The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 28, 1888, Image 5

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V7,. 1
.J I
ica gava
Absolutely Pure.
IIiIsii'V.iKt iiwcr anrli. Man el of puro
Mivii;;U"1 wljolrsirneiicss, more economical
than ft onlinao' l'""1 :i,l(1 cannot le sold in
(Min-tioii wilh tli.MiiuUltiules of low test short
jiitaliim orpliosiihalf i.vulors. jymiuuij
irat.s. kuvai. i:akin:iovii:kco.
f; Will 1 street. N. Y. Oity.
'i lis
ft tntitf U!,
I'iillisiiili rili!a niiirniiiK honi the ofllc
ill Uie.Moim lllmk. Kel fiollil, Xel.
farm Ioan.
Interest from J to 10 per cent.
Time from 1 to 7 joars. Call and
Kullivrrd t liy riilcf Keporlcr Ib
And A It n i the vity and ,'onuty.
Svrcar off.
Hulk oysters at Joe Ilcrburgcr's.
Fain Smith was iti the city Monday:
Horace Kastcrday is ou the sick
Klias Goblc has gone to Iowa on a
A. A. 1'oak ofCowlcswasa caller
3 ml ay.
cnon Skcen has returned home
fro StLouis.
-iter next Tuesday write it 1889.
J'ot forget it.
T first btiow of the season come
on (rislmas day.
Clstmas has 'gone and so have
uiims lurkevs.
ra select oysters at City Bakery
';d iu every stjlc.
$ farm loans see It. K. Stowe
ofiW over Deyo's drug .store.
Xiy pay .r for an over coat that
llergtepalMsha sell for $..00.
xulc San ford has receive I an in-
JbtcahOl pension irom the government
JLTtM. rarkos is visiting in
il Bluffs, Iowa. Ed is now an
?v ,A-
in yveronc hundred
m 25c a piece to $4, at the
olden Eade.
15er & (lalusha will sell you a suit
of underwear $1.00 less than auy one
a-ls for same quality
The C. T. lT. of lied Clond will
i..t et with Mrs, Sherwood on Thurj
L, .lanuary Hi at 3 p. in.
Our rates on farm loans and option
of payment will suit you. Office over
Inyo's drug store. K. K. STOWE.
(Jo and see Krnst -Wclsch at the
Parmer's Eating House if you want a
square meal, lunch, oyster stew, etc.
Gloves lined er unlined that others
ask ou $1 .00, $1 .25, $1.50 for. Wc
sell "for S5e, $1.00, $1.25.
The Andrew's Opera Company have
their paper here to bill tho cUy for
an entertainment. 'It is a good com
pany, and among the best on the
- road.
Christmas was duly observed in
led Cloud and our merchants fared
orl by having larger sales than for
jjiiiy years notwithstanding the hard
Mcssers White, Millard, Sabin.
re., the gentlemen who are putting
u the electric light, '-are gentlctxcn
.f the first water ' and have our
..hanks for favors.
National bank examiner Mr. Griff
ths has been in the city most of the
.veek looking after the affairs of the
r'ioud National bank which clos-
s doors last Saturdaj-.
ur friend M. It. Uentley is in
He now sports a $35 Harrison
s which he won on the election
nc of the handsomest harness
avc ever seen in Red Cloud.
' Vi
There were fully eight hundred
'people in this city from surrounding
country on Saturday. The city was
literally swarming. Hundreds of
teams occupied every available hitch-
The Fire:
Violinf, guitarj,baajo, uordeaaa
etc., at Cottiag's.
Novel jacketa aid jeraeya far Mart
wear at C. Wiener.
Mrs. S. C. Sill has gone to Daven
port, Iowa on a visit
' Manev to loan at a living rate of
interestby D. M. Piatt
Judge Sweety and attorney Gilham
are home from the west
Men's fine suits worth $25 for $18
and $20 at the Golden Eagle.
A good safe for sale. Call on Bill
& Stowe, over city drag store.
C. Wiener will sell von the best
shoe or boot for less money than any
house in the county.
Itaney MeNitt who has been' at
tending college has retimed home
for a brief vacation.
Always in the lead in size of stock
as in lowest prices for the best goods
is the motto of C. Wiener.
The Bed Clond pnblie schools have
closed for a two weeks vacation. Tt
will reconvene on the 7th of January.
Ladies rubber boots at $1.50 per
pair, also wool linod shoes and slip
pcrs in great variety at Wiener's.
Taylor's is the place to purchase
furniture. He keeps only the best
goods and sells so lew that all can
Marriage license was issued on the
27th nst to Charles E. DeLong and
Maria D. McKinley both of Webster
Just bear in mind this one little
item that Berg & Galusha have a bet
ter assortment of nock scarfs than
any one.
Prof Curran was the recipient of a
handsome pair of gold eye glasses
from his pupils as a Christmas gift on
last Friday.
On the 23d marriage license was
issued to Erwin C. Christy and Miss
Hattie E. .Richardson both of Web
ster county.
Marriage license was issued on the
21st inst to William H. Bartlett of
Campbell, Neb., and Miss Hattie E.
Orr i.f Rivcrton Neb.
Overcoats or suits if you are look
ing for cither you can save 25 per
cent on the dollar by going to C.
Wiener's Golden Eagle.
W. C. Milligan, of Kansas, was in
the city Saturday making arrange
ments to start a musical convention
He is a thorough vocalist
When in lied Cloud call at the
furniture store of F. V. Taylor, oppo
site the post office, and pick you out
a fine kitchen or parlor suit.
The great slaughtering sale is still
going on- Piles of goods are sold at
an cnermous reduction at tho Western
& Southern Mercantile Association.
I can make you farm loans quicker
and with less troublo to yourself, than
through any other agenoy. Office
over Deyo's drug store. R.K. Stowi.
Miss Thomas the assistant princi
pal of the high school was presented
on Friday last with a handsome ring
and knife by her scholors as a Christ
mas gift.
Remember this, that P. Barkley
will put up a large amount of river
ice this winter and will be ready to
serve the people with pure river ice
instead rf creek ice; Hold your or
ders for fa im. 21-tf
Married by C. L. Funck J. P., John
M. Thayer to Miss Sarah J. Reator at
the residence of John Beauchamp in
Line township, December, 25 after a
bountiful repast the nappy couple
started for their future home in Fur
nas county, Neb. . T
The firemen will give a grand mas
querade ball at their hall on New
Year's eve December 31st whica
promises to be the event of the season
The admission to the dance will be $1
The ladies of the W. B, C. will give
a banquet at the Masonic hall on the
same evening and intend to furnish
the supper for $1.00 per couple. A
fine assortment of masques will be
found at the city pharmacy for those
who wish to attend.
V. Shirev it viafeiac in
What is tkeaaatter with KWCItud
having s new brisk hetai
Ge to Henry Ceak'a far New
Yttr'a eerds aaJfev Year's Uya.
Henry CejK the plaacU get an
kiadfcfelifKt new year's Uys, ate.
Old cepper, iron, ragi, cfe, takes
in trade for tinware at Adam Mar
kart 22tf
R. V. Shirey, president ef the
First National bank is heme fi
Henderson Bros, will have their
livery stable in running order about
January 1.
There will be a San day tenool so
sial at the N. E. church tonight
Everybody come.
Far all ef the leading daily papers,
periedieals, eU, eall at Deya's news
stand at eity drag store.
Take your old copper ware, iron,
rage, etc., to Morhart who will ex
change tinawre fer the seme. tf .
Subscriptions taken for any maga-
sine or paper iu the country at Deyo's
newa stand in city drug store.
The Holland house is now illumi
nated at night by the ineandeseent
lights. A light has been put in each
The Red Cloud Milling Co. have
put in the ineandeseent eleetrie light
all through, making it appear in nieo
style at night
Christmas is over but Henry""Toos:
bank stock as voi
Is Waw isOmo
r t. ni. ort
Sealskin sacque.
rioase dear Jaciue.
No sealskin Jarqact,
Can't stand racquet
ing post in the city.
Those who are interested in seeing
the fanning community prosper
ihouVl not fail to attend the creamery
r.g at the court house on the
A creamery conducted hon-
lv aud fairly would benefit Red
oad and the farming class greatly.
I go- .
This wonderful natural musical
genius gave two eatertainmenta in
the opera house .to fine audiences
made up of the elite of our city. That
he was highly appreciative was indi
cated by the frequent outbursts of
applause. His renditions were superb
on the extreme. .He is, without
doubt, the musical prodigy of the 19th
centurv. His manager is a manager
gentleman in every respect and the
entertainment is being received by
the best class of people everywhere
with delight which is evidence that
f Blind Boone u appreciated. Weekly
iniei, canunsxy uuo.
has as I ne a line of New Year's cards
and specialties aa there is in nny
house in tho west.
L. H. Deyo haa purchased the news
stand business of L. C. Gross and
will hereafter sell all of the leading
periodicals of the day.
Tho Electric Light Co. have put in
about 400 ideaudeccent lights in Red
Cloud. They will have them nearly
all connected this week.
Harry Pond ia one of the best
pleased men in the eity. His wife
made him a handsome Christmas
present of a gold watch,
Is Red Cloud making aa effort to
get a railroad thia spring? Will the
citixens and business men sit idly by
and let the golden opportunity slip
from their grasp.
You will find some startling bar
gains at Young'a C. O. D. Emporium.
Ladie's hose all wool for 19 eenta per
pair. English beaver shawls selling
for $6, well worth $10. Corsets all
sizes for 15 cents. We will close out
the few remaining ladies aai chil
dren's hats cTiiaper than ever.
B. M. Youno Co.
Andy Berg, of the firm of Berg c
Galusha, came to America about sev
enteen years ago. and located at
Roekville, Iowa, where he commenced
his American life by clerking for Mr
Wm, Henderson of that place. This
week Andy received two cabinet pho-
toes from his old friend which ho
prises very highly, as he considers
Mr. Henderson and wife among his
most valued friends.
On last Friday afternoon a
rumer gained credence on the
street that the Red Clend National
hunk ef thia eity had became involv
ed in f aaaeial troablee and was liable
U close its doors. Following close
upon the first report came another
rumor that M. B. Edleman, caahier
had migasd, and that L. P. Albright
n farmer caahier had been elected to
the vacant pceition: This report waa
verified Saturday morning when the
bank doers were opened. Upon in
veetigatiea To Csiir learned that
there had been some irregularities in
the management of the institution,
but it was generally understood that
arrangements lad been entered into
that would bridge the difficulty and
avert the threatened diaaster to the
bank. It did look that way aa the
new eashier received deposits and
- 4fc
paia out money up to a:6V p, m. or
thereabouts, at which time the
bank ahnt down and checks were dis
honored. It only took a few minutes
for the news to spread over the eity
and soon anxious depositors and
stockholders were debating their
chances sad the probabilities andl
causes of the failure. All kinds of I
rumors were set afloat in regard to
the causes, but the avenues of infor
mation were closed, farther than it
was stated that the institution had
collapsed from too many overdrafts.
The excitement was quite general
but early Monday morning the
National bank examiner appeared on
the aoeae and took charge of the af
fairs of that institution. At the time
the bank closed its doors it is said
that $20,000 would cover all deposit
with assets more than double, but in
the face of the probable assets there
were numerous liabilities in transit
that could not be estimated. The
whole trouble seems to hare been per
eipitated from a too liberal uae of
overdrafts and namerona claims in
sufficiently secured.
ran cAVSKs
tdCleud Milling
oone way or tho
$4$,ff$:of individual
and by Chi
to be amy crsshsdaesa ia mw
tef nWbank, My further
than tho liability tf thecfteklifar
receiving mm suits his) hmt day knew-
lag m they must hare aminn that the
bank waa then inaalveni. Theprek
abilitiee are now that s mitral will
be appoints and On eaiiaasa Unas'
np. The depositees will mslti their
depesite in fall wfthewt a
Titi Ciixr is aerry to see the
oceur but believes that it wfll net una.
teriaUy effect the b tosas isliiistj
of the city. The skhUitiea ami in
sets we wars able to preemre smf
farther than they are suy eased tt ho
astaud-tff. Out thing ia eseisJt nit
beak will hardly he able tt reams
with the preeent eireumatsneee an.
rounding it
a V39,wuo( but
Of the O A RFair andfeetivnl to at
held at the Masonic hall, New Yttr'a
eve, Monday December 31, 18M, ftr
the benefit tf the pear of the O. A
R. Hall tpena at aix, exercises tt
commence at 7 o'clock prompt
Music by double quartttt
Address by O. R, Carney.
Address by G. E. McKee by.
Address by J. S. Gilham.
Auetion continued, interspersed
withmusie and abort addresses.
The supper will be given by and
under the oontrel of the W. R. C.
who will glee a regular supper includ
ing oysters.
Reception committee.
O. R. Do wife.
T. E. Hatfiild:
Mas. H. E. Pond.
Mas. E. B. Kkight.
Go to Ernst ATelsoh' for fresh
bu!k or can oyster.
Special rates fiven on Pianoe and
organs until Jan. 1st. Pianos sold for
cash or on monthly payments oostinc
lees than $1 per day. Organs told at
rates to suit customers.
8ada J. Bailst, Agt
or on ant
haa II pi
i to ami
Saauary 17, Suttoua Uncle Tom's
Cabin Co. 37 people. 2 special
coaches. Grand atreet parade, etc
January, 19, Blind Boone musical
January 28, Showers a Beitel Dra
matic Co.
April 25, 5th Avenue Theatre Co.
Dixen, III.
It appeara
Co. owed the
other somethin
from some eause wms unable to meet
the claims as they matured, and the!
bank haviag had its surpljs exhaust
ed at its various depositories could do
nothing else but let their psper go to
protest, the amount being vso large
that it literally swamped the iastitu
tion in financial ruin. The real cause
aowever, datee further back than the
poeaent regime. It is alleged that
the bank has been in a bad coadition
for several months, partly from the
same cause. It appears that after
Messrs. J. W. Sherwood, L. P. Al
bright and others, purchased the con
trolling interest, they elected J. W.
Sherwood, president and L. P. Al
bright, cashier. The then new con
cern went along to all intents and
purposes, smoothly, but finally began
getting hold of some poor securities,
among which they held over $20,000
in Red Cloud Milling Co's paper and
some other securities that were not
altogether prime. The National bank
ing law providea that National banka
ahall not loan to any one man or firm
more than ten per cent of the capital
stock. This firm had then secured
over 40 per cent of the capital stock,
and the management began easting
around to unload, so it is stated. Fin
ally a deal waa made with certain
parties to bay the controlling in
terest, Mr. Albright takiag oat $15,
000, as alleged, ia the beat securities
tf the beak before retiriag aa eashier,
aad turning the rest over to the new
stock holders, Messrs. Edleman, Scan
Ion and others. This took place
about four months sgo. The new
management found it absolutely nee
essary under the circumstances to
carry these parties that had procured
suehy firm hold on the bankduring the
precetdiag administration, in order to
save themselves. The new manage
ment, however, had hardly settled
down to business, when n run was in
stituted on them by certain parties in
the city, which nearly wrecked the
bank the next dny after it had chang
ed handa aad waa the meana ef cut
ting down their deposits to leas than
$25,000. Thia fact together with the
peer securities on hand did net create
a pleasing spectacle for the new man
agere of the Red Cloud National bank
hence they had to etraia every nerve
Notice ia hereby given that the at- to keep their heads shave financial
partnership hereto ere existing be-, rain, but the land waa tot great far
to carry under adverse cirenm-
nad the bank had tt sueeumb
to the inevitable. The nriatipel
creditera ef tit bank art the National
Beak ef Commerce, tf Kansas City,
aad tht Fart Dtarbern NstietaJ, ef
Camft,s lamlmm statod,abtu4
New liae e:
decoration aad
ed at Henry C
Am Klesaat Btoptey.
G. W. Lindsey, proprietortf Red
Cloud's metropolitan meat market had
one of the finest displays tf meat in
his market for the holidays that we
have ever seen, and eclipsed all of his
previous efforts. A number of the
beeves displayed were raised on Ash-
vale farm by Uncle Peter Marsdea,
and was properly dubbed the 'Pride
of the Valley." Uncle Peter is one.
if cot the foremost stock raisers ia
Southern Nebraska, and Tins Chut
feels gratified that Mr. Lindsey selec
ted his display of meats from this
justly celebrated herd of fine cattle.
The artistic arrangements of the in
terior of the market was due to our
friend, Mr. Thooming,'. who haa few
superiors in his line of business. It
was indeed aa elegant display aad
redound to the credit of tar enter
prising friend, Mr. Lindsey. The
Chief wishes him success aad pros
perity which ha richly deserves.
The highest market prist paid fer
butter and turkeys aad
chiokens at the Western Seathern
Mercantile Association, Red Cloud,
tweea John 8. Parkas aad
Parkee, under the
Farkee Bras., is this day dissolved by
mutual content
Joan 3. Fauna,
William Paucbs.
I)etemhttlSK1888L 33
Mrs. M.
she is prep;
all classe
K. stuff
note, vasita
tioneryjust ieeiev
"The Mother's
nel shirt waist
on. Attneuou
nd" boys'
uttons to
ian announces that
to weave carpets of
Leave orders witii C.
Mason's old stand. tf
On easy tsrma, foot roam boom, near
ly now, leeaUd in dMiraate part of tba
ity. Call on or addnas,
W. C. Fioaum.
Gloves and mittens at all prices at
the Golden Eagle.
S arw Trk rfcyatolM Itm U Qaso
ThMry to tk Wrt.
"You great big clodhopporir shriek
ad a eleoder-visaffed f emails upon
whose aquiline nose a pair of luoli ays
glasses were cramped, as shot nearly
pushed a conductor off a Madiata. ar
eata car the other day. . :
"I beg your pardon, aaa'sss.UBiut I
aid act intend to step on your foot It
waa merely aa accident"
"Well why don't you look waero
you're coins;, and you won't make suoYt
a fool of yourself r ejaculated
lured female.
While a reporter was uaavoldaaly
listening to the foregoing dialogue at
felt some oae tagging at the sleeve of
sis coat and, turning around, saw a
waU-knowa physician wht figures
praminently in the law courts as aa ex
pect upon insanity.
"Thai carries out ay idea exactly ,
umiui K) ncwr. i
"What idea it thatr asked thtfja-
aumL amrn mnl m m sW amnm Va sT nmmmmmunnn mmmmmar tJBuJbj
smmTmaw. BTkHmmWNJBmJBm I M aLsmmmlmmmmmusV
tfljKVawfpg. J W amummV mur smmrV f m .ammmmmauf RmL
amNmmwmW anr awamammmmsVammmmmiV mVaV. JmummmuVa m
Tk-A LM jf 1 aBBwsmaun sHnWmnmn immarm v nmsmmmnam
smmwaVHf lsmmT sammmRami
ffmmmwm 1 llamTnlaT
mw mrmm snkmsmBsmmmmrBM LuV arm
ntBn h5r nmTn .mum 'aBsamna
Christmas is Comiiig !
While out looking for your Christmas Presents
Call and see the number of Elegant and
Useful presents displayed by us.
Over 200 Styles of Mufflers '
Silk Handkerchiefs,
Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs,
Fine Seal Skin and Plush Capo
Silk and Satin Suspender
Children's Suits and Overcoats,
Boys Suits and Overcoats, . .
Men's Suits and Overcoat?,
At our usual LOW prices.
Red Cloud and Wymore.
That womea'e tempers eomt frtmi
their corporoaity." he oonUnued. "'
fat wosaaa ia good tempered aad cany
going; It is natural that she aaauM to
oo. I think the temper ia all la aha
nones, nny way, and when a wemaa lay
fat the temper aeeo
fort it reaches the surface.
that'a a funny theory, young aumvaai
ywa newspaper fellows are the lurdast
lot to get a new idea into, wftrislly
when an old saaa la the aatattity far
Its evolution. Eh; am I right1
The reporter demurred.
'When a woman ia thin the temmar
la oa the surface." the doctor ctaata
ued; "when a fat woman haa a high
per it is something terrible, fims
cools. On the other Man, a
thia woman cools off unickln, but aat
upngninjnatnoeiuickly. Auhhu
with a good temper counts Just
being na angel aa
this mundane sphere. " JK T.
"-JFor the Next Ten Days, I
sell all Christmas Goods
Morhart Faltaa'a Old Stead, Webettr It., 0184, auaw.
FiaeritgeedbeeaaBteHbyeayerwaab Y
ad. lma'tfawthalaMBSSdtaf W(
at oa
Mrs. De Caah-O. yea. mj
a man is to let him
way fa small things.
Is mars impreaaea wtea you
It is
Ft' -
street. Bad
jr w
emaBsra nsa vaw.
Fair Ttuag aWem-amt what do yta
sen ssaaTT thiaga?
-Wh mvh aa
amax Jmart at mm atjajtang aaaauuuum
mumssi mffllnms tfila kmthmafara
ejuasjm ft assart hatasltrWlfil f
amaWmsnant Z
aw V ; 5"f
amm.. r jt. ..m .rna. ., ,
I naUiamml
iii Drags and Medicines
you eppaas KJ
Paints, Oils, Varnish,
Books, Etc.
Kt5 Jf
r .
1 "
. '
&tUi -
. .
i .
. ?x
wLf--fv1; x
-JK . V