BreSter' i!lf5 : jV,. &IE3SS3?ME - rT '-XVKi4f .Jr- rffK 4 VJT.F? Ji i A :rrs i ,.- I ' - ' i ' II '!' ' ' ' " " T ' U" .- V' .-, i ? ' - fi . . . -vT , -J ssssso&tAxctftQEristfr. ' :" - . - ' . t .'r ; - "1 . ; v ww- Fjr&w-v Berg & The iAll this mofith good ii the aaaW'aaF.l'j-V A -JV.'V r" ' V J . rV -' v"""naaSai-jdmt trn r ' ' - ' v ,5f iW b arc 'ry . J- i ? - ipCMa imam. Jwcoats ii i E ii , : x H' saga, c- ; 'v-toi v. ft cor mentor 'jeoys, ,-.. a;. ; :i , a i f) m- I 'J -' .:':J- ;AGlovesmiMittellaii1J, ..- 1 1 if Neckwear.. either in Neck 'Scads orTi os. r v. lil-:- v go. Tq.. Ij K i'2 ft & f PEICES. jm : CLOTHING: ' lllkiiBM 9s lltM lmwmmVB ' Trkl A m f "Taeebanie or perehant at the AVestcra ad Sotfiern Mercantile. Vsjociation EilMt's extract of tar and wild cherry is a safe, reMaMe ami pleasant remedy foroouRbs, aMa. branehitfa. aathaa'and all iinroaiiroutMcii WMnHeraaae beneflt oousumptl ani De eenriaced. Every bntllo on. Try It warranted: Hieeeseanta and 91 per l ottle. foW by all f mast rm lYepared by tacEmmcrt rropric- CHKA1 VAUM I.A9!S. iiftrtsf Straight 8 Ptr Cent . Cam pay part r all of principal at any year aad atop interest. Well sc cared notes beach't. Insurance in good ct aipaaies, I C.P.0itHK, f Hed qomd, OCce over poet ofice . Dr. Ja ea Gctmma 1 destroy Baa; Halo aw vawvetasa iron taaaeCeeatre. Uneto la .sssslstlea .newaer IU euro dls saosaof the , man severs 1 is isntcn eop. beg rnrasnejeet. Sow arugcitis. an4 bone uatanest M nevaigttliad raeanav Neiie U herebv riven thht I.srill exajniaeall pettena :wh aaiy desire toeer lkeaaeelve ne eandiete for Unehen of the Wieaetoellet--this eeaty;atJUt3eW; o lU "third 8aafday ef enea Hah. - ' 'i 'h 'VF-' -If Ais i l K" m ! flffi To UeeeaJeKerder. t.'Mr y sheiTai anato jae raat f reeds hnT atOTe'te aiyi' new iar ten I am angarcs goods and ' no tions very eaft;tTt wU fay y to nes me before, baying. .v,. !j' Jf J: JccKKa. . Wtr ;-& ta TbeOrirmal AbtetisAOisvtHprH i l oaly ami ap- invkrceT tvHae -tin boxee, aaBraiabso1ata Mn7fp.l aoree, befras, chdt rtt&edfaafiM!?,' t n UneieaeaVs narve srSMBVC PVamHak SCtnaaMSn ' - lam y. . aaBBlPaBaiaSE- w MaiiJBtiatTOlciB..Wiilf"itfry- -i iwianntiua yt uttca. juaKvaor a Calawaf Ah4tii 0triWl 1 r irv.-3iu k " . v - '.rf ;?-it 1-J'y . rf " - ' T ti ---v ..' 7i: j r3 v uearr umic at 3 amsta ner -KW- TI ..!. o-j -. t .-." .-- .. ' TJ,,. n i . V .1 3Ju.S " ansaHiemv , ni.v. . . .-?. is." , 1"I '1 .i-' . "?T"' rra..-. " . r? HHHaaa& . Hawar-waawaaiHw aw - $$ v SiiiSSSmsam ' W3SSu ? !L i !w"fc.'fci!$';SS4 z TmiaapnnaaaiM rm E?li,V'y:-?ij 1 BaaaSSsSto ISM' HWll!SS&t- Baart3tfaif J" aafcfSSS:J;aaaaf4a-dniajaaaaaMK caJi vi1 -jaBaW.aajainiaaaamawt aaavnawrlBilP llt-l'f P'-.JwaYawa?' 1 f HUi' F llr 1 f aaafteaaB9Baaaaaaa.jaaaarl.-'amJ fi !,'. H X Galusha's Chicago Store Clotln they will do jla 7 way of LOW M ShcrI!n.Sa1f.. Notico is hereby plvcn that under :ir4l 51 wt: 01. mi orucroi hints i?iif(i r.-.iL1 r 11m rje cuuix oi i:i ci'inu jumriai iiinct 11 iVfbfr comity, Acira!K. np:i ilii action l.t'iidln iu wild court uhcn.1 l'.Oimt ;h1 win Is iiUintlR kuJ i;, peaux ts iivrcnii:uit. 1 sunn oiii-r Hi jmlillc vendue for ais la lined ut tltel ot too court hony in JU'd Uoud inuJ (that beinp the jiiauo wlicro tiiclast u ; court v.ns hol(l.:ii) on the? "tst dav ct 1SS9, at one o'clock n in. th .illowin I property to wit: Tho souiliuast unitl section vUlit(s)In township four UJ range ttvcivo (i-'j west 01 1110 Mxtn r. , sicr comity rteornsKn. .ivfii un.f t lit. -K fKiwtr ii.t.itttfw.i. icjc A. 51. Wa U-i, ll.C.Scat.Shh.L,J lltM .WtH Ulll VA I'LVLItll'l I l"(V. l'taiuuii 's Aitorncy. Micrlir'n Sale. h'otiro is hereby clven that na :er tue of an order of sa!o Issued out ot court of the linhth htu ciul d stri-- Wot'a'er comity, Ncbrnfoi. ijon.a if hcuoii iTiiuini; iu snttt couit v.-liij Urns Lam ami rnit(?are itliiiiitl!J Bibby, ijusiinunh Kibbvy, (iibws xl anu .erraan-ins. to. are aercnuj oner for vendue fortj 111 uk ea.ti uooror ine cntin uouso il in said county, (thatt bciit the ibm trim 01 kiiu court wa- uouicij aay 01 jniiiiary, i&. a: i o c'och" l.l lowlnj: described pmimrty to.wJt: jiaitoi the southwest quaitcr (s nunuwsst (unrrer 01 me soutane w U s w Hi and tho .soutliwest q nuriiiwi'si ijuarter is w i it w thirty .four (SIJ in township thrci rane twelve (12) west of tti Ctli I it ,,. stcr coanty, Nebraska. (Jiveaui this aotli day of December. Jus.? W.S --..' ..." L'v.7 1. o. uunoiu. li. a..-j' I'laiutirrs Attorney. I.W- IUIiLEYS.3l.J OMOEOIIATHIC I'lIYSlCI amlalns Snrceon. Ofllcv NaU0D.1l Hank. Ked Claud. ?irhrrJ ir.?l uaronic diseases treated by mall. 1 C W. KALKV. r KATTvY ItKOS. A XTOKXEYS AT LAW. Az4 r-v icinad. Oliceou neat I Cloud. Nebrr.Oat. O.G.Case. Jas CASIi&MCNKNI A TTOnXKVS AND CO!?XS tk" Will Bractira lirall cntirt SaUeetion!t as well ah llticatnl M . y ana eaciectly attended to. furui "- eaaaaimucanoit. . OrriOK. Orer First XatluM J.tiM.I'V.1. . vnn, nc. . ( Hisia 'aadimtoia'aop le arJ larst't gtrtalauoa lacv. sa f aar aasr of tta 1 pnwuaca : Iwri. itrmfd.. Beat ciata 1 crar. .exiri nr. Trie as a year. Knar : aunra a counrsussxss, .1 ,- r- iicirnCTs WfaWMttfSoit .a n. O Si IcoJnrrii re!i!" rraTiajT k- us of SmMtaf .-.! wuniii katieavJ )irrr. waJaavi r ,:jiiiij, tarns. Tr W. '4 re rccar- Ir spr-tr- frv, who o jirx I baa orer ace tiTtr 3J Fir. COTTO- tttraJ. ; H tspcsz - S na, isijs. rsu as mr f; ! K r! flo. fi t JSW' : .a J 4 -aa-asam-arsCR,'! ":aaaaiaai!iffS?5 fcoontosaJ-'lficrclvr Cffl K oruay bkj'pr s ji"irs A lanetHtm'. i'ear U &c h .mUof rtfs of this . fj jfc the Ii8. !wek!j. The Chief h?f.t .f -r will b one of hf.: w tr.TtOTOdaJi. -lf1ijih9 i- iist in the fpriu?' te fcr- rcat joj ed knag )it a t , x rc-ram far joar u - tfe n t:0 past. : iutertst sti the Kir- . f, was UXMXUd . -tiCoLftlwn4, Wo. Cr-V i ' The .v ti ; ' .&t v.Lh. if i ; . . a d in batr even live lon- d b hsp flst..i.t !. iiainwni vwn-.u. . !".vs of Lincola od . iricous tct'r of the .! :!;' iii is getting u .l1 this Great Family ..- ,d t'si aW tb evident 1 the r. .'iiona oraa under iit. icSuence &f our old iltv iavis. buccefc" it our 1? ii. Hunt Co. . ..i ?ju have passed the ' .n-uu-nt od reeonrone : .1 carttftL That boix u I .ii ..f eoiufiderftble new i. :i iho piiaple have aettt ohyi. i;tio iar their benefit, ::! n: :i poii .?, truftte add ail of f libin - inslilatioaf 'have in und flimrishd like tiie u .-.y to the great detriment .- i xrer classes. Tao farmer .ifcrcil from unjust oppresaion, 1.1 orerlns iairrerd from neager in'- cumuiuoT ha suffe rad .! ;' o unholy oocabiMra organized tins hard earning for the ne--itics of life. In a word, the tno- ioi lies and trusts havo their clutches i the njeks of the poorer elasaea r t'o soi intrrestof Secxijjg the ffLTj- lust penoy oat of :h ux that ii- :-d-. Is there aar italic.: in I.' such tilings to csist?. The I -i oaths party h::s Loon in yew. rt- t iF ma i'itw . r . r...u. . sW v "" wujj mi luuitt'Cll M jM ? iaf'' 'V J' 'u ""j1'" to 'V,- - t" there -fftO:;s.. Will t'10 'c i 1 :rty do I;':ew -? 1 "a. i'cnr'- ;;... ' v. . 'i . j '..voajrs and tiuri - some da; t!..t -.. :' c .- iitiOlial !.;.v ii; . eir grips a.iul ct.ui . do act cca-o jiia;. :. ,:. of'gig.Mitis tmK-u to the actriiaeut vt tl.. The load is becjmii; to bear. The trtists nnl !:rot fro. , filed. 1 1 . . . i i.'j uts year, out iaaats to a 1 11 :; us public Tnis Chiep' still 1 . :.Uheugh having passed through :. 1 y ileal ht thelaat sixteen yean 1 try ncttra souls. Through slok v :nd death, in presprrity aad I. : . ;'.f-s, from infancy to oli tnaa u , Irom manhood to old age, from alii'.a 'n a distant dand to a ' c'.ly populated 0ttntry,"1'HjCinBr !. - -.'cn fay your side Hpholdicg all 1... v, .gejKJ, ooartng tour burdens, 1 .t:w u. 1 ouncing the bad It has seen ,t ' .ureii srastc oa5y a fetnr short v t -0 tredden by the festive buf- t 1 fite ignablc Indian, de- v ' -i ,;u by the handiwork- of inan ::-' fertile Seld?, it has seen Red 1 1 .iu sirffw freu a little tox cabia ,a ? l-.-'.t 'I with a tnliow dip-to a hand -"ue cityof fonr thonsand onls. its it-v ots a:id residences 1-ghted up by 1 s. Ik vtricity, it has noticed the lonely uuatttant carrying water from ro- ::od creek fr his daily use and I ; "t 1 n rfxm fA- itt -arviT-iArJ .(K t SBnuV.t- BV" BVf' Rt:. : BBBVl. . - - ac -i 1 BaV ' . : . lBv, ..-.,'., , ., . "'- a. vta ivWi.i4 MbH 1 1 11. L s. me, at, n:s uoor oy tae city water .--:. It ha see the people withi. l ? j . -n , 4, . !! W,W1 j took Place Sundar rnomtng at Denver t;t1-lfca,wen.!:gthMr way to wMA fclm ,h" , fc ircek. - f ,'1 c:, . ire lit. r the ae-, UcalUl Mf V.fapj., ! i i"ft fr t)rhr andt ereaiwg to at-!, :! .. tu tlai: mi tijo ox l . ... . , 7 . I -t -ra uu dejected .rw, v. .the ic2ot through :-r.-atdfhe alike, :?hatrfcctcrs appear npen .-. , ;' , l I .j.wn. sni ne iua. onee vaar-;i .u!i.. It lu aij, MtuaAtt& d VrrrtWa s":lhcvt hoaieSite way to thU .. ., f ...--. - . . fWOnaWy Well. . i. , . . . . .'j A, A. lltxwmer i tarts jlslay;Ke 9 . m m ja v x b. m jb.AAA...L a & - . t . Ll .ILUCaV'ilar UT.EBk CUUBatKl'JI LAlrllaliS I ' - . .- . . , w?ewtaq: tor PerKias oottntr 2tebrastai tartl iana re 10 taaaLuod, it Ias seen ,., . - ,Wi . t 1 aimn people conja, aad jco, rouse -to thaAl 'faottra zoniarhene no travailer re-1 ; !,- . , , ,. t- turns, nVZhrs to re corwial ottm& ! " - -"" r- -tot- -. f.? :, v. ..- ,-;A , 5- w , iad Unc to ' ts tdek adj, OWi - -C arfwa. l iU IU ..vs to-ntrv through its trials aadJ ' - - rf - - w - v i-. rN.?An;!.itrWirbhn tit.r-- f I. , j . - .. -- i"rett .--' r- '-i ;fcred XUS LIILEF 1 tnacirtal. . 1 ' that it stitLnd will lire, to see. thiwyR- s ?- S?5wfcaiteai of the correodiar -.s.t-i? jiMr- . -u. .n.I-.w'.rf rtf il'vr TJ t.wi TeS2iM3iSOi OST I4!ioTr-rrit?rri- - I ..I t,' t ..., .., r .-, -.-il:.x.i:.?.-M..-J ; tHaSc Is csr izzx&h. ikzl iter are! ilJSS;q!aa v'c beeiuuUe .ovxi . y&t-Fs&m F&n cunt & rcpia! i weak and 3-, J , tiie rrs;23 px.ot&exf, iuirri- fc-vrv ---" - - --j.--- 11 aoercr iissw lasi so is aecoaautr ad iike rue sta.rP3tis;lea-bzau&rr-p?oua- --,-J --. T cfiweus. I Yfaiiifr porUMiKfa Sao in thatc . ' -- I V r,und thtt Uw ra!tTitti.'?,E- They wH ?pjr iha roo jtj fc! Jackson sni Metre ha! S CtJhtsn ed rrMfiic'frHMluHl wires--! Oar eata ka Ilr. xlAiwoc hT tix ofjby KWwJww, Dr. W.T. Jon 4 - 1 ie Lies daecv bw utfe to Jaws.wuw Atow an ot wwr fe i thetiit of Mv-jl08- amif Sluj kMi Ante! The haDBT ewiple azi f Kr. ad lt H. C. Cut- e jraesta j on; fr. v. bet tateotiefti for the fc- t are vr ere not lwei. Iioek &ct fr & xeddiiig in hi-h c acjOBg ar people, m the near fti- - - j A A, if k Uaa traded hk a(4pk of rebadi' for land in 0oper even and wilt; JrokaWy Sg in agri ! Ittttal gjTtniU in those rural dia tet? . , t " 5 irBl" iur LualoeMnies think if d Clot. tl'.UJU 81BU aBUMIC. Ci-( ItiOU t tMferwUh the 11. : .M licia'.s w L vatftfl ( .mI A kff UI11 i .U4U. w. b -, 4.. - r ad we are ooneorntw wo il to set phereiit' the change h Imaf' ' ilen bci Fkaqhaxt. T - Li:NV CU S UK. f pleasant. ttins h the order of the auchamp ia Terr 31. rtiu is a oaHer eftun in this country. trs "school dail" . in the triet, ca!!a in thi vicinity nr. His intended mother iu-Ia.r Miirn asks hiw, what his moth er .nt lit! after? Ho aniwered by asking anther. , Iluajj. a wedding aula VanDvke of Webt-r eouaty, id Mr. Wearer of lied Wil- low eoui at the ) rents it evening. Mr. i. y vrer united in mamngo at .ideuce of the bride's pa th is vicinitv laet Tuesday has rented the Oatman farni for lie comiuf: year. 15. G. JL3H.N. Nur Vi se i 'o correspond. vialttA Coble's 1 ii,.. other. raiic" t ,t, ri.ed to sec ih , am was sur- incv t . ... iL two l emontfi t np uiv 4 1 :.vsa 9luA 0 jh in me .liuro ot wxiiu...r - -iy iJnp,ov viv:xt, beside thetr flnV 1 r.r... condiwun. !., Mt .11. , I a 4 IZMUUW " - . , ili'Ti: n r :. ,otin.-":;s ii ; .li fviMuuK. ,-t,- .J' l TbeTa-w" "lifuiiiacau Air. e te ouvvat. -.i.f- Mr-..J?hato Li neon Neb. on l ) TTcUS visa ; :- May MosntXerd is ltome On a u..t. J .- The Ifi. K. Qxirterlytjciiiferenco ircld at (jrio was -well attcjitled. Snudarsehon! co:nntio:i was held ast Wed'iiesday. Quite a .. Sin. A taetv XmosfOVyo(t a)l . Mr. VinDjke anowife of.Totra aio mttiu their adopted son K. A. an- Hvt nf thi iilap. ? ' V. G. Kaignt is al home spendihi thcraeation with his parents. ' . .1 There & a svrpnse party at the j reaidene of O. W. Knigfci s laat Fri day orraiag. All report n good tin.. .We ?t sorry to bear that or friend a;qd townsman CW.Dsrgret is oa the m list. C. T. Kddy and wife attended juarterly moating ai Ah ereek from this phee. On Saturday evening ae Charlcy Yftushu vras rfttaming home from Iaavale ihe reach af his vran broke vrHiAlt Mnlll , tJj J-wr-irwf kta KailMi-l j;l!(! We are sorry to hear of the death - -e i Utile Worthington which , .-t it iruw, imnu.i si"i"5 -, I tad tho fanoral. Mr. ad Jlrs. j Wlthial;ton have tht Bympathf f f h j, th I of Ucir I pted danrhter for she wa. mted niAil ta4iLn far stiM tr. ktVCri 737 and respeeted by all. tu-i."- !!, ! I , , - " i mnr : 401, ua i - 4 CItrJaiutss day w a KttH -toray. j Dinner. Sapper and a fair t the ' ' dinner, tapper swu a zair tec Go&sEraationat csVsxs.1 ee CJniwtfijss . . . 1, BalalBaV IBal '"I ,, ,..,.., . . iwQar.isptta -Jrhsfc ontrr It, ai V ob-w wo u; . ,. .-r ' sca.Koo.- l'r. Hun! ha$ marca tow ihe var-i - - f oaa. jIerin wi!f attend ch(wl Lcrc whea ... l3t vwwtU Fait $uajmcr si will" nerj sHjji. Mwrii lVr 20 i lUung f & v t i- ti I . Ki CJlWoid .hippd & barrb of W fe 0mul lhw firit f lh-"r't- lro:racted tiag -sre i)l u J pnares. AJlECItN- FULL OF FUN- Taken a wbok the India? are ' Uti Wet red race in thu orW. fTha trw'jr perwot hbani U ha one vrh) A-iit ti tu HXoh pio K) not to hcrl hfr feeilur. Hithsnt rmeeler. l Chih! (to iu ialhfr-tt jodifcueca inkls pmpnr)"iX:x. jmpji, my - wivii.ut. vnmv w..-t..J-. ! TVb Sho -Uh, Arthur. v?liat t!J th , llwKot Ifi 'l .. whrn iheY f j WBBt a .j tor Ho "iln ii j up. Uo ihelr hio. probably." VeU j ioej ,Vw. "io'l 3-ou ktio-x. rUnl$, that It is ! not proper (or vou V) turn uround and 1 " look alter a reatitttnanr lint, taara ran. I va only looking to mmiI ho was looklajr to soe If 1 wa. looking. "-4 I'licgcntU ftlaUer. Souto people who havo observed thai raedtein ortjrwi by tho doctor in seldom tnoro than half uod jt abend of the drojn.L by llndlnj? out what Imj char-tM for th whole pro scription nad then ordering half of lL "Annty.M Haiti .1 HtUo Xew Jertoy boy who vnw on :t visit. "I thought you said you didn't havo any tojui toes In this pnrt of tho country." "Wa don't, dear." "Hut I n hear thorn fiinjrinr just ao tliey do at homo." "No. Tommy; that Is a :iv.--mlll you huar.' Harptir'i J'aitir. Lawyer "You iny you made an osnmluntlon Of tho prcuil.HO.. What dldfybu ilml?" Witne "Oh. noth ing of consxji:eno a. 'bojjjrurly ac count of empty boxt. jw SlmkoHican says." Lawyer ".Never mind what Shakesponro Mild. Ho will bo sum moned and twtify for himself. If ho knows sny tiling about tho case" Johnnio "I wish I livtil In Sonth Amoricn." Alother "Why. Johnnie?' "Tho mammas down thrro don't wear any sllpjwtn." "Ve, ray son. but you must also remember that tho littln boys In Soutli America do not vroar xvny pantP." "Inat.t so. Its queer that I never though! about that." Tout Siflinys. lie (at Saratoga, tvndorly) "I think I have met you hofnro. Miss Smith. Vour face Is familiar " Sho (coldly) "Ves, sir; and those goode that you warrnnletl would wash 1 tried to give away to my mnld." And then tho alienee bocaina to wide nnd solomn that yoi could hear thin pumpinp; km into tho mineral uprinjr. Lfc. Here Is a prrvntlv of eti slck us l'ocommetiJo'I by a Iondon shar): "Hold your brooth and eoulraet your nodominal mtcUw." Hut. p;ood j,'ra oiotirf, no man can hold hU brunt h and -keep his abdominal muscles puckered up all th way from Llvorjool to lk- ton! lUtst&n Trn.rript. Judeo "So j'oii ttoln a sandwich from tho lunch counter In a railway BlxUou. did you?" Tramp "Yes, your honor.1' Judgu "Woro j'ou hungry?" Tramp "No, your honor." Judjjo "Thn vhat sorvlco could the wtnd wlchdoyou?" Tramp "I wantvtl to ltaU-9ol my be -t with it, your honor." Botion liwtgt. SENSELESS REPININO. a recline wj.i. 1. niray. uvakr of .iiu.i irjiic4iin vircx-r. IIUUII . proAaurc 0r When wo aro Mtfforinjr under th? our dLstrw, vrhethor iAhoy. bo of regular continunnco, or ..utu wui9 ujrun irs ui n cwiumi. nv iini apt to iataeicv that no Individual Iu the 8itrrotmdin world ii iuj unforto nato n wo are. or, purhopt. that wa stand altoeelher by oon.elvtw in calam ity, or. ai tho meet, boloni to a raall body of ualortunalf. forming an oa- oapUe ? -dl thoroatof mankind. - AT . twrijfhbor. and. .rdn? that .V ."livifa with aay opjn orpa'pa v. js4 mail? no complains -. v Wa& mm hMd.jn from ot:r. - o4 hmZ ho Is n rsaa ar. - xod ttior- otigkly hf?y. - am never free froea t-ob. - tiaft or aa- olhcr, nnd. Is fwt. r , 4. ,- U Tcry stp-chi)dren of Pm-v.j or M-flta Iy f oj otW .' . "f Forovwry portiV..;a;' wI v.'- co- ns w Ban a c ttrrsm in , t - vr. opposts r'-rr-aijwss. .. rBoo peroc. t.vl ' '' jii of eery. f prrhapa, 4d r-n:- - '!y f U" r! - .-.v , J,,.-.,.. . ,tt . drnwl to prt nil It ov? daily brt J rtit tun, w iwmc u aro -ito cLi by sotae aNaus viteh aj.par to u M lKftyt ww. ' ftr trn 1!Ia ' ... ... W ,V "Tf . - ? onrirm vhh th aTiowit maa. who t M!rWa 1 W - Xgi r cos .fcartjy oViAfa a sofibdeaey. bat nwey iwrurit l-2idc. - r - Ut - J, roJr- Vnv ? -r . uaMoi -snUt Ujc po-?4ioa of Ires, x pise f co the raper- caaerwhk4i ciaractcrlxts asothrr 'Hr rV tr .4. f. 1. m... " ?. t. - a. IE W-.iCkWl Ja?- . ,.... . . ... . ., cwtwn HsuwriT tTi irCi or ,.,1,. - --. .. ,v , , vho - sevrlc 9aw4iE.r v v wxfmrz . o?7 CJiis4 V aM oadT oer ob?rra:loc. vioseTr'icsew waat it L lo Eiotrstos:. r-iort- to cnl fall to ctst lot bci wt Tiding aod iranr OTCT- t" 3cd to It lsM rvAoiutaly braoa sp. 1 r UC KERS CASH Dry GO0C1S HOUSE We have on hand a Silk Mutflcrs. Silk Hanclkoreliiofs,! r Silk Ties iinlf Th-Aii all tfie rest of Ranging from the very cheapest to the best the maikct affords. It Avill do yon jjood to see If yon don t want to buy, Avill be no sbow them as they arc strung up all arounMc f store marked in large plain figures. r - Our store is full of thorn. Come and elegant display. J. if-.' -1 a " 1 a . 1CU V. IOUC! . larger assortment? I T- Q Jr - i" Linen Haiidkenhiers Webster County. very trouble to .5- I SSi see tiie j J. 3- Duckw- t u iy w:u .are tT" as o tac tree - o5 -u" "- j eieTarftftsra at .-., .' tj. rr ix !.. ... r-. , ; t ej cxnBc to taaa, .1 l tad ia Unticme of ike feare. - c ' Cowi W. 7. :T5:rgr - . ir tIV? afTap!fa ..W- . '" JtMfce-a, iS0jos . .eS fcVi4-