The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 21, 1888, Image 7

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The Tower of Belllt Dmonatrmt4 lw
Ilrcrnt Experiment.
A distinct advance has been made in
the inventiion of new explosives in re
cent, years, and there can be no doubt
that dynamite, which has ho lonff held
the Seld us a high explosive, is being1
seriously threatened by competitors.
The ideal of a high explosive that of
combining absolute safety with great
cnerirv has been the aim of all inven-
' v torn, but until lately success in this direc
tion lias only been partial. In most in
stances the explosive has represented
the required energy, but has failed to
comply with the Homo Office regula
tions as regards the standard of safety.
The direction in which the more
Viiwe.'-sfiil inventors have labored was
indicated by Dr. Sprengel, F. K. S., in
his investigation rcconled in "A New
Class of Explosives,5' a pamphlet pub
lished some fifteen years ago. Of these
"bellite," the invention of M. Lamm,
of Stockholm, is one of the first prac
tical outcomes, and judging from the
very severe tests to which it w;is sub
jected, both as regards safety and
power, it would appear to approach
nearer to the ideal than any of its
Itss:ifjly was, indeed, amply demon
strated in the experiments made at
Middlesbro'. under the direction of Mr.
Napier Hake. Some cartridges con
taining bellite were, for example,
placed on an iron plate and s-ubjected
to the sudden descent of a block of iron
weighing over half a ton, from a height
of twenty feet, witli the result that the
cartridges were only crushed into a
hard mass. Hut when the crushed
cartridges v.-re afterward detonated
by meuis of a fulminate, immense
energy was developed. Again, when
placed in the lire of a smith's forge, it
.simply volatilized, its safety was also
demonstrated in a remarkable manner
by exploding a throe-ounce cartridge
on the lid of a ease of liollite, the effect
b-ing to Minply pulverize the wooden
case and scatter the contents. A large
number of experiments wen' also made
by way of comparing its power with
ilynaniit-. with the view to showing
the. injury which equal weights of each
would inflict on .tcol rails and iron
plates. In the-e it v.-as clearly shown
That, when confined, the energy de
veloped on detonation was equal to
that of dynamite, but that, when 1111
conlined. bellite apparently did Ios
work. Thi- can be accounted for by
the fact that bellite is much slower in
developing its full energy than dyna
mite, and therefore le.-s local in its
action. Some practical teats made in
the blasting of coal in the Cleve
land iron mines were of a highly s:;ti-
fac'ory nature, both as regards economy
and adaptability, for they clearly
proved that bellite was capable of
doing the work of three or four time,
its own weight of gunpowder, and with
out the objectionable result of produc
ing th'e no.iou fumes socharacteris
'" lie of dynamite and gunpowder. Lon
don Haturday Hcroni.
llco.rl.w OPru M:il by tho Cajitaliift
cr Orru II Hlrauivr.
Hardly an ocean steamer bound for
America leaves a port in (treat Britain
but lias four or live unfortunate crea
tures stowed away somewhere. It is
within the experience of captains to
make the discovery that they have
twenty, or even more, of these unde
sirable passengers aboard, and that
hev have as nianv more mouths to
k feeu. This makes soaic- skippers sav
W age, as when they sail they have stores
only proportionate to their crew, with
due provisions for delays from stress of
weather, will of (Jotl, etc.
The stowaways are recuited from all
sorts and conditions of men. but as a
general rule they are mostly incapables
I anil the scum of the streets of London
' and other great cities. It can be truth
fully said of them as a class that, their
leaving is usually for their country's
good. They hang around the docks
until an opportune moment arrives for
shipping aboard. Usually they select
sttips which are taking in a cargo of
pipes or some other material in which
they can make a comfortable hiding
place. As a general rule they are
assisted by the bumpers," or ship
laborers, with whom they are leagued,
and win, while loading a ship with
brick, can easily build up a square
room in a dark corner in which stowa
ways can be accommodated with com
parative comfort.
When the cargo consists of pipes the
stowaways creep inside them and wait
patiently until they think the pilot has
gone off and the vessel is well away
from land. This plan has its incon
veniences, as directly as a ship leaves
port the officers start upon a tour of in
vestigatiou and often throw "awaken
ers" into the pipes. When they hear
an appreciative howl they make the
stowaway crawl out. The majority of
the men. however, either escape the
missiles or bear the slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune with Spartan
fortitude, because it often happens
that after the officers are satisfied that
there is no one there, in good time the
stowaways come from below and begin
to inhalo the ozone in safety.
When a tdup is too far out from land
to send a boat ashore the captain is re
duced to the necessity of taking all the
work ho can get out of the stowaways,
and he generally does this pretty ef
fectually if tliore is only n moderate
consignment of them. But it is hard
for any captain to find work for twenty
Ry extra men. When overwhelmed by
such a number the smartest are put to
work as deck hands, the rest are
treated as steerage passengers ,nnd
handed over to the police on arrival.
Detroit Free Press.
a a
The Xorth China Herald sa the
Chinaman is peculiarity distinguished
from the European by his absolute
. nervelessncss. The Chinaman, it says,
can write all day, work all day, stand
in one position all day, weave, beat
gold. carvi ivory, do infinitely tedious
jobs for ever and ever, and discover no
more signs of weariness and irritation
than if he were a machine. This qual-
I ity appears early ia life. There are
' no restless, naughty boys in China.
They are all appallingly pood, and
will plod away in school without re
i or recreation of amy kind.
It is a matter of economy as wall
as mercy to properly mate horses that
have to work side by side.
Growing a boy on the farm is a
mighty good foundation preparation ef
him for any honorable business.
An aero of land devoted to small
fruits will sometimes give a larger re
turn than five acres devotod to grain.
White oak firkins are recommended
as best in which to make cucumber
pickles, and next to that stoneware.
All fall-planted trees, vines, etc,
must be banked with earth or a shad
ing of straw manure on the approach
of winter to prevent heaving.
When a man comes half a mile to
borrow a hoe or a fork, you may de
pend on his coming some day to bor
row money, but never coming to pay it
Oyster Omelet: Beat six eggs to a
light froth. Add half a cup of cream,
salt and pepper. Pour into a frying
pan, with a tablespoon ful of butter and
drop in a dozen large oysters. Fry a
light brown. Double over and send tc
the table immediately.
Saratoga B ro w n B read : T wo cupi
Indian meal, three cups flour, or gra
ham meal, one cup molasses, one and
one-half pints sour milk, one and one
half teaspooiiful soda, one teaspoonfuJ
salt. Steam three hours and then
brown in the oven. Alhana Journal.
Tongue Toast: Make some slices
of toast, not very thick, browned
evenly all over on both sides, and minus
crust; butter it slightly; grate with a
large grater a liberal supply of cold
tongue, and spread it thickly over the
to.'ust; lay the slices side by side on a
largo dish. Servo at breakfast, lunch
eon or supper.
Bees will come out of their hivc3
on warm days. In so doing they clean
the hives and carry out the dead bees.
Every day some of the bees die, and
advantage is taken of all favorable op
portunities by the survivors to put tho
hive in tho bent condition for winter.
The hives should not bu placed in winter
quarters until tho weather becomes
Raisin Cocoanut Cake: One cup
ofsugar, three tablcspoonfuls ol butter,
one egg, half a cup of milk, one and a
half cups of Hour, one teaspoon ful of
baking powder. For lietwccn layers,
one cup of raisins seeded and chopped
fine, one cup of sugar, half a cup of
water boiled to a syrup. Then add
raisins, half a cup of cocoanut, and the
white of an egg beaten to a stiff froth.
Concrete tlta ltrtt, ml In thf Long Hal,
llio Clu'&prat Material.
To make a good stable lloor there
should be an excavation of a foot deep,
or if this does not reach a solid founda
tion dig still deeper and fill the bottom
with broken stones or coarse gravel,
ami pound it down solid, until within
ten inches of the level at which tho
lloor is to bo finished. In making this
till you should use a level and establish
your grade exactly. When the founda
tion is in and leveled up you are ready
for tho first coat of concrete which
may bo made of the common (Louis
ville here) ccineuL It may be made
of course gravel with the sand screened
out, or of broken stones. I believe tho
latter is tho best but it should bo
broken small, leaving no pieces larger
than two inches square. This is mixed
with cement at the rate of a barrel of
cement to a perch. Mix it thoroughly
6o that each separate stone or pebble
is coated with the cement and do
not mako it so wet as to run or
be sloppy. Spread this so as to
come within two inches of the top
and ram it down until perfectly solid.
After it is set a little, which will bo
in a day or so, you are ready for the
last coat. This must bo made of sharp
sand and the best Portland cement,
mixed in the proportion of one part of
cement to three of sand. Mix tho
material dry and it is well to screen it,
so as to insure that it be thoroughly
mixed. Mix up with water into a
rather stiff but well-tempered mortar,
a small quantity at a time, one man
mixing while the other spreads. Lay
it down in strips about three feet wide,
or as wide as you can easily reach.
Make' a mark on the wall two inches
up or as high as you wish the lloor to
come and then lay a strip of board of the
same thickness to work upon and use a
straight edge as you work so as to fill
everywhere to the same level. Before
you movo tho board to begin a second
strip the one laid should be made per
fectly smooth. Then move tho board
and lay another strip and proceed in
this way until you are done.
I can not give the exact cost of this
floor as my experience is limited in the
matter, but I will estimate that it will
tako two barrels of Louisville aud
about one-and-a-half of Portland ce
ment, and this ought to be bought for
about $1.40 per barrel for the former,
and fS.SO for the latter. This would
make tho cost of the cement for a
square of 100 feet S.02. I estimate
that a man ought to put down about a
square a day. The sand, stone, and
gravel will cost more in some places
than others. I have on my own farm
an abundance ot limestone, and excel
lent gravel near. I would advise any
one who wishes to try putting down
some of this floor, to floor a small sta
ble or a single stall first, and then test
it before flooring an entire stable. The
bars 1 mentioned as having had this
kind of a floor in use for several years
is 72 by 104 feet, aud every part of it is
floored with concrete. Even the ma
nure ditches for the cattle are made of
it. and there is stabling for 125 cattle,
besides stalls for 12 horses. Do not be
persuaded to use any but the best Port
land cement for the finishing coat, as I
have known a failure when this has
been done. This is used also for walks
and pavements, and quite an amount
tf it has been laid in my village in the
last few years. It would make a splen
did feeding floor for hogs. No part of
a barn fails as soon as a stable floor
and to keep it in good repair if made of
planks requires renewal every few
years. While the cost of the concrete
will he snore at irst than twice that of
planks, la the long run it will be much
cheaper. Of course the reader will
understand that the stable must not
he used until it has heeosse serf ectlv
MM. RMH jr. srtWU, SB CttSt
Its Tm fllal Piiiu of rare, Kmpm
lea and AeawaaalUhaarat.
There are two essential elements of
force of character ie!dom possessed
by pretenders self-control and a spirit
of fairness. No man can be really
strong who lias not learned to control
himself. He can not master others,
except in a brutal or dishonest way,
until he has flrt mastered, not merely
learned to conceal his own temper.
In fact the bully or any other pre
tender rarely ever attains permanently
a position in life which belongs to real
merit. He is oftener seen in subor
dinate positions, and is recognized by
his propensity to givo instead of
take directions; to complain when
in some exigency more is re
quired of him than usual; to criti
cise when he can not shirk, and to im
pose in various other ways upon those
around him Nor can his influence be
of a lasting kind unless he is disjKJsed
to be fair and honest in dealing with
antagonists. He'may have these qual
ities, and yet be without force of char
acter, but having thera he is posesed
of two of tho primary elements that
make up tho leader or ruler of men.
Contrary to general iMjlicf, then, the
man of real force is never a bully, is
never passionate, though he may be,
and generally Is aggressive, as occa
sion require, give exhibitions of tem
per that is, nevertheless, kept in per
fect control. Force of character brings
with it self-reliance and imperturbable
manner. Just as the really courageous
man remains cool in the pres
ence of danger, the telf-reliant man
keeps his temper under provocation
because he feels confidence in himself.
The coward grows excited and loud
mouthed to conceal his real feelings.
Tho arbitrary man. accustomed to
force his views upon others, loses con
fidence in and control of himself when
he fails to mako his usual impression.
It is at such a moment that real force
of character begins to tell; it is then
that theuclf-contniucdand self-respecting
man dictates his terms and asserts
his power. But it is then also that ho
must exercise that forbearance which
comes of honest purpose and a spirit
of fairness if he must retain his
ascendancy, for reason must aj,
prove the terms of peace, else
there will be repeated revolts.
Tho consideration of what is the
true and what is tho misleading signal
of force of character is of advnntage
not only in enabling one to tut a just
estimate upon men, but because all of
us conscientiously orunconscionttously
adopt types which we seek to imitate,
aud it behooves us not to make the
mistake of following a bully instead of
a brave man, of looking up to tho
overbearing instead of those who are
just, self-reliant, Miistcnt and whose
force of character is shown not by the
way in which they trample upon other
people, and ignore their rights and
opinions, but by their manner of ob
taining ascendancy through the con
stant exercises of justice, reason, firm
ness and self-control. lialtimore Sun.
Some Yntiinb! Hint fur an Appropriate
ami llrrorout Ilciiiraiiur.
Xo gentleman will interrupt a
clergyman in tho midst of his dis
course to ask for the text.
A Christian gentleman will not as
sault tho choir-master until after the
The morning paper should bo left at
home, aud never, under any circum
stances, be taken to church to bo read
while the collection is being taken.
Do not glare at the stranger in your
pew who has made tho mistake of
reading from your favorite hymn
Conceal your contempt for tho per
son who puts a meager d'mo in the
collection plate.
Should the church be insufficiently
heated put your handkerchief in your
mouth. The chattering teeth of a
congregation is apt to razzle-dazzle
tho rector.
Do not dissent from your clergy
man's views of things by snorting or
indulging in a stentorian "bosh."
"Do not draw funny pictures on ho
fly leaves of your neighbor's prayer
Don't walk up the center aisle on
your heels just because your shoes
squeak. Let them squeak.
Leavo business behind you. Don't
insist upon closing up a wheat deal
with a business acquaintance who has
tho pew behind you then and there.
If a subscription card is left in your
pew don't write a promise to pay fif
teen dollars a month for twenty years
on it over your enemy's name.
Do not seek to be revenged up a fel
low worshipper by kicking his beaver
in front of you all tho way up the aisle,
aud to keep fellow-membors out of
temptation do not place your own silk
hat in the aisle where it may bo
Avoid practical jokes. If your pew
happens to be near the gas nut do not
turn off the gas. no matter how face
tious you may be.
Worshipers ia the gallery should
taboo dropping beads or marbles on
the heads of old gentlemen without
In singing do not blow on the head
of tho person who sits in front of you.
It may expose him to pneumonia.
It is not proper to put 'pool checks,
buttons or poker chips fa ihe plate.
Be composed if you hear a fire en
gine going by the church door. Walk
out quietly and without excitement.
Under no circumstances rush dorn tho
aisle yelling fire. X. T. Evening Sun,
No Use in Waiting.
Can I see Mr. Haggcrty " inquired
a caller at the jaiL "Before he was
arrested he owed sse a little bill that
he promised he would pay at this date,
and he has always been a man ef his
You can see him if you will wait a
few minutes," said the turnkey. -His
attorney is with aim now."
Ihe tailor shook his head and sighed
There is ne wee in my waiting. he
mid. Oteosee TViswee.
The Persian
is Yange Doen-yn.
dweller of the
Victor Can you tell me. doctor,
what there is in this Christian science
method of treating disease?" Doctor
(testily; "Ye. I can." -What?"
Lot's of humbug, madam." Texas
The flesh of the crow, while not
exactly toothsome, is said to produce a
thoughtful mood and to render the con
sumer exceedingly humble and some
what morose. .V. T. Herald.
It is uaid that a man cs.n live and
support a family on ten cents a day in
Mexico. It's a wonder that there hasn't
been an excursion of editors to that
country before now. Lincoln Journal.
Lady (delightedly, to new boarder)
! must congratulate you. Mr. By
seps, on your ability as a carver. You
dismembered that chicken beautifully."
Mr. Byseps "Thanks; I deerve no
.nuni-,l r.A1f I'm n afnnn eUtter ." !
Pittsburgh Bulletin.
A Reasonable Demnnd. She "No!
Mr. Harding, it can never be. But I
will always bo a sister " He (rising)
"O. that's the deal, is it? Well. then,
sister, if you've got your thimble handy.
I wish you would sew up the knees of
my trousers that I have sacrificed in
finding out our relationship." Life.
Young wife (gloomily) "Do you
suppose our husbands really went fish
ing last Saturday?" Second young
wife (confidently) "I am sure of it."
First young wife "They didn't bring
home any fish." Second young wife
"That's my principal reason for belie v
ng they went fishing." Cartoon.
"Are you quite sincere?" asked a
Detroit gentleman of a friend last week,
alter hearing tho latter say a number
of pleasant things to an acknowledged
bore. "Kntirely so." was tho answer.
"The coin is genuine. It is the small
change that courtesy throws to that
abject beggar, stupidity." Detroit Free
Husband "My dear, didn't you
say you once owned a parrot and it got
awav?" U ifu "Yes. poor, poor roll!"
"Was it a large green bird with
a Roman nose bill?" "Yes. yes. Have
you .seen it?" "Well there is a parrot
on Green street which 1 think may
have been yours." "How lovely: Did
it keep inking for crackers?" "So. it
kept asking for money." Philadelphia
Can 1 see Mr. Hagjjerty? in
quired tho caller at the jail. "Before
he was arrested he owed me a little
bill that he promised lie would p.iy at
this date, and ho has always been a
man of his word." "You can see him
if you will wait a few minutes." said
tho turnkey. "His attorney is with
him now." The tailor shook his head
and sighed deeply. "There is no uso
in ray waiting," he said. Chiat'jo Tri'f
At a social gathering the other
evening, while the wild and elevating
game of "blind man's buff" was in
full blast, a young man fell aud frac
tured his right arm. Something less
dangerous than "bllud man's buff"
should bo introduced to amuse young
people on such occasions. There's the
French duel, for instance. That might
be quite a exciting, and perfectly
harmless. Drakes Magazine.
A Good Story Told at the Ktpen of an
AreiM-Kjed I-ady Tearher.
A certain educational Institution not
a hundred miles from Albany has a
series of very rigid rules relative to
the conduct of its students outside of
school hours. One of these rules is to
tho effect that no young lady student
must go out after dark in the company
of a man. be he of high or low degree.
This rule is enforced very strictly, and
the young ladles are much in terror ol
tho penalties alleged to be inflicted
upon any unfortunate creature caught
violating the pile. Recently, however.
a young lady student attended an en
tertainment upon the invitation of a
gentleman of hor acquaintance and was
unfortunate enough to be discovered
by a grim-faced teacher of the institu
tion in question. The teacher was evi
dently not sure of the girl's identity,
but decided that on her way home
she would wait for a while in front
of the girl's boarding-house, whicli
was directly on her route, and confront
the culprit in the very act of disobey
ing the cast-iron law of the school. The
young people were just behind her,
however, and saw her pause Iwfore the
boarding-houso. They retired to the
shadow of the trees and waited. The
grim teacher never stirred. It was
growing late, but she evidently in
tended to secure her victim. Tho young
people were just beginning to grow
uneasy, when a brilliant thought struck
tho young man. With the fair student
upon his arm, he did what is usually
deemed impossible he found the offi
cer on that beat. A short explanation
and a glance from the bright eyes of
the perplexed maiden settlfd the mat
ter, and the stalwart "copper" walked
back to where the lone watch stood
and said roughly: "Come. now. you've
been here long enough; move on. or
I'll pull you In." Thoroughly
frightened, the poor woman stood for
a moment, and then walked on as rap
idly as offended dignity would permit.
When she was out of sight the smiling
youngsters made their appearance, and
with a demure countenance the young
lady bade her friend good-night and
entered the house. The teacher, some
how, never reported the case. Albany
i ea
First Principles of Trade.
Jake Mrs. Growler wants two more
yards of that cloth she bought here
yesterday, bat she says we charged her
ten cents more than Wool & Co.
Dealer How much did they charge
Jake Sixty cents, and we've been
getting seventy for it.
Dealer Well, why don't she buy it
at Wool's then?
Jake They haven't any; nobody in
town has it except us.
Dealer How much did you say it
Jake Seventy cents.
Dealer And she wants two yards
Jake Yes.
Dealer Nobody else has it?
Jake Nobody.
Dealer Well, let her have it far
eats, thesv XMrssf Frm
Suan Julia Melinda Maria Sevan
eh Sophia Elizabeth Lady-BugTowcrt
W the brief and captivating title oJ ji
poor little colomJ girl la Do Kalb
County. ;orgia.
"Sowing machines repaired." rend
a sign on house in Tennessee which
is nine mile. from any other cabin and
thirty-Mlvea from the nearest machine.
The owner wants thing to look Ibce
biuiness around him.
The value of coins to collectors
does not depend on their age. Roman
tribute pennies, dated before Christ,
are not worth more than t, while a
genuine American silver dollar of l&H
wold sell close to il.C'O.
A New York shipping clerk, ar
retted for stealing from his crnplot er.
in court admitted hi guilt and ald he
committed the crime in order to get
money with which to start houekep
ing. . He intended getting married in
a favc weeks.
According to a Chicago wagon-
i.4irvvr. tiiiia roiuiiv i-iti icon
to mature; -hellbark hickory, from
maker, white oak requires eighty years t
thlrtv to liltv vears: white a-n. nttv
years; tulip tree, sixty or more year,
and red or Norway pine, at leat sixty
A Kalamazoo girl wn engaged In a
public gum chewing contest at Minn?
hpoli, and after an exhibition of '.vpld
chewing her jaws "t " She n-com
". , , ,
almost frantic and rushed off to a
phvsician, who discovered thnt some of
themu.eleof her jaw were paralysed.
In a short time the trouble paed
awav. out no declares naa no
further uso for gum.
A regulation ha been adopted In
thu Michigan State prison by which
hereafter convict may earn the right
to wear plain gray Milt- instead of the
prison tripe. Men who o!ny the
prison rulei for Ax mouth may diM-nrd
the stripes; but if after that period they
become unruly again they miit onco
more don the objectionable clothing.
The law dte not apyly - "1 jut
think the authorities ought to rend
that lVrMnn Minister back, -o I do."
remarked Mrs. Snagg. "What' tho
matter now3" a-ked her husband.
"Why. not long ago they tine! jt Ixiukm
miniter l.0"0for coming tothl- coun
try, and here they let a Persian Minu
ter come in without saying a word. 1
fxpeet he's not orthodov. either."
J'itttfiiiryh f'hroniclc-Tf Ugr.iph.
The Western paper- sjK'ak of a man
taking hU private car and -kipping for
a journey of two or three hundred
mile, as though it were a matter of
every day occurrence. Such, indeed.
i the fact. Private car. in Chicago
are almost as common a. vacht In New
York. Kvery man. from tin attorney
of a railroad down through the bouud
le ramiticatlon of it management
until the clerks nre reached, controls
the movement. of a private car to a
greater or lei- degree. A Chicago
railroad attorney will tep Into his own
car and take a run down to Milwaukee
In tho most matter-of-fact manner in
the world. It never occurs to him that
he I doing an unusual thing, and yet
to a New Yorker the performance t-oem
hatcd upon wealth in unrivalled mag
nitude. Misapplied Mythology. "My dear.
1 have been reading up within the pant
week, and I think I have a name for
our baby." said Mr. (Ireenlng, as hr
liogo lord emerged from hi bath this
morning. "You have, eh? What I
it?" "I read that Phoebus, tho god of
day. come. up bright and beautiful In
tho morning; that he light the world;
that without him ' "Now. look
here, madam; let's have no foo!i-huc4
here. You can't call that child by any
such name! Did Phoebu of history
yell from 1 1 p. m. to '.i a. in. and inter
mittently from ." to 7? I myself am do
ing the god-of-dny bu-dno-s In the mat
ter of getting up. and I'm not dividing
honors. If you want a mythological
prenomen for that destroyer of rest. I
have it.,' "What i it?. aked Mr.
Cireening. with considerable asjerity.
Aurora!" brutally yelled Kli-ha. Then
he left tho house. Detroit Journal.
Soma of the Attractions of tli Paklle
Mart to tli IVralan Capital.
There are the Mlversmiths fuing tho
metal into ingot and bnr. hammering
at the plates, dc.-ignlng, engraving,
chasing and soldering: the work la
seen in progres from the very begin
ning, and woe be to the unfortunate
wretch who shall be detected in uing
alloy or an unnecessary quantity of
solder. Tho worker In leather, in
copper, in iron, the manufacturers of
textile fabric, all give a continuous
industrial exhibition of their own.
which is open to all the world, "free
gratis, for nothing." The confectioner
produces his sweet stock in trade un
der the eye of the purchaser. The
Persian likes to have every thing made
specially, and sits by to see it done, to
make sure that what he buys is freh,
and that he isn't cheated. It is not to
be wondered at that the bazar are the
favorite lounge of the middle and
lower classes. All day long- the great
arches of the bazar are thronged by a
noisy, pushing crowd, hurrying and
gesticulating, but all in high good
humor. Here come the mountebank,
the buffoons, the proprietors of danc
ing bears and monkeys, the street con
jurors, and the man with the tame lion;
the itinerant vendor of flowers. let
tuce, pipes and hot tea: the sellers of
eggs and poultry; the dealers ia
weapons and second-hand clothing,
and innumerable hawkers. It is not to
be wondered at that the European
traveler finds it very difficult indeed to
tear himself away from the innumera
ble attractions of the Persian bazar.
The bric-a-brac hunter may come upon
a priceless piece of faience, which he
ssay possibly secure for a few peace.
Here oae may occasionally pick up- a
aamismatic treasure, which the owner
is glad to part with for a little snore
than the price of the ssetal; but here
the stranger must beware, for skillful
forgeries of old coins are sot unknown.
erea in Persia. Bat there is
inTnriaMe ia th
if a Tinrnssii is
with his eswgaia. the seller to always
toretora Msihissssnst U he
rings hack what he has newght wtthenl
tweaty-iswr heers. This is a ewsssssi
rsm J
Tfc Amrtoas KJacatfoaaJ AI4 AaKxria-
tkm. wait aa Cor Uaot)ctlattlU
bora tat fO"nr 4 frj41r rkiMf u.
I 4onz ABc&erk. n- lteuWi.
at it hm foumi twvt bow tot e
Lasdrr.! hxe!t. tU &.. Atl esiilrra
rc-.ej tjtidvr tb rur of t Atttc
ao( tjxrls.1 prtnu la lntL ce 4
tUU. t,,l ruf in rn w cucnJh u
twJ Vari. t'i in mt ire la !fcc. r.
a tevJ CKfctraa 1 otberns ta4e. ,
ettmbrrof nros.miarvh lrat !.:& x
tar now vtin a.U.pUon tato Xam.c
f toatriUjtloa. to tto. vTrt or!ir c!rlr
; my i. ea: to U.r Oie. Wou.i, Plaat
recrfUrjr, Koooj It
T3' LSl! hl,wl. t
-a-'-:a Rev M. V
KiXtT.rreoCb ..rr-.t. lUsxWa'uad. tlk. i. j
Lm Urorra! u-rtaunJra&. I
IV 3 ArtJtir a.
In the IloUn city elvtkn ta:
year a wilRa olr j.,, c.. Ut
ward clerk. W;,r having dpoil!cdh-r '
biUot and left i'.c ward room, W a5c
If the ballot-box. ruhl m,. u, tlJ.0est
aad her ballot taken .,ul j.
been told that "he 'ha vol fw a
wrong person on the tick- ami hc
would like to put in adilfervni -iM'
Ruoeo Mrrfr are ttl7
i ,, . . v-
Cotutvtml trtlh tUs rothle lm teri wbo u, ,uvfcU inquiring tor !lc'.-v
. ter Sui3sc! HUiir, iui wr,:a ..
nwrutti tber prrjr u.n Uw nu ot tt
w-fridct-JcbraTl Uaw awj a-ri.c
jJpejuaJaaiv to pt ibo ick of achASfcf
hrahti The Hitlora rcur iw J
rrailMMlc tttAJanai vrcjUABU, uw-T-.
contt(atio&. Urr w.J WmIucj cvupiat.
rliusUxa and ceuraitfi
i . A "" Vx nd 3 ! 'ti ZtiLmi
aceonJtDC lo the lrc tU cvcUttloa ol iiir
tonic lUnr lUxx,ir.
Von .CV'"A.V X""47 S',?""V,r
,h&ncl wr mut rvs-vtmjf th8. cicrt
uwnKwiirrt'i iwi wiurBiiEwumn
msuruoi lU'v Hoary ra ooxfter
r-vUt only in lxnc
Wbt l atoo'.b drawn UV n thlar
rot'.r-ti lUx-ame U' out ot tto tcJ
:iwirc iMif-JCiiii.
'iu l' found an rxcrl'.t msrdv f r
H-k Iwudai'he l4rtT" Ijttte Ijvf r !.
Thousand ot ltlrr tn-m "tl w hao
umhI the in prove tim favt. Try ibrai
Tn lnlt out tho twrwbo Is "krl
ailcr ctitoL"
Ut lNvr.iM it " f vou may wvin1
fortune Addn wiia Mump. The Mot.'.na
ImotiuoMl Co., lioicii.a, it T
"Man ovTtord!" tlso
editor.- li!
TcKin an Uw?lnat lMch or Cold with
Il.tlo's llimcvo! lirvhtmtMl uad Tar
like' Tuothaclio lrojw Curw In im mmiilr
No vninrx tlmr l to often kilted; It U
truck rvery hour.
Ane unliko nil othrr ptlh. Nopurenv " Act s.allv on the liver ahl li?
Cartur'n I.itlte l.lvcr IMls. Oa jnlt u di
TnrT have
no roi'o on inn fra-.Tiei,
though a coppice
otten 4'on there.
Tub urc-ful lover think he I ectttnf
ahaad when he U wUlns a ltaart.
CATTLE-ShtppIDc iU-r I 3 M
lliujo U-rr. t 5
Sfctlerow 3 tJ
HrXJS-Ooodto choice hcirj. t '.
WHEAT No. t re-l ..
No. ott V,
4 '
4 'it
: r.j
i i
fc .
5 ni
4 V,
i J1
i :
3 Ti
M ..
OATH No. t
KVK No. 3
KI.OUK-l'alrnl. per taeic .
1IUTTKU Ch"lc erearaor jr
CIIKKhK Kullcrvam . ...
Aide . . ... ......
I.AI.I9 ..... ...... .....
CATTI.K MiipplniT trrf
ButcbrrV tf'ii....
SHEi:i' !
WHEAT No twd
CO UN No. 1 ... .... ......
OATS No, I ..
RVE No.i
CATTLE Shipping lcr. ...
BOGS l'f klnirni.l thlppio..
SflEKt' Kalrtocnotca
rLOUU Wlnur li.t!
Hi E X .... ... .
HinTKIl Cfc:ofr
CATTf.E Common to proaa..
HOGS fioud to ehuleo
rLOUU Goodtoenots. ...
WHEAT No. tret ,
OOUN No.4 ....
OATH Wetn mliJ 0
s a
j ii
;. ui
a .-u
i I
3 lit
1 VI
'3 0
4 VI
1 ii
s to
: n
3 IS", a us
4 71
3 ro
5 M
1 fi
li c
1 MV
it a
rt a
s ft
UTTER Creautftry
": ..Catarrh
t: vm mirjritrgS
aftrr urtng W
Oama 7li.'n two
tturniht to Jlnd tXt
rtaM 7ure. wMtA
voj rl'l or 30
VMTf, w uin.zami
frrt n Ihf. tilhrr i
ful rrry tXtnkftU.
H. 11. Orngkam,
?75- NtrotC,
A aantci la a U Ha ail MatrH aaS t
nwiwuinnifwij m anil, fiinii.
B. KXT BBorHSM. M WtM L. Tr-
$M IS Mis.
Tuffs Pills
sjijeesiareswt snrriissjseas)
wesSSsVsWaw.a" sesesjsSsw Reeeg
SSl SSCSaaiBl BaBBaaaSB Sal aMSalSaa. I
W.C.inKUaaBVCaSaaaaaaaaaVC. J
asa aesa Msxtvcssav
"jyjSWaSCjSfr SJaBSfaay SWSIaaa aaa aBaaSaaaaaaBBBBv Z aaaa Ba4iaaaaia3a
'-wafraaa. TaS sjSSLs ayaaj R." Sfgfi - -m " if Ij.Uj
RAieRuwATONsvJcwnAYOO J'"'., m a
SaSjeSBBSetSl I Sj III IBatfaaWwaaaaaW , fJTSMai SfBUTtJMft VS 1 TTff RTHaT .
DsjscusTi.sjs Ocstns AcsmatSC;
Diamond Vra-Cura
as axa arcauca taaa arte at'
JU2?r frmaml aMifaa
tr h t t; mh aa ai,i
TBI caiaias a voctus t
lviwV 4nri- I iMir ti M-ttinr atrdl
cIik' I hra jw-rMts! Viu !;' f
It i-mrfklal C"Ot, atrtl rriaiii:. :! !u
S. Lttk t liugglt, AH;hiaj, i1,
Almowt MMatabtoM MMk.
Tha farallfa c IJTKB SSI. aS
a ta ruir a4 taUtaa! f a laaj Msbi
lav ta a aaa wm w. , mw-m
.nUVU .mitloVa. AttlTC-m
nil. Liuuf i. iUM
ITiTlftV. mU all aim'
mil Lin b l Mmiu u i
TT-rnW .i -io4 hi leal
U CLa cvttMrW of taa Wort.
V9 af aJiii '
ewsnSj swPJ wBwssv wV Hse
r Swwsi
ASSreee W1XASO Oik OO.,
fft fvm tka
iUi a Ma
tfcif rTtal
n&4 ff Ul
t 1-aa , If m aaarrtW
rtrkr4 ra raa t ft
m ta. irm tm:mtwrf.m
et .: - a rw re a
MKK. -I ar Ma t-m4 la
m l" A4 waScfrw
U4't Haa. nuja.fa.
aptti tia run i
Car 4 ifti W, f,
llna'tM'. !), ki- laXaat Bi
ll . fttre tvury tn.lrtl U41.
VllrtL aeai lM
Ut par -4- k trln fwf a m
I..M.llrf).iiM.iL .At VklfIL
Aa.1r- aacra ., avtai. i
-... . ..--- x.. .. . . .
rtm rest rw -i - r
Vk ax
" saa S"We SrS SBpaavSB)
iV '
ie !
. W k
taataaaial rHie C. C . (
wrmm m
T aa-al aaa a
T aeSaaaS7aj j W'SR
a rav ruBMi
tSnaaWCaaaaaa, SkJObf SCaCaaaaaaaaaTeT
f , . . ,-.. .. - t iissei
ti caaiif tSia aa
taaiti ik !
aa t a m l-a rrm
JBJVfaPyfRaa) IwVBJMbvMb vVV iMVHf 4VPvrWbb1
aaaaaaBBBwH tUA fWB
s-aurt fa ra . w -
laaa.lia aWjSSS n I "tmr m ij il awp
I aaaaT Saaaaaa aaaaav taaVA cs.aaBaaalBaaa
ce asaia. am aW idmmmmr.mS
BBlB aaBIBlBV BBVmB. .M.,..nivw.iB.,Bi VMi
'. s-i
W c a.