n N' ii . A'ansni . r it 1 : nf tiatr am nvrvntlln..a1.. i.iL-a RED CLOUD nmEFi : - gsar'TJac c Bicwiiop. w unout sucn a metna. many weary journeys would be necs aary ere all the hay required for a lonp winter could be brought down. It an pears the Norwegjaa fanner borrowed A. C. HOSMER, Proprietor. BUILD WELL. High on the granite wall tbe builders, tolling. Heaved up the massive blocks and slab to place. With swart and streaming brows and straining: sinews. Under the summer's blaze. . imw tr we roaA lBBs cuvjl dnTf r Ind higher jet. amid the chills of autumn. tier and arch upon arch arose: pt upward, coldly, wearily, slowly. r silting snows. to staxe up springs tbe master- '. cheering, chiding here and there; th srrutlny severe and rigid laborer s share. Anonhirolce tothote most dUtsnt ahnutlnv Throa the hoarse trumpet makes his orders swcl; Or utter, words like these, to rouse and hearten: "Uui!reU.mymen, build well: "Toe rojs are strong and new, and sound the pulley; The dcrlck'K tx-ams are equal to the strain; cncrrinif irethe level, line and plummet; Let naujht be done In vain I "Build th the wall to coming generations Your Hfcti, your ktrcngth. your faithfulae shall tej; That all may say. as storms and centuries test them. The men o'.olrt built well:" Anil ever thus ;-aU the irreat Master-Builder , T,,s. hens'erour"journi-y ork" may be: V hal:Vr the toil, the season, or the structure. JluIlU well tiullil worthily!" U.S. Ilrunn.in Journal of Education. countries. A stroke of the district judge's pea is sufficient under the pie laws of Norway. Os a death of a farmer, his children v a and daughters alike have th property equally divided among them. Btould tbe farm be Insufficient for all the idea of this hay-telegraph from hist t&ir wants, an amicable arrangement brother hillsman of the Tyrol about! UWally made, by which the surplus KOIiSKE FARMS. Difficulties Encountered in Tilling Farms in Norway. Bomottilnr of the Fanner and Ills Ero. aonuc Methods Kvrry ftquare Foot of Utllixed An Ingenious liar Telegraph. Land While traveling in Norway recently, the writer had an opportunity of ob taining Homo practical information in connection with farming in that country, and the following remarks are intended to illustrate the typical Jj condition of the peasantry. In certain portions of the Houth, principally in the Christiania district, comparatively large running operations are carried on. The contrast between Norwegian farms and those he has left behind at lioine, must strike the least observant tourist. Yet, though ho sees much that Microti to him rude and antiquated, one Mion finds there are not a low les sons awaiting the agriculturist in the -lntiil of the vikings. So adverse are IuVj conditions under which the Norske former struggles, that the latter must I almost -after the manner born." LliA's, is not too much to add that, to "te-nge farmer, certain bankruptcv result where a Norwe-imi rem ."Uth'is bread and lirnsnei-. kSrst impression of any ordinary Fcgian farm-ste:iding is not very Jrablc. A cluster of houses, small aged, crowd around a large dwell- f-house, which generally looks 3what dilapidated. But this an- ice is deceptive; for the walls g of wood, they look old in a few and' become blotched and seared weather. The roof is of tha m M T iMBe material, or, in the caso of tho principal building, cither of red tile or 5 slab. Sometimes the dwelling-house jili painted . white, jr hen the affect is to fTi tmevo th sombre aspect of tho group. THhn wiillafntvi .miipIIw ai .! u Ufr&b Meatier-proof, planjcs aLqut -,----, ..wBarn i . - . " "-. " ,TOd in their leso planks aro placed le jinotiicr. crossed una the angles, and calked In !. It.l. .1 S !.! -, UIC If' UJ II1USS. A. SklU ' of thin j placed over tho outside. while trior is lined smoothly with bdlrisidc there is an air of comforl cleanliness. A table stands tenter of tho chief room; ad nhj wall a bench runs, which serves lairs, of which there is I usuallwelieiency. rrom pots on tho lloq is sometimes trained uji- wardsrfroof, giving tho room a festive refreshing look. Not uu- requenhu worthy farmer is proud to havo dres.ses of liis daughters hung jJspicuous positions, in order mt sxn w ho call may see that the " danuseif well provided with gar ments ;:iso of a matrimonial al , lianco.- t The houses aro generally an im- 'Hr'roreni on those usually seen in En gland i Scotland. The building is hsrger, hd more space is allotted to each amal, while a clean wooden floor Ordinarily beneath the cattle. Little no bedding is given. The level ofho cowhouses is in most cases space regu- larly4iweKlIruugh au opening in the Boor. Omsldal U(UV vuiuuukb in in uiusi u nssadjgh enough to allow of a Sj beBefth;to which the refuse is r Itobul Lair- RritKSJfcSi il a.W . t- . il 1 fi ye. w kll sides, there ljfno Ira knot thsii st grows iinrkivskV iaordlry vilW unur'mu a Bui, land re,V tacwaiik hU1 Uaialv pendeat . I . . . i bin Mlns. G i hundred feet. iMr (Bccttrs in Ike rye the dii ttfajratwork. MUD which grows of rock. early not a:m of grass wai raotafootof Mfl rocni evuUed,aad1si Temoved by tka: K- line tf&pastwa thefi which :i VlHsea;y hM4h dings, one is apt to is the farm? Look tains hem us in on room for fields as home; but grass among toe rocks. ,tch as large as a. There, tho f his hay-crop. cattle are the eight hay-field is upward some where an birch, and ,fdhnNof a theianaer. awning the nar- fm tui eight years ago. The hay crop is the product of natural grass, no seed being sown, nor any admixture of clover be ing used. The cereals are generally oats and barley; these are planted wherever there is a likelihood of their growing. Small patches from twenty feet to as many yards square are common; while not unfrequently the cornfields are but a name, for they meander like a stream in all directions among the huge bowlders and bare rocky hillocks which compose so great a part of tbe surface of a farmland. The heads are usually very light, and their appear ance would cause a painful smile on the face of a Western farmer. Still, the people cheerfully sow and thank fully reap their scanty harvest, con tented if Providence gives them suffi cient for their few wantn. The method employed in drying the hay and corn crops is different from that which obtains in this country. In the former case, poles are erected on or near the patches, and between them ropes or long sticks aro laid till a sort of six-barred railing is made. On these bars the hay is laid, and dried in a most effective manner. The corn, on tho other hand, is tied in small bundles and impaled on poles placed at inter vals in the fields. The.se poles aro about nine feet high, and capable of holding ten sheaves each. Tho grain is thus elevated above the ground; and should a rain storm set in before it can be conveyed to the granary, little results, for half an hour's wind and nuuwutne morougniy ones tuo crop. In the great valley of Voss, tho fields aro more extensive than those just de scribed, Indeed, a field of two to three acres can be seen on more than one farm near Tringe. With regard to tho potato crop, tho same kind of miniature farming occurs, only "much more so," as Mark Twain would say. A seed is dropped here and there wherevor npossibilit exists of its taking root. In tho Noerodal, tho writer noticed potatoes growing on a bowlder, where a soil of about eighteen inches had gathered or been placed. Tho "field" was a triangle, whose sides wore each about twelve feet in length! Turnips would appear to bo outside tho economy of a Norwegian farm. Though a wide area was visited, em bracing Ilergens-Amt, Hardanger and part or tho Sogne district, not a bulb was visible; a curious feature, consid ering tho importance of such a crop for food. The portion of the farm given up to crop and failow is styled the in-marken, or inside fields; between that and the Held aro tee out-marlgn. Tho latter aro reserved, as a rule, for tho cattle during winter; the ltiy being allowed to grow In the summer whilo tho cows are at too aeners on the mountains. Manuring is not resorted to as a regu lar part of the routine; tho fields aro left from time to time for throo or four years, by rotation, iu grass. The farmers themselves are worthy of more than the brief description which can bo given here. A life of constant activity and mountain climb ing has bred a class of men scarcely to bo excelled. They are tall and strongly no excess of flesh, for they always in training. Their athletic frames aro supplemented by good huftwred, honest faces, always ready to break into a laugh. A uniform suit of pilot-cloth does not, however en hance their appearance. One does not readily associate tbe Sunday clothes of a navvy with the Norwegian farmer. Their former 'dress, which some of the old men retain, is more becoming. And happily, we still find the truo moun taineer's costume in some of the more secluded districts a broad hat, short jacket of home-inado cloth, ornate with bright buttons; leather kneo-breechos. and heelless shoes of a soft tough hide. The never-absent knife hangs suggest ively at the right side. Add limbs of large proportions, a frank face, a back as straight as a soldiers, and you see the typical fjcldsman. Tho farms of Soebo and Skja'gadals will be familiar examples to the tourist. In the summer months, female serv ants, or tbe daughters of the farmer, tend tho cattle high up in the fjeld. living in setters or cabins, where they prepare cheese and butter. Excepting for such luxuries as coffee, sugar and tobacco, tho farmer in Nor way can be independent of the outside world. His fields and stock give him food and clothing; while from the tim ber on his hillsides he builds his houses, and manufactures his furniture." There is no lack of plate in those little farm houses; the hostess can muster quite a display of silver mugs, spoons and drinking-cups. Some of the spoons are worthy of special notice, for the pat terns aro delicate and chaste. A fa vorite kind is that with the thin twisted handle. Any Sunday or fete-day, one may also observe tho profusion with which the female population adorn themselves with silver and gold. The arrival of a steamer in some of tho less frequented districts is enough to stim ulate tho wives and lasses to attire themselves in all their bright costume and filigree nicknacks. It is occasion ally the fortune of a wanderer among the fjords and fjelds thus to witness these gathering of the women-folk. Many of the ornaments and plate find their way to shops in the larger towns, and also to hotel parlors, where they lie, tempting objects to the tourist matron and miss. On inquiring into the cause which led to the Norske women parting with their adornments, we were informed that it was generally done by intending emigrants. There is no feudal principal in Nor way. Th land is neM by its owner absolutely, without any tenure from th kiag.dr superior. Property thus reaairee a charter, and the owners have never, been subject to military The facility with on payment of ryattm. and settle else- enurate. It might seem tnamuwj gjgtetn of subdivision would ultimately resui In impoverished hold ings; but, as jstly remarked by Mr. Samuel Lalag ij his Diary, the res sou that such an isue is prevented lies in the fact that inKorway the land being held in full owership. "its aggregation by tbe deaths if co-heirs and by the marriage of finale heirs among the body of landomers, balances its subdi vision by the fual succession of chil dren." There is nokristocracy in Norway, unless it be pat of successful enter prise and labr. The farmer owns no superior, is uniformly polite and hos pitable to al; while servility and obscqulousnea are utterly foreign to his nature. Sufficient las been given in this short sketchto enable the reader to form an idenof Norwegian farms and firmers. If I should occur tc any one toinquire wly it is that rasr. tell year by year in ahard and constant strug gle, where firming is a task of tho ut most difficisty and hazard, we feel suks tho reply, and only reply. Is this, th the land thev till is their own. Thiy love it, for on it their fathers livid many o! them can trace their ana-stors as far hack as the grand old dayi of the vikings and they, unless compelled by force of circumstances, aro happy to reap and sow the same aens season after. With all the forces of lature arrayed against them, these met can show that their small hold ing! feed them and their children; and male them the backbone, tho strength, of gimle Korge. HaUouts Monthly. m i HUNTING FAT FROGS. Thej Kaperlonro or a Nrw Yorker la the Marsh of Jersey. "pie llackcnsack meadows, over in JciHy, is about the best place to hunt for frogs." So spoke a Fulton street markotman the other morning. L?At winter," ho continued, 'I dug eleveil dozen frogs out of ono hole on Sprout branch of Saddle river. An or- BARN GREELEY. OeaafsT Cfcat Aawat ta Groat Sow Tsrfc Editor Oaljr Brataor. Five miles west of this place. ner the little village of Columbus, la aa old, weather-beaten framo bouse, the only brother of the great editor, Hortee Greeley, lives the life of a beralt. Barnes Greeley, who is now nearly eighty years of age. has lived on this farm for the past scty years. He is known far and wite, ia Erie and Warren counties, on account of his family and his miny eccentricities, and because of his new- falling good nature, his abundant lad unaffected warm-heartedncs, and his keen, though somewhat erratic, in telligence. The old farmer is tall nd spare, but of powerful build, and, is noted for his slovenly drew and his antipathy for water, both internjlly and externally. lie says that witer taken into the system in immodefate quantities is fully as injurious as whisky. In his slovenliness o! at tire may doubtless be found a fapily characteristic which, in Horace Greeley, had been too often attribitcd by his critics to a weak affectation tor Jt.h piiriMi-e of attracting public attention. The farm on which Barnes (Ir-e'y J has lived so ion; Ls a large and fcrlie I one, but it has a look of desertion aid neglect. Ho seems to care to mike only a living out of what would hive made a thriftier man independealy rich long ago. It was on this farm bat Horace and Karnes GreeJpy were liys together, and it wits hero that Hori-e, who had gone to the great East to I, rn the printer's trade, came eomctim! to spend a vacation, and even in t! c uays the yearnings of Horace s m- bitlon were plainly rhowu. In t s, tramps through the forent he confide to his brother his ! roams of future greatness. Long afterwid. when Horace Greeley becamw' gfat editor and if man whoseauie as known on both sides therAttantii he did not forget his brother up in he wilds of Pennsylvania. One da be sent for Barnes to MH to New Irk and made him his' traveling agentsid then gave himaC place on bis ediUaal staff, and offofJ,hlm various positifcs, from ail of srMch the farmersretireiia WJCHINO AN iCLIPSC, A fi UJ turn, niidVa'.ewtually went back tolls larm a.snsaf pointed man. "aJwyeu want to Know wny ife- nracl'liome?' he still asks his aeiii btrsaomettmes. "Well. Til toll you I der cane to mo for ei-'ht dozen, and as w"w w n P"ce i would o- I had ot a jumper in mv winter pit V4,WU 80 osme home' l P"'" homo, and not -a 1100 was to lie smW '" k,Dff amon ho rather th nog among Kings.- names ureeiws antipathy to water is not a uuit rot above water, the prospects for my M0 for that eight dozen frogs lookei bkw. But I took a jaunt over to the'Waach. and alter looking over the .ground found a hole that seemed ilkoly, and all at ouce the idea jumpal into my head to drain it and dig ,001 the sleep ing beauties. Water-logged wood and leaves had formed A natural dam at the little pond's outlet? and it only took half a day's worVio cut tho dam away and then bail out the water which would not mm mnd there I had the whole nake4Sm of the pond spread out rcJMlypaJBVjf work. WJtVuple of flat boards strapped to my1fcuK that I would not sink, I went ovaFtfie mud with a scoop shovel, tniimpkll over to the depth of about eight incVs),and out of that lit tle pond I took emtsvdozen table-sise bullfrogs not veryjjhito be sure, and awfully drowsy; bat afcobn remedied that by soaking thorn itfjya, for a couplo of days in warm water. frog takes in water through the 8Cht,';you know, and everv conscientious sMn&frJ soaks his frogs before ho sells thsmV$tlt can happen in tho life of a calkl thwi stronger than hU disliko to He is a strong prohibitionist, and vocatos mo doctrine 01 "no wnisklor free whisky," His presentgopd vttc he attributes in a great rp o th fact that he never j?" hacoo (Tirom whisky. WH DrcaarMd aisvaar. nf. that he la .- Cftildhaasfe.aaJ e mathematical j " flfteenyeK Si'SS o a blank. -a .i I .lu "1B",M iaoctaia I JsacwaCI As U time for the celime d aear, tl, number of visitors to the cas tle gray increased, and the prepara tion, .tended through long wcks, receive their final touches. At last the lb of August dawned "the great, m Important day1 ushered ia with tl clearest of skies and the most radiaafunbeanu. Twenty or thirty of the girds, in snowy drv. watched the cxle and all Its entrance, and none rept the specially Invited guest were xmltted. The instruments were carefuv adjusted for instant u and. in plof the torrid heat, we were all astir fith eager anticipation. The guetquietly gathered in the open pace below the instrument, and a subdul hum of pleasant conversation filled he hot noontide. The eclipso was tj begin at thirty-scTcn minute after to o'clock. About an hour befoi this. 4clicate little white cloud rto up tefard the zenith and spread quitl over the bright, blue kjtiT til evil the visitor began to lUrSC up ward. with some fear lest Jpi after noon dght be only partly cjr after alL And iat little white cj4 not only grew Into irrcat size bmlf. but it wa joineijtiy other andjKrker oaes from all djections. whUp a they seemed to giii confidenTfrom numbers aca blackjess. soqsrihut out the sun com plete and spread consternation over overs faoefround us. Tho beginning of tbb ejittiae was not seea at all, but we iuftva few glimpse of the sua afteprunl agrad'tally narrowing cres- Al'lt became apparent that my part Vi . , i . . . . .. i. me wotk wnicn waa to araw tne iilmy. outermost streamers of tbe corona could not Le done. 1 left my appointed station and hasteaed to the upper castle wall. Here, standing near the instrument. I watched the strange landscape under its gray shroud. Even inanimate things seem endowed at times with a terrible life of their own, aad this deliberate, slow moving pall of cloud seemed a malig nant power, sot to be evaded. At the instant of totality a darkness and silence like that of death fell upon the castle aad the town aad all the world around. Not a word was spoken; the very air about us wa motionless, as if all nature were in sympathy with our sus pense. The useless instruments out lined their fantastic shapes dimly against the massing clouds, and a weird chill fell upon the earth. Darker aad still darker it grow. Every trace of color fled from the world. Cold, dull-ashen gray covered the face of nature, aad a low rumble of thunder muttered ominously on the horizon. EveaK at that supreme moment my PROVERBS REVISED. fthat always abstal Although romarki physically for a Greeley is preaching 1 h: fures out b, tem of his o mind will five years age of one never married, seatatlve of the Greeley family.;- cago UcralcL cope weeks of eastla-HUI feat pre -"- msHi mvuaumi a w"i die at the;r: -v .t t rodyenr. fi . TT .uT aV iiaii -am. isnuia.A ft. i. "l j " "aa -- msjis reprs own upon branch of tk jra.jctiK CUI Lt ABOUT FAVOfrfMl My winter frogs woke right up in tha warm water, and when I delivered them were lively and plump." "If the frog has one enemy ho has a thousand. Herons oat him. and so do ducks, snakes, fishos. kingfishers, owls, crawfishes, and most every water in sect that llvo. Man is not his worst enemy by a good deal; and when a man is willing to pay enough for a frog to enable the hotel to pay me f3 a dozen for them, then I say man deserves every frog he gets. Yes, there Is money in frog hunting for one who kuows how, especially in winter. I have what 1 call a winter frog-pit at home, mado up of several tubs of mud and warm water in a room kept at a mild tem perature all the time, which I stock well in the fall, and sell from when tho marshes are frozen up. It is an old country idea,and is common in Paris, where they never see a frog half aa big as our bullfrog from one year's end to the other." K Y. Mail ami Ex press. TRICKS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. flaa riet- '4WL - at th Mast Crashlas; fare la Ufa at a Child. One of tho most unfortunate taiari reliamM&jear 'iB!!ge ci I The aftha law tab rho eaa oattly msralawy ia Hew Seas of taa Dlaloas la rs are Proa are. There aro various ways for providing surprising results in photography, things that in one ago would have been called magic, but in ours recognized as scientific tricks. The ghost picture, for instance, in which a shadowy ghost through which material objects are visible is seen between natural atti tudes and occupations. This is pro duced by an almost Instantaneous ex posure of tho figure that is to do duty as tho ghost, followed by a full expos ure of the figures and properties that are to appear natural. Another novel trick was shown recentlv in a Photo graph reproduced by a prominent trade journal, which presented tho photo grapher, seated at a table, playing chess, with himself sitting on tha ap posite side of tho table, while ha him self stood up in the background looking at his two selves playing. The figures were all on the negative, which was produced by three succes sive exposures of the plate, parts thereof being masked eachtiaie by a black velvet shutter. Still another trick is that by which a per who likes that sort of thing may isnr ta be photographed riding on a tying goose or a th or "any other desired style of ridiculous locomotion. Ihie is done by the subject holding upon his Up a huge piece of white or sky-tinted card with the fanciful figure drawn upon it His face appear above the uoper edge of tha card aad seems ia tha picture, joined to tha fuauy listlt body meaated aa tha gaasa or fish. Tha status picture is asaaa by bo exposed to the Injustice w real favoritism, and yet o of tha most the tesamr$ia sjiool. even pawswoiiemsetves. attHpolfcrtwntu likely to bo Nfaway bvJISe natural fondness whicaMMMMllfilran are tc much more likely yTCsjMS than othetv, or by the less dispensable motives ol prejudice or of interest. Perfect fair ness in tho treatment of a collection ol children is, perhaps not to lie expected, impartiality being a more Godlike at tribute than is often attained to bv mere humanity; but in its plainer man ifestations favoritism is an evil which should be most vigorously observed. Tbe hopelessness of children under a sense of injustice is one of the ruosl crushing forces that can work to maim and distort a child's mind. He is not able to see beyond tho obvious and in stant features of the situation, and the fooling that some favoritism, some arbi trary expression of prejudice is work ing against him, convinces despairingly that effort is useless and that he is be ing cruelly wronged. The childish nature becomes warped, and embittered and there is perhaps no other single factor which can come into a young life with so disastrous effect as this. The teacher who allows herself to gratify personal likes and dislikes Is doing an injury to his pupils which can only bo called incalculable. It must be recognized, moreover, that children are likely to misunderstand, so that an appearance of favoritism is to be avoided. This is one of the con siderations which make the training of children a matter of so much delicacy and intricacy. It is necessary not only to treat children with scrupulous hon esty, but make them feel that they are sa lt may bo said. also, that children who are always suspecting partiality and favoritism are not to be en couraged in taking this view of things. Whether they are right or wrong, they should be trained as far as is pos sible not to see. and above all things, not to look for injustice on the part of their instructors. The child who, by injudicious parent, has bean encouraged to believe that hi iastructors are partial, is a terror to those who hare to deal with him, and in the end is aot unlikely ta become a burden to himself. He goes through life sour and suspicious, and it is doubt ful if the result of allowing himself to feel that he i improperly at, aa tha whole. subjectiaghim Wtasi injustice ia tha The whole subject is aa sat MmaaaiawaiehallsU salvia aU SSWaTaSSanaSiyi flew backward over the eight mile of land aad stormy j traveled, the ton of felo ns wun sucn care,' me at waiting at 'the old long journey and stios faVvJUs-t these s time. raway no fast. waro gone! One Vl lln.l.i.i.. H.,l,..,l Totality was over 4Jny rift in the clouds er edge of the sun for was gone. And a pro of great nervous ten-ion me up from tho crowd be- A I'nllimtf V Wtlrf fnst rrr..rit f. It., ,, .. -.. ". .wfc, V...W ,7 .. mejCsurcd at once, and it wns some Ctajutcs before we cared to speak. Wo 3 trusted Nature, and she had failed . .... us. nnu our sense 01 helplessness was overwhelming. Every astronomical student now knows how the track of this ill-fated eclipse was followed by clouds all along its course, and how totality and the wished-for corona were hidden by clouds from nearly all the eager eyes and waiting instruments through its entire length. But an astronomer must be philosophic; and our astronomer nobly displayed this quality. And so. gradually, our visitors left us. and the sound of demolishing and packing was heard on the bill. The tents were folded, and the party dis persed. Mabel I.oomis Todd, in Si. Xieholas. STEEL-PLATED SHIPS. How the Artloa of alt Water Speedily laenta Their Armor. Accounts from the United State steamer Dolphin, flagship of Rear Ad miral Kimberly, commanding the Pa cific squadron, would seem to indi cate that the action of salt water on the bottoms of steel vessels tends toward rendering them unservice able for sea duty in a much shorter space of time than was calculated upon. Tho rust and galvanic action combined have already made little indent In her plating to a depth of three-sixteenths of an inch, which in plates originally only seven-sixteenths of an inch shows that considerable care will have to be taken with the vessels of the new steel navy that are destined to cruie for a considerable length of time in the waters along the South American coast, without having an occasional docking and repainting. The Dolphin is by no means the first vessel that has suffered from this cause of tbe waters of the Pacific. which seem particularly bad in their effect on steel or iron craft. All the steamers of the Pacific Steam Naviga tion Company trading on that coast, as well as the Pacific Steamship Com pany's vessels, have to be docked and painted at least three times a year. The Chilian mea-of-war are likewise great sufferers in this particular, aad are docked every four months, at each of which times four coats of aati fouling paiat are applied. The result lathe case of the Dolphin will proba bly be tbe replacing of her water-Una plates by thicker metal, or the cover ing of the present armor by a belt of plates exteadiag a spase nam what abeve aad below the water Una, "Tha pittiag.naitkcalkd.ext4)dsalomgtha vessel's water Una, sntag worst hips aad tapering toward the aadaU this that tha v Oft Laws Tin sSirsaiS e eM lae Waa T tee BUelec CleasratUew Hunger has so ar,hce wbdom must give first place to dinner. "A rolling stoao gather ao aoa," but it' "gets ovrr a grrat deal. "Every man is tho architect oJ hi own fortunr. which saree all chaaoa of hard frsliag oa account of competi tive exaaiaatioas. "Faithful art? the wounis of a friwd.M and there are none toons punctiliously given. The last that was not least is held by Si. Louis man Chicago girl' "A mis Mrs. Is "ITx flrt loJvtT bn made for a ana - m: iajm fSSfi a a mile. ' but a nsoa as aaamjua. c usyjeasat af l rclald tha oJPfcvsry Januarys SP samper tyrsaausahmaj be freely rejirsd: "The sisk avwma ore tyr- "Lore goes eat tflMJIHM wbesl poverty eaters thjow.M bB'sa,. poverty eflMftas doVr. to Mamas lag "fcSeT estsrHry fm crsanlssMat the wladaw. I f .rsuiav . .. . I mM dm.. eS BSSS "M SJ BJ SSMeVVrl I. ) ii r. a i ta ut JsT" afas!! 1 cfjoc ano mmmnmm f J tat emmtss armuBm.ammr - ;m lg, sjnMBanhhhhnnanhT sannnnnnnBBnnnBBW !sawsv .. 1 maw Wnntw R sasnTRuet- ' 1- m Prsk Jssaam ami ft M sm phsnv sal - - Mabsessst- nam nanasi Rjsnav.srisyamila hi vwryasmjwmai hard sua- Ci h ;Uaa-aeihud-armi - T e kenraanaf aad Impsrtani dis- " y .? M u of aaaaamaaaaan aaama sssmmyg k jj tVsjB WttmT anmsavw sannjj VPswai Vr RssyJkPsj "C wt aMnflstaBM s9sseVisiltWwJr Xla f asahemaaa may b. greatly -eiVVsatmiagthsai wkh wtas esnmsaasa warn ana ann but when a mnanavja the una ana ua mass amat. out her. All men are bom frss sjuaasjaal. but unfortuaately aome mea tva ti equal to two or three of thltwlo "IVlde goebeforw a fall." land t "winter of dksooeteat" come aBstv Geraaa aeaka af Taaam stay uasW mUuta.ara eat by ma In rsarumr who aaa worfc W tha asessar has arigia- plaaaiag Hi aaiag "' m o hal p r . tl iapi --' -"- " fca astalihstsadls. tha fast sesnn- ml waa haaisd avsr ami s. - -u bbBbbw BBaBaasT nans naBBBW snllflaBBVshhhnar teasnasmem jfW faf snasal BBShaa Veaam mnaeaas "A poet Ls bora not neld,'tjac : women persist ia writing rbj God help them that hel elves." so that drummer table are sure of Heaven. "He that is down aoed fear because feather fall o softly. "The blind can aot lead tkj ana a justice ana lore oosn in bandaged eyes, neither oaa JtJde other. Many mea who profes to live in the pursuit of virtue 1 take care to keep so far there is ao danger whatevej overtaking her. And speaking of proverbs. nothing easier thaa the of pseudo-proverb, it oae arive his mind to it. as wltagm th lowing, which, if not vjjry go least serve well enough Isrillustml Never put a gift cigar ia the m A man mav weasrswmk ts. ai only a drummer lae bmid It is the Last afu that costs. A man is knawa by the do' h Vi Ono mayJIsarn at every horn station thataman may be a starte sever tsvt ThefsTI no ycstonlay for poix-oi PrSVldenco aiwavs provides a lasfihfor the wind to blow upon. T"hf barber takrs even the klnj f the noe. ItttjJ'uto Courier BALLOT REFORM. Mow to Kreillrate tome of the lnl of I'ollllral "Unm Viorh." This is ono of the rsfonn must come, for without It our of popular government can in maintained, hvery election. ess in our large cities, show that unt reform is secured all other rwfor lmpo;lble of accomplishment. control of the election machinal the printing and distributing ballots, must lie taken from th ticians and put inUi tho hands State. That Is, we must take tho j to control our elections away fr men who have no responsibility Interest in government save gance and corruption and into the hands of official! aro sworn to uo their uu what use is l: to try to get men nominatsi tor office leave in tho hands of the workers tho power to defeat the polls bv distributing fraudt defective ballots, or by making ami "dickers" which cheat tho. of their will? We have talked fd about reforming the primaries 1 nominating convention, but particle of progress has beon Under the Massachusetts lai hundred voters. In cao of 1 for Mate omce. and any one voters, in ease of a candidate f3 ser office, by uniting in a pet behalf of a candidate of their can have his name printed u official ballots and have thoo distributed at tho polls at thel expense. What more certain reforming the primaries could vised than this? If there wet law in New York City there wc an enu to tne astonuain? si which I there so often pretest "bos" setting up a candidate own for office in spite of all and frequently electing him ia 1 all opposition. Under such a "boeses" and primaries would short time loe their present nance in our politics. In fact, there is scarcely a iniquity known to our election which a good ballot law wr eradicate. We should be rid ; stroke of the assessment uj dates, of the bribing and bnlW voter, of the nomination of n unfit candidate., of "d "dicker" and "trade" at All those would disappear, fr pie reason that the machlc tions would be taken out of of irrcsponsib! and oftea men. Such as obvkru aad it reform a this eaa aot be long I Century. In a Ssstaw Police W - cerise e7 rt cm tor Hit Oil 'ill' li at ' m BBugea. te 1 wish urcs. - 0 a i the taeswy that tras avs ot 'agularity aad pUatltude of raia- Svll. tied graraUy acevpted a tfcaogft tiXstm ia natural phUosapay. it W It g vigorously aStacked. says tha fa u mm Vrw. The trouble ha beam tt.a day fact favaraat to tats ay- aotvahj have been the "ault of impartial grs,i n. t show that rauas aad 4frt ha - hnrn badly mixed. 't-Wt. ?.-. Ureetlatksa vapor af je4ainml kMmm tm ,aib fsul m -u-7 f" SJiusiwj w u f-'hich Uaursviag if aevV " ? thaa tJ?L?Lft? Vf as-sajam BAB -amar is aeae si . Z af af a 'd )'Kesvor Brown-Hequard ha I inak B experimat W detacmla) m b nbr the human breath wa capa bli af. produclag aaioaons . lV.f4vthe coadeased watery vapor at th" .lSplred air or breath, h 01 a tKiaianou liquid, whieh. wh je. fi? under the akin of rabbit. dto 4: almost immedlata aeata. mblss died without coavuleioas, tha hi rad barge blood vvaael being aa g'rassa with blood. Thl warns t sUwtbt human brrath eoatsias a V(l:ttsV poUonou principle which U rr ostdelaUrious than earboak said. -A Helfaatmachlalet has dissavarad a prrs by which tha fiber af tha p! rheea can b readily asaaratad f -oatheJr wooly aad gammy cov- i.g.jau producing a fiber at a low I rltsfwhlah will" admit af bring u4 f r ii ssaaufactura of rape, cordage 1 nd '-troves goad. Kbssa Is a ptaat frosm vary widely ia Southern aad vLVrrn Ails, aad oaa aapable at aul- Irawoa la tbe teasaarata part af lurapo and America. ItUtastroag- vtVrgcUbU nbejrthai hayt beam lioavered. and la haslda, the aaoth- rstStid moUtf- There are faul " J. v r.,amir(IMe la fghlch U.revlag ud time-saving da eraly used making, aad is voajpv goalusseaa rewarded thaa lathis. wtsficansavea faw mailag a pair af hsfiwinms fartaas, aftsa fraatsr aufof taepeapta who umtaaprad o f Ais ingenuity eaa hapa fer. for I or object af lasting fcy sna- haWry no less thaa 'iMdlaswaat d lids have beea pmUcnitLHt Msl .egfAtr AVmsr. e. . ' I PUMOtNT PARASRAPHS. Editor "I think t write bsstar lain t used to." Editor's w ate "Ton teles. That'bHer.'' rVr- U. If any body wants o tsst tha Isily ambliag let him lake chances at a ity fair. Tha viperieas wUl as a od object leon.--giWmir U She "The bass am as fir giving position af trust ta r. Jo." Tha monster -M la ruL" Shswu haUava ia asn. aying wemva ia haaks. thear Tha r "1 da. framea are barn tat w 2m. Editer-lhat little Item af years etaayrsmisdsdmsstyuaglyaf Faaay Btushiag )-"Ah, maak yaa. It Is kind ysute ssy ssv la what rvaaeet I iaulrsr aHar (a4dk)--a arraripaUy.-ITMl issli M. -"laatlc, fith lwaadan.nlsa m "that thewiaetlaa fsrvid aanmsar. "Tss. Mr. m simply aba af etsthsram taally "jr. T. --Mrs, JTamjii I aa aismhhewtmaa aiillaga Baw ta Mr. that la tsa--Whatiis taawf afltnaaaT--- Tawdam. a pasta tha yaar - da, Maria, Msfi Jasm, ri sgFa TTrtaWw wasngBnr (Maaajp aaTssS'srMj saw caawaasoifl by frimnta. Mr. $- . "f ,fJ aaa aad twa wamaa Mst -f1! ahaatab ' saw BharrtsaV aaatd haea haht Mm Ifsssats beli "Priaoaer." said tha you are charged with dead drunk os the street. you to say? "I reckon Vol guilty, yourl "Tea dollar-sand cast. Nei charge agalastyau. air. Hai plea ta make? "Tour Haaar. aapUs wiping his vpactaale aa tha asataad spwsisgwfth "with yaur aaraaamiae I a plea af guilty ta tha disss vstiai aa a whileia that 'JX';S: r rA2 .: - .- 5" 7 rtr iVf .!- Jft?-fC?.-aiSis ?w vt 5s , ": & i 1 m el kea a aeW fit samaa fvaaaBB. aasajasFj,seaaaai jraasssb as sal "-aaaaa j $j9T aasdmaaam' aasrsJssssjaf " anasn- jaas s sn. sasja STasat aa ssssa exaaaay asasaa. aTsTsl J B jSimr" -sr.a-Cfej " y . ,. " 4ri:JB I aaW " mm ?"aii 'i "'""-""aAK. v -?& maa I sbb"l Sasaaay "Snjay aaaay aaaaay aw ssssssr g,y j, j aTaTai I 9 SaaaBnvT;fVMs1SaTB .ol j 9 ' smm fihsi fisswawdsfc'rsaaTfi '' . Jms jbvt- LBmwm. ajBjsMAaaaaaaaeaasas-" quSkThbbwI JSJSa. Sssaw Myp-eseasaaaasasaaaaasr ? 3miEmm saw'- ff""'"'"TLl.-' "rSr wZs$'t.Jatif'"r f 's .-SaW. -S"naaTFaaTsa1 m :&&1&F& ' lfarlaBBalatUBS v; -i:r--J-i4SJSi 4 - w ., -flBBSsBfiSJBTBaBTBaBTBTBTi sTsTsTsat-' t cs-- ., r " - M 'Ibu. iBTearimiiafiTsTsTsTsTsTsaESM am-' , ---3-r--5f 5- A- mB3ffammaSBBBBBBBBB -' -r- r . -ij .-: wr xBnsmanananananansnBTaTaTaTaTaTl saa JiS-'SiKrVfO --J,-- W SrSSSBnaaBBTaTaTaTaTaTaTi "f- -.;r j I .''JlWisaansnnnnnnnnnm aTsTi "i "' HrinniTr a 5&EBtlSBamaTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTm 'IsT---.. jbt : '' ijJaWamfsiiii 1 ajsjajsgajsjaaaaaaaaaaaaam f 'W 3-