irefore th tiioneywas paid to 31 r-. Freunil they shou.d -ee tvveuty barrel, of i Migur turned out mil give me a written statement that tln latter was produced from raw sugar by the process, tlio sveret of which w were n gotmtiug for. This was Saturday. Mi. Freinid dmurrd and we Mdjourued t:II Monday. Motid ly sho wa s.d! unwilling to acrept rtiv prop osition, wh-reujioii I mad the c-t-h oiT'-r, 10,(M. .ubject t- the tmw condition-. Mi-. Freun-l then il c ard llttty that h would :igre to no such con lltlons. I'pou tin 1 -abl to Iihi : 'Mr. Freunil. po I may have n gieat deal of conlldeiicn in you, but now I mut lg you anwer one iuostlou. It has ahxavs been understood that by your process the rotln-d pioltict is mail direct from raw sugar It that it fact?' 'I don't cm- der that a proper tpiestion,' said Jlr. Freuud. It is eiiiiiicnt'y propiT," 1 mi HWied. mid must b answered lie'or w can proo-od' Mr. Fmund hesitated nwhilenud -aid sh would l.ave tospik to her attorney privately. I withdraw nid ' after quite awlliiu th attorney Caliie t Ut, nnd lilagill" my feelings when he .nil 'Will a proce. for tiiniiipulattfig rol!nd ugsr tto or any to you" 'o i said. W ell, the lst thing you can do is to gt back to New York.' Mrs. Freiiai wanted me to stay ano:h-r wek. but 1 a4 lienrd enough and left immfdiatbX'sr etv oik. I took itobliisou and wv'nt t- th factory and open d lb sevrsf eom." Mr. Cottred then related t of the discoveries made last Satu as has been publish)! "How do you account for with ail depending on th fact that ef this process these rooom were, s Mora lhan four year, was asked "llecaus there was urn coaideace in the process, and Ixvau was tlH roeatswers Inted in th contract tha not to be entered." now much mun'T taaa paid over te haSj reyi M A iMimtor VaaaaaJaaW Bsf iW wr Ir"n,., . .. s.;AgirrYBr - 4,-nrait. nd,t.r of i. O, I can t tell you thau-- "As much as fr.WJ." "Certainly not. Only atut that much wna sulMCriU'd alt-ge(her." ' For what puqtoae wa many paid to Frund" "To buy machinery with, and ta othr- wis perfect his p. ant Mr. Cottreli would not say wh;n h x pctd to rtuni to 2iw York. As lndi cati auov n is iook ng tor aornix 17. .---a ,.- . ..- "Have you any Idea whr Mr. Freun 1 and Mr. Howard now arV was ak.I. 1 ! k amilxl an.l as -1 'Thi' hir. l-f I ..... .. ....-. .. ...,7 ..-..-... Milan and Michigan. I dl-OTrei whr they bought their ticket and to what point, if thy are wlir thos tickvte would take thsm. I know hr tby ar.' Victory for Hoatawarr. I'aats. Jaa. 7 Th lctlon to All the vacaal seat in th Chamber of pfati for th drrtruot of Chatnt tak p'ar s ei tenia y and ruliyl B Tictory fur the Boulaaglft candidate. A "fellow ataaT ocr" or LlenUaaat Ddonl t A. Foryth, recently nt,ac4 by court mart. al for boffnt of duplicate S lag bis pay, writ as follow: i'oor Saa- ' dy Forsyth! Tc airt tiave I taw bias h was bing carri-i in a blanket aiilin(. tt td.r, 1. Ar,.r, j Tearof tb, w,r mTtll frT.xrsafj-rward. ne i WM s;fctrl,i.n., ncht-lsd man for a ay -!,,,,, .,., ,b fl.lL Hi Indian fight again: ainnt hope odd ; . Uje.hspsths most Ixtaomn record- Wfcat af 1 him to tie tnrabJe he has mad ftf ' himself, hi prefs- yenxx w.f, aad b I J bey. no en who know him can fatlai ' . Thxasada f rple of ry grade pty ; aim from th ? taa of thair fcr-srt. I i jjATO irVd wuj, Mis. le-ftt by b- . ,-... u -r- ...- ?.. . r -i. ant. lot al 'c, o, l-s if: ftiwlr an Ji I tier r scd 1-n trwsUe ; h,wida. oU.y fcaa : im soul vf ojt. w zttx Lir tf-ti-ruj-rl h JLuiaslaordforkia ia fcSsd rgraca, 1 .9 Jr R ! t -. srm je-rii frvh-- w-u. wtai, w ! a"&aler u k it fc t i y war p us. itsestwf ad rt)riar tow el F iv a to day. TU . 3&ai 9 icn of a b a- l6.t3d 1 pwaler fc a: s iact ntj & a 1 r'ltil'l' w, rTIT ? ".T"..? : rT :-rM " ------ ",.--.. a. 4... l.Ja' t.atft ujisioi ia ftsHSjf asa tt t.rf ,. .. . i tDr th nj i t - -, brt- l.gitijse r.A ?.--.- .-. wiL-.u we - ,r -- - - - -SB" ' sieas-' a a.ta a vv-- ay II ctawte-1 to a J deap-ralr wtmndd.fnai thltU-ald r he passed th . of IWveny Fcnl; thnex tits I aw hua a day his injuel Lad iejrfed for duly B erot;a rathse ,l ttrrr, tK. mil. tn th ! t, rJaa. 1-TW Ot FracBtx. I. T. seat etisaaa lavatle ia Hrriaaw Cy, citeateat it la ' ahea: 2M iehahitaata, ia hoata, atewa 'Uw. Tha aader start Irene, aad the Vaited Masse treaturer ha rrac all cititeeseat. This sreopsare city is ot ruatied ia with fasiUvas rrasa j aicht th trovpa sUlloaed Lte Thai ory recrtved ordr to reasoea ia the Terr- who ate now locating claims ia all settler y of Oklahoma Citr. ljrcll aad the vloni Kiofureraats from Fort Springer apected to join troop II, Unltst Itrao valry. near Ul:ahoua Cltr, aad States the Mtt.vrs in the ruornltif move b sappoij-l tho Mho have As oth Trrlory to t-ile anUwful ion of claims arof th rvtl. , ne u and, therrforo. trvubl of a iriou Is apprvhended at uv moment. A Ion Utiyti the M)M.erandiudcra urly xr:vi and ther tar to hel. e inrniler bav acted very fc-jlUhtr ak ng thetr move at tht tini. Tho j ngerbl'. l (wading ami esrn f th.y i war psrmt:-l torena.n they wvuM gn riu rtgtit in th- . nt of it. ),. Tly aro rviileatly a st of adventnrrts bio do not understand th tcgal status of the matter and wilt come to grief w.thotily thjir trouble forthslr pan. Of all th raid Into OkUhom this U:.t on u th most foolish atit inejcu.lil. oov.naxxT rBtrATti)s. Wahhixotxix, Jan. .V The authorities! at the War IVtvirtiurnt iiucrsnlll th . ttl0T? of " attnupf.1 in th.Ioii cf Ukla- "om" ur '"". " ' r significantly that prrpiration has bu mad to rp.t an I pun sh all efforts in that dlrrciicn. The coiuiuandrrs of Unltnl State troop I located in nd atxiut ttklahuma ar fu!lv ' Itisttucteii coucernlnc th cour to b puriiur.1, and are ou th ftlert, although no , reprt hav i.u rccivd at th War Department Indicating in th slightest any Incursion of "lsom.,, Th djsrt tuent officials say, howresr, that thv would lx greatly rt(srd it Conr, at the present .rxlon, would rttl th Okla homa lUr, and either throw open th lanil- to seit.etnent and luuvid a Tern , torlat (J-'Vrriinient. or pass ucli tans as , ! wou d detiiitiety deterniin the itt-tnn of title. Trxip are kept In th tirld at ' , great di-cvtufurl and eipeus an 1 It i not an agreeable lutj to the army to l hi war footing ngilnst citlun. and wtmld l etlrr, eii'lravoting to.t.ert rights nhlch ' th Covernment exiresv ileiiir. and or- ' I dor- t he military authorities to rejnd by ! forv of arms. MINING TROUULES. Knight r IlM.r an.l t'ul.ot (.! Sllnrr. ! In aa. Illusion Trillir; llir- n I'llrk.! lltll- -.-irr.t Klllnl. Sr. i'si u Minn.. Jan . - A .vlal to the rou-r lVs from hoattle. V. T savs. Smew New Year's there b lwn much wrntiglmg hten th Knights of ' I.slwr aid the Miner' t'nlou. two rlsal Oiganistlots at th llttl coal uiln tig tonnof Nc-icastlv lchtu mil, from br. Trunin aro. orcr a Miner.' Unutt iusr tiog glreti th prfrnes ost a Knlcbt. Ve.tenlas- ih lCnihl of I-!.r ln'gau an attack uihu th Minn' Union A fore of fifty Knights nit thtlgrnph Illla-si afafliiliiul i .! 1..11 - " ..: ' f ' salts ". S s.itiltiiig ih uirti at tli in ns. lb attacking party afterward hoarded 1 tha nine o'clock train at Nctt. siiionI with nibs, and luda to Coat rrk At that iMiititth rvgular fore of th M lii' Union was nttacs.! by th Knlghta with ry kind ot Th tiam was on a tietl and omof th leaders wr diitn and thro .mi off, falling snnty fl or tnor. They t lien teturnM to .N'waatta, uiki a,.nuiif-M in 111 r 11 inrr agHiiu man Iuucnti ilo. was tdlr BBSrd. jrnelir MUIalKV wa a filing Ir M - it.ts, .0 th Mtrnm.' chter ujton th rtiiou I n on uw 11 btoucht out their llaMld iiK-nei nr ou tun Knlglit and ! Bit a tell. Thrir uams ar not thSnwa. Ih sherllT with a , wnl toTfew. castl thl n trrnooii analh the Shtla; very llr h raJIasTfor tha sallttiav ThIatt leiKjrtsajeJpthaviractlkatths troul 1 i aU.ut Mvsar A train arrived late last night with ejav corps. froaal f -ilnc rt-ntmn aad B. H. Crobuf, ef the Murs' USrToa, who waa Injured, tars h s Oisjrsaviwt by th bad shot of a King htaa"A was thaclabbd down with tue iiihrnd of the fua. Other jtnaped oa ajai and he Is badly lajarasl. Uthsr ieacea were Ilk this. Ksact dtalls re aot aow obtalaebl. ALLF.QcV FRAUD. TTaeKaaa eeataa; wart b. CWy Tiatsa Mas a Waw4al C Itta reaitaatUey at slaivsss Crrr. Me, Jea. s. The Tli of this eity this aseralaaT deeate atvat ef its calsawe le aa etsaaa of the a! riagsuiletiaa: lathe sassitaatiary a Laas a worth, Kaa.. aad aaMisa tha slat, ateeta ef Loper aad Keller, who were loratally iaurswted ia fraud. The Tins says: The scaeat for tha eoat;al aad liaaiatlen ef th l:U tsad aiia saessa te aav anaiae! wua ur. raiua A . . .. . .. .. .1 j niim heht "SfT i Morla t,uutv. Kan. Oriam it i that In .Vrnilr. lJ. following Marfn'. lc- n . r,,mor of tl. Mat- f Kan. as. Ur Krtihn pj.roehd Jain. J;r. at th tint treasurer of Atrl.t.oti Omnlj. Kansas, and afw d-inon.tallng t hn tn larg amount of mony that c4ld t - Btad oat of th Coal contract, projioard that Ijmt and bim.!f a;noint lutln rttr. I. J. K.'Ir. , I). . lUrn." Ut' iucklr anS j tta:rmnt th n follow. Hon. Jam il, mala. H'asnivoTOV, Jan t.-l-n. Jam ii, lllain arris'! la Hehigtoo jtrly aftrno4in, II csa from " i'Mk Mr Illam ubnilttd to a lrif lntfw last vnln:. li said h bad eutn te oa s fKilltlcal busluota. H had com to r rang with build Io txit j a Vaa o tnurn proprty aear Deposit r-rei. H will trilld thl houa to rswil. II td k woaid b br for a fw day, and last wben ha lft It would t to go to ladtaa polls to cavi oa Mr. Harriaoe. M.KIal' rraw. CutCMitn. Jaa. 4. -J T Hrv-k. gaaeral aoIlciUir of tfa aaylasa raxtrayi. lives in Halss. O la th eostaty d)nlg ' that la which C"tigJmn MrJCiily tires. Talking f him ysterdaj k said. "Mr. MrKinUt d!od with as vfI wks ago befiv th H;kril flt ha ! dTi0pJ to say gral ltsi4. If rl tn n to b tn a ySMli at U tad regarding ta matter and nt dirJ V aakv a to. Sgfet for it, K eaa tuni mMar4 to ra ta rsk ut klag fmu sevt k- I can ow w & '-3-a K;kr. Tkrr is iggr gawte fa fcl l th- futar. If k wa,ta Ihrm la aooSce ia th- wastry a gt t.t t stay j&ot aa SS-T L. mm I1 Laxuva MlcJk..Jx t.Tar ljo ' BagBxat4 ,tia 'Srk yJrSsy f'rav. A eMfIraW- ymkr 4 kU addr.s sr t,4 ta tfc t4e4bc j !'- ?" e J hs frtj ii-Orwc tast tte at Z a rg T 4J" l4 t rj 4 rdr Utr i l to io jnr fcjrssfc jt I r vi a SticsJ f i-oa l U - cjl I tei I nv sxijtai aai ot4i:-aa. Uoar OrstvUtx yrAsi. a. ft..- wris as - 1st -ito, it s- (A rtii.ys a z?i jvaAiVtscy Jaw, 1 f r t. 4al tWev4. 1 ?4itisv aK tSwaijit ;a ta f alar ti v-f as wstnaaaviia- i. ' avroaa, bow iiar as a aicaiasw sjtaJBMa'aBSaa' Bw tw tsi f. Ta fsllela( has St Us Went etary of Utata Sjirsfin a ,vr. Bsar Oataa. rusrr av Paiava. aim. Ds, ft-s,r- I sar ta hssassrvsiatana as ttertasat that th o fttn ad Yaatat am4 a 9t at r a'ckxk rrstrear awnsbss. IwwK'Bstely a asacrlETa aVr sal i saor ! fever IS dtpatc l hf U lvprat of But u cwir Maisir. Mr J r M. TV'si-tus sl ia r-Zr? him . nuiUf off U tlr sa(B. AS . At pf3B tt sis.r Urn sUaeatrSes ealrast.! tt Mattiea Minister. Sir !s5aa ItsSo. t V York. V Cap'.aia 4jaaf. sr s-t t 0s" Urfttlm. io KMn iky sifr Wrst n tae arrival I Mr Thopo I peats ia stila a letter tUtla- tiwt h cf my I vtatt. A eeST 4 ltr 'fr,3 " 'Soa4 Searferd A It ta l . as. aaJ the Uwtf'jrtaUrTttA list HetxttbJfc? staa tai r. a, T Va'C'r " U:erJJ Maiw KpsiM tttfUf br cvat at ta Uas sivtn-l. tl t ?" tb lUxties sraabr-st slrt R.rier pr-rJ a4 r Use st.r a la fsrta rits f to- s ar tf "r ave hr so h fontulry 4Mrrtra up tl i fc J.xke.1 tor gl2siltTf fttjaf t- sttr , -hr p a4 beiaf e!Ur4 t ft -i2 1 ' s fr-aM t tewesl 1 emur artsr U.4 ' rt tlr sfter .!. tV tnta Cm f t narsive tt ia tJnl KlsT a4 IA j.ct H.p.)tkva trtbs' t H sj U iT.. ?o ii ia .atp av t esasMftl i&t ta fs niurU la rsj ! 1J ta rw ji ta .. r.- as!4, Tie acti.u Si t " ItuVxa irtsrnr)t In ta js-irus l 'orlft io ia? letter Alrrd Us cntr Mlalr. ilf ,nir,a- -t'7 t "itta t SSTS1U ! tkiMj toarkra It ' ' After la ou-irt&g f ta llsitxn Kep-l t a 6ot m tfe outer Jt-3 Vic Adtair! tlsll Isrl tooru!i.-rf ta H5 a-s. at ftsf ninf frota It lutMk. JUrsssJ a ai tiirs .! ti,lTtta4 up tte MsTUn Kfth4ui A ropy af lajs (etlrr Is UrtM-l raaiv.j " I tn. not, no U l j?rM;l sulltat ffrneallT uprX IS rl i-S it not aMU rrtja f ter tUauur tiia OMir Uie ittttiea b ta ritrl I h tir ...araiur- that this "Ut t sa s-., t Mestshtl b, aa !!Vr aad J wt a.- ea SmsoI I UV r t ar usitlt ta r rvt-l hr tb Atlas Ut usr rrif. a i m.jrJr!Ji3rf la irsM u it nr (Jrnitr nf tb tri-l fxMtrvm to aUi as.. i. W td.U) Hhtfsit iWtt, I ha ! t.ll i-an (irorrt! l.ltltti k i s v.'rj i.hlrat vf l KFtC f II. HI m -uk.i ul ta Jst.V I trsitt th at if,:r m5 tufstir rvsWrr-t Tt' .ar i,; .- : ! 'sattsw 4 iW. .i a ':$ Vi4a4 m .Mp Kr fe tb fas as ' a mUr t ?. Mt. ,s . . wvia)ia .klf li a 0.(hUS1 t ta NiSI.fS, shs.t .. ristl l1 IUjlt 4 ibr rcts ta sh fe.a.i ' et Ilk wpfsMithm 1 rt Hit fe-wtst ittrt , ri41j 'a vtsfcrr w U'. a4ratu al mM lsw twr ' if lttk arafr ' tt Hi ijsI i.rt. t- 11 lUM-c. Of ih r,"Mden tJtlsji br j Admiral Irfsr th lttr mrkd "liM U lb i ntot iuisriAnt, as it indl4t tti tta llajtii (irHtnent i. not ittrld ltH ; ta drt.Mi f th lTlJtsU It U . tlhs' J xrr rtvM a.srw vv,i.ia fv sB Fort fm9 -a rwt. asisw . ir if s. fssnr ili'son. first iwss n Uw MwH.s lit la mssust wl st frW.lMV naasf tatji.awi. ta Hasta t Us I'sUlM MS. as( Ua .Mk ml Haiti ta fe aWswasl so t utt U Ue A.iil I hrhMst iMnr lUit llnMablin. r,i.iuTl la ta ii mt tK ' At tt stu tin. Uttii mss ,),, rrli-iis m hi t- ') -"" ", mb lto" 1 rnl ilk ,"rts'a fm. 11 , l swm ll ura nj dl,Vlaelb-4 MM.hir,t n'r Vi4jrs ,. STniKC SLTTLtO. Tit HutllMglMn Irla rrarllaltt sl- II..I. I'llll son, Jan I Last illlg far Iha first t in Ih "V," "" "ss luiHdby ltli partirs to ih conttuf t - tlea'ls uld, ih rsm f tt Bt,a. sssif say- batasaa safli'ss SLMUm end Vh . a mtTt of nla rVsaHUala aa aa.lraU aKrat oa aearly all of th psdnta at !. and It Is csMB'lanl'y aatKted that a 1 coaifdvtts Bndr(aMdiMg will ! rssKtts-1 this RsornlH(. The sly hllea waa ua of th ailwor iletaande f Iks which the (daeiats it, see I ssaV . u ---l d.t"A attiae and'th lHrt. Thay tlai!,BBBVrw. fu vsesaajr, ir with! raatavf atu iiaa Th iia1af-Vayii "itiaaadofatood tbat by tee ter -aBBBBBaw.- a Bv . ty'satsat ih el4 t cfefs w saaa agtia atii a f UjaWaellUt-! Bafa foetiac by aeariy m rusislrr Tha Rarllaflwa by Rivlsc tha )HI ttshaa..b(.v ' ., Nfeee to waa aaaWs -. car aad by bar l-hf th hatchet taeathe ayt. tsljr C4,! f4 "B a Baa? ss t. THE INTCH. pTATf t a fsto K rrrrsataaa-, fa., Jea. Irasaa cf sh I CaattsUtina. waa la tha.idtjry t washiaaMa. aat ta taw have aa Barai frwa saa Ut atwaa. h aldi "Tea tall rravlt ar stwiaaT arifeh eaatliJatalUa rasJ ! 1 it, wib rdi aVasiTawawaav 1 - xi. tt" Ih am rl-t f rlaiB"lrf nsjl-I b enforr-! w th d ffit b- ftttg a r.r bo" dli,' If l .d Ct r clallilii (( 1 f likiT I nak It rlilt oT. bat iit-. f ... mT d tu. Th rlirt-dt fc. d mrrh In thai dfreH Hfc)n It. last j j,mr, j-artU'ularlT ta tVlra and fslb. , y,.tt tu rad. It i iy itptat J ,,,, rtf itfotm. l-wt I !.. last It aM ).;.r-l.d cradHst ,s. as 1 IVst ml.. rbsf rttd iwll If lkr f sd ! I.r.!.ti.-sii..elUU,M Wliii k-1 ebrmt Ik pfpod jid. mt of JJ law txnit l-i"li by 1 trunk lift. Jtdg f,-iy V! ' i it t rthf tttA tf my ! fUy . tsat )S)tia at ffaawat aa I sj--t u. tk t rgrd s It tfmtimXty wtlfci) a fw d;. I tll ay, fcsrw-. tiat I 4 att iMa p.lg p -r la-Mttd b pr!ttat. ft-' lug. frti it vy aatsr. bg '!. fo4 r )it. lat. t .aty a 4tw aad a naietti l$-frt it Sy far. A (- tracts, t (k that tby ahssibl s4 b ssMrastttssf -4 tfossg legal rtaa st Mas LiiMts, y. J, Jaa. -.Krl Kder waa aaagwf la th )mM y4 W mi 23 (CVtkt-fins-i ta . f hi lUk't, lWaih was aiaessB i. VK aSlava rsatg ttal ses.a alste frMH lb luaa tha 4tp tit Te cri f-f wkfc sUt l4V eef. ff ad (aa 4a !H ta 4f M fat, wTitriae Jtw lUtr, -. iu mUr Hmrm4mf, Ae?i , Im Yin $ Jt-dsw bl lwy.-f9 4 hi fstao i-l ! yM tjg g, li, mrtt A lijix Cr Vat J4-i w 1 Iter fca4 tv ety ., tfce,r rt.iavJs ia ti f!U yr af !Ve:rflBr7-ibf lwg!ag ?i mHi,ix s-JT f. c v.T, f jmm t-tJ,kL Jfari. A K , . CatT llet?, r4.4 ti tnA-, ef Lovki, Uuiw4tri srva4. a.J evf hntf fitter trV waa fewi.fa, iiam f?j 4a .. iUt 1 grfv. Wjrf4. riaeWf Wr w Urp 1 ., wis ra &utr U& t)tW.;3?4vra, Mis Rftt taStesf f!i -atis,, 1,J .. - j i aiae asaMesVaa. H (na i-,ta4n4 LAW. aflMalair a t f ShW MCmIm aaaaaaw &. . WfiaaMHBaaas w tha fa4BBBBfca tda4wTM H irs-l 4 V '-as V- t ef $W,C. f1!! s Vi -,-r,"Vi TSR. i$$nttt 'J&t iT - f . H f A a "5gar.yj Zi . -.