The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 28, 1888, Image 6

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iStf u. 1
LV. 3
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CHAFLOTTC fJO& tef3fc2
4SmrmZZl vrete toaaj
Which 1
Tkere. V Mfww om
A taMtr mm1i wltk Ituy
TahWfic)falMeare&ilMf I ,
k was.
er I
Ob 'Wll tM it filial
jfsesstatieg wet say.
teataasiiv waste temamiscthsaatat
aa. at aBBf swear. 1
Nm whs wmaae tsdsT
War. TaMy. 1
And tte totk, MMTMafi m4 m y to
Bmnm tot Mf4 tewtoo MfetU (
By toe viMMilff. 4
Be. ererr. wttkMt asTtoiArord,
Her toiwMiiM Ulddwm toe pea,
lteMte9 ton wmUL or sUeattf atote
lfc KitotoitoM. toeir wook fcMl,
And fuvl law an orer i
8be did aotsar. Mtke Btlt MIoM;
"TM lew to the Wrger asust (ire war.
The thinn are little, who I am reat;
And Ua wortf W Mt always ttaad mA
Vat toe worte ttM XkaM to Mr. '
Ko; toe clerer Mnew toat wrought M well.
And the eyetvtbat eould pierce to toe heart's
latent. J . t
Sit lent to toe aMmlw
Nor counted toe tM u toat at aB.
So Tabby werehvtMatMt!
Ah, gestae baru lift Mazing 4tar.
And Faae hM aa hoaeyed ura to flH;
Bat toe good deed doae for lore, cot
Like the water-em la the Master a
Brnarirnwa story or
Man's Strange Power.
My bmm to Edward Hougbton; I am
twcaty-eightyearaoU, am uuBiarrled, eajoy
the beat of health aad spirito, hold a goverm
Mat iaapectorahip with; a ,; atlanr,
wtoUlBc ptoaty of traVeUaft, aad hare only
ob care ia the world I am afraid of the
dark. Iadeed, It is something more than
fear It tea terror which has hauated ma
from mycWhlhood to the present day.
Only tors people, la to world bMides
myself har sty aeert:iay mother. Sir
George Ollliagham, of OUltogbam Towers,
with whom I lived for fare yara ss prlvato
tator to bte seas, sad who 'gut me my ap
pointment, aad Mr. FallattL
Wbea I laft the To wars a twalfemoath
ago, my neraadrtsaf UtoteWUboaM
bare to pam to strange aearoams or strange
inns, wbea trarellag oa inspection duty, be
came so acate and overwhelming that I
determiaed to consult a leading physician
aboat myself.
8ir Airred (Smith litteaed' to my story at
tentively, Mkedm amaMtada of aaeatioM
about my health aad habits, aad especially
-whether aojr thfag aver eooefrad la very
early childhood to give me a shock, although
ImightharabeeateeyottBg at the time to
rsmemsarltaow. My catechism orer, a
"Mr. Hoasfetoa. I must tell von frankly
IT timtSibbV ."4I,B
3nwttZwtyMrta. As ItcaM
MWBM ST- eoffe. ad k
asiyross lMfesxtaa1
BBTB - - T"
?Wi J2-X&
r v-S' It SB.
MlMflMktoM. toDHfDH
iiaiMiniiliM : ' raw act
fco sawsat. wm -east ief aara.? w.T"a"rw
HriMkMMM M Mr iuww m rr-T '-
r, KaHHMa
tt - - W W V- H
MM tatMitaAtc a
leva. WMTmpriMg
VV X that I caa do aothiag for jou. The symp-
1' -22 JTk hTe halattdlstresslag;
'?-au- Tsartlcaa eot tell yeas a.physiciaa how
taey otMasw saagritaay;wsyof aUo-
iatlaf them. v laave a f rtonfl. aowerer,
who is a arofouad believer to animal mas
aetism, and although I am very skeptical
aboat maay of his theories, ho is one ef tho
cleverest sad most agraaaala jaea I know.
It can do no harm for you to see htm, and I
am quite certaia he will perfectly sympa
thize with you, if he caa do nothing else.
His same is Tlhathl, aad I .have written
down his address for yeu. Call apoa him at
three o'clock to-morrow, and I will writs to
tell him that he may expect you."
I foaadMr. PallatU the next afternoon
loaagisg over a bodk in a large luxariously
fBraiahed room crowded with pictures,
curios, sad "pretty things" a handsome
young geaUamaa, perfectly dressed, with a
pair of eyes which, if they coald aot aee
throagaaalaa iii.lcoked at tf tocyeewM
pierce a ussa being .through aad through.
After' a little laiUfciust, ecavataatiaa 1
begaaito toll him my tale, hut I.wm so
aervoai that I beagled woftdry.'aad later
apsrset my aarraUs with Miotic gliltlaB.
"Ws a Wt,MrAHeghtoatthers,siao,
hurry," said Mr. PallatU, brlagiag ate a
'- ghwa ofwlae from a side-table; "yea are
my patieat, yea kaow, and must driak this
hefora begiastog a loag story."
IeslMsthfaraathtvepat sossethlasT.toto
y dwghtt,tor ia a few,aJMtMfead
Vaalf toikiag aa calmly aad lajpaiiively m
u,were speaking ofaome other aersoa. ,
UhIm how, R llaMttey ihel fl taa
fNadteok twa steps away tram it, I wm
lest; how my oatatretcbed; aaaas
"Saoh a wtaaew where I asasahiit to
W,aadaUthe faraltare aiaalal to
"V, P;la the corner mI ssovei ahsat
HlwoaldsUkoathe grtmadut
JVJiSrvai aai trembUag U wait
acneaa eaavisuaaaiaBa mmw diMt
toraat; aaw ue mrAmfVmS
earvaatcemlagla "tiearVtaaeajaf ay a
atoBan carrying a WuMsaraai wltoa
jasaisami BamMawraasw.!
,aar; aaw,
iaJDaiaMr.nta b I
lUoal sceMsa-H efcarret to.'aZr
saw BBoraiani a ongaiosu v .
'Aayeaerawairisaoa'lske taaV.
Mr. Ps!latcL ,"I caat toU yea ZZ
yea have lahiiMtodma, Mr. sfcaghvT,
"nsir SaaaiMlT T hsalhal
cocaHBi at Oiliagaam .tawers, wheTi
uvea rsrave years m ailiatutetoritoW
George GUttotham'e aoaa. He bad hew
mummmm waiiwaracaziOMsaorTafU
: tm saw arraax awaw-
i ef toUressciasaaiaotra. tuaaa
kf evweaaad aaMtoeeMBtorht ha
rsOed by," hat to
.my light
wmb Ems iTTZLZrZr5
atractai to ahaaaafaalM
WwMMwatwwaV BmwatfvrT
-BrWhi igtaal atmrn frmmlaii
' Z!ES?1t2tiZ!l
-SI - r - Ti
of dilaoiatloa and decay.
waa clearly developed jtce
k of a sua aad a woman ap-
id I could SM that tneir ost-
Ith those of two of the family
nre bad potated out- to sss.
- at that aaomeattoturnmy
jin stream of light ehlnin
: la the door. I reached It at
itching up a lamp some one
'on the stairs, returned to
I ewtrx thing aa usual. I told
two thoroughly explored the
f the Towers, but could notf
icast resembling the one of
a race-boy brought In
I haJ drunk mine the cur-
inatraint uader which I bad
used off, and I said quite
ere, Mr. PallatU. I havo
tt of it, and now. what uo
Mr. PaUattL
I toughed.
rith. There is ns cure but
iderful gift of second sight.
; it too much used, full of
sad nerve. Butpreven-
cure; aobuy a little do?
: the foot of your bed. and
ibled by visions again.
I does go out."
mutual promises to meet
jered away on duty, ana
i before I mw him again.
led to London, and was
I him up. when I received a
korge CJilliagham, begging
the Towers on a mutter
itnrtance. I lost not a
the summons, and, lull
lisgivins; that something
1 arrived at the Towers as
for dinuer was aoundlui;.
no as I drove under the
looked so worn and
aid not bcl( wh.3)crin?.
lir (toorge, what U It?
i tho title-deeds crop(iel
a vengeance," said Sir
c5 now. and meet us In
liure are no ladies only
i has met you bctore."
lK-room with the soup,
rdially with PaUattL Ho
lary evening dress, hut
b'ol as for some great
roro black knee-breeches
and silk st
ad great diamond buck-
les la
lie broad ribbon of the
rhite waistcoat, and he
rdcrs as well, lie hud
wore half i
va with him, and we sat
down to a
for the gods. The wino
he gara m '
oly ever brought out
I royal prince accepted
lie Towers for a night.
Dies. I knew It and
Mr. FaUattil
nd it out. and our eyes
i saw it and was glad.
I He drank toask i
is in the old-fashioned
waysadsalf; i
making a little feast
to-aigbt, myyoj
friends, for reasons of
myowa. It ast i
story, let us eat. drink
aad be met
morrow well, to-mor-
iMldotMMfKa, let uabopc." bo said.
turning it osfsyife 4augh.
MrPeltaUr,Miasrtainly well worth a
good dtaaer. fMlthait seeming to mouono
Use the convex" ttiaaihe always had aomo
thlag orisxiaaltc safMp(n every topic that
was started, pii3 half un and wit wcro so
keen and apoaseaa that our solemn llttto
dinner iautvtaKcaswquite a rollicking af
fair. Amuaajt aBubjects we discussed
was the last fv
; of the last new cou
Jurer, which toa-i
iling all lAndoti and
giving learned )K
sons slccplesrtii'
it out. f"
and doctors and par-
Intlie endeavor to lis d
"Why, doa'tyca
Lwhow that is done!"
said Mr.rPal
tie proceeded to solvo
the riddle ia aatoasa
'Most eztrihnlli
r!" exclaimed Sir
George. "Doyoa
in to say you found it
out vnarsetf V'e
Yea,'retutjieirapattl; "the very nrst
le I weat tTltoia-ievcr has been and
aver will beatl
any kind that I nm
BBable to unraa; -
ppose it is a kind of
made any ue of it
gift, but I hafa
except Bometlntosste I
e n little fun." Anil
be gave me a psct
k out of his black
"Exposing allri:
fortune-telling and
rapping and Ualt
ig and such knaver-
les. I suddoso.".! a
i'd, composedly.
"Quito so," real,
IllatU, dryly.
"And now, gai'l
," said Sir George
t was emptied, and
we were ashatol
ii to iook as it we
should like aonaj r
will toko our co ttlc
"if you please we
lie dining-room, n-i
there are bo ladms
' and ho roso from
tho table and waak
- a sa
., - , . VI
of to dffcitatl
sabot fAoliajrig
of aaaieef as.
v me v
HfrOeeira Mi
wait hrwiniyutl
"Ye, ItVi: . w
rUatti,wfc Wkjn
sad MMk mi 4 i
KBd I wereun ,mb
' " flrUMKeniB
mimvo Asnvtipii xaan
crotMB Md
a m
niiinp.1 r
1 41
,am hb uo.iv. "(contenls $nto a teaspoon, put
r'nJ"l:JWhatever the potion wa, it
we followed Palsttt
'Mr. Hwughton,p!
lii;o to be a modern
Clareace and aa
tied in a hundred
dozen or tost ciswe
To my surprlssW'J
the great state pis
trc led the way to
room, and as wo
splendor was be-
entered a ueifecfjaS!
fore as. Thebuir
wlth its frescoed
caillags and prof asc
by hundreds ef wa
g. waa lighted up
les in great chanae
Hers, in sconees, hr.i
walla-were esalrelr
and Ousters: the
ed by full-length
portratta ef 'oldtG
portrait a powerfll
:iama: over each
nd rctlector threw
so strong a light Baa .
and gentle dame &'
y gnllant knight
to have come to
life and be gauM
the black-coated
iatrudsrs into t-tir'
assembly. Two
ing, one at each
eaormeus fires smrS
eadof the room, Said
ore one of these
Mr Geafaaistoedfai
seated. fHe'loos:s.(
(MtoHllUBoaaf I
tloaed us to be
knd and ao stately.
nc was so over
listened for his
poweriag. that hM
mnk witha MsMai f I
king to detain you
fer aayleagthotj
' telling you over
acaia the history i
i have both heard
already from my II
, on this particu
tor sight I wish to
late some of the
fsa'year 11
Mr Huge OlUtfl
ter being many
years a widower,
lyoungand beau-
to -the Towers.
There are hlsi
hers," pointing
id inspect them
to them, "go P
Who knows
ig so!" he said.
almost fiercely.
rTae aWoaai
fram th ver
wed, aad ber
laaar wMTarj(
id's vasahoad.
worthleMcomslB, tl
a man who had
aoaaadered his bl
and willingly
parted with alH
tes of Gllling-
aaaa tobla voaa
acd his heirs
artrait in that
ire as closely.
both ef yea. The i
brought ruin
hoeso, and Sir
I himself in the
i fact that the
ler, once sat in
iw.khMtt Af 1
ailst well bom.
' toeiartMMBi haUMcroi
ind to kiss his
t -"- ""- -'
aoiated tea
lof canopy of
George, "Sir
than be was
upstairs, the
voice of his
ktranger in one
door; it waa
by that
I burst it open
I open window.
, after half a
through tte
lad his wife
ttiaga coa-
oato his
ling that met
with the ad
I Vaaa VawpBaaVsVBSi wfam
but her face waa the face of a maniac aad
she sever recovered her reasss. dying ssaay
years afterward wtthia the walls of a mad-
?He saw the whole devilish aiot now.
Coarad Gilllngham. using his wife aa his
to!, had intended to abstract the deeds,
aad, with these ia bis psaMsaioa, to attaiat
him of high treason and claim the Mtotaa.
"There srasa state trial, which anyea
can read to this day, aad he was scquitted.
with a univeral expression of pity for hi
misfortune, and of loathing for the subject
of vengeance.
To pieoe together these facts has cost me
months of labor, in readin through old
diaries and letters ia the munlmeat-room.
for I bsve never felt sure whether some day
or other 1 or some of my descendants might
not be chslleagsd to produce the title-deeds
of GllUngham. The blow has fallen upon
me at last. It seems that some descendanta
of thatokl collateral branch, all long since
dead aad cone, as I hoped and believed, bare
turned up. Atanyratetberareagttabclly
at work, making all manaer of inquliles,
searching registers and so on, and wy law
yers have told me point-blank that 1 may oe
called upon to produce these deeds, atul that
if they are not forthcoming my tenure or
Gllllngbam Towers may be In serious Jeop
ardy. Unles you, my young friends, with
your keen witi and ready Invention, can
help me, my resources are at an end.'
He turned and rang the brll, and thea
leant his head upon his hand, hU elbow on
the roantlepsecc. A servant entered, and
looking up ho said quite uaturally: "Put
out all theso lights and close the rvom
again. Mailam-1 only wanted to show Mr.
PallatU how it looks on a state occasion
and take the cigars and things iuto the
billiard-room. Wo will finish the evening
Or the almost incredible events wnxn
followed I coufes that I am unable to offer
any explanation. I can only vouch for their
having actually occurred. Whether, as Mr.
PallatU houesUy believes, the soul can In
certain raru Instances leave the body aud
wander up and down the spirit world like a
dojr in a fair, prying into the secrets of the
dead, or whether those events were merely
the result (to quote the doctor h "Martin
Chuzzlewil") of a "most extraordinary
happy and favorable conjunction oi circum
stances," will forever remain a uiytery
me. . ,
When I srot Into bed that niRht my brain
was in a whirl, and 1 should have been glad
to exchange nerves with a cat. The unusual
quantity of wine I bad drunk, the dazzling
splendor of the state drawing-room, the
awful midnight tragedy of a century ago,
and the llfo-llko irtralts of the jwinciiwi
actors seemed to forbid tho very Idea of
sleep. But when 1 thought myself aiost
wide-awake I began to doze oa and was soon
"as fast as a church." How long It hud
lasted 1 could not tell, wheu I woke with a
start, and for the thini time In my me
found myself alouo In the dark. I stretched
out my tiand for the matches, but they were
gone, and at the same time the luminous
glare appeared upon the wall. Thea the
room, with its one tall opeu winuow, me
broken furniture, the case of stuffed birds,
and the two llgures of my former visions
developed rapldlv. i could see the last
plainly enough now a man in a long horse
man's coat and brown boots with great sil
ver spur, a woman in along white wrapper,
with fair hair Mowing over her shoulders
nearly to the ground, and they stood to
geihcr by the table reading from a large
shest of paper which they held between
them, by tho light of a single candle in a
tall silver candlestick. Occasionally tbey
turned their faces toward mo with an anx
ious expression, as if they were listen hg for
something, and I Immediately rccagnized
two of tho portraits In tho statcgsrawlng
room. Suddenly they started vioMitly, the
man rushed to the window antlaleaped out,
tho woman thrust tho papers Into her
dress, and a second man with afdrawn swonl
Hashing in his hands da.shosT iuto tho room
and through the winddW in pursuit of
the fugitive. Then tip woman drew
Aut tho Daiicrs and tri to tear them,
but they must hav
been parch -
ment, and she failed; she
the llama of tho candle,
only began to shrivel, and
them over
ae corner
burn. At last she turned to one o
prints which opened at her touch.
document into a cavity in the wall, anw ro
iiniiii thnaocrture. fell headlong Urho
cround. 1 could not have borne rau
more, when there was a glare of light In my
eves, a hand shook mo roughly by the
hhouldcr, and a voice (Pullatti's) exclaimed :
"Good heavens! Houghton, what is tho
matter I You must have had the night
mare, and look quite exhaust.' He look
a tiny vial from his nocvei. aua pouring ww
u xo uiy ups.
was so strong
tbl It nearly took my breath away, but its
effect was instantaneous, and I asked him
quito calmly: "How on earth did you come
"Whv, I felt so nervous and wakeful
after Sir George's entertainment that I
couldn't sleep, and as I got worse and worse.
1 thought 1 would see if you were in the
same pligbt. Tou certainly seem to have
been no better off than Land I think we had
better stick together and keep ourselves
awake by talking till daylight doth appear."
"Most willingly," 1 said, "and 1 will be
gin by tailing you my vision like a modern
Pharaoh, and perhaps you may bo aolc to
cxjHJund it, O Joseph. There may be noth
ing in it, or every thing, who knowai"
The nex- morning, after an almost un
tastcd breakfast. Sir George, PallatU and I
were prosecuting a vigorous search in the
haunted wing, but after an hour of hunting
and poking into every hole and corner, we
came reluctantly to the conclusion that
theri was nothing corresponding in the re
motest degree with the room of my vision.
The case of stuffed birds and the dingy
prints were especially conspicuous bv their
We wero walking away, silent and disap
pointed. Sir George and I leading the way,
and had nearly reached the door which shut
off the wing from the rest of tho bouse,
when a shout from PallatU, who had been
following at a little distance caused aa to
"Eureka ! Eureka!" he almost screamed:
"I oagbxtn have seen it at a glance! Come
back both of vou: we shall know all about it
in Ave minutes."
The usually calm and impsasive Mr. Pal
latU waa in aach a violent state of excite
ment that we almost feared for his reason,
but we obeyed him and returned upon our
Without hesitation he went straight into
a room called the best bed-chamber, in one
corner of which there still stood the great
iron chest from which the fatal Ulle-deeds
had been abstracted, and taking a foot-rule
from his pocket carefully measured the
wall oa one side of the door nine feet.
Then he came out iatotbe corridor, which
was panneled throughout with dark oak
from floor to ceiling, aad measured off sine
feet from the side of the door oa the outside,
marked the place with a deep score of his
knife. Transferring his atteatioa to the
next room (known as the blue-bed chamber.)
he scored off seven feet. His discovery waa
patent eaeugh now. Agsia applying his
rule to the space betweea the two scores, it
wasat once seen that there were elevea feet
of walluaaccoaated fer.
'Thereisacaraeaterat work dees ay,'
pasted PallatU; "we saw aim as we cam
up. Rue, say dear Hoaghtoa. aad aria aim
I was esT lift a shot, aad boob retaraed
with the astounded carpeater, who had eeea
sheddlasT gimlets, hraaawk. Balls, aad
screws aad aach assail articass plsatifBlly ay
tbwaraidoatof his basket ia hie
PallatU had already seaadc
the raaty aaile gave way at
the alsaaa were resseved, the
by the great-jjrasd father of the mice who
scampered la to Ihrlr holes aa w entered.
Fcrtwo or throe minutes sol a word was
said.and then I sprang at one of the prints
and tried to tear it from the wall, but Pal
latU stared my ba&ti.
There ts not a secret prltjt In the wozid
could baSe me for two minutes." he mU.
With ose touch of his fiagrra the picture
flew open, and putting ia his hand he pulled
out a mass of crumpled parchment.
A short lnpwtlon proved to rtlr Genre
that tbey were the long-lost deeds, sad we
all saw for ourselves that one corner wi
snrivelod and stalnnl with grease
- I
The next morning I found Sir George j
waiting breakfast for me alone
"Where l PallatU. Sir ircorgT" I asked
Gone." replied Sir George, barstlns out
t ki ..ii.-i.i v. ,. f m ....-
MJj IJ i b.s ww rM asasv vms
punching his bead If be suye-l." .
-What on earth should I do that for"' I j
inteurom affi 2 !
out your light, stole your matches, aad hid
himself In the cupboard In the hope that jou
would be able to give us the tvertit of one '
oi joureipwiencei. ) . .wia. ,M"
he told me U assure )ou n his honor that
not one bint of what happentxi that night
shall ever pass his lips "
"And 1 quite be'.i-ve him," I said warmly
.'PalUttUs a glorious fellow, and although
ltwasu't very lttor mo at he Ujr
the game, in this case, was well worth Uhj of thcaud!e."-.'..WJ.t. Jnj.
im JUdjnuut.
mu;nqiTV 0c CHOPS
The sM.Thlag Netful : AgricaHural
, ... , ,
ITiat the prevailing yateci f nri-
i . .
culture m every civUized courtrv rwts
. . , .. ', ...
on a basis more or ! rational, will
. m i .. iv s- a...
not bo ctmtroverted. Th'
tj Is rva?m
wliv some iection should bo siv'ially
,...! ... -t. - I.. -J f .1...
mw :,. r 'Trr; : ' jz :
words, to farmiii):. :uid otliers to what 1
is termed planting. A controlling in
fluence is alo exercised bj thi i pedes
of lalior employed iu th cultivation of -the
soil. Tho order ami oxactitudf ro- '
qitlsito ia conducting t!o operations of ,
inotcd bv havmir a sutlicivnt amount of
la!)or at tho absolute control of th
plantar. 1 his is especially true in re- ,
gard to the management of cutton. .
sugar and rice; and partially, if not
Hiuallv so. OI tonacco. mi tne inner
. . -. .., ....! t I
lianil. tne success! pro.,.cuo,,griu,..)W)iiK.a j iW( u u !oiNj
ami grass auums oi a cnaugo w. -r- (
tions from year to year; and. indeed, of t
a rctiuution or iucri,a.r w mu iiuiuir-(,
..., .1 i .1- . -. . V...
temporarily, uuringiie i.n.K.:-. y-
seiuson. A lew sieauy aioiTn, im
sticn auccession o. ,un av ., . .
as tho occasion demands, are sntlicieut.
under intelligent &,,.rintendec.. for
the general work of tho farm. Hut the-,
such succession of force at busy times
conditions necessary to successful
-.1 ?--...-. .. . IBS. I. .J K.kll Itltll
piailllliuarc tn a uihj an mj;v-nii..nv. ,
Tho lo-s of a few days at a critical
season might involve tho failure of the
crop, or at least make aUthedifforencw
in the result between profit and io.
Hence tho plantar uK provldu him
self at tho beginning of tho year with
tho amount of laboV. roqiriiilo to mit
all contingencies. With this under his
control ho is able to carfcy on his ojera-
tions with all tho nrcuision of m
It was under such cond
ns as these
that tho planting interes
grow up and nourished.
Hhe South
an almost unexampled
spority until
rather a recent date,
not tho opportunity ojr witnessing the
manner in which thoac industries wow
presented, can fortri but a faint idea of
tho skill, judgmet and capital neces
sary to success. It is owing to the ab
sonco of theso conditions during some
years pat. more than to any othr
cause, that almot even' attempt to
eontiriuo tho culture, on a largo seal.'.
of tho loading staples of tho South has
resulted in disastrous failure. Tho cli
mate and soil are the same, tho plant-r
has lost none of his skill, tho former )
labor of tho country still remains, and
thn dhTerenco in expense between free
and involuntary labor is not &o imjort-
ant iinXcleiivnt as to affect tho general
result; but it is the difficulty, or rather
tho impossibility, of rvgulating thin
labor iu tho most efficient manner,
which now constitutes tho greatest im
pediment in profitable planting. In
following this course of remark. It is
not ray intention to express any opin
ion on past public events. They havo
passed into tho domain of history. It
was deemed necessary, however, to
state procnt facta anil difficulties ex
actly as they exist, for the purine of
drawing the deductions to which they
inevitably lead, namely, tho absolute
necessity of abandoning. In groat part.
the old svstcm of planting, and of sub
stituting in ita place such a diversity of
crops as will enable the cultivator to
derivo from several smaller sources an
equal or greater amount of revenue
than was formerly derived from the
cultivation of a single leading staple,
to which every thing was made sub
servient. For though it may take years
to cosvince tho Southern planter that
what was formerly the source of o
much profit oust still continue, under
favorable circumstances of season and
prices, to afford him a handsome in
come, he will be convinced at last, and
the sooner the belter, that the planting
business can never nourish again In
the South under the altered conditions
of tho country, even if It were desira
ble that it should, which. Indeed, may
be well questioned. Afo Bulgt
Origin of tUac.rleal Terms.
The technical terms ued in regard
to electricity refer to units of rariona
nature. Thus the unit of capacity Is
one farad; the unit of activity, one
watt; tho unit of work, one joule; the
uait of quantity, one coulomb: the unit
of current, one ampere: the unit of re
sistance, one ohm: the unit of raag
aetic field, oae gauss; the unit of pres
sure, one volt; the uatt of force, oae
An These names are mosuy oe-
rived from the names of men who have
been famous ia tae acid et electrical
research- Thus Michael Faraday.
James Watt, aad James P. Joule.
famous English discoverers, give their
Barnes to the first three uaita mea
tjoaew; Charles A- Coulosahaad Asdr
X. Aaspere. French iaveatora. to tte
twa ualt foilowiaf; G. & Oasm aast
Carl F. Gauss, Geraaaa. aaaa twa
Bwra waits; aad tte vettie samai free
tte Itaiiaa diswrever. Vesmv Tte
is aVsrivwat frees tte rawt wm m
A Imtnry THa )! Cn
I lt taisvsi mt AfIs-
iou nave rrwaaiy oin ,- Mina
asvlum. brilliantly U?hte4 at albt,
and ,ou hvc prJbab jast a. aftcn ,
wondervsi whv the blind ulrrd such '
a lxurv An Inquisitive reirter rt-
wntlr v?rtained thst th, ilad an. '
! not deprived o! their slht ta:h aa : .' Ioct J mi -t
j extent s-sUcenelysupposFusr'oa-iih'ay capital wtfcit '"
iatendenu and aaair. of wrlua. of hdsS .sAhv4 b tarst-r ta-
. ... . , . . . ,,, ,,
v ' a sJ anv ss
little !t;bift and petty tricks of their
The blind are mo't michler-
o.: at the very Ura.? when one woutd
think them '-o txj thi least trouUicwsw
that Is, ia tho evenlnj. Tho upjr-
latendents !n this rt'.v understand this
aad order all the ca Jet. In the Instl-
tutu,tj to l lighted promptly at sub-
down. All the tricky one. are thea
J " ' - '' "
Taoby d.- the raoue. Most of tha
blind hsvt some powers of ejeIrfht.
and jit my . a4 ru! esut l rvdlly
i tnUVesl hv them. TheV know thV.
- . ..,,.,. .. ..
hen all the lights a.-v Koiafc' at fu.l
j blazo they can not cut i ay Jtrans.
aud tht all the books With heay
! prtnt .rjlu j ti.v can tako v IhxI sad
; j ', t thc nt.'ht. are taken ay
, , . .. , , ,
'" them. 1 h. am th (.rinolpal
reasons why the paer-by ee? all the
' hU'- l,urat- ,n Ulc rotai'' of lhc bUml
, XM.lum. ,ut iUvro u another and
i.,,,;,. u.irdtans of the blind
t stalo that tho latter derive a crcat
: . . ,, v ,
amount of comfort from the Ughi.
Mnnvof them can j.'roiv.' my, and
, . '.-.,rt.. , ., ...
' .
. . . " ,
their uutuiinM uMun. .v wuh
nijrht comes u they xalt patiunllt for
- i,.s wiw !iKhui
uuio under the illumination th.t Is
sensible to tlieir optics.
Siip-nntomients tliul it hanl to di
vide tho blind Into distinct classes, ac
cortling to the degrees of blindness.
Thro l io cntluous graduation
tfto wh ma
., -,.. ....... ....
dtvblotl Into thrsc'.asMisby thn.Mj who
' .n... . iM iMii ...t..i mIvIi tVti.,,1 1'K
y ; , of lho,t) H ho rnn
u,.n hl uI w Intc-
'niT Mr,, devoid of the .-..mfort
, winch light u'lv.s.
Tho highest tost to
lhj ot) hj ,hi, j,r,.oUo of
U,,lluaj. durinr a Uiuill!,.r ,tl)rm. and
f if the rln-sh is not porvolvesl thU pnivea
lhnt lhe M.,yof y,,., u vulmy k.a.
In tho second olas an tbo who
w wlw MH, appnviato light and
fmW Uw KtUno of lh
form;jf - .yu (,v, wUJl
, ,,ialloM MlA w:ull ,. miHL pu-
larly at suimIowii. they seek the chair
n.-atvst to tho light, and draw ine'.U
ble comfort from It.
The third class- t-nn not only dl
t(n..,,t.h H..Hf but also tiartlallv
rend and dlso-m the featuros of their
friends. This .'las, is bv far the most
troublesome. Thov do 'not estieclaliy
caro for gas light, "sometimes ns;au-e
it interfer.'s wltii their HttJe plans of
.niMr. TIl. ahutvs make It
slOs.0 1 -- ----- . v
a iNilnt to light tlie gas tit their nwims
and keep their iillo liralns out of nils-
..... - t .
C Light and music are tho blind ler-
-...t..f .i..i .),i- All tho lost iniw.
er of vtoion am comp-nsatl
forbv thooxtnionllnnry sen-j of har-
. ii i...
aV7s av4sss -ss-s-s - - --- - a
monv and time, a p.uuar inmimi
talent and gift aro i.psirtliie.l to tho
bllii'I. and .vuro for them ,Kiltl..n. of
.... .... I l
noto. Many piano tuners nn oiui.i in
Paris nearly all tho head piano tuners
aro blind tnjrot!. I he same Is true u
Boston, whons all of tho pianos in in-
public schtHils ar' tuned by the blind.
Albany ('. Y.) A"jus.
A assw. a.a- ;' -'"--
Vnr i- a colle-.. in all that tho
namtJ j,uj,Hi.: and a thorough educa-
. llfn ven in nllail,.ralcal branches;
and it ha its rules of n-lal etiquette
lust as ri"idly adhered to as in Vale or
KMP- ..ri In the roUe-,. sallies forth
.,...!', .n- ,inv...ftH..t..rfn. -
llllflllH iu.:i...... ....,,.,.
. i , ... .H . 1... r ..!.. .... I
case in uanu. o can um nr-m... .. ...
her corridor. If the freshmen l out.
a card is left, if in. thp acqualntanc-' !
. 1 li... t liK.,r mw lh. call
. , ... i i,i,in . .V ktir
this calls and visits are more Informal.
. ,tt..
Koch girl l expect'-d to give a party
in her room once in the var These
ar invariably held after ten o'clock.
t which hour llchta should be put out:
.... -i.k otns.Ml l(v,r. cirefullv shroud.
. . . , j . ..... f i.u.r. t.
cl in snawisnuu ww, mi .-
. , . L .. ,.v,tn ,.f iKrfi-
nlgnv w ;""' ...
Stpation einj; u...
" . . . . .. .mi. .
When three girU share a sitting-
... '. , t... ,
outVf it (for most of the room, are ia
group, of thU kind), they combine In
the civing of their entertainment.. th.
wNst-n aritn a nni -room aw rw ,r.-m.a
..s- st.,-.!! amount of trouble aad
afl quantity of th mi", thej Uh tr
Besides the Individual parties or . era: Jon -111 be nv of yr J rasr.
-spreads.- there are the l-rltiroate 1-aee. He- ihtas .h.Jd. ho-ev.r. !
d-uss oartles. The niors Invito th taken Into aeeonat. sad tasi 1. th -i
" t .,- .tnr. th aentar.. Th ' dlUoa of th atoal A o thai it
JUU.l'. -. .-- j...w.
is burlesque. Mathematical Ign and
terms are persooiSe.i. and gorrf nata-wi
vTt - e4aasfaiPl fJ?
riuicuie wv",r . --
ect!onahs coilere lstitutus. aad
even tae .sott 4h '
occasional mia.trel rformaace.
XTlhe vr. and Utor on la vita tainly In as. cWlttaa to nr a tT- 'hKh tl-toe h4 ,
m to the'-rrig" ceremonies, an - operaUon of y sort, aar -ti tawr-- "7 to ad Th iUx
ccnrrformaoceto signalize th-lr aoybeneitderir froa H. Th--- J" -? U
SrltSSBlshed tbeW curs-in Ilea of lary to the sssaswlaSl erj -VrtsrU. rf fk
sriftinfto which the freshna tetapanieat o? tte !! . ert- , -- J? Vm -
injfonora rorMf-rf vU-5 by exp-riKta' a Urj- w j riA?'- IM ih IVj - 'I3iir.
"" SCSI'S ,-, tisetai-xaeat ber 1 SaJTaamstar -- ! .ratfVars - lle t.s
i nc i4ijsv.. -. -'- , i
pssaauxs. apps. p- -- TTV xch c h- hfrd lo
enade for refreakmea-; JJT frra pro?r lrisUitoa to fr- tta
ia the college 9rk"- ZZ ' fn UBal taxathw -rd er a
powder aast "Jl? ut disvjbsrtias. td prvtta. lby ru
CvS7? ""'do Bih 3- to brftor i?lr w -
OcUca ,,, dltV by th apjjicaiU of x4
Jlaaoa will be isterestod i lh bi&s a-Vi. totiertrs-a Vitai-
latestioa arr aa Eastera ma of te -jQ r&x? xl taj farmer s tiw
kiada of ptastcriag cossposiltos. Th: frvet day att bs a gw2 Wsyesa
t he od for the irst cpS coesUta of mukm jj tBsL sua tmlj text how to
ay, Msrdust. plaster of pari, stacked gfaw fmt crwaa swaaoaxJoally. lrt he
HBe eugar aad carboaato of soda. n tar aad ! shstw to t hta
while that for tte snewad coat ta aaaa
ef tartar.
Itea. aa4 Bsastor of aaria, eac
st usmaoosded aast
firai aad
WJWbwbw -a m
im saapnn'iiBf aad after a meassr
Matti Is !n gwt t
sl. jrS th sspfly of tSioi tawiuia
- - ,s--aiL
tm "' w , , . . Mt
U - m Z
Voucfes. cx, wlUi .-, U
& . W - fertL
-tHiry fartaln? furfUiw a wta
-- -
Krrrj txrxi hniW I- rmnWetf
ith hrht ticVI- for rltar " tYr
nur-i snlttvxH wb-n It l reOBVrj
slic :- ap. or for any tt&rpvnw-
nbrv th savta vf Uo J siti
t an oli:t.
Kor sabmtla. choo swS
ornc. p lt sn4 lk very this.
taking- out th 4. C.rstn Urs
'- t
oranr. sprtnklo iwdcrw sr or
crh layer Rrtl Siv rwr-
.JnMifc-ati,ii d nit warrxat th"
-" " '
lio statrmont th-xl Ul drlal l
crra oassagr irons cti. ' "
xnlrary. dorlnc the wrs raonthf Ul
drinv taltlitktcs 4mnc,, wrf,w
dltchln? and dfres- cau IrA
ta'Jon from Svxls.
Aftr thiffi!!,(ivm.frtt ! ia
derrlop.-.! n appitU.n will kill it
that will not at th ttasp kill the
jdMsL lrala? th rrth y trt
th" :m. thus diruj"tnc tho
Uforsi they hatch. If vwfnUy IoU csl.
w ill save tb enp-
Mok Mine' l'J- Oar ht eap
brown Hfar. half jnt4e, half
cap water a"l a haM eup ta-car. a
HttJ bttrtr. eiutt-smon. nutra elie
. . . . . c V. .V.A
and mlslns. to nvrkrs or l slkv
of brwwl erunibitsi As lUlth to
haxrinl t'.lsgTbm!- Hwb m
tether half a esip of bsiltrr nd thro
cuji-. of Hour, stir In a tp and half of
molasses, a cop o viu in.r nu ....-
m. . ..11 S u .AS. Sv.VaI Eft. 1 slkJaB
gg. very won nraitfB, aaw i"-
KtMbm'iil i! LMttcer. tstnloi im
Ms. and two t..ap.mliU t rrrain f i
tartar; boat tho mUtum and ts.k in a
fiat pan. IftntUim f'usi.
While It Is gtninHy rwieo.lrl
that pts st In the gtsnind Mjwldo
idown will lal much longer than l
' thf reoro j-ltloti. th "by mI
' whenfir of it has l-ot a Hjrtry
with the public The rv-i is this!
Tli por" of tb wiwhI no so oon-
struct.Hl as to draw and posh thn Kiolst-
ur iipnrl from thn nmts to Xltv lMtr
and branches of Iht'ttv al thl ano
principle of actinn causes the constant
' drxing out of a t st rrry to Its
.' natural grth. hl'o if "t lon the
jmr,., will HHstant drn tho in.l.t-
uroupwaisl. thus causing lt prmnstom
! divay.
Apples for domestic ue may l
Wept in a cd. dry erftar In mi. way
lejt naml-r of tier. ( br.vd
-hele. one f,,t apart, with ral 1
' wlge of an Inch to k-si the apple- frsn
falling off Spimd the apjde- oa the
! -helve, and civer them llh any UIimI
. . . ....
of cloth, sneklng. pa-e '
h material A little cl
(Msnum. r
nnn. dry re
' irn" luigHi '"" vn " -"""
npph- ar uHi take tbo- whksh
ripen tlr.U 1'ottie hriv41. or h-e
. . . 1.1. .,... Ii. I- ........v... t.
, nvU of l-cav or, thmn. Irtatltig the
"otttid one. I; win ,m to rt rbep
l.l.ntii. iir fnlt c-nriKit !ir ikb mm. S
- ----- -
. a few harrei, oi iron mar . epv wo-
til lto in the spring I ors ar- Wopt
...u.n.t..lilt Wflll III llltl Slltl.
-..--., -; --
. ts v.v """,., ., -
' a I ew"t ) asjlssssa,
Ttts f.rrl us lw rtlsr.i.s ! Ihs
Th Wlin Kii-riiHiittllii bm
heon endeavoring to fidveth pnntom
a. to Uio egt of dol.omtag o the
...m. !..,.. I. . If tuv. J .n )l1A br
iH n;ithorlty aaa,H.c iryn tha't
the dehorning "era." It ! eAlt-l.
.. ..
, nould In tim prove dltnia to the
dairy interest Tbl 'u.Uon to not.
of ew - "U! at orc, bsil ,r-
' folly conducted et,rinent .tUe
. the qntlon of th ImmMiAto ifff
The WUenla Station give. Ue folto-
. Ink-conclusion, a. th reslt. g il.Hr
. tir-lmotlts UI tiat
- -,- -
Ve hav then a the rwl! of dehorn-
Inf twelve cow. ilr.U Ught falllns
Oil in th mil TeMJ. s-Hn. aq
-i-iijuu In the fat. and third. an!nrrA.e
In the temt-rV.t of the animal. d
notlnr a sllvbt cjecrtrss oi iTfir'
few day. aftr the oj-rUn W hll
the reIt. ar not .seto,T-. ye
. tbey lndci that .tahomlac i,l-M.
healthy cow i. not by any nvi. a srt-
oo operation. tii unK
further x.
nrlm.nls .how a more mxrXnX IcSirl
- - -
mis i.Srt on th snlraal tha.- the o
.rn MSriT- iht. ,la,un ut 4t:
-- ... - ..'......, .
a.. sb i iis.iu.M1 onii rs-aBW arza i;ur rtrxsi
ij-'.-Je -r--"-yT-" - a- -
ili! sjtrar.iaiTs to l" derreI fnm It
- -- -
K by dehoralnr we ran t, w,- ,
orny in feJ sn.1 storage baa
claimed, and If at tfc m- Us th-r-
st. -
Is no pTceptihta
taiJis? o3 In qoallty
t ,rt-,flli,. 1.
jmmntj " ' v., ... . . .- . .-
To Mik. garnsg fr&fsaJ.
" '
pro-bail v tirrw rr u li-
r:, . . .
UtMl .j 9 lhjLi tj dv &, r-
. fc f Avm , ,
i asnea a4 bsvaat his -stIs-o te o
farmiaa 4&mi
artsci'sii-s is li-
ZdjsLt)sa7 wtU
v. aamaBBB. aTsmvaahM,faw W9 Mtwm
A rAUrwtitafansr. tiUia; i
f U fViriia .Hlr i
CpWr. ft Vr
Mt ih - iib-nf e hU --
VtprslW ? fTs In N"
Teth - ota dr. r" Ua "
p!s!sl in . to
m'SSS' -
fey. ar.
fcr.u I. th -r-SoOtf- X)J
ssU U t Urmlaiy vpfis -
rs.0rd 1. "Ud Un,
What lh e OHiviscin p
that you hww vt." - ,V
..Sil trmatp. nha a J
a t.Wmt right to nwr. pr?-
A Nilia.aT I" frwt janl. 9rZ$
It rrtllJ hU COttpl.--tx.
i t;iv.
MUtM (to vat Uv vt
th dirt iK tKst ehir. hridg.
irk Is shoHslagty a!t'4 ta
-,i ! (. It t. . st 1
, 'lM ,0 altn4 to tt. .Sw
Pw a easkdldsto hr tft nW a
hun. nm. and 1 he toisi. -y
ward " 7"wf ? J.
- reie Cuy - "U'bksS 1 lhpa
est. de Sj'bttsr or d lrM -
fpU'tfr PniriJ 'J " "
t-catj-flre eat aptoe. .'
Weil, duotof. Jsh rH! r1 mm
l-., j old o3w U Wf h
d. rwmtAU. ' 1 nt m far hrtb rt
frt."- tH4rl t'r tt.
.. t rvkd ad Mriljfhl r I
aas t4 p-lr f e4orvj f .
f aa KnfHsh hirsh- Ui A K
wrrs Ut Umiltar tetve ta J-.
id . harslaare slorw Ja !.al !. K
j j, ,j.jrvrw lh Uv
J atar trtin to lht lmlmm tksn
, rjatMa Crn of U J.
u,w.iMUe Tra-Ir . -Ala, K
j u a oriua. unn tald
j nMUn oJ coqumr. jw".osrt
.. -.
, .. &- M wtr thn Sb-,
llio ;(, w
, .
kni lWj sy th n t'fcstort
f nrr t Mr, rufWTr' l
1 wsnt to Wa.
tlrwl of standsas'
t h
- A cstMit hs been fn
et Is
? Virk h"lpr lat
lHr l johiic for t4e
Iflng tho jtongTi gril mtvw In tk
oontry It ha ! sho Vj tae tat
lr of the Nmtostaat that
ho was a gnwdrttHhef at tl '
thlrty-to l bj no kuu a "- ,1
jor4hojr In lh sHttrji
- A fwft d) sfo Mr 1S. f i
Augusttne, Ita. hoard a ! ttw.'sIU,'
aud eooldu't toll fro st qartr It
came ahttt ho Wal Iw t I
s a toAril with a s 1 brs to )
ortMiul hU riosV ll shot tto toMrsi
and nxamlwotton " dsU
date. IfiA. on U toli JU U.s
It tntist br Ih-xmi hsU ttw wy
An ott eiurt froia l"oj!ari.
ts of th wplnlwn that Urs I tmf oU
Uder tho oliof (attfrtU Usn
I Vsj ! ttaetf. lo r.44s that lh
idga of idl-prxlsMHnv h! ti at
Peru. ersps up at f lHejr. Iheis t j.
asm! fHMnM il hsiita Hrliv. aad
. JfJwr. M j,,, )', m
turXhr nwrtJt
! . . ...
. na mmittt m-n la hvii to
i fmlnd JJo 1M ? ,Utw) 1Vtll.,
; Jn Um fWwW ,
.H.HI? W t Mty In mslisf - a
j lng to his. ta .). Ml a p-M ol
' Usal lus-l di dutr trv, l' fv, snl
at lsa4atl ra
" (W1-r'". vsnp. aasa iut jn
J Snm ,tS xhn ' l V. pt.
, ii aim ainj up la th t.,rr
1 &" OlftflUNlto f mill l'
-V0.. ,K,n.! Jr
- In tattor fr, HH lk C t,
m.A9 ILIIM ... .i M.W . . ... .
viii'M"' . riri i (r.ii
Mrs J1U Ward llr r1tn
C- "- s-rgal4iw e.uT
j rtdh,ratod tl .tatoool UsM Mwrm
j Um 'ay r-Tutt U4f trm
-rw."4 aad Ijiwifsat W.
, rw-an e.,irls
nf lhe rnt ratjht have ton torsv
wm -! .! (s Ujj way bsva to t-
j SwttU
smptj of thAfjHt
wfs nej kj t j,
j -It a rsr q--r fv . .
a Ha.Tnlol. J u mta
.,..., ... , , n.wit w.
tally Jd b. "I rn Sr .
fwrrata In ay tort in ti Uj If
Im t lsy a I eti than I rn tnr , h
aM wbsi 1 still wr to tl p"o;w.
! " mfntv3 bottar trt?M-n and
t- sy-,fcr- whJta I tu vmf Xh inf
I U rn.esjr(t tr mmor -..
th. wwUr X tatot U .?
ilirn il , '.. .
I -. - -- - - . ,-
i -- --.,-- - ,v v -, vkst imi car aa. a
re4 twn W?.rs-tr 0f Jk ,4w I
. Ma' lth Itsit If I do H i-i ;
n I io I SO) U e-sstws,. u tar UmhuI
,'tor s-,4 ri.ry tfetaf mM J-. &, fe,
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