IV- k TpfT - i3S; -"'-? syt- ss-fvr tyw'r" TT " y " - t '-. -w- . - -v1 . . -- - "-'? ' I Pfe I v ' fc ; ft T f fi r I II' r SSSSBSS-aZSH55E33I i -7""" " " - , OTfteier QMMT MNtiti i r" ltH.I Sii-e-i-. cMO. ANNOYING HEUTArlf M. Xsttee- here krvea that itl Jim arylstfMt, sealed bids will fereeeirsd by the evaafty 'boarT of nrrt0rsf Webster eoanty, Xebraeka, ii"swppUes to be famished laid eoenty far tbe year 1889 end to be ordered from tine to time aa needed, bids ae be aecomianisd by a good aad saftteient bond to W-bster coun ty in ease contract is let guaranteeing faitafal nerfomeaea of eontrletU '. The following isja lint of Jwpplies re quired and the manner of biding all bids to be sled with the eoauty eljtk. 12V00O note heedspnrintedind rolvd 7 lb, per 1,000. 20,000 enrelopeajno. 10 i.v ,infai r r - mite, per a,ri. . , , .4 30,000 envelopes no. 6 xk printed -ite per 1,000. "I 8 qnire records Iplsfn ptge per book 8 qnire records printed head per book. H quire records printed page per book. 6 qnire records plan page per book. C qaire records printw page per book. All records to be fwl bound, extra Bassia ends, bands and front, canvass oorer, 40 lb parsons Scotch first-class linen ledger paper.' Peerless ami rests 8x12 per rest. Leon Isaac's .pens no. 1 per gross. e Leon Isaac's pens no 10 per gross. Leon Isaac's pens no 9 per gros Lead pencils, Faber's no -tliexagon, rabber tips per gross. Lead pencils .Faber's red and bine per dozen. Rabber bands no 11 rarigated per 1,000 Rabbet erasers' (ink and pencil) Faber's arVoaen. Figuring tabs Cx8 100 each perl,000. Figuring tabs 6x10 f 100 each J per 1.OTJ0 Arnold's ink per quart. Cartesa carmine Ink per pint. Abstract legal cap 18 lb Crane extra perceam. . ' Jgtract legal cap 1G lb Crane etfnra iper ream. Abstract legal cap not ruled Crane extra per ream. . Rating pens nol per pen. McGUTs paper fasteners round, heads no 1 per box. McGilTfl paper fasteners, roand heads no 2 per box. MeOUl's paper fasteners, roundheads no 6 per box. Copying ink Stephens per pint. Knife erasers extra quality per knife. Perfection mucilage per dozen. Perfection letter files, per file. Globe document boxes 10x4jx4 per doasn. Globe .document boxes 10x4x3 1-2 per dozen. Globe document boxes 10x4jLfx3 per dozen. Globe document boxes 10x4 jLx2 1-2 per dozen. Globe document boxes 10x44x2 per doxen. Globe document boxes 10x4x1 1-2 per dozen. Globe document boxes 10x41-4x1 per dozen. Justice dockets 2 quire extra per dozen Justice dockets G quire extra per dozen. Fee books 2 quire extra per book. Road overseers receipt books 100 in book per dozen. Road lists, extra material per dozen. 38 poll books fiOO votes each for 1889 per book. Tax receipts, original duplicate and triplicate per 1,000. Receipts for payment under protest per 100. Redemption certificates per 100. Application for liquor license per 100. Affidavit for bounty on scalps per 100. Appointment, oath asd report of road appraisers per 100. Appointment, oath and report of road road commissioner per 100. Certificate of acknowledgement per 100. Certinaate of official character per 100. Claim blanks 1-2 aheet per 1,000. Certificates of election per 100. Claims for damages on roads per 100. Certificates for bounty on scalps per 100. Election notices for 1889 per dozen. Official bends per 100. Oath of oHoe per 100. Notice, oath and report of special road commissioner per 100. Road overseers annual settlement per 100. Attachment i t" rict court per 100. Attachment orders district court per 100. Affidavits against garnishes district court per 100. Affidavits of replevin district court per 100. Appearance bonds district conr 100. Bonds for costs district court per 100. Stay bonds district court per 100. Injunction bonds district court por 100. Replevin bonds district court por 100. Attachment bonds district court per 100. Court wrappers (civil) district court per 100. Court wrappers criminal district court per 100. Captions to transcript district court per 100 Certificates to transcript districVcourt per 100. Caption and certificates to take deposi tion district court per loo. Commission to take deposition district court per 100. Notice to take deposition district court per 100. Declaration of intention district coart per 100. Returns of executions district oonrt per 100. Executions on transcript district court per 100. Final papers district court per 100. Jury and wjtneee list district oonrt per 100. Order of "delivery in replevin district court per 100. Precipes district court per 100. Bccogaiaanee. of jeriinhml "witness dis trict oonrt pfr 100.. . , Summons orignal district oonrt per 100. Sammons copy district oonrt per 100. Summons inertti, district court per 100. ttnbncanaa original, district court per 100. Sabpoenarcopy, district oonrt, per 100. Sabpesnas in criminal cases, district oonrt, per 100. .. .- Statement at coats district court, per 110. Verdicts of jury district- court, per 100. AnTmavitannd aawintwling .for order of attachment in justice coart per 100. AJHavits for garnishee justice oonrt par 100. -- Appeal undertaking 'justice court per 100, -v Oplsinta justice oonrt per 100. ncmmitihritn for contempt justice cmnrVpor 10p, . ... Executions justice court per 100. nfitbmns in bailable cases 'justice oonrt, per. loy. Mittimus in court nestiae. not bailaWe justice Naiiee of c stable sale j per MX) Komcc of garnishee justice court par 1O01 - Order of attachment justice court per 100. i- ;f Order of sale at nttacIieU property jus tice court per-100. Order of attest, j a. w URafevin Munmams, JejNaM a " SantaMftaVoopy; court per 100. Subpoenas original jestice eoart Pr Subpoenas copy justice eaurt per 100. State warrants justice court per hun dred. Search warrants justice court per nan- dred. ' .. ''Undertaking for costs justice court per hundred. Undertaking in order of arrest justice court perliundred. Verdict or jury justice wun iw Hun dred. Venire for jury justice court per nun- idred y The county board reserves the righTto reject any and all bids. J. H.BULET, Co. Clk. BedCToud, Kov, 26, 1888. Wood Wanted. A few cords of wood wanted on Bubecription at this office. Net A California mear. tiybouy can catch a cold this kind of weather. The trouble w to let Ko, hke the man who caught the hear We adyiae our readers to purchase of Henry Cook a bottle of canty A"bie, the California Kn8 of Couramption, AsthiB, iJronchitis Coughs 'and Croup 'Cura.and keep it handy. 'Tia pleas- iaaiO the-taste and death to the above jmplftints. Sold at 1.00 a bottle or 3 for $2 50. California Cat-RCurc given immediate relief. Tli3 Cattarhal virus is soon displaced by its healing and penetrating nature. Give it a trial. Six months treatment $1.00 by mail f 1.10. Furniture of all kinds cheaper than ever at F. V.Taylor's. CALIFORNIA THE LAND OF mSCOVEBIES BEWARE OF IMITAITONS Seo that cur trabe mark, SANTA AB IE, is on every bottle is is on every bottle of that pleasant California rem edy. Satisfaction guaranteed or.mon cy refunded by Henry Cook 1 r IISUMP AsrftM.CotiGHs, - HlCtscrc..-ruOrtaT.' sMiTSSfiGiitB Senijrrtrjnfi;ii!3i:a?' ABifcPWLHUB :.PWmfAL MAKE NO MITSAKE By dispelling the symptoms so often mistaken for consumption. SANTA ABIE has brought gladness to many a household and by promptly breaking up tho cough and cold that too often developes into that fatal disease wi yet syve thousands from an untime y tjrave. You make no mistake by keeping a bottle of this pleasant reme dy always in the house. THCONLV- TnlCMr CUAnANTEED 11 PT Wll V am a Minis cu. to SB bnwMMiiia1 ' .SUSVUCHOfL TARtin lABirTINEMCORQVl CALIFORNIA CAT-B-CURE The only guaranteed cure for catarrh, cold in the heaa, hay sever, Rose cold catarahal deafness and soar eyes, re stores the sense of taste and smell removed bad taste and unpleasant breath, resulting from catarrh. Follow directions and a cure is warranted by all druggists. Send for circular to ABIETINE MEDICAL CO, Oroville Six months' treatment for $1 sent mail hv,f 1.10 SANTA ABIE AND CAT-R-CURE foi sale by Henry Cook, Agent. H.T.CLARKDURGCo WholeealeAgenta Lincoln. Neb Piivrto Chtcapo, Dnww to Kansas Cityr Pennarta Omaha, Otnaha to Chicaffo, Kansas City to Chloaco, Otnaha to fuLoui WEST TO EAST! SUM CONNKCTONS LOW RAT1$ . I omBBsmi -' i .. . - - , -- j iMsYsnsBBBBfAmBBflnS? rum b MM.. VmV Tinnnrai am . ' rTTTA aaWnasW "ssaraTB aAooaoi cmbokip THaoycM. ThfwMSh Stliwii; mm ? & f wr Sp g""0 ami ensjuu P xt " sm Jl issnu car man mmrmnsrancj myumujammmmi we m mmmksnSnmmk gMaOaammnninvsSnanan mmamSawaf fmT aTmtnV nassffstssMwU Wt tsf .. '- mhbv AiBnBBB anvB sbbhhbhhbi i A rick man compelled to pawn bin t watch sera menl and a night a lcdgian That' was the strange situation' Ja j which a young tngiiwiman wbu mm just landed in New York foaw4 bim self the other day. Ho ba arrivwi from the West Indies whetw ko Invest ed nearly all tbe monejwa i parnsm in a draft for two hundred pounds on a New' York bank. Anxious to get a train f jr St. Lou the snmeaay nc - teller refusrf to pay tho draft uakat bo was identified. And bc young man wan an absoluto trsager in" Jfcw York! Your people in the West Indies conk my good money for thai draft and I want it back again. Am I to infer that this is a bankrupt institution?" He got no satisfaction, lost bis train aad had to pawn hi watch for n meal and a bed. A fellow-passenger identi fied him the next day. I was discuss ing this matter the other day with a very liberal American who has had much banking and mercantile expe rience here and abroad. Nothing looks more ridiculous to a London mercantile man than to see a long string of persons with books in their hands, waiting to make a deposit through a. cubby hole with a solitary receiving teller and it is the same with the payment of money. A bank with a large business ought to have half a dozen receiving and :is many paying tellers at largo, wide open counters. Why all these cages and railings and bars and peep-holes through which you arc occasionally permitted to catch a glimpse of the teller's nose, who suddenly and unwillingly hands you your money? They don't have these things in England and robberies in banks are very rare. Here, despite all thcro precautions, they are fre quent and a largo proportion are com mitted by those in&ido of the railing and not outsldu of it. My hypercriti cal English friend said: " I do not like to bo looked upon when I enter a Now York bank a stranger as if I had a natural predi lection for perjury and forgery, for the teller is not satisfied if you tell him your right namo and even sign it you must be identified. In England checks are usually made payablo to bearer. 'Shall I cross it?' asks tho drawer, which means that by drawing two lines across the check and inserting the words bank1 or ' Co between tho lines tho money can only be collected through a bank or banking firm. Otherwise any 'bearer' can get the cash at the bank without any questions being asked except ' How will you have it?' I may send any body with my check payablo to bearer for 5,000 pounds to a bank and he will get the money without any trouble. A friend of mino some years ago gavo me a check for 1 1.200. payable to myself or bearer on the Sixth National bank of Now York. I presented it- 'Don't know you,' said tho teller. 'Neither have I tho pleasure of your acquaint ance was the answer, ' but my name is on tho check and I am also tho bearer.' 'Can't help it; it's too large an amount to give a stranger, and you must be identified.' 'My friends arc out of town said I, 'and President Arthur is in Washington. I can't very wclj send for him. 'Well. I wont givo you tho money.1 'Then write your reasons on the check. No, I won't do that' 'Thon,' said I. 'I am a newspaper man, I shall protest this check and proclaim in Wall street this afternoon that the Sixth National Bank refuses to honor the checks drawn on it.' I got the money."?. B. Valentine, in Philadel phia 1'rcss. DEVICES FOR CRIPPLES. New Method of Supplying the Defects ef m Not Toe Gcaeroaa Natars. "No matter how badly a person may be crippled, ho or she is well able to travel about without being a bother to any one in these days of progress." "Suppose the unfortunate has no arms or legs, how then?" inquired a listener. "Just the same," retorted the first speaker, a manufacturer of mechanical appliances for cripples. "Except in very rare cases, unless a person is actually bedridden, there is no reason why they should not bo able to move about anywhere. Why, in a short while we will have ready for tho market a new idea in tho line of in valid chairs. It will le o constructed that the occupant, although pos sessed of only ono hand, will be able to wheel himself up or down stairs by simply turning a crank. The crank will sot in operation four wooden legs, with clinchers made of rubber on the feet, which will grip the stairs as it ascends or descends. In like man ner the occupant will not have to be assisted in boarding a street car or even a railroad train. The chair is not cumbersome at all, as all the clock like machinery is stowed nway in a small box underneath the seat Only the very wealthy will be in n position to benefit from this idea, however, as it is a very expensive arrangement. Another chair that promises to hare a wide field is one especially constructed for persons having no arms or legs. It is moved by a sort of side swinging of the body. Then there are chairs for use on steamboats, in the woods and even for mountain climbing. A fact not generally known is that nearly nil the railroad companies have invalid chairs at all their stations along the various routes, and any person desir ing the use of one can bo accommodated without extra expense. In one of our cheap chairs a perton is at liberty to ova about at tho rata of six miles aa ksmr without aa? considerable outlay "Coalman iaralids who have to lie abed for years frwatty raOevwi by camsjsjafly manufactured for seek FeriacJnaee, there are what we call askmieiars. Thru sis ncjid for lining; mmmlnsmsl Swspeadisg tkem rem tim ctisBBCtetsttenevsanet. This very inswap tewfumuan wkea taken in kehnt nBswamnsjr wkeawas psaieet makes a sjwjsmmsjtssfsT IIGHTNING I HAY KNIFE mm WE LEAD! w tVkpIUV 5assml wa uwiwii 1 - is-Uias 1 iht-hbi 'AR94 la tb bUte. '-rra: mm tw umm Tvfar cuttwo. WaV m a 'iMnan'SHMM :RCAT I PWVUMITT THE HtfUUk. HOLT n em iT5iSymBsss"r escmnsief wsbaeaam ma4totLwammVunv mmm eaanma ansasjeuv f m e 9sssanawtawShnmsmMUmsmauMHswa. NEW Wmrner A lVmifmnger. Are receiving and constantly keep on hand a largu stock of the best quality of Calf and Kip Boots ! In'the market from $2 up. Ladies and Children's Shoes in endless variety and at the lowest prices. Old Stand, Red Cloud. Mim. W. Newbouse We have just received a fine line of Gents and Ladies Silk Mufflers. Silk, Linen and Toy Handkerchiefs, All shades and qualities of Yarns Home-made Hoods and Toboggans. We have a nice line of Hair Ornament, Tinsel, Ruching, Mittens, Hosiery. Dress Goods with Velvet and Gimp Trimmings to match. Great bargains in Toys. All to bo sold at the very Lorest Prices. R. V.SiiiKEY, Prcs. He.kv Clarke, Vicc-I'rtf. Jxo. It. Siuxrv, Cashier Howard V. Catuer, Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BAnK, Red Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITAL, - $75,000 Transact a general banking business, buy and sell county warrants, alst county, precirct and school district bones. Buy and sell forciga exchaag DIRECTORS: Jas. McNcnv. J. A.Tullcy, G. W. Lindacy. It. V. Sbirer. John It Shircy. E. F. Highland. Henry Citrkc, A. J. Kenney. QEO. o. and k. d. ykiser, PKorKIETOK" or THE Wioiir Gnai; AW flf&E REDC1.OUD. NEB. Complete and only set of abetract books in Wetater county. Graxiofjnud arming lands and city property for sale. BON TON BARBER Shop AND BATH ROOM, HUTCHISON EDGELL. Props. First door north of City Bakery, re fitted and thoroughly equipped. We respectfully solicit your patronage guaranteeing sstisfaliaa in every case. Our Motto: WiJl be to please nil who give is their trade. All work done in a first-class manner and in the latest fad ot the profession. UtrrcHissoif A Ewia. D. 13. Spanogle, Real Estate and Loan Age' Red Cloud. Palace BiUirad Hal'. M. 8. MARSH. Itosrletor. Fine Billiard and Pool Table Cigars and Tobaccos jester Street. MooaBaca State of Xswraska, Wsawtar swatr. Xo tiee is bcMby girssi to aB psrsana aarirjr claiauand ssaansla afsinaS AdaatSsU den late of Webster eewarr. nscsved. that tae tiaae iaei for ilia date ffatest said estate, is six ssontas from tbs Srd Uj ef PusaHii, Ute, aB sarh persons are raired to nrassat tfair daiau witk lee tsbisiis tetWCoaatj Jcde ef said eesaHr sA kte oases tarci3. oa or bsfore tee M deef Jaaa, laea, asd U elainu so Itei wM aw kaard Wfor th id jadfe entneetst deyef lw,1t$X ivDMbiii. ainsssi use. uu. ss. 1S4 Notice is kereby giren tkat I will ezaniiaeall persons ess saay desire te offer tnemiselTes as eannidates fer teeekers ef tke enklic sckeels ef tkis ewutr, at Res! dene!, en ike tkirn Satmrday of each niontk. taJ. Kjsu. Cenatj SW i ",! jrrSmt mw .ammr ananumme .mssVar ii niASE2S6mJti&mNFOmmr imsnwOr ens Mssmsaememsjimm mmswwai as'wsnwwawsnrei SSssswsv W M wsswrnnwansTW waVwWwsvasVp smw"snwO MOOTS AS D SHOES HROWN S Marble and Granite Wori. A. II. BROWN. I'aor. FineMonumeats and Headfltone Elm St and 4th Av.. Red Cloud. City Harness Shop J. L. MILLER, DEALER IK riARNK&s COLLAl, SADDLEb HORSE-BLANKETS; WHIPS HABNSSSOn erery thing usual kept in a frst class hamsea shop. Mrs. S. R. McBnde, THE Leading Milliner. BED CLOUD. NKB. urrt ch Uabvrtnrd. TAKE THE Street Cars From the Depot To Bradbrookb ' Photo Studia MOOX BLOCK. Mertcaff Oav, est SawsawSk asal oxtkmtU aad sate! eedSsfl raw ef a inasc tien tew raaffcten 1S5 ssese as aaawsna asesw m nsnrsss ansr. J. O. saTsnwkenswss1sssw wal tafee. aeeass; teneea la75niswf ef atensssaker. Met Tnea. A. Ynfe, fJadwasff. tied has awtJOen insnesnseiset swert ef Wstejsasswente, xWn sswSsaa mKWWf bbsswWBJBJ eWawBssPBSPssw np JsnU esnwanl dMsssvssaW dsW SBawBavwsaBm. ww wasP.dnwsawnsslssnT said sMteafs ss nnsjnwMBsswawssssaen, was dssy nates si se ssfcawX, Mpi i ' sw swaawwaBsaawPsW? M tsyewwjsssidJsawsnwL sjsflntejaten. riawMtejfMsjAttaatens sjesnee wean me saassws Mi.tfbAai.Mfl. m Mwammwi ssaw wt awa ws snaw p MWiMP tWsssHsalieslssmsnsBklts sbbbswbIssi f..- 2S-- i L jSClvnimls sa?ateasssnSa bbbbbV " swasMtBnwXsfawBwt "T1" J i. . i ., For the latest styles of MILLINERY j Call at the Moon Blix k. , MILLINERY EMPORIUM. ' jThe Largest ami Most Complete Line uf Fancy Novelties in the ritv. L.F.MAKKELL. Furiii biiiO, $ew:9tbck and almost at your own ugurc. Come and get bargains. F. V TAYLOR. OpMt fW National hunk and l'l OOlcv. Special attention jjiven to untlcrtnkihtr THE TRALERS LUMBER CO. -WILL iy I POSITIVELY Lower than any B CLARKE Pnwldont. Albiuiy. N. Y. J. A. TULLEYU. Vlo I't.u.i. FU)bl. VJOIiner. TrHUiur.r NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FARM ILAK C50., PAID UP CAPrJAL,$C0f0QO. Mk Cloud, Ntb. Albany. NVw York. UIUKCT01.& II. Clarko. Albany. Nr York rtfO II. Hrarh, IW.tmj.A N.V V. II Hoh-on. Allianv. . V l N 1 rct, rjU-jUUl. R V Shirey I.M I'lti K.V. llialaid J.A. I'til!jrs M.H.MNit MONEY LCAN-LO , On imnrnin trni lit rlir'. iu ecurliy U approvtni l'rjnnr4l RED CLOUD PTONIIi WW M. J. .mnlon. rrtnWSrnt W. E. Jfn.Vtr-rfMllelt. a. h. nk . ciijf I. A. Il--vsir. Aitai i Capital $60,000 I Attentlen Oiven Oeitetlent ILK.rttnT. ry. r. AJHmrmon. M. J. ScAhlon. M. H. WHmb. W. R. Jarkann Wau Huchf aad ll W-Jur. Buy and pcII Kichaugs Make eoMcctinn ami do a 3eoera! BasikitiKUuiincKMi. Interest allowed on me deposits VkMMH WAOQOaTjrTSO W1TI SiSJ I m r m m rfsjesTrnsssssr'eaBanwns6saTsaa1KssSassssl i vnBSB9nnsBsr'asssHSfSs7nrBnBsssslnBW MiInn sijfsnnnsBgyBnjiisnnssjrjsssjpgjBrnj TUB OflCAT HOOK MLAHO HOUTC (Cwirefw. ssesst hasatel idsnciftcaad Ite E2 MiJPf5, "-. !lart,- mJmbW. "-rii aWariLwsiajea a M. Dsirsssjert, Mmnmmm. Oncnsswsv aUSSZWiJrtMmEmjZmi VfBjwysytyjpl VwWawAWsW jsyBsnw ssl Iv w JlvS' sW L-P-I PLy jpM wt srsMlsv jsBSsVGpwafdwW adf dMAfFSMVAMpA T SSi jeatMSLAA TaMMVaBSMmMSSBS r MStaarWBMWj jft BAHa J T W flafcMBT Te' jBrBAw SWWSW' souo fast vtm-jcc cxmu rmrnm V wrwwassWy awsisnnnneanes aajsm WfwsssynwywanlsPjjSJ JejSBWdwsaWwr jF Ssawa-wgdwawMl aMkjft WaBWBWssPww BZM "ssawWspSS' -awPssy sbbsWswswt jPlssBSMBnwat- LawasasnW ZwlwawlwsBwZwsw wawf flvawswswswS -w Ssswawawanwaws- sn-wasSaa-wawawa- ssawawBBBBssT bws 'AsjAAsjsB- gX sV fjtelMSksneMBnt r SHBssjskeJjfLK slw-wawswkwwswa w JwA-T 'Mat e-w-w-flawlw-k 'AwswawM dU- M&man&ffssga'?'r- wa-s. awsfMaw w-WSbwOTHw wsW JV VwHsa.sHBBB.i-iL CfffCAOO. cu i t "jgff, ' A rtui & - MAKK- n us k yard in the world K .tit limor jiwunri ami mlrl ill in Hl QhmI t -& '5to, ". J i nrlTsi's .. -M. l .ijkjn 1.- "BS"itjriC iuure mjO' w5Pf wMr ...-.-ifW -m ST-J awasississississississississississliawasMlBMJw PPWesesnBaCfc':L' wJli"'"',:y " ""V ' "fswBwal rjr tt . ZLzimtBlF v i MivjjrBjsnnvssannnnnw kooaunrf or tm ccxmni. w ax err am a error or rmm mat or Ckkmfn, KmrnmrnM: flwBu vas-'WVHHSjSJpHHy t t .. Wams.anrvtirt. A J5i e,K t r . --ffx.-'iSa! -- " j?-iStf. 3te.t' r - y-Kiv - lj: )f'iiatttw''r -j',-S-ir i?& 3&r-" A' ws&f- a. -.vw-.. ,-fA